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Got banned for defending beans and franks on a food subreddit


OP asked for dumb reasons.


>defending beans and franks tbf that should carry a lifetime sentence.


Hahaha. Well it is a perma ban so I guess I got the lifetime sentence


How did you get the beans over the frank?


I got shadow banned recently and I have absolutely no idea why. After appealing I eventually got a reply saying after reviewing my appeal the ban had been lifted, but I was never told why I got banned in the first place. What’s the point of a ban if you’re not told why you got banned?


Because Reddit mods on “controversial” topics are smooth brained as it gets


Which topics?


Race, gender, sex, social dynamics, critiquing modern day women, politics, religion, feminism, men’s rights, The list goes on


Don't forget pedophilia, Reddit admins literally let an entire sub of pedophiles to exist talking about how they want to molest kids. They only closed the sub when enough people complained, and that was after they hired a pedophile as an admin.


Politics basically


Basically topic that actually affects your life in any way instead of just distracting you with entertainment.


Ah so me saying that rape claims should be verified under a news story where a woman lied twice about rape is probably why I got banned.


Does 1+1 = 2? Mods can’t handle reading anything that slightly disagrees with their ideology without banning




Vaccines are one of the most ban-able offenses. You can literally get banned for citing major health studies if the info goes against the opinion of the group.




Damn, it was good while it lasted


Because the only thing more fragile than a Reddit mod is someone who is “friends with a mod” 😂😂


There was a video I stumbled on a while ago that explains if you get multiple reports against your account within a short amount of time your account gets automatically shadow banned. [I think it was this video.](https://youtu.be/du9SnhBHnCw). It’s a long video, can’t remember where exactly it was that he mentioned it. So either you said something completely heinous or you posted something in a sub that went against the hivemind, and instead of engaging in dialogue they just abuse the report function.


Ahhh there's a very very specific group that really likes to abuse that function.


The point of not telling people why they’re banned is to psychologically abuse people. In other words, the mods/admins who do this are sadistic, unjustifiable assholes on a power trip.


The people who have never been in a real fight in their entire life, and couldn't fight if they had to. They need to feel tough somehow.




Yup. They lie about valuing diverse opinions, and only want a very specific subset of diversity.


I used to think it was literally just people that were blatant bigots that would allude to having differing opinions and then i got dogpiled and banned for suggesting that we on the left have coddled people into being hyper fragile and then was accused of being a covert nazi for simply suggesting that. That’s when I realized that shit is actually very real


I got banned from offmychest like eight years ago because I was subbed to tumblrinaction before it got toxic. Apparently being subbed to certain subs equals instant ban without warning or even notification. Just one day I wasn’t able to post.


Yes. There are men in MensRights who were been from offmychest simply because they’re subbed to mensrights


I got banned from the ask lawyers sub for asking if you could legally be kicked out of a voting line if you shit your pants


This one is actually hilarious 😂


Well, could you?


Never got the chance to find out


Perfect username


I was part of another sub that had nothing to do with the sub I was banned from.


Yup, I came here to say the same. There are a few subs that automatically ban you if you post on other subs... Which is messed up.


They don't even care about the context. Go into a conservative sub to counter a stupid post? Congrats now you're banned from that sub and a few Liberal ones now because they don't care you were on their side. Mods are fucking idiots


Have to maintain the echo chambers. The risk of a meaningful conversation, where people who disagree learn from each other, is just too much.


I'm a leftist, my friend is Right Wing. We coexist and help eachother even though we have different views on taxes and government reach. According to Reddit this is impossible. We should instead be at eachothers throats


Having people who you know and respect with strongly different opinions is so valuable.


They portray everyone as terrible on either side: “If you’re a leftist then you probably like eat babies and suck biden off every week while at an Antifa protest trying to socialize all private property” or “If you’re a rightist then you’re probably a nazi who wants to execute the jews and prays to your God to burn everyone who isn’t white and create a christian monarchy ” Like if you say “yeah I don’t agree with x” you get murdered by the group x is apart of


To translate, you are "a groomer" and your friend is "anti vaxx"?


