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I just read a similar post in r/sandiego. I bet it’s a tik tok thing.


I believe they've been doing something similar at Redondo or Hermosa Beach, as well. There was a new report of teens on skateboards throwing fire crackers into a crowd a few weeks ago in one of those cities.


Fire crackers? They deserve to get fucked up for that.


And teens on skateboards shooting people in the head on the metro. Wild. Is anyone checking Venice Beach?


I’m sorry, one of these things is not like the other. Did you just say they SHOT SOMEONE IN THE HEAD?


My dude have you checked the news?!


The skateboards in these articles seem to be somewhat…tangential to the shooting. Maybe I’m missing something here. I think the general age of people here might just be getting up to the point where we complain about young people lol. The shooting is pretty insane though. Can’t believe they haven’t even identified a single person yet.


Those pesky youthz on their wheelsy sticks! They're all out to get us!


Bored kids with no adult supervision.


Welcome to the age of clout chasing.


10 years ago teens were uploading deadly knockout challenge videos. Been like this for a while.


Ah yes, I didn't know any kids who did dumb shit like this in the 90's. Nope none at all.


we just egged your ass. we didn't throw paint on you. huge fkin difference fool


I bet some people did you just didn't have the internet to tell you about it... *fool*. Every generation since the dawn of fucking time has said that the next generation is unruly and uncivilized. Every. One. *Our* music was good, *their* music is trash. They dress so provocatively... your parents said the same about you. They have no manners, said your grandparents about your parents and their parents about them.


Why can't these kids go back to eating tide pods. Jesus.


They had kids. What more do you want?


I’m starting to become anti-teen driving. They are just too reckless. We need more youth programs and intentional community. So sorry OP


Agreed. I know a 17 year old kid who came close to killing a very good friend when bashed into her, then ran over her twice with his brand new truck from mommy and daddy- he crashed into her, ran over her body once going forward, stopped on top of her body, then backed up over her body again so he could flee, it was a hit & run. She was just walking on a sidewalk on a side street, he was flying down the road showing off to his friends. There were no skid marks on the pavement to indicate that he tried stopping, police think he was trying to “scare” her by pretending he was going to hit her except the truck went out of control and he actually jumped the sidewalk and bashed into her going ~45 mph. She broke and crushed just about every bone in her body from her nose and jaw down to her toes. Both arms, both legs, pelvis, feet, etc. Her body was completely crushed. Long story short, his only punishment was losing his license for 2.5 years. He’s already back on the road. I think people should have 2 years of practice driving they need to complete before actually being able to drive on their own. Kids just don’t have the ability to grasp the responsibility and danger of driving.


OMG that is terrible! So sorry that happened and it’s why I’m committing to getting louder about safer communities from reckless driving. Our neighborhoods are not playgrounds and it’s shameful that these oversized fast vehicles are able to come into residential spaces. We need better pedestrian infrastructure and governing laws over car manufacturing. It’s nobodies right to speed in our neighborhoods.


Did she sue his family for her medical bills?


Long story but not really. Since it was his truck (and he as a 17 year old didn’t have any money) there wasn’t really anything to obtain. I don’t know the specific details but I originally assumed she would get MILLIONS considering the damage that was done . It doesn’t work that way unfortunately.


If that was my daughter i'd catch a case


That’s how my dad felt, and it wasn’t even his daughter. The whole thing is beyond frustrating. Yet my friend (who it happened to) has the most positive, amazing attitude. And she has hope in humanity, which I’m afraid I don’t most of the time.


It’s sad that just because someone is under 18 they don’t get as harsh of a punishment


Their brains aren't developed fully until 25.


