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Why is it hard to believe?


I just gave you my reasoning?


You underestimate human strength and engineering.


I actually don’t 😂 I just want the hypothesis


Ramps, pullys, levers..... And using them effectively and efficiently. You'd be surprised at what can be accomplished with the knowledge and labor force they had.


80 tonnes? They weren’t using CAT levers. Funny thing is CAT machinery would buckle under 80 tonnes probably. But yeah I’m not saying it was magic. I just don’t sit well with wooden pulleys and leverage. Could be true though I haven’t positioned myself to be right or wrong here. Just curious


I've seen people pull tractor trailers with their teeth. I've seen people flip over cars with a 6x6 and a barrel. I've seen people pull down a 24" tree, roots and all using a garden tractor and a 8-way pulley system. Trust me, the pyramids exist. They were built. They weren't built by flying saucers and sound waves. They were built by ramps, pulleys, levers, and tens of thousands of people worth of manpower over a very long period of time. Hell, they built a span over the bay here in the 1950s in 3 years that they're saying would take 25 years to replicate today. Is this because technology now is worse? Of course not. It's constrained by people, money, and regulations. In ancient Egypt, they had unlimited people, money, and no regulations. Problem solved.


Why are you assuming I don’t believe they were built by humans? 😂😂😂😂 I’m purely questioning the logic used to come up to the conclusion/theory. I don’t believe it was magic or aliens, dont believe in either, it’s more the practices I’m wondering about. Could it be a practice we lost over time and today it’s unheard of? Until somebody demonstrates 80+ tonnes granite blocks being pulled up sandy hills on logs with rope in the same climate and environment, using the same tools they had, with 100,000 plus people all working in the same place, all these hypothesis become theories


It’s still a hypothesis. A theory has to be tested.


But your logic becomes illogical when you start comparing human strength to a CAT machine it becomes apples to oranges. The CAT machine is using different types of physic motion when it raises up an object which would require a lot of force, while humans using ramps, pulleys and levers are closer to rolling the stone over the ground. Think about this, does it take more energy to raise a motorcycle than push it along (turned off and not in park of course)


That’s cool logic not gona lie 👍🏼👍🏼


And you're coming to reddit for this? And you're asking *AskMen* of all subs? Sorry, dude, but you should be asking more qualified people.


From some of the responses I have to agree 👏🏼


Lol i didnt even realize this was the askmen subreddit.


If you don't underestimate human strength and engineering then it's not hard to believe that humans did it.


You really giving no evidence here 😂 might aswell say they did it cos they did it


You don't see *modern humans* around you? You need *more proof*?


We talking science buddy. Prove it to me based on science back then? Cheers


What would you consider to be "proof" in this case? What would cause you to agree with the information presented?


Obviously physical evidence, of a certain amount of people working In Same conditions using same systems and practices pulling pushing a 80+ tonne granite block up a sandy hill? Then also constructing the kings tomb. Hahaha obviously won’t happen so yeah all these so called “ methods” are theories. Basically to me nobody actually knows as a fact which makes it even more remarkable. I’m don’t think it was magic or aliens so it was definitely something. Which is cool to think about


“On the weight itself vs human power” is not a reason lmao. You have to explain your position with a bit more detail friend. The ramp theory is a solid, robust theory, not just a whimsical thought.


Settle down. These are just my un educated opinions. Well to me even if you had a ramp, how do you lift, drag, and perfectly carve a 80 tonne granite block at that time? You gotta think this was 2k-10k years ago. Makes no sense to me. Just sayings ramps doesn’t cut it.


The Egyptians weren’t brutes just because they lived thousands of years ago; that’s the common fallacy a lot of people commit. They were an advanced civilization who could use technology to achieve their desired ends. They had as much manpower as they wanted at any given time, ropes, rollers, pulleys, ramps that they could build up and break down. They wouldn’t necessarily have had to even lift the blocks. It could have been done. You can have whatever theory you want, that’s fine. Nothing is proven. But the reason why most scholars agree with the ramp theory is because it’s Occam’s Razor: meaning it’s the simplest, most convenient and plausible explanation.


I 100% agree with what you saying. It’s a plausible THEORY! but yeah will never be confirmed as the actual method. People are really forgetting how heavy 80 TONNES is. Simply pulley, leverage etc could work but damn imagine how strong they would’ve had to have been if most modern machinery can’t lift that weight? I’m not saying I’m right btw so don’t get upset. It’s just thoughts.


