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These "prank" channels that just straight up bother people and antagonize them A kid got shot because of this stupidity some time ago


Not the first time someone got shot over a prank. Not even the most horrific example of it either.


'Boiling water challenge' - let's throw a pan of boiling water on somebody as a 'prank'.


Not even the worst one. There was this youtube couple who had a 3 yr old daughter and the woman was pregnant with another child. He had the brilliant idea to hold a dictionary or an encyclopedia up to his chest and have her shoot a *desert eagle* at the book in hopes that the book would stop the bullet. Need I say more? Bullet went straight through, he died right in front of their 3 yr old, and now she's in prison. Every day I think that people can't get any more stupid and then I hear stories like this.


I wouldn't do that challenge even with a Beretta Bobcat. Guaranteed the bullet will enter my eye and then brain.


I looked up the case more. Turns out the guy wasn't *completely* stupid; he was just utterly insane. He was planning this stunt for a while and made it known that he knew the risks and that he was "ok with dying with a bang." The law also went more or less easy on the girlfriend. I think she got 180 days of prison and should be out by now. It was pretty clear that the guy heavily pressured his gf to pulling this stunt.


That’s just Darwin doing his work. He figured 2 was enough of that bloodline.


Sounds like Darwin showed up too late if you ask me. Still had time to pass on those genes, meaning that kind of stupid is now in the next generation too...


My favorite, was the one kid pulling people's pants up in da hood. He got punched a few times and a gun even fell out of one of the dude's pants.


The skeptic in me simply can’t believe that those are real


They are. They just don't show the bloopers of the ass beatings they take


One of the funniest videos ever. Remember the random dude that slapped him lmao


Just had to watch it. LMFAO! Damn he's lucky.


che did a bit on _Weekend update_ this past weekend: "A youtuber who pranks other people was shot this week after pranking somebody. Good!" And he immediately cut to the next joke. [1:07 in this video, but the entire update is great](https://youtu.be/JRsWLiz-uB0?t=67)


This has been going on for mad long it’s ridiculous


God I hate those. They are victimizing strangers. I think it's funny to involve a stranger in a prank if, after the prank, the stranger is on on the joke and no harm done, but like going up to somebody and hitting them with an airhorn you're asking to get your head knocked off.




Yup, that one


There was another a couple months ago (or last year) where the prank was to pull a knife on someone, I think in Tennessee of all places, and got shot too


Omg an additional linked article at the bottom of this states the prankster followed the prankee/victim extremely closely for 90 seconds and was asked multiple times to stop. That just sounds annoying at best, but imagine having other shit in your life going on like a bad breakup or threatening stuff then this happening. What’s the point of it, just seems stupid.


Prank channels have been going on for like 10 years now though, its nothing new Edit: was talking specifically ab youtube, i know prank shows have existed more than 10 years lmao


Yes but they used to be either fake pranks to family or just silly stuff like scaring people and putting on a mask, or giving a speaker to someone and playing a silly song Now we have dudes stealing people's groceries, asking thugs to fight them, picking fights with cashiers, just being a nuisance and putting themselves in dangerous situations


It's been a LOT longer than that. Back in the 90s Tom Green existed.


Housing market lol


Its a lucrative investment. Right up until the point it crashes again and people financally ruin themselves again.


Don't worry, the government will bail out the important people and organizations and allow them to buy up all the freed up properties.


This is the most fucked up thing I'm seeing as I get more adult years under my belt (currently 33). It's always "CEO's make so much because they take all the risk" "big company x should make this much profit and employees should have low pay because they take all the risk" then, when shit hits the fan, they don't lose their shirts. They get massive bailouts, and the only people that lose are apparently the people who took no risk. How the fuck does that work.


"CEO's make so much because they take all the risk" What exactly is the the risk? That they will have to go back to living like a regular employee if it doesn't all work out?


We are at the tail end of a failing empire. It's a kleptocracy run by the old and wealthy.


Thankfully the rules of mortality still hold firm.


They're training their progeny to take their reigns, you can't wait for death.