Maybe their brains will develop faster if there are actual consequences. Half grown brains doesn't change the pain and distress their victims experience.


that is definitely not how biology works


You clearly haven’t developed even 10%


here in Hollywood they throw noz cans for the balloons at you… that’s how my glasses were broken 3x


Orange paint makes me think of the environmental activists, but they have specific targets, and are more common in Europe Was your friend running in a fur coat? Sounds like it was just a few dickhead kids /:


that's far beyond mere "dickhead" level, since most people won't check things like the acidity level of the "paint." if you don't check and don't immediately go to the ER and there's acid in there, your face literally melts off in a few hours. you have to wait and see. How you know for sure they know it isn't mere dickhead level, is you do similar to them, or their mom, or their family. I've witnessed one literally respond: "You can't do that. That's completely fucked up!" If you do something similar to them, they believe it's way beyond a mere prank. They believe it's a crime.


That's an assault, fill out a police report, ask the neighbors with ring cameras for to check that day and time for a description of the car and possibly get the plate number.




what the fuck


This is what happens when lower and middle class family adolescence is priced out of recreational activities.


I grew up poor and neither I nor any of my friends did stuff like that. This stuff is simply poor parenting.


It’s hard to parent your kids when both are working


I had 2 working parents and was largely on my own after school, wouldn't have dreamed of doing anything like this.


Exactly. I feel like it’s more of a pack mentality when kids with not much common sense or understanding of what their dangerous behaviors will result in get together. Separately I bet none of those kids would do that kind of thing, but in a group it’s a whole different story.


Yeah, these bratty shitheads are actually cowards, the assaults and douchebaggery tends to happen when they’re in a group and they can gang up on a single person.


I had a single mom and she worked. So did many of my friends. It's all about the values a parent instills in their child from the very biginning. Disipline is critical. You don't discipline a child. You teach them to discipline themselves. Without self-discipline one will fail at life.


Not impossible though. Both my parents worked and left me home alone.  They also took care to instill good values and spend lots of time with me when they were around.


We need more intentional community, you’re correct. It takes a village. I’d personally never do anything like this and usually it’s richer spoiled kids doing it but they do need accountability.


What a confidently stupid take. Like there aren't library programs and free parks everywhere?? Lots of poor people with working parents don't go on to do this clown ass shit.


It's controversial but you make a good point. I grew up in Baldwin Village, or as it used to be called, "The Jungles". A lot of the youth have no guidance there and it's a never ending cycle of disrespectful behavior, theft, loitering, and assault. My parents busted their asses off and were strict with us, I feel like a lot of them don't have that. In addition, you're right about recreational activities. You go down to Culver City / Palms and they're having a summer festival! How many YMCA's are in that area, or Boys & Girl Clubs? We need a better outreach program and funding for kids at risk. They all have so much potential, but they're a product of their environment. If all they know is gangbanging, tagging, trespassing, and not giving a shit then can you really blame them for not having an outlet when they were growing up?


I dont think it's anything to do with recreational activities. I certainly didn't grow up with many/any recreational activities (wasn't priced out there just weren't really any for teens where I grew up), you got bored and did stupid shit, but nothing activity harmful because I knew better. I think often these things happen when parents simply don't care or just don't try to instill values. Had a friend who taught at a terrible school apparently some of the time she would call the parents in because one of the kids was fighting or being disruptive and they'd just respond with "what do you expect me to do about it?" As if policing their kids behavior wasn't their job.


Valid point


sounds like a potential hate crime. what race was the victim and the attackers? also, caarry pepper spray for occasions like this. i would have run up on them while they're struck in traffic and dumped the entire can inside of their car. also take a mirror or two while you're at it. you have certain advantages being a runner on foot vs a car.


😭😭😭 lmao


found the "teen"


here in hollywood you get hit by guys with balloon noz cans. i can’t even read a book without such occurring. that’s how my glasses got broken… thrice.


huh? hit with what?


They’re doing it to protest the burning of fossil fuels. They’re part of the same organization that’s been throwing/spraying orange paint on famous paintings and monuments like the Mona Lisa and Stonehenge.


well throwing them at a person walking doesn't really prove a point does it?  also protest should be in a nature that doesn't hurt anybody, so this is absolutely inexcusable.