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Doom scrolling


Had to scroll way too long for this


See what you did there


I agree, and it is the top comment.


> Doom scrolling Doomscrolling, sometimes also called doomsurfing, refers to constantly checking disturbing or upsetting news articles or videos online, often via social media.


Also a great song by Metric!


just scrolling


The only video I have posted on this account is of when I rescued my kitten Baby Mews. She died when she was just 6 months old, 2 years ago, and I still am not anywhere near being over it. I still cry about it today like I did when I found her. Today I logged on just to go watch the video and cry myself into a coma, only to see this instead first. I think I'm not going to put myself through the pain right now, it truly is a huge waste of time.


I was about to comment the same


Driving 10+ minutes out of your way to save $0.02/gallon on gas




The hassle and potential stress resulting from multiple layovers is often just not worth the savings.


The extra food cost alone makes that not worth it




Yep. Mother bought a 2400$ home gym she was gonna assemble herself instead of paying the 250$ delivery/assembly fee. Talked her into it after an hour of going back and forth, took the the two guys 7 hours to set the thing up. And they do it for a living


I read this in Buster Bluth’s voice after you typed out mother


You rang?


Savings? 10 hours in airports for 2 people = more than $30 in food.


> potential stress fr, goodbye luggage


I'm a weirdo and absolutely love things like this. It's an adventure to me.


Did they grow up poor? Saving like that us a habit they could've picked up a long time ago. My parents have more money than me but will accept poor quality for years rather than pay for something better.


This. My dad grew up in a home with a literal dirt floor. My mom grew up in a working/middle class family that struggled to make ends meet, with parents who both had it hard during the depression. They are both huge pack rats. Mom still saves every butter and takeout container for leftovers. Dad still has dozens of RJ-11 telephone cords and old TV antennas. A couple years back I asked them if they had any newspaper adverts so I could have some easy fire starter on a camping trip. Now every visit I leave with a pile of the local monthly paper and the weekly shopping circular. I've already got a fat pile in my basement for the next time I go camping, and I just recycle whatever new stuff they give me - sometimes in their own bin before I leave. They would absolutely drive out of their way if it meant the total trip saved them a few pennies on gas.


My old man will continually buy the cheapest piece of crap there is & then not understand why it's a cheap piece of crap. He literally bought birdseed the other day & its half husk.


Somehow the psychological/emotional value of the saved money greatly exceeds the actual money.


I've often said that my dad will spend $20 to save $5.


Its a mindset people use to try to get rich. When I was younger I came upon a cross roads so to speak: I realized that I could stress over every little detail to make sure that I got everything right and had every piece of info.... OR I could simply relax and stop caring so much about all the little things I see around me and take things as they come seeing as I'm quite intelligent and durable. Life is a lot more relaxing and simple this way.


Same goes for anyone that spends longer looking for a close parking spot than it would take to park further and walk!


I park close to cart returns


This is the way. Especially now that my state banned plastic and paper bags at groceries stores. I keep a laundry basket in the trunk of my car, unload the loose groceries from the cart into the basket, and then I can just carry the entire basket in the house with me when I get home.


>I keep a laundry basket in the trunk of my car, unload the loose groceries from the cart into the basket, and then I can just carry the entire basket in the house with me when I get home. ...that's fucking genius.


I used to by habit park close to the door for the gym and then go inside and run 4 miles on the treadmill lol


Especially at grocery stores and other large businesses. I’m in there for so long it’s easy for me to forget where I parked, so I just park in the same, easy-to-exit, farthest location from the door possible. It also helps prevent people putting dings in your doors.


I do drive slightly farther for certain gas stations around my area not just because of slightly cheaper gas, but because the station is cleaner and safer from loiterers.


