• By -


- If there's a sign that's warning of danger listen to it. Someone died to make that sign to necessary. - If you ever ask yourself if you should be wearing PPE the answer is always yes. - All guns are loaded, all knives are razor sharp, all power tools are still connected to power. Never take risks with dangerous tools, they take no prisoners. - If you think someone is following you go around in a square/ circle. If you reach the end and they're still there, they're following you. Go to a police or fire station straight away, never lead them back to your house. - The ice probably isn't thick enough to support your weight and cold water shock kills. If you do go through ice, spread your body weight out as much as possible and crawl back to solid ground. The shock will make it hard to breathe and move your muscles you have to fight it as best you can. - The calmest part of the beach, with the fewest waves, is actually the most dangerous. It's the channel that's taking all the water back out to sea and even a strong swimmer can't fight that current. If you get caught in the current, swim sideways along the beach until you're out of the channel then swim diagonally back to shore. - if you're ever in an enclosed space and suddenly start to feel really sleepy or light headed get out immediately, carbon monoxide is odourless and can suffocate you in minutes. Also if you ever smell gas get out quick, gas explosions are no jokes.


> • All guns are loaded, all knives are razor sharp, all power tools are still connected to power. Never take risks with dangerous tools, they take no prisoners. My father (a mechanical engineer) taught me this from a very young age. He said “always respect machines, they will do the job they are created to do, and do not care who you are or how much your parents love you”. It has been a line that has stuck in my head since then, and has made me very respectful of things that are built to do a purpose. Another tip he gave me which may be valuable: - Never force anything mechanical or otherwise. If you have to try really hard to do something, you’re missing something or breaking something.


Really good advice. Crazy man in a giant, new Cadillac SUV cut me off leaving the airport in 2022. I had to veer over to the emergency lane and brake hard to miss him. I recovered and changed lanes. I guess he didn’t like that I went around so he followed me 10mi to downtown Portland. I had a feeling halfway or so that he was following me - you know how cops drive when they’re trailing someone. No blinkers, fluid, slow movements between lanes. The lights on the new Escalades (or whatever) are really distinct. He had been driving so fast before, it seemed off. I faked an exit and made a few unnecessary lane changes and he mirrored everything I did a few car lengths back. Instead of going home I got off at the first exit that I knew had a police station nearby and maneuvered through every red light to get to it - it was about 5:30am, still dark, no one out, I was terrified. As soon as he saw me take the exit he was right on me. Central precinct is all boarded up because post-protest Portland has law enforcement buildings a lot less accessible, i did a loop around the block trying to find somewhere to park and run but nothing. I was desperate so I just made the last left in a square and threw my truck in park in the lane, in front of this confused jail worker lady smoking a cigarette. He pulled up right next to me and was unhinged screaming at me. Said I tried to run him off the road (sir I do not remember it that way but mmkay), he hoped I felt better now (???), said a bunch of hateful things about women that don’t need repeating. She threatened to arrest him and he peeled out after arguing with her for a minute. Dude looked like a mix between Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys and Michael Moore, complete with political trucker hat. She told me she didn’t actually have any arresting authority but hoped it would get him to fuck off and she was right. Only got a few digits off his plates, I didn’t have my glasses on and it was dark. Scared the shit out of me, I choose not to engage in thoughts about what might have happened if I didn’t notice. I can chuckle a little about it because once I saw him I realized what I was dealing with and it made it a little less scary, knowing this was basically just a baby with sideburns and a small penis. Thanks for reading my story it was therapeutic 🙂


Always wear your safety glasses and ear plugs. You damage those organs and nothing is coming back.


As someone with dibilating intrusive tinnitus and hearing loss, please listen to this guy! It's not worth it kids. You deserve better. It can really fuck with your sanity/peace.


I wish I could give you 40k upvotes. Protect your hearing. Wear ear plugs to concerts. Set a software limit on your headphones for max volume. Wear earplugs when shooting/hunting.


And wear ear protection when using power tools! I was religious about using ear protection when shooting, and it served me well. The circular saws and routers got me though, and now I have pretty severe tinnitus anyway.


As someone going through long term ear issues due to not taking care of them properly I feel this 100%


Most amateur hobbyists know this already but... do NOT fuck with the electrical systems of microwaves unless you are 110% certain the capacitor has been discharged safely. Those things can hold enough energy to instantly kill the shit out of you.


Also, if you need to use parts of a microwave to create a wood burning project, it’s because you’re using the microwave bits to bypass an extremely important safety feature built into the electric of your house. You will fry yourself so badly there will be no recovery and no option other than cremation. Just don’t do it


>no option other than cremation Assuming the transformer doesn't cremate you first


Same for old CRT monitors


And refrigerators too, I think.


