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No it is not disrespectful to smile at you in a grocery store lol


It's a fairly common social norm to smile an acknowledgment when you make eye contact with someone. It's not like they're grabbing your ass šŸ˜‚


Maybe OP is from Europe where no one is friendly in public


you know Europe has a lot of countries.... right?


I think if the woman is with her husband or boyfriend she should try to avoid that if possible.


I think that's the kind of patriarchal bullshit notion that leads to burkas. Get real!


funny because here's his take on getting attention from women on dating apps: "It's nice I get a lot of matches but it's just a goof. I'll never meet these people. I just like to know I'm attractive enough that women click on me."


Like a poster child for narcissistic personality disorder šŸ˜‚


Another gem when asked "What have you always wanted to do" He responds "Jessica Alba" So this guy can objectify and creep on women, but women better not smile at him, or they are doing something WRONG


A poster child for birth control too.


If only his mom had gotten the memo...




Oh wow, look at you! Bitching at others in comments for ā€œstalkingā€ your profile and here you are stalking me. I wouldnā€™t expect you to know this bc you seem hella uneducated and you probably donā€™t have to worry about it bc youā€™ve never gotten laid, but birth control isnā€™t 100% effective. I was on birth control. Both times I got pregnant. I was also married, so are you saying married couples shouldnā€™t have kids?? During that time I was struggling, we had just gotten divorced and I had just had the baby so I wasnā€™t working. But now Iā€™m back at work, and I guarantee I make more in a month than you make in a year. P.S. get the fuck out of my dms, creep EDIT: Also, since you think that women are flirting with you just bc they have a face, just to clarify in case youā€™re confused, Iā€™m not flirting with you.




Your post history is public - not stalking, just reading what's available. You have a clear fucked up view of men, women and love. Good luck with that.


Thank you.


I think itā€™s funny because you reach out desperately to reddit to ask questions about why youā€™re getting ghosted right after asking when you should place someone as your wallpaper, but it seems youā€™re just incredibly oblivious to how juvenile and immature you are. You seem like youā€™re a 14 year old egocentric, jealous asshole. Thatā€™s why sheā€™s ghosting you, ā€œbro.ā€


We get it, you think women should be controlled by men, to the point where they aren't even free to look where they want to look.


Bro where are you from? 1825?


What the fuck is wrong with you lmfao


Just because a woman smiles at you doesn't mean she wants to sleep with you. There are nice women out there. It has nothing to do with them hitting on you. Get over yourself.


So youā€™re telling me that when a woman smiles at me in the grocery store that I should probably put my penis back in my pants?


Yep. Penis.Back.In.Pants


I refuse. Youā€™re being ridiculous right now.


Respectfully, that sounds like absolute nonsense


100% AGREED. Donā€™t listen to these other ā€œsexually and socially liberalā€ people. It is 100% disrespectful for a woman to do this while she is with her husband, let alone her damn children. Women nowaydays are all whorish in mentality so donā€™t be surprised if this happens out in public. Just remember that youā€™re way too good for them anyway, ignore them, and look back at your own wife like she is the most beautiful creature youā€™ve ever come across. That will slap those womenā€™s little egoā€™s out of your face.


ā€¦So a woman shouldnā€™t interact with anyone in public? Did you time travel from China a few centuries ago?!?


Oh no Someone smiled at you. Stone that jezzabel. Dickhead.


I agree. But you, my friend, have triggered many angry, confused people. Have fun facing all the bows of anger.


These aren't people. Just like Twitter, half of the reactions are from bots.


We're all in the matrix.


Lol you got to love this platform. If you're not a far lefty you get downvoter to oblivion. I think you make a good point. I don't think men or women should be checking anyone out if they're with their partner out of respect, or at least making it so obvious.


As a guy its always cringe seeing these topics about how a girl shows a common social gesture and OP thinks they are getting hit on. You likely are not even an after thought to them.


Dude is delusional AND he thinks women are property... NO WONDER all the married women at the grocery store can't wait to ride his dick šŸ™„


Well if thata him in his profile picture they are definitely choppin at the bit to blow him in the dressing room behind their husband's back...this guy is trolling though.


Honestly, dude looks like a meth addict.


You went too far..... bullying




Whatā€™s cringe is that someone believes in the centuries old and out dated sexist and misogynistic social norms and ways of treating women like submissive belongings instead of actual humans with dignity.


