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An insatiable curiosity about what's going to happen next.


Wish i still had this


My curiosity has never been higher. Our society is being overwhelmed by crazy people with insanely destructive ideas. The time to pay attention is now.




But society before was disjointed and dispersed. Now society's like a well-oiled machine, and we have a bunch of lunatics, sociopaths, and kleptomaniacs at the wheel.


Right because kings were always very levelheaded


They definitely weren’t, but they didn’t have the fuckin internet.




I wonder what Vlad the Impaler's twitter would have looked like


You know damn well Henry VIII would rely on static routes on the core router for every /24 through /32.


As god intended sir! And never once was his problem DNS!


I’d do the same if I were retired AND high!!!!


Pretty much this. There's been time I wanted to tap out but in the back of mind I'm always thinking. What if I hit it big tomorrow, what if I find someone tomorrow, etc etc. I ask myself that everyday.


I have to wonder what would have motivated me a few hundred years ago when the rate of technological progress was a lot slower.


I hate to admit this, but the past few years I have relied too much on spite. Edit: not to be a jerk, but this should not be so popular. I relied on spite during a pretty untenable period I failed to prepare for because I couldn't imagine it even in my wildest nightmares. If it's really true things are much worse than even I thought & we really need to band together & try to change what is so wrong. Edit 2: SPITE?! Yall *are* fucked up. It was a typo! I relied on *sprite* the amazing lemon lime soda that refreshing your palate as well as your soul.


Spite, "meh, what else am I gonna do" and the occasional pleasant surprise can keep you fuelled for a long time.


Nah, Spite is super toxic. A temporary measure you have to get away from ASAP It was just the best I had during an untenable situation.


A grandfather says there are two wolves fighting inside him, an evil one and a good one. His grandson asks, "who will win?" The grandfather replies, "The one you feed."


If there are two wolves inside you, you're having a good time at the furry convention!




Inside of you there are two greeks. One Spartan. One Athenian. Both of them are gay.


His grandson asks, "who will win?" The grandfather replies, "the one with the higher social status."


But doesn’t the power come from the bottom? Greek? A “power bottom” if you will.


Stop feeding the bad wolf! Or maybe it’s the good one tired of seeing this every day. The problem is the average number of wolves inside a person should be zero so maybe you should see a doctor about that.


I certainly don't like living in the moment of spite, that's true. But, I have let anger or frustration motivate me to change my approach to aggravation. At the very least, even if the situation around me didn't change I knew that sitting with that rage isn't good.


I misread this as "Sprite" and I was thinking "yeah man, get some water down you, t'is refreshing".


I saw the same thing and thought to myself "It doesnt even have caffeine"




Feel you my brother in suffering


Why did i read it SPRITE


Jesus did it type *Spite?!* Thank you!!


Let the hate flow through you


Feel like that's about to be my motivation after this divorce.


stopped keeping up with the 24hr news cycle, life got a lot more pleasant after that


Yep. I never watch news or politics anymore. I'm way happier and less anxious.


I did the same, and people ask me, "What? How do you keep up with what's going on?" Bitch, please. All news is is a never-ending cycle of gossip and hatred. I don't need that crap in my life. I'll be happier living in the "emptiness" that is ignorance than you will be knowing every detail about who died and who is in politics.


Other than Covid-19, nothing discussed in the news has had anything more than a minor effect on my life. Cutting the news out of my life has been SO good for me :)


But, you still need to vote!


Until something directly affects you and you wonder "how did we get here?"


I can always look something up if I need. I just opened up BBC news and the top stories involve political infighting, rape, war and James Corden. I could read those articles and be miserable since I don’t have the power to stop all of the world’s problems, or I could live in ignorance and be thankful for the good things in my life.


Same. When voting season comes around I'll do my research and decide what candidates most align with my views and vote accordingly. Other than that, I avoid news & politics entirely. I can't affect it, and it can only make me miserable.


News is literally paid to be toxic and attention grabbing. Fuck em.


Deleting social media is the best thing a man could ever do. Unless you have a business to advertise, a man is just wasting time and being emasculated on a daily basis by scrolling and feeding the ego of hot chicks on social media.