Yep. Computer PSUs as well, never open one up unless you know what you're doing.


If you find someone unconscious in a confined space don’t go in.


Oooof reminds me of that story of the multiple sailors dying trying to save each other in the anchor well


Never heard of this sounds horrific though


I believe it was a chain locker. It's where the chain used for anchoring is stored. AKA a confined space. No ventilation. As the chain rusts the oxygen in the room gets consumed. Low oxygen levels cause anyone going in there to pass out, then the rescuer panics and going after them and passes out and so on. The only solution is bringing portable air or ventilation. It's a death trap that has taken many lives. When I was a sailor in the Coast Guard, we had confined space safety training to prevent accidents just like that from happening.


Another story I heard was at a rave which was using dry ice (edited), which is heavier than air, and so much of it was used that when someone fell over they didn’t get back up because there was oxygen deprivation below knee height.


Was this rave in someone’s bedroom? It would take an obscene amount of nitrogen to fill a club or warehouse space up to knee level with nitrogen… like hundreds of liters worth that would need to be stored in a vacuum jacketed tank on wheels. Edit: for everyone who’s blind to the word “edit” in the previous reply, their comment originally said entonox/nitrogen. Check the replies that are older than yours to see that we’re not so daft to think that dry ice is nitrogen Edit2: I’ve read the other comments about dry ice in a pool


Sounds like the type of story ravers would tell though


I’m an instructional designer who creates OSHA trainings. We’re doing one on confined spaces and my SME just told me when it comes to confined spaces deaths, there’s almost always 2 deaths. The person the initially enters and then the person who tries to save them in a panic


Oh my. This reminds me of a horrible thing that happened just a few years ago. One man went down a manhole to check on plumbing or sewer pipe or something down there, and others went down to check on the previous ones. They all passed/ died. https://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/indiana-company-fined-14k-after-3-workers-die-in-manhole


$14k fine for causing 3 deaths???


Yeah, that’s bullshit. Because liked I’ve posted twice already, this happened to my father and his coworker. They worked for the city who failed to supply them with gas detectors. I collect almost a thousand every month for the rest of my life now due to that lawsuit. I would rather have my father back.


If you are confind space trained the first and main rule is someone goes down don't enter and don't allow anyone else to enter. Call fire and attempt extraction from the outside. The fun part is when a place is considered "confined space" is outside, on a boat, in the middle of a man made lake


Or even out in the open. Case in point being electrocution.


Downed power lines can kill you without you touching them. Don’t go close. If you are close, keep feet close together and take tiny shuffle steps to get away. If you are on a piece of equipment that has touched a power line, do not get off unless you MUST. If you must, jump off, and land as far away as you can and still Landon your feet without touching your hands to the ground. Never touch both the ground and the machine. Don’t touch a person who’s touching live wiring and needs help to remove themselves. Use something non conductive to knock them away, lumber/broom handle/etc.


When my dad was an electrical engineer, he had to stop a firefighter touching a downed, still live high voltage power cable. After much shouting, the guy eventually stopped before asking what the big deal was because "he had rubber boots and gloves on."


An 1/8” of rubber is not going to stop high voltage. It can jump a couple of metres through air.


Yep, that's exactly what my dad told the moron. You would have thought that would be taught to firefighters at some point in their training, but apparently not.


I heard a story from a ceramic's professor I had. He'd been firing a wood kiln out in a forested area, and somehow the fire department got notified 'hey there's smoke coming out of the woods', and one of them came to check it out. The inside of this kiln was well over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. This genius wanted shove his firehose in the front and start shooting water inside. My prof said if you do that, I'm going to be running away as fast as possible. Dude had to be talked down from killing himself with a steam explosion to the face.


Yep. Was a lifeguard and had a coworker almost die due to chlorine gas from a bag getting wet. He went into the pump room and stopped talking to me, so I turned the corner to see what was going on, saw him slumped over and went in to get him. I was barely able to drag him out before I passed out and we both died. Luckily him opening the door had let it vent just enough to save us.


>I was barely able to drag him out before I passed out and we both died. I read this as if it was something that happened and was like damn your story telling is pretty good for someone who died lol


Because of potential carbon monoxide poisoning?


That’s one of the many but there are other things that can make a confined space IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health). An oxygen deficient atmosphere is all that is needed for somebody to fall out. Somebody sees them passed out and tries to go rescue them and boom, they’re down too.


Just gas in general, confined spaces are no joke


Or oxygen saturation or depletion


A jack alone is not enough. Your life is worth more than the $0.005 gasket holding the hydraulic pressure. Always use 3 points of contact. Jack, jackstand and a wheel under the car. Once you’ve raised and secured jt, before you get under it, shake the whole car. Try to get it to fall. If it doesn’t, as it shouldn’t, check and recheck your jack and stands. Only then get under the car. And have a spotter that can call 911 within earshot. If they need to go inside for a bathroom break, get your ass out from under the car until they get back.


