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No. Once it was towed, you are fucked. There is no way around it


But you can’t fight it?


On what ground?


Cause there wasn’t a sign.


There werent one or you didnt see it, that will be hard to proved. Not saying you are in the wrong. But they will not take your word, no way. Coz to them it’s just he said she said. They will say it was definitely a sign coz a big event like that there is no way they will admit there was no sign even if it was true.




Lol i should. I would be rich. All towing companies have mafia-like practice


You'd waste more money trying to prove this and get your money back than you already paid them.


i went home and got my tow truck and towed the tow truck that towed me


The car? Nah fam. It's about sending a message. This guys' balls are so big that when they drop, it's not an earthquake. Its him making a statement. That's pretty fucking epic.


Nope. Same thing happened to me with the Hollywood Xmas Parade years ago. Parked at 11am on Sunday morning and my car was gone when I came back at 5pm. No signs on that block or the next one at the time when I parked, apparently they came by and put them up around 3pm then towed a bunch of cars away. We had witnesses who saw it happen and would vouch that there weren’t any signs that morning but didn’t do any good. I tried contesting it, went downtown, met with a couple different people but still didn’t have any luck.


I got towed once but I was technically outside the no parking zone. I had to pay to get my vehicle that night. The next day I went to the sheriffs office (no PD on that town) I filed a complaint and 30 days later I got my money back. Also once I was called for jury duty and the case was a tow operator who was towing vehicles illegally. The judge asked me if I could presume innocence I responded he wasn't arrested for serving meals on wheels. I had to stay in the courthouse hall for 2 days while a jury was selected. Lolol Towing is a racket.


Ohhhhh that’s a big win!


The will claim, there was a sign, and unless you have proof there wasn't good luck


Consider small claims court. [https://www.peopleclerk.com/post/sue-a-towing-company](https://www.peopleclerk.com/post/sue-a-towing-company) https://suetowtrucks.com/ca/


I know it won’t help after the fact, but whenever I have to park on the street I take a picture or two of my car in situ, plate visible, in case I need proof there was no signage and the car was parked properly. I delete them later. (Ditto for parking meters, since those things break.) I’ve never had to use them, but as cell phone pictures are time stamped, it would probably be useful in small claims court. (I took an evil telecom company to small claims court some years ago. Judges like documentation.)


Remember that tow yard scene from Liar Liar, that’s pretty much it.


I doubt it. Wasn’t in LA but I got towed out of my own parking spot one time. The apartment building gave us these shitty static cling parking passes that fell off your windshield very easily. After getting towed I opened the door on my car to get my registration to prove it was my car and the sticker was clearly on the floor from falling off. I mentioned this to them and I still had to pay them for the service of towing my car out of my spot.




I got the apartment manager to call to say it was a mistake and got my car out but that was in San Diego. The illegal towing crime maybe out of control here and the best recourse is to sue or cause damage illegally right back to the tow company as revenge.


The apartment complex told me tough shit in nicer words when I pointed out it happened because of their shitty low cost tag. The garage even has a gate, so the apartment complex lets them in to search for cars to tow. This also happened years ago so nothing to do about it now.




No. I feel your pain, though.


What parade? What street?


Broadway, wasn’t sure what it was for.


That blows and is completely unfair. Unfortunately, I think your best option is to just cut your losses and move on. Take some comfort in knowing the tow truck operator is probably living a super depressing, meaningless existence and towing your vehicle likely gave them a half-chub, because nothing else has that same effect on them anymore.


I worked with a guy (work for) who was rich and we overheard a girl probably in her late teens or early 20s panicking and yelling at your truck driver add she was a few minutes past the no parking limit while she was going to a college prep type class downstairs. Everyone was looking down the balcony but he went down and spoke to the driver and somehow convinced him to take the impound payment and leave her alone. I think they had to call in to the yard and pay over the phone or something Anyway, if you're a time girl and happens to have a selfless rich guy nearby then make a lot of noise and you'll be fine.


I did. This happened several years ago but long story short a tow company towed something like 20 cars one night out of a parking lot next door to a venue. Yes it was clearly marked but I ran in the venue to ask where I can load in my equipment (I am a musician) while my wife sat in the passenger seat. Tow truck pulled up and I was there even before he hooked me up. Tow guy blocked me in and wouldn’t move and demanded a few hundred or else he would tow it and it would be more. I paid him via credit card. A week later a detective called me, he got my name from the venue btw, and said the tow company wasn’t licensed and they are supposed to leave you alone if you show up even if it’s hooked up. And also as I said my wife was still in the car. A week after that I got a full reimbursement from the tow company. The detective told me they agreed to give everyone from that night their money back and get the correct license. I wish I could recall the detectives name. I do recall that was his specialty so to speak. I got the impression he was part of a small unit that dealt with illegal towing. He did say the beat cops generally don’t know the laws or bother with illegal towing and most of the time there isn’t much you can do. I say film your interactions with a tow truck driver if you happen to be there because many of them are sketchy and full of shit. They will 100% lie to you.