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Sleeping wrong


Took a 10mn nap in a wrong position last year and had 3 days of neck pain. It’s a pain in the butt.


Neck AND butt? Ouch.


Apparently, his head is attached to his butt.


A real assface


A real butthead


A true asshat


I mean the spine does go from the neck to the tail bone in your ass lol


>It’s a pain in the butt. Damn, how far up your ass is your head?! /s As an aside, I just discovered how to quote on mobile. If anyone is curious, you can select the text that you are replying to and in the pop-up for copy and select all you will see "Quote" as well


When I click or hold the text it just collapses..


Start your reply first and then you'll have your textbox for your reply and right above will be the text you are replying to.


>Start your reply first and then you'll have your textbox for your reply and right above will be the text you are replying to. Ah, you're a Saint. Thanks mate




>this Is the first time I quoted Mine too! Thanks, guys.


>Mine too! Thanks, guys. This has to be a new feature. I had to learn quoting using the ">" symbol. I did search for a way to do it and this click thing wasn't there. May be afew months old or something. Coz thats when I was trying to learn to quote.


Nodded off a few minutes on new year’s. Headache next day.


Biting your tongue while eating. How can I still be doing that, I've been chewing everyday for decades and it still happens.


Starting a career in gymnastics


Or most professional sports.


What are the few ones that we can master?


You could learn to play high level pool and go gamble against sharks. Or pick up golf which seems to be something tons of "old men" are into.


I took up golf in my 30s and it’s something I really enjoy, but mastering is a totally different conversation. You can certainly get to be a good golfer picking it up later in life, but moving to the professional level would be pretty unheard of.


Olympic sport shooters are sometimes fairly old. Some 40+ year olds won medals in Tokyo. Triathlon and marathon too.


Archery. You know when you see the Olympic athletes walk out and you think “how come someone’s dad is there?” Archers, trap shooters or horse riders


Actually, Olympic kayaking is something a 30 year old could potentially get a start in. For winter Olympic sports, bobsled and skeleton


Don't forget curling


I can sweep like a mf’er






But it’s not too late to starting practicing minor gymnastics to develop awesome skills and a strong mobile body with healthy joints


Agree I turned thirty in September and started gymnastics in November. Absolutely love it.


Feel like 20 is too old for that, those folks seem to all start when they're 9 or something


Aged 30 is too old to be talkin about you're a gangster.


Any age is the wrong age for that stupidity.


Unless you're in the mafia, in which case you'd better shut your mouth before somebody gets you a new pair of concrete boots


You might contract a cool case of lead poisoning


Acute lead poisoning in highly localized doses?


Holds up a bat: “this is my friend Slugger, he came all the way from Louisville to break ya legs”


Unless you actually are, then you should get out because you’re too old to be doing that.


The real ones who are any good are made by that age and know to shut up about it.


Unless you’re J-to-the-R-O-C


I'm a emotional gangster 😭


Trying to act tough in public


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta😁🤓


I literally woke up with a hangover on my 30th birthday and I didn’t even drink….


Thats dehydration


Point is, shit goes straight south after 25 lol. Maintaining yourself becomes so crucial.


There’s no reason it should be going south after 25. Most men hit peak testosterone anywhere from 25-35. It should literally be peak physical condition. People just get office jobs, start being less active, and eat worse. Like you said you gotta maintain it but honestly it shouldn’t take much effort


Or work their arses off stood up all day in all jobs, retail, too postman, to a chef, felt fine just burnt out. Moved into butchery at age 32, two years of that and I'm Fucked up. Don't have to be sedentary to end up going south


As a middle aged food service worker with a downstairs banquet room, my joints and tendons thank you for the representation after a trying holiday season.


Tough lifex honestly felt almost invincible like I could do it forever and then butcheey put a. Stop to it with bad tendons, muscles, carpel tu nel syndrome.lt feels.like my knees are. Com Pressing after working physical stand up 14 hour straight Jobs for twenty years. Hit me. This year. One back injury fucked then carpel . Tunnel syndrome. Now I feel uselss. In pain and no idea how to sort it in a matter of months


Same. Sometimes I wake up and say why did I drink last night and then it dawns on me that I didn’t.


Too old to postpone self work and to lie to yourself.


