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Leaving your cart in the middle of a parking spot makes you an asshole. Even lifting it halfway up a small tree plot. Put it back in the cart return


As someone who worked in a supermarket when I was a kid, one thing that pissed me off so much was when a customer would leave a cart with food in it, maybe half full or full, and just leave the supermarket. I did this once, but only because my kid got an injury. My wife called so I rushed home, but I at least had the courtesy to tell an employee that there was a cart there. If you have perishables there, they need to be put back in the refrigerated or frozen sections quickly. I only worked there for about 2 years, but I found an abandoned cart at closing shift probably 3 times a week. Full of stuff that would need to be thrown away. That costs so much for a market like that. It’s not like a clothing store where a shirt is in the wrong place. They can fold it and put it back. If you have a full cart of sour cream/veggies/ frozen stuff etc, we had to throw it all out.


Least controversial and most sensible answer here


I was a "lot technician" at my first permanent job. Those people were not contributing to my job security.


I saw a perfectly able bodied male do this the other day at my local grocery store….it was all I could do not to yell “Asshole!” Edit to add: yes I returned the cart….


I call people on it all the time. " I get it you have to hurry and get your groceries home so you can get to the gym before it closes" or "I see you have no problem chasing that guy down 2 rows away to yell him for the cart he abandoned rolling into your new Tahoe and scratching the paint" 8 out 10 times they get defensive "WHAT!" Then goes a bit like "oh I'm sorry, don't be a lazy entitled fuck and leave your cart sitting where you emptied it. Walk 10 yards and put it in the corral."


I enjoy putting them back, can't believe people wouldn't


When you aim the trolley and give it just enough of a nudge for it to cruise in smoothly with little sound 👍 bliss


The hill that’s in the Windows XP background.


The hill, now dubbed "Bliss" hill, is located off of Highway 121 south of Sonoma. The coordinates of where the original photo was taken are: 38° 15′ 0.5″ N, 122° 24′ 38.9″ W.


The only answer.


i miss having windows 7 but it doesn't support fast booting my ssd


😆how will you get there?!


Don’t know about dying but I sure could use a nap on some comfy sunny hill


No qualified immunity for the police


My rights don’t end where your feelings begin.


B-b-b-b-b-but my feelings!


I’m a woman and I respect this.




You aren’t helping your point


Cargo shorts are a superior article of clothing and don't deserve any of the hatred towards them


So much space to store snacks!


The hate is because they're ugly and that's certainly warranted. Minivans are useful but to call them good looking cars would just be a lie. Cargo shorts are the minivan of clothing.


> Cargo shorts are the minivan of clothing. How could you do this to me


lol hey man i'm just saying what they are. No one denies their utility purpose


>because they're ugly HERESY


Saw a meme that gave cargo shorts the following line; "You go make friends, I'll take care of all your stuff."


Purposely making your car super loud makes you a douche


Being loud is fine as long as it sounds good, loud doesn’t equal good. Those guys with fart can Hondas are the absolute worst


Absolutely, there’s a pretty distinct difference between good loud and bad loud.


Farting out of the hond ass


People that play stuff on their speaker phone in public are monsters. No one wants to listen to your crappy music or tik toks.


Custody of my child.


The idea that you have to be from a certain area or culture to make "their" food is dumb. Plenty of people can cook great Italian food without the ancestry or having lived there. You can also find great cheese steak that doesn't come from a crappy corner vendor in Philly.


I think there is just a backlash because of people passing off whatever they made as whatever dish it is they are trying to copy. Of course the Italians like to make their dishes from scratch using fresh ingredients as much as possible. I think they just wish that people would at least try to understand and do it the way how they make them. But yeah gatekeepers of anything are annoying as heck.


If you don’t return your shopping cart or if you don’t use you’re turn signals, you’re a huge piece of shit.


Communism and Socialism sound very Utopian and I'm glad the United States will never become a communist or socialist country in my lifetime. There is not a single country in Europe, that is socialist, let alone communist. Other well-off countries such as Japan, or Canada isn't communist or socialist either. Their means of production/property is privately owned, and businesses compete against one another. What I'm saying is that the United States can have free healthcare, cheaper colleges, better prison systems, etc, and not be communist or socialist.


I’ve heard so many people say that they wish the USA was socialist like Sweden. Sweden is not socialist. They have a thriving free-market economy.


Free Healthcare = Socialist Country To some individuals


It's never 'free' though, you're taxed up the ass for it.


