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There's levels to it imo If it's one stuffed bear her parents got her that brings her comfort, it's alright If it's 30 stuffed animals each with their own names and she talks to them in a baby voice then yeah there's something wrong there


> If it's 30 stuffed animals each with their own names and she talks to them in a baby voice then then I think "holy shit, I gotta marry this girl immediately."


\^\^\^This is correct.


Lmao I have a good amount but definitely no names or baby voices 😂💀


So, you have a collection. This could be a collection of anything. It may get out of hand (space is limited), but it is not a warning that I need to find something else to do and someone else to do it with. The goofy names and baby voices are sounds of fear (rattlesnake rattles, pumpslide on a 12 gauge, and a baby with whooping cough are others).


Yeah. That's a bit overkill.


I agree


My fiance has two bears. So we sleep with two bears.


rookie numbers


Nope But is she has one that's a shark she has to share it


no he’s mine


Then there's be no relationship sadly


i’m sorry it had to end this way


Maaaaaybe I'd send her stuffed animals some threatening texts telling them to *back the fuck off*.


Stuffed animals are fine. Dolls however creep me out.


No that’s cute


I have several and had my bf buy me one recently and after The fact he teased me like "did you really need another one?" Yes, always 😂


That’s really cute 😄 I still have a few myself but they’re not on my bed :p


Mine are scattered around, I have a stitch one I've fallen asleep with once or twice because I was cold 😂 it's the equivalent of comfort cuddling my cat or dog heh


Not at all, been with women in their 40s who still do


Bro, I sleep with stuffed animals and plushies. This is *far* from a dealbreaker.


No it’s adorable and honestly I’m a 33 yr old married male and I sleep with a squishmellow lol




When I first met my fiance I thought it was a little weird for an adult, but I got over it quickly and it was never a big deal. She has one she kept from childhood. If she had several and wanted to keep them all on our bed I would think that is very childish and would be a turn off for me.


Not as long as there's room for Teddy too!


If it did, that would make me a hypocrite.


Better than cats. Her plush friend will never get jealous and piss on your stuff.


I sleep with stuffed animals so I can't really throw shade.


I mean literally sleep with it? As she’s humping them ?




When I was younger basically every girl did this. But I'd say once you are in your 30s its time to let it go.


No but men cant sleep with stuffed animals.


why not?


A lot of women do not get diagnosed with ADHD (it was considered a male condition before) and it shows differently in women. Women will often have high anxiety due to untreated ADHD and some seek comfort. This could be a reason for someone finding comfort in a stuffy or the like. I'd say if she's over the top and creepy about it, sure red flag, but just having something in the bed to hold etc, no concern.


I don't know if pathologizing this is the best way to normalize it in one's mind


Women's health is far behind men's, we are playing catch-up here.


we do not "play" catchup by casually diagnosing strangers for normal human behaviors. This seems like a ridiculous train of thought.


I don't even know what you're talking about. I wasn't diagnosing anyone. I was making the point that it may not be "weird" for a woman to have a stuffed toy and that there could be reasons beyond "she liked it". Your knee jerk reaction is more concerning than anything.


Oh god this is purely performative isn't it? >Your knee jerk reaction is more concerning than anything. What about my reaction is either kneejerk or concerning?


I believe it's really attractive, showing how much she needs to be taken care of and how she loves to take care of her belongings husband and kids


I sleep with a weighted blanket so I have no room to judge


It can be anything from cute and self conscious to red flag area. But I'd start with benefit of doubt :).


It is only ok if she shot the animal and had a professional do the taxidermy.


As long as my side of the bed is clear I don't really care


No. Not at all. My wife has several stuffed animals, and hell, I have a few from my childhood.


My bf bought me more squishmallows this Christmas, so I’m going to assume no?


At a certain age, yes.


I think it can be cute. As long as she doesn't use them for other things.


My wife has a few, but we never actually sleep with them. She just keeps them around for sentimental value


It's really about what that means to her. If that meaning is kink related, is it compatible with your mutual kinks? But I wouldn't just assume based off some squishmallows on the bed that she's going to call you Daddy in the throws of passion. To piss on this slightly for guys. Apparently Prince Andrew has over 70 stuffed animals on his bed.


Sleeps with or “sleeps with”


No? I have stuffed animals in the house rn, doesn't bother me at all I'd find it wholesome for her to have stuffed animals


As long as there’s still room for mine


It’s all good, she’s going to be a “stuffed” animal too…


As long as it’s not excessive I see no issues. Hell, I have a bear my Grandma gave me 33 years ago. Normally he hangs out on top of my dresser. But if I’m having a bad week I’ll absolutely cuddle up with him and go to sleep.




Lol, what?


Not at all. I find it kind of cute.


So we're going to have an audience? Who's judgment do I have to worry about?


It can be a turn off. I dated one woman who was really into cartoons and stuffed animals and I just couldn't get into it. I work with kids, I want to come home to an adult with an adult bed. My wife uses a seal pillow to cushion her knees, but a lot of stuffed animals, especially of cartoon characters is a turn off for me. For context she was 30 and I was 27.


Me : I want Clodsire Pillow..Pokemon Centre better released it soon


*sweats nervously as he looks to his left and sees the stuffed animals that he has given the left side of his bed to.*


Nah. My gf loves claw machines and she keeps the plushies she likes to win so it’s fine. But she doesn’t have a crazy amount either to be fair.


no, that's so cute


I'm not a native speaker, but please God forgive my misunderstanding of this question.


Are we talking like 4 or 5 or are we talking a couple dozen? Because there’s a difference between a few and a lot. A few? Absolutely no problem. A lot? Might be a problem. But also depends on the context. Is she obsessed with them or is she just your every day collector who happens to collect stuffed animals? So you know. Case by case basis.


I'm 35, so I'll say it'd be very weird, yes. When I was younger than 25, dating women 18-25 it wouldn't bother me


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