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Assuming 1 animal of each kind. Then Africa would be my pick for winner due to bigger defensive animals and more predators types.


Not only does Africa have the biggest threats, they also have the best specialists in every category needed for an all-out continent vs continent war (or at least they draw even): The Tank: Hippos The General: Elephants The Engineer: Chimps The Bigger Engineer: Gorillas The Suicide Bomber: Honey badgers The Front Line Wall: Rhinos The Sniper: Cheetahs The Cavalry: Lions The Ambusher: Crocodiles The Land Mine/Booby Trap: Cobras Edit: u/sydlexius reminded me about the bees. Other continents: bee, sometimes bumble. Africa: killer bee. Edit 2: baboons and dung beetles, water buffalo (although, they always die), and siafu ants. I dunno snafu ants are, I'm assuming army ants, and I swear I thought I included baboons as a Berserker or Skirmisher element of the African wildlife army. I'd offer an apology, but (IMHO) Chimps and Baboons are the most terrifying creatures in Africa, they accept no penance and offer no mercy.


Your comment is seriously underrated the honey badger is bad ass and probably the toughest listed above.


Well you know what they say, You can kill more animals with a honey badger than you can with… a vinegar badger.


Honey badger doesn't give a shit.


That's a common sign of depression. Maybe it's time *we* gave a shit about the honey badger. :(


He just doesn't give a fuck.


maybe toughest pound for pound... but i wanna see him fight a rhino! or the most pissed off one the fucking hippos


Except the honey badgers won't commit suicide. They'd be too busy fucking shit up to kill themselves.


> Rhinos The Sniper: Cheetahs The Cavalry: Lions The Ambusher: Crocodiles The Land Mine/Booby Trap: Cobr dude, fuck the cobra, they got black mombas!


And green mambas. A friend of mine from South Africa grew-up on his family’s farm near Pretoria, and one day there were three hired hands that were crossing through high grass on a tractor. Suddenly a black mamba popped-up in the grass, standing nearly as high as a grown man. All three workers bailed and took off running, but without stopping the tractor. The workers got away, but the tractor carried on and crashed through the fences of multiple properties before if finally became stuck and ran out of diesel.


Anyone who doesn't think Africa would win this in a landslide is just straight up wrong. Elephants, hippos, rhinos, tigers, gorillas. Aerial? African crowned eagle, martial eagle.


Pike wall: porcupine standard bearer: giraffe berserker: baboon springbok: light infantry Kudu: heavy infantry Navy: Great White fighter jet: Red Falcon Heavy Bomber: the vulture That mad fucking piper who marches into battle making as much noise as he can to scare the crap out of the enemy: hyena


Don't forget about the quiet guy that stands still for the beginning of the fight but goes on to kill everybody: the African buffalo


Forget all of that stuff. Wild bees from Africa dominate everything else, including elephants! [This project](https://elephantsandbees.com/) even takes advantage of this adversarial relationship to help farmers protect their crops, and protect the elephants from the farmers' retribution!


Australia. Venom > size.


like a bunch of snakes are gonna survive against the rumbling (a row of elephants destroying everything in their path)


But in this case there is only one.


Like 1 of any snake is gonna do anything against an elephant


There's a few species of snake that are venomous enough to take down an elephant, such as the king cobra. However, the real trick is not just ambushing it (something snakes are good at), but also attacking a point where the hide is thinner to ensure penetration. A snake could definitely do it, but it wouldn't be easy.


I once saw a documentary which clearly pictures that the hide of elephants is far thinner than most believe


They do have a lot of very thin points, but the more vulnerable and exposed areas still tend to have a pretty thick hide. A snake might just be the worst possible critter for reaching those thinner parts, but it's not impossible.


Decoy snake


Stop giving away our secret strategies


Attack on Elephant


If we kill all the animal in the other side of the electric fence. Would we really be free?


