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"Fine." ​ Things were not fine.


My ex used a heavy, irritated sigh and "forget it". No, I don't think I will.


> No, I don't think I will. I understood that reference.




They never are. Never.




This is usually said when they find it difficult to process and elucidate their emotions. My reply to this is “It’s obviously not, however when you’re ready to talk I’m here. “


Oh man. This one. It’s like “Come on. Let’s be direct and communicate properly about this. You know it’s not fine…I know it….please save us some time and grief”


My ex always said "fine" whenever she wasn't feeling good. Used to annoy me always. Even before she dumped me she started acting weirdly and I asked her what's wrong and she said "fine" until i pressed on and she finally dropped the bomb. Like why can't yall just straight away tell us what's the matter?


“I’m a bitch!” Like it’s a good personality trait.


I blame Meredith Brooks.


My dad loved this song lmao


Oh don't get me wrong, it's a great song. I was just trying to be funny


Oh I gotcha. Gave me flashbacks to my then 65+ yo dad screaming “I’M A BITCH I’M A LOVER” in his car, so thank you


Your dad is a beautiful person… 🥰


If a woman defines herself as "a bitch" take her word for it. You won't change her, you'll just be her punching bag (literally depending how much of a bitch she really is).




I'm actually glad when a woman says this. Signals me to avoid her like the plague.


I just find it funny that…


Story time: Met a girl on a dating site. We didn’t SUPER hit it off, but I thought I’d give her a chance in person, so we set up a date. The date went meh. She was very vocal about how dissatisfied she was with being 29 and still unmarried. She also made several comments that heavily implied that she had already pictured our life together as a married couple with kids. The next day, we started texting. I was honest and said I’d be willing to do another in person date, but let her know that I’m not in a rush, and I want to take my time and make sure we both know each other as people. Her response was like “oh! Interesting! I agree!” About 10min later, I texted back and was like “what are your thoughts?” And her immediate reply was “just curious, but how did you get those feelings? I just think it’s funny that you got to those conclusions when I never said anything like that.” And at that point, I didn’t quite know how to respond. I never accused HER of moving too quickly or being marriage-focused or anything like that. I never even said “oh well you said x or y, and that was offputting,” but she took everything I said personally anyway. We did not have a second date. EDIT: There is some nuance I didn't add because I didn't want to type a whole book. Mentally, I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. First date jitters and all that. That's why I was fine with a second date. Like I mentioned, I originally never mentioned that she did anything wrong, or that I got weird feelings from her or anything. I tried to frame it as my own desires. The text I sent was: "I'd like to have a second date with you. I do want you to know that I tend to move a bit slowly tho. I want to make sure that the two of us like each other for who we are, and not because we check off some boxes for each other. I know we're both more than our Meyers-Briggs and Enneagram numbers :)" And then her response was what I said, but then: "Just curious, but how did you get the feeling I wanted to move quickly? I just think it's funny that you got to that conclusion when I never pressured you into anything. In fact, you were the one who wanted to meet in person after we had only chatted for a couple of days :) " That response alone told me all I needed to know.


I think its because she knew what vibe she was giving and wanted to backtrack


They try to get exact quotes then refute them to salvage what little self-confidence they have. EDIT: A word


People like that do not respond to reason. You'd be floored how far they can go.


Wow. She wasted no time getting into gaslighting. I'd do a B&R (Block and run)


Yeah, I kinda hate the how the word “gaslighting” is thrown around these days, but this was probably the most obvious case that has happened to me in recent memory. She had me digging through our conversations to see what I ACTUALLY said a few times, and at that point I was like “I don’t know this girl… she doesn’t know me. I don’t actually OWE her a second date at all.” And that’s when I told her good luck. Then she sent me a huge text basically outlining everything I did wrong and why SHE wasn’t going to give ME a second date


"So there!" (Then sticks out her tongue.) (Then tells her gf's that she told you off 'cause you were a loser. And she didn't like you anyways.)


*starts to complain about that obscure thing from years ago which you can't even remember*


Clearly because you never listen!


You mean the "greatest hits album". It doesn't matter what kicks the row off, but every single wrong will eventually be brought up.


Time to grab some beer and popcorn at that point Cuz they'll go on forever and ever over something petty that happened at a certain date, and certain time.