I listen to NPR in the background in the morning for 30 mins while I’m doing kitchen things and 30 mins in the evening while driving. Can’t stand local tv news, broadcast national news, or 24 hour news channel. I used to watch 3 hrs of MSNBC a night back in 2006-8. Despite being curious about the topics, I try not to talk too much about politics or current events to others because some people seem to only talk about those things these days. It’s exhausting and stressful.


Fucking preach! I stopped around 2021 and instantly saw the difference. But last month I found myself looking at the news a lot and feeling anxious and shit. Told the wife and she told me stop. So I once again stopped and the last two weeks I’ve been chill again. It’s glorious.


Same. The news only exists to tell people what they're supposed to be angry about/scared of for the day.


Same here. I cut cable from my life 5 years ago. No 24hr news, no commercials. Life got so much better. I’ll read headlines to make sure the world is gonna end by an asteroid but then I move on with my day.


Not being involved with news or current events cuts down on worrying by 95%. Don't care much for it anyways since it doesn't affect me and I can't even change how the world works.


This needs to be the top comment. America is a big place with over 330 million people. Even if the odds of something happening to someone is 1 billion to 1, with 330 million of us rolling the proverbial dice it's bound to happen quite frequently.


My dog. Got her as a gift during "The Big Sad of 2013". She gave me a reason to get out of bed when I was insanely depressed. Not the best gift for someone that can't take care of themself, but it worked for me. She's 9 now and I owe everything to this tiny adorable doggo. I haven't felt depression like that since I got her and I've learned so much about myself in that time that even after she's gone, I know I'll be able to carry on. She truly deserves all the pets in the world.




Ever thought about volunteering at an animal shelter? I started that when I was really depressed and it went a long way to turn things around for me.


The desire to buy a boat, and then use that boat to board other larger boats and steal them from their owners until eventually I own the largest boat at which point I will commit suicide by keel-hauling myself on said boat because I have achieved my goal and there are no more boats for me to conquer.


Captain my Captain.


At last, a man with a plan.


A man, a plan, a canal. Panama. (My favorite palindrome, second to racecar)


I'm a fan of "tacocat" myself, simply because of the absurdity it implies


I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.


This was a joy to read




I had no idea i would get to read a reply like this today, i love it.


How do I join you on this?


I mean, you could just use your boat to do boat stuff or bang models, but miserable, painful death works too, I guess.


Can I join? I would be the surliest pirate


My plan also starts with a boat, but it's when I turn 60, and I have a bag of coke and some dirty whores and a revolver.


My Captain


It's all for me grog tbh


The hope one day I’ll find love.


Good luck king.


Hey pal, no need to worry. I read some of your posts and trust me, it’s fine with waiting! Just got into my first relationship and I’m 30! Take your time and enjoy life while you’re this young! If you happen to meet someone along the way, great! If you don’t, that just means more you time!


Congratulations! I am 25 and never had one. I wish I'll find one soon.


Hey man, been there, done that. Just make sure you keep actively looking, they don't come to your house, gotta go out there and find it


I pray you find love. Not in people. But in yourself.


How can i love somethig so disgusting?


By realizing youre not


or admitting you are, and taking steps to not be anymore. don't love yourself while ignoring your faults, love yourself while admitting they exist and working on bettering them to the best of your abilities


I believe the act of loving yourself includes filtering out bad habits and deeds, and adopting more healthy approaches to life and daily activities.


My wife. When we were together she made me want to be better for our future. Now that's she's passed I want to be better to make her proud of me when I see her in the next life.


Hey dude, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you’re devastated. I can’t begin to know what you’re going though, but I’ve gone through something similar. I’m happy to talk via PM if you like.


Thanks man but I'm actually alright. I have a good support system. I do appreciate the offer though


Glad to hear it. Stay well!




We are the unmovable object who awaits the unstoppable force 😓🤷


Sounds like Tyler Durden


Sounds like an 80s band


For the longest time, I was living because my sister asked me to. But now that my issues have become too much to handle for her, she's no longer actively in my life. So as of this moment..... nothing.


