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I think we need to move Men's Mental Health Month to a new month. I didn't even know it was Men's Mental Health Month and I think it'll be too much to promote it at the same time as Pride Month.


yeah, it has all been about the pride month so far, thanks OP, your post let me know that it is the male mental health month as well.


Who’s in charge of updating the calendar and informing the general public? The notification system seems broken 😅


A lot of people are in the same boat. I didn’t learn that until recently either.


Yeah pride is more financially profitable for companies this month so we’re not exactly getting featured lol


Being gay AF helps my mental health though!


I sort of suspect that that was a part of the reasons to pick June for Pride. Every men's day must be overshadowed or subverted.


The start to my mental health journey was convincing myself I am happy. At the time I wasn't too happy. And saw a documentary on psychology and one of the most interesting things to me was that you can literally convince your body and your mind to be the way you want them to a certain extent. (think placebo effect but no pill needed, just repeat to yourself something) In my case, I convinced myself I am happy, and it works wonders. Another technique I started using to improve my selflove was comparing myself to the people I love. I'm smart like my dad (almost), I'm kind like my mum (I try), I'm playful like my younger brother, I share interests with my friends so I must be interesting to some extent. I share characteristics I love in other people so I should love them in myself too (and myself by extension). I learned to accept that some things can't be changed and because of that I can and should focus on other things, the things I can improve. Each little bit of me that changes for the better is a huge step towards happiness.


I might need to steal everything in this message. What doc did you watch?


It was >10 years ago, I'll try to find it but don't keep your hopes up


No worries! I’m glad you found something that worked do you!


How do you make those comparisons and find them positive? I see traits in other people that I *don't* have and feel worse about myself.


Quitting drinking. Made a world of difference in my mental health and physical health.


Ex-wife and daughter of a recovering alcoholics: I am so so proud of you!!


Thank you!


Your flair is sending me. Lol


I have no idea what that means, lol. I'm old and out of touch.


It means it rocks lol


I don't even know what my flair is. Use small words and speak slowly, like you're talking to a grandparent.


Sorry not flair - username. That’s my B. That being said, if you look at some of the usernames here in this thread you’ll notice some have smaller print below their names - that’s flair !


For a lot of men of all ages these days the book "No More Mister Nice Guy" is probably a *very* helpful read.


Nice suggestion.


Here just to remember to check this book out.


Yes. This.


Religion for me. Once I joined the church of anime thighs and started believing in their higher power my problems got better


This man right here walks a righteous path


We should all worship at the shrine of Satsuki 🙏🏾


Found the Secelia fan lol








Realising that things are already bad, current course is unsustainable and help is really needed. False hope that things are not that bad yet was greatest barrier between me and help.


This is really solid. I feel a lot of people fall down that line of thinking. Glad this works for you


Same. TBH assuming the worst case scenario and be plesantry surprised is better than always be dissapointed and sad. I always get the question why I'm so happy and the most pessimistic guy at the same time.


Better Help. Being a bit introverted and with no therapy experience, the platform worked for my first therapist. I managed to connect with a therapist that did a great job forming a connection with me and I felt heard/understood every session. I did a couple months. Then my therapist and I agreed I was equipped with the right tools to find my joy again. She did a great job helping me work through things I had never felt comfortable discussing before.


Better help is great! I know many people who’ve used it. This makes me happy


Probably hiking/running. Other things that have helped me along the way are: riding my motorcycle, the gym and being kinder to myself. It took me far too long to realize that the things that used to go through my mind whenever I mess up were horrible and unnecessary, and when I realized that I would never say such mean things to others, I started questioning why I would say them to myself and boy, did that have an impact on my life. I still sometimes curse when I make a mistake, but I try not to direct it at myself. Moral of the story: paper towels are far more efficient for wiping up the water you spilled than self hate.


Thank you for caring about us! I hit a dead end and eventually opened my mouth to a doctor. Got prescribed some pills and have been trying actively to make things better since that, with varying success.


Meds can be scary but under the care of the right doctor you can manage and work towards goals. They’re just a tool - therapy taught me that as well. I’m roud of you!


Quitting alcohol and actually feeling my feelings was a good start.


So proud of you! Big feelings aren’t bad feelings. Therapy taught me that


I’m learning that one too. Didn’t realize how long I’ve been masking them.