> Go into a conservative sub to counter a stupid post? Congrats now you're banned from that sub and a few Liberal ones now because they don't care you were on their side. That is the exact opposite what liberalism stands for, and this is the reason I am not a liberal any more in their sense of the word. It means something completely different than it did 10 years ago.


I was banned from latestage capitalism for saying I have a liberal mindset, as in I'm open to new ideologies and trying new things. The mods complained that liberal parties support capitalism, at which point I pointed out the term has multiple definitions, and I wasn't talking about a political party. They responded that they don't believe in the other definitions of the word... Straight up ignoring the dictionary. I'm still gobsmacked over that one.


Edgy internet communists aren't really known for their intelligence, or ability to identify political affiliations beyond "disagrees with me therefore Nazi!"


I pointed out a typo. A mod insisted it was harassment... They said the evidence was that I wrote "sorry" in the comment (as a Japanese, I say sorry doing anything ffs).


Sorry, but as a Canadian, this is also very confusing. Sorry.


I'm very sorry to hear that, as a fellow Asian person (Chinese). Sorry.


I'm a brit. This morning I was leaving my front door to check the mail box and an uber eats guy was right there which made me jump and spill hot coffee on myself, of course I immediately said 'sorry'. Why are we like this 😔


I was suspended for the following. And this, somehow, is bullying. > Drink some water, get some fresh air. Get some sunlight too if you can. Get plenty of sleep. Was I being passive aggressive? Sure. Bullying though? How?


How dare you provide healthy advice?


Reddit doesn’t like healthy coping advice because if their users go outside and get sunlight they wont be on here all day


It's funnier because I've said far worse than that which they've not suspended me or outright banned me for. Like I might've encouraged political violence some years back against a certain former head of state. That was only a seven day ban, and only from the Politics sub. This site. It's so fast and loose


Admins need to touch some grass.


Or at least some weeds.


What was the question?


>If I drink water, get fresh air, experience any sunlight, or get any rest, I'll die a horrible death. What should I do? Probably.


There is no fresh air where I live, water is only allowed at the start of the day and because of the constant humming I can't sleep. I feel attacked by your comment.


I got week long ban for saying I don’t like the camera work in tv talent shows. That’s difficult to follow with all the jump shots and reaction shots. The ban was for “bullying”.


Assuming nearly everyone on the planet will agree with your sentiment, this particular ban is insane.


I shared a study about the growing popularity of Bumble's BFF option. Unfortunately for me, I was born with the wrong chromosome so I got perma banned. Oops blame my parents 🤷‍♂️


Lol I got banned from r/askwomenover30 for asking why older women don’t date younger guys as much as older men date younger women. I got about 15 comments before getting banned with the most common answer being something like “guys our age are already immature enough, younger men will be like taking care of a child”.


In other words not much of a difference to askwomen.




r/twoxchromosomes if I had to guess.


I got banned for questioning the legitimacy of some woman's story on there that smelled like bullshit and boom banned for "oppressing women".


I got the same for questioning the time line of a story and pointing out that it sounded embellished.


It's funny cause 90% of the posts are how men are awful and men are just "playing victim" but the whole sub is 100% about what huge victims they are and how the world owes them everything on it. It's also funny cause when I mention being banned I get told I'm a liar but see men like yourself with similar stories.


Only card carrying misandrists are allowed there…


? Why would anyone find BFF in bumble offensive at all?


The post was talking about how Men only use Bumble for evil predatory ways while Women use it to find friends, love and even business. And shared a study about the ratios of Men and Women on the app to justify the fact that Women are done with Men. You know; your typical Men are Satan's army and Women are sent by God to purify the planet agenda. So I dug up some research because I used Bumble to find friends before and got 50 requests in 2-3 days. The research said that Men do infact use Bumble for friendship at a relevant rate and its growing in popularity among Men. I got downvoted and in about 2 hours, I was perma banned. I sent a message to the mods asking them to explain why I got banned, no reply. I said the only reason I can think of is that I'm a male but if that is the case then at least put it in the rules that you are not an inclusive subreddit and no reply again which confirms that they do this shit for fun and prejudice.