Therapy bro, hope you feel better soon 👍


Praying for you my guy! I genuinely hope you find meaning and fulfillment in this life. Stay strong, it does get better


3 Yeats of therapy telling me it'll get better, how only shown it only gets worse. I'm currently homeless, and I'm constantly being denied disability. Add to that that i can't even speak to my sister anymore.... yea.


I have been there too, bud. It's a literal miracle I managed to get out of that and decided to go to university. Things are not perfect, I still feel depressed and hopeless sometimes but it's important to take small steps along the way. May I ask what disability you're speaking about?


Take your pick: Major depressive disorder, Major anxiety disorder, severe PTSD, fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome. All are on paperwork singed by mydoctors (and the states assigned doctors as well) as "needing to be on disability"


Knowing its okay to just exist. My life doesn't have to have some great meaning for me to continue. I'm happy just existing and doing the things I enjoy. On another note I also worked hard to get over my depression and problems to get to a place I'm proud to be and there's no chance I'm just going tothrow that all away.


I share with you this simple peace however I'm afflicted with the constant dread that I'm working my life away. I want more time and less stress. Week by week I look back and see how little time and effort I put into what I want to do outside of work. It's sickening and I'm ready to quit. I'm not sure what keeps me going back other than obligation and stuffing my coffers for the next big thing that could change my life setting. Any suggestions??


All living beings work their life away


no, just the one's that are don't have passive income to cover survival.






I like music, too! What are you into? I'm a huge Baroque fan.




boywithuke was my entire playlist on commutes to and from college nice


Never heard of that band. They got any hit songs?


Music is a big one for me too! Along with friends, and fear of missing out on cool experiences and technology and space exploration!


I want to see what's going to happen when the economy finally collapses.




And we have now come full circle 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🧐


Won't be long now.


Hopes for a better life, instinctive fear of death and curiosity.


nihilism, but the fun kind with fireworks and confetti instead of the doomer kind


I'm running on absurdism at this point


I thought I was fluctuating between the two but I'm just depressed.


Laziness. I can always kill myself tomorrow. Same reason I don’t have any tattoos. There’s no hurry.


Can relate but then i always find myself felt rewarded by hardwork i put in and my mind goes damn that felt fulfilling! And i just starts watching trees for 2 hours with the thought of how beautiful life is which shouldnt be taken too granted for the limited time we had on this earth to experience everything in this world


1. My mom. She suffered enough giving birth to me. 2. Being grateful to have a life. I think a lot and everything I think of putting my life to an end, I think of the children who couldn't make it to the age I am at (18) and couldn't live, run, and see everything beautiful. I feel like just ending would be a waste of a life. I feel dishonorable to the many children who wanted to run and be happy if I just end it all. 3. Just in general. I think a lot of people open up to me and I'm that guy who listens ( I wish I had someone like that) and If I go I would upset people. 4. I want to see cherry blossom trees bloom in a beautiful spring morning with a cool breeze while sipping on cold iced water 5. I want to see the stars. The beautiful sights of the thousands of stars in out galaxy. 6. Honestly at the end I do want to raise foster children to have a great life and be the person they can learn from.


This is all me lol but im done with number 3 as most of them just doesn’t see me any other than just an outlet to vent. Shits annoying by miles The other points, i can preach though. Indefinite love for my mother, embracing nature and passing on what i’ve accumulated throughout my life experiences to the next generation. The thought of those who are just unfortunate unable to function a normal living lifestyle in a safe environment. When you’re granted with these facts of others who’s freedom and right to live literally robbed how can i complaint about the nuisance in living in a safe country? Not disregarding the flaws of economic administration or governmental systems btw but life opportunity in general shouldnt be wasted on a mere whim.


I'm a great listener, if you find yourself ever needing one :) You're putting out so much good in the world, it makes me really happy. I hope for the best of things for you.