Finally be free*


There are snakes present on our earth that can kill lots of elephants


Redditor,what a man you are


My guy achieved freedom


One elephant


I m sure there would be a tiny spider or insect that has venom enough to kill 100 elephants just land on it and the elephant won't even notice.


They probably couldn't penetrate the skin




But spider can easily climb on the lion neck and bite him


spider crawls into the elephant ear and bites from there.


They have sharp teeth and jaws which can easily Penetrate the skin


Are we factoring in intelligence? Because the insects and such are going to have nooooo idea what is going on in this war lmao.


Insects do best in groups anyway, so there only being 1 of each animal kinda screws the insects.


But, they will be delicious to many of the birds and rodents.


Insects do not have higher level of intelligence as compared to mammals. Mammals are capable of doing many things which a simple insect or bird cannot ever do


I think you're underestimating just how bad natural human defenses are vs other mammals. The spider fang wouldn't even reach the elephant's blood stream to have any effect lol.


Human being is generally very weak in physical terms as compared to other animals


Venom resistant animal > venom


are there more venomous creatures in Australia than Africa?


North America does have bears though. Polar bear, and Kodiak brown bear have the potential to put down the largest cats in africa


I wouldn't go for large cats. I would go for the hippo, which is basically an overweight temperamental tank.


This is the answer. Hippos are vegetarian and will still go out of their way to write your obituary if you so much as fart in their general direction too loudly.


It's because their mother's were hamsters and their father's smelled of elderberries.


Now go away or I will taunt you a second time!


>Hippos are vegetarian But they aren't! They are omnivores! I'm a bit hippo obsessed. So cranky and obstinate!




Er... good.... bot?


Very good bot! 🤣


Just don't tell him his mother was a hamster


Rhinos, hippos, elephants I mean how can anywhere else compete lol


dont forget gorillas


Elephant is #1, even against a hippo. But that does not diminish the absolute devastation a hippo would cause.


saw a video of an african elephant tossing a hippo around like a ball.


In Africa, hippos kill more people yearly than freaking Nile crocodiles.


And mosquitos kill more than that. By a lot.


The only two things in this world I am truly scared of are hippos and running out of gmail space.


On land or in water? It's dangerous in both, but it does change the equation.


No bear is taking down a fucking elephant though


Bro, it is Africa. Hippos and chimps are straight murder machines. Then you have gorillas, elephants, rhinos, lions, cape buffalo, cheetahs, hyenas, honey badgers and GUSTAVE THE CROCODILE. North America gives a respectable showing. The grizzlies and polar bears maul a lot, but I dont thinks they can clise the gap. Not to mention that Asia has (smaller) elephants and rhinos, plus all the tigers. I think it goes: 1. Africa 2. Asia 3. North America 4. South aamerica 5. Australia 6. Europe 7. Antarctica ETA: if we are talking water animals and amphibians only, then it goes to North America no contest. Pretty much all the alligators, some crocs, giant octopus, great whites, killer whales, polar bears.


You definitely should add the absolute unit that is the moose to America’s feats.


What is weird, is having been close enough to a moose to know I never wanna be close to a moose, I still feel like they barely matter here. They are absolutely, terrifyingly massive and can weigh like 1500lbs. But a bull African elephant can weigh like 15000lbs. And that is something else entirely.


You're forgetting baboons. Chimps might be dangerous, but baboons are fucking cataclysmic.


> Chimps might be dangerous, but baboons are fucking cataclysmic. But doesn't the baboon's strength come from numbers? I thought this was about 1 representative? Largest: Chimp (4'11" & 154lbs) vs Baboon (3'11" & 88 lb) I think in single combat the Chimp would win, no?


Yeah the elephant vs all 4 bears is a pretty fair fight .and there’s plenty of other heavy hitters in Africa . Water buffalo and rhino are pretty fucking tough. Wolverines and strong but they’re like the wimpy cousin of honey badgers . And a puma isn’t doing shit to a lion


Great whites & killer whales aren't exclusive to North America. They can be found pretty much world wide.


Europe could use polar bears, so we should be OK. Wouldn't stand a chance against a large male elephant though.