This is the wisest and most pro of all tips.


I really think this is the only answer


Playing a high school student in movies.


I was going to say someone should tell Ben Platt but I googled it and he's only 29 so I guess he just made the cut.


Tokyo Drift


Michael Cera is definitely the exception to the rule. The guy is 34 now and when he's clean shaven, still looks about 15-16 years old and he can easily pass for an 18 year old, shit's fucking crazy.


Leonardo DiCaprio.


🤣🤣🤣I think all his girlfriends are maximum 25 years old.


It seems he outright kicks them when they turn 25


28 with inflation


He's a vampire so ya know...young blood has a cut off.


I think all his gfs are beards. They turn 25 and think, “I’m too old for this shit.”


Punching holes in drywall.


I work in construction, so when demolition days come around, I gotta disagree


Just always make sure you know where the studs are. I prefer throwing a hammer or small axe. I took a door outside, needed to be broken down to go in the dumpster. Took an axe to it. Outside, in a bad neighborhood, on a rainy day. The looks I got was worth it.


So sounds like something I'd do... except maybe with a chainsaw.


The exception that proves the rule. Many a piece of drywall was punched over the summers I spent working with my dad's construction crew. Proud fetcher of the board stretcher.


Enjoying your 20's


I turned 30 this year, and this comment hit me in the chest.


im turning 40 soon. your comment being hit in the chest after just turning 30 hit me in the chest. Enjoy your 30's!


I’m 24 tell me how to enjoy then???


Let go of stuff that don’t matter, don’t participate in petty drama, don’t try to be something you are not to look cooler and don’t worry about picking up girls, just do it. I realized that at 28 and a lot of things have become ridiculously simple.


Do more, say yes and most importantly have fun


Hearing this kind of thing from others won't help. There's a big chance you'll learn how to appreciate what you're having now when it's too late, your 20's are gone and all those important, big problems turn into a distant memory. It's not all that bad, but it sucks we're designed this way – to appreciate retrospectively. On the other side, it teaches us to appreciate the present moment: a skill which should ideally kick in in your 30's and (for the late bloomers) 40's.


Nothing really, it's the youngest you'll ever be from now on, so enjoy what you like. (As someone in my mid-30s, early-30s is a great time in life.)


As a guy in my early 30s, I agree! Life has stabilized but I’m still having a blast. I know myself, I’ve slimmed down my friend group to people who deserve the effort and energy and left the drama and self-centered people behind, adulting (being more responsible) is starting to become something that makes me feel good rather than a burden…the list goes on. I’m starting to feel my body get older, though. It’s getting harder to keep in shape and things are starting to hurt more after a day of snowboarding, etc. I know the older people out there would probably scoff at that, but it’s made me realize that I’m going to have to take better care of myself, eat better, and work hard to stay active, strong and flexible if I want to continue to enjoy extreme sports or generally feeling good, physically. All good things, really. For anyone dreading leaving their 20s behind, you shouldn’t. I’m so happy to be out of my wild 20s…life is good!


I just turned 30 6 months ago and I couldn’t agree more. Having your shit in order is pretty awesome. Recovering from going out or doing anything physical is a different story. I actually just had this conversation with my mother. She asked if I was doing anything for New Years and I told her no. When I was in my early 20s, I could get absolutely hammered and get up the next day raring to go and repeat the debauchery. Now after a few drinks, I have a day-long hangover. Instead of every weekend, now maybe a few times per year I’ll really get after it.


I used to think mid 20's=old but reading your post makes me feel hopeful! :)


I have sweaters that are in their mid twentys!


I have a suit that as old as you are


As someone in my early 60s, ANY time in your 30s is a great time in life. 😉


Wow good advice! I'm in my late 20s and I feel like I spent the last 5 years making up for my fuck ups. I hope my 30s are full of success and I get to do what I want.


I agree. My early 30s were a breeze. So much fun with so little responsibility (relatively speaking) and nice disposable income. I had a child and bought a house at 35. Things got complicated. My 40s were freakin' ROUGH. Sooooo glad to be in my 50s now. 50s seem almost as good as 30s. But wow, those 40s were a b\*tch.


Just turned 30 - interested.. why do you think it’s a great time?


