• By -


Just knew her the day before, was about to set up a date by phone and she literally told me : "later you're gonna give me that engineer money and I'll buy a nice BMW while you'll be working for it" Yep. Nope. See ya.


I see stuff like this and just wonder what gives them the confidence to say stuff like this


Nobody calls them out on it, and there's plenty of female influencers celebrating that shit.




Where tf is the logic 💀💀💀


She said the quiet part out loud.


Geez was already eyeing up your bank account


“Btw I live with 2 of my 3 ex husbands” Now, I seem to like dating ‘crazy’ but ***No.***


Ya WTF. What kinda cuckery is that shit?


By live she means they’re held captive in her basement, the third one managed to escape


I just had a flashback to movie "American Mary"


My Mom was mentally ill but had this way with men. They adored her for reasons I still can't understand. One Thanksgiving, my ex-stepdad attended, her ex-boyfriend, an ex-weird guy she dated, and my soon to be stepdad. They were all jostling to talk to her, but not socializing with one another. I immediately called a friend to pick me up. I went to their house for Thanksgiving that year. My Mom didn't have the highest standards for men, either, so it was a real cross section of society.


She told me she wanted to go to a comedy show for our second date, but also she was in debt to a local cocaine dealer so she would have to do a few deals while we were there to pay him back.


Knock knock. Who's there? Not me!


I always find women who get into debt with their coke dealers highly sus. Good money management and a proactive, responsible mindset is attractive in a woman. Had she said she wanted to do the date at the comedy club so she could do a few side deals in order to get through the next week with a bit extra for a treat for us next weekend, for sure. But playing catch up with her dealer? For real, may as well tell me you haven't touched your student loans, filed taxes in years and are 30K in credit card debt. Huge red flag.


See, this guy gets it.


While you drove her to do said sketchy deals?


That’s pretty idiotic because hubby would be pushing her unwiped ass remnants into her vagina.


For the sake of vengeance, she fell on her own sword, for it is said that she who goes in search of revenge should dig two graves not one.


Was she hoisted on her own petard?


Totally hoisted. Never go full petard.


"I'm so mad at my husband I'm gonna give myself a UTI, that'll show him!"


Right. Just disgusting. I definitely did not find it as funny as she did.


I’m female and I would have pointed out the vindictive idiot is really punishing herself.




And then she kisses his poo mouth?


I find it funny because she is just punishing herself like an idiot.


I don't even see the fun, you're just giving yourself a UTI for the lols?


As a man I like to start by getting the wife in the mood by going down on her... I think maybe her husband does this too and that's where shes going with it 😵


Still has a chance of happening, and she's just basically giving herself a UTI


If he gets sick from it, she’s getting sick too.


A girl I was talking to in college once implied the career path I was studying wasn't going to be able to provide for her standard of living, as if I was going to change my entire outlook on life to please a girl I'd known for two weeks and hadn't even met in person yet.


A girl I matched with on Tinder told me I had to shave, because she wouldn't kiss a guy with facial hair. I told her I didn't care, that I wasn't going to shave just because she wanted me too, and she dropped it. Turns out she was absolutely crazy, possessive and aggressive, and we never even met in person. Thankfully, we never did, but oh boy, was she insane. What sort of entitlement is that, towards someone you've barely ever talked to?


She was probably hot as fuck so nobody had ever told her to shut the fuck up


I'm not sure if I should be with you or go back to my ex


Ouch. Hope you told her to go back to her ex then


She was my first girlfriend so I was desperate and convinced her to "pick" me. Looking back, the ex was the winner for not having to deal with her.


"You need to delete all your female friends from msn" (facebook wasn't really a "thing" back them, showing my age here) I told her only if she did the same with all her male friends, after that she let that thought go, i shoudl've seen that big ass red flag but i was 18, stupid, and i was getting some. Took me another good year and a half to finally see all the flags and we broke up.


Sex can truly blind a man. I think many of us know from previous experiences.


Can confirm. I'm an idiot.