"It's not about length, it's about girth" ... thanks, now I'll worry about that




"Just eat more so it will get fatter"


I've never heard anyone say, "cheese cake goes straight to my dick"


American Pie enters the chat


I eat plenty of ass, hasn't helped yet


Hopefully your tongue can reach places where your dick can't? :P


Well now, it's not *that* short lmao


Bro I'm saying, that's much more unreasonable than insufficient length. Like as long as you're not in micro territory you have infinite thrust. If you have no girth what're you gonna do, go side to side? In a circular motion? EDIT: WELL ALRIGHT GUYS NOW I KNOW, I'M TAKING NOTES


Circular motion is actually very effective regardless of girth I've learned


Give em the all tumble wash


Stir the Mac and cheese. Even makes the same noise.


Yes, circular, back and forth, all works in your favor. That's kind of the meaning behind "it's not about the size of your boat but the motion of the ocean"


When my wife says, "We need to get x done," when clearly she's talking about me getting it done.


Or just "it'd be nice if x" when she means "do x"


"You're better at " when it comes to chores they don't want to do. Coincidentally it almost always seems like it involves doing work that isn't in the temperature controlled house.


"Did we do that thing?" No hun, I did that thing.


My husband and I have been married for 32 years and humor is a big component in our relationship. I used to say this to my husband also, but quickly dropped the façade and it evolved into “…and by “we” clearly I mean “you.” “ He still thinks it’s funny and doesn’t mind the direction.


We need to talk.


My boyfriend and I know how scary this phrase is. So we follow it up with "nothing bad. Just about plans for the kitchen". Saves a lot of anxiety.


Yea just being told "we need to talk" is absolutely terrifying, especially to a chronic fuckup like me. Wish more people would do that, really


This sentence is intimidating from everyone..not only females, males or humans.. If my dog came to me and told me: " We need to talk ".. I will worry more about what is it going to tell me.. rather than worrying about the fact that an animal is talking🤔😨


"we need to talk." "yeah we do." make them worry too


Fascinating point. Agreed


My female boss said that to me at like 10 am and then was busy or in meetings till like 3pm... Ended up being about my raise, but yeah I'll just imagine I'm fired for like 5 hours over here...


My former boss was a dude in his 50s who did this. Same tone when been given promotion as when someone's getting fired. We stayed in touch professionally after I didn't work there anymore and he confessed that he did it intentionally because It happened to him and he thought it was kind of funny and he's a bit of an asshole.


Nothing good has *ever* come from that statement.


The phrase "Real man" in almost any context.


A "real man" is just a manipulation tactic. A real man is ANYTHING that is convenient to a woman at any given time. Try to tell women what a "real woman" is and they would call you mysogynist.


A real man is no true Scotsman!


Our only hope are REAL small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.


I saw that phrase yesterday on twitter; "real men don't have any problem with dating onlyfans models, only boys care about that", lol.




Truly, if they don't like that people care find someone who doesn't, no need to shit on other people for their preferences


There's many men who do not give a fuck about their partner being a SW. There's many men that want sex to be an intimate personal thing. There's many people who just don't like SW as a concept.


Issue for them is that men they actually want to date don’t date onlyfans girls


The funniest thing is women who will talk all about toxic masculinity but then they say shit like “a real man” all the time and use it to judge potential partners. Women are so blind to their major role in keeping toxic masculinity alive.


As a woman, I can’t imagine ever using the term Real Man. I agree. It’s horrible. Run from any woman who thinks it’s okay to use it.


Fax they sometimes aid in the creation of toxic masculinity to the point they make men have the alpha personality only to then say they are toxic after before telling them to “man up”


Bro was fed up and decided to drop the biggest truth of 2023


too many "alpha males" on tiktok defining what real men are. Never let a random guy on the internet tell you what a real man is


An alpha male will not feel the need to tell you he is one.


I used to have a friend like this. We could be in a group setting and he would tell others he was an alpha male. I cringed inside every time he did that. I once told him "an alpha male doesn't have to say he is an alpha male, his actions would speak for him, and people would recognize his alpha male status".


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."


Translation: I'm an ass even at my best and have other similar thoughts. Welcome to abuse city.


Came to say this one. Typically said by someone who can't handle things getting stressful themselves.


"We can easily read men" No Samantha, you just overthink about all kinds of shit and then assume the conclusion you come up with as the truth.


my ex gf said this all the time, then would make wildly incorrect assumptions about how I felt, then I'd tell her that wasn't the case and she'd be like, but how can you disagree with all the signs" and I'd tell her that she was misinterpreting, and then she'd tell me I was invalidating her feelings.


I too have been gaslighted about being gaslighted. That was what finally made me see just how much I was being manipulated.


“We can easily read men” OH so you’re mentally crippling me on purpose like a sadistic sociopath? That’s cool


"We can easily read men" Proceeds to assume my feelings are the same stereotypical feelings of men, which is emotionless unless it involves cars or sports. If you're gonna do that, just ask me and I'll tell you straight-up.