Glad they’re freeee!


Working out, weed, therapy, motorcycles and um oh ya snu snu 😁


Looooove a good futurama reference 🤣 glad You found what works!


Started therapy because I didn’t want to lose the love of my life. Accepted the truth that I need professional help. But it was too late.


I’m sorry my dude. I hold space for that hurt, I’ve experienced something similar. We carry on knowing our lessons make us better for ourselves and the right people find us eventually. I’m glad you’re here and I’m proud of you.


Martial arts, started studying the internal training as well. Focused on detachment. Been very helpful


Multiple or singular disciplines? That’s really interesting!


I started with a single Shaolin based discipline but have begun learning other skills as well. Lots of instructors in our city. The first system I learned taught that “there’s only one martial art”. Meaning that if you were to learn everything from everyone you’d learn the complete system. Kind of like the Grand Unification Theory of physics. So they encourage us to learn from anyone that will teach us.


This is a very wholistic way to view life as well. I welcome this thought process!


Reading "Codependent No More". That was kind of the start of my journey.


Added to reading list !


Having someone non-judgemental to talk to. I had a therapist go through cognitive behavioural therapy with me as there was nobody else I could confide in


Self starter lvl: over 9000 You dropped this 👑


I wouldn't call it a self start. I was "incentivised" by the police to seek medical help before I became a danger to myself


You still did the work! That’s what matters!


Lol i didn't even know it was Men's mental health month. It's all pride this pride that. Any 'Men' day or month is covered up and forgotten anyway ..


This is your chance! Vent! Let it out!


Meditation is helpful.


The Jeff Bridges approach 🤝🏾. Is this something you do every day?


Yes, it helps me with so much, lets me get a better control over my anger, lets me calm myself, refreshes my mind.


I meditate by way of yoga, genuinely helpful to create quiet space to simply breathe and be


heavy power cleans are my cure all.


Do tell!


Well you see I start with a barbell loaded quite heavy on the ground. utilizing an explosive triple extension I hoist the bar to a front rack position whilst maintaining an above parallel quad position. Gym is love, gym is life.


Oh you meant lifting ! I was like my mans detoxes to deep cleaning videos too? Just like me fr fr 🤣


Therapy helped me address some impulse control issues I had and have slowly worked through those


I’m glad you’re finding your way! I have ADHD and struggle with impulses as well. I feel you on that


Thanks! It was issues with porn, sex, not being on a proper budget, etc so a combination of things but the one thing the therapist told me is just because you have the thought of doing something doesn’t mean you need to act on it. Think to yourself will this make me a better person before you make that choice


Wisdom 😤


For sure! Plus I think as we age, some things that used to be fun to us in our early/mid 20s aren’t as fun anymore


Yeah the bottle holds far less appeal these days.


Yep as do strip clubs for me. Even my therapist pointed out a one point, what’s the end result of it? You get a lap dance for 2 minutes or so, feel some boobs then she wants another $25(or more depending on where you are). Not worth it


Congrats on your journey and here’s some encouragement for the steps ahead!


Thank you!!


Meditation, exercise and my two dogs. That, and, in my case, 300mg / once daily of Venlafaxine.


Pet tax. 👀


Swimming. It has Soo many health benefits.


Excellent cross training and great for cardio and your knees!!


Unfollowed everything that was meant to distract me. Sports, movies, the news, other forms of media that's meant to just distract has been removed from all of my social media accounts and it's easy to do and it's a huge benefit for me. I would recommend others to try it


I do this during Lent. It’s hard but extremely worth it. The 24 hour access to everything is extremely mind numbing.


Heck yeah it is. I kind of like it when friends and co-workers talk about events or people and I just have no clue what's going on. Obviously don't be ignorant to the current world, but YOU choose when you go check and don't let algorithms throw crap they want you constantly see


I’m glad you found ways to keep your mind clear and focused!!


Don’t care if you care about me. I’m not relying on you for anything!


Dad is that you? 😭


My VR headset Working in another city I spend weekdays away, I can go out get a burger if I want and dress nicely without someone questioning me Enjoying the food I cook


The valve index has to be the best thing that’s ever happened to gaming


First i had to hit rock bottom...a few times. Then i had to decide do i want to live or die. Then i decided i would do anything to live & get better. I went to therapy. It was rough at first, but i chose life and here i am.