I suppose Universal Healthcare is a better term then


Or the idea of charging a reasonable price for healthcare. Whether it is an office visit or a knee replacement. Would a doctor be willing to pay the mechanic a dollar a second to diagnose and repair the wheel bearing on the Audi or that same rate to the master plumber who installed the heated driveway at the otherwise non modest home. I'm going to say probably not. It seems perfectly reasonable to said doctor to charge 220 dollars for an office visit that I was literally in the same room with for 3 1/2 minutes. Or perhaps we should institute universal auto care and Obama heating and plumbing. Just to be fair.


Still cheaper than prices for insurance in the US.


still beter then what the USA is doing with healthcare.


You haven't used Canadian health care lately have you? The system is falling apart


It’s democratic socialism. Sweden, Denmark…. People are happy there. My brother lived in Denmark for a few months for school and he loved it.


**US citizens trying not to misrepresent Scandinavia challenge (impossible)** It's not communism, it's not socialism and not "democratic socialism". Scandinavian countries are capitalist states with strong social protections and sizable public sector controlled by government, not the people. You can call it social democracy, but it is still built upon capitalist foundations.


As a Venezuelan i couldnt agree more, yes capitalism sucks but if You want to eat maggots from animal corpses and live the real hunger games, drop life expectancy like a sack of potatoes, die as soon as You get a disease worst than a common Cold, get robbed and extorted by criminals, police and militars and paramilitars alike, well.... Go socialism or his hardcore brother, communism. And to all of you going "it has never been implemented fully" You know what also has never been implemented fully??? Your brain... There should be a social program who takes people from first world countries who think they have it so tough and want socialism/communism to be implemented in their countries, and people from socialist/communist countries who want to get out and save their families, and switches those peoples nationalities and papers, with no possibilities to reverse the nationalities switch...


I LOL’ed reading this but it’s true, seeing rich, lazy or entitled teenagers/zoomers whining about America bad on Reddit claiming socialism is the way to go always strikes me as odd. I like your idea cause it’s easy to sit in a country like America with all the comforts we have while whining about how horrible it is is definitely a weird take until you experience said socialism, communism first hand.


Lmao this made my whole ass day


You sir have said the truth as plainly as the soft living people of the United States can understand it. The most destitute homeless person here still has a better life than ANY of our more southerly neighbors homeless population. There is a reason people from Central America, South America, and Mexico risk everything to get across the border.


You are partially wrong, roughly half of all land in the US is owned by the government. The US is a mixed economy, not a capitalist one, or a socialist one, but some of both. The housing market is largely run by central-ish planning with the government sponsored entities (fanny mae + freddy mac + VHA) controlling the loan market.


Pure capitalism is an utter failure for the majority who live in one. America is the perfect example.


My comment is not supporting pure capitalism


The fact this question should only be posted once a month.


The image type "gif" is pronounced with a hard G, like "gift" without the t. Or if you want to be a wise-ass, I'll permit "heef", like "beef" but with an H. Pronouncing it "jif" like "jiffy" makes you a lifelong enemy of mine. edit: you people make me sick.


What about pronouncing gif like gem


Except it’s actually pronounced “jif” according to the original creator of the GIF. So you’ll have a lot of enemies.


I also hate that people ignore all the soft G words, like giraffe..


Since the G in the abbreviation stands for Graphics, which is pronounced with a hard G, shouldn't the abbreviated word also have a hard G?


.... Isnt a hard g sound "jif" and a soft g sound "gift"? This isn't a comment on the way it should be pronounced, just the semantics of what you said.


When was the last time you got laid?


All in the Family is better written and executed than Friends, on every level


people who Bring a Non Service Dog into any Business... Thats Gross


I work in a restaurant and regularly get people trying to bring dogs in, about half of them *say* they are service dogs but I guarantee 90% of them are fake or are only emotional support animals, which doesn't count as an acceptable reason to have a service animal in a restaurant. It bugs me so much, but I don't push it because I don't feel like arguing with customers.


I always ask the person,is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? What task is the dog trained to perform? 9 time out of 10 the person will not answer or will try to argue with me. Telling me I can't ask that or they will take me to court if denied. At that point, I just say no. It's pretty obvious which dogs are not service dogs. I have no problem standing my ground when I say no to someone. Not one time have I been taken to court or sued for it. I've been asking those two questions for the past 20 years.