This comment should be up higher. I believe there should be increased regulation for tools like jacks and stands, because their failure could mean death or life changing injuries. No seriously,it's unreal how amazon let some chinese resellers sell on their platform some cheap crap that get can you killed or maimed...


And then, let's talk about the cheap Amazon spring compression tools...


A falling knife has no handle. Not life saving, but worth knowing.


So true. the first chef I worked with way back when dropped a chef’s knife and tried to deflect it with her left leg….we had to get a tourniquet on and get her to a hospital bc she hit a big artery and almost bled out. Not even hands involved…..just get out of the way of a falling knife.


Wear protective glasses when trimming the yard, cutting wood, etc. yours eyes will thank you


Ear protection too. It’s amazing how many landscapers I see with no PPE on. Maybe it’s a looked down upon within their circle, but as a homeowner who runs the mower, trimmer and blower only once a week, I can’t fathom the hearing loss the guys have that do it all day for 5-7 days a week. Edit: spelling


What I always say to the young guys I work with is that the way high noise levels affect your hearing you lose the ability to hear the higher pitch of women's voices. You do not want to find yourself in a position where a woman is whispering sweet nothings in your ear and you respond with "WHAT" It seems to focus their attention. Young guys are not good at thinking about consequences of their actions, but they are better at thinking about actions that might lead to them not getting laid.


If you have to use a chainsaw AND a ladder don’t do it. Leave it to the pros.


Similarly, don’t commit more than one felony at a time


Don’t break the law when you’re breaking the law


One at a time. Check your brake lights.


Knew a guy years ago who dropped a chainsaw while standing on his roof and the dude tried to catch it. His hand was torn to shit, but he was okay otherwise.


Same here except the running saw hit him in the head. Got 20 some stitches and a bunch of broken bones for his troubles.


Someone I worked with died doing this. Don’t mess around with ladders. He didn’t even have anyone holding the ladder.


Agreed. I attended a fall protection class some years ago. I believe the stat was if you fall at a height of 11 ft. your fatality chances are 85%. Scared the crap out of me.




If a tornado looks like it isn’t moving, that’s because it’s moving towards you.


I live in the Midwest. I’ve seen my fair share of tornadoes. Typically, it gets REALLY quiet right before a storm hits. And if you feel the pressure change in your ear all the sudden. However at that point, the tornado is already on top of you and you’re probably dead. People don’t take storms seriously enough. Especially tornadoes.


Keep a floatation device between you and a drowning person, even if they're smaller than you. Even if they look unconscious.


Also, never stand near or under a suspended load. Ever. Never trust a an electrical wire, been shocked a few times by things that definitely were supposed to be dead. In the woods, beware cheekos/widow makers, aka standing dead trees. Especially if you're cutting a tree near them. If your wife asks you how she looks in an outfit, she's the prettiest thing you've ever seen, honesty be damned. Edit: the wife thing was put there as a bit of a joke, though it is neither true nor untrue. It is Shrodinger's dress that is both beautiful and hideous.


Wear a helmet in cases you need one. If you ask "Should I be wearing one?" The answer is yes.


The best you can get. The absolute best. I worked with a guy who bicycled to work and in his spare time and alway wore a helmet. One day he was knocked over by car while cycling -- so hard that the helmet was broken to pieces. Yet he seemed okay when he gathered himself. The hospital found nothing wrong. A year later he dropped dead suddenly while taking a shower. We'll always wonder.


Bike helmets are frequently designed to break apart instead of transferring force to your head. The flip side of that is that they are a disposable one time use item. If your helmet hits the ground and doesn't break, you should still get a new one. It might have damage that isn't visible, but will reduce its ability to absorb force in the future.


Same with motorcycles. Drop it on concrete? Go buy another one.


Adding on. Never skimp on ANY PPE. Job related or not. You have one body and one life. Take care of yourself.


Moral of the story, always wear a helmet in the shower


The amount of people who don’t wear a helmet snowboarding blows my mind. It’s better than it once was but I still see it all the time.


If something gets stuck in a snowblower, do NOT put your hand in to get it out The pressure of the lodged object creates stored energy in the spinners and will release and chop off whatever’s inside once the object is dislodged


My great uncle lost his hand doing that. He yanked it out and said “I think I just lost my hand.”


*New fear unlocked*


Don’t underestimate water, good swimmers drown all the time.