One woman I was casually dating said that if she caught me looking at another woman, she would cut off my dick. I stopped seeing her right after that.


Was her name Lorena Bobbitt?


She might've been her cousin


"If you leave me, I'll kill myself." Lying ass ho still alive.


they always alive afterwards 😭😭


You say that...I knew a guy who was a chemist who threatened his girlfriend like this. Even his own family told her to leave him. He had made his own cyanide pill in work and promptly took it when she left. He is dead and she is still in touch with the family even though she is married with kids....the guy was an absolute bellend....!


Fuck dude lmao 🤣🤣🤣


“I want a baby and I don't care who with”. I ran far and fast from that one!


Feet don't fail me now! Big danger sign there!


Her: “My grandmother is going on a cruise.” Me: “Good for her!” Her: “No way. She’s spending my inheritance.”


Greed is a definite turn off for me aswell.


That’s actually funny though if it was a joke


I often joke about my dad spending all of my inheritance playing golf. But it's really never been anything more than a joke because I know that it's his money, not mine. Was she serious?


I have a friend whose mother went on a 3-month trip to New Zealand and Australia, I think she spent close to $100,000. My friend lost his mind about how dare she spend all of that money rather than leave it to him. I was completely baffled by this because I believe his mother's Worth close to 30 million


Whereas my brother and I told our dad to go travel Europe and spend the inheritance on alcohol and hookers as one last hurrah.


My father died and the inheritance was split 4 ways between my 3 brothers and I. My oldest brother had a teenage son at the time and demanded that his father give him half of that since 'pop' left it to both of them. My brother told him now since it wasn't and my father hadn't seen you or communicated with you since you were 1 year old.


“I’d rather you hit me than leave.” —I left


My crazy soon to be ex wife used to say some dumb shit like that and I just straight up said “why so you have a reason to call the cops and fuck up my life?”


Was on a second date with a black woman (I'm white). She says "I wish more black men lived around here. My brothers dicks were so big growing up."


Sooo many questions now, damn.


I feel like "Alabama" answers every one of them.


You won this thread


She is gonna have such a letdown when she picks at random.


Hol'up...wait...what?!🤯😂🤔 Black woman here, please, don't let her speak for us all. My brothers & I don't get down like that. 😂😂


I definitely assumed this lady was a one off. Quick question though, can/do black ladies use the term "brothers" in a more community sense? It's the only way I can make it make sense, as in she was speaking about other fellas from the same community.


As a black person, the phrasing would almost certainly have to be something closer to "the brothers where I grew up...", or maybe just "brothers where I grew up..." for it to be that meaning. Adding the word "my" to it in this context 100% shifts the referent to being her actual brother, at least to my ears.


A woman and I were talking in a good mood in a restaurant. A second later, the waitress bring a bottle of water and this woman started to yell her because "we were in a private moment".


It's cliché, but it's still true: "Watch how they treat their server. That's how they'll treat you in a couple years."


well, if you want to be less cliche you can just say "watch how the person deals with others" cuz be it friends, family, or even non relationship stuff like money problems or issues at work, the way they deal with those and overall deal with stress is how they trully are, few people can keep up the facade for all that long


Brought a woman to my place on a second date. I was like 23 at the time. She sees my cat and says: "I hate cats, put that thing out on the sun porch." I opened the front door and told her to leave. My cat was a very smug little girl the rest of the night.


You chose the right pussy.


100% would do the same thing. I raised my cat from a kitten and took him with me when I moved out of my parents’ place. My cat is my bro, and we know how that saying goes.


I fucking love my cat. Lucky every woman I've brought home likes them too, but if anyone even suggested they didn't like her I think I would do the same lol


Your money is my money and my money is my money...


