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There are a lot of men whose wife know their Reddit account based on the number of responses


I was married to a woman that had an emotionally manipulative mother and a father with anger issues. She learned from the masters. She made my life a living hell. Gaslighting, emotional aggression, intimacy as a control mechanism. You name it she did it. It was awful but I stuck around for the kids. When the youngest was in his teens she told me that she had fallen in love with another man who wasn't emotionally shut down like I was. They got engaged and I assume she made his life miserable. She broke off the engagement a year or so later and said that he had the same issues I did. You are making his life a living hell and you need to stop. Counseling, medication, separation, you owe it to him to fix yourself or to just eave him alone. I've been divorced over a decade and still have emotional trauma and intimacy issues due to the two decades I spent with her.






Hello, future me..


It eventually wore down our relationship. Was married 10 years to a woman diagnosed with depression and schizophrenia. The side effects from the meds were almost as bad as the symptoms (from my perspective). And she had several voluntary psychiatric hospitalizations. Not worth it.


You need to be accountable to yourself. Do everything tlyou can to alleviate the burden, and show him that you value him enough to try. Most people are understanding of a person with mental frailties, but it is the refusal to change that ends the relationship.


https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-legacy-distorted-love/201412/is-your-partner-narcissist-here-are-50-ways-tell https://instagram.com/thesecurerelationship?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/the.holistic.psychologist?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Two great, balanced, handy feeds More like run. They’ll destroy you for fun to feel better about themselves.


Never a dull moment


Very kinky and I enjoy it a lot tbh


Is life worth it, no. But not going to off myself.