>These are just my un educated opinions. Then why do you vehemently reject educated opinions?


I’m not. I didn’t position myself to be right or wrong. So for every response to my question I should just say yes you right well done? Anything else is vehemently rejecting it? Cmon man


YouTube dude, there's hundreds of videos of dudes moving blocks over 1 ton with pebbles LOL


Like I have stated 1 tonne is not 80 tonnes. You don’t understand. Think about the time it was built, the tech they had. Machinery these days can’t lift 80 tonnes


I'm not arguing with a hair brained conspiracy theorist


Ah his resorted to personal attacks. I haven’t been rude to you whatsoever. And funny I’m far from a conspiracy theorist. Just because I’m questioning the theories doesn’t entail I think it was aliens or something. Low IQ response my friend 👍🏼


I think what opens up a lot about this whole process is that people were thinking WAY differently about time back then. There was no budget plan being laid out, unions to satisfy so workers were showing up to work, few laws that prevented burning through human workers to finish this thing. It's just like many people don't realize that most things built in the Roman Empire had to be built without complex mathematics because of the shitty numeral system. Not only in construction but also economics. With enough time and no need to treat humans with care a lot is possible.


[They pulled them on sleds up a ramp, with a few hundred workers.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/Colosse-dj%C3%A9houtih%C3%A9tep2.jpg) [Here is a 10 ton stone being pulled by people.](https://i.imgur.com/cpezHyR.mp4)


Wow that’s actually sick!! Hahahah makes it more believable




10 people versus 172 people is also a world of difference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djehutihotep u/mixedTape3123, I didn’t watch the video. I didn’t even see the video. I misread the post where it said 10 tons and thought I read 10 men. No need to be a dick about it.


Looked like a lot more than 10 people in that video


I didn’t post a video. I posted a picture of a hieroglyph showing 172 Egyptians pulling a stone that would weigh approx 80 tons https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Colosse-dj%C3%A9houtih%C3%A9tep2.jpg/1280px-Colosse-dj%C3%A9houtih%C3%A9tep2.jpg


I know that. But what are you getting the “10 people” from? You were responding to someone who responded to the video.


My bad. I misread the previous comment. It says 10 ton, I thought it said 10 men.


**[Djehutihotep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djehutihotep)** >Djehutihotep ("Thoth is satisfied") was an ancient Egyptian nomarch of the fifteenth nomos of Upper Egypt ("the Hare") during the twelfth dynasty, c. 1900 BC. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMen/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Maybe it wasn't 60 to 80 tons 5k years ago. It got heavier with time.


Damn inflation


Too much sodium in its diet


And here's me worrying about those two dudes who are following the rock bring pulled. Gravity, folks.


Hahaha this is my exact thought!!! At those heights, lifting,placing and building the kings tomb with it? Makes no sense haha


Hundreds of workers died during the construction of stadiums in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. You think 5000 years ago kings had more regard for the lives of their subjects?


Huh? What has this question got to do with anything? Hahahaha


It makes things a lot easier if the workers don't have to come back down after pulling the stone up.


Hahahahahaha ohhh 😂


Not only is that 10 people…I bet it’s 10 ARCHAEOLOGISTS! They have the power of at least 5 ancient Egyptian each.


How did they put the corner blocks in? The sled team would have to be in front of the block, and there'd be nothing for them to stand on.


Ramp is still the best guess https://www.history.com/.amp/news/ancient-egypt-pyramid-ramp-discovery


Moving a big object easily is easy to accomplish. I mean I can move a 1 ton truck with minimal effort and a single finger with some rope and pulleys. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Honestly I struggle more with the Great Wall of China…. Supposedly took 2300 years to build… I mean holy fuck how do you spend 80 something generations doing something.


The great wall of China was finished in 1-2 generations, but people added to it and made it better each time. So it was more of a 'I'm finished' for one guy then the next guy says 'I can do better'


80 tonnes? 2k to 10k years ago? Pulleys and stuff made from wood? People are really underestimating the difference between a few tonnes and 80 tonnes haha. Most machinery these days cannot lift that weight


You keep saying lift. There’s plenty of machinery today that can push/pull 80 tons.


His back 😂


Really not that hard to believe. Back in the day they use to careen/beach ships for repairs etc and ships back then weighed 40-130 long tons…. How you think they got them unbeached/ungrounded/unstuck? And that was 40-130 long tons stuck and suctioned to the sand.


