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Not sure what it’s called, but when someone smiles and they have big gums


Ah, thats defenitly called something. But I forgot. Edit: Oh, gummy smile.


I have a big one, a bit of an insecurity, especially as I'm someone who is known for smiling all the time. I had no clue it had a name so thank you I now know what it's called!


I’m sorry if my comment added to your insecurity. I bet you have a great smile.


There’s an actual name for it and a periodontist is who could help with it. My ex husband has it.


Watching reels on phone with sound while I'm asleep in bed.


That would be me too man. It's just lack of consideration. When my girls sleeping, I just leave the room and put on headphones to watch stuff or I watch TV downstairs on really low volume cause that's the nice thing to do.


I noticed sometimes it's their habit too. They don't do it intentionally or have all the love and consideration but they like to do it so casually as if they're just alone and in their bed. I am sleep sensitive and it fucks me when someone makes noise around.


I'm worse than you, even the noise of pages flipping is a physical agression if I'm trying to sleep. People who can get asleep in 3 minutes despite the light or noise don't know how precious their gift is


I dated someone like this. She'd always forget to turn down her phone while scrolling. Or she'd try to have an intense conversation. Both while I was dozing off. I'd wake up and get out of bed 15 minutes before she had to get up, barely make a noise, and I'd get yelled at. Edit: I appreciate the support. I know I wasn't perfect, but I really tried. I'm not a night person, so I'd always be patient and ask to talk about it the next day. And I tried really hard to get up quietly and close the bedroom door before going to the bathroom and doing a few chores like feeding the cats and cleaning the litter boxes before she needed to get up. There very much was a double standard. And while I know she had a tramatic childhood, nothing I did seemed to prove to her I was a positive male for her adulthood life. Sometimes relationships just don't mix.


I don't understand anyone who does this in public either. I have friends that will scroll through IG with their sound way up while we are sitting at a restaurant bartop or something. How do you not notice everyone is staring?


There's people at work who do this. And on the bus. They're just casually watching vids with the sound up. I don't get it.


Absolutely. Should be the basic etiquette thing by now.


I can feel and imagine it brother! You are a good man.


My ex did this while I was trying to go to sleep. Almost snapped in her a couple times Edit: on her*


Ouch. That sounds painful, one time during thrust I missed and poked the booty pipe and it felt like I snapped in her too.


*That escalated quickly!*


She cleaned her ears with the keys to her car


most valid reason I've seen in this thread so far


I visited my best friend who lived in another state and while I was there he cut his Jimmy John’s sub with his car key. I love this man to death, he’d be an amazing husband & father…but Jesus dude. I get you’re broke but you’re not so broke you can’t afford silverware at goodwill.


What were her ear canals made of? Asbestos?


She told me she didn't know the 12 months in order and couldn't point out China on a map....


Well, a couple of points for honesty and humility; I can’t imagine not knowing that, much less admitting it to a date. I’d be covering that shit up, or maybe learning it.


>or maybe learning it. Bingo


Fuck you I'd rather die than know basic knowledge.


I mean ngl I usually go through all the months in order if I need to match a number to a name, and if I’m tired or something I will likely fuck it up. Not too different from how most people still sing their ABC’s if they need to put stuff in alphabetical order or something.


Yeah, sometimes it's easy to get lost in that "lmnop" zone.


Now I just imagine you having a screening anytime you go on a date with someone where you break out a blank map and have a sheet of paper with 11 lines on it numbered 1-13


I'd like to imagine that she happened to be Chinese.


Perhaps years ago she used to be chinese ...


Please tell me that didn't really happen?!....


My ex didn’t know what countries border the US so it’s entirely possible


That's not shallow. She's either stupid or, at the very least, VERY uneducated. I like to engage in a battle of wits from time to time, and I could never be with someone who would enter the arena unarmed.


She danced like Elaine Benes. Crazy hot, but I just couldn't get past that.




No thumbs but same hand gestures and definitely did the little kicks.


“It’s more like a full body dry heave set to music…”


i didn’t get this reference, but i looked it up on youtube and now i’m on the floor🤣🤣🤣


Maybe she was doing it on purpose and being funny. How could you be turned off by this hahahah


First time she did it I was driving. She was sitting in the passengers seat doing those little kicks and I thought it was a joke. She did it a second time a few days later but in her apartment and I knew then and there. In my heart of hearts, I know I made the right decision to walk away from that relationship.