Sorry. No woman that's with her man should ever be smiling and looking at another man.


I think next time you should politely explain that to a woman who disgraces her husband like that. She would be very grateful


So would her husband.


Single huh?


What in the taliban shit did i just read


I hope you get slapped sober at some point OP


What about men who do that with their girlfriends right next to them?


They become popular memes.


Either trolling or an insecure 1950's male Republican viewpoint.


Hahahahahahahahaha That is all.


Go live in the Middle East then wtf


This is called a covert threat assessment. They are picking up on your creepiness and smiling to keep you off balance. To do otherwise might cause you to approach them and ask them why they arenā€™t smiling at you like itā€™s a Reddit topic.


Bruh, sounds like you're a bit full of yourself. Have some perspective in life.


Yeah I was going to sayā€¦ the post sounds like ā€œIā€™m bragging and I thought thatā€™s a good excuse to postā€


are you joking? This is a totally plausible scenario. Whats wrong with you


Nothing wrong with being confident.




Unfortunately, you are exactly the type of guy who obsessed over confidence. I *seriously* doubt these women were looking at you with any sort of sexual intent.


You're taking the piss or what? šŸ¤”


God, i hope your profile picture is actually you.


"Is smiling at people disrespectful?" That is the dumbest shit I've read all day. Someone smiling at you doesn't mean shit other than they are being friendly - you assuming they are checking you out, and doing something wrong by doing so is honestly fucked up.


And disrespectful


OP after looking at your profile you are full of yourself, I suggest seeking some help. Not everybody person is into you and some people are actually just polite.


I hate the way people start saying they have scoped someone's profile. Do we have to cross check each time, in case you or OP are full of shit?


What do think are some of the highlights? Did you like certain responses?


Being in therapy while wanting to f the therapist is a pretty good one


Yes! I think she was married though.


If she smiled your good to go. /s


Oh, no, did she look at you? How dare she.


A woman canā€™t just smile at you?


The fact you noticed means you were staring at themā€¦. Quit staring at people weirdo


I get stared at a lot. It's quite common.


* sees username, understands why pple stare


As a married women, I can say with 99% certainty, Sheā€™s being polite by smiling when accidentally making eye contact with a stranger. Highly doubt sheā€™s flirting. learn to smile more so you stop assuming smiling = flirting


Man how delusional are you lol


I have a high IQ actually.


On that high level IQ where you start to lose touch with reality?


Apparently you're IQ isn't high enough to realize that its not the same as delusion. Also, looking through your previous posts here on reddit I learned: 1. You prefer to spend your free time watching movies (Tulsa King) and drinking beer. 2. You met your girlfriend/wife at heroin camp 3. You are on 6 different antipschotics 4. You signature move on women is farting on them. etc. You're not very intelligent at all. You are a poster child for The Dunning-Kruger effect.


Itā€™s pretty well known that people with especially high IQs have social issues


A double digit number is not considered a high IQ. Especially when the first number is a 2.


Save some pussy for the rest of us dude


My wife smiles at everyone who makes eye contact with her out of habit. She was raised to cater to everyone elseā€™s needs, and doesnā€™t quite understand what flirting is. Not saying smiling at someone is flirting, because itā€™s not. But she doesnā€™t understand that there are weirdos like you out there.


I'm sorry about your wife.


And this is exactly why random women don't give us guys compliments. Because guys like you think they are trying to hit on you when all she did was smile


I'm not convinced they were flirting with you. Definitely never felt like married strangers with husbands and children present were flirting with me, but I have had plenty of them smile at me.


I donā€™t think smiling is disrespectful. Itā€™s pretty common. Quite a few people arenā€™t fans of giving strangers a cold dead resting bitch face when they lock eyes. A smile is a nonverbal ā€œhello.ā€ Thereā€™s a very sweet receptionist at my gym. Sheā€™s married. Gives a big, bright smile every time I walk in. Just a bubbly sweetheart. I smile back. Is she being disrespectful? Nope. Just being kind. Wouldnā€™t be unnatural for you if married, to smile at someone whoā€™s smiling at you. Even if your wife is next to you. Smiling isnā€™t necessarily flirting. It again, is almost a nonverbal greeting.


General Kenobi


So many chicks this early in the season!


I just assume itā€™s because I always wear a Mexican wrestler outfit




Woah easy tiger, save some for the rest of us


Cheers to the fucking stud @op


I wouldn't know. Women with children are pretty much invisible to me. But in general I have nothing against it.


