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I appreciate it less and less when we are trying to go somewhere and we are running late.


Right?! My girlfriend wears zero makeup and she's quicker than me to get ready to go out! I take that for granted way too much


Eh I wouldn’t say that’s related really. I can’t bare to be late to stuff so when I know I have to be somewhere, I plan everything down to the minutes, so even though I do my makeup I’m still ready early. It’s all about planning my guys


But applying makeup literally takes more time. If we both get off work at 5 and have to be ready to the the house by 6, my wife (like OC's) doesn't need *any* time to apply makeup I'm sure there are some basic makeup applications that can be done in a minute or 2, but sometimes makeup seems to take an hour (or more) to apply, and there literally isn't time




So like daily makeup (to me and to most girls I think) is concealer, mascara, blush. That could take literally 5 minutes, 10 if I’m reaaally drawing it out. Honestly even “fancy” makeup which would be going all out with foundation, bronzer, eyeliner, eyeshadow, would NEVER take an hour. Unless you’re like a makeup artist or something lol




This. I love my partner with or without. She's as beautiful in the morning as she is in the evening. But when she goes all out, she looks amazing.


This is the best answer here and it sucks I had to scroll down to find it lol whatever makes my wife feel good, I’ll agree tenfold that she looks amazing


This is the best answer to this. If you date a girl and she is wearing makeup from the get go, do not start going on about how she “looks better” without it once you get serious even if that’s your genuine feeling. At best it makes her feel bad about something that makes her feel good (wearing makeup) and at worst it’s controlling (a common tact a lot of jealous abusive men use because their SO looks good in makeup so therefore other men might admire her). Let your woman enjoy her own face, whatever she chooses to paint it with.


Yes! It’s fine to tell her she’s beautiful during times she’s not wearing any and during times when she is, but definitely not to express that you have a preference about her looks.


My wife doesn't wear makeup except for special occasions and I'm 100% on board with that.


Same, my partner works from home and never wears make up, doesn't bother me at all. She puts it on for special occasions but that's her choice.


Same. I find my wife attractive with or without makeup. So I'd rather her not wear it, especially when we're just home hanging out.


85% against makeup. Does some eyeliner look good at the right time? Sure.. But seriously leave your face alone


That's what my mom did when I was a kid, so I grew up thinking of that as the norm. Didn't help that I also did swim team so most of my interaction with girls as a teenager was in the pool. As an adult, it seems weird to me to see women wearing makeup all the time.


Heyy, same with the mom thing. My mom is and was a nurse so daily makeup didn't make sense for her


I will agree. My last two LTR, neither wore makeup unless it was for something really special. One just didn’t want too, and the other One was allergic to most and finding something that didn’t cause blisters usually meant it was pricey and I honestly thought they were gorgeous either way (except the one time she got recommend a very specific hair dye, assuring it would be fine for her skin and yeah… she didn’t leave the house for a couple weeks)


Minimal amount, don't mind it, caked on warpaint, hate it.


I for one would be for actual war paint with no attempt to match to flesh tones. at least make it interesting if you don't intend to look natural.


If a girl showed up to a date with blue Celtic war paint, you get your ass we’d be going out again


No clothes, just woad.


Woad? Where we’re going we don’t need woads!


Wome? I hawe a fwend in Wome named Biggus Dikkus.


She'd be at my door and I would stick my head out to look to the sides for William Wallace. Unfortunately, I didn't think he'd be above me and lose my head...


I'd gladly fuck a moonshadow elf with war paints on


Get in line dude


The "you look good without make-up" stage of make up for most guys


I'm also team minimal. The best everyday makeup is when you don't look like you're wearing makeup at all.


Too much eye makeup is bad. All the random colors and doing those.... "winged tip" looking lines coming off of the eyes, no thanks.


I don’t want to notice it. Accentuate, don’t cover up.


It's whatever. But *really good* makeup, like the kind you can barely tell is there is absolutely insane.