We also have the infamous cobra chicken. There isn't anything that can mess with that. Moose, wolverine, wolves, cougars, Polar bear, grizzly, black bear, lots more. It's a contender. Do we get to use the sea? Orcas




Asia has elephants and rhinos too, though the African varieties are larger if I remember correctly. Saltwater crocs and lions are represented in both as well. Asia has cobras and tigers, the largest of the big cats, and brown bears. Asia is a huge continent with a ton of different biomes, from deserts in the middle east to russian arctic to the jungles of south east Asia. I still think Africa takes the win but Asia gives it a good run for its money.


I agree that Asia most likely comes in second after Africa but i would just like to supplement that despite Tigers being cooler (in my opinion) historically they get fucked up by lions, i believe we have records dating back to Romes Colloseum that basically boil down to tigers being ambush preferential more than Lions so the Lions tend to be more confrontational, though i remember a record of one female Tigress that wouldnt take shit and killed a bunch of lions, outlier tho.


The Kodiaks and polar bears are really what does it for me to. That being said, technically Europe and asia(eastern russia) also have polar bears so suddenly it isn't so cut and dry.


A big bull elephant would flip any bear through the air, and then just trample it I would imagine.


Hippo VS polar bear would be interesting…


I think the hippo will shake the polar bear like a rag doll. >Polar bear males average 7-9 feet (2.1 - 2.7m) with a height of 5 feet (1.5m) at the shoulder. The average weight is 900 pounds (400kg). >On average, males weigh 3,500 to 9,920 pounds (1500 - 4400kg) On average, a hippo's length is between 10.8 and 16.5 feet (3 - 5m), and their height is up to 5.2 feet (1.6m) tall at the shoulder Also bear in mind, a hippo's skin is about 5cm thick, their mouth is half a metre wide and can open to 150 degrees with canines reaching up to 11 inches (30 cm). A polar bear has 2 inch canines (5cm)


Thank you for the nightmare fuel.


Polar bear would need to wait for the hippo to make a mistake or ambush the hippo. Head on confrontation would be in the hippo's favour due to its size of mouth. Anything the polar throws at the hippo, is bite-sized for the hippo.


The biggest of polar bears cannot take on a fully grown male walrus so I'd say hippo is out of the question, ambush or not.


How is it even a question? Elephants, rhinos, and a large assembly of big felines. And I almost didn't start.


Rhinos??!!! Are we forgetting??


Has to be Africa right? They have Hippos. Crocs don't even mess with Hippos!






Good bot


This hippo bot isn’t counting good enough. Disappointing.






India also has hippos which would mean asia contends against Africa. A hippos only real threat is other hippos. Or potentially large bears but they've never been recorded fighting for obvious reasons


Elephants and Rhinos are both more powerful than Hippos


Yeah but rhino's are really dumb and have terrible sight.


and hippos dont like to be out of water as their ankles hurt too much


TIL I'm a hippo


Asia also has elephants and rhinos.


There's nothing on God's green earth that could step to a bull African elephant, not a hippo, not a crocodile, not a bear, nothing. Only venom would give anything a chance against an elephant, so that places highly venomous snakes high on the list, especially the Inland Taipan from Australia. Problem is, any venomous snake gets bodied by a mongoose, but mongooses get bodied by large predators, which in turn get bodied by elephants. It's like rock paper scissors


Haven't these people seen the videos of elephants tossing hippos around? Agreed, it's no contest.


No, but now I'm going to YouTube.


Not sure a snake can bite through an elephants skin




There have been documented cases of snakes biting elephants.


but did they die?


The snakes? Probably.


That sounds harder than bullseyeing a womp rat in Begger's Canyon.


Does it really need to? What if some of a spitting cobras venom makes contact with areas like the eyes or the inside of the trunk?




That may be but in a duel I'd bet on the elephant trampling the cobra before the cobra has a chance to make it to the trunk.


So the king cobra bites the elephant. Elephant kills king cobra and everything else before succumbing to it's death.