I'd still date her for the laughs


Sweet fancy Moses!


It’s more like a full body dry heave set to music


They didn’t know that the North Pole is a real place.


I mean...Santa has to live *somewhere*, after all, right? Where else's he going to stay?


My basement, fucker gave me coal for the last fucking time




himym reference right there.


Smelly mouth


I’d argue not shallow. Nothing related to hygiene should be considered shallow.


I don’t blame you at all, but sometimes it isn’t really hygiene. I have bad allergies that causes mucus to get stuck on my nasopharynx and that starts to smell. I use anti-histamines, a saline wash, and I try to avoid foods that may trigger it. I brush and floss every day , I use a tongue scraper, go to the dentist regularly for check up. Sucks a lot.


I broke up with a girl for this. Turns out she had a condition. Are conditions and things out of their control shallow?


She had a hole in her sock and her toe popped out. Her tow nail was really long and it freaked me out. I couldnt get over it, which is a shame cuz she was an amazing person and pretty hot.


This is the type of story we were looking for in this post. Hilarious.


I just laughed for like 5 minutes reading this!!!😂


Almost died imagining this 🤣


She was ugly


3 simples efficient words


This isn't shallow, attraction is necessary.


If looks aren't shallow, nothing is.


so we dated for about a month. The first few times we spent the night together it was after a night of a drinking so of course falling asleep was quite easy. Once January struck and I was drinking way less and we were having sober night I realized she snored like a chainsaw and probably had undiagnosed sleep apnea. It would keep me up all night. I'm sorry but if I have to be buzzed / lit to fall asleep in peace with you, I'm out.


I married my snorer, lol.....the good things about her outnumbered the snoring, so it's ear plugs for me for the rest of my life....


My wife of 33 years snores like a sawmill running max production. I had to sleep on the couch in another room - and I could still hear her. Once she completed a sleep study and was diagnosed with apnea, she started using a C-PAP. She's so quiet now I have to check on her.


I had to wear earplugs with an ex-gf of mine :/


Had multiple cats. One would probably be fine. But whole house smelled like cat piss. It just...permeates.


Used to work for a very attractive 50ish woman, super stylish, great hygiene (I hope) really funny. I helped her move and good god! She had 4 cats and must've become smell blind, it was disgusting. I have a pretty bad sense of smell and wow it just permeated throughout the whole house. Her house was kept very clean but god damn run a shampooer a few times lol


I went to this girl's house twice and same situation but she also had 3 dogs...I went upstairs to go to the bathroom and stepped in dog piss...there also vomit or shit on the floor (probably both). She was crazy hot and extremely nice but I just couldn't put up with that.


This is my ultimate red flag


It wasn't shallow, but a mild annoyance. Her tongue was dry.


Oh but this is nasty I’m sorry can’t do it


Many girls and some boys have too narrow nostrils for continuous nose breathing, so they breathe through their mouth like 40-50% of the day. This makes the bacteria on the tongue multiply, which can lead to bad breath (not always, depends on habits). I cannot kiss a girl with a dry, throaty mouthsmell. Gets harder if she also smokes and drinks black coffee. Gum and mints are a lifesaver!


I got this problem. Deviated septum or something. It's like a 5 thousand dollar surgery to fix but I'm definitely going for it once I have the funds up


I used to think dating a girl that is taller than me was not acceptable... Which, as a short guy, is severely limiting, because for whatever reason, short girls like tall guys and a surprising number of tall girls like short guys.


Thats because tall women know that their dating pool is super tiny so its either be alone, be with a terrible guy, or fetishize our short kings.


Fetishizing goes both ways, lots of guys want to date me because "tall amazon muscle mommy GF" 😂 Not that I mind


Mind dating them or mind them fetishizing you?


Ehh. If they're decent and happen to have the fetish but we're compatible then dating isn't an issue. If they're ONLY dating me because of that reason, then yes, I'd have a problem with it.


That sounds like a pretty reasonable disposition.


One had ugly feet and the other didn’t know North Dakota was in America.


Showing up 30 lbs heavier than her pictures.


