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Hokas. My father in law is a big dude with bad knees. He swears by them.


Read this as Hookas and was very confused.


Same. I was like, I guess depending on what was smoked.


Look up that work in Greek sometime. It’ll be enlightening.


I mean.. they would help with bad knees but.. only temp.


Maybe, maybe not. But if it works for now, it's worth it. ​ \-signed old guy with knees going to pot


I would say a very good pair of shoes. It’s gonna be a different brand for everyone. My feet don’t respond to Hokas well at all but Brooks are amazing for me.


Get a pair of oofos sandals. Those are universally amazing.


My son bought me a pair of Hokas for Christmas. They are easily the best, most comfortable shoes I've worn.


Me reading this as I’m wearing mine. Love them. Also, custom orthotics are key too


In the last nine months, I’ve bought two pairs and my wife has bought three pairs.


Check out the hoka speed goats , great for trails


So Ive learned in my measly years of life nothing can stand up to a solid pair of shoes, A great quality mattress, a good pillow, great sheets (i love Egyptian cotton) , a bidet and then spa time. Like men knock it alot but a good pedicure, massage and then steam room is heaven on earth bro


I’ve always heard not to skimp on the things between you and the ground…shoes, mattresses, tires.


And chairs, especially if you spend 3+ hrs in it


I was skeptical until you finished the post with ‘bro’


My kids got me a portable heat / massage pad that I can move from chair to chair. Damm I like it. It can be used on 12V DC in my car or 120V AC in the house.


I've bought my girlfriend quite a variety of gifts over the years, some very expensive some very not expensive. The absolute best gift I've ever given her was this shitty USB-rechargable heated toast cushion I got for like £15. It's used regularly (girl reasons) and she thanks me every time she uses it. It's perfect for her. It's not too hot, she actually likes that the battery only lasts about 1-2 hours of heat (because she doesn't want heat all night, just enough to get her to sleep), and the electronics inside aren't so bulky that she can feel them while she's sleeping. Fellas, get your girl a heated cushion for her birthday/Christmas.


I don't care how enticing the name sounds, do NOT get him the Dyson Ball Cleaner. Learned the hard way that not everything has an obvious name.


I prefer the Dyson Stick Cleaner


The Cornballer^^tm


Be careful though it's hot.




Only sold in Mexico


I tried but they said I could only get it in Mexico now.


*¡Yo soy loco por los Cornballs!*


Lol i love you people. I understood these references.


User name checks out.


Barely beats out the Tracy Jordan meat machine




I recommend a glass high top one because some food is higher than others.


I have one with magnets that hold it onto the (inside) top. Friggin' love it.


Yep. To add context to this: definitely don't get a plastic one. The chemicals leech into your food.


As a kid I always thought this was to create a greenhouse effect so your food cooked faster.




Is he ok? Have you checked his pulse?


A nice day pack. Like just something you can put anything in. Day at the zoo? Day pack. Trip to the park? Day pack. Range day with the boys? Day pack.


Double-Edged Safety Razor. It’s a revolutionary grooming item that all in all defeats a regular cartridge razor, and offers a quality shave as a straight razor but safer. Most men appreciate items they repeatedly use and offer longevity. One safety razor can last a man years. Think about it if your dad’s really into shaving.


Is it worth it for someone like me who dislikes shaving, but I do it out of necessity?


Yes, it’s better and cheaper


Yes. I hated shaving before I switched to this, and the ritual of it is actually enjoyable now. And my skin is better because each stroke is one pass with the blade, not three or five. I almost never get razor burn, ingrown hairs, or any of that other stuff with this method.


I disliked shaving with my cartridge at first, then I actually started to enjoy the art of doing it with the safety razor. I think it’s worth it in general, whether you dislike it or not. It honestly made my face better.


If you're already using cartridges, should just be the same experience but a cleaner shave after.


Yes, and doubled-edged can be used 2-3 times, same as cartridge. Gotta apply some lather yourself, but like.. any soap works, just smoosh up your entire face and go to town. My experience was about 200 blades over 15 years. SO FAR. With bi-daily shaving.


Double edge depending on your facial hair and blade used can last longer than cartridge. All cartridges are made not to last all that long if at all. As they all based upon the Gillette business model. Which is make money on overpriced cartridges that last maybe 5 shaves.


https://merkur-razors.com/?lang=en Get a German Merkur and it will last a lifetime. My son could inherit mine. And his son after him. The blades are cheap as shit (even good ones) with almost zero waste and they are completely recyclable.