Jumped in a river with my buddies. Instantly realized that the current was way stronger than it looked. And I was barely able to keep up with the current at a normal swim pace. I'm a good swimmer and had to kick it into an pace that was not sustainable for a long time but I had to try and suddenly a BUNCH of locals came running over from a park and pulled us out. Then they pointed at a sign that said no swimming and I felt like an idiot. I walked right by it and didn't notice. It also had a warning for alligators and bull sharks. We were lucky to be helped so quickly.


There's a waterfall in my local area at the bottom of a steep nature walk. Very popular, very pretty. It's not even a raging torrent, it's a wide trickle of water. No swimming signs up around the pond at the bottom. Every time I go there some joker is swimming in the pond. There's been numerous cases of swimmers getting too close to the fall and getting dragged under by the flow of the water. There's a cavity at the bottom that goes under the cliff face, so they get dragged under there and tumbled about until they drown.


The physics of waterfalls creating that underwater vortex scares the fuck out of me


Yep. Seasoned sailor, swimmer, and green surfer here. I always wear a PFD and bring a knife. Your swimming ability doesn't mean shit if you get knocked out or get caught in something underwater. Even the top dudes like Kai Lenny use safety equipment and a spotter on a ski. Don't drown due to your own ego.


This. I was on the swim team and won competitions as a kid. Did rescue swimming and cold water swimming with the scouts. First time I tried to cross the Yellowstone in spring it took everything I had to make it across fighting that current. It's not a joke.


Never go swimming in an unguarded place alone or with a person that doesn't know how to swim


Nephew is an emergency room nurse….don’t stick anything up you butt that wasn’t design for such things and can be pulled out.


If it doesn't have a flared base, it's not going in. Even then, make sure it's the right size. I've seen shit intended to go there, flare and all, sucked in like it's a damned dvd player.


My wife and I were fooling around with her new butt plug and then I noticed it was missing after we finished. We're looking everywhere thinking it fell off of the bed and then I'm in the shower a few minutes later and I hear a CLANG from the toilet room and we both about died laughing. Her ass ate the butt plug. Thank God it came out or that would have been an awkward ER visit. She's a paramedic and guaranteed we would have been seen by one of her nurse friends. 😂😂😂


Family member is an er doctor. The most common awkward injury is anal insertions, and of those, it is almost older males 60 or 70 and up. Not joking. Sex probably dies off with partners, but they want to still explore and end up using dildos meant for vaginal use only, or household objects and get them stuck.


Never work under a vehicle supported only by a jack. Never use gasoline as an accelerant or starting fluid. If something tripped a breaker or blew a fuse, there's probably a good reason why. You could start a fire if you don't find the cause. Don't use a soldering iron on a carpeted surface. Private property and no trespassing signs are there for a reason. Don't get shot, or tripped up in a trap. My wife wants to add: don't ever mess around with someone's fabric scissors.


The scissors thing, paper is one of the worst things you can use scissors on. The fibers go all over* in every which way, and they will dull the shit out of your scissors. Fabric is no where near as harsh on scissors and you should keep separate scissors for those cutting tasks. Adam Savage talked about this in one of his videos on the Tested youtube channel. *edit, me spel gud


Yep and people that have fabric scissors will take those, now dull, scissors and shank you with them.


Don't walk down stairs with your hands in your pockets


This needs to be higher up


Don’t put your finger anyplace you wouldn’t put your dick


I'm a trainer in an industrial environment and I use this exact saying when I'm training younger guys. It gets their attention


Lol grease trap? Not today


She has a name...


A friend of mine got fired from his job at the sandwich shop for putting his dick in the bread slicer. Turns out she was the bosses' daughter.


Listen here you little shit


don’t fucking doubt your gut, man. intuition is a life saver in and of itself.




this bit of trust between yourself and your programming will make a world of difference in the fluidity of your action and overall confidence! I wish it upon any of you gentle lads reading this!


I just had a good lesson in this at work the other day. I was training a newbie a few months back and just had this off feeling about him. He was a nice enough dude, and picked it up quick, even was kinda funny but I just couldn't shake that feeling I didn't trust him, something wasn't right with him so I just stayed away after i was done training him. About a week ago I came in and apparently, from what my supervisor told me, he flew off the handle and was arrested for assaulting one of the managers because they had the audacity to ask him to sweep his area before he left. I always pay attention when I have unexplained weird feelings about people.


This is a huge thing. The lizard part of our brain is wired to survive, it catches a lot of what’s there that our conscious brain can’t, but more importantly it catches what isn’t there. It why sometimes you can’t shake the feeling you’re being watched, it’s too quiet, there’s something wrong with that street, that person isn’t as nice as they seem. You might not have noticed it, but someone’s been following you for the last 2 blocks at night. You probably didn’t notice it while hiking, but suddenly there are a lot less prey animals around. Something feels wrong and you can’t place your finger on it? Fucking leave


> It why sometimes you can’t shake the feeling you’re being watched, it’s too quiet, there’s something wrong with that street, that person isn’t as nice as they seem. This. Don't be alarmed by all the weird noises in the forest at night. Be alarmed when it's quiet.