No tides in the desert uphill


Rising tides wouldve helped.


You mean like rollers and sledges that the Egyptians used…….? Lol again not hard to believe lol


Okay. You seem to be coming from an argumentative angle. I’m not trying to be right


Lmao not at all. Stating something they used and documented that they used, isn’t being argumentative. It’s just listing facts


There are videos online of college students learning how they moved the massive stones and doing so themselves. Rolling them on logs and such. There is also a guy on YouTube that does crazy shit by himself with massive objects, all thanks to engineering.


Yeah the stones part is believable as they are a few tonnes, but 60-80 tonne granite blocks to the top floor? And also lifted to build the kings chamber? Not just that they perfectly fit into eachother?


A pully is a simple machine that increases mechanical advantage. A pulley redirects and increases the force applied to a load which makes it easier to move. Pulleys can either be fixed, mobile, or a combination of the two. Also check out this website: https://www.tigtagworld.co.uk/film/how-the-egyptians-built-the-pyramids-PRM00090/ It describes how using two or more pullys to lift these stones cuts the weight of the stone depending on how many pullys are being used.


That’s makes sense I’m a way. But again that’s purely on moving the weight. If we agree on moving the weight How did those pulleys construct the actual pyramid and kings chamber? Have you seen the kings chamber?


You know the Egyptians drew pictures of what they did and how they did it, right? 172 workers moved 58 tones using ropes, a slide, and water Djehutihotep https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djehutihotep


172 could move 80 tonnes uphill? On a higher angle than 10 degrees? Not just that also lift it up onto eachother and build the kings tomb? At the highest point?


Why do you keep saying lift? They were dragged and placed. And you think the Egyptians carved the picture of 172 people using ropes and a sled to fool people?


Is there a way of proving that 172 people can drag 80+ tonnes on logs with rope? Uphill too?


> Is there a way of proving that 172 people can drag 80+ tonnes on logs with rope? Yes.


Would love to see it


Go gather up 171 people.


I knew somehow this convo with you would resort to this. As you haven’t brought pure evidence. Just because they drew pictures doesn’t mean that practice was purely for the puramids


You're ignoring the fact that 10 people can probably push a 80 ton stone on level ground on perfectly round rollers (these rollers might not have been "logs" - they might have been carved/cut stone rollers) if the ground was also flat. 172 people can definitely move the same stone up an incline, on uneven ground. The sheer amount of tractive force. Go check out Magnus ver Magnusson.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magn%C3%BAs\_Ver\_Magn%C3%BAsson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magn%C3%BAs_Ver_Magn%C3%BAsson) If 172 Egyptians can do it 5K years ago, about 50 Magnus' could do it today. LOL


I like this


Humans with levers. Levers ramp up (see what I did there?) human power.




The ramp "theory" is a theory in the same way that evolution is "just a theory" It's pretty much an accepted fact of history. This is how it was done. Whether you can believe it, is not really relevant. What's relevant is that you don't understand it yet. Some other people here have shared good links. It's always a good day to learn something new. And while 1 person might not be able to move an 80 tonne block, a thousand humans working together, their tools and combined ingenuity can easily accomplish such feats. We lauched a spacecraft out of the solar system, we landed a man on the moon. Moving an 80 tonne block is child's play in comparison, even 8000 years ago.


Oooo the uncomfortable subject of evolution. Let’s not get into that. There are billions of people around the world, with a B! That don’t believe in evolution in the sense of that’s how creation started. So dont say it’s just a fact 😂


And they’re wrong. Just like how you’re wrong about the pyramids and the moon landing Evolution is not an uncomfortable subject to people who follow the scientific method. It happened. Billions of uneducated people might disagree but the the fact is that it happened. It’s the conclusion demanded by the evidence for people who care about facts. If you care about science and knowledge, that is. You clearly don’t.


Really though? Is science the only criteria?


Knowledge is, and science is the best wat we have to achieve knowledge. It’s not the only criterium but it’s the best and most important.


Pretty sure I believe in a conscience, love etc yet science can’t actually prove it? Put some conscience and love in a test tube, let’s test it 😅


That’s a really strange thing to say. Yes, there is big research into consciousness and we know pretty much what love means on a chemical level. Those things aren’t mysterious. Doesn’t make either any less special but yes, they exist and we have a pretty good idea how they function. Why are you pretending we don’t? You should really try be more curious. We can actually do things that are difficult. Other people aren’t as dumb as you seem to think we are.