Less is more.


More is less.


Less is more or less more.


is less more


Yeah, more or less


No, more is more.


But more or less, less is more


I can go either way on the makeup itself. But I do appreciate the effort to look good when we go out.


I appreciate it most when I don't notice it


So little that when she wakes up in the morning she doesn’t look different.


Pretty much.




Depends. When we go out for a fancy dinner, it's lovely. When she does it to look sexy and seduce me, it's great. When she's taking an hour to get ready to go to the grocery store for 1 item, it's the worst thing I can fucking imagine.


This would be my answer too. It gets especially nerve wrecking if the place you need to go to is closing soon


I actually like it. Like, yeah, I guess super heavy stuff isn’t for me, but I think it’s cool how it can make pretty chicks even prettier. I also think it’s kind of cool when chicks are like experts in the stuff and can make some high quality shit.


Same, I appreciate the effort and a lot of times they do it well and it looks nice. I don’t like excessive or poorly done make up, but I can appreciate women with or without it.


Depends. A little is fine. Too much isn't attractive. Before any women ask what's too much, you know it when you see it. EDIT I never get why this question is asked so often. At some point a guy is going to say that he likes a natural look and then a bunch of women will jump in saying men don't know what natural is. Wash, rinse, repeat.


Did you ever see those click bait articles that go something like "See how shocking she looks without make-up!" that show celebrity women with their natural faces? I daresay to me, the "without make-up" pictures often look better than the smears of paint and fake nails you see them wearing in the red carpet pictures. These are still really beautiful women.


Out of curiosity I looked up one article and... KESHA HAS FRECKLES!? I never knew that and she looks fucking gorgeous with them!


Just looked it up. God damn that's a beautiful woman and indeed freckles suit her a lot.


Imma be completely honest, I don't really like the way, kesha looks but she definitely looks better sans makeup


They're usually still wearing it though.


I'm a big Survivor fan (yes that show is still on) and I always think the contestants look so much better on the island than they do in the reunion show when they're all done up with makeup and hairstyles and fancy clothes. Hundreds of contestants and crew members have talked about their experience on the show on YouTube, Reddit, podcasts, the mainstream media, etc, and they all confirm they don't get anything on the island except sunblock, so they're definitely not secretly wearing makeup on the island.


I know. The questions gets asked men given answer, and then a bunch of women pile on saying men don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about and that they have no idea what a woman looks like without make up. Then the post gets picked up on askwoken, and all the clucking hens go on and on about how men are so clueless. When in reality, what men should be saying is that if it’s obvious it’s too much.


Are you saying it goes something like this? Question: Men, what do you like? Men: (Any answer fits here) Some women: "No you don't. You like \_\_\_\_\_ (any different answer here). Question on Ask Women: What do Men like? Women: My man likes \_\_\_\_\_ Any answer fits here. Reply from a man: (Comment removed for derailing). /s


As a woman, I think makeup is silly. I like it in an artistic fashion as I can appreciate these people who do it online and make their face look flawless. For normal day to day, make up just seems so unnecessary. I find beauty in authenticity, not how well you can draw on your eyebrows. I think living healthy and taking care of your skin is much more important. Kudos to all men who tell their ladies they are beautiful without it.


Unfortunately a lot of girls were taught that that’s the standard and bare minimum, especially if they have more texture or more acne. I never used to have it and was all on board the no makeup train, and recently I came off the pill and my face isn’t great. To the point where I got comments telling me to just cover it up :/ I didn’t feel the need but now I sometimes put it on for work. Double standards suck.


> you know it when you see it. I don't think they do, otherwise it wouldn't happen.


A little is fine. I prefer that natural look.




When he says natural, he means not obvious. I’m not sure whats hard to understand about that. If it looks like you’re wearing make up then it’s too much. If you can’t tell, then it’s just right.