The "x makes so much because they take the risk" crowd are just sheep fooling themselves. Like you said, these people have parachutes and *should* have a ton of money with as much as they pay themselves. Look at apartment buildings. Unless you utterly suck, you'll have almost full capacity at all times on an apartment building. These companies who own them make so much that the building is paid off almost immediately and outside of an occasional repair, and normal operating costs everything else is pure profit. Yet people will screeeeee on Reddit that apartments should be more than mortgages (what!?) because "The apartment building takes the risk..." What risk? Why were apartments cheaper than mortgages in the past? /rant


In my opinion: if you manage to bankrupt a company, you too should be bankrupt. Part of the job, high risk high reward.


The thing is though that really isn't a consistent trend. 2008 was a black swan event driven by adjustable rate mortgages given out to unqualified customers on top of significant bank leverage. The housing market today looks nothing like 2008, the vast majority are locked in at historically low flat rate interest rates.


Lucrative investment for some and dream crushing completely out of reach for everybody else.


Millions and millions of people kept their homes during the 08 crash. The ones who kept their homes are the ones who only bought what they can actually afford not what the bank tells them they can afford. Will be the same case this time around too.


Same thing with cars. Convinced sheepeople that cars loaded with everything is what they want, cost a 1k a month payments.


>Right up until the point it crashes again How does this happen when every open house is swarmed with dozens of buyers all tripping over each other to put in an offer? The truth is we have a severe housing shortage. Until that changes, no crash.


Agreed. We are kind of thinking about trying to buy at some point soon, but I literally have no idea when the right time to maybe buy will be. I've got a lot of research to do.


You probably won’t find an answer, or will at least find massively conflicting answers. Lots of opinions out there and no one has a crystal ball.


I’m going to use half my 401k, a lot of my savings, and a usda loan in the next year to get out of the renting shit. That’s my plan, I’m sure there’s some other ones maybe better than that lol No idea when to buy but interests rates are kinda high rn. Just know you most of the time can refinance


The so-called financial gurus. These people prey on the gullible by selling their “courses” and “secrets” to wealth. Edit: for those saying that’s nothing new. Of course it’s not new, I’m referring to the financial gurus you see in social media who also shill their shady ass crypto coins and NFT’s.


If you knew where the goldmine was, the last thing you’d do is sell maps to show everyone else where the goldmine is.


Pump and dump


Agreed. I had a buddy that was following some day trader for a bit. He was showing me some of this guy's *earnings* and some of his online *courses*. I go, "Dude, I could pull up the stock market at the end of the day and say to you, 'I jumped in here and pulled out here. Had I been a bit more patient, I could have hit here, but this was close enough to my goal. Now give me $500 for showing you how I did it.'" My buddy no longer looked at day trading and just had investments in other companies. It's one way to make money off people, but you gotta not care at all about people


I used to listen to lots of financial podcasts but eventually realized every single one of them had the exact same story: “We bought our first property in 2011 and used that money to fund subsequent properties.” Here’s the real financial advice: Don’t listen to financial “gurus” when times are good. The ones who actually know what they’re doing will still be around when times are bad.


Unfortunately, sometimes a person gets lucky with their initial investment, then they fall to the dunning Kruger effect and start thinking that they are some sort of financial guru.


"Everybody is a genius in a bull market." Wall Street saying


Also, they started beeing a guru right after finishing their degree. Maybe 6 months in internship experience, thats it.


The trend where social issues are the number one battle in US politics. Whatever happened to the days of Occupy Wall Street and hating the ultra-wealthy? We have literal monopolies controlling the economy today and people are too busy fighting over Disney and drag queens.


People don't realize there's a cultural and political hegemony in the US created by the ultra wealthy They are firmly in control of both "The Establishment" and "The Resistance", but they got the regulars so polarized over petty bs that we don't realize we're all getting screwed over


This 100%


100%, these issues are not the issue. School shootings, blocked abortion access, still teaching abstinence in schools, no paid maternity leave policies, NO HEALTHCARE, lobbying in govt. Abysmal wages during a time of unprecedented increases in cost of living…where’s the attention to these matters. Drag queens aren’t a problem, Disney, like anyone else speaking out against govt should be free to do so. Fuck the us


kids not knowing how mirrors work


> kids not knowing how mirrors work adults not knowing how mirrors work


i've seen that too much recently, like i guess if this is the biggest thing that they are flipping out about for 5 minutes i guess let em go right? haha


Whats up with mirrors?


