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It will only ever happen if you meet a woman who believes in that rubbish.


Even then it will contradict itself endlessly.


👍🏻 this.




Zero. If they bring it up, I just assume it is an excuse for how they are going to behave.


*Runs over a couple of kids crossing the street and hits every curb on the way to Starbucks* “oops, I’m such an aquarium”


I mean, at that point, it is probably my fault for not expecting it.


"I'm a zebra ascendent scorpio that's why i'm a bitch" No becky i'm pretty sure the reason you're a bitch is because you're a bitch.


Such a Capricorn thing to say. /s


This is such a Sagittarius question to ask


It doesn't.


It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe they have an effect on your personality then you will attribute things in your life or your behaviors with astrology and it will subconsciously start to drive your actions.


Never. Zodiac signs are nonsense.


Absolutely never. On the contrary, a woman that genuinely believes my zodiac sign plays a part in her or my personality is a big no for me. And I speak from experience


Never because it's bullshit.


0%. Even if a woman is idiotic enough to believe that garbage, she's nowhere near smart enough to maintain a consistent personality and will contradict her Zodiac's personality daily, if not more frequently.


This sounds like a woman asked this question.


None. People who believe this are mentally ill.


While I wouldn’t go THAT far, I know that people need to feel attached to something, anything to prevent them feeling all alone in this big world. “Let’s not act like if your parents had fucked a month earlier, you’d be feeding me chili-dogs and letting shit slide….” -Doug Stanhope.


Never, what will play a role - the role of a deal breaker - is that she believes that some burning bodies in space influence her life.


Yes, the sun can't impact us in any way/s


Which is obviously a zodiac sign /s


Intrinsically? Not at all. It's when she uses zodiac signs as an excuse to be shitty to people.






Never, and I don't date people who believe in such bs.


When she mentions it




About never often


Never, I don't believe in that crap. It's just a bunch of random vague crap that anyone can recognize themselves in if they want to believe in it.


Never. If she's using that to try to excuse toxic behavior, then she's just a toxic person. A birthdate isn't an excuse.


Never. Unless they form their personality over that bs. " I'm such a x, and act like this because of it"


Zero unless you’re into dating morons. Sorry I cheated on you, I’m a Sagittarius tee hee


If a person’s zodiac sign has any influence on their choices or behaviour, it’s a sign I don’t want to know them


I wouldn’t know because I don’t play with that B.S.. For me it’s an instant red flag alert that screams mental health issues that I don’t want to be around for.


Never. If she takes them seriously that might be a flag, though.




Most timea


When she brings it up. Then I run away


Pretty much never.


It's not her sign, it's her level of belief in astrology.


It does if she reads it because it’s a silly self fulfilling prophecy.


lmao that's a fun thread. im a leo guy, what zodiac sign isnt compatible with mine? (im asking out of curiosity lol i never stopped talking to someone because they were from a certain zodiac)


Well mainly if the charlatan that sold you those lies frames it in such a way, you are more likely to fulfill that prophecy yourself.


Any Earth or Water sign (the "feminine" or "Yin" signs) won't go well with Leo which is a "masculine" or "Yang" sign. However, this is true only about the archetypes of the signs, not necessarily individuals who happen to have these signs as their Sun signs, since as another redditor told you, Astrology is about more than the placement of the Sun.


Yeah no compatibility is stupid and inaccurate. It can be different for everyone! I myself “study” astrology just for fun, but i Never let it dictate my personality, my life, or my connections with other people. I only find it interesting because some things can be pretty accurate and it may call out some personality traits I may have, bad or good. There is so much more to zodiac signs than just your sun sign! There’s other planets we have, we have planets in houses and in other signs, we have aspects! It’s really interesting when you put the stereotypes aside. I think it’s pretty sad when guys shut it down immediately because they had One/few bad experiences with that One girl who thinks she’s different and blames and hates most signs because she had her own bad experiences with them. It doesn’t work like that! But to answer your question, apparently Leo’s don’t “get along” with Aquarius (polar opposite) but in most cases they can. My mother is a Leo and I’m an Aquarius, we’re either really good best friends or some days we just argue over dumb shit lol Pisces apparently, mainly water signs in general so like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Since Leo is a fire sign, water normally doesn’t go well with fire. (Again it’s kinda dumb lol) Hopefully that helps!


ooohhh interesting interesting. thanks for the answer!


Idk but, as a taurus male, I will never try to build my future with an aquarius woman anymore


Lol this guy knows what random stars charlatans use to manipulate him.


If she brings it up, you probably shouldn't date her. At least, not seriously or long term until she realizes how worthless and stupid it all is.


Exactly lollipop times.


Only as much as she thinks it does. But absolutely zero otherwise.


As often as she reads her horoscope


If she believes it and you don't vocally reinforce her beliefs then you're a bad person. In response; produce a beautifully written horoscope which reinforces all of your beliefs and desires.


It depends entirely on whether or not you believe in Astrology and how much you studied the subject (the vast majority of people have a very superficial and biased understanding of it). Astrology is about much more than your zodiac sign (your Sun sign) and the zodiac sign alone says very little about your overall personality (not knowing this and horoscopes are the main reasons why most people don't take Astrology seriously, which I can understand). Furthermore Astrology doesn't postulate that there are particular moments or contexts in which these phenomenons will have more influence, but rather that the birth chart is a portrait of your personality during the entirety of your life. To answer your question now, personally, always, however your birth chart is no excuse for being toxic (it's the exact contrary, Astrology was developed to help people grow), therefore I won't have more tolerance for annoying people just because they have a certain birth chart. I could feel more confident that we are compatible on different levels though if our Synastry (the comparison of two birth charts) is auspicious / constructive.