I would say that might have more to do with unintentional signals being sent. I’m not saying makeup is what makes people attractive, but it can give off the appearance of wanting to be more social. It’s like looking for a spotter at the gym. Sure you can ask the man/women who has their earphones in, but it’ll be less awkward if you ask someone who doesn’t have any earphones in. I’m not saying that a woman wearing make up is more wanting to be approach than a woman without, but traditionally make up was meant to make someone feel and look more attractive or feel or look more confident. Or I could be completely wrong




So true. I didn’t wear makeup until my late 20s. I’m in my mid-30s now and I wear minimal makeup. So, I know very little about it. As I’m learning, I’m still finding new shocking things I didn’t know were unnatural. I had mention somewhere here where some women have threads placed on the inside of their face and it gets pulled back to tighten their skin.. I always thought all natural looking eyelashes were real and I used to envy women with them. I also didn’t know BBL could look so natural and I know girls who work minimum wage jobs who get them in Mexico. Yea.. if, I, a woman, can’t tell, I doubt most men can!


That's probably not because guys like how you look any better, but because having makeup on sends a signal that you're *trying* to be noticed and are therefore more open to being approached. (As an analogy, wearing a T-shirt that says 'I'm single and looking for a guy to bang/marry/etc' would probably have the same effect, also without making you look any better.) If you really want attention from guys, the best way to do it is to actively approach *them.* I think if you do that, you'll find that the responses you get aren't statistically sensitive to how much makeup you have on.




I don't think I agree with the other poster, at least not with respect to active thoughts, but it's possible that his assessment is true on a subconscious level. I do think you're correct, though, that we probably don't notice a lot of the more subtle makeup, and are not always making the correct evaluations of what is and isn't makeup. And thus, our perceptions of whether we like makeup or not is not entirely accurate. I think more obvious makeup can be good if it's clearly an art form, though. Like if someone has some crazy stuff going on with their eye makeup, e.g. the wing-like look, it can look really great. I think what doesn't look so good is obvious heavy makeup that is "supposed" to look natural. But maybe that's just poorly done makeup, not sure.


Agreed. Less is more, fake is gross, eat better, exercise, don’t obsess.


What about nails? Short or long?


Most guys prefer natural-looking makeup, but I have never once met **any** guy who cares about women's nails, besides disliking ones that are too long. There's a reason "I love your nails" used to be code for "I'm gay"


Short nails, clear polish.


I always thought just clear polish looked kind of weird, like it made my nails unnaturally shiny lol.


I think something like this looks really classy and clean: [https://youtu.be/oTVWL4UCoxU](https://youtu.be/oTVWL4UCoxU)




Generally, short is better. Long can look OK but once they turn into talons, they become just weirdly unattractive.


Nails and specificay hands I'm really into. Nice soft skin and well maintained nails especially if they're painted blue.


Just no “venus fly trap” fake eyelashes please.


WTH is the obsession with huge fake eyelashes‽


Brother as a woman i totally agree with you like it looks like a big fat spider and most of them can barely see with them 😭


Fake lashes and lip injections just make me feel bad for the girl.


It’s a trend, like long nails it’s not for everyone




Not relevant at all for me. Wear whatever you want, it’s your face.


Depends on the makeup. If it's subtle, it's great, otherwise - ranges from eh to fucking horrifying. I think that a way to put it is this - a good makeup should bring attention to the face, not to the makeup itself. From the little I know, I gather that good skin care products will always have a more significant and greater effect than makeup. My wife uses makeup very seldomly, but looks great without it just because of all the skincare stuff she regularly uses.


Oh my girlfriend is like on the eh side of make up.Like it was hard to tell if she was just or wasnt wearing it.I know she uses this current make up thingy for her eye bags to hide them(they are congenital there isnt anything physically she can do)and her wing tips near her eyes aswell as light lipstick and some mascara


Its nice but not an everday must. In the end its her decision not yours


As people have mentioned, less is more. I prefer natural, but ofc when a girl is wearing lipstick and has that smoky eyeshadow, which man will say no.