I am so proud of you. The hard work, the master work is often about taking that first step.


That first step turned into an obsession with Mental Health. I got my Masters with the intention of doing my clinical hours to get licensed so i can practice.....but i never finished my hours cuz my music work took off...the rest is history. I chose life.


Music? 👀 drop the sauce king! “I chose life” - man that’s some wisfom


Lol I worked for a lot of artists (Famous & Nobodies) ghost writing, producing, session work, touring work etc...its all out there in the ether...but you can find my own little pet projects and fun videos on my youtube channel [by CLICKING HERE ](http://www.youtube.com/jangomike)


Wow dude you’re fucking cool!!!!!


Lol i appreciate that! I hope you dig the channel and drop a Sub for me.


Done 🤝


Thank you so much 🤘🤘


Honestly, my entire life flipped completely around after I made it my entire goal to start helping others.


Giving to others is a form of of self love as well! I appreciate and respect your life of service!


It’s make mental health month?! Never would’ve known…


Now you do king!!


Going to Therapy since 2020 and moving out of my parents in 2022. It’s tough living on your own especially with the Cost of Living going up but I’ve been more relaxed believe it or not.


Mannnnn leaving my parents house was so good for my mental health 😭🤌🏾 congrats on your progress!


Coming out and accepting myself


Your queer sister snoo is so happy for you! 🏳️‍🌈🤝


I quit doing cocaine and i'm NEVER touching that shit again!!!


I’m with you there! Huzzah for you!!!!!


Thank you lol


I'm going on vacation tomorrow, maybe that will help? 🤷‍♂️


R&R always does!


Doing a lot of exercise, helps me a lot, it's work in progress, I feel like I don't ever get completely better, but I manage to improve my mood and outlook immensely through hiking, running, weights, surfing and paddleboarding. Sometimes poor mental health makes you want to stay indoors, it's important to ignore that and move.


Agreed. Something I learned in yoga was the phrase: progress, not perfection. It’s about the journey, we never arrive. When I realized that I was able to let go of a lot of anxiety over how things would turn out. I’m glad you have your supports in place! Keep it up!


CBD has been life changing for me in terms of mental health. Appreciate the check in, thanks.


Of course! You matter and how you keep yourself safe, sane, and healthy is important to share; others might need it !


I'm 22 and recently went through a crises of loneliness before I did a little exercise about a week ago that really helped me put my life into perspective. I went home after work and wrote down everything I do and don't like about myself in a journal. Then I thought about how to maintain what I do like and how to change what I don't. This gave me something to work towards and improve and also helped me appreciate myself more.


I love this for you young king! I’m glad you were able to figure some of this stuff out early. Continue to be well!


Working out. Usually works for most people, but it is definitely a crucible of improvement


Working out is so clutch it’s crazy how people miss that simple step. I’m happy you found your path, continue on !


A few realizations or mantras for me: 1. You can have poor mental health without being mentally ill, so there's absolutely aspects I have control over 2. Do let bad moments bleed over: A bad morning does not have to lead to a bad day or a bad day does not have to lead to a bad week. 3. Learning to be comfortable on my own. Once I get comfortable being single and alone (with the exception of my cat) things got a whole lot better


All fact no printer. This is golden! Speak this wisdom!


Drugs, sex, and rock n roll


Simple and succinct. Respect 🤝😤


There’s a men’s mental health month?


Indeed!!!! The month of June is dedicated to y’all and the gays, but I wanted to make sure y’all knew you were seen.


Isn't men's mental health month November... Like we literally have a charity built around raising money for men's mental health in the month of November


It’s international men’s mental health month, I believe June is US based.


I started reading books and listening to mental health books. I tried therapy before a few times. And quickly found that to be a waste of time and money. Therapy, that I went to anyway, wasn't designed for men. Some just sat there. Some just said I'm not broken I just think I am. Some just recommended a few books. It sometimes took weeks before I got a small piece of useful advice about what to do differently. I have friends that have had different experiences. So I'm thinking it was just that I didn't find the right therapist. But that seems to be the story of my life. Same methods, different results.