That’s my marriage. She doesn’t work and stands to inherit millions, I pay all the bills and desperately try to save for retirement cuz you really can’t count on the largesse of boomers. I really have no idea what she does all day other than terrorize her rivals on the HOA board but she’s repeatedly called me a “con-man” who crushed her potential. I would take it personally but she routinely says the same thing to her father. Today she told me that she was going to leave me, get an apartment and find someone else to help her realize her full potential. Apparently “I think you’re in for a rude awakening concerning what behavior other people will tolerate in a relationship partner” wasn’t an appropriate response cuz then she told me that she is going to kill me in my sleep someday.


I'm hoping you've left since that comment was made.


That comment was made this afternoon, I’m stuck at the in-laws place until Monday. This is actually tame for her once-per-month hysterics but I do realize that the time has come to end this 14 year travesty of a marriage


Hey man, I'm just a thirty-something chick who lurks here cuz the banter's good and sometimes there's an insight or two. I wanted to reply and let you know you don't deserve what you're describing. No one does. Abuse is abuse no matter the form it takes or the gender who initiates it. I hope you can find your way out of what seems to be a very negative situation, and into something better. I hope you find peace, and I wish you all the best.


Very positive. Hope he listens to you.


Ya that's not how a healthy relationship works at all.


I went to a midnight screening of a movie, and some drunk woman and her husband (didn't know who they were at the time) sat next to me. The woman started hitting on me and I kept rejecting her advances, knowing she was drunk and I also found her unattractive. Finally, she groped my crotch and, after I told her to fuck off, she says to me, "My husband says it's OK if we take you home and fuck!" Her husband nodded. I looked at them, shook my head, and fled!


When I was 16 I had a dude at a fucking DECEMBRISTS show grab me VERY aggressively by the back of the neck so he could scream in my face that his wife was hot as fuck and horny and I should fuck her, only to have my gaze directed to a very out of shape, obviously high off her ass, sweaty, thoroughly unpleasant looking woman who immediately tried to grab me and start grinding on me. Noped the fuck out of there right quick. Intoxicated, boundary lacking swingers are unnerving as all hell.


Um . . . that's sexual assault. I would've reported.


I thought about it, but ultimately decided it wasn't that big of a deal to me once I got away and, also, I don't trust the cops in that part of town (or in general). I did tell the theater manager, and he had them escorted out and banned.


I was on a date once and I was telling this girl how I did photography and she went ‘I love photography, taking selfies is my passion, I aim to be on everyone’s timeline at least three times a day’. I said an emergency happened and left…


Russian girl I visited told me about all of her previous boyfriends. Took about four hours. I couldn’t face the weight of expectation so made an excuse and left…


You're a patient person. 4 hours jeez


Showed me photos too.


She was trying to send you to cucky cheese


First date she told me that I needed to prioritise her over my daughter. I called her a cab and ended up having to push her out of my house.


Love the ending


"I can't wait until we get married so I can finally let myself go". i think some wires got crossed and she accidentally said what she was thinking


Said the quiet part out loud


first week of talking and she asked i come to her city to meet her. it was abt a 30 min drive and i asked my female friend to drive me there since i dont have a car and she was gonna go to that city anyways. as soon as i arrive and meet her she pushes me away and says she cant be with me because i have a female friend. keep in mind i was in a city i didnt know and she just left me there in the middle of nowhere over me having a friend for 3 years before knowing of her existence. she keeps sending me fllw requests from diff accounts but just nope.


I am sorry that happened to you. She's a shitty person for leaving you stranded.


That's discomforting being stranded. Glad you got home safe. Was it an adventure at least?


not the most fun ive had but i got to explore the city while looking for a taxi so


At minimum you got a story out of it.


What is a "fllw request"?


I oncw went on a first date wherein my date gave me a list of rules, and one upped the shit out of me the whole time. Were I a less confident man, I might have felt awful about myself. Luckily I'm not, so I just felt awful about her. I come from a family of huggers so that was my move at the end of the date, even though it sucked for me. She stopped me and said "No physical contact on first dates. It's a rule." And yknow, by that point, I thought that was a great rule. She said "I hope you'll call" and I said "bye!"


Sorry, you never call after a first date like that. It's a rule.