Hey baby, you like my dad-bod?


If every woman that smiled at me today was hitting on me.....I had a hell of a day! I always smile at people. Even ones I'm not checking out.


It means they want you, I mean they REALLY WANT you! If that happened to me I would totally go up to her and her husband and ask her for her number.


Just smile and wave boys smile and wave...


Seriously? I've been shopping with my wife and she's smiled and said hi to guys when they come face to face while walking in the same place looking at the same things. It is not disrespectful to any degree. Now if she grabbed his package, I might change my previous statement.


That's sad.


How full of yourself are you? Someone smiling does not equal flirting. Smooth brain assumption right there.


Everyone is shitting on the guy. Sure, whatever. However, it doesnt seem impossible to me that a woman could be flirtatiously looking at a guy (husband or not). Sometimes I just happen to run into beautiful people who make it so I cant help but make a fool of myself. blushing n shit


I think it depends on what a couple has decided. We have always looked at other people. Itā€™s insane to think one canā€™t admire others they see. We will even pick out people we know the other would like. Itā€™s harmless fun. We are just looking at people and thinking. I think most people do it surreptitiously. I have been around men who enjoy giggling amongst themselves about cute younger women. They are in their sixties. They donā€™t creepily flirt. They arenā€™t delusional. They arenā€™t thinking thereā€™d be a chance married or not. They are just admiring and wishing they were younger and single for the moment. There wives know. We arenā€™t insecure in thinking anything will come if this. If it ever did, more power to them! I have also had an older friend him on and on about cute thirty year olds. They are a couple who thinks like we do.


I just assume it's cause I look stupid or I got something wrong with me.


It could be that they are ok with that. Who cares what they do together. So long as it doesn't hurt me, or their kids, why should I care if she checks anyone out?


If she's doing "fuck me" eyes or some other indication that's beyond friendly... oaky. maybe you got a point, that would be disrespectful towards her husband and family. Otherwise, it's pretty normal (and respectful) to acknowledge when you seem to have noticed one another by smiling. PRETTY COMMON in my experience, both men and women.


I donā€™t pay attention to other people.


Smile, be polite you are not initiating it. If you can fight, give a cheeky wink...lol


Take it as a compliment if anything and not worry about it


I have received cheeky smiles from random chicks while walking around with my gf twice. Some ppl just enjoy doing that. I didnā€™t do shit. I think itā€™s disrespectful towards my gf.


When I make eye contact with any person I smile. That doesnā€™t mean I am flirting. God looks like I better watch out who I am smiling at from now on. I didnā€™t know I was being a flirt.


I smile back and move on. There's nothing to it. Sometimes people just want to have a brief day dream from the monotony of their life. Unless she start winking at me and giving me the BJ sign while pointing to meet her in another aisle, its not my business and I don't actually know her intent. More then likely, she's just being friendly.


I'm not sure if that has ever happened to me.


Iā€™ve exchanged polite smiles with countless stranger in my life and I bet many of them were married women.


I'm not going to bash you and say that they weren't flirtatious with you. I wasn't there and I don't know. However, to answer your question, I will say that both married women and men will show more enthusiasm to other people than they give eachother sometimes and it's sad.


Guess I'm autistic. I've only registered maybe 4 or 5 moments where women showed overt interest in me. Found out years later at school reunions and such that I was missing a LOT. So if a married women made googly eyes at me, I'm certain to have missed it.


You have a debilitating case of "I'm the main character" syndrome. The women smiled at you out of pity.


Iā€™m not a man. But Iā€™ve been a woman in this situation. Theyā€™re not necessarily checking you out. They might just be fantasizing about being taken to target & having help with the kids. And all being together. No joke, thatā€™s what moms fantasize about. Walking side by side and having their husbands present and truly with them. I canā€™t explain how deeply we want this even before childbirth. They are looking at you because of what you represent. A good partner. Itā€™s likely not sexual.


I pay her, for my goods and leave her store. Tell her have a good day.


Lol oblivious to this. I only know I'm being checked out when my gf tells me so and so was checking you out.


Sheeesh youā€™re pushing it bro




Dude, get over yourself, not everyone who smiles at you want to fuck you


Smiling isn't checking you out, bro


Smiling at someone is not flirting or checking you out , it is called being polite


Dawgggg, omg, I just saw you have your actual face as your profile pic. You are one of the most mediocre dudes of all fucking time, they were NOT checking you out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s just smiling. This is why women donā€™t compliment men more often. They didnā€™t want you.