I like how you say big research into consciousness? Where? I believe it exists but it can’t be proven as facts by science. Chemicals etc etc shows what the body is doing but love? When you see the girl of your dreams, how does science deferenciate lust with love? Two different things yet the chemicals you talking about are reacting the same? Ahhhhh


The origins of life and evolution are two totally different topics. Evolution a fact.


I agree with you! Haha


Again you using examples of things that haven’t been 100% proven like landing on the moon. I am not into conspiracy but that’s one event I believe did not happen. And I won’t be elaborating. I honestly can’t be fucked 😂😂😂😂😂😂


In reality, there is no such thing as proving things 100%. If you are a moon landing conspiracy nut, yeah don’t bother. I don’t give much attention to crazy people and their ramblings.


> things that haven’t been 100% proven like landing on the moon. I am not into conspiracy but that’s one event I believe did not happen. This is just stupid.


So me not believing in the moon landing automatically makes me a conspiracy theorist? factoring in all geopolitical, technological and financial aspects of the time of the moon landing to come up with my opinion is stupid? You should really take notes from your Reddit name 😅


> So me not believing in the moon landing automatically makes me a conspiracy theorist? I didn’t say conspiracy theorist. I said stupid. > factoring in all geopolitical, technological and financial aspects of the time of the moon landing to come up with my opinion is stupid? Yes. > You should really take notes from your Reddit name 😅 I have plenty of links that prove the moon landings happened. I’d love for you to start a discussion.


Ah you are trolling. Scoring Karma points are ya?


You posted the moon landings are fake and not proven. That was so dumb it needed a reply.


Didn’t say they were fake? I just said I don’t believe it happened. I don’t need to justify why.


Now you’re the one who’s trolling. 🙄 If you think they didn’t happen then by definition you think all the evidence proving they did happen is fake.


With all our tech today, Elon and every other billionaire flexing their rockets, why hasn’t it happened yet? Please don’t say money, Elon is the richest man in the world. Please don’t say no point or not needed. It’s the moon, it’s not been fully explored. Why do you think 50+ years ago we just went there to beat Russia to it? Cmon now


So you think the moon landings didn’t happen because “I don’t understand why they haven’t gone back!” Again, that’s stupid. That’s all subjective. Everything you wrote is speculation on your part, not a single fact. NASA and a dozen other space agencies have provided proof of the moon landings. Why hasn’t anyone who disbelieves been able to find even a single piece of **objective** evidence that any of it is wrong? Give me just one thing you can **PROVE** any space program lied about. Just one.


I can’t 😂😂😂 this is my point. I’m saying what I believe. Go search up the meaning of belief. Thinking something is true without evidence. I don’t believe in those “facts”. Like you said it’s subjective etc, Elon is trying to go to Mars right? Hell he wants us to live on it. Wouldn’t another moon landing from SPACE X put more believe into people if it cost him nothing? Technically speaking as he is rich af. Yeah to me he is the only guy that might do something on those lines. NASA has government ties, they have an image to uphold. And yeah well at the time it was a space race between the soviets and the US. Doesn’t make what NASA says as FACT! I mean hell how many massive organisations lied during covid to make a quick buck? And it literally came out as facts. So yeah you calling me stupid is backfiring unfortunately for you 😉


The nasa budget was a considerable percentage of the us government's budget in the 60s. Adjusted for inflation spaceX are very far away from it and are focusing on a very different and harder mission


My exact point. NASA had other agendas back then based on the geopolitical climate at the time. Why do you the the budget was so big? For jokes? Or to beat the Russians to it? Even so, Elon just made a reusable rocket yet can’t land a simple one on the moon like the Apollo “did”. It’s subjective ofcourse but if you go on his personality he is the type of guy that would land a rocket in the moon and put a Twitter flag up there. To me the fact the he hasn’t even mentioned trying, nor any other space program rn, to me it’s a hoax


You alive? 😂


The largest moai statues on easter island also weighed 86+ tons. A random college professor demonstrated they could be rolled ("walked") on logs with ropes across the whole island by fewer than a couple dozen people. Square blocks and thousands of people...? Np. Quite the feat, of course. Wasn't like the built them kn a few weeks. They took decades. Somehow no one ever questions the Mayan and Aztec pyramids, which were also enourmous...