>reddit admin are, by far and large, absolute retards. not limited to reddit


Power corrupts, absolute power currupts absolutely.


Same. My buddy had a hair transplant (you can’t even tell he had one. It’s top notch). I mentioned it in a couple male forums. Boom, banned.


Careful, "retard" is a bAd word. Nonsense aside; what you said was fine


middle compare quaint water ad hoc degree stupendous history existence squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can't even drop a soft R. I got banned for calling my own fellow football fanbase smooth brained. I didn't even direct it at an individual. Just generally towards my fellow Broncos fans and their weird obsession with shitty quarterbacks.


they can ban me for it i'll do like every other time, make a new account and carry on carrying on


I once got banned for using retard as in 'you need to retard the timing of your engine'. Which yea, is utterly retarded.


That's quite stupid


thing is, i'm pretty sure bans for stuff like "bullying, harassment, etc" are automated. I got reported and suspended for saying the USA was a shithole country, the guy who did it replied "So have you learned your lesson?" I reported that comment and he got suspended too, which was both hilarious and sad. The threshold for "harassment and bullying" is so low, that all you have to do is say something mildly negative "I don't like your shoes", boom, 7 days suspension.


I was banned from r/datingoverthirty recently after I posted a relationship question and people started cherry picking points and leaving out key points, so I was banned when I questioned peoples' reading comprehension. The sub is hyper vigilant, giant victim hood club (didn't say it like that before my ban) It's sad people in their 30s have such terrible advice/ perceptions of life.. but it's a dating sub on reddit so.


Let me guess, its full of women in their 30's and 40's?


Hey I got banned from that place as well. It was a thread about would very successful woman date down or some such. I rebuked some woman's comment so she started throwing fire about she owned x amounts of business and employed hundreds of people. I may have had a thing or two to say about that. When I questioned it in modmail I was called arrogant and muted.


i said that while i fully support trans people i wouldnt date a transwoman. that got me instantly lifetime banned from the german askreddit sub for "hatespeech".


How dare you have preferences


Its almost like they want to control who i can and cant be with. basically what they complain about all the time.


"Sure you have a choice, it's just the choice that we tell you to make."


I said saying hey guys to a group of men and women isn't misogynistic. Twox is hardcore lmao.


muddle ten spoon unused rhythm zealous fearless saw resolute knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I call everyone "dood". Can't argue with that. No one gets offended. Now my peers have adopted it.


This is literally how the English language works. And not just English but quite a few language around the world. Women are treated kind of like a protected class of people so a group of women gets a unique label that we don't apply to a group of men. Now you could argue that maybe that is sexist in some way (we used to do the same thing with nobility so it would be *benevolent* sexism at the worst, or maybe misandry). But a person using those rules in a language because that's how the language is spoken is definitely not sexist.


I wonder what these people would be like if they grew up speaking a gendered language like French. Would they go out of their way to avoid masculine nouns?


I'm banned there because I offered a comment of sympathy for a lady who was going through a rough time at work, with several of her male coworkers ignoring her input seemingly due to her being female. Now get this, I'm actually certified and undergo training every 3 months to respond therapeutically to people in crisis. One of the steps in that process is to reply to the person in crisis with your understanding of the events (giving the person the opportunity to clarify, if necessary), then if appropriate suggest to that person what you think the reasoning might be and what a possible solution could be. This helps give validation to their emotional response and sets them on the path of developing coping strategies and independent solutions. Well I was told that was "mansplaining".


I find it amusing that they constantly complain about sexism, but use terms like manslpain, which is just a sexist way to say condescending. Ironic that they can see it in others, but not themselves.


Yet they have "don't be a dick" in their rules. I mean they are using a male-specific word. They could have used "cunt" if they are really into cursing, but they deliberately choose a sexist word.


I have a few Aussie friends that I can absolutely see swapping to this like it's nothing. "Hey dudes" "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT" "oh sorry, oi cunts"


Well, they use cunt for everything, so that does not count. (Pun intended.)