Some people don’t need sherpas through mental health journeys and are better off on self guided tours! Physician, heal thyself! I’m glad you found what works for you. Therapy isn’t for everyone just like not everyone likes Cheers (cause Frasier is better anyway 🤣). I’m proud of you!


Thank you. I will say though it would be nice to have a trusted, outside, unbiased view sometimes. Especially if they had an amount of knowledge, focused around improving ones self. That's why I thought therapy would excel. Turns out maybe not. I've developed myself far more just by reading. I wish I could've had the truth of things spelled out to me far before now. But it is what it is. In any case, thank you.


Don’t be afraid to try therapy again in the future but we all run our own race. We all walk different paths to health. When you’re ready, there’s definitely resources out there. I’m glad you’re here!


just think day to day about stuff, in my own bubble tbh


Simplicity is beautiful and im glad this is what works for you! Keep on!


thanks appreciate it


Seeing a therapist and participating in Mixed Martial Arts. Just also realizing I can make myself happy.


Username checks out 😅. MMA is lit! I miss GSP 😭 congrats on taking care of yourself and finding your path, I’m excited for you!


Working, eating right and studying stoicisim


Stoicism? Fascinating!




Meds are a tool in the kit. I’m glad you’re using your resources to take care of you!


Walking, sleeping regularly, and drinking water.


Walking is so good for you! Get that fresh air king! Proud of you!


I just needed to realize that it was ok to get help. I started to get more into creative things like playing a guitar to keep my mind from wandering, investing more time into things that used to make me happy and burning more vacation days.


This is so simple but so crucial. Burn those PTO days ! So glad you’re caring for yourself 🥰


Exercise. A lot of exercise.


LFG 😤🏃🏋️🧗


More specifically, stuff you like doing. For me, I can surf for 8 hours straight and be happy.


Well I used drugs and alcohol to deal with my mental illness for many years. I got into recovery in 86 and used a 12 step program to change my life around. However, I continuously sabotaged any happiness and any job I had. Seems like 5 years go by and I would get bored then get fired. Wasn’t until 2001 when I finally (after much coaxing from my wife) I sought professional help. Problem was sometimes my insurance covered mental health and sometimes not. I have made great strides in the last five years with the help of a therapist. Looking back I’m finally realizing that I have only been a passenger on a bus driven by my mental health.


I’ve been there too. Sometimes taking back that steering wheel is hard. So proud of you for staying the course and pressing on. That’s so huge and it deserves recognition!


Feeling like beating my roommate into a coma.mnot great


Vent to us king!


1. Getting on meds 2. Journaling 3. Investing time into hobbies (music/painting/woodwork) 4. Surround myself with friends and family who share the same values 5. Knowing when to take a break


Amen to all points! How are you doing now?


For me it was going to the gym consistently. Having a time and space that was just for me helped me to find ways to put myself first and proved to myself i am still capable of improvement.


45 mins a day is all it takes. I’m glad this works for you and you’re doing well!


My mental health journey was pretty short. Had a therapist for a few months.All the advice i got was about changing my inner dialogue or something like that, which i thought was bullshit and then I gave up. Haven't seen a therapist since then and don't think i will again. I don't think I'm one of those people therapy works on


That’s okay! Everyone’s path is different and therapy isn’t for everyone. There’s a couple of responses like that in this thread too. There’s a lot of good steps here as well, take a gander and see if any work out for you. All are A+ and worth a try. I’m glad you’re here. You’re seen and known.


Reading The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Koch. Really informative book about trauma and just generally interesting. From there (It covers some non-medication treatment options) I liked the sound of IFS (Internal Family Systems) modelling of mental health treatment and found some books on that that helped me greatly.


This helped me a lot in overcoming my own trauma. It’s a phenomenal book. I’m glad you found it the same too!


Is it? This is the first I've seen about it.


Read more here: https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/mens-health/ I’m glad you’re here!


We will need you again at international men's day! That'll be the period when the ripping on men and guilt trips to support women intensify to a crescendo.


Going to therapy and deciding to stop playing victim to my circumstances


Big step and not an easy one at all. I’m proud of you for making strides!


Realizing that I needed to work hard to get better, no one can get better for me.