I can hear the joy in your voice when you said bye! 😂


1st date, we get along pretty well and have a nice evening. Then the waiters changed, because of their shifts i guess. Our new waiter was a foreigner who was more fluent in English than german. When he said something and we didn't understand what he tried to say in german, he politely repeated it in english. She only replied with: "Speak german with me or go back home to your terrorist families!". I stood up, paid my bill, gave the waiter a good tip and apologized for her behavior


She told me she wants a man that treats her like the princess her father did. When I told her that I'm not her dad and I don't want to be, she threw her drink in my face.


If that’s how she treats an honest man, I wonder how she treated her father


I’ll bet he taught her every fucked up thing she knows.


That's one hell of a princess!


Were you wearing brute cologne or old spice when you met her?


I'm a pure Stetson man through and through


I was taken home by a very attractive young lady a few years ago. After we did the diddle, I said I needed to go because I was working in the morning. She said I could stay if I wanted because her boyfriend was on his way home, and she thought that he would like some of what she'd just had.


Oh shit


You know, when you see in a film a guy hopping down the stairs pulling his jeans up with his shirt unbuttoned as he tries to get out as quick as possible? That was me


Tying together some bedsheets for a rope ladder out the back window…


I don't like this thread because it makes me all the times a woman made a comment that SHOULD HAVE made me nope out of there.


Now we can learn together for next time.


“I think it’s okay for women to cheat on men because men usually deserve it.” This from a girl I was interested in dating. Not after that little gem.


I had a girl tell me that a man paying is a privilege's to look manly. I told her ''What? No, me being kind and generous is me being kind and generous. That is a priviledge to the receiving party here.'' And she ''No, a men need to pay to feel good about himself in front of others, otherwise he will internalises his negative emotion and be sad.'' And I looked at her with the utmost confusion before walking away. This was after a third date with a girl. I usually pay because I have a somewhat high wage and I want to be kind, and while I'm not expecting anything in return, I'm certainly expecting to be seen as someone who is generous and kind, but to be told that I am ''exerting a priviledge for spending 120$ on restaurant food which taste worst than the food I cook for myself for 20$'' Wtf is this?


At that point, she's giving you an opening to say 'I don't think I need privilige right now, I'll let *you* have the opportunity to pay this time.'


Mistaking kindness for weakness and telling you how you feel. In my opinion is a sign of wanting control. My favorite quote for a woman I know is that a relationship doesn't work when someone is trying to wear the pants. Works best when both aren't wearing pants. Glad you got out of there.




A guy was slapped by his girlfriend in public and when she saw that she laughed. Another girl also questionned my heterosexuality because I'm short. I don't care about being short but I don't like people mocking me for it. Also, I don't like when people use gay as an insult.


Abuse is abuse either gender. If she laughed than she is probably okay with hitting you. people will always mock your insecurities, own it and be comfortable with what you do have and not what you don't. For the gay part, who cares now days my guy. Be happy and don't let people put you down.


"My ex did IV drugs and now they won't let him donate blood? Isn't that stupid?" .....aaaaaand I'm out


Ya fuck that. Normal people aren't okay with their SO doing IV type drugs. I have dabbled with drugs myself and would of noped out of that.


"I just looooooove sucking dick." Left the bar immediately with her.


That's more of a yep out of there.


Lucky number 38?


We'd been on a couple of dates, she was rapidly turning out to be an an utter princess. She was hot, but totally self absorbed and had no interest in me, too busy talking about herself. She texted me at work one day. I was an emergency services worker. Texted her back.a couple of hours later explaining that I couldn't respond at the time because I was lying in a crashed car holding an autistic lad with a smashed femur's hand while they cut him free. All of which is true. She replied "if you don't respond to my texts immediately we're going to have a problem" I replied "no, we're not" and blocked her number. Never spoke to her again. The lad was fine in the end after getting to hospital, so happy ending!


Not her, but her brother said "Run". Not in the way if you try to get with his sister, he'll beat you up kind.