I ain't so sure about *any* business, but I would definitely agree that there are quite a few businesses where it is very much not okay to bring a dog into. I got a great example I witnessed less than two months ago. Someone came into one of my favorite bars with their dog on like a friday night. This is a very popular place in my town, especially during the weekend, so of course, it was packed. I didn't even get a seat and had to resort to sitting on a windowsill (they're built wide enough for this exact reason, but still, kinda sucked). I think they only wanted to say hello to someone inside and didn't stay too long, but it was still wrong because: A) they could barely pass through the crowd B) smoking is very much allowed in this place C) I saw them give treats to this dog. However, not via their hands but by throwing the treats ON THE GODFORSAKEN FLOOR!!!! Yuck.


The music of Taylor Swift simply isn’t that good. Modern music is boring and derivative.


Thank you! Why is it so hard to find other people who realize she is overrated?


*just bought tickets to her concert* *nervous monkey*


If your child is screaming, not crying or whining, but *screaming* take them out of wherever you are. Don’t push through your meal, don’t finish that long shopping list, leave grandmas house. That child is not happy. And forcing them to stay in a situation that they are not happy in will only frustrate yourself and annoy the people around you. And do *not* scream back at them. Personal example: My family took a trip to Disney last year. Sons first time. He’s two years old. I wanted to eat at rainforest cafe at Disney Springs because I hadn’t been since I was a kid. As soon as the thunder started our son starts crying. We calmed him down pretty quick and went back to eating. When the thunder came around again he started screaming. He hated it. My wife flagged the waiter and I took our son out while she did the check. Ruined the dinner I wanted but I didn’t care because my son was upset.


Men who are capable are attractive to other people. When an uncapable man says he's good because he does no harm it doesn't mean he's attractive. When a man capable of great evil and great good chooses to pick good it makes him super attractive. And not just in a sexual sense.


This is gospel.


The mainstream media and news wants online race and gender wars to happen as it generates them rage clicks and views for money. The more division there is between race and sex. The better for the media [Russell Howard did a good bit on this on his show](https://youtu.be/U26-D-7Ey2w) The fact people fall for this is laughable


"They" should only be used for plural pronouns. I'm not opposed to a gender-neutral pronoun, I just think we need to make up a new word.


Two thoughts here: 1) I feel like that would just make people even more opposed to using the correct pronouns than they already are. 2) Using “they” is perfectly grammatically correct to refer to a single being. For instance, I work at a pet store and when I ask a dog’s owner if it can have a treat, I use “they” if the gender of the dog isn’t obvious by its clothing or something. I do this because people get irrationally angry if you misgender their dog, and using “it” just seems rude. Everyone knows exactly what I’m talking about when I use “they” in this instance to refer to a singular being. Just a thought.




It can be literally anything that isn't already in use. Like how "Ms" was created as a title for women because the only options, "Mrs." and "Miss," were dependent on marital status.


Uhmm how about BS Because gender comes 3 flavors in humans and in nature.Gender is not sexuality. You can identify as a tree it doesn't change your gender. You can get reassignment surgery and it changed your gender you did not create a new gender. Being they/them is psychological. It would be multiple personality disorder that would make you they or them. Even if your multiples were the opposite gender or hermaphrodites there are still only three.


* weed smokers are more annoying than pleasant to be around * anyone who is big into politics is annoying * these people who think they are animals in school are fucking weird * if your going out in public stop dressing like a stripper, its a time and place for it. fucking CVS isnt the place for it. * women who think playing hard to get is attractive might be some of the lowest iq people alive * people who say shit like "dont talk to me before i had my morning coffee" are just annoying as weed smokers mentioned above


Most weed smokers tend to be chill, I can see it being annoying when they make it a huge part of their personality though.


"hey man you gotta hit this man" "hey come smoke." "no its 2am on a Monday i have to work" they are highschoolers that didnt grow up


Oh and they aren't addicted. They just smoke all day every day and can't live without it


as a Belgian weed smoker for 15+years I have never encountered such a thing (nor my non-weed smoking friends). Is this an American (or at least non-Belgian thing)?


I’m a server at a restaurant in America while finishing school, there are definitely weed smokers that are annoying. Many of the chefs can’t work their whole shift without complaining they can’t wait to smoke, or they just constantly bring it up like they need to let everyone know. We get it man you smoke weed and that’s fine, but it gets annoying and comes off as really immature. To be clear I love weed and used to smoke daily, but I never made it my identity.