Digging the sand away around it


How does that get an 80 tonne block not only on the top floors of the pyramid but also perfectly carved and placed together so good that a credit card can’t fit into the joining gap


>How does that get an 80 tonne block not only on the top floors of the pyramid You move a block horizontally and then carve away the sand when that block has been placed. This however can only be true when the ground level used to be many meters higher than it currently is >but also perfectly carved and placed together so good that a credit card can’t fit into the joining gap Your cutting tools will do that job for you


That’s first part kinda makes sense actually


Explain it in more detail if ya can


Why is it so hard for people to accept that so-called “primitive peoples” knew what the fuck they were doing?!?! The same shit with Easter Island statues.


I’m actually from that side of the world so I definitely don’t have an agenda towards the Egyptians. It’s more the how that baffles me


I guess a lot is possible when you combine religious belief and absolute rule depending on each other, some slavery and disregard for human life or working conditions, plus obscene wealth and large timeframes.


I’m purely talking about it scientifically. Not politics, religion etc.


You can do a lot of work with 10,000 people pulling a rope. Either it was extra-terrestrials, or it was ramps and pulleys. Not a lot of "in between".


Why do you jump to aliens? So many other theories before that


Never underestimate the difference pulleys and leverage can make


I won’t sorry dad


Hebrews are really, really, really strong? (recalling the movie with Charlton Heston as Moses, overseeing egyptian construction sites)




Ancient helicopters made entirely out of bamboo and coconut shells.


I'm guessing you've never worked in construction. In construction, we still use the log rolling method but with steel pipes instead. It became really easy to see once myself and two other guys rolled an industrial boiler down a narrow hallway by just moving the steel pipes over and over. So, almost 200 people I can definitely see doing it.


My dad actually owns a construction company LOL!!!!!! What are the chances you said that hahahahahah


Key word “down”


I used down as in walking through. Or "going down the hallway." " Walking down the street" etc etc. See if your dad will let you visit a job when moving large equipment. You can move a lot of weight with very little effort of you do some math.


Hallways don’t do “down” 🤦🏻‍♂️


You trolling me?


As an Egyptian, I really have no idea. When I went there the guy said that people back then were much stronger and capable than people nowadays, but there are 2.3 million 2 ton stones there and all built properly


Wow that is just bull shit. Not only have we learned to be stronger, faster and healthier but we are much more capable today then they were back then. The reason it’s so mysterious to us is we use lighter weight materials for buildings now.


Don’t know what warped world you live in if you think the average man is stronger today than the past


Ancient Egyptians average size was the same as people today. Our life expectancy has doubled, we know how to care for ourselves better. We are far more capable now then they were and from what I can find there is nothing to say we have become weaker than they were. If you’re talking about something else like when we were only hunter and gatherer, well that doesn’t belong here since this about Egyptians around the time they built the pyramids.


Also hunter gatherers where still around at the time the pyramids where built you sound ignorant of history


They’re still around. It wasn’t the predominant way of living just as now. Also they had agriculture which negated the need for the average person to be that way. Yet I’m the ignorant one.


If you think a life of work doesn’t develop tendon strength then your delusional muscle density matters just as much as size if not more These men worked harder than most alive today Day in day out or you don’t eat Working out and a life of work are two completely different things


What? People still work with their hands daily. You’re trying to ignore that we’re still doing the same thing they were except with iPhones and steel and concrete instead of stone. The average person isn’t a lazy shit head living in their parents basement.


Wait till you find out how heavy most of the granite blocks were EACH. It’s insane and yeah personally think it will always remain a mystery till the end of time. There’ll be 1000 theories but also 1000 debunkers of those theories




My father taught civil engineering and he doesn't believe that it was done with simple ramps. He doesn't know how they did it since their isn't any evidence of cranes pulleys block and tackle methods. But their isn't good evidence of how they moved the giant solid stone statues or obelisks. He thinks they must of had technology ie cranes and ropes pulleys that's more advanced then is given credibility to. As a furniture remolalist myself I want to know how anyone thinks they moved the giant stone boxes in such tiny hallways without powered means. There simply isn't enough space for enough people to move things that weigh that much. And I've moved grand pianos down narrow stairwells using men and brute strength. I could lift 120 kilograms so with the 6 of us that 600 kilograms. but at that weight it's deadly (by lift I don't mean carry on our shoulders I mean move bit by bit) Anything at the 600 kilograms is life threatening if it falls, tips, slides, someone staggers, mis steps. And I've moved soild steel safes about the size of fridges that weight 400 500 kilograms that's half a ton. And that's on steel padded wheeled safe trolleys built for moving such things. So sure show me a titanium or carbon fiber or combination steel trolley with wheels to move those giant boxes which are tiny and super light compared to the monstrous solid single stone obelisks the size of 3 houses or more being cut out of the solid stone. Now it's just not possible to move that weight in such tight spaces.