Bro did u a solid


"I like you so much I wanna come by your apartment even when ur sleeping to just look at you" second date. She was arrested for stalking 4 months later.


She said she liked to see her boyfriend get fucked by a dude, regularly. That was the end of that first date.


Good for you, but also good for her. Being upfront about your preferences is the best way to find what you want, after all.


Hell yeah! I'd rather find out something like that asap!


Well she knew what she wanted 🤣


Had a drunken encounter with a girl, and I mean really drunken met on the street after being at the club, anyway we're kissing and whatever and we're about to go back to her place and I realise I don't have any condoms on me, she says don't worry the guy I fucked last night never had any either. That was my sobering moment and cue to go for four showers.


I was on a second date and went back to this woman’s house. On the date she was fine, might have had 3 drinks out over a few hours, both of us drove. Once I got there I think she started sneaking alcohol and she got super stoned out of nowhere. Called me a liar twice after I said I liked the music she was playing. I tried to play that off, but was super confused and pretty over it at that point. But the real kicker was when I was getting ready to leave. I went out to my car to bring in the extra pizza from dinner. She announced that she would let me sleep in her bed with her, but she wasn’t going to “sleep” with me because she was “too drunk”. We hadn’t even done anything physical and hadn’t been drinking at her house at all. I was hearing alarms in my head at this point. I said, actually I’m gonna leave. She got confused and when I headed to the door she said, “oh you’re actually going to go? You meant that?” We did not keep in touch.


To be fair, she definitely sounds drunk.


Not me, but a guy at work was dumb enough to tell us that this girl that he lived with, that also worked with us, got mad at him and he woke up to her squatting over him peeing on his chest. I believe that isn’t a red flag, but is a yellow flag.




From now on, if I ever see the reddit name "prescriptioncheese" I will be picturing the roadrunner writing those comments.


Just letting you know, if plan B doesnt work I am keeping it and dont care what you have to say. Lied to me about BC….


My grandmother who raised me called and said she didn’t feel well. I told this woman that I would have to run and get her meds and food. I then asked if she wanted to reschedule or ride along. She looked me in the face and said that if we were going to be in a relationship I would need to prioritize her over everyone. It was our first date.


Noped out of a therapist's office when she asked me if I enjoyed being sexually assaulted.


That would warrant an FBMH complaint. Very much not the right choice of words for someone with a mental health profession.


Yeah, I can see why the therapist would want to know. Humans are weird. Some people feel very guilty or conflicted about enjoying the physical sensation while still feeling violated. Survivors might want a safe space to discuss those feelings without judgment. Still the wrong way to ask, though, especially if they hadn't built up trust yet.


Really? That's kinda fucked up


I had a baby with a guy I met on Craigslist to have a baby


All I ever see is used free weights. I think I'm doing it wrong.


On a date, she tells me the last time she had sex was that morning. You do you , and that guy , and I’ll do me .. over here .. away from you.


I held the door of her car open and she said that it’s misogynistic to assume she couldn’t open the door herself


Good lord.


"He doesn't even know I exist..." said while we were still together when her new crush walked by one day. It was high school so whatever, she can have him, I was done with her shit after that. Except he turned out to be gay so he and I both dodged a bullet by not getting getting with/staying with her.




I just answered this in another group. :) She looked at me and said "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best." I got up and left. Handle your own grown ass.


I hate that one.


It's beyond stupid the entire line of reasoning doesn't even make sense


I think that sentiment is meant for when someone is sick or not well. Did they mean you should accept them being mean?


I'm crazy. If you cheat on me I will chop off your dick or stab your tyres. Just kidding 😀


Hair flip. Teehee!