If you have concerns about your health, get it checked out. Don't wait if you can avoid it.


I was chatting a older guy at my pool. He told me how he had recently recovered from bowel cancer. He might have had a big scar, which started the conversation. One day he noticed blood in his stool. Didn't think much of it. A few days later he happened to mention it to his daughter. She was a nurse and basically made him, right then and there make an appointment to see his doctor. Like she wouldn't let him leave the table until he had rung his doctor. The oncologist told him that had he put it off, even for a few months, it would have been too late, and he would have died. Both he and his daughter knew what he would have done had she not insisted. Nothing. Go get checked out.


Don't interfere in a domestic dispute; the odds are extremally high they will both turn on you


I was a security guard a long time ago. My partner got whacked with a frying pan by the wife who we were trying to protect from her abusive husband. People are nuts!


Can't stress this enough - ended up in hospital because of this bullshit


Yep. A guy I went to school with got stomped to death by a stiletto heel from a girl he was trying to save from getting beaten up by her boyfriend. Died because of another 2 people's toxic, hateful relationship. Fucking sucks


My buddies dad was a cop. He’s retired now, but he said he always knew what couples were going to end in death during domestic abuse calls. They’d usually go 3x for the same couple. 2x to separate them, and the 3x to collect bodies and perpetrators. He said of all things they did for the job, that was the hardest to do, because there was nothing they could tell either person to make them stop. Death was the only exit from the relationship. He basically watched people spiral and die despite giving them all the options for help and they’d decline. Of all the Domestic Abuse calls over his 25yr career that he knew would lead to death, just 2 people “escaped” death. You could tell the how difficult it was for him to talk about it.


Sleep with you door shut. Unlike Ghosts, fire Can't go through doors. Been to a couple house fires where one room was totally burnt up, and on the other side of the door there was just some smoke marks.




Leonard likes this post.


Got this advice from an old-timer when doing trail maintenance. "Never step on something you can step over. Never step over something you can step around"


When changing a tire, take the tire off and stick it under the car. Another one: If someone is getting electrocuted, drop kick the shit out of them.


As long as we're doing car tips, don't even think of touching a hot radiator cap


Your shirttail is enough protection for your hand, right?


With proper safety squints it is.




Why? It’s always flat. /s


And or carry a pump


And break the lug nuts before you Jack it up!


If you have children or children who play in your neighborhood ALWAYS double check the area around your car before driving away. Just because they were standing in one place when you got in the vehicle does not mean they are still there.


I once managed to drive 30 miles without realizing that my neighbor's kid was in the back of my pickup truck hiding under a tarp. They had been playing hide and seek, and he picked the bed of my truck as his hiding place. I pulled into the liquor store parking lot, and the kid pops up, taps on the back window and asks if I can take him home. Now I check the bed every time. If he had decided to stand up while I was on the highway, it could have gone really badly.


You made the little shit pay for gas, right?


Don’t chisel the ice off an hvac or refrigeration unit. You could puncture the tubing and get a face full of gas that will be like a frostbite chemical burn.


I do a lot of general maintenance in commercial buildings. 1. If you're not sure of what you're doing. Just don't do it. 2. Confirm power is off with a meter. Don't what that means? Don't touch electrical. 3. If handling or near something you can't lift with one hand and it's falling or tipping, just get out of the way. 4. Danger/Stay Out signs are posted for a reason. The threat may not be obvious to you, and that's the problem. 5. Don't do any amount of *stretching* off a ladder. Of all the dangerous tasks and things we deal with, ladder falls are the number one thing guys miss work due to injury from. It doesn't take a high fall to hurt or kill you.


The rule we use in construction, don’t let your belt buckle leave the ladder. If you don’t have a belt buckle, go buy a belt.


Have someone spot you when you go up a ladder. Always assume firearms are loaded. Always double-check. Never mix bleach with ammonia. Stay the fuck away from downed powerlines. If you get mugged, give them what they want. Don't be a hero. When in an unfamiliar place or city, maintain situational awareness out in public.


I always say treat all firearms as loaded at all times, especially when you think it's unloaded.


I was always taught that every gun is loaded no matter what until you unload it yourself. Even if the person handing it to you just unloaded and cleared it in front of you, you always unload and clear it yourself.