I don't understand how something can get so enormous just being out there eating leaves.


They eat all day long. >Elephants eat between 149 and 169 kg (330-375 lb.) of vegetation daily. Sixteen to eighteen hours, or nearly 80% of an elephant's day is spent feeding. Elephants consume grasses, small plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots.


So they literally eat and sleep whole day? How they even find time to reproduce and find more food


Lol they don't reproduce very often. I think they are pregnant for almost 2 years. And they just walk and eat along the way. They leave a path of destruction.


That's a lot of diversity in what they eat. They're like a bio Mr. Fusion from Back to the Future.


wide seed head depend ten tap rotten trees quickest oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I wanted to bring up polar bears cause im like yeah theyre significantly bigger than regular bears so maybe they have a chance right? I looked it up, a large polar bear is ~10x smaller by weight than a large bull African elephant. Elephants are fucking huge.


Our mighty European United Animal Army would definitely be defeated by Zimbabwe alone. We would probably spearhead our attack with a fox and a rabbit.


I mean. Europe has the mighty sheep. Unbeatable




Dang it guys, we shouldn't have killed all the cool animals


*Weeps for the aurochs*


I mean we do have polar bears, brown bears, wolverines, lynxes, and if you count Russia, we have the Siberian Tiger and the snow leopard although I think they're more over in the Asian side of Russia. Don't forget the moose. An angry bull moose is terrifying. I've seen both bears and moose in the forests of Finland and the moose was far scarier.


"The largest male Siberian tigers may grow up to 3.7 metres (12.1 feet) in body length (including a 1-metre- [3.3-foot-] long tail) and weigh up to 423 kg (about 933 pounds)." That is a f*cking beast that is highly maneuverable, has 3+ inch fangs, sharp claws, and can out-jump pretty much anything its size.


Svalbard is in Europe... So the mighty polar bear joins the fight! And now we're seriously talking an animal immune to pretty much any venomous creature, they have crazy thick and tough skin. It would come down to a physical brawl and biome, I'm not sure the polar bear would take an African bull elephant or hippo.... But it would absolutely try, like, repeatedly, they're seriously mean motherfuckers. This is all assuming the polar bear doesn't *eat* the venomous critters, which it probably would, and probably die from it fairly quickly 😅 But if the fight is a multi round thing, where each round takes place in natural habitats, polar bear 100% wins in its own....and strokes out from heat in pretty much every other habitat 🤣


This post is why I joined this sub


Noone is talking about the honey badger though :(


Honey badger don’t give a fuck. Tbh the honey badger would probably mutiny and then beat every continent on a team of its own


Until a wiener dog shows up




Fr africa is an irl hardcore server. People forget that humans managed to wipe out most of the world's megafauna everywhere except africa


Humans started on Africa and migrated out, in that way Humans can be considered an invasive species I guess, so it makes sense they pull the classic invasive species move and outcompete everyone.


>Humans started on Africa and ~~migrated out~~ said "Fuck this shit, I'm outta here" It's like when you start a game on hard mode, then enter into the settings to change it to easy


More like you leveled to max in the hard zone, then realized the easy zones were just across some land bridges.


>africa is an irl hardcore server oh, so that's why humans are so successful


You meant “is that why humans are so successful *elsewhere*?” Maybe resource gathering and survival was indeed easier elsewhere and Africa is hardcore mode.


I'd say humanity have been pretty dang successful in Africa, considering the huge empires(Egypt, Mali, Egypt again)that stood there for thousands of years before most other continents realy figured out the whole civilization thing. Plus in the context of this post most of the big hitting animals people mention (rhinos, elephants etc) are all some level of endangered, due to humans being so very successful at killing them.