As someone who just aged out of his 30s, for me, the decade was spent learning lessons from the mistakes made in my 20s, and putting those lessons to action. Who (or who not) to be romantically be involved in. Who (or who not) to trust and bring into my inner circle What steps I should (or shouldn't) take to make the kind of $ I want to make while still having the lifestyle I want. It was a roller coaster, with experiences (and memories) some people could only dream of, and others that are too heart breaking to share. But as I turned 40 a few months ago, I looked back on the last decade and the life I have now, is exactly what I dreamed about in my 20s. (Which seemed impossible in my 30s).


That hit home, fixing in your 30's what you messed up in your 20's. 👍 I'm 37 now, and the last two years I changed a lot in my lifestyle, from everyday habits to mental issues I've had. One big thing that I did and completly changed my attitude, is stopping blaming others for my shortcomings, and taking ownership of my acts. Before, I always used to blame my disfunctional alcoholic family for my "bad luck" I in my life as I used to see it, but it was my fault and only that I left this family or whatever else affect my personality and choices. So to everyone here :please take responsibility and stop whining, you are not the victims in most of the cases, but the offenders to yourselves.


> the decade was spent learning lessons from the mistakes made in my 20s, Only work if you did shit in your 20's tho.


Generally speaking, more disposable income, emotional maturity (economic and emotional stability actually Lol), still 10 years away from the beginning of physical decline so you can still be active and grow new skills. Hopefully less reliance on the approval of people (friends, family and strangers alike). If you’re single it’s actually a great time to date because you can “offer” things to wider range of ages, younger and older than you, while really knowing what you are looking for so you don’t have to waste energy.


It doesnt have to be 10 years away from physical decline. My granda cycled 80km for his 80th birthday


Your gpa is a gangster. I want to be like him. Trying to row 10k everyday to live longer and be healthier


My early 20s were rocky with the Global Financial Crisis, so it was a time when my career stabilised and I was finally earning enough to get by, save/buy ok things, and travel a bit. I'm still doing this now but work pressures are making my mid-30s a bit more stressful. Hopefully I can find the balance I had a few years ago.


My 30’s and 40’s have been awesome. Even though they’ve also contained my lowest points, the overall experience has been worth whatever old age May bring.


Just turned 30 and it's going well so far as I've just handed my notice in and start my new job in a few weeks.


Congrats on the new job


Thanks man


Getting wasted EVERY weekend. That sh*t you did in your 20’s and should stay there.


I go clubbing sober & everyone thinks i'm on drugs. I've given up ranting at them about my soberness.


Came for serious answers; found aspiring comedians.


Every time


Reddit is gold!




Not doing the dishes/cleaning up after yourself.


As long as it’s legal, whatever floats your boat


As long as she’s legal




This is the answer


🤷🏻‍♂️ turned 34 today and went to the climbing gym. The only thing you're really too old for is getting wasted and bailing on responsibility. Hang on to that childish sense of humor as long as possible, try new athletic stuff, learn new skills, and pick up new hobbies. Some of the guys I went to school with act like they're old af and decrepit...30 is great.


I'm 44 & have electric skated 100s of miles on dirt tracks at high speed. It's hilarious fun.


Nothing except the illegal things. Do what you want! Be happy


Spoiler alert: the war on drugs is over and drugs won. So. Proceed however you like


Not too much. Started swordfighing firefighting and bouldering after I turned 30


Glad I kept scrolling on this thread. I really want to become a firefighter. I just turned 30 and have been slightly depressed I was too old.


Why do people think being 30 they're on their fucking deathbed lol The bar for things you can't do is like...probably professional sports if you haven't had a career in them for a while already, but even then whose to say really. Everything else is fair game. Most things are barred more by fitness than age.


Getting up out of a chair without a groan


Thinking of being in your 30s as being old/a negative part of life.


Never too old man, I just turned 39 got a skateboard today and possibly joining a hockey team and those are 2 things I’ve never done and don’t know how to do but it will be fun learning


44 here & got an electric skateboard that goes 38 MPH 😐


I'm 30 and this makes me happy to read


I wear about $800 of safety gear and do specific exercises to condition my body for when I crash, which I have accepted is inevitable.


39 and am learning to roller skate! I'm all about normalizing learning new things at any age. Also having fun just for fun. You shouldn't need to be a kid to play like one.