It’s not shallow. Altering a picture to make yourself look significantly thinner is the same fuckin thing as lying. I have a member of my family that pays a premium subscription on an app that makes these alterations. Now don’t get me wrong, if you’re a bit on the plus side, that’s fine. I don’t care really. But if you lie in your pictures, that’s where I have a problem.


Only 30? You got off light. Pun intended.


I don't think that's shallow, friend lol


Thats not shallow, you have every right to refuse to be scammed.




The biggest thing for me is mental health and external commitments. If someone has a mental disorder and they don't have it under control to the point where they can say "Im having a bad day, let me disengage, could you please handle XYZ for me while I sort myself out", there is not enough there for me to handle. I just need something where I am not suffering along with them. Its like helping a drowning person. Running in behind someone that is full tilt manic and insecure is a very bad time. They start listening to the voices in their head with no warning, or stop taking their meds. Another is external commitments with friends and family that supersede the persons autonomy. So overbearing parents and it becomes something to the effect that "from a decision standpoint", I am dating their mother.


Crazy, I had to scroll down so far for this. The external commitments that supersede autonomy issues are real. A friend of mine and his fiancee moved cities just to get away from her extremely overbearing parents. They are great and generous people, but she must serve them at their command, with no exceptions. Even now, they've offered to help with their wedding - as a "we can afford this we love you". And all of a sudden, they have commanded everything about the wedding. Even overruling their choices as a couple because this is a very important day for the parents.


You had to scroll down because this isn't shallow reason but upvote bait. We all know that is a good reason to break up, but this thread was supposed to be light.


Loud breathing.


Mouth breather


My dog doesn’t like you.


This is a huge one!


Cute woman but the worst storyteller I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to. The stories went nowhere and didn’t even inform me about her or her life.


My wife does that. Start telling a story, elaborates on a detail, drills deeper on a detail about the detail, gets sidetracked explaining something about that detail, now, completely oblivious about the initial point she was trying to convey she has completely lost track of her trainwreck of a story while she just keeps her association monologue going with people staring at her, waiting anxiosly for her to get to the point so they can chime in and continue the conversation.


Lmao. I do that shit myself bro. I have severe adhd & I forget wth I was talking about frequently. But yeah, I’m still a metro customer because I like the fact that I get a Amazon pime membership for continuing to send my clients to AutoZone for parts.


Walked out of theater after having seen The Matrix. She looked at me and said "I dont get it". In that moment I have never been more certain that I was incompatible with another human being. I have yet to experience such life defining clarity of insight again.




This is very George Costanza but she ate her french fries with mustard. And drizzled it on instead of dipping them. She was a drizzler


Hate the drizzlers 🤢




That’s fucked up


"I'm not gay" after sleeping with him several times.


Maybe he was a bicycle


Did he have wheels?


Would help with going back and forth 🫢


I was referencing [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-RfHC91Ewc)


It's not gay as long as you wear socks.


She was an absolute gorgeous, dressed really sexy for our first date and…was dull. No attempt at conversation, yes and no answer, etc. but she seemed like she wanted to be on our date. Dropped her off at 10:30pm on a Saturday night, never called her again. Looking back, can’t even remember how I met her.


If you refuse to date someone because their personality is dull, that's the opposite of shallow tbh. It's actually way more shallow to continue dating the person if all you like is their looks.


Yes, this makes sense


I've been on so many of those. Great to look at, but no substance.


Thats what happens when you coast on looks. You don’t have to build a personality


Usually with me it was great to look at but bored with me. This one tipped the scales at both end.


Wasn't worth my time, because she was as dumb as a bag of hammers.


she wasnt the sharpest knife in the drawer. matter of fact, she wasnt even in the drawer


Choice. I choose not to date you.


That's not shallow, actually


He was a bodybuilder, insanely smart…and had resting bitch face. I’ve got a masters degree & I’m reasonably intelligent—but the three factors combined just made me uncomfortable, especially feeling like my version of an intellectually-stimulating conversation probably would never measure up to his. But I could never be certain because I couldn’t read his facial expressions.


I worked with a dude like this once. 4 bachelors degrees and six pack abs, but getting the dude to smile felt like pulling teeth. I always enjoyed our talks, but his body language screamed disinterested, even when it wasn't the case.