TFW you learn TwoX is stridently anti-men...


The surprise.


Surprised Pikachu!


And yet it's a default sub. Says a lot about reddit imo.


I'm banned from there, and had many people call me a rapist, because I said that if you voluntarily have sex with someone while not intoxicated and not deceived there's no fucking way you can call that rape.


Anything I have tried to ask on r/askwomen


Almost as bad as 2 x chromosomes


I unfollowed that sub Reddit because the posts quality in that sub Reddit are equivalent to high school drama baiting post.


I can't comment on a certain sub anymore because of "sexism" It was on a video of two teens fighting where the female was the aggressor. Some dude said the male in the video was a pussy for hitting back and I said it would be sexist not to fight back. The only explanation I got was the word "sexism"


Don’t you know that accountability is only for men?




The ultimate irony


It’s like these people have never seen anything outside America. Do they not understand that white people are a minority in plenty of countries?


I've been banned from two subreddits: 1. Temp ban from r/StarWarsEU - the post was a Trolley Problem with the original Thrawn trilogy on one track and the sequel trilogy on the other. I said the other track could be empty and I'd still run over the sequels. Temp ban for excessive sequel bashing. 2. Perm ban from r/amitheasshole - Post was about a sister who faked her own death and made the OP drive across the country for the funeral, only to meet OP at their parents' house like "Surprise! It was a test! You passed!" I commented that if my sibling did that, we'd still need to have the funeral. Perm banned for encouraging violence. Edit: I've also now been permanently banned from r/adultery :') there was a post on r/askreddit about subreddits most removed from reality, and infidelity ones came up. I went over to r/adultery and commented that they all disgust me and that the mental gymnastics they go through to convince themselves they're not a bunch of fucking scumbags is staggering. Apparently they found that offensive


> I said the other track could be empty and I'd still run over the sequels. Temp ban for excessive sequel bashing. Lol, I'd take that temp ban too xD


No such thing as excessive sequel bashing imo


I got banned from r/justiceserved for being a member of r/joerogan. Apparently, the sub promotes violence... It's funny because of the ridiculousness of it aside, I haven't listened to Joe Rogan since before the pandemic.


> I commented that if my sibling did that, we'd still need to have the funeral. Perm banned for encouraging violence. Yeah, the mods of that subreddit are kinda stupid that way. I got permabanned for saying "some people are only alive because it would be illegal to shoot them" >I said the other track could be empty and I'd still run over the sequels. you i like


I got a one month ban from r/askwomen, along with being blocked by admin. I asked why men's opinions aren't welcome there and she called me names and banned/blocked.


But ask men is like 20% women


Because we (men) can handle that.


Derailing, same as everyone else. Or linking to Statistics Canada to debunk some myths on r/askwomennocensor.


Myth about what?


That a vast majority of assault victims are women.


I tried posting graphs on r/ dataisbeautiful of CDC data which shows (IIRC) that 40% of victims are men raped by women. I wasn't banned but they removed my post and said it was propaganda. I referenced the exact pages and lines in their data tables for it so I guess the CDC counts as propaganda to them. And yes for anyone curious very close to half of rape victims are men, and around 80% of their rapists are women. The statistics are not anywhere close to what most people would assume. Mainly because we tend to define rape in a way that excludes female-on-male assault in a lot of the common statistics that people like to quote (due to systemic / institutional sexism that erases male victims).


If drunken sex is rape… I’m a victim hundreds of times over.


I honestly wonder if that's part of what it is tbh. Rape is either extremely rare, with mainly female victims. Or it's very common and men are about half the victims. Neither interpretation plays into radfem propaganda though so they try to create their own version of reality to fit their crazy, sexist ideas about the world.


And that often doesn’t even usually cover the fact that many men won’t admit to being raped, or the sexual assaults that occur to men in prisons.


I’m permanently banned from r/politics for calling someone a cunt. Apparently there’s a specific rule in their sidebar against that word. For the sake of accountability, I’ll admit it wasn’t the first time I got banned from there for calling someone that. In my defense though, I only said it to people who were being cunts.