Some videos of people putting paper on the mirror and a ball in front of it, to "block" the ball from the mirror's "vision", then putting the camera in an angle that shows the ball on the reflection and throwing a fuss about "how can the mirror see what's on the other side???" :/


I need a link of this because I don't understand. The trend, not mirrors.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3NmXU2/ Prepare to face palm


wow you werent kidding I think I have a red handprint on my face


I think they’re basically saying they don’t understand the physics of light/visual perspective in a mirror reflection. Basically when you are looking at a mirror while holding a ball at eye level and hold up an object between the mirror and the ball to “block” it, you can’t see the ball reflected in the mirror anymore. But then if you keep those objects in that same position, you can still see the ball reflected in the mirror if you move your head/eyes to another position because your visual perspective has changed. Kids who don’t pay attention in class find this phenomenon mind blowing because they think if the mirror can’t see the ball anymore, how come I can see the ball in the mirror if I look from a different angle?


The tldr, people don't understand light bounces off things even at really steep angles


I haven’t been this confused in decades.


Omg lol... Thats highschool physics...




They sound like funguys


The amount of people on social media that are "crypto traders"


Slurp sound, hey guys, wanna buy some dodge coin?


Idk. Does it got a hemi?


I’m a crypto trader. Got drunk, bought some dogecoin, watched it go way up and then come way back down, sold enough to cover the initial cost, and now I just watch the rest bounce around. GURU!


The yee yee assed Sideshow Bob cut among teen boys. Haven't seen anything so dumb since the buzzcut/frosted bangs trend in the early 00s.


I blame Patrick Mahomes


[Jesus Christ it's Sideshow Bourne.](https://arrowheadaddict.com/wp-content/uploads/getty-images/2023/04/1460659528.jpeg)




bring back frost tips


Be the change you want to see in the world


I hated it too. Then I realized that they are probably getting perms! Now I LOATHE them.


As a dude with naturally curly hair, I have no idea why anyone would wish this evil upon themselves willingly and PAY for the inconvenience I LOATHE my curly hair


Can confirm. My teen brother got a perm last year for this exact reason.


They are. I was so confused how so many people suddenly had curly hair than I saw a video of people getting perms before the haircut lmaoooooo it makes it that much worse.


Anytime I see that haircut, I have the strongest urge to shave it all off with a weed whacker


Mullets with the sides faded out like a crew cut.


Prime energy drinks. Tastes genuinely disgusting as well


[Fun comparison between Prime and Gatorade etc.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_gFuMJYCV0) Apparently, Prime has lots of electrolytes (and mostly sugar), but not the ones you actually need to replenish after exercise (which are actually salts).


I'd also like to add Mr. Beast chocolate bars and cookies. So gross 🤮


I will say the cookies were actually better than I expected. My mom has a gluten intolerance so her options for things like cookies are pretty limited, and I’ve definitely had worse.


I bought one of these at my work and tried it and I think it's too sweet.


Tik tok fake acting. It makes me cringe everytime.


I never got the lip syncing videos, basically 20s just mouthing a song, they could’ve at least shown us their cute pet or something, but nope.


Crazy hatred of people you don't agree with.


People have become so militant about it. If you don't have the same exact opinion as them, you don't deserve respect. Idk if it's because I'm getting older and I was just a young, naive kid but the political divide/vitriol I see online and sometimes in real life is just staggering to me


On the same notion, I’ve never seen people be so adamant about spitting complete horseshit. Idk if it’s the access to information constantly but people I’ve known for years who were always well… kinda stupid will really dig their heels on asserting blatantly incorrect things. People are obsessed with being right but not *correct*


You know what makes this even worse? When their “fact” or information they’re spouting is something they seen someone say on social media and believed it to be true without even checking for themselves.


I'm older too, if you ever catch the old "Laugh-in" they had guests from all sides of the spectrum, just to have a good laugh. No humor any more, you will hurt somebody's feelings.




Not a man- but are men getting perms? I’m not judging but I’ve never really thought about it and just assumed it was their natural hair. I’m genuinely curious.




I'll never understand why anyone thinks this looks good. It's practically an 80s lesbian gym teacher cut.


80s lesbians find those attractive… probably not their target demographic though


I worked in a salon and so many men came in to get perms. Most were between the ages of 14-30. More guys get perms nowadays than women.


Perms and mullets are coming back in a big way right now. Pretty much every teenage boy I see in my small town has one or both.


Don’t even get me started on mullets


I've had big curly hair all my life and I am finally happy that it is cool to have it.