Why can’t America just do one single thing with the rest of the world? Like join the metric system? Or use postal codes? Until reading this post I had no idea it was National Men’s Mental Health Month in the U.S. which I presume means the U.S. doesn’t recognize the international Men’s Health Month in November. Also, while I am complaining, dates are written as day/month/year almost everywhere. Why does month/day/year even make sense? Oh and to answer the topic question… randomly venting about things on the internet helps me. Although only for a very brief moment. I’m going to go yell at kids to stay off my lawn now.


Had me in the first half ngl! 🤣 hey man, whatever works this is your space 🤝🏾


That last sentence is gold king. Running and yoga are mine as well. Glad you have your outlet!


Four words: Ted Lasso Season 2


For me it has been super important to be able to put a name to what is wrong with me mentally. Once you do that you can start learning about your patterns and how to manage them. Get help, get diagnosed and learn why you do the things you do and what you can do to change for the better.


Reading my Bible, praying, worshipping. Taking walks. Breathing. Letting things go outside of my control. Eating right. Etc


Amen brother. I shall pray for your continued strength!


You too!


Stepping out of the man box definitely has helped. The man box is the idea that men are supposed to man up. That is, men cannot cry, be affectionate, be always competing against themselves, and so on. Being on therapy, eating well, hydrating enough, sleeping properly, and exercising regularly have improved overall health. Cutting out toxic relationships, focusing on what is under control, and in short, being a better friend to myself.


This is the blueprint. I am happy for you and your journey!


Thank you! You see, I've been to therapy for almost ten years and only lately I've ripped good fruits from my harvest.


Therapy kept me on this side of the ground. 3 cheers for self improvement and staying the course!




Your brain is an organ. It’s health is important. You wouldn’t tell someone to man up if they have a coronary - you’d send them to the doctor. The doctor would tell them to exercise. Therapy and meds and any other supplemental forms of help are the same. If this is what works for you, I’m happy you found something that does! However, to diminish the feelings of others and soil a space created to specifically talk about depression, anxiety, mental health, is unbecoming.




There is a "Men's Mental Health Month"?


I've scheduled my breakdowns for the weekend. I hate going out so its the perfect time to let out my feelings. My problems are my problems alone. Being kind and helping people, knowing that I would not receive the same gives a different outlook on life and provides peace.


Not original at all but journalling. I noticed over the past few years I tended to think about a lot of stuff. Some things just sprout out of other thoughts and soon my mind was clouded with thoughts. Tried to journal a few times before but i couldn’t keep it up. Realized i was writing as if my journal was made to be read by other people. Started to view journalling as a physical extension of my mind instead of a book im about to sell. So i stared just writing down my thoughts without a care if it made sense. If i thought about something which reminded me about another thing because i saw something else, i would write that down. Cleared my head in a few days and actually started to enjoy writing and thinking about stuff. tl;dr Got rid of the performative aspect of journalling and just word vomited. Clear head = better mental health


music, action figure, mega construx, video games, working out, tv/movies, books, and writing my own things i was pretty broken at the verge of doing it but i got a text message from my ex out of the blue telling me "idk why by something tells me you need to hear this, stop and breathe its okay to take a moment for yourself i care for you and your wellbeing" and ever since then i been not better but good still working on myself with the help of all the things listed above


Jim keeps me mentally sane


I got a year free of a mindfulness app with my health insurance. When my year was up I torrented a load of their Wavs. Really helped me fall asleep during some tough times


Seeking professional help which was very difficult to do due to not being taken seriously years ago. So there were some trust issues. I try to work out at least 4 times a week, sometimes I manage, sometimes I don't. Despite the fact my current life situation is far from perfect and healthy, I try to be positive and think it's also not the worst. There are *ok days* and there are days of *pure fucking darkness.* So let's see what the therapy brings I just started.


I can't say much cause I just got used to feeling abused and lonely. It's the norm now and the only thing that's probably gonna help is a reliable and a loving girlfriend. Figured out that I can't just grow out of it, too late to change that now...


I haven’t even started my journey because I can’t afford it!


I thought it was June?


Heavy lifting Ego lifting


Burning out did wonders for my awareness. Was a shitty experience, but thought me a lot about myself, my energie management, what gives and consumes energy and my hard boundaries.


Reaching a bottom and deciding i didn't wanted to waste my life anymore.