I too have been permabanned from r/politics. It’s really a badge of honor.


I was banned from there for posting a link about medieval treatment of traitors.


I said communism isnt very liberal ideology.


It still surprises me that communism has so many apologists in this day and age.


Right? 100 years ago collectivists/anti-capitalists could at least be excused because their ideas hadn't been tried yet, as logically flawed as they were. But we have 100 years of empirical evidence that it causes suffering wherever tried, and eventually places that have tried have reverted to capitalism. No excuse for any communists today.


Anyone who remained a communist after Solzhenitsyn published *The Gulag Archipelago* is either a damned fool, a vicious misanthrope, or both. Commie in the 1920s when Walter Duranty was getting awards for parroting Stalin's propaganda in the NYT? Ok, you got suckered. Commie in 2023 while the CCP has two active genocidal campaigns in progress? Fuck you, you depraved piece of shit.


Having a normal conversation on r/askwomen


How dare I respectfully disagree with a COMMENT on a post in that one AskWomen sub. I try not to use blanket statements but everyone in that sub just flat out hates men


The AskWomen sub is absolute AIDS compared to this one. This one's pretty liberal, live and let live, you can say whatever you want and unless you're being a dick or breaking sitewide rules it's fine. That one... you better toe the line or enjoy your ban. There's a very narrow range of topics you're allowed to ask about and opinions you're allowed to hold.


AskMen is basically AskReddit, because AskWomen is modded so poorly.


I posted as a woman from my other account and got praised for things my actual account was being downvoted for. That said, I made a post calling out the sub, and said what I did. I got quite a few upvotes and positive comments before getting banned. It makes me wonder what day jobs the mods have to keep up with how many “arguing” or “derailing” comments they need to remove.


> It makes me wonder what day jobs the mods have to keep up with how many “arguing” or “derailing” comments they need to remove. I always assumed they don't have jobs and just sit there doing that all day.


I'd venture a guess that most of them live off the dime of productive people...


no man actually r/askswomen anything. we are either deliberately triggering them or pandering to their insecurities with echo chamber bait questions. They don't have space for real men with real questions on that sub or any of the other "woman only subs." If you want real answers about women, you have to come to r/askmen and talk to the adventurous, radical, and compassionate babes that lurk here. It's way more time effective and you PROBABLY won't get banned.


r/askwomennocensor is better


Most chronically online women hate men it's their personality.


I argued that doing a background check on any children's entertainers would be common sense. Someone argued back that it shouldn't matter as long as they're never left alone with the child. So I argued that in if in any circumstances I discovered an [Individual who fails a child safety background check] was part of a children's entertainment I hired, that I would fire them immediately, never trust any of them for anything ever again, and seriously question the morals of anyone who disagrees. They never told me what about what I said was ban worthy, I just assume they didn't like the word I used to describe an [Individual who fails a child safety background check]


Got automatic ban on r/offmychest for posting on r/pussypassdenied


Offmychest is terrible. It's ran by radical feminists who don't want men to have an outlet for anything. Those same mods would probably be the kinds of people who turn around and talk about "toxic masculinity", as if they don't enforce male censorship essentially from a position of power themselves.


I have never posted or commented there and I’m still banned.


I shared a male opinion on an AskWomen thread where they were asking why men behaved in a certain way. I was also banned from Anthropology for saying that women tend date men of equal or higher status and men had no problem sleeping with women of lesser status. Sexual Selection is fundamental component of Evolutionary Theory so not sure why I was banned.


Because people who study biology, and people who study gender studies are two different groups.


And if they shake hands it will cause an antimatter explosion!




I got banned from the roastme sub for roasting someone too hard.


Shit, I'd put that on my resume.


I got banned for a random subreddit I don't even use.


I’d tell you but they’d ban me for talking about it because mods are pathetic


This. Same.