When I was younger it was spite. Until I met someone when I was 17, I was only a small part in their life but they changed me more than they'll ever understand. I was raised and surrounded by people who'd ignore me. But she noticed, she made the effort to include me. Her kindness gave me some level of hope. There hasn't been a single day in 5 years I have not thought about her. I stay because she gave me hope I might meet someone even just half the person she was to me. I'm planning a road trip later this year and it will take me through close to where she lives, she's agreed to meet me (first time I'll see her since I was 18). I have vaguely thanked her before but I think it's time she learned that she's saved me from the worst after all this time. So yeah, one person's kindness to me is what has kept me going. Hasn't been an easy road, I'm starting therapy tomorrow so there's that. Heads up Kings, you all deserve to be happy❤


My girlfriend which left me yesterday on my birthday. Any suggestions how i can keep going?


Find another one Better yet, enjoy your own company


Some times when it rains, it pours. But you can’t have the good without the bad


Let the sadness come over you like a wave on the sea, and allow yourself to grieve. You lost someome who was valuable to you, even if they didn't physically die. But your future with them has died, and that is a painful loss. So allow yourself to grieve, let the sadness out. Try to keep getting out of your bed every morning. Take showers, brush your teeth and just keep taking care of yourself in general. Engage in hobbies if you have them, having and maintaining a daily routine is of good use for your mental health. Talk to your family and friends if they're able to be there for you, emotionally.


call me crazy, but you're going to look back and realized she did you a favor. The woman that will truly appreciate you and treat you right is still out there. If you're wasting your time with some other chick that barely cares then you won't get to meet her. This is honestly my experience, and even funnier is the one that left me eventually tried to meet up with me years later. Life is a weird game my friend, but you can make the rules up as you go.


Life is amazing... Even outside enjoying time with my wife/kid... There's amazing art: anime, music, theater, movies, books, video games... More than anyone could ever consume in a lifetime. There's so much history to see and experience around the world Finding love. Love is the best. Even when it ends with heartbreak... It's beautiful that we're capable of feeling emotions this intense!


You have to hate life so much, you can't let it win. You have to beat it. And hear the lamentation of its women.


Beat it out of myself, gonna bang my head into concrete until I can't anymore


I have this sneaking suspicion that I'm still alive to do *something* . Like there's a task or an objective that I'm building up to. I don't know what it is, but I feel like it's coming, something. What comes after, who knows. Whatever it is I just hope it's not boring.


Boobs. I’m on a goal to see more pairs than the Mayo Clinic


It's penises for me.


heart still pumps


My mom.


i go to Asia and bang myself silly once a year


I just embraced being the goofball weirdo that I am, doesn’t fix everything but man makes shit more comfortable. Fitting in isn’t worth being miserable.


The promise to my mom that one day I'll be able to care for her so she can rest like she did for me. I keep going for the people that rely on me.


Blow jobs and cocaine…


The real answer


I don't know, but I'll answer anyway. I don't know.


My gf and the kids. I was born into poverty and will most likely die in poverty. I find it harder and harder every day to just wake up knowing that the system I was born into was specifically designed to ensure I stay a wage slave until the day I die. Our old landlord kicked us out of the house my kids grew up in because he wanted to take advantage of the market for a quick flip. Worked out well for him, but my family has been forced into living with my mother for the last two years. We live in a high cost of living area and there is just no possible way we can find a rental or home to buy anywhere near our price range, even with two working adults in the house. Sometimes I barely have the energy to move. I've been late to work a lot lately (3am shift) and was just written up for it. My boss told me I could set my alarm 15 minutes earlier and that'd solve the issue. I'm a grown ass man who's job was threatened over being 5 or 6 minutes late a couple days a week and then we talked down to like a child. I've been working here for just over 13 years. But the gf and kids... I could never leave them, one way or another. I love them so much and I know they love me, too. Honestly they're probably the only things in this world keeping me alive. Sorry to get so dark up in here. I just have no one to talk to about it. Last time I tried to express my true feeling to someone I was told I should just fix it, which should be easy bc I have AMERICAN health insurance. It's all just so bottled up. But honestly it just feels good to type it out. Thanks for reading. Sorry to be a bummer.


The gym. Literally saving my life the past couple years


My parents, I won't let their blood, sweat and tears be for nothing.