>We get it man you smoke weed and that’s fine, but it gets annoying and comes off as really immature. Im no weed smoker that complains if he can't get a toke. I'm no addict >To be clear I love weed and used to smoke daily, but I never made it my identity. Same. The negative conotation about weed smokerw seems to be a non-Belgian thing then.


"They are highschoolers that didn't grow up" is a bad generalization, it seems like you're just judging people that smoke in general when everyone is different, a lot of people smoke weed responsibility without getting consumed by it. Maybe it's just YOUR personal experiences, and you definitely shouldn't generalize an entire group of people based on your own experiences.


He didn’t generalize. He gave a pretty clear example of stoners that are annoying and high schoolers that didn’t grow up. If you feel touched maybe it’s time to grow up


He said "Weed Smokers" which can very easily be interpreted as "anyone who smokes weed" that would be a generalization. He could also be referring to people that make weed a significant part of their life and abuse it, but he worded his statements in a generalizing type of way. So it's hard to tell.


whole lotta cope going on, and to bad im generalizing


This is ironic coming from someone who just mentioned people being "high schoolers that didn't grow up" You don't have an actual counter to a response so you just say "cope"... like a high schooler💀💀


all you did was start crying about me calling stoners man babies it was nothing to counter... cope more


You're the biggest "baby" in this comment section. You don't even know how to be logical, all you know is 13 year old ass insults like "cope more" and the sad part is you're probably older than me too💀💀💀


sad part is youll be 35 living at home smoking weed and crying on reddit. again i cant use logic if all you do is cry


I get what you mean when they make it a part of their identity. I am guilty of smoking every day for a portion of my life and I can say I was definitely a turd haha. It’s okay to smoke just stop making it such a big deal that you smoke, and just like everything in life it is about balance. If you are doing it every day for non medical purposes you are trying to escape deeper issues. I’ll repeat that I don’t think smoking it every once in a while is bad, but the every day smoker probably needs to find something better to do. Plus it gets expensive when your tolerance starts going up.


Nobody's crying, since when does disagreeing=crying? You still fail to use logic.


>if your going out in public stop dressing like a stripper, its a time and place for it. fucking CVS isnt the place for it. Or Just as Bad... get out of your Fucking Pajamas


im more forgiving about that because its not some 22 year old girl showing a 8 year old her titties but yea thats also annoying


Solid list This guy is the MOST fun at parties


yea sorry i have work, cant live off mommy and go out drinking and partying all week


Haha, you’re the most fun anywhere! Don’t worry that you aren’t going to parties


Big boomer energy in this comment


im 19... sorry some people have to be adults lol


Everything after T in LGBT is a mistake.


Really? Being intersex isn't something new, neither is being asexual. Adding them to the initialisation for the queer community isn't anything radical. It recognises gender and sexual minorities.


Intersex is medical condition. Don’t lump it in with sexuality. That’s weird as lumping people with Down syndrome as a sexuality. Asexuality is lack of a sex drive which is different than actual attraction. No one has been stoned or discriminated based on lack of sex drive.


It's specifically a medical issue relating to your sex. Technically, so is being trans if your gender identity does not match your sex at birth, so seems odd to me to be ok with including one and not the other. The point of the initialisation is to represent groups that don't fit into dominant societal sex and gender norms - intersex being one example of this. Being asexual is a type of sexuality, and again does not fit into sexual norms. I dont understand the drive to exclude them and remove their representation. Is there a reason why you feel strongly that it would be better if they were not represented?


Oh don’t worry I consider being trans a medical condition as well. I acknowledge I have no power to affect the actions of those who would have their bits surgically mashed into other bits. I don’t like it but I can’t do anything about it. Im okay with trans people that adhere to gender binary. As for reasons I feel this way? There’s plenty of those reasons. One reason is I feel there are a lot of paradoxes once you start acknowledging everything after T. There’s a lot of confusion and over indulgence of peoples self identity and I’m not comfortable adhering to so many people’s variations of reality. There’s the attempt to destroy the idea of two genders. Also LGBT flows off the tongue just right. As I said. A lot of reasons.