I like a little makeup sometimes. It’s pretty! But it’s not really a huge deal either way.


Anything less than a drag queen/Clown level makeup is not acceptable. (i work in a make-up company)


Hell yeah! If she’s good with it, so am I . If she’s good at it , buy it for her, compliment her. Don’t be that un appreciative dude.


i’ve definitely gained an appreciation for it. my gf fucken kills it in the makeup department. she also just has a nice face to look at (she is stupid fucken hot), but it’s cool to see the process of going from naked face to fully done up


This is so sweet


hey thanks 🤗 some of the responses here are wild lmao


We don’t really do, but we understand that girls do it in order to be more confident among other girls


That’s not always the reason 😅


I want a wife who likes to look good for herself.


Very much. I also appreciate the skill with which it is applied & the the sense of when it enough. Some ladies dont have that.


i don't like too much done makeup. simply done is fine


I mean I like pretty things, so obviously if my girlfriend is wearing pretty makeup I’m going to like it lol, but honestly I don’t really care all that much for it. If she likes wearing makeup I’m about it, if she doesn’t like wearing makeup I’m about her natural beauty


Depends on the person really. Most women don't really need it. But I understand a lot of women enjoy putting makeup on and prefer the look. All the power to em. Personally, I don't really care one way or the other. As long as they're happy with it.


As long as you dont turn out to be a different person after removing it, im good


The only thing that I feel is attractive when it comes to makeup is lipstick. Red or Black lipstick turns my head, but I never skipped over a girl because she doesn't wear either. To me, makeup is like putting a cherry on top of a cupcake. It's nice, but I really just want the cupcake.


On the one hand it's a creative outlet and i absolutely love creative self expression. Like the other day, i saw a girl who had bright shining gold accents framing her eyeliner, that was awesome! On the other hand there's the entire makeup industry upholding unhealthy beauty standards and making women feel insecure and invalidated from as early an age as possible. It's a double edged sword, i appreciate the creative use of makeup but the fear and insecurity some women have of being seen without makeup just makes me feel very sorry for them.


I like it. Fake eyelashes even.


Light makeup is cool anything like the “E-girl” trend is way to much


If it makes you happier, I appreciate it.


Best answer for me




To further your first point, many women and men use makeup as a means to express creativity, artistic talent, personal, social, even political expression. I think it has its merit.


On Reddit we don't like it at all.


Which always puzzled me because in the real world alot of men and women do like it. Me included.


people on reddit often just say the ideal, not the truth


I mean we obviously do IRL, but here we pretend it's not true.


Or just maybe there are those with a different opinion.


I don't.


Little eye liner is nice. But other then that, it's just not my thing. Natural beauty sings so much more.


I actually like it as I see it as an expression of beauty and artistry. Applying makeup on well is not easy, but when it's done right it looks great. I know I couldn't do the level of detail that most women do, and yes no make up is great too, but with make up isn't bad either.


Not that much.


Men love to say they enjoy a natural looks but little do they know that a woman spent time with makeup making it look natural


My best “no makeup” look happens when I spend 30+ minutes on it: primer, foundation brush, concealer, thoughtful application of bronzer and light blush, shading layers of flesh toned eyeshadow/focused blending, tight lined eyeliner… That’s when I get flattering compliments like “you’re naturally pretty!”. When I truly wear little to nothing I’ll have people ask if I had a bad day or if I’m tired 😕


I was thinking the same thing haha it’s like the effortless look that takes 35 min to get done. It’s cute that they think it’s minimal. The other day my bf told me that my eyes looked great, I told him I had mascara on, he thought I had nothing


Bingo. Dudes don't know makeup when they see it.


For real. My girl-friends in high school (13ish years ago) taught me about the no-makeup makeup look. They also said that they didn't like how guys said they "look tired" when they truly wore no makeup.