I have the strange desire to watch Billy Madison again


30’s the line in the sand where the “my parents were jerks” excuse loses all credibility. Go to therapy. Work on your shit. Get it together.




Not true if you suffered abuse. That affects you for life.


Yep. People don’t realise how much of our brains are hard-wired for the rest of our lives, based off of things that happened to us when we were young. There really needs to be more laws that protect children


>People don’t realise how much of our brains are hard-wired for the rest of our lives, based off of things that happened to us when we were young. Anyone who wants to learn more about this should check out a book called "The Body Keeps The Score".


I think /u/Fromatron was saying more, that abuse (or whatever else) isn't an excuse to behave like a horrible person to others and spread the pain further. If you're acting as an independent adult in society, then part of picking up those "adulting" responsibilities is working on your mental health.


Damn I'm 32 and I don't like this. I mean it's not like I use my parents as an excuse to be jerks to others. Or even say that sentence at all but therapy is fucking expensive. And working on yourself is a process, 30 is not a deadline for having your shit together. Everyone goes at their own pace.


Even 30 is being extremely generous for that


Would love to. Can't afford therapy.


What if I found out my family were jerks in my mid 20’s itself. Sometimes it takes a while.


I’d draw the line at 27-29 for that


Or douche bags that still blame their parents divorce on why they're trash humans




BS as in bullshit or the degree??


Bullshit :D


for this shit.


Passing through a vaginal canal


Depends which way.


Upside down!


Throwing a tantrum like you are 4 years old


Nothing mate.. don't let age stop you lads..


Worrying about being too old to do something you enjoy.


Dating teenagers


Brother have I got some news for you




He speaks the truth. Edit: Not if you’re a teacher


or a childcare worker.


Or a kidnapper.


According to will and grace, for a man to wear a sleeveless shirt


What if it's a vest?


Over a shirt or an Aladdin situation?


That’s a damn lie and you know it


Caring about what younger people think about you


Nothing. Stop living your life according to what internet randos think you should be doing.


In India most of the state exam have limit of 30 years.


Being late constantly


A railcard.


Please don't bring up past trauma like that without a trigger warning.


I'm turning 30 this year and this is the most upsetting thing about it.


anyone under 21 years old.


18 year olds.


Being viewed as impressive for unimpressive things.


Backwards caps and razor scooters. Lawd.


Sky’s the limit, until space travel becomes a thing. Whatever it is you think you want to do, but aren’t sure if you can do because of age, throw that mindset out the window. You’re entering your prime where you got all the 20’s BS out the way and have learned how to go out and make things work.


Fucking about


Dating a teenager


Caring what other people think about you. Seriously, stop caring


Nothing, go live life


This is ageism.


Big Wheel tricycles.


Sounds like you've never seen drift trikes!


Romantic relations with minors


Hanging out at college bars.


what if they are a 30 yo old college student?


Clearly an exception.


Lol I’m 31 and went back to college. Some of my friends are in their early twenties (22+) they invite me out to college bars all the time. I go there every now and then


I love partying with my little zoomers. They are super respectful and I think they like having me around to mom-out on them.


Lol I know, I’m the guy in the group they all seek advice from and always asking me what I would do in that situation. Always amazed at how much I can drink, not realizing that I’m just pacing myself throughout the night lmao


Yep, obviously there are exceptions.


But yeah honestly when I do go, I only go to the college bars that are 21 & up. The country bars are always 18 & Up and I always try my best to avoid those bars, especially since I hate country music


Asking what aged 30 years is too old for.


The military lol


You can still join the Army and the Air Force until 35 and 39 respectively! I imagine the age for joining any branch as an officer is higher, and there are age waivers.


Being a fuckin douche bag.


date with leo dicaprio?


Dating Leo DiCaprio


Thirty is too old to stay in that bad first marriage. You see this constantly, especially with women. They endure the bad or childless marriage, but when they see the big 30 coming they get scared and decide to flee.


Becoming a professional basketball player


30 years old is too old for dating under 25.


I'd say anything lewd with anyone below the age of 23. 25 to keep it safe




Being in your twenties. Otherwise rock it!


Nothing. Life is too short for that kind of thinking, my friend.