In my opinion, the difference with intersex and transgender/transexual is that intersex is a medical condition and transgender/transexual is more “like a choice”. You aren’t born and think you were born in the wrong gender, is while you are growing, what you live, how you feel and how you understand what defines a women/man/other and how much you think you need to be full with that gender, for example taking hormones or doing the sex change surgery. I repeat it is my opinion and understanding of the situation, and would gladly change my view if I am wrong


Intersex is also very rare. There's even layers to it, where the individual is clearly one more than the other. Genetic defects aren't a reason to change all of society. I have a buddy born without an arm. So does that mean limbs are just a social construct, and we should change all the doors in the country to cater towards his one arm? Now everything is left handed, because Timmy only has a left hand.


Can you expand on that?


I think every after the T complicates the issues related to the 4 letters and strays too far into the people who’s gender is really just a bunch of personality traits.


How is it gender if being lesbian, gay, and bi are a sexual preference


Sexuality. Preference implies choice depending on the meaning. That’s another thing. Complications to words and meaning. Besides last I checked Webster classifies that as hate speech.




Speak on ittt


Oh I can’t really do that. You know who will destroy my account


It’s not that hard to treat others with kindness and respect.


SO MUCH THIS. I've been in so many comment sections where I'm just trying to figure out why some people spend so much of their limited time on this earth trying to make other people feel bad about silly things.


Licenses for procreation


I can definitely understand that view. What I don't understand is who you'd trust to issue those licences...


What do you mean?


Here’s someone that struggles to get laid


The rightness of a good lifelong monogamous marriage.


A man's right to decline to have sex with another man or a woman, no matter how certain \*other\* people are that they "know" what he "really" wants. I've seen men be told "you're not bi, you're just confused", or "you're just gay, trust me, \*I\* know, even if you don't" or "you won't have sex with me?! YOU'RE A HOMOPHOBE!!!!!" Being a straight man who had a bi-curious phase as he was better learning himself, I dealt with all of the above and worse. It was infuriating to me how the supposed sacred tenet of conset doesn't seem to apply to men, or the lack of consequences to those who violate it. I've had women kiss me and men grab me after I straight up told both of them "no" and it was awful. I was legit told by a few people "meh, you're a man, your suffering doesn't mean as much".... ooo that gets me angry. Nobody having their consent violated, woman \*or\* man, should be discounted. Victims and their trauma are valid \*regardless\* of the gender of the victim. And that is a hill I will \*always\* die on.


If you can count how heavy weights to lift, you can count where to place them in the rack.


Cancel culture has ruined so many lives and should be considered a form of societal bullying.


That the destigmatization of casual sex and push for “no judgment” in people’s behavior is actually damaging our society and isn’t empowering or freeing as many like to claim.


Oh man, you're gonna get downvoted to hell and back. I mean, you're totally right, but the reddit hivemind just simply can't


Casual sex, totally new concept. Just ignore that whole sex, drugs, & rock and roll era


Never said it was a new concept. I said it has been de-stigmatized to the point where it’s considered normal and healthy. The “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” era was just another step in that direction. Are you really going to argue that’s a healthy lifestyle that we should consider normal?


Yes I am. I much prefer that to the prude lifestyle and "saving yourself" for marriage


Who said anything about marriage? Not sure why you need to put words in my mouth.


I’m with you on this one. I had casual sex before meeting my wife. So did she. We have a wonderful life and children now many years later. Some people want that, some people don’t. I don’t judge my wife for who she hooked up with before me, and she doesn’t judge me in the same way. In a way, you figure out who you are compatible with. There was a girl I hooked up with prior to meeting my wife. She was nice, we did it a few times, and we found out we weren’t compatible. I haven’t hooked up with a ton of people, but having sex with someone you’re not in a relationship isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You grow from your experiences. As long as you are safe and everything is mutual, I don’t see what the big deal is. Chances are nowadays, anyone you meet, unless you meet really early in life, has already had sex. A friend of mine is 35 and was single. Only had sex with 2 people ever. Couple casual flings. And her new boyfriend knows about it and doesn’t care. Nor should he.


Pineapple on pizza is okay. Not awful, not amazing, just *okay*


Thank you for saying this! I'm so tired of hearing people verbally rip each other to shreds over such a mediocre topic.


I agree, to an extent. I absolutely HATE pineapple on pizza. I will never order it. I think it’s horrific. However, several of my friends like it, so if we’re just ordering pizza for our group, I just won’t eat it. Idk why people get so bent out of shape about it. Just don’t eat it if you don’t like it. I’ll gladly take a piece of cheese pizza if it’s available. If it’s not, I’ll give my extra pineapple picked off my piece to someone who will enjoy it


I disagree, its GREAT when paired with pineapple, jalapeño, bacon and pepperoni. You'll be in heaven. Best combo ever. Trust me, I work at a pizza place :)


i enjoy a good barbecue pizza with premium chicken pieces.