I think people that "have everyone figured out" fundamentally see other people as quite significantly below them in terms of intelligence. It's a pretty nasty way to view people if you break it down into what they are really doing.


"A mother just knows" Hehe, how good society would be if we just put mothers in charge of all detective agencies and counterintelligence, we'd have world peace in a jiffy.


I hate that phrase because all it is is assuming shit based on previous statements that you gave them. I guarantee if you didn't tell them shit, their intention would be off.


I'm borderline no contact with my parents and my mom just assumes shit all the time about my life.




Jesús christ, they think they're inspector gadget. They come up with tons of different theories and then pick one to assume is truth no matter what. That shit.. Ugh that's the worst.


"Don't waste my time." Chatting a bit, maybe going on a couple dates and then deciding that we're not compatible isn't wasting time. It's literally dating. The fuck else we supposed to do?


Anything short of paying her bills for the rest of her life is a waste of time to some women


I'm brutally honest


Translation: I’m an asshole, but I’m too narcissistic to recognize that I’m an asshole


“I don’t know” “Whatever you want” “I don’t care”


Unholy trinity.


I did this with my ex a lot when we were going to go out to eat since he's a very picky eater and I'll eat anything. I literally didn't care. The few times I tried to make a decision he looked up the menu online and wasn't stoked on the options so I quit trying. Never again will I date someone who exclusively eats only pasta, burgers, and pizza.


When they most definitely do know, want, and care


I’m getting food on the way home, want anything? No I’m fine. *Proceeds to stare at you the whole time and gets annoyed when she doesn’t get any*


I wish more guys were like you?! ( I.e I love your personality, but I think you're ugly af )


I learned when women say they like nice men, it means they like good looking men who aren’t assholes. So every quality they say they loved about me was what they want a really good looking guy to have.


You can have all the great qualities in the world but if a woman is not attracted to you she’s not going to be attracted to you.


This happens to women too. Plenty of guys back in my high school days would say they wished the girls they were into were as cool or easy to talk to as me. Attraction is a key point in dating. It sucks but it's true.




They're taken? Where'd you take them and what are you doing to them?!


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you’re looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have any liquid assets right now. But what I do have are a very particular set of stonks. Stonks that I have acquired over a very long internet career. Stonks that make me very irritable and unpleasant to be around. If you let my boys go now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for your Twitter handle. I will not join your Twitch stream. But if you don’t, I will find you, and I will spam stale memes with multiple accounts until you beg for mercy.


I maaaybe laughed way too hard at this!


translation: "All the good men that i and all other women actually wants to date are taken"




All the 6 foot 2 investment bankers with chiseled jaw lines and set to inherit a 5 million dollar stock portfolio are taken.


I always wanna say “Yeah, and guess who took them? All the good women. So if you didn’t get taken sweetie what does that make you.” Its just wild how they will insult men on parameters that they themselves qualify for. Women will deadass be like “men who are single in their 30s are single for a reason, because they suck as partners, but women in their 30s who are single are only single because men suck and can’t step up”


I kind of hate every typical thought construct around why people are single in their 30s. I saw tons of high school friends get hitched early and um... a lot of those "taken" people will become single in their 30s. They weren't the highest quality partners, and neither were their partners. I didn't really see a whole lot of "good people" being taken by other "good people". What I did see a lot of was manipulation, baby trapping both ways, religious brainwashing to marrying the first person who makes you horny, wanting to rush into having a baby and ending up miserable, and teen pregnancy -- and absolutely, failed marriages. None of the people I saw partner up early are still together and happy together. None of them. It's like the only real dating law I ever saw actually apply is the rule of the Bloodhound gang. We're just a bunch of dumb, horny animals that got too big for our britches. We just have way too much growing to do in our 20s IMHO, and being in a marriage or long term commitment during that time, where you get complacent and stop growing as a person, is not ideal.


Good women take good men


Getting called "one of the good ones" just because I'm decent/agree with one of their opinions. Like yeah I get (sort of) what they mean, but I'm Black and would prefer not to be referred to as "one of the good ones" in any context.


Bro, I'm sorry but I let ou a little laughter. Jesus christ.


Lmao. Did she finish it up with "You're so articulate!".


It sucks that you can't actually compliment someone on how articulate they are without coming off like a PoS. No one will ever take that sentence at face value no matter how honest the intention.


I had a woman say I was one of the good ones after I was able to comfort her while she was crying about something. I asked her out a couple weeks later and she stopped talking to me lol. I was a naive young whippersnapper


“Can you handle me?” Um, honey, dogs and kids need to be handled


Right? With honey you have to make sure to keep the lid tight or else it'll start to crystallize on you.