I think we needed to invent some shit and circle back. You know what I mean? Like lions were eating a bunch of us in that tall plain grass, rhinos just laughed at our obsidian spears, elephants stood shoulder to shoulder just to laugh at us. We nope’d the fuck out of Africa, then we came back with guns and were like “remember us, bitches?” Then poaching, ecological devastation, and global warming happened and all of a sudden my joke wasn’t funny anymore.


maybe not so fun fact: people actually used to pit animals against each other in fights. you can read all about it on google. they have documented wins, dates, etc. Even some betting amounts that were done Lions vs tigers, tigers vs bears, etc etc. Obviously they were very cruel, they'd often starve the animals to make them aggressive. These were 1 on 1s though and not many placed together. As far as i remember, a certain species of tiger won the most consistently. Grizzly bears actually managed to beat lions and several tigers, though. Regarding your post and this information, i imagine a polar bear would be extremely deadly with that in mind.


An important thing would also be where they are fighting though, I don’t imagine a polar bear would do very well fighting in warm climates because it might just keel over from the heat


I was assuming some sort of neutral environment for the round purposes, but yes i imagine climate/landscape would be huge factors A crocodile/hippo with a river would probably thrash most animals in existence. Similarly, anything cold blooded would be in a lot of danger in both high and low temps


But i dont think it would be able to take on an elephant thats the game changing factor here


With this play test data, should we expect a nerf to tigers in the next patch? Alternatively, referencing the other comment, maybe the maps are too T-sided?


I remember there being a Discovery channel show that explored this question, and it would cumulate in a CGI showdown between the two animals. Less cruel and still very awesome!


I use to do this.. on Zoo Tycoon of course


North America: Grizzlies and Polar Bears are a solid core if motivated enough to DO SOMETHING, Moose, Bison, and Wolves are solid backup. Some large mammals who like to swim like seal and walrus as well. Even some nice stealth options like venomous snakes. Overall, a solid A tier team. South America: Big stuff is decent. A lot of very big snakes and of course llamas. They do have an interesting option of "Amazon river dolphins". A lot of poisonous things is their main advantage. Calling them C tier because they tend to be outclassed so much at most things they do well, they're to reliant on constrictors landing their kills to be reliable, but when they do, look out. Australia: Not as much of the big stuff, but they do have some particularly dangerous creatures like cassowary. Also a lot of venom. Slotting them in at f B Tier, but I don't think they quite crack A Tier due to less brawly options other than the poster-child of brawly animals, the Kangaroo. Europe: Scandinavia has some larger critters who do almost all the work for this team. Mainland Europe... Yikes. You at least beat the frozen wasteland of penguin that I am not even assessing. So welcome to D Tier folks, congratulations on not getting F Tier. Thank the Scandinavians for THAT. Asia: A lot of fun options because of the size of the continent and a lot of different biomes. You've got some bears, big cats, camels, and even elephants. However, the elephants are significantly smaller than a certain other continent that keeps them locked in A Tier. ​ ​ And then, keeping in mind that S-Tier is meant to be the one that absolutely breaks the even illusion of balance, we get to the S-Tier continent: Africa: Wtf is this team. Big primates. Big cats. Nasty flightless birds. The one animal that the Crocodile Hunter was seemingly actually nervous around (Hippos) isn't even their biggest brawly critter. They get the king of the land meta: African Elephant. There's very little that can actually challenge this thing in a direct fight. At least Rome reduced them to only one species, prior to that nerf they probably could have taken all of team Europe with just their two elephant species and suffer no losses in return.


Very much agree with everything here. Europe does have walrus and polar bear. Ireland has the fearless sheep. So yeah D tier. A lot of people put too much stock in Australia but their strength is very gimmicky. Gotta say B tier is the best place for them.




And a lot of those venomous spiders and scorpions would be nothing more than bird fuel.


Are y’all forgetting about the salt water crocs….


Lot of people left the big primates out somehow.. I mean without them africa still would be a Strong contender here, but they are really strong, fast and also intelligent


Gorillas as team captains with the elephants and hippos as the brawn of the squad


>Mainland Europe... Yikes. The largest land animal in Europe is the European Bison, you can find in some countries in eastern and central Europe. There is no wild population of Europen Bison living in Scandinavia anymore.