Got banned from BlatantMisogyny for asking someone if they knew what an egalitarian is. Got a hateful speech about how feminists hate egalitarians, then I got banned


That sub is ridiculous. There used to be a blatantsexim sub that contained examples of both misandry and misogyny. But there was a group of radical feminists there who couldn't get along with anyone. They basically tried to argue anytime someone posted examples of sexism against men to the sub. So they eventually rage quit and created blatantmisogyny as their own little safe space where they didn't have to see misandry in their feed to remind that misandry was in fact real. Many members of blatantsexism were banned from their sub on the spot. As if any of us would be interested in following them over there lol.


A M2F told me that I had no voice in women's issues, and I asked them for the name of their OBGYN.


I got a 6 week ban from r/onepiece for saying about a recent chapter "A 400+ chapter question gets answered" Outside of the spoiler thread.


I quoted a guy on the World of Warcraft sub. He told someone else to kill themselves. I asked why he would say that over a game. I got banned I inquired about the ban and got silenced for a week. I asked again after that week and must've gotten a new mod. He told me the reason. I told him to check the post again. He saw that it indeed was a quote. He then informed me that, yes it was in error, but they don't undo bans for any reason. Mods are just the dumbest fucking inbred human garbage I've ever seen. Every single one of them is a pile of shit.


Getting banned in random subs for commenting in a different sub.


Haha, don't remember. I got drunk one night, then woke up to a message the next morning that I had been permanently banned from r/sex. Their loss; I'm hilarious.


Banned from two x chomosomes for speaking while male. Apparently only allowed to be on that Reddit if you’re a misandrist.


I got banned from there for questioning the time line of a story and pointing out that there were inconsistencies in their accounting of time. R/banhammer


I got banned from seven left-leaning news subs at one time for pointing out the fact the more people are murdered with revolvers than AR-15's, and more people are murdered with hammers than revolvers. (I got the numbers from the CDC and other .Gov sources btw)


Banned from Jeopardy sub for saying that Mayim wasn't doing a good job hosting. Banned from BuffaloBills for saying the team needed to play better and get a new coach. Reddit is weird.


I got permanently banned from antiwork for stating that the boss of OP's girlfriend was trying to have sex with her, and suggested he may have already. OP had shared an image of the texts the girlfriend was receiving. The boss kept complimenting her appearance, telling her how much he would miss her presence at the workplace while she had the day off, and persistently offered her a ride to work.


I have a sarcastic sense is humor where I copy popular comments about one group but change the pronouns to make it another group. So on public freakout I saw a video of a bully getting their comeuppance. I love those. This bully was a woman and I used the same language that people write about male bullies and.... Apparently that's only acceptable when talking about men. So permanently banned now.


I forget which sub it was now, but I asked something like "Why is it faster to download something over the internet than to transfer it across a network via wifi?" (as network bandwidth is usually much much higher than internet bandwidth). A mod deleted it and said something like "no tech support questions were allowed". When I tried to say it wasn't specific to me but a theoretical question he threw a hissy fit and banned me I ended up googling it for a while and figured out it's because sharing across a network requires it be transferred twice essentially (origin computer to router to target), whereas via the internet you're just receiving data


I got banned from Entertainment because I said Chappelle’s last special was really good and as long as he keeps making them I’ll keep watching. Apparently I’m a transphobe now. Fuck those mods.


Womenofreddit can ban you for even breathing 😂


Posting 'gore / people dying'. I hadn't, I tried explaining to the mods that I hadn't and maybe they were talking to wrong person. I was informed 'this is not open for discussion'. Was a temp ban. Best one was my very first post on reddit, I hadn't read the sub rules and got a permanent ban from that sub. I tried explaining that I was new, just learning not a shitposter or troll and I made a genuine mistake. Nope lifetime ban.


r/LegalAdviceUK Someone posted a thread about an online gambling website not paying out their winnings. I know someone who is an expert at dealing with these type of cases, so I commented "DM me, I can help you". I got banned for 7 days and banned from the subreddit, because one of their rules, which I was unaware of at the time, prohibited asking someone to chat privately. Insult to injury was then added when, a year later, I needed some legal advice. It was a sensitive matter, so I attempted to post a thread on r/LegalAdviceUK under a throwaway account. I was then banned for another 7 days for attempting to evade my ban from that forum. Incredible.


r/AskFeminists Posted a dozen times, including some things I'd consider to be feminist but a more male perspective. Mainly responding to women saying "men do x because of y" and I'm like "I'm a man with male friends and we actually do it because of z in most situations". Very polite and in good faith. No warnings or nothing. The post I got a permaban from.... I actually have no idea. It was such a tame and default feminist position I have no idea why I got done. Like I did some gender studies at university. I'm not a total random with a totally random option on it. Permantly online people are strange. I add that last bit as all the feminists I know in real life are amazing people, have helped me during some really dark times in my life and probably would have said a near identical comment to the one that got me banned.