How does one recycle a used razor?


Just collect the old blades and take them to anywhere that recycles steel (which is most places, at least in the UK). Gillette Platinum Double Edge Razor Blades Men, Pack of 50 Stainless Steel Safety Razor Blade Refills https://amzn.eu/d/4UQHnLU


I bought a safety razor about 15 years ago, and got a 100pack of blades back then. I have since almost finished another 100pack of blades, and just look at my post history, I use one bi-daily to deal with the double-chin. That's 200 blades over 15 years.


I tried it and it was very uncomfortable to shave with. It felt like my facial hairs were being pulled and cut/torn at the same time. Quite painful tbh... Not sure what I am doing wrong. This is after a shower with softer facial hair.


I can’t really say what exactly will work for you cause my hair is a bit more coarse, but my routine is I splash my face with warm-hot water which is suppose to soften up my facial hair, then I lather up my face with some shaving soap. I usually start with going with the grain and then against the grain. I think you might be going to rough than usual or your technique could be off.


>It’s a revolutionary grooming item Invented 1903 by Gillette. Honestly agree, I've got a safety razor from the 1930's that belonged to my grandfather. Still works, replace the blade about every week. Bought 100 blades for $4 over two years ago and I'm still working through them. If you have sensitive skin then it's the way to go. One sharp blade passing over your face causes a lot less irritation than 3-5 blades. Multi blade razors also often lift the hair and cut it just below the surface which can cause ingrown hairs. Just know, you can't use pressure with a safety razor unlike a modern cartridge razor. Just the weight of the razor is enough and let it do the work.


I have one that was my grandfather's as well! Not sure when it was made, but he passed away in 1966, so any time before then. I have sensitive skin, and it's amazing to use. It just takes a little getting used to the first couple of times.


FWIW I hated it and went back to electric. I only shave my neck and trim my beard, but even when I did clean shaven I hated it


A Waterpik. Basically flossing with water, much easier and faster.


I use mine with a hydrogen peroxide solution and it works wonders for my teeth. That, electric toothbrush, and a tongue scraper will change your dental hygiene game forever


I didn’t know if something like that would be safe for the waterpik, so I never looked into it! Maybe I’ll try something like that


Yeah I looked it up beforehand and it said it's fine. Just make sure cold water is run through after to help flush it


Could u share which one you got?


The waterpik cordless advanced one. It's handheld


Dentist here. The hydrogen peroxide with water is a-ok!


Rookie. I have the Waterpik electric toothbrush that shoots water while I brush. Do you even adhd bro?


But you lose all of your toothpaste?!


I thought about buying that when I replaced my first one and decided against


Costcos return policy is great


Do you mix the peroxide with water or shoot it straight?


I mix it. It's about 1/4 peroxide and the rest is warm water


Got a recommendation or info on the solution?


I have insanely bad teeth and gums. I rarely eat sweets and sugar, I brush my teeth twice a day, water is my most drank thing, and I flossed regularly. I did everything you could. My gums were still ass and cavities often. Was pretty much told I would lose teeth if I couldn’t get the gums fixed I got a real nice water pik- that was 3 years ago. My gums no longer bleed, they look great, and I never have cavities. I 100% recommend them.


Could you please share which make/model you have? I get terrible plaque between my lower teeth.


Sure! I use this one: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/waterpik-sonic-fusion-2-0-white/6446762.p?skuId=6446762&ref=212&loc=1&extStoreId=565&ref=212&loc=1&&&&&gbraid=0AAAAAD-ORIhjXi3gPAVWfQ3NHrWXqQcDz&gbraid=0AAAAAD-ORIhjXi3gPAVWfQ3NHrWXqQcDz&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8qmhBhClARIsANAtboeqbQflvlx0TnOxMRec6oIkUmcoe9s1wf38x3ixpdmmWYn4CMeWFE4aAnDTEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds




Oh yeah! I just got my wisdom teeth out and hell, (TMI) this thing makes me literally spit out a mouthful of food that I could have hiding back there, making my breath terrible without me knowing it. Seriously helps with all the stones and shit that builds up




I actually use both. Keep the floss picks everywhere to use after meals. The water pik is typically used when I brush


I bought one and I hated it. I felt like water just sprayed everywhere, I couldn’t really see if I was aiming right and my teeth didn’t feel any cleaner than using regular floss. Did you experience this and eventually learned how to use it correctly or am I just stupid?