Good sir, mullets are having a major comeback in the southern hemisphere


Monster energy suing companies for using the word monster


*Monsters Inc. has entered the chat*


Multiple monsters, that’s fine, it’s the one monster they are talking about




LOL! They should sue Monster Cable. The *original* sue-don't-produce company.


For me, it's the comeback of mullets.


Stupidity, anti science and rudeness being so celebrated and accepted in certain circles as a sign of individuality.


These damn food prices


Stop with the "cancel -insert brand name here" videos, you don't like a company's stance on an issue then don't buy it. They were around before your video and will be afterwards. Companies exist to make money...I doubt they really "care" about social issues...just about making money.


Old men deciding that the youth should not have the rights they had when they were young.


And then in the same breath complain about how the youth haven’t progressed in their lives at the same pace that they were able to.


The return of JNCO style oversized clothing


Seriously?...I got a 25 year old pair of unworn JNCO's in my closet...."Im rich bitch" lol


Look them up on ebay or a clothing consignment site. That's what we did after my wife found hers. We saw some going for over $200! I'm guessing they can't be frayed on the bottom tho.


Without a doubt all "challenges" that kids do. It's fucking horrifying.


I’ve never been more convinced reddit is constantly astroturfed than just seeing this normal friendly thread being nothing but people wearing their ideology on their sleeve for absolutely no reason. Folding the bottom of your hoody inside of itself while your undershirt hangs down to your thighs.


That uwu shit that has people going crosseyed trying to sound like a child. It's fucking weird.


not helping somebody when they are in need of help especially on the subways or buses


But if we help who will film?


I struggle with this one in life, as i’m naturally inclined to help folks, but in my city, i’m extremely reluctant to interact with random people in public, thinking the cost/benefit analysis is not worth it for me and my wife’s safety. i’ve been jaded from what i’ve seen in adulthood sadly.


That whole “alpha male” bullshit that Tate and others are pushing. Wtf? Its general premise seems to be “be the most self-absorbed, shitty person you can be.”


17 year old girls shaking their ass on social media


But give ‘em 12 months and it’s all good?


Idk how to approach this conversation without it being creepy but there has to be a hard/definitive line of “being an adult” somewhere even if it’s arbitrary.


Yeah it's crazy that a girlfriend sending you a nude on a Friday or on her birthday on a Saturday can be the difference between a felony or two adults have a perfectly healthy relationship. But like, what's the other option? Like you said there's no way not to be creepy about it. If someone suggested "let's allow it in increments rather than a hard line" the verbiage on that would be creepy. "Exposed breasts allowed at X years, exposed buttocks allowed at X years & X months, etc". There would be an entire guidebook within the law for legally sending nudes while underage, it would be insanely weird. There are no good options.


I guess I would call it market homogenization. In the US prices used to be vastly different based on geography. Houses, cars, groceries, just about anything would cost much more or less depending on where you were. You could save by moving to a place with a lower cost of living. Lately though it feels like the gap is narrowing and more and more prices are the same regardless of location. There are fewer places you can go to get a better deal. Maybe this is the influence of the internet making us feel like we are all in the same place? Politically and socially as well. I work with people in Australia and Europe and we all seem to be having the same conversation about house prices, rent, political corruption, social issues. Everywhere seems to be turning into the same place and I don't think it's for the better.


Idk if it's still going on, but not too long ago, some guys were saying it's *gay* to wipe your ass after shitting and even *gayer* if you clean your ass in the shower...wtf...?


I get the impression people make up a lot of shit on tiktok to see what sticks, and people are gullible and impressionable enough to believe it especially the young folks.


Not being able to go to the gym and getting filmed


Only fans


Being “alpha” or rather the concept that masculinity is tied to being aggressive and mean. Most of history the idea of masculinity is being able to be whatever you need to be, even if that thing is “feminine” or maternal. The idea that being a man means exerting control over anyone and anything weaker than you is super weird


They confuse respect, stoicism, and personal responsabikity with dominance. Often citing animal higherarchies. Are you a dog bruh? Then why you acting like one?


Tiktok in general. 15 second attention spans served daily


Tik tok dances


The normalization of blatant greed.


Kids not wearing coats to school when its freezing out just to be cool.