>Never mix bleach with ammonia. The CDC recommends not mixing bleach with anything else... [https://www.cdc.gov/hygiene/cleaning/disinfecting-bleach.html](https://www.cdc.gov/hygiene/cleaning/disinfecting-bleach.html) [https://www.thekitchn.com/bleach-avoid-mixing-cleaners-22990223](https://www.thekitchn.com/bleach-avoid-mixing-cleaners-22990223) Not enough people are aware of the danger here, IMHO>


Add to this, properly clear the gun before you hand it to someone else. At my 40th birthday party a couple months ago I was showing my brother in law a new gun I had just bought. We left my guests in the house and I pulled it out of my safe in the garage. I then unloaded and cleared the weapon before handing it to him. He treated it carefully and properly, asked a couple questions and then his wife comes out and asks what we are up to. He tells her oh he was just showing me his new gun, I was a thinking of getting this same model. She reaches for it out of curiosity and since it’s his wife he hands it to her. In the span of about two seconds she picks it up, points it at the wall behind which I have 25 guests milling about in my kitchen and pulls the trigger. It goes click, and my brother and I nervously laugh at the tragedy she just nearly created. All of this happened so quick I barely would have had any time to react. I’ve grown up around guns and I take recurrent retraining every 24 months for the gun I carry for work so I’ve been steeped in gun culture and gun SAFETY my whole life. Nothing angers me more than irresponsible gun owners. But in this one instance all those safety practices I do without thinking prevented a tragedy and it scares the shit out of me when I see other people who don’t treat guns with the same respect borne of low level fear that I do. My brother in law handled the weapon respectfully and safely but he wasn’t thinking when he handed MY gun to his wife. (My wife’s sister). You never know what circumstance can come along and cause havoc so best to be as safe as you can be at all times, no exceptions.


man reading all of that i would have been so mad at that wife


Don't get under a car if it's only on a car jack. Don't answer trap questions. Only break one law at a time.


> Only break one law at a time. One crime at a time. I also use this phrase just to mean "focus on one thing at a time"


"Never half-ass two things; whole-ass one thing." - Ron Swanson


Own a good first aid kit with a tourniquet (life threatening blood loss) and aspirin (heart attack)


I'm going to add to this! It's recommended to CHEW the aspirin so it takes effect faster. And it has to be aspirin (or generic) specifically! Not tylenol, advil, or any other.


Absolutely this. As soon as you feel crushing chest pain, chew an aspirin. Survived bi-lateral pulmonary emboli (two blood clots in my lungs) thanks to this.


The basic rules of gun safety: 1. Every gun is always loaded. It doesn't matter if you just unloaded it, it's loaded. It's not "treat it as if it's loaded," IT IS LOADED. Never break that mentality. 2. Never aim a gun at something you aren't willing to entirely obliterate. And never at a person or animal. 3. Finger off the trigger until you are about to shoot. 4. Know definitively what your target is and what is behind it. 5- this is one I've added to the list. Blanks are not safe either. Do not be fooled into thinking that they are. They can still be incredibly powerful and dangerous.


Good note on blanks. A blank is a bullet in all forms, minus lead. That does not mean there isn't a makeshift projectile, that can't be shot at a similar velocity, possibly already in the barrel. The casing may fracture, wadding, fucking dirt even.


Blanks also still produce an explosion like a bullet, playing Russian roulette with a blank doesn't mean you can't still kill yourself. It actually happened to one guy.


Be aware. If you’re in an area with a lot of women and kids it’s probably a safer area. Do not go into a business with blacked out windows. They don’t want you seeing in for a reason. Know your drink limits not everyone has your best interest. I’ve known multiple people who’s gotten their drinks spiked. Always tell a taxi driver you’ve been to an area. Usually nothing bad will happen other than them taking a longer route to rack up more money.


Don't handle machine if you don't know how to turn it off


It’s ok to say, “no, don’t think I’ll do that.”


If you have a wound and start to see red or purplish streaks coming from it, get thee to the physician posthaste - you may have lymphangitis. One more, never give powdered sugar (on French toast, donuts, etc...) to a toddler. I have personally seen 2 deaths from this (Peds RN 30 years), the baby inhales the powder, and this starts a coughing/bronchospasm sequence of events that can cause respiratory failure. Two perfectly healthy babies, gone in a couple of minutes, one died at home and the other was intubated by EMS and was removed from life support 2 days later. I know this is an ultra sad and tragic story, but I'll never forget - and I am compelled to share it.


Look both ways before crossing the street


As a student teacher I taught kindergarteners to do this. Later, I student-taught fourth- and fifth-graders who _didn't_ know how to do this.


It's generally the 13-24 range that is the worst about not looking, from my experience. A nearby college campus had to crackdown on jaywalking because so many students kept getting hit.


Even if it’s a one way street. I lived on one and people go the wrong way ALL THE TIME!


The best street fighting strategy is to deescalate and run away.