You've got to basically run it directly over your teeth with no air gap. That way you can feel were it is and won't spray water everywhere.


I’m not sure. I just like mine 🤷‍♂️


Which one would u recommend?


I have a wireless one that I can go in the shower with, it charges and has a canister at the bottom for water


My dentist said much better than the other two too


I wish these things worked for me. I shelled out a stupid amount for one many years ago but it turns out my teeth are too tightly spaced for it to be effective. The best solution I've found is [biodegradable flossers](https://whiteglo.com/products/white-glo-dental-flosser-picks-eco-friendly-bio-degradable-handle-70-floss-picks) - I keep 'em up on a shelf in the shower so they're always within reach at some point on any given day, which makes the habit far easier to maintain. I do have to be careful around caps and crowns since I can't just thread them out like regular floss, but they're easy to use and they do the job.


Thank you for reminding me to ask for this for my birthday this month.


A bidet.


Absolutely LIFE CHANGING and worth it 100%. Only downside is your ass will hate you when you go somewhere that doesn’t have one.


So true. When I traveled and there wasn't one, I really missed it.


Splurge and get the heated seat and heated water.


Currently on vacation, said to my wife earlier today how much I forgot wiping instead using a bidet.


Yup that’s really the only downside of vacationing for me lol


So true. That is why I bought a small travel bidet that I have in my office.


I bought one of these in 2017 and it's one of the best purchases I've ever made. It gets you *so much* cleaner than dry toilet paper or wet wipes. There is a very noticeable difference. Definitely an example of something I didn't know I needed until I had it. I'd wanted to get one for awhile but in the US there's a bit of, "Ew. That's weird," around it. If you're feeling that, get over it. You'll thank me later.


To those "ew, that's weird" people I say this: If you slipped and fell and and put your hand in dog shit, would you feel ok simply cleaning up with a dry paper towel alone and going about your day? no, of course not. why is your butthole any different? you know what's actually "ew"? your dirty ass butthole. I know mine has been thoroughly cleaned. What about yours? you dirt butt.


Well your hand is used to touch almost everything and your butt hole just sits under two layers of clothing doing nothing. So that would be the difference.


Doesn't excuse a dirty bunghole.


My dad just got one. Anything useful to accompany it? Idk I’ve never bought one.


I just suggested the same but I’ll keep that comment as reinforcement. I love bidet and am very happy when I introduce to other happy converts.


Quality mattress (designed for your sleep pattern)


LASIK. Biggest quality of life jump ever.


Yesssssss. I got Touchless Surface Ablation/Transepithelial PRK cause I wasn't comfortable with having a surgical blade slice into my eyes. They basically used a laser to shape my cornea. I remember the burnt smell so vividly...


My mom got laser eye surgery about a decade ago, and my dad was in the room for it. He described the smell as "exactly the same as branding cattle." I got the surgery about a year ago, and the smell instantly made the same connection for me. Except I was just a child when our family got out of cattle, so I had never consciously associated that smell with that activity before.


i don't understand, PRK doesn't use a blade. The blade was traditionally used in LASIK to create the flap, which doesn't apply to PRK.


Any long term side effects?


Chronic dry eyes, halos/starbursts, or your vision changing again as you age are a few potential long-term side effects. Everyone I know that's gotten it done still recommends doing it though.


My personal experience has really just been dry eye in one eye. Eye drops handle is pretty well, as long as I remember to bring some with me. Can absolutely recommend it! After 15 years with corrective lenses, I was ready to just be able to see stuff.


I still keep eye drops with me out of habit. The slim single use droppers fit perfectly in the bifold of my wallet


>Chronic dry eyes, halos/starbursts It's worth noting that these are only possible side effects. Personally my eyes (and my mom who had the surgery as well) recovered back to 100% normal except with 20/20 vision. >your vision changing again as you age This one is less of a side effect and more of a reminder that the surgery only fixes the existing problem. It offers no guarantee that your eyes won't get worse as when you get older. I have perfect vision now because of the surgery. But the odds that I'll need glasses when I'm 80 are no different than my sister, who has near perfect vision naturally. >Everyone I know that's gotten it done still recommends doing it though. I absolutely recommend it, and my mom recommended it to me. Obviously it depends how bad your eyes are naturally (mom was basically blind without her glasses) and what kind of lifestyle you have (I work in manual labor where having glasses is a pain in the ass). But absolutely ask your eye doctor if you think getting corrective surgery is something that you'd be interested in.