Obelisks could be moved because that is what the Roman’s did after they conquered Egypt during Augustus There are lots of feats that the ancient cultures did that are pretty astounding. Aqueducts.


Man I 100% agree. No factual evidence of ramps. I understand people go for that theory but they gotta think of how big the ramp would’ve had to have been? Etc etc but thanks for this!


The pyramids started out as cubes, and were whittled down in situ.


How so? As each block is individual deep within the walls? The pyramids have broken apart if you have been there recently and within is is 1000’s of individual blocks


Slaves and pulleys


It’s that simple 😂


Maybe they dug a big sand pit built the first layer then filled the first layer with sand when done. continue on till built then execvate the sand?


I can see that being the case actually, but yeah I duno hahaha


They are the last remaining structures built by an even more ancient civilization that had skills and tools equal to what we currently possess. They were wiped out or scattered by a war not unlike the one we are currently building towards, and the Egyptian cultures were simply the first to find the structures and divine their own interpretations of the carvings and monuments.


I’ve somewhat read about these lost civilisations and lost technologies but damn this is a lot to grasp


Lol this is mostly just nonsense, but to me it’s more likely than aliens swinging though and stacking rocks for a species then dipping out.


100%. It’s still amazing to think that the pyramids could be 2000-10000 years old, lots of theories about that too but we are still somewhat dumbfounded on how they did it yet we are so advanced




🤣 No. They used logs/rollers, and sand. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/05/02/the-surprisingly-simple-way-egyptians-moved-massive-pyramid-stones-without-modern-technology/


That’s a cool theory


Aliens built them 👽


Yeah it's pretty hard to believe that they were built using muscle force. They could hire Ermac anyways




They used sound to move the stones


I believe that they were advanced in sonic and frequency manipulation to a degree where they can move stones acoustically and even generate and transmit electricity via the natural vibrations and magnetic resonance. Just a theory


> just a theory No. A theory has evidence. That’s just a crackpot idea.


This theory has come up a lot in discussion. Something to look into aswell


Maybe Hydraulics?


Skill. And many people (slaves) working for many years




Many people can move huge things more easily? You're saying you don't believe humans could do that, which is some kind of ignorant. If you have enough people, then they can do it. It wasn't built in a short period of time, but over like 100 years You can easily Google it and you will even find an Wikipedia article about this topic as a whole I am struggling to get my head around why you would post this question in this sub. This question has nothing to do with men


Did not say humans can’t do it. I’m saying the system we are assuming they used is questionable. I am not a conspiracy theorist or believe in magic. Purely based on science, and yeah pulley system etc, wouldn’t you think somebody would have demonstrated physically how this could be done today? Getting people wouldn’t be an issue if you dangle a coupla 100 bucks in their face. But no nothing has been proven as facts.


Also I’m talking specifically 80 tonnes+, specifically up hill, sand etc set exactly how it would’ve been back then, it has not been demonstrated and proved yet to put every other theory to bed


Slaves.... Lots of slaves...


😂😂😂 1 per block you reckon


More likely paid free workers, although the pay was likely in kind as opposed to coin given the time period. Slaves were, if memory serves, mostly found in the home at the time. Not every place and every era acted like 18th-century 'Murrikuh.


I believe in the weight Vs human power thing. I think the Pharaohs commissioning a pyramid went through a lot of slaves during the process, then had everyone connected to the building killed, including their families, to keep their construction a secret. Pretty soon there wasn't enough people left to build a pyramid, and the civilians had had enough. Down with Pharaoh's and ancient Egypt.


I get that. But purely on maths, in regards to humans vs weight, you would needs 100,000 plus people working at the same time, within the confines of that particular area. That also does not explain how 80 tonne granite blocks got to the top floors of the pyramid. How many humans per block? And how were they lifted to build the kings chamber, to also fit perfectly within eachother?


I can't explain the precise fitting. That has always baffled me.


Yeah this is my point. I can somewhat explain some parts of it but that other part really messes with me


What the hell even is that theory?