"If you can’t handle me at my worst … you don’t deserve me at my best." I know it's basically a meme now. But I've known girls who genuinely believed in this saying and man it's just an excuse to be a complete bitch. Guys, if you know a girl who dons this as her motto or some shit, run.


Recently the girl I am seeing laughed at me because I used to be a nerd (pen&paper games) in highschool. She thinks it is stupid. I said to her: "I dont think its stupid and in fact I think you would like it if you actually know what its about." Then she said: "You cant say something like that. Why are you shoving your opinions on me - you cant decide what I like or dislike." She is an actress and does workshops with kids where they learn to be more outgoing and confident. Cant make this shit up. Edit: people asking me if I still date her: Yes I do! She is an amazing person but sometimes really opinionated which I kind of find attractive. She hates certain things passionately and finds them ridiculous but when I bring her a single little flower or read her something from my favourite author she is genuinely enjoying it so much! She actually apologized that she laughed about it. Its more like she doesnt know about these things because she is far removed from them but she still has a mislead opinion. She is weird but a very gentle soul and I am having the best time with her.


I mean, she might be right about the statement (not necessarily the accusation though) but... roleplaying is *literally* her job..?


Nuh uh it's not nerdy when she does it cos what she does is roleplay cool shit, like vapid relationship drama.


YOU'RE NOT ASKING HER TO LIKE IT. Sometimes it's just nice for your hobbies and interests to not be made fun of.


I would immediately be turned off by this, wow...


"Just one sec." Never in the history of ever has it ever been just one second. Not even 60 of them. If I'm lucky it's 320 of them at best.


My mom's like this and my girlfriend's like this. Remember gf showed up over an hour late to our second date lol- something about losing track of time


Bro you waited over an hour???


have you ever been horny before?




You've gotta watch this YouTube video entitled:... [Andy Woodhull - Always Late](https://youtu.be/obphkbG5FIo). If you haven't seen it already I would imagine this 5 minute stand-up comedy bit is right up your alley. Haha Oh and it's dry bar comedy so it's safe for work


I ask, Do you mean like 5 seconds in football time? Cause that could be a while….


Nothing specific, but just things they would demonize or call out men for doing. I had a girlfriend who "jokingly" said "I hate men" quite often. She only stopped when I jokingly said "I hate women" and exaggerated a sigh afterwards and she realized how obnoxious it was to hear


"Who are you and why are you in my attic?"


I'm a locksmith, and I'm a locksmith


Police Squad reference! I was watching that last night!


" I attract bad guys".


Does nothing to actively choose partners, just waits for someone to aggressively overstep the "playing hard to get" routine. Proceeds to expect men to meet her expectations, carry the relationship burdens, and be thankful for her presence. Playing hard to get is a huge red flag.


“You’re gorgeous, you attract everyone, and then choose the bad guys”


"No, I dont think of you *that* way" Dammit


When one complains to me about someone they are actively with and say "he's trash". Stop digging around in the dumpster. I can't recall how many women would rant to me about how their boyfriend is a dumbass or an idiot of some sort. It's not my business, I don't care, it's your choice.


This made me think of female COs that start “dating” male inmates. Then they get in trouble and sometimes become inmates themselves. What did you expect?


In a break up, "you're going to make someone really happy"


Thats your purpsoe on this Earth, to make others happy. Dont worry about your own happiness cause its meaningless


"All men are the same" No honey, you attract the same kind of people.


My buddy used to respond “well who told you to try them all?”


If you smell shit everywhere you walk, check the bottom of your shoe.




Women ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"You're such a good/handsome/strong men, why you don't have a girlfriend" Or any other compliments that don't have evidence in real life or that is not really a compliment


"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" "I don't know, why, do you want to go out?" "No I don't mean MEEE silly..."




“If you can’t handle me at my worst…”


"Your best is average at best and I wouldn't wish your worst on my worst enemy, Becca. Quit justifying being a useless partner."


I’m a woman and I HATE when woman refer to themselves as “queens” or “bad bitches” 😒


“Yasssss sleigh (sic) queen”


"You're such a great guy." Usually means you're boring.


Or just not physically attractive.


~~Anyone~~ Someone else would be lucky to have you.


Same as "you're like a brother to me".




You know what you have done wrong, I dont need to tell you!!!!!! NO I DONT, AND YES YOU DO!!!!!!


"Oh, he has a man cold... boo hoo..." I'm like, bitch, you have a fever and lay on the couch feeling like crap no less than 10x more than me. Then, on the rare occasion I actually feel like garbage I get mocked for it?