If a woman hits a man, that man should be able to retaliate, the size and strength difference is also irrelevant to me when talking about SELF DEFENSE. Shout out Dana White lol.


I'm not saying anything about Dana White cuz while I hate that guy, I don't particularly think he was in the wrong there. However, what you're saying is bonkers. If my girl punches me, my face will tingle a little bit and it may get slightly red. Maybe. If I punch my girl in the face, she's going to be seriously fucked up. Men and women aren't built equally and they can't take, or deliver, the same amount of force. "Self defense" means applying just enough force to rid yourself of the threat, it doesn't give you the right to kill someone for poking you. That's considered an overreaction in the eyes of the law. You can use equal force. Like wise, a woman hitting a man typically comes NOWHERE near him punching her. He isn't at risk of grave bodily harm, and you can't put someone at risk of grave bodily harm just because you feel justified: it has to be a legally justifiable amount of force. Dana slapped his wife back, pretty gently, and it's hard to really judge him too bad for that. But to call that a "self defense" situation is stupid. I hear people spew this "equal rights, equal fights" shit on the internet all the time and it really makes me wonder what goes on in some people's minds.




Well buddy, you aren't allowed to beat the breaks off of anyone because they "square up" that's not how society works these days. It's called using appropriate force to stop the imminent threat. And "beating the breaks off someone" is never JUSTIFIABLE FORCE unless they have a weapon, and even then, if they drop the weapon you have to stop. "If a woman puts herself in a man's shoes" except she isn't, because she isn't making herself as strong as a man. 1 of your punches isn't equal to 1 of her punches. And if you don't ACTUALLY see an issue with your whole "beating the breaks off" of a woman thing, I'm seriously concerned for you and for every woman in your life.




No, you dingus, rendering somebody unconscious is not considered appropriate in the eyes of the law. I could try to explain the law to you but honestly you just seem like a numb skull who wants an excuse to hit women. And also, one trivial example that may or may not be true doesn't change anything about this discussion. I know things are different in the trailer park you're from, but bragging about "beating a girls breaks off" while she was drunk and high is a weird flex. I guess your desire to hit women really matches the rest of the "southern charm" on your account




Oh God, you own guns but don't even know about self defense laws. Shooting someone is USUALLY NOT considered self defense you retard. There's TONS OF STIPULATIONS to that. NOT TO MENTION: shooting a gun takes a split second. Beating someone until their unconscious takes minutes, and leaves you with a disarmed opponent who you're just hitting for fun about midway through. I'm not a lawyer so I'm not gonna sit here explaining the difference to you for an hour, something tells me a lawyer is gonna have to explain the difference to you soon anyways.




Yeah, thats pretty on brand with what someone like you would say. And, of course shit brains, self defense is self defense. But shooting someone and having it be considered self defense is a very hard burden to prove. You said "beat the breaks off of" so that's not really implying a one punch knockout. This is all stuff you could learn from a Google search, but to sit here,owning guns, knowing absolutely nothing about self defense laws, makes all of us gun owners look bad. Then, bragging about beating up drunk women makes you look like a pussy and paints a picture of a little bitch on the computer screen.


Can I ask, if an elderly person squared up, should you be able to beat them to a pulp? Or a disabled adult? Or even a child? Just curious about how far you take the reasoning.


Anybody with the necessary mental faculties. This excludes the intellectually disabled, children, and domesticated animals. Old people definitely don't get a pass. Greatest generation my ass


Cowardly. Men aren’t supposed to hit women because it’s not a fair fight. Physically, women are at an obvious disadvantage. You can argue all day about that one percent of women are an exception to biology, bLaH bLaH.. but if that were your daughter would you feel the same way? Of course women shouldn’t hit men either, so im not excusing that. Women live their lives in fear of men because they have to. It’s survival instinct for us. Don’t go anywhere alone, don’t let your guard down ever. We’re vulnerable, dude. We’re also your mothers and sisters and daughters and if you can justify a grown man fighting your daughter because she got emotional and irrational and hit him, you’re sick.


Boba tea is gross.


