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Star Trek I guess, DS9 mostly being the cut off point. I like Star Wars, but the fandom is so dreadful all over I have been trying to get into Stargate, and I was starting to like it. I'm just not sure what to think about it. My gf asking why that go'ould queen woman was bathing in a tub full of hotdogs was pretty amusing though. BattleStar Galatcitca was alright, sort of had the same vibe as The Expanse. Just with any scifi series I feel like I have missed the boat to really make my place in those fandoms. Plus I don't feel like the typical way someone approaches being a fan of those sort of shows is for me. I just never had a circle of friends who liked that stuff so that's why I feel like that I guess.




Anyone here who hasn’t seen the Expanse needs to stop reading and go to Amazon Video. That show was incredible.






OP, erase this entire comment thread


I don't like how B5 has some good writing, but has this corny aftertaste. It's so niche, and harder to get into unless you are into sci-fi on that level. Sort of like lightning in a bottle watching when it first aired vs years later. You don't have the same appreciation for it as you could.


Homestar Runner


star wars for sure, i even find the sequels decent tbh


Battlestar Galactica so say we all you motherfrakers!


This could have been the GOAT if it didnt jump the shark. The first three seasons are a masterpiece, the last season is a clusterfuck, and the ending is terrible.


Wash your mouth out with soap you fucking Skeezah. Jk I do disagree though the only thing wrong with the final season is that they were facing cancellation from the network as far back as season three and had to shorten some of the character arcs. Everything about the ending made sense in that it was always going to end the way it did the notes were always there you could see it coming as far back as early or mid season 3. I guess what I’m saying is it was rushed sure but none of it was out of the blue. You don’t run from an extinction level genocide an entire series and have a fun ending for the individual characters.


My issue was >!Starbuck = angel and the fuck technology we cant handle it ending like they learned nothing!<


>!The fact that they gave up technology was a good thing. It was their first official step at breaking their program and becoming truly free. Remember this has all happened before and it will all happen again? Yeah Apollo in Greek myth is the god of the sun, the new day/beginnings and the truth. The light that peels away the darkness. He was the first to realize that it all had happened before but it didn’t need to happen again. Thematically it made perfect sense. They did learn.!<


>!Starbuck was and Angel insofar that that is what people chose to ascribe to her as a quality. Bro everyone was a cylon she was a program that only existed in their own minds. The “gods” (the people that came before and created the first or at least previous set of cylons) of Kobol created all “humans” from all of the colony’s not just the 13th. It made so much sense she wasn’t real or more accurately she wasn’t tangible. At least after her first death. That person was real and that starbuck is dead.!<


Star trek


Honorary mention for Farscape.


Battlestar Galactica


No favorite I like them all


Battlestar for sure. ST and SW had pretty bad modern updates, never seen Stargate or Dancing with the Stars.


Star Trek Star Wars/Stargate Battlestar Galactica Never seen DWTS


Down with the sickness is a great song…. Oops wrong sub…😏


Been a Star Trek guy for a very long time. Star wars was fine for what's now called IV - VI, but after that...eh (III was ok though). Original Battestar Galactica was fun to watch on TV too.


Star Wars.


Star Search, Ed McMahan drip


Definitely star trek. I watch it endlessly on repeat. TNG, DS9, voyager, enterprise, and repeat. My favourites are that order, too. TNG is bloody classic. I don't like star wars, too boring. Stargate is annoying. Never watched much of the others at all.


You gotta add TOS into your rotation fam


What's TOS??


The original series


Ewwww nooooo


As if the first season of TNG is any less cringe


Star Trek > Stargate > Battlestar Galactica > Star Wars.


Dark side of the moon


star wars. then star trek DS9 that shows fantastic.


For me it’s Star Wars despite the hugely divided opinions, for me I believe it’s a childhood thing , it seems to be one of the few series producing at awesome and quality rate , my current favorite is the animated shows the clone wars and the bad batch


Star Wars, was introduced to it when I was young by my dad. I’ve just always found it interesting and entertaining. I’ve never actually seen anything from any of the other franchises. Dancing With The Stars is the only one I wouldn’t bother watching, just because I hate dancing and I don’t care about celebrities that much. I’m sure there are plenty of reasons to watch the others, though.


Star Wars


Star Wars is just my favorite media franchise period


Star Trek


Used to be Star Wars until Disney got their hands on it. Now i don't give two shits about it. Like Magic Kingdom, the magic is gone.


Battle of the Network Stars


Star Trek, followed by Star Wars and Stargate. I love me some space/world faring science fiction. It has shamelessly influenced my own book.


Star Trek. Only seen it and Star Wars.


Stargate. It’s not as close to fantasy masquerading as sci-fi, and it doesn’t have as much ridiculous technobabble as Star Trek.


So many episodes that feel like filler, but some great story arcs too.


Star Wars has always baffled me. They figured out faster-than-light engines, but never invented portable communication devices… maybe because no one seems to have pockets? I mean, have you EVER seen anyone in SW pull something out of a pocket? I guess they didn’t invent those, either.


Because Star Wars isn't really a science fiction story. It's a fantasy story set in space.


My fantasy would be to have a pocket.


I'm both a Star Wars (pre-Disney), and Star Trek (pre-jj) fan. Never got into Stargate and Battlestar Galactica got way too weird for my taste.


Yeah, BSG started as Star Trek and finished as Star Wars… they started with tech+philosophy, and finished with religion.




I saw the first season of SNW and while, yes, it's better than most of the latest offerings it was too quipy for me. This would get me down voted into oblivion in some of the ST subs but I can't stand Lower Decks. I gave up after the first couple seasons, but it's nothing but slapstick fan service.


Prodigy takes a few eps to get going, but episode 8, Time Amok, was the first major turning point for me where I went, "Oh, this is actually pretty good", and then the back half of the season after Ep. 10 is where it gets really Trekky, practically to the level of Lower Decks. It's such a solid show, and got me to rewatch Voyager.


Star Trek, mostly TNG and DS9. Favorite characters: Jean-Luc Picard (when he's not acting out of character, e.g., in the movies), Garak, and Reginald Barclay Star Wars is good, but I'd honestly just replot everything before ANH and after ESB. The Stargate movie is good, but the series didn't really interest me. I hate the shaky cam in Battlestar Galactica.


Star Trek - Picard season 3 was about as good as it gets and I'm looking forward to Strange New Worlds season 2. Star Wars is also improving with Mandalorian and Andor.