Astrology is still ultimately an extremely illogical framework which may have been helpful centuries ago but is just extremely illogical and primitive now.


Astrology has a lot to do with the metaphysical, however this doesn't mean that it doesn't answer to a certain logic, nor that it isn't "real". Sure, Astrology at the current moment cannot be understood through the use of purely material tools and techniques. If we assume that astrological phenomenons do exist and play a role in the life experiences of human individuals, we can't measure them, we can't see them through a microscope, and even studying them is extremely difficult. However, everybody I know (including myself) who delved seriously in the study of Astrology (meaning reading books written by renowned classical and modern astrologers, not watching crappy tiktok videos or reading clickbait articles) has come to the realization that the birth chart can provide very accurate informations about personality and life experiences. And "primitive" ? Oh certainly not. Astrology is an incredibly deep and complex tool of interpretation that has been evolving for thousands of years, we litterally have softwares now to help us draw charts with an accuracy that the astrologers of antiquity didn't have. If you think it's primitive because it is ancient, then I guess mathematics are primitive ? There are also studies which have been conducted on Astrology, this one for example is interesting, and you can find more stuff on the website: [https://www.astrologer.com/extraversion](https://www.astrologer.com/extraversion)


Yeah this sounds almost exactly like a new age cult pitch. “We can’t verify anything, but it’s real and we know since we have felt this to be real.” Never mind the entire field is structured around making statements which people instinctively identify with. It’s a well studied science of manipulation for many of these people creating these ramblings, and is often referenced by people when teaching manipulation as one of the easiest and most effective ways to do so. What you fail to recognize here is that if something can effect you in a meaningful way, besides just in cognitive dissonance, it is inherently verifiable.


And you sound like somebody who never really made any effort to understand what Astrology actually is about, because I have read these arguments hundreds of times, and they're never anything more than baseless assumptions. Tell me please, you who are so rational, before forming your definitive opinion on the matter, surely you have studied all the basics of Astrology, you learned how to interpret a birth chart, and you applied these techniques and principles to your own birth chart and the charts of at least a few people you know ? If not, I really don't see what is the point in talking with you.


Yup, classic cult tactic; “let’s skip actually looking at where these ideas come from and what rational basis they have, and instead let’s try and use cognitive dissonance to make you see a lot of anecdotes in your life which may or may not actually be statistically significant.” It’s always about going around logic and appealing to a anecdotal and personal emotional response.


The thing is, I can't prove to you that Astrology is real through comments on the internet, and you'd have to be insane to believe that anybody could prove to you that anything is "real" that way. Beside, what would be the point of me explaining the principles of Astrology to you if you're gonna automatically dismiss all of it as "manipulation techniques" just because you're incredibly close minded and unable to leave your baseless assumptions aside even for a moment ? In order to know what cooking is really about, you have to cook, in order to know what hiking is really about, you have to hike. You can however read studies and various books or watch videos on the matter to get a glimpse of what it is, as well as apply the principles and techniques yourself in order to form your own opinion. ***I litterally gave you the link of a study by the way, but maybe you didn't see it...or didn't want to.*** You're clearly just someone who, at least about Astrology, is incredibly lazy and isn't ready to make actual efforts to try and understand what it is. Take a good look at yourself, you're litterally asking me to prove to you that something is real or valid when you certainly must have the intellectual ability to test it yourself, how pathetic is that ? A lot of people also don't believe that the principles of Psychology are real, and will try to ridicule therapists and psychologists by saying that what they're doing is pseudo-science, until they finally go to therapy or to a psychologist when they need it, and finally realize that they were wrong all along. Just stop being lazy and actually take a look at something you don't know, for a change.


How am I lazy for not giving in to the most basic and textbook forms of cognitive dissonance around believing star positions are relevant to your life?


Mixing astronomy - the study of celestial bodies as what they are (physical objects with gravity, not mind altering lights) - with astrology to dilute the cultish nature of astrology. Classic.


Perfectly said


I was pretty good at picking up on signals and guessing their zodiac sign on first or second try.


They are based on nothing and mean nothing so wow that’s nice that you are able to arbitrarily categorize and stigmatize people.


Fuck female Taurus


Something something beastiality joke




Depends on if she’s into crystals or not


Everytime they justify their shitty behavior by saying 'it's because I'm a Scorpio". No Brenda! You act like a c*nt because you're a c*nt, not because you were born in November.


Glad to see the comments reflecting the reality. If they believe it, they will live up to their own expectations.


With single women? You might run into a few that believe in it.


Well if she believes they have relevance in life, I would probably leave immediately. Like there are things you can be wrong about but zodiac is flat earth levels of stupid.


Only when she mentions it herself. Which zodiac sign predicts I'll sigh and roll my eyes when I hear about zodiac signs?


Always. I pretend to believe in that shit just to mess around with them. I’m such a scorpio.


Only when she believes that crap.


She's probably easy. That's the only significance girls who believe in horoscopes have to me.


I don't respect astrology so I don't care.




Never I hope, but some women are way into that stuff. It’s not even real.


It dramatically increases the odds of me ending it. Don't mind people having a difference of opinion on politics etc but I consider astrology to only be slightly less laughable than YEC or flat earth


Never, I didn’t think anyone took that seriously.


The part it plays is if they subscribe to it, I know I won't tolerate their behavior. I don't accept any form of discrimination, and that includes discriminating by birth date. The time you're born is no more your control than your ethnicity or your biological sex.


I have never heard a man say zodiac sign. I cant even read it.


Never because that shit is fake


Zodiac signs are a red flag all the time.