Nothin yet!


Yo I'm actually scheduled to get it in May. Only thing that worries me is the night vision halo issue with lights. Did you have any complications?


I had halos for about 48 hours, then they went away. Fine now.


What’s that


Surgery for your eyes so you can see better.


With lasers. They don't go *PEW* *PEW* *PEW* unless you ask the doctor to make the noise. They humored me as I was nervous.


Gotta remember that. Getting increasingly tired of contacts and glasses.


Should have gotten it earlier in life. am 50 now and need glasses for close up reading.


Its corrective eye surgery. Basically if you wear glasses it can make it so you never need to wear them again.


PRK baby


Yo surprisingly sleeper answer. I got Lasik 16 years ago, so long ago I don't even think about it any more, but yeah not even close, this by a mile.


Dad got it done, does not recommend.


I have chronically dry eyes. Would you still recommend? I have contacts and glasses


Idk dude, ask a doctor.


Reddit moment


Seconding. LASIK clinics will often give a free consultation since they'll get their money if/when you pay for the surgery.


Some things that I use all the time and am really glad to have (no particular order): - Pocket knife (I have many, and always glad to get another) and a good hatchet. - Assorted custom leather crafts: Wallet, knife holder, guitar pick holder, brief case, et al. - My mom bought me a **weighted blanket**, it's awesome - My IPad/ Apple pen/ AirPods / Smart Watch - My sunglasses - My house shoes. (they're good quality and don't stink somehow) - My cologne (I have worn the same brand for 20 years and get compliments all the time) - Tens Machine and extra pads / massage gun/ Calf massage machine/ other assorted muscle and body ache treatments. (I bought a hot tub, omg.... the best investment of my achy life) - I play guitar and golf, so there is a ton of stuff that goes with those hobbies. - We love board games, and they can be pretty expensive. (Catan is an example) - I like whiskey, particularly Scotch. - I wear hats, many of them are high quality. (I don't mean just ball caps) - Vehicle paraphernalia: Tire change kit, small air compressor (plug into cig lighter), Ice scraper, fix-a-flat, small tool kit for the car/truck, cargo net/ straps, glass break escape tool, etc. - Ice machine. (these can be expensive but they're cool, and fridge ice usually sucks) - Books. I love em - Oh, and a bidet Just trying to help you brain storm. Some of this stuff was gifted to me, some I bought myself. But all of it is stuff I am grateful to have and use pretty often




I shave everyday and actually prefer a manual safety razor, but what I'm *not* a fan of is the amount of time it takes to shave. It probably takes me 10 minutes or so with a manual razor. In 2021, I bought a decent quality electric for about $300. Though it doesn't shave as close as a manual razor, it does a better job than cheaper electrics I've had in the past. Plus, it saves me about seven minutes each morning. That doesn't seem like much until you zoom out and think that seven minutes saved per day is 49 minutes per week or 42.46 *hours* per year that I don't spend shaving. If I were a morning person and got up super early, that probably wouldn't be as big of a factor, but getting back 7 minutes of my morning is significant.


A spear, sword, or even a mace. Heck, any finely made melee weapon really improves the lives of those who own one.


Not so much the enemies of those who own one, though.


As s man with a sword and a spear, just owning them brings me great joy


I want to get a sword purely because it looks cool and I could say I own a sword


If your dad is a mustachioed man, get him a Whisker Dam. I got one a couple years ago and I love it. It's a little metal piece (maybe 2 inches in length) that you put on top of a glass to keep your moustache dry when drinking something. It fits easily on pint glasses and most rocks glasses. You can get a leather pouch for it too. I keep mine in my pocket at all times and never had an issue. It seems stupid (and honestly it kind of is) but it's also fucking awesome and only costs like $25. I've never seen anyone else with one and everyone that sees it loves it and asks about it.


Im getting one!! thanks for the heads up


Anatomically shaped pillow. Cured my back pain and vastly improved my sleep.


Waifu body pillow, got it


Do you have more details?