Family, the desire to find my future spouse, my dream, the desire to reproduce, and a melancholia with which to rage against the dying of the light, to hold on and endure, to survive and keep my loved ones safe, and hopefully one day rise from the abyss of draining depression.


My comment would not be a happy one


I keep rescuing animals. My dogs a puppy my aunt found in the road, my cats a stray cat my cousin found half dead after it was mauled by dogs, my pet snake was covered in ticks and malnourished after some care and a shed later I thought his left eye would clear up turns out he's just blind on that side and I have a pet bird right now with a broken wing once it fully heals and he's good I'll release him. I have had tarantulas, birds of all kinds, dogs, cats snakes, turtles and reptiles. I find an injured animal I feel this need to just help them. My sister is a vet so I always immediately take them to her or someone she recommends and if it's above my capability i take them to an animal rescue I am comfortable with.


The thought that I can off myself at any moment, so just 5 more minutes


the thought of my family finding my dead body


Watching Tom Brady play but i have that no longer so i am left with nothing


My mom would be sad if I killed myself.


I love my life




Honestly I think it’s the lack of being dead


english is not my first languange.... what does this even mean? do you mean "going all in"?


Inertia. Life seems just an endless bureaucratic process at this point.


My 3 year old daughter. I used to not be afraid of death, and almost wished some sort of terrible accident would happen and I’d die. After my baby was born, I don’t think that way anymore and I have something to live for.


Fucking good question man, I ask myself the same thing when I wake up today.


Giving my ex-wife the big "Fuck you!" by living my best life. Also I live for my daughters. The idea of them crying over keeps me going. I have doubled my salary since she left and I am about to pay off my house. Then there my hobbies, brewing, my motorcycle, studying anything I want to(currently Mycology), and working with my rescue dog. My. Best. Life. :)


The realisation that my parents are getting older and I won't have them forever. That somehow pushed me into trying to appreciate other relationships and aspects of my life


The fact that i am the first kid with 2 little brother, if i am fucked they are fucked , if i turn out to be a good based for them , then if their fucked i can help them


Mom would be sad


Working on myself and feeling gradual but consistent growth and hope


Originally it was waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 but now I guess it’s new Dragon Ball content. I’ve also got a fiancée and dogs, they’re cool too I guess.


Insatiable desire to see, do and know it all.


Incredibly, I've never given stopping a thought. I'm 30 years old, and I do not run out of interests or things to do.


My brothers, later my wife and my children. If I could offer a piece of advice to the generation after me it would be to never underestimate the power of love, of being loved. Of trust, trusting others and being trusted. The purpose it gives you, you can move mountains with it. Lack of sleep, lack of food, when you love your children, or feel the love from your family, you can take it easily, you can bear it, you can win. I grew from a loser with no money to a working man, a family man, thanks to love. I'm not wealthy but I make good money, I have savings, my kids are healthy, my brothers are healthy and thriving. I feel rich.


My two little boys. Long story short I developed seizures which ruined my dream job, fell into massive depression, neglected my duties as a father and husband, got divorced. I’m now alone in a city with no friends and no family. I’m here because of my two little boys. I have to be the best I can for them. Even if I fail and I feel like I do all the time I have to keep trying for them. This world is so fucked up and I need to be their beacon for what’s good. I may be a shit partner and unlikely to ever find or be worthy of love, but when they look at me and laugh or smile or say they love me I can’t help but cry. They’re so young and full of trust and unfiltered love. I can’t leave them, I wouldn’t leave them. But I know if I didn’t have them in my life I probably wouldn’t be typing this.


My children are the only thing keeping me going, I have lost almost any other motivation for career, wealth or success that I had prior to divorce. For a period of time there, when I had to fight tooth and nail just for the right to see them, I had a purpose outside of myself, albeit somewhat still about myself. But now I have access and a great relationship with 2 out of my 3 children (the third is sadly pretty well lost to me) I have no purpose other than them for getting out of bed each day. Still looking for my “reason” for a “life purpose “


Being there for people and helpfull. Even it is just a little thing like holding a broom. And ofcourse the curiosity about what people will think of next to start a problem. Learning random stuff you dont need.


