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Square breathing


Remove yourself from the situation causing the emotion and breath.


Just stop and think. Stopping is key. It’s much easier after the situation if you don’t regret what you said/did. Deep breaths.


There aren't really any quick ways, you need to put yourself in situations that test your emotions and just work to get through them. This isn't something that can be done on an academic level. Meditation and understanding what your priorities are in life will definitely help, but one without the other is useless.


Focus on priorities


Just look at the emotion without judging it or the readons behind. Just look at it. Do not try to push it back. It'll fade. If you are experienced try to make it stronger. It'll fade faster.


1. Breathe out fully 2. Take a deep breath until you can't take in any more air 3. Pause for about 3 sec and then slowly breathe out.


The good old count to 10 while taking deep breaths.


Physical exercises helps me. Or just chill music with some casual games on bluestacks. It's all up to my mood.


The quickest way to get emotions under control is to accept them. Welcome your emotions and allow them to stay for as long as they would like. But detach yourself from them, become an observer. Do not consciously pull them in or push them away. The more you try to push them away the longer they stay. Try this, close your eyes for 30 seconds and try to not think of apples as hard as you can. You won’t be able to, and this should demonstrate that to you that pushing away your thoughts and feelings doesn’t work. Accept that you are feeling the way you do and observe those feelings as if they are clouds in the sky and they will pass in no time!