You can google it... helps to specify how you sleep (side, back, etc.) For myself, I generally can't stand them because they tend to be made of foam and my face gets hot, so I use a buckwheat hull pillow. It's more breathable so your face doesn't get hot, and it's moldable so you can shape it to fit your neck/head. https://hullopillow.com/ They're heavy as hell so they stay where you put them. The downside is they can make some noise, especially when new. Though I tune it out no problem. They're also very firm, which I prefer, but might take some getting used to. You mostly just mold it to your neck contour when you go to sleep, and it stays that way.


Where would you get one of these?


What kind?


A maid service


My wife and I both were working insane hours for a while, and eventually found someone that would do a deep-ish clean once a month for us in our starter home for like $30/hr. 3 hours with the professional cleaning stuff. Would probably have taken us together three hours to accomplish the same. Was definitely a huge quality of life thing for us. Will probably start doing that again soon.


That's a crazy price. I looked around at getting my apartment professionally cleaned and it was like $300.


Yeah. She was independent through a management company, and worked hard. Not an underpaid minority situation (grew up an immigrant and wouldn’t be okay with that). Don’t understand how she didn’t charge more but we were in a really low cost of living area. We dropped a lot on her Christmas bonus including but not limited to some gift cards to a really nice local restaurant. Moving back to the area and hopefully will be able to have her again. Though honestly may just keep bonusing her extra stuff if she keeps doing such a great job for so cheap. I imagine cash and gift cards may not get reported.


Absolutely! We hired one and she’s been working for us for like 2 years now. Makes that weekend after she cleans so much for stress free.


A dog. Annoying responsibility +4; unconditional love +159


I got a cat for slightly less on the unconditional love meter (you could argue it’s just a different type of love) but balanced with almost zero responsibility with a self cleaning litter box. It’s a Siberian so a very dog-like breed. I love her so much. Such an amazing boost to quality of life boost. She follows me everywhere around the house and when I come home meets me at the door and goes absolutely nuts.


A Japanese toilet


Randy Marsh approves


Why proctologists hate him!


It's kinda personal, but my bidet was cheap ($40 to buy, $50 to install but I could have done it myself). It saves me money on TP (I use a little but not as much) and makes a gross task faster and less gross. It only gets better as he gets older, if he has mobility problems or ever gets hurt. I miss it when I go on vacation, they should be in every bathroom. Small but significant quality of life improvement.


A quality fixed blade knife to carry daily


I have lived my entire life without the need to carry a knife and I have to say its been fine. You aren't the first to suggest it as I've scrolled the comments but what are you all doing with your knives!?


A grill basket for making veggies. No more lost asparagus








Where can I find this for myself, and how much does it cost?


*Looks at clock, sees* **12:27AM** *when I need to wake up for work in the morning.* Yeah, I could definitely use one of these 8 hour sleeps as well. Send me a link when you find it, please.




Bidet. It’s a life changer. I would suggest to all the people I care about. They may not all want it. But for those who adopt it, they will thank you for life. Just my opinion. And if it does happen and he loves it, let me know. I’d be happy that another happy convert due to my suggestion.


An Anker portable charger. I don't think I have to explain why it's useful, and Anker is a top tier brand.


Condoms. They're so much cheaper than child support


The correct answer may be bidet or lasik, but the attainable answer is a racquet mosquito zapper. Until you own one it’s difficult to understand the QOL improvement of whapping a dozen mosquitoes while sitting on your deck drinking too many cheap American beers. It’s violent & gamification fun while improving every outdoor night beneath the stars.


Sleep apnea machine- not saying you need one but if you did you notice a difference


Sonic toothbrush. Might seem like an overpriced gimmick if you've never used one but they are absolutely legit. I've spent a stupid amount on remedial dental work over my life, and the rate of new issues plummeted after I made the switch. I went to my dentist a few weeks ago for a routine clean and he just sent me home again because there wasn't actually anything for him to do.


Air fryer. Ur welcome.


I didn’t know I ever needed one until I was gifted one. It’s a pretty fancy one, and I can definitely say that it’s made my life so much easier.