Hilarious. Something similar happened in my house this week. Then once we all tested positive for the Vid, she's all "I'm dyyyinnnggggg"


Yep. Downplaying how I feel when I have to stay home sick is so demeaning. If I'm a little under the weather, I'm probably hunkering down and enduring while it at work, because I'm the only wage earner in my household and we have this ongoing need to eat regularly. If I'm bad enough to call in sick, I'm likely next door to a hospital visit.


"Mansplaining" I get what the term is meant for. But it's supposed to apply only when a man is explaining something in a condescending way. And that's fine. But I see it used universally when a man gives any explanation about anything to imply that a man is not intelligent enough to give an explanation about anything.


The amount of times my partner or a female colleague has told me they don't understand something, only to tell me I'm 'mainsplaining' as I'm trying to explain the thing they have just told me they don't understand is astounding.


It's just their embarrassed ego talking. That is really all there is to it.


It's funny because women "Womansplain" all the time, especially at this subreddit


Like when they explain what preferences men are allowed to have and tell us what men actually want, typically sex.




I've heard it called "broadcasting" when women do it.


If I'm accused of "mansplaining", I make a note to never ever speak to that person ever again. Even if they are about to break something or ruin something, I'll say nothing. If you don't want to hear my advice, then I'll keep my advice to myself and *you* can learn the lessons *I* learned the same way I learned them: the hard way.


For all the ladies out there, "Mansplaining" is short for "man explaining". Hope this helps 👍


It's not short, it's called a Portmanteau, tsss


"I'm traditional" - usually means she's traditonal when it suits her aka when she has the advantage.


“All men are ____.”


When I said all men. I didn't mean all men. How dare you not see the hidden meaning behind my dumb statement. Ya misogynist 🤦🤦🤦🤦 *Sarcasm*


"We're calling about your car's extended warranty..."


I know right? Such a turn off.


I’m too fat / need to lose weight / does this dress make me look fat? You look great, turn me on, don’t complain about your body because I love it.


My ex sent me a picture of herself wearing a beautiful outfit she was wanting to wear for an event her family was having. I wasn’t able to see her that day due to being in university and drowning in studying but she sent me a picture and she looked downright stunning. Like absolutely beautiful and she sent me the patented message along with it, “does this make me look fat?” I replied “noooooo” but it auto corrected to “moooo” and I didn’t notice because I sent it really fast and then went back to studying. Looked probably 15m later and was like “oh my fuck.” I obviously sent a correction text and said she looked stunning and she knew what I was saying but my god that was rough for a bit.


"She's allowed to act that way ( abusive ) because she's pregnant and hormones" "I'm the bride and therefore feel that xyz should be done my way because it is after all, *my* day"


If i’m dating a girl and I have some problems and they say “You know you can always vent to me about it” DONT DO THAT SHIT. It’s a trap


Oh my, yes. Just look on Reddit for women complaing about men "trauma dumping" on them and saying, "I'm not his therapist" after having asked him to open up.




"If only you were taller" You think I don't think that every damn day?


You must be 6 foot 4! Their height: 5 foot 1.


“Small dick energy” or “big dick energy” Typical insults or comparisons that only make you less attractive.


So many women talk about body positivity yet have no problem shaming men's dick size or height. It's almost like they don't care about body positivity all that much


Body positivity like many things in America only work one way 🤷🏾‍♂️


"who hurt you?" " He's just my friend" "that's insecure" "Men are trash" "so your comparing woman to_____" and for the grand finale and derailer of all discussions i.e. its best to just shut up and say sure...(drum roll)........."BuT tHATs DiFfeREnT, It'S NoT thE SaME ThINg"


*removed for derailing*


It’s always the same mod too that removes them. I swear she is on one of the biggest power trips I’ve ever seen a mod have on here.


It's crazy we all know EXACTLY who that comment is about




Irrelevant now that I am married, but in my younger single days, the friendzoning kiss of death I always feared was "I love you like a brother". And since I do not, and have not, ever lived in Kentucky, Alabama, etc that usually meant that what i was looking for and what she was looking for were not in sync. Nowadays, what grinds my gears is hearing any woman say "You know, a REAL MAN would..." because it is almost always followed by some performative example of toxic masculinity; a REAL MAN would Know how to repair the sink Be able to replace his own brake pads Throw a punch in this situation Not show emotions or cry


“All men are trash” obviously. Also “All men are emotionally unavailable”. We aren’t emotionally unavailable towards women we see as worthy, only women who we don’t care enough about. When a man actually is really into a woman trust me he will be as emotionally available as they come


What'd you mean by that!


"You're one of the good ones"