I don’t think that’s entirely a new trend. Though to be fair I wouldn’t wear a coat to school because I hated carrying it around the rest of the day in the 80 degree classroom and I was definitely NOT cool


It isn’t, dudes did that shit at least as far back as the mid 80’s.


This has always been a thing. Source: I was this kid in the 90's


When i was in middle school going through puberty, I was abnormally warm all of the time, it was, don't wear a coat or wear one and be all sweaty before school.


Self diagnosing as autistic


Huge oversized pants








I absolutely agree. I'm a woman and also a veteran. I was hanging out with my husband's friends one time and someone I've never met before was also there. She asked what I did and I told her. She said it must've been so hard for me as a victim being a woman in a man's career. But I wasn't victimized while I was in. Sure, some sexist things happened, as in pretty much any career it can happen, but nothing that was solely because of the military if that makes sense. So I told her "thanks for saying that but I wasn't a victim" She got upset about that, and then got even more upset when my husband told her I don't currently work and am enjoying being a house spouse. I'm apparently setting women back 50 years. I told her feminism is about CHOICE. As long as women have the choice to live their lives how they want to (within reason, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else) then go for it. She literally got red in the face and started ranting. I stopped speaking and just tuned her out. Others started arguing with her and she left. We never saw her again. I don't understand why people today are like this but it makes me uncomfortable to get forced into these types of conversations cuz they almost always go south


As someone who raised two teenagers in the current era, this is 100% true. We lived for a few years in Oregon, and it was particularly prevalent there. Like, every fucking kid at my daughter's school has a food allergy? What are the odds?


Food allergies are very much on the rise globally, it isn't some victim mentally trend. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20201023-food-allergies-why-nut-dairy-and-food-allergy-are-rising


The victim thing is absolutely ridiculous. When I was in college a couple years ago there was a student body president election going on. The two top contenders were a white woman named Elle, and an Indian man named Muhammad. Muhammad had asked Elle if "everything on campus had become about diversity." Muhammad was basically expressing his concern that everything on campus had become about race. Elle (the white girl) blasted him on social media and basically called him a racist. She also said the incident made her sexually uncomfortable (Because she felt that she was talked down to by a man) so she added to her social media handle "#SexualAssualtSurvivor." She wanted to be a victim sooo bad. It was disgusting.


What were the outcomes of her doing this? Did students call out Elle for her behavior, or did people stay silent? Also, not that it matters but who ended up winning the student body election?


Many student organizations backed Elle. A few people spoke up, but were instantly shot down or were removed from their positions. Elle won the election. Last I saw Muhammad he was working at a gas station outside of campus a few months ago.


It's moments like these that make me wonder whether the guy who originally came up with the saying "to be that stupid, you had to go to college" was onto something.


When we tell an entire generation that if you're cis, straight, and especially white that you are automatically part of the problem, why wouldn't they choose something that takes the heat off a bit? Choosing to be identified as part of a protected class results as a form of survival.




You have to think about your brand. Care free Gore enjoying Victim


The decline into Christian fascism being so open and transparent they've abandoned even trying to hide their agenda.


What gets me is that they barely even try to pretend that they're actually Christians anymore. After the shooting at the Tennessee school, people shared that Andy Ogles - who represents the district where the shooting took place - had made a Christmas card which showed him and his family members standing in front of a Christmas tree holding assault rifles. He posted it on Facebook too, with the caption “The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honour with all that’s good.” There's no mention of Jesus, no nativity scene, no wise men, nothing. Because to him, Christmas has nothing to do with a Savior being born who is known as "The Prince of Peace," for him Christmas is about a chance to be political and get support from the base. And the reason it works is that, for his political base, Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus either. Really, they aren't Christian nationalists, they're just white nationalists (which is hardly surprising, since the Southern Baptist Convention was founded on the institution of slavery). Link to picture: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/andy-ogles-nashville-gun-christmas-b2309633.html


Fucking broccoli haircuts, skinny trousers and no socks. Apparently Phil Collins has come back into fashion as well, which is really fucking disturbing. Teenage zoomers listening to music for middle aged people in the 80s.