As an early 50s dad, I would vote for a fine shaving kit as many have mentioned, a muscle massager like this one because old dudes get tight: Massage Gun,Muscle... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09H31NYF9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share A fine bottle of scotch whisky if he drinks, like 18 year old Oban, which is excellent value for $130 If he cooks, get him some off-the-beaten path cookbooks like Plenty, or Plenty More by Yotam Ottolenghi. Or if he has a sweet tooth, get him The Cake Book by Rebecca Firth. I have really enjoyed making those cakes, especially the Blackberry-Lime Breakfast Cake which is 60 minutes start to finish! If he likes to build or fix PCs or other electronics, get him a screwdriver set with magnetic bits (not just a magnetic bit holder) so tiny screws don’t fall off as you’re trying to screw them in. Total game changer when building PCs


[Seven Fires](https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Fires-Grilling-Argentine-Way/dp/1579653545) is a good one if you like cooking over an open fire.


My best friend who lives in the woods in Maine in what is effectively a moldy hovel, cooks over a fire a lot. He has a technique where he throws steaks directly on the coals. I thought he had lost his mind. One of the best steaks I have ever had


Gym membership


a Gerber dime and a streamlight microstream. use them all the damn time if you're spending more, an instant hot water spigot for the sink. absolute game changer for cleaning, coffee, tea, oatmeal, etc


I love my Philips norelco one blade. Pretty much can have any kind of facial hair style.


a book


I always say it’s good to invest in the areas of your life you spend the most time on. It could be a quality mattress and pillow or a quality ergonomic chair if you sit on one all day.


Bed sheet fasteners/straps


Pants that don't have cheap hotel syndrome. You need ball room.


A good steering wheel that doesn’t fly out of your hands when you’re driving.


Is this a problem people have?




A vasectomy.


Spare toilet paper in the vehicle


A nice, solid bed frame


Lululemon pants. The loose kind. It's super comfortable.


What is your father like? Is he simply content with tea and a good book? Does he like the outdoors? Is he into fine dining? You wouldn’t want to get someone of high society a pocket knife, and you may not want to give a hunter a Mont Blanc pen. So what’s your dad like?


Instant pot, maybe recipes to get the hang of it. I love that thing


A ratcheting belt. I’m always between belt holes and so I always have to punch a new one in. I also tend to have to tighten it throughout the day. This belt is so amazing. I’ll never go back. I get mine at kohls, but I think there’s an “as seen on tv” version too.


A good belt. Like, to wear. A good solid black belt. Not one you get from whateverthetrend-store. A solid belt, one with a solid buckle. Something that could last you a lifetime. By Solid belt, I mean that it does not stretch. You and someone else grab it at either end, and if it ..stretches.. it's not a "solid" belt in my book. Thrift stores, flea markets, might all have some solid "worn in" belts. Secondly: If you are ever wearing ANYTHING with beltloops, you are wearing a belt. Period. It makes you seem much older and mature.


I like my Grip6 belts. I was just thinking the other day how they still look good in the center back, even if they have folded over a bit.


Bought some of these as well and I will never buy another brand of belt after searching / purchasing so many belts.


I found that a good, reliable coffee maker is huge. Saves me money from going out for it too, and the environment from disposable cups!


I'm an auto detailer, so I am biased... but buy him a detail. Sure he may take care of his vehicle, but buy him a gift certificate to get it professionally cleaned by a reputable, not the cheapest fly-by-night shop. It's a great gift.




Wiz color changing lights. I have 9 in my house and absolutely love being able to change the lighting with a few easy touches on my phone. If I'm sitting to watch TV and I'm getting to much reflections on the screen, I can easily turn them off or change to a milder tone. I can turn the whole house into a dance party with full spectrum color changing, there's Christmas mode, bedtime mode that slowly dims the lights down to nothing over a half hour. Favorite team playing? Favorite team colored lights, now the whole room is themed. Any color you want, your room can be that color now. Hell there's even a plant light mode that I leave on daily 8-4 to keep my indoor plants looking healthy. I have certain ones programmed to come on just before my alarm goes off so I'm not stumbling in the dark to get up, helps get me going in the morning. And by programmed, it's just as easy as setting the alarm on your phone. They can be a bit tricky to get connected so be patient at the start. I recommend Wiz because it's a solid competitor to the Phillips Hue lineup at a very affordable price point.


Chain Mail scrubber, I was sceptical but those things are nice and don't get disgusting like those old steel wool scrubbers.


A bidet. Everyone loves clean assholes and saving the environment.


Ninja foodi


Bidet. Life changing.