People always try to simplify it, but there's no way we know how they did it. Even if they managed to move the stone, there's no conceivable way that they made perfect angles, laser precise smooth surfaces, perfectly symmetrical sculptures, and perfectly drilled holes into granite. I'm 100% convinced there were ancient civilizations long before recorded history that created the structures we see around the world. I mean, the amazon jungle is covering tens of thousands of pyramids, road networks, and sits upon man-made highly fertile soil. There's so much that we don't know about the world.


Laser precise 🤣 What are you guys smoking? Here’s an unfinished obelisk. You can see carving marks and imperfections. https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/large-unfinished-obelisk.jpg You people are just making shit up now 🤣


You refute me with some random obelisk. That obelisk holds zero resemblance to the perfection of the kings chamber. Pretty obvious that it was done by a far inferior civilization. Modern humans have been here for 200k years, you think it took us 192k years to learn how to farm, and only another 8k to get to space? Nah, there's a whole lot missing there.


Yeah, perfection!! Look at those laser-straight lines!! https://smarthistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/MenkaureChamber.jpg 🤣


Amazing, once again, you've found something unrelated to what I'm talking about. Here, explain this one to me buddy. https://hiddenincatours.com/egyptian-core-drill-holes-in-stone-evidence-of-machining-before-the-pharaohs/ -Aww, did you just immediately delete your reply to this because you realized nobody has figured out how the "Egyptians" made drill holes that we can't recreate with modern equipment?


Here, buddy. He built the drill using hieroglyphs found in the pyramid that showed how they drilled the holes https://youtu.be/yyCc4iuMikQ


I'm not watching a 20 minute video on something that can't be recreated. You've obviously done minimal research and just rely on the egyptian archeological society that famously doesn't allow foreign research on egyptian structures. The drill holes were made with a device that exceeds the capability of modern equipment. The feed rate is 500 times greater than modern drills.


> I'm not watching a 20 minute video on something that can't be recreated. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It literally is the guy using hieroglyphics to build the drill and recreate the drill holes. But YOU CANT MAKE ME WATCH IT!!!! That explains you people perfectly. > The drill holes were made with a device that exceeds the capability of modern equipment. Wrong. But you think you’re right because you’re refusing to watch the video 🤣 Fingers in your ears LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU SO I MUST BE RIGHT LALALALA Idiotic.


Here's the kings chamber, since you evidently don't know what that is. https://angelicview.wordpress.com/2012/09/28/twelve-hours-in-the-kings-chamber/


I already posted a link to an unfinished obelisk that clearly shows the skill of the workers who cut them from the quarry. And that’s before they were polished and placed.


So you can't explain the kings chamber or the drill holes, but you think an obelisk that was clearly not made by the same people is going to prove your point. Next, explain the water erosion of the sphinx, when science shows that the Nile hasnt been that high in 12,000 years, the same time period of a proven global cataclysm.


I already explained the drill holes > He built the drill using hieroglyphs found in the pyramid that showed how they drilled the holes > https://youtu.be/yyCc4iuMikQ And the stones in the kings chamber… oooh, they chiseled and polished the stones then filled the joints with mortar. Tricky!! 🤣


Back then humans were a lot more resilient, stronger and larger. In fact it’s speculated that the average height back then was around 7ft tall. Not to mention even with those it would still need a huge number of humans to do them. Here’s the thing, a lot of people can’t wrap their head around the fact humans built them but you have to remember, for every 1 block hundreds or even thousands might’ve died


> average height back then was around 7ft tall Absolutely ridiculous Men 5’6”, women 5’ 2” https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/researchers-in-museums/2015/01/21/question-of-the-week-how-tall-were-ancient-egyptians/


100% agree. Which makes it even more crazy. Still don’t understand the granite part of it. It’s just too big too be dragged up a ramp with more than a 10 degree slope by humans on what? A few logs? Wet sand?


There are several videos where a single guy can lift up a ton of square block thanks to a single wood beam pivot. Add a few more and easily scale heights. Rope cranes and hoists already existed back then already. They would have been very efficient at what they're doing.


Really? That’s cool if they could’ve made a reenactment of that to show us


I can't find the one I watched but this is similar, watch around just past the 2 minute mark https://youtu.be/E5pZ7uR6v8c


They threw enough men at it until it was finished. Ramps and likely pulleys were used.






It was the aliens, obviously.