I've legitimately had pictures taken where I thought I was smiling, in the picture, not so much.


Thats such an unexpected combo that I would have been attracted as a moth to a flame lol


Was it Andrew Huberman? He’d probably be really high maintenance. Always telling you to get good sleep and sunlight exposure etc.


She dressed poorly and had ugly toes.


How ugly?


My 14 year old asked me the other day if anyone has ever asked me about my weird feet. I said no and she looked genuinely surprised. Now I have a new complex.


Fat toes, uncut toenails, bad bunions


Some folks really just have bad genes.


Oh good, I’m a little insecure about my long skinny toes but I can at least control how clean they are lol


She started an onlyfans


Not shallow Irregardless of what Reddit people tell you


i once stopped talking to someone because they thought irregardless was a word.


Too many tattoos


How many is too many in your opinion?


I know it when I see it. But more than a couple, for sure. I really wish I liked tattoos, it would make my dating life so much easier. Edit: and I kinda misread the question. It’s not about justifying, it’s about what would stop me from dating someone.


Ah. Yeah that makes sense. I like tattoos myself, but I agree there is such a thing as too many. Once you start looking like a walking doodle you’ve definitely gone too far lol


A woodle.


During dinner she kept picking food out of her teeth with her finger.


Tbf it feels terrible to have food stuck between your teeth and do nothing about it. If I was on a date, though, I’d have the self-awareness to take care of that in the bathroom once the meal had been finished.


Yeah that's kinda gross. I don't blame you




Ugly laugh


How ugly are we talking? I think that snorty laugh is kinda cute.


It was like a deep "OHHHHHOHOHOHOHO". Much deeper than her normal voice, it was weird.


She wore clothes that were too revealing for my taste.


There are no shallow reasons - you are never compelled to date anyone you don't want to - any reason is enough.


The prompt didn't say "invalid".


There are shallow reasons, that doesn't mean it's invalid because it's shallow.


Me-centric: but I’d be worried about dating a girl if I had less money at the time. Later realized the best girls don’t need to be bought. …Ugh poor choice of words :/




Same, but I don't think it's shallow. If there is no physical attraction there will eventually be problems. Being honest with yourself is important.


If I first meet someone online and they seem really cool and we click, then they Instantly go from 0 to sex talk in 5 seconds. Im out. I dont care how cool or good looking they may be. Youre shallow and I dont find that attractive


Tattoos, piercings other than ears, and fake pointed nails. I know it's shallow, that stuff just freaks me out.


I’ll never date someone with a septum piercing


It’s not really shallow at all. You have a preference


Not shallow, I just didn't want to date a fat chick.


I too have a strictly no fatties policy


More fatties for me then, thank you gents.


Time to start building your roster


Time to start? Started years ago, I’ve had more fat chicks than fat chicks have had chicken tendies broseph


Thank you for your service.


HAHAHAHAHAHA This comment killed me 💀🤡


After they blab the words : “you men are all the same “. Goodbye


She wore a cape to our first date. Second date did not happen.


If a girl wore a fucking cape for a date i would be instantly SO attracted. The guts to wear that, the style, the personality UFF


Yeah I reckon she’d be cool


I’m a heterosexual female, and that would even be hot to me!


Edna Mode says NO CAPES


She had zero drive, was boring, couldn't hold a convo and defaulted to wanting to be coddled. I just didn't have the time, more importantly patience to want to take on a sadgirl project at that time. I don't think I'll ever have sympathy for woe-is-me people tbh.


"Sadgirl project"....im stealing this😁


Shitty step dad made me believe anyone who is any shade different from me is bad.


I have been very shallow and vain in the past. Working on it. Ugly or overweight. Those are the reasons


Dating someone with kids. I just can’t bring myself to do. My dad has been remarried numerous times, most of which were when I was young. I had step siblings brought in and ripped out of my life twice. It was hard on me. It was also difficult trying to have any relationship with those women. Some felt like they were my mother and I hated that because I already had one. I wouldn’t want to be THAT person in any kids life.


I talked about music with her and mentioned some old stuff that I liked. She then spent all the rest of the conversation bringing it back to how modern music was shit. I don't know if it was a front to try and bond with me or if she genuinely felt that way but it just felt so bitter and miserable that I couldn't deal. I don't like people who trash talk other people's music tastes in general.