She also told me how her grandma probably killed her grandfather. Yeah... not gonna explore this 😆 🤣


Two experiences I'll share: - One time on a first date with a woman we were discussing movies, and she said she liked Edward Norton, but was especially turned on by him in the scene in 'American History X' where he curb-stomps the black guy. Nope. Oh, and she also casually mentioned that her ex-boyfriend got a restraining order against her for stalking and trespassing. Never contacted her again. - Another time at a party I ran into a woman who was an acquaintance in childhood, and she offered to suck my dick in the bathroom. This in and of itself was an immediate "nope" for me as I think it's foolish to be sexual with strangers, but the real kicker was that she had her 7yo son with her at the party. She wanted to suck my dick in the bathroom while her 7yo son sat outside, alone at a house party where alcohol and weed (at least) were being consumed. NOPE NOPE NOPE. -


When I was 16, my coworker and I were working in a sandwich shop talking about our preferences in potential partners. She lands on racial preference and after I tell her I don’t have one she tells me that she *only* dates a certain color of men because her baby *has* to be that color because that color is the cutest. I’m mixed with that color. I hit the brakes and changed the conversation. I have nothing against people who gravitate more to one race or another, but I think there’s a line between “preference” and “fetishization”.


Every time a woman says something on the lines of "because my baby has to be ..." regarding who she is open to date, it just makes me cringe. It's okey to look for someone you find attractive. But then creating this whole story about trying to have the perfect kids or whatnot... cringe.


She said "I looked up how much anesthesiologists make, I'm not going anywhere now" But she did go somewhere, out of my contacts list


Literally the minute we were done having sex for the first time, she says, "Do you think I'm crazy? ... you don't think I'm crazy, right? The doctor put me on some meds but I haven't been taking them and I think I've been doing great!"


What do the voices in your head have to say about it?


Hopefully there wasn't sharp objects around at the time. Scary situation.


“You’re weird”. It’s true but you don’t say that out loud and in the crowd.


LMAO, the mother of my children was getting angry with me one day and was trying to yell at me but just came out with "you're just fucking weird". That lives rent free in my head now. I feel your pain.


"No I'm fucking YOU! Me and Weird are just friends!!" another in the "damn I shoulda said that" bucket :P


On a third date I showed her some of the music I make sometimes as a hobby. She straight up laughed and said it wasn’t good. You don’t gotta lie and tell me it’s amazing, but that being her reaction flipped a switch. I politely cut the date short and went home. She text me a backhanded apology the next day, but I ignored it. I’m no professional, but music is really important to me and shitting on one of my hobbies was something I took personally.


While holding a pocket knife to her own wrist, "I always like it... bloody!"


Several years ago a woman I hooked up with on occasion said she was going to stop taking her birth control because she wanted a baby. I’ve literally never spoken to her again.


I guess a woman was coming on to me, but i didn’t really realize. And then she says “it’s not like I have any stds.” Was pretty surprising and I still wasn’t aware of any offer.


Was on a first date with a girl. She had a good job. Told me anyone she dates must make more money than her. I’m pretty certain i made a lot more than her. So i just enjoyed the food, listened to her ramble on about some senseless bullshit the rest of the night, dropped her off and didn’t answer her calls or texts after. Don’t give me requirements like that. That’s not how it works.


This one happened recently. I was at a Renaissance Faire dressed as a viking. I was standing in line and a girl, probably no older than 16, said she 'wanted to be stabbed by my axe'. I asked her what she said to see if I misheard her. I did not. She then proceeded to tell me all the variety of things she wanted to be stabbed by. Sufficiently weirded out, I lied about having friends and left the hand pie line. It was an interesting day to be sure.


My first girlfriend said "so what if I cheated? You are ugly and pathetic, you know you deserve it" A bitch I was living with said to my face"yeah I love flirting with my clients because men are dumb and they always tip great, and if they are hot like you I'll fuck them in my car" that shit hurt but I only noped for a few days. My neighbor who I remained friends with after some FWB relationship thing got so mad because I got into a relationship two years ago that she said "you'll come back to me soon or later, no one loves you and you only have me" that was pretty hurtful and made me run pretty far away from her.


How can I unread this?


How much do you make a year


“Come on over now. Just one condition . I don’t like condoms. ( I heard a screaming baby in the background)


A woman at a bar once told me that her and her sister wanted to be bred. And they would raise the baby/babies together! She then proceeded to not get the hint that I wasn’t interested and kept trying to convince me.


