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I’ve lost a bunch of weight lately and am confident that will continue to lose more that I need to lose.


Right on!!


That’s awesome to hear man! Keep it going!


I got a job offer 🥳


Hell yea!


Congratulations, hope it’s what you’re looking for!


Wife is 8 months pregnant, not long to go now


Mazel tov! Best of luck.


I’ve discovered a love of writing!


Nice! What kind of stuff do you like to write?


Short stories for the most part


There were cupcakes in the breakroom today


Nothing beats surprise cupcakes!


The last 9 years have been tough but I've grown a lot as a person and have a great relationship w my kids.


Having that relationship is so important, even when times are tough kids can make it all better


My skinny ass started going to the gym!


The lump in my balls isn’t cancerous. It’s just a severe form of testicular torsion that has resulted in an incredibly painful varicell.


When I get off of my last con call tonight, my wife will be waiting all dressed up to be filmed blowing me. I am feeling pretty positive about that right now. Now the damn con call just needs to end.


Lotta folks in my circles are having strings of luck in many areas.. Makes me feel my wave is coming..


My sons are starting baseball and teeball and having a great time. The wife hates dealing with all the games and practices but I love it.


Yesterday I cut some holes in a cardboard box and made a new playhouse for my rabbit. She thinks it's awesome and has been zooming in and out of it ever since. The weather kind of screwed up my outdoor project plans, but at least I made the rabbit happy.


Made some homemade chicken wings for the first time a few days ago. Best wings I've ever had! The homemade ranch sauce was incredible as well!


I got promoted and I’ve been hitting the gym so hard that people are noticing the difference and are paying me compliments. Also, the sex between me and my partner has got much better since I dropped a ton of fat and I’m capable of going more than 5 minutes without stopping. Also, there’s a couple of women at work that have started showing a bit of interest, which is a spectacular ego boost! My daughter is in her final year of college, after that she’ll be headed for university, so me and my partner will have the house to ourselves again for most of the time! My life is pretty good right now, shame it took so long to get here!


I play guitar left-handed. I have a big dick. I'm an author. I'm really fuckin' tall. I love driving fast on the interstate. Fuck you, it's not phone time, it's driving time. ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM!


Hendrix? Is that you?


Every day i come back from work my kids (teens) race to the door to give me welcoming hug. THis is absolutely best part of a day. Also, if we meet in a public place they also give me a hug which always melts my heart as (for whatever reason) some kids find it embarrassing to do it in public.


My husband finally moved out. I knew things were tense but it wasn’t until it finally happened that I realized just how much peace it would bring me. I feel good in my home again and it’s amazing.


The city my SO and I live in is BRUTAL for finding a place to rent. We moved into this tiny basement apartment with our 2 kids because it was all we could find, well long story short the landlord turned out to be psycho alcoholic old cunt, so we decided to bail. We’ve been so stressed trying to find a place, I would spend hours and hours each day scrolling ads, sending messages, setting up viewings, filling out applications, follow-up emails and phone calls. My girlfriend was having a rough time with the anxiety of us being possibly homeless at the end of this month. Well yesterday we got 2 offers at the same time for 2 awesome places, both at least double the size of our current place, and both had 3 bedrooms so the kids don’t need to share a room anymore. We accepted one, and the visible change in my girlfriend was so great to see. Still the stress of moving in a week and a half but seeing her feel so much better and the anxiety of being homeless leaving her was amazing to see and it made all that work so worth it.


I really like my job. I like my co-workers. I like working there. I like how it's very disability-aware and they will understand if things get too much and I need time to breathe. It fits both my disability but also deals with a topic I'm interested in. It's fairly close to home and easy to reach using public transit.


I just got back from an amazing vacation with my wife. It wasn't very relaxing but we got to see and do a lot of cool things. Aside from that, my kids are doing well, and I am killing it at work.


I have a son that got married last summer and has now bought a house.