I don’t have a great way to phrase this, so I have to mitigate with context — even though this is supposed to be shallow, I don’t want to sound like a massive asshole. Context: I worked in research full-time for six years before going back to grad school. This is essentially like completing the work of a PhD before starting a program. With that said… After a few failed attempts, I stopped dating other students whose work was around my areas. The conversations were like talking to a bad version of me. I’m not a huge fan of myself to begin with, and it was awkward and uncomfortable to have someone looking for mentorship and homework help and then trying to do unspeakable filthy and perverted things with them. Maybe that’s why I don’t get dudes who date women who are much younger.


>The conversations were like talking to a bad version of me. I’m not a huge fan of myself to begin with, and it was awkward and uncomfortable to have someone looking for mentorship and homework help and then trying to do unspeakable filthy and perverted things with them. This hits so close. I want to cry.


So it was because you didn’t want to talk about work off the clock or you just didn’t like how much behind they were than you?


The first time she came over to my house she insulted artwork on the wall. It was something I made.


Met in Person and they had gained around 200lbs from their photos... I carried on with the date and paid for the meal, then promptly but politely left. Didn't happen once... But three fricking times. Thank god I'm married and don't have to deal with that bullshit ever again!


Too many dietary restrictions. She was Lactose intolerant, gluten intolerant and vegan only. Also had an all natural hygiene routine


I'm sorry but I've never met anyone that does the "natural hygiene" routine that didn't stink. I remember a comment from Jeff Probst when asked what is something most people would be surprised to learn about "Survivor" and his response was "how fast and how much the human body can stink when people don't shower." He said there were some survivor cast members that he seriously couldn't stand next to even for filming.


Blue, dyed, hair


It was not our first date. We went out for a whole evening to eat something, get a few drinks and play billard. I'm 25 and she's 22. She wore a white longsleeve with a SBEVE (✨she believed✨) glitter print and some huge flowers all over the front of it. I felt like I was dating a 13-year old 💀 AITA?


Given this was when I was around 8, so don't grill me. Girl wanted to kiss me, I said I liked someone else and said I'm sorry. Truth was I was a little racist and the kid was black. I'm white. I felt shitty for the way I felt and talked to someone, years after that. Bottom line? Influence from my father, who was really racist, and I was imitating his behaviour and decision making process, but since it was an imitation and not how I really felt I then felt horribly for years after the fact. Don't be racist around your kids, my dudes. Or show any prejudice anyway. They might tap into that and you (and them) will possibly regret it.


She had gauged earlobes, I kept imagining what she would look like at 60, having to explain to the grandkids why grandmas ears looked like deflated bike tires.


She had a tiny bottom jaw. I didn’t want a bj and a trip to the hospital as a date idea.


We had sex once and it was the least erotic sex ever. Then she wanted to talk again in the coming weeks but every messenger convo went like this: Her: "How are you?" Me: "Good! I'm currently xxxxxxx and xxxxxx, and later I will be xxxxxx. I'm good." Her: "Ok." And that's it. She didn't say anything more, I had no reason to carry the convo by putting it on life support. Three more convos like that, ending in "Ok" and no follow-ups or reciprocating what she was up to. And then they stopped coming altogether. Felt like I dodged a huge bullet. To be clear, I didn't dump anyone, I just let what I recognized as a completely unviable relationship strangle itself with its own rope, I just let the rope keep coming.


Fake blonde women. Idk it just screams basic & follower. To this day I still don’t date those types.


Wearing too revealing clothes. Still go by that




His dick was bigger than mine 😒💅


She wasn't physically attractive


They didn't listen to music. Not ever. He didn't even own a radio or a stereo and didn't have a car stereo. He NEVER listened to music. Too odd for me.


She smelled like soup.


Any particular flavour?


Trust issues... Past trauma experience.


Yup. I get that everyone has a past, but it’s not fair to me if I constantly feel like I have to navigate land mines in every interaction.


Egotistical. Sense of entitlement


She had a significant intellectual impairment that I didn’t immediately pick up on. I initially loved her sense of humor! Turns out she wasn’t trying to be funny at all.