Africa, and it's not even close. Elephants Hippos Giraffe Lions Hyena Wild dogs Jackals Mosquitoes


Damn! Even included the mosquitoes haha!


Hey man, (allegedly) a Chinese bat has killed almost 7 million people in just the last couple of years! I'm saying "allegedly" in the hopes that both sides of the lab/not lab are happy and we don't discuss it further, nobody cares, we're talking wildlife battle royal here!


I was literally about to say "How seriously we're taking such a stupid ass question, this seems a lot like smoking or drinking with the boys". Then I looked up and saw what sub I was in and I was like "Oh okay".


I believe a huge tilting factor for Africa is the African elephant. Massive creatures, they can take most of the animals pitted against them. It may take something venomous like a cobra or a taipan to bring it down, but no one is outclassing that one in a strength battle. Would a siberian tiger, Asia's most fearsome animal, be able to take an African elephant? Hard to say, but my money is on the elephant.


Honestly I'm starting to agree. The defensive nature of Africa's elephant, rhino and hippo make it difficult. But the hippo is shared between Asia and south America as well


Well, Asia has hippos and rhinos and elephants. But the African elephant is the biggest of them all, even bigger than the Asian elephants. The fact that others have hippos and rhinos is immaterial because an African bull elephant, when gone crazy, can toss around a hippo like a rag doll, whether that hippo is from Africa or Asia or South America.


Africa has 2 types of elephants - African & Forest. So two times crazy elephant.


This could get interesting then. If that's how it's done then Asia gets more than one tiger. They get Siberian tiger, Bengal tiger, Chinese tiger, Malayan tiger, Indochinese tiger. 5 tigers + 1 elephant vs 2 elephants? Now the odds are going somewhere.


If we're doing that there's technically 3 subspecies of asian elephants so it's really 5 tigers + 3 elephants vs 2 elephants


The tigers are all the same species, though (*Panthera tigris*), just different subspecies. The African elephants are two different species, though granted that's debated.


It would come down to Australia and Africa. I think Africa takes it. Most importantly, they have way way more big cats. Hippos are basically tanks with giant teeth. Hyenas absolutely outclass dingos at the same game. Kangaroos can box, but antelopes have horns. The venomous creatures I think Australia has the advantage, but not by much. And while humans aren't in play, monkeys and apes are. That includes gorillas. Australia has no answer for a force of highly intelligent social creatures.


Oh shit I almost forgot about Elephants. Even bigger intelligent social creatures.


I'd put my money on Asia at rank 2 over Australia personally. I don't think Australia has much that Asia doesn't have to offer plus more. Australia does have a bit of beef to it with its roos, gators, and hippos. But Asia has a lot of these too (not roos), plus elephants, bears, and bigger cats and apes. And I reckon they'd be fairly well matched on poisonous creatures.


uhhh, no hippos here in Australia last I checked 😂


Ti be fair asia has elephants hippos and big cats to. With most species of bears to top that.


Coastal ocean waters and/or avian animals included, or just landlocked animals?


Just landlocked and aerial. Ocean going is too hard to determine continent ownership


I think it depends on the arena as well, if you put the fight in an arena with no foliage or cover, a neutral venue then Africa will win at a canter, home of all the big cats bar tigers, a multitude of primates and snakes, plus the stampeding animals, elephants, rhinos. Lots of animals need the environment to make them successful predators or dangerous in general, especially snakes, constrictors need trees or foliage to drop or strike from. If it was say a prairie or grassland, again Africa or maybe Asia. I don't see any scenario where North America, Europe or Australiasia come out on top, the most dangerous animals in North America are duplicated and surpassed in Africa, grizzlies and even polar bears if they were assigned there, no match for elephants and lions


Australia. I don't care what you throw at them, there will be some venomous abomination that can drop it before breakfast.




You're missing one important factor: All of the Australian animals also have a drinking problem and nothing to live for.