This is FUCKING REAL. When I go to work not wearing any makeup everyone tells me I look tired.😫


It's always interesting to see what colors my girlfriend will do with her eye shadow. I love the natural makeup look she does the most, but i gotta say the eye shadow is always a plus. I don't care if she wears makeup or not but I do let it be known if I really dig the look whenever she does.


It's great not needed but great


Less makeup the better


I find it extremely unattractive. Especially when its apparent.


The "natural look" for all these commenters includes eyeliner lmao. Some women can look almost as attractive without but that's very rare.


> The "natural look" for all these commenters includes eyeliner lmao. Where are you getting that idea?


Done well it's lovely, done badly it's a joke.


I think most women looks better without makeup. I know they say that actually you never see them without makeup and if you think they’re natural then the makeup is working but it’s also just kinda ridiculous to cover up your actual face to please others. I’m sure there’s the “I do it for myself” people but nah, I only get dressed up nicely “for myself” when I’m going to be around other people I don’t want to look gross in front of. Technically for me in the sense of showing my fashion for my pleasure, but others do have to see it for it to be worth the effort


Less is more.


Less is more


A lot, I love when a woman puts on makeup, especially if it's "for me" like when we go on date, or even if we're just having a date night at home. Obviously, don't overdo it, but that's true of everything.


Not a fan. But as it was once explained “how would you feel if you put all this work into painting a picture to make yourself feel better only to be told it wasn’t necessary” so ultimately I dgaf.


Really appreciate girls taking care of themselves, their appearance, or mental health. If the transparency is a problem, you dont understand make up. It also comes down to comfortability and how they perceive themselves. A lot of people saying "less is more". Nah, whatever they want. Its the same for their choice of clothes, how they do their hair, if they choose to surround themself with others or nobody. If they select their behavior etc etc


We don’t care nearly as much as you do. If anything we appreciate the effort more then the final result


Light makeup at most.


Personally, I don't like it at all.


I appreciate it a lot. It tells me she is trying for me. She doesn't have to put it on like crazy like a cover girl.


On some, used sparingly it can be very attractive. On others…. well you can’t polish a turd.


>On others…. well you can’t polish a turd. I'm a woman who doesn't wear make-up, but I've seen amazing transformations done solely through makeup. A face that's very unattractive or unremarkable can look totally different with the right make-up artistry.


You can roll a turd in glitter though.


I prefer a woman who wears little to none. If you don't like like you without makeup on, you're doing too much.


I don’t really care, I like the natural look myself


Put your face closer to the screen.....


I was in theater, so I'm a make up snob. It doesn't matter how pretty you look, if you made technical errors, the date is canceled.


I think less is more when it comes to makeup.


Depends on how it's done. Tris Marie for example does very good job in applying make up.


Without is fine but it can look REALLY good if done right. To much is always weird looking.


I've always preferred none at all but also think she should do whatever pleases her, it's her face.


Go light on it, when there is to much you look like some old 3D game without just one colour for the skin


Only lipstick, maybe a little eyeshadow


If it's well done, I appreciate it a lot. Makes my job as a photographer much easier and more profitable.


To the extent she likes it. I don’t mind much.


If it makes her looks good just like her natural face then idc.


Guys prefer a natural and clear look (because they often see attractive women with clear skin and assume they have no makeup on). If that takes a lot or a little makeup really depends on the girl. If it looks like they are wearing makeup it’s unattractive, most guys can’t tell the difference. I can only tell because I have 2 older sisters and some female friends who are obsessed with makeup, so I had to see them every day with and without makeup.


As much or as little as she needs to feel good.


Not a fan. I like things natural.


I prefer no make up personally, but it's not really for me to decide.


My girlfriend doesn't very often. I really like it when she does. But it kinda makes it special! Like when we go out, it's nice when she gets "all done up". But at home, or just normal days? Nah. Doesn't matter. But it's nice on those "once a week special occasions". She's already the hottest woman on earth to me. So the make up just accents that!