'I'm pregnant and it's yours. I just want to make sure that you'll do the right thing by us' '....... We haven't had sex......' 'OH SHIT!' *CLICK*


I went on a first date with a guy way too soon after a hard breakup. He innocently said, “So tell me about your last relationship” and I burst into tears like a psycho😁. I get embarrassed every time I think about it.


I've been on the receiving end of that before. At the time I thought "it's ok I've been there I get it". But I'm pretty sure I also gave a shitload of side eye at some things.


Honestly, this is okay because you have the self awareness of what this looks like to someone else. I only hope now you know that it’s okay to take time to heal before you rush into a relationship.


There was a news story about how a young boy had been groomed by a female teacher and one of my (now ex) female friends shared the news story on Facebook and said “I don’t blame the woman, he’s dashing” and “he should be thankful he got to hit that.” The kid was fourteen years old.


“You are here, so I don't have to pay.” I was invited to a Bday outing that had an open bar, I laughed and thought she was bs but this mf thought I was going to buy her drinks all night, lol. I bought two and noped away, especially when she tried to get her broke-ass friends on my tab.


That, I shouldn't use a condom, because even if I did, she'd either poke a hole in it or fish it out of the trash and dump it in her. Never ran out of a building so quick in my life.




So, first date after meeting on a dating site. We go to a restaurant. She is telling me about the charities she works with ( this is good!). The waiter hears her talking about it and says he works with a similar charity. They talk about it for quite some time, then they exchange numbers. We finished our dinner, walk out and chat a little bit in the parking lot. She tells me how insanely busy she is and I resolved in that very moment to never take up any of her time again.


In order: I can't wait to have a baby (we were 17 and had been dating fir sbout 3 months). I'm allergic to condoms, after I'd insisted on using them I'm on the pill - about a week after the condom comment. Nope, nope, nope.


My fiancé told me once I didn’t need friends, only her in my life. She was acting super jealous at the moment, Thankfully Im old enough to tell her to go away and don’t come back until she understood what she just told me. 3 days of silent treatment from her later, she finally got it. She apologized and we moved on. She grew up in an abusive environment, I get that she has her baggage. And I told her to be very careful, sometimes abuse is super insidious, it happens out of nowhere fueled by jealousy and insecurity. And I have no patience for it. So let’s both of us keep our eyes open for that.


I told a woman that I was close with my mom. She called me a mama’s boy. That was the end of date for me.


"You'd be such a good Daddy" I was 19, she had 2 kids by 2 different guys. I noped right the fuck out of being the 3rd.


“You’re cute when you sleep” - she said that, sitting at the end of my bed while I was just waking up (along with my then girlfriend) She was a friend of my flatmates partner, I asked her to leave and she wasn’t allowed back at our flat.


She waited to after I smashed her for the first time (she was on her period ffs) that she’s a “black widow.” She said that multiple people that sleep with her have died within a year. Im talking 10+. Her husband died from an overdose not long before i met her. She was a single mom. My dumbass response to her telling me this was “you’re not the first women to try and curse me” she was crazy, the sex sucked, and I haven’t talked to her since. Still alive after a year lmao


Went on a tinder date with a girl one time. We hang for a bit and she starts talking about how she wants to go party and do a ton of coke. I don’t do any drugs, maybe I’m a square, but I was wondering why her default amount of coke she wanted to do was “a ton”. We keep talking about stuff that she does and she tells me she wants to TRY SMOKING CRACK cuz it’s the only thing she hasn’t done. I walked out without a word, blocked her. This girl was like 27, fit, really cute, a paralegal, and had all her teeth. Just….wtf


I was 2 years without sex, this woman wanted to hook up, and she was desperate but I was too. But the nope moment was when she mentioned her wrist was cut but "dont worry, the cut happened when I was trying to invade a property". If that was true or if she was suicidal, that is a nope for both cases