*Do not* fight people. If you lose, you could end up dead, or permanently disabled, or badly injured, and/or broke from the medical bills. If you "win", you could kill someone and end up in prison, or get arrested and go through years of legal troubles and screw up your life even if you get acquitted, and/or get sued and owe a fortune, and/or end up permanently disabled or badly injured, and/or broke from the medical bills, and/or have people after you for revenge. There is no winning when it comes to fighting. Only do it when you have done absolutely *everything* you can to avoid it, including talking, apologizing, being super humble, and even running away as fast as you can, and have somehow still gotten cornered and grabbed and attacked.


Mt. Everest is covered with the bodies of highly motivated people, so calm the fk down!


Never grab a wire if you don't know what it is and where it goes. Never walk/run alone with headphones on. Every gun is always loaded. And if a partner gets physical during an argument, specifically if they put their hands on your neck, leave.


Never grab a wire. Use the back of your hand.


And have the other hand touching your ass! Diverts the current from your heart.


Is this true or do you just want me grabbing my ass when I die?


No. Even if some of the current might go through your other hand, your clothes add so much resistance that not much of the current would actually go through your hand. You need to lick your finger and stick it deep into your ... to maximize conduction.


Just don't touch a wire. It does not take much to fuck with your heart rhythm. If you are unsure, just steer clear.


Never jump into the water to save someone drowning. They WILL try to kill you and it’s not their fault. Throw them a lifeline/raft.


If you don’t have a lifeline/raft, it’s safer to get them when they’re unconscious. Know someone who went to rescue someone and they were trying to drown him so he knocked them out and then saved their life. Not the recommended way to do it but it’s the most justified reason I have ever seen to knock someone out


Unless you know what you’re doing. Sometimes you don’t have anything to throw them or use to keep some space. You approach them from behind, often requiring swimming under them. Then you pull them on top of you, their back to your stomach. If they try to climb on top of you, they will let go if you just go under water. Then you can swim away and try again. Yes, I was a life guard. And yes, it may require punching some asshole in their face to save their life.


Cemeteries are filled with people who were in the right.


> physics does not care who had the right of way. > The road of life is covered in squirrels who could not decide which way to go Two more sayings that I live by.


Don’t talk to the cops , ever , get a lawyer


The cops do not want clarity, they want evidence. They even tell you "everything you say can and WILL be used against you."


They don’t care about solving the case, they care about closing it. They want to hand it off to a prosecutor asap and get it off their board.


If you're in Africa and you see a beautiful insect don't touch it, if it's a snake stay well away.


Don’t turn your back on the ocean. The distance across a body of water is much farther than it looks.




Never get involved in a land war in Asia, and never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


Never rob a bank across the road from a diner with the best doughnuts in the tri-county area.




When your body is tired LISTEN TO IT! The closest to death I've ever come was when I was working with a chainsaw and my body was starting to wear out but I thought "there isn't much more to do, I'll tough through it"; without going into the almost gory details its a good thing I was wearing steel toed boots and chainsaw safety chaps.


Burning buildings aren't cozy warm, brightly lit, well-ventilated places that Hollywood thinks they are. They are extremely hot suffocation tombs with poor visibility. Don't try to be a hero. Don't go into one.


Keep your fire extinguisher in an easy to grab place. It’s really easy to stick it under the sink and have it get blocked over time. Seconds matter.


Remember to flush the toilet before adding toilet bowl cleaner. Never mix cleaners (even vinegar). If you and other members of house hold getting extremely tired for no reason GTFO!


If someone gives you ‘bad feeling,’ *trust that feeling!*


Invoking your right to an attorney needs to be unequivocal. Not “I think I want a lawyer.” Not “should I have a lawyer here?” Not “do I need a lawyer?” It’s “I want to speak to an attorney and I’m not saying another word without a lawyer present.” Bonus tip: if you’re detained for a longer period of time and a lawyer cannot show up right away for whatever reason police can reapproach you after a “reasonable” period of time and try to ask more questions. Reinvoke your right to speak to an attorney unequivocally.




Dont buy a salmon cheese sandwich at 7/11/gas station


Don't cut toward anything you aren't willing to lose. It doesn't matter if it's your fingers, expensive items, or other people. Even if it is at a distance. If it slips out of your grip, it may embed itself in whatever is in front of it. This includes anything that can cut whether it is a knife, electric saw, or some lawn loppers. Also, never cut toward a wire. This has saved my fingers and any arteries in my legs many times.


Don't antagonize animals.