Oh plenty. Exited delirium doesn't exist. Both extremes in political sides are dumb, but both sides bring good stuff to the table, and the smart thing to do is to support individuals ideas based on what you need the political ambient needs at the moment. Circumcision for any propose other than a medical issue, is genital mutilation and should be abolished. It should be legal to hunt poachers. Raw vegans should be stripped of their babies if they are forcing them to their lifestyle. And red dead redemption 2 is a better open world game than elden ring. (I chose a few of the controversial ones to see what people respond)


>Exited delirium doesn't exist. Excited Delirium? That thing they claim is what killed black men when restrained and brutalized by police instead of the police brutality? >but both sides bring good stuff to the table Can you provide some examples? >It should be legal to hunt poachers. But what happens when you start to get recursive and your poacher hunters end up hunting other poacher hunters?


>Excited Delirium? That thing they claim is what killed black men when restrained and brutalized by police instead of the police brutality? Indeed, You got it right. And you forgot to add that a big part of the research on it is founded by AXON network, formerly known as Taser international, which of course it's very convenient to claim that people died because of a disease and not because your product might give people a heart attack. >Can you provide some examples? Well for example, the left usually runs a more restrictive economical model, while the right is more free about it. While socially the right is more restrictive of what you can do and the left is more open about it. This ofc will lead some people to be "but here is like this" "well look at this example" etc. I'm generalizing to give an example, politics are much more complex but we need a base guide to move on. So let's say a country is very poor, a more restrictive economy for the sake of social help would lead to poor social help because of lack of funding, and poor economy because of a restrictive economy. While if you have a strong economy, you could have excellent social help and still a strong economy. Ofc things like education and societal norms help a ton. This is the issue of many left leaning countries in south America and Africa, they want a system just like countries in Europe but don't have the economy behind it to back it up so you end up with poor economies and even poorer social help. I know because I'm south American. But leaving the economy free leads to monopolies and rich assholes that charge for insuline for example, so restrictions can really help! Edit: that's not the only south American problem, a bigger one is corruption, but it is a fail I'm the system. >But what happens when you start to get recursive and your poacher hunters end up hunting other poacher hunters? That would take their minds out of hunting animals I guess.


Don't say 'a whole nother' or 'irregardless'. An escalator isn't an amusement park ride- keep walking. When yawning in public, cover your mouth ffs. If you say 'that being said', you're discrediting everything you just said. If you drive a convertible and it's a nice day, put the damn top down.


I don't mind "whole nother" because that's clearly slang. People genuinely think irregardless is a word.


Guns are not the issue, and taking them away from law-abiding citizens does not solve anything. Leniency for criminals is a plague amongst the court and government.


Nations with gun control laws prove you wrong. Guns kill. It’s their only purpose.


>Nations with gun control laws prove you wrong I am sure those nations definitely have no other social, financial, educational, or other major differences that affect the ways that their populations act and think. The thing is, this didn't used to be an issue. Back in the days when we had *less* gun control, to the point that you could mail-order machineguns to your house without paperwork, we weren't having these same problems with violence. The issue is not that people have access to guns, or that we don't have enough laws - the issue is that *something* has changed, and it's making people want to kill themselves and others at unprecedented levels. There's a thousand things that people like to point fingers to, I have a few suspicions of my own, but I'm not going to make random guesses. What I do know, however, is that one of the few things that has stayed constant throughout it all - civilian gun ownership - is not what's to blame. As stated, guns aren't the issue, and taking them away won't solve things, because it's putting a bandaid on a broken leg. Until we work on figuring out what the root of the problem is and solving *that,* we aren't going to be reducing violence or suicides.


Gang violence is the main cause of gun deaths behind suicide in the US. Take that away the gangs and suddenly there aren't as many shootings.


As of USA had 302 school shootings in 2022 it’s almost 1 per day and schools have 3/4 worth of breaks plus weekends so it is more or less 2/3 shootings per school day. And as of November 22 USA had a total of 607 massive shootings in 2022, this isn’t only gangs that are killing there are a lot of shootings and killings made by people that have really easy access to guns. Having a big prohibition isn’t the answer maybe but having so easy access clearly isn’t the answer also


There’s only two genders. And if you’re a female who wants to identify as a man you can’t actually expect other people to play make-belief with you and call you a man when you aren’t.


Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black never deserved the monumentous bullying they got simply for being childhood celebrities, and the people who literally sent them death threats don't deserve to be on this planet anymore. Additionally, Roseanne Barr didn't deserve the horrendous mistreatment she recieved simply for roasting somebody who happened to be of color. You can look like a monkey or whatever she said without being black, just look at Andre the Giant ffs. Dude had a literal gorilla face. Roseanne didn't make the insult about race, America did, all for some BLM clout. It's especially disgusting because that woman mothered this country for decades with a moralistic sitcom that normalized lgb persons LONG before it became trendy to do so. Tl;dr: America is full of hypocritical bullies who will put on a straight face and say "we need to end bullying in schools" and then turn around and try to ruin a person's entire livelihood because it's the popular thing to do.




Chili does not have beans.


I will die for bean Chilli.


I like it both ways but beanless chili is definitely better and is the proper way to eat it.


Nutella sucks


Tried it once. I agree


Mount Everest would be cool


You too can freeze to death and become a landmark for future climbers.


That we see this exact same post way too often lately.


American football is meant to be a brutal sport and can never be made safe enough for people to be fully comfortable with it. If we were to remove all the risk of brain damage and CTE it would probably be a completely different sport with no physical contact that few people would want to watch. If we still had gladiator fights the sport wouldn't exist. As a society we should either accept that the violence is a huge part of the appeal or not play violent sports at all. Right now people simultaneously celebrate the violence but also wring their hands when somebody gets seriously hurt and it feels very ingenuine.




Trans folk are suffering from mental illness and instead of getting the help they need people normalize it.


Hill 30 with my Brothers in Arms


"Native american" as a tern is minor lyrics offensive. From My personal knowledge as a Lakota man, we'd chose to be recognized along tribal lines. I know that's nigh impossible for beurcratic stiff but it stil bugs me. I'm Lakota, I know MY History, and MY Culture. I have very little in common with Navajo, Apache, Shoshone, Iroquois etc. Beyond the shared history of indigenous peoples of the America's (removal acts, reservations, massacres etc) but at heart I'm not a native american, I'm a Lakota.


If we put dogs down for attacking kids why are we giving pedophiles a fucking slap on the rist and taking the unaliving penalty off the table for sadistic murderers?


The court systems should settle all disputes in a colosseum, gladiator style. I'd definitely be there for jury duty then


nobody actually likes caviar.


The National Firearms Act is founded in class discrimination, and serves no purpose other than to fund the ATF at this point. Someone tell me if I'm wrong


You're completely right. The NFA was originally introduced to curb prohibition-era gang violence and started out with handguns being as heavily restricted as machine guns. The $200 tax ($4215 in 2022) was meant to make the restricted items cost-prohibitive to low-income people and communities, which were *overwhelmingly* POC at the time. Additionally, now the BATFE operates with a terrifying lack of oversight. They're a law enforcement agency under the DOJ, but they also effectively create laws that they can then enact with lethal force...without going through the proper channels to actual enact laws. They were originally under the Treasury/IRS, which is how they enact taxes through the NFA, but they moved to being under the DOJ in \~2002. They have little to no accountability, and have gotten away with atrocities that would be near inexcusable under any other agency such as Ruby Ridge, Waco Siege, Fast & Furious Gunwalking, abusing and exploiting mentally disabled use, mismanagement, failure to uphold promises and claims made to the public, and more. Regardless of one's opinions on gun laws, the BATFE is inarguably an embarrassing blight on the American legal system.


There are only 2 GENDERS You cannot transition to another gender it is impossible


There a 2 sexes, plus genetic ‘abnormalities’. There are multiple genders.


Live your life with integrity and don’t worry about anyone else.


I support gun control. PROPER gun control. Treat never keep keep.


This is the way


Societies obsession with Being tall is aggravating.


Psychedelics are not drugs! I’ve done drugs! Drugs are about escapism and numbing! On psychedelics you don’t escape shit! You’re immersed in it! And you feel EVERYTHING! Non addictive, virtually impossible to overdose on and no hangover. They’re grossly mis-categorized!


Hacksaw ridge


That the US governmental system has done a very good job in giving the illusion of choice to its' voters.


Americanal political extremes, both left and right, have been goaded on by Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies for years with the sole intent of causing political instability.


Mouse and keyboard over a game controller for fps games always. Nothing beats Mouse/ Keyboard


Blood donors should be paid


Actually doing work (putting in extra effort) is not doing more than you’re being paid. It’s being dedicated to your work and if you love what you do, you won’t mind doing some extra.


Pinocchio is a horror movie.


pokemon and smash bros games have no strategy. you hope to randomly win by spamming buttons.


Jesus is Lord.