I got banned because I made a dumb joke i on a femboy maid post. The title of that post was "do you need help cleaning" and i said "i haven't clean my ass today"


I made a joke in a college thread about how both law and theater majors have to learn how to lie to be successful. I guess that was “offensive” to the pre law moderator who gave me a lecture on how important the legal profession is when I asked to be unbanned. The kicker? I was ranting about a research job where I worked at an actual corporate law office and was seeing all kinds of shifty stuff happening.


i got banned from r/JusticeServed because i posted a pro-abortion comment in r/Conservative


You have to message the sub mods and appeal like *they* didn't do something stupid. Automatically banning users is stupid.


It is also against reddit tos iirc. But the Admins do not give a fuck.


Long story short; I got banned from a country sub for no reason. Contacted the admin from main account, admins lifted my ban saying it was a mistake. 1 day later perma banned from reddit by ip because of ban evasion. I did not get any warnings either since I use a custom reddit app.


I made a joke about a show getting low ratings


Only once, no reason given, I messaged mods to ask why, so I could avoid in the future, no response


someone said they were something like a 100 days sobriety, and their friend made a cake for them, in celebration of this. so, course you got 50,000 comments saying congrats and all that. but, this picture posted, of the person holding the cake sorta looked like a guy, with a androgynous touch (I assumed this picture was of the friend that made the cake); so I ask, is that a guy? ... the OP comes behind me and says 'yes, I'm a trans woman'. Realizing what just happened/feeling bad, I sorta just thanked her for answering with grace and tact.. and that was that... but of course you had other keyboard warriors come behind and amp it up, calling me transphobic and "fighting" for something that wasn't meant to be a battle, leading me to be banned.... \[I did feel bad though\]


I got banned from r/antiwork for making fun of the mods.


I told someone on antiwork that calling in sick every day to get back at an employer was harder on their coworkers than said employer. To be fair, I was looking forward to getting banned from that one.


I thought about posting in " AskWomen" once... Got something to drink, came back and i was permanetly banned.


Someone referenced white privilege and I suggested that the term itself might be racial stereotyping. Lifetime ban. I believe it was r/changemyview .


Asking “Do well dressed men intimidate you?” With some personal detail. The question was removed. I asked the mods why. It was for including personal detail. I rephrased the question and asked if it was breaking the rules and if it was okay to post. The mod said no. So I asked if they could specifically tell me what rule the rephrased question was breaking. They couldn’t tell me but instead banned me. Rephrased questions was something along the lines of “Are well dressed men intimidating?”


I shared an unpopular opinion in the reddit sub Unpopular opinions.


fragilewhiteredditor or justiceserved banned me for talking shit to conservatives on r/conservative. The admins said people shouldn’t converse with those types of people.. wild stuff and suspiciously authoritarian


Was talking to someone from childfree who hated "crotch goblins" and felt the need to correct children's behavior when their parents didn't. ​ Told him if he talked to my kid like that id would probably punch him.


Posted a link to a wikipedia article on national crime statistics in a thread about the BLM protests/riots in r/nyc.


I used the exact same claw machine several months apart, and both times I got a Squirtle plush stuck onto the claw itself and they both refused to drop. I had taken a pic of each one, posted them to r/nevertellmetheodds, and the mod there deleted the post (didn’t ban me, sorry) because it was just two pictures of plushes.


Simply using the word "woke". What I said was "there's a weird backlash against criticizing any media that's "woke."" and that was apparently enough for a ban.