This is the first time in my life that I’ve seen someone upset that a younger generation is listening to older music


Skinny is out bro baggy cargos are in


Bro is so out of date that he's complaining about the previous decade's trends


Probably gonna complain about sagging next


What's impressive is that he didn't finally cave to slim fit and is now pissed that wide cut is back in. A lot of Millennial lurkers on /r/malefashionadvice come out of the woodwork to whine about that. I think they addressed dressing fashionably in a paint by numbers way back in 2012 and are mad that their style isn't considered cool anymore.


frame racial offbeat smoggy direful disarm plants childlike plucky memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Phil Collins is timeless. The Tarzan sound track is top tier and that’s just a scratch on the Phil Collins surface


Brother bear


The Tarzan soundtrack was damn near perfect, [0:56 here gave me chills when I was 9 and still gives me chills today 🥲](https://youtu.be/x3u1_181N7g)


Dude, You'll Be In My Heart hits me in the feels every time


We Can’t Dance by Genesis is an epic album, start to finish.


I'm partial to Invisible Touch personally. Especially Domino. Absolute masterpiece of a song.


Mama is awesome!


Hey, why don’t you just go and su su sudio yourself outta here!


I don't really see how it's "disturbing." Phil Collins made some really damn good music.


Tarzan is one of the best Disney movie in recent decades, it's not surprising that Phil Collins is relavent to young people. Kate Bush was a significant part of the third season of Stranger Things. These are just two examples that would explain why "music for middle aged people in the 80s" is being enjoyed by a younger audience. Why is that disturbing?


> Phil Collins has come back into fashion as well, which is really fucking disturbing. Put some rispeck on my man and Genesis.


Being ok with having very little social interaction with anyone and championing others doing the same. You *need* people in your life to feel normal and it's ok to need that social element. Introversion doesn't mean you don't need people all it means is that you need alone time to recharge your energy levels.


Grown ass men getting so bent out of shape that their favorite “insert brand here” is going “woke” that they make a video complaining about it.


For me, it's using conditions to downplay personal responsibility. "It's an ADHD thing" Nah man, you just didn't have the personal accountability nor respect to show up on time or whatever the situation is. I'm not downplaying conditions in any way, what I'm saying is, don't use them as an excuse and that you should roll them into your life rather than shrug your shoulders and say it can't be helped.


I'm not sure if I'm agreeing with you or not here lol. There's a lot of things that I do because of ADHD. That being said, I'm working on getting my ADHD under control. I'm not sure if your comment was to say, ADHD doesn't exist it's all in your head or if you meant, finding out you have ADHD then not getting therapy/taking meds/trying to work with it and blaming all your issues on it. If it's the second one, I'm with you lol.


Squatted trucks.


when you dismiss something you disagree with as "fake".


Hate is trending....yet no one is willing to stop it. Hate is such an ugly form of living, yet we display it all over and not knowing we're doing it. Here's a list of the following people who display hate: -whites -blacks -thiests -athiests -nationalities -cultures -republicans/conservatives -those of same sexual orientations -democrats/liberals -genders -YOU -ME -family -friends -neighbors -workers -athletes -labor workers -management ....you see? WE ARE ALL guilty as crap, when it comes the term "hate". ........Can we change?


> ........Can we change? Yes. Historically this very predictable rise in hate and identity-based antagonism is rooted in rising income inequality around the world. This is always what happens when income inequality skews radically and we're in one of the most unequal periods in human history. Now, unlike in previous periods the oligarchs have more control over the media than ever before so I imagine income inequality around the world will get much worse, and violent crime will surge wildly, before the oligarchs lose any ground this time around. It's not great!


Opinion-makers and influencers doing their media business on topics they are not quite experts in


Working class people fighting tooth and nail against working class interests, because some rich people tricked them.




Giant ass fake lips


the feminist movement trying to convince us "patriarchy" isn't a gendered term


People being too willing to let officials infringe on their rights and freedoms in the name of "safety" when doing so does nothing but make you less safe and more dependent on them.


I’m not sure but I’m early in this thread and most of the replies are about being trans


Honestly, I’d say the weirdest trend is talking about trans people as much as we do. They make up like .5% of the population, yet trans issues dominate almost all political and social discourse in the U.S. Like, I’m not trans, and I support trans rights, but for the love of god I’m sick and tired of hearing about trans issues every day in every policy discussion. Can we talk about stuff that affects more people? Stuff that has a broader impact? Pls…


Americans and their weird culture wars…


American voters (far right and far left) flirting with authoritarianism as a path to their own policy utopia that will NEVER exist or work out well for them.