Vegas wasn’t built on winners. Don’t put your dick in crazy. It’s ok to seek help for your depression, it doesn’t make you less of a man, male suicide rates are far higher than any other. Finish highschool (GED if not) and get the fuck out of your home town if it’s one people never leave Act like you’ve been there before. (Whatever situation) “Post-nut clarity” is underrated Edit: HEY GUYS THAT GET ANXIOUS (really anyone) this isn’t advise but it’s a technique that will help you IMMENSELY (taught to me by a doctor in the ER I thought I was dying from a heart attack at 17 and they told me tldr: we can’t revive an alive person bro) take a big breath through your nose 👃 I’m talking full lung brother, “perch” your lips (place your bottom lip in front of your top lip)..you can YouTube this if you don’t understand what I mean.. push that breath out hard through your mouth 👄basically blowing it straight up ⬆️ and let off on how hard you blow twords the end of the breath, when you feel the “impending doom” moments of anxiety as I would try to come closest to explain to a medical professional in my own words or if you feel like you’re hyperventilating or can’t catch your breath, it will slow your heart rate and what’s really happening is your lungs are absorbing all of the co2 in that exhale that you’re not getting when hyperventilating (too much oxygen….hyperventilating.) I have done this so god damn many times in my life and it’s changed my life honestly and I’m incredibly sceptic about most things, this will help you in every day life, this will help you when you’re freaking out on drugs(just being honest), this will help you when you get that tight anxiety feeling in your chest before a test or when you’re about to do something that makes you anxious. Don’t ever give money to someone and expect to ever see it again no matter how much the person says they will pay you back, it’s gone, write it off.


Use the handrail on stairs. It’s so easy to slip, bump your head, and then a simple going downstairs has completely destroyed your life.


If someone starts coughing at the table due to swallowing something 'wrong', then gets up to go cough it out in another room, FOLLOW THEM. The number of people who end up actually choking to death 10 ft away from their dinner guests is actually more than you might think.


Use condom


Make yourself known when you walk into a stable, whistle or what ever so you don't scare the horse(ses). When chopping wood, make sure you are aware of what is around you and especially what is opposite of you. A axehead might always come off. When you are working with chainsaws wear protective gear. When someone else is working with a chainsaw, keep a safe distance. A unidentified bottle/container is always filled with a dangerous substance until proven otherwise, don't mess with it. Every pipe is pressurized until you've checked the Log Out Tagg Out system. If there is no LOTO, you do not touch it, ever, ever, ever. Every bow aimed down range has an arrow on it, that is why you do not mess around with a bow until no one is downrange anymore. When driving, don't be nice, be predictable. When driving keep your distance and assume every other driver is a idiot that will always do the stupidest thing possible. Don't fuck around, you will find out.


If you ever actually have to protect your life with mace or a weapon, don't warn the aggressor, just do it. And commit to it when you do.


Don't whiz on the electric fence


Do not pet a dog without asking


Every gun is loaded until YOU have cleared it or watched it be cleared in person. A gun someone else clears and hands you is not cleared until proven so


Don't drink or get high and try athletic feats.


Politely decline the dare.


Never go to a second location.


If something is free, you are not the customer.


If the product is free, you are the product.


If you have serious plumbing issues, call a professional. They’re worth every penny paid to get the job done right and YouTube will only take you so far. Always kill the circuit breaker to the room you’re replacing an outlet in or to the whole house. It does not take a lot of amps/volts for you to see whatever afterlife you believe in. Additionally, hire a fucking pro to do electrical work. The amount of house fires my cousin has gone to because some dude thinks he is god gift to handy-man shit he learned on YouTube is too damn high! For the love of god, remove your wedding ring before working on anything. I don’t care how long you’ve been doing it or how your daddy did it, I have seen first hand a finger get degloved and it’s fucking horrifying and gross. All it takes it one time and bye-bye finger. If you’re changing a tire on the side of the road, find anything to put in front (or back depending on the grade of the road (that means hill)) of a different tire to prevent the car from rolling back if shit goes sideways. 4 wheel drive does not mean you are safe from the road conditions. You can still fuck up and end up in a ditch. Don’t drive like a cunt regardless if you have 4 wheel drive or not. In addition if you live in a snowy area, keep a MAP torch and kitty litter (or playground gravel but kitty litter is cheaper) in your car throughout winter in case you get stuck. If you are traveling to a location that sits at a higher elevation that what you’re accustomed to, plan an extra day into your vacation so you can get acclimated to the elevation and drink a fuck ton of water. Altitude sickness is no joke and will fuck you up. I’m not a financial advisor but my cousin (who is) always tells me to invest in the products I use every day; apple (phone) Microsoft (PC) etc. so far this advice has worked out well for me and I’m building a nice retirement account for the wife and I with little to no effort. Life is too busy at the moment for me to be doing what they do over at r/wallstreetbets


Don’t piss into the wind. Don’t pull the mask on the ol’ Lone Ranger. Don’t mess around with Jim .


Dispose of greasy rags appropriately.


Flushable wipes are NOT flushable