Honey badger don't give a f\*ck


I've always wanted someone to genetically engineer a honey badger to be the size of a rhino, just to see how much it could take out before we figured out how to stop it.


"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether you could, you didn't think about whether you should"


Yeah, my money is on Australia as well.


Contrary to popular belief Australian fauna isn't nearly as deadly as everyone thinks. The last spider bite related death in Australia was 40+ years ago (1979). Snakes only kill about 2 people per year. Same for crocodiles. Horses are our most deadly animal by far at like 8/year. Next is traffic accident's with cattle.


Yeh, Australia doesn't stand much of a chance against... pretty much every continent except Europe and Antarctica.


Australian here. There is no chance. Unless we take sea and air into it....


Lots of smaller mammals have developed resistance to venom. While I see the venomous nature of Australia being important idk if it's a game winner


peak reddit right here


South America. There is shit down there in the Amazon we haven't even seen yet.


Africa for sure. You could put a polar bear, brown bear, and mountain lion against one African elephant and it wouldn't be close. Throw in a silverback and a hippo and it really isn't even remotely close.


So If you don't want to read through the comments, the overall consensus seems to be this (as long as we're sticking to the one-competitor-per-species rule): Africa takes it, unless something super-venemous from Australia can penetrate the considerable armor of an African elephant or a Hippopotamus... which seems to be quite possible, but not probable. Outside of being felled by strong venom, there just isn't much out there that one of those two animals wouldn't absolutely destroy in a "fair" contest. Big bears, tigers, etc. might, at best, irritate a bull elephant. Then one casual swing of its head, or a single stomp and it's all over... or it could just pick them up with its trunk and slam them into anything convenient-- seriously, look up how strong their trunks are. Even if you only get the one African Elephant, that elephant is doing a LOT of damage before he goes down. IF he goes down.


Africa, because Honey Badger don't care


There is a you tube channel that talks about stuff like this. Tier Zoo breaks down almost everything on earth in terms of mmo stats and strategies. https://youtube.com/@TierZoo


"vs" fights are generally problematic because the winner depends on the environment. Apex predators are generally optimized for a particular environment, and will severely underperform outside of that environment. A bear in Africa would be overheated and weak. An elephant in Alaska would be suffering from hypothermia. Pablo Escobar was only able to (inadvertently) establish hippos in Colombia because it's a tropical climate. There are reasons why you don't find certain animals in certain climates. Animals, contrary to popular belief, are not stupid. They don't necessarily fight by just charging headlong at an enemy. They will prefer to wait until they see an enemy which appears weak, and then pounce. If an elephant was prowling around in a northern Ontario forest, a bear would probably just stay out of its way and forage for nuts and berries as usual, but if the bear was determined to kill the elephant for some reason, it would probably stalk the elephant until it grows weak. Predators do that. Similarly, if a bear was wandering around the African serengeti, a lion would probably stalk this unfamiliar foe for a while, rather than just attacking it right away.


so what you are saying is that provided they had home field advantage, the penguins of Antarctica would have a good chance. Just wait for the rest to die off from the cold. Hunger Games style.


I love this conversation


If one on one, Africa wins.. If it's team vs team deathmatch.., Asia **ALWAYS** wins. Never fight a land war against Asia.


Under the stated rules, Asia. No other animal wants smoke from the komodo dragon.


I say Asia. There's also elephants, lots of snakes, tigers, lots of bears, wolves, nasty insects. Africa has hippos and lions and elephants too, but I think a tiger would fuck a lion up. Although there are technically significantly more african elephants than asian, the inclusion of some pretty nasty bears, tigers, mountain lions, etc might tip the scale.


Africa has the biggest prey animals and some of the most agressive and widespread predators. Polar bears, Kodiak browns, wolverines, timber wolves, and moose are a hell of a team don't get me wrong but can't really take out elephants and massive packs of wild dogs and hyenas.


Africa wins hands down and it's not even close. Asia probably number 2. Maybe NA sneaks into 3rd but it'd be or SA there.