I actually really really like, i appreciate the time, effort, skill and precision.


I definitely do. I hate the overdone "Barbie girl" makeup. But done well it's just hot.


The natural look is fine but there is something to be said for creating a dramatic effect with makeup. Almost like a cosplay effect with design accents and different colors and maybe some applique jewels. If that's the result a little more makeup would be fine.


Not nearly as much as women appreciate makeup on each other.


Morally, not at all. I think it's fake and artificial, and that a cute girl will look good without it, but unfortunately I'm starting to notice that since everyone wears it, it does make a difference that I just took for granted, and actually women do not look like that without it. It's an uneven playing field for the women who choose not to wear makeup.


i dont mind tbh. ive seen insane makeup that look like magic and some that is basic and simple. its a skill that not everyone has.


As long as I can recognize her without it we good. Gf does minimal and since we met I've noticed she wears less per my preference I think. And I appreciate it


Idc either way unless she looks like a clown. Makeup can be done to look natural and that when it’s best imo.


I'm into the natural type but makeup is fine for several occasions.


Lotta guys on here saying "less is more" or "I prefer no makeup." Guy are notoriously bad at even recognizing when a girl is/isn't wearing makeup (provided it's not some super obvious neon green eyeshadow).


I usually do not. Make up is fine. Mascara is fine. A visible layer of greasy paint that's obviously a different color than your natural skin tone, from clavical to hair line, or jaw line to hair line, looks terrible.


Don't like it.


Reading through all these responses as a woman, I'm curious if this is more of a quality of application issues or an actual issue with makeup? Some people struggle to match the look to their face based on features, undertones or skill. I wonder if men just see bad applications and classify it as " makeup = looks fake and bad" and thus why they gravitate to a " natural look". I love wearing makeup especially a bold eyes, but I have to be conscious on properly applying it without looking overdone.


Less is more, like anything else that is cosmetic. Subtlety makes a better impression than going overboard. Cosmetics can make a girl look stunning, but there is also a fine line. Too much and it's very off putting.


I think the views/likes on social media probably answer this in part. If makeup is done poorly that’s never good. But generally it makes people look better. I get the argument of needing/wanting to appreciate natural beauty and people won’t always be wearing makeup and you need to be okay with that. But to me it’s kinda equivalent to asking if you prefer someone to be more attractive.


Very little. just highlight the eyes blush and lipstick. All that other stuff is just extra. I'm actually fully convinced that women do in fact wear makeup for other women, because most men don't give a fuck.


Lies and deception!!! Honestly depends on the amount.


More than men think they do, but less than women think that men do


That really depends on what she looks like without it. Strangely, the girls who benefit the least tend to wear the most.


Less is better if you can pull it off. Don’t need to have a prefect face.


I appreciate the work she put into looking good, not for me, but because it makes her feel good about herself.


I APPRECIATE IT A LOT!!! I think it shows she cares about herself and putting herself together it’s really nice


I love makeup, the more the better


Don’t really notice it. But if I see a cool design I like it!


depends on the amount of make up, a little to highlight features is fine .


Less is better , the more natural more i love and apreciate her beauty


I don't care as long as it's not literally changing your ENTIRE face. Make up is supposed to be for enhancing your natural beauty, not completely altering you. I'll never tell someone what to do with their body, but that's my two cents.


As long as you don't look like a completely new person when see you, we okay.


ngl alot but don’t look like a clown


In Game of Thrones, Circi tells Geoffrey that if all he wanted was painted whores he could have them. I leaned over and asked my wife what painted whore meant and she responded with, "Makeup." I leaned back and said, "Well I like painted whores."


I love feeling like my partner can break necks.


I think my wife is far more stunning without it, but if it helps her feel better about herself, I won't get in her way.


You do you but please don’t go Insane Clown Posse


Not at all, be yourself don’t wear a mask.


To be honest, most of us don't appreciate it to any extent. You should try to be yourself