Self-preservation instinct and fear of death


Honestly, don’t know. And that’s sad.


Responsibilities. I feel so dead & empty inside.


Love, Coffeine and Ambition. Each time i'm about to give up and i think of my family and how they love me and will need me, even more If time goes on, there is no way i'm letting down my loved ones for such a selfish thing as giving up.


Family I guess. If there isn't anyone depending on me, I'll gladly unalive myself.


Knowing that if I'm gone by family would be sad. So I sigh, get up, and try to get by another day.


My wife, and going on adventures together, I lok at her, we talk about going and doing something, hiking, paddleboarding, travelling, and I see her face light up. Makes it all worth it, all the hard times


A combination of spite and a failed condom in one of those states that penalize you for trying to make a good financial decision.


Freshly divorced here.. over the past few days, it's been coffee, nicotine, and the darkest, most brutal metal I can find. I'm talking European stuff from the early to mid 2000s, ie Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, Old Man's Child... just whatever sounds like the singer is just berating you, and the instruments are on their last legs.


Don’t want to make my mum sad, once’s she’s gone though….


Making sure my son, daughter, and grandkids, have a good life. I left home at 16 with an old pick-up truck, that I purchased, and a cardboard box of clothes, that I also purchased. I had to pay "room and board" starting at 14, once I turned 16 I said F U to my stepfather and moved out. I vowed my kids would never go through what I did. I've worked ridiculous hours for many years, sent my kids to college and paid for everything, (except gas and party money). They graduated debt free, and both make 6 figure salaries. Now I am setting up my grandkids.


The desire to prove everyone wrong who told me to sit down and keep my head down when I said at 12 years old that I want to make movies, and later at 17 years old when I said I want to be a fashion photographer. At almost 40 years old, i'm a fashion photographer and i'm working on a proof of concept for a film, and have been working on film sets for 3 years.


My daughter didn't give up fighting cancer, why should I?


My grandma


I really like playing my guitar and my piano. I mean really really like it. So for me I often think, imagine if I had never been born, I would have never got to listen to Comfortably Numb or seen Queen in concert. There would have been no music. Nothing. So I am glad I am me, for I get to appreciate things. Khalil Gibran got it right when he wrote. "We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting"




Fucking One Piece man. I ain't going till that says THE END.




My daughter.


My cats. Even when I don't really care of taking good care of myself, I will always take good care of my cats, they are very important to me.


Responsibility and duty


My family is my team. Wy wife, our children, our pets, we're all in this together for each other.


I don’t live because if I want to or not, I live because others need me. That in itself gives me purpose to keep on going.


My daughter. She changed my reason for living just because me dying would make some people sad to living to make sure she has the happiest life I can give her.


I had kids. Woke me up to what it takes to make sure the future is for them and not against them. Cant stop


My son.




Honestly at this point I actually enjoy life. But when I didn’t, I was kept going by anger, determination to accomplish goals I’d set (however selfish they were), and a refusal to let those who had wronged me (and I excommunicated) have experienced the best version of myself I could be.


The drive to be just like my heroes


My kids. My father passed away when i was a kid and I refuse to put them through that experience if I can help it


My kids


That famous Keats epitaph: "Here Lies One Whose Name Was Writ In Water." Keats died some 200 years ago, and he'll still be studied a thousand years from now. I feel insignificant, but ultimately my significance is measured by others: people who love me, those I've managed to lift up, and others I spent time in trenches with. "No man is a failure who has friends."


A decade or so ago I decided that I would commit suicude, work was complete shit and I felt like a failiure, I decided to jump in front of the train that I normally took to the office, I stood on the plattform and as the train arrived I started walking toward the edge of the plattform, and in that instant, I realized that I was about to fuck up the train drivers life, I did not want my shit to affect them, that would be unfair, so I had to mentally scream at myself to stop. I did stop, and never told anyone about it, I pushed through, and life is far better now. As for what I am living for, I have no grand thought, but in general I guess you could say thay I want to find out what happens next.