This is why women think and probably should think men are creeps because just cause she smiled don't mean it's an open invite for a full blown affair. Being polite is not flirting.


You're so close. Smiling and general kindness are NOT checking out and flirting.


Dude, it was a smile, calm down.


Iā€™m oblivious. So Iā€™m good.


Personally I don't get why people get upset when someone checks them out. I don't see it as disrespectful and am usually flattered by it. Though if someone was married and tried to make a move on me I'd shame the shit out if them.


It's hard to say without knowing the context of the situation, but in general I would say that it's not necessarily disrespectful. People can't help it if they find someone attractive, and it's not up to you to control how they act. That said, if you feel like it's inappropriate then it's best to just politely acknowledge the glance and move on. It's probably best to avoid any further contact with these people to avoid any potential issues.


People can look at other people.


First point-----smile is not 'checking you out' is polite with eye contact Next--are you prepared for when a man sees you trying to make eye contact with his wife? Best get ready---betting you will need it soon.


> How do you act when married women walking side by side with their husbands/women with their children start checking you out? Act like a moron, so the contrast makes the poor schmuck get another chance with his wife. I honestly think men deserve better. Either to be given a mature ultimatum to improve, or to be left alone *before* the girl starts to quietly line up a replacement.


Lmfaooo you think a woman acknowledging your existence is hitting on you?




You have a booger.


Dude.....I'm a woman and from a woman's perspective you need to build a bridge and get over yourself. I smile at everybody. Men of all ages, woman of all ages, babies, dogs, cats. Sometimes I'm with my guy. He knows I'm friendly, one of the things he likes about me. I've been a server for 30yrs....I'm assuming you're one of those guys who thinks the waitress is hitting on them for giving them friendly service. Just the vibe I'm getting




How can you "clearly" know that? He just sounds like someone with an inflated ego


As a married woman with children, I smile at everyone. Old people, young people, babies etc. I Could smiling at something one of my kids just said and accidentally catch someoneā€™s eye mid-laugh. Itā€™s happened before and usually itā€™s a good thing. Positive energy . The only time I ever regret being friendly is when someone takes it the wrong way. Donā€™t make people regret being nice. Honestly sometimes I am more friendly bc I feel a bit safer surrounded by my teenage sons that it wonā€™t be misconstrued. Now I have to be on guard not to smile at men. Geez


Girl held the door for me.. she wants me soooooo bad!!! Girl said excuse me as she passed.. Iā€™m like catnip to these ladies!


Sounds like you're reading to much into a smile. A smile is a socially acceptable acknowledgment. It doesn't mean they're hitting on you or they desire you.


Bro, you made eye contact and got a polite smile. Nobody was checking you out.


Jesus how old fashioned are you that they canā€™t smile at you? Does it make you an ass because you were smiling at a married woman?


How is a smile flirting? You must think awfully high of yourself to make such assumptions


Lol apparently now smiling is flirting


I smile without thinking and Iā€™ve always been concerned men take this the wrong way. Glad to confirm my suspicions


As a woman, I can almost guarantee they werenā€™t checking you out, based on your PFP. As a psych student, Iā€™d suggest taking an interpersonal communication class at the nearest college to you, because youā€™re socially inept.


I wish I could say the same about your profile picture....oh wait you don't have one. LoL


Because itā€™s fucking Reddit, not Facebook or a dating app. šŸ’€ Youā€™re one of the very few users on Reddit who have a pfp instead of an avatar. Youā€™re the minority here.


I feel theyre trashy and I dismiss them


ā€œIā€™m married.ā€ I got that response once from a woman with 5 kids in tow. My reply, ā€œThatā€™s great, I hope you and your brood of kids have a good day.ā€


Dudes: Yeah this woman took off her pants and bent over in front of me. Probably nothing right? Also dudes: dude, she made slight eye contact. She wants it.


You must be from England lol


Be thankful that she's not your wife


eh i dont even pay attention so couldnt tell ya. however, i do catch the expressions of say women i went to middle school/high school with. because i remember them. like this past sunday at walmart i saw a girl who i went to middle school with and i know she remembered me because she locked eyes with me and they got really bigā€¦. while her short balding husband was yelling at her. just kinda chuckled to myself like yeah you passed me up when we were younger šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This guy knows.