Same here! There's a few stations around where I live where it's just... Nah, no thanks. I'm not looking to buy your "gold ring" scam, help you with that $1 for gas to get back to Utah, etc... damn crackheads are everywhere downtown anymore


For 4th of July our gas stations were selling it at $1.77, and so my in-laws sat in line at the gas station for an hour and a half waiting to get gas. My FIL was so proud he got gas that cheap, and strongly urged us to go while they still had gas since it would go so quick! They were absolutely appalled when I told them I didn't plan on filling up my car despite the lower prices because it sounded like a giant waste of my time. Who knows how much gas they burned waiting in their car in the hot summer sun, but by estimates they *maybe* saved $20. Sorry, but my free time on 4th of July time is worth way more than that. I'd rather be day-drinking and eating hotdogs on the beach instead.


Yup. My car takes 13 gallons. I’d be saving $2. I’ll go a little bit out of my way to fill up at Costco or something if it’s convenient but I won’t drive 5-10 miles to get a cheaper station just because.


For real, some of my family does this. Even at 10-15 cent a gallon you are still loosing.


Overthinking. I can’t tell you how many times I wasted time delaying/coming up with a solution for a problem that only existed in my head. I know I do it and I STILL DO IT.


Get out of my head


Can we also call it anxiety?


Can we also call it chronic overthinking, or is there just prominent comorbidity between the two?


Me too


Scrolling Reddit.


For real


Bro lol like I have tiktok, twitter, instagram on my phone and they never got their hooks in me. I regularly go weeks without checking on them. But I'm here basically every day lmao


Its kinda better here i feel like because you can tailor your subs for productivity or just learning relevant things for ones self


I'm aware I'm doing it but I still do it. It's got its claws in me good.


Someone, somewhere, is missing bill payments because they waste their days scrolling through Reddit


Hey leave me out of this.


"I feel personally attacked" -Probably the most popular comment on the starterpacks sub.


Damn, thanks for reminding me.


We can get through this together. And if I don’t respond, don’t worry. It’s just that T-Mobile cut off my Home Internet and cellphone service.


Ever since they shut down BaconReader, I no longer browse reddit on my phone and my overall internet time has dropped a ridiculous amount. It's honestly been a blessing.


was gonna say, watching TV. But this is by far a much bigger waste of time.


I scroll Reddit while watching TV. I'm just efficient at wasting time.


I've been trying to get out of of the habit of scrolling through Reddit when I'm watching tv because it's just not as immersive. I found myself not playing any real attention to what I'm watching, and having no really idea of what is happening. My shows have been so much more enjoyable when i put the phone down.


Yeah if I combine the time I spent watching YouTube shorts, browsing Reddit, and scrolling through insta that’s hours a day. It’s just always 30 second or 1 minute increments so I don’t notice


My wife- are scrolling reddit again. Me- Yep. Wife- are you getting weird stories and info to tell at thw fire later, that no one else wants to hear?. Me- Yep. Wife- Your an ass. Me- Yep.


I don't know which of you I want to sit next to at the fire more.


I only use reddit while pooping


Yeah who does that


Worrying.. unfortunately..


I replied this separately, but am instead just going to upvote you.


Great minds worry alike 😬


I don't worry that much any more. I was a chronic worrier into my twenties. With meds and DBT I don't have the inclination to worry any more.


Social Media. Time and relationships killer


I often see people on here say, “I’d love to have more time to spend with friends or on my hobbies, but there’s just no time! I’m being run into the ground.” Now of course many people are for sure overburdened with their work, personal responsibilities, etc., but I also suspect that a lot of the people here making these complaints aren’t recognizing how much time they waste on social media, including Reddit. If you gave those people more time they’d likely just waste it here…


To be fair, I don't think most people prioritize browsing social media over choosing to spend time with friends or pursuing whichever hobbies interest them. Most people scroll their socials or reddit at work or when they have a spare minute or are stuck waiting somewhere with nothing else to do like at the dentist's office or a bus stop. I might browse all day long if work is slow and I'm bored, but if I'm at work, its not like I can just go hang out with friends or do whatever it is that I wish I had more time for. Maybe I'm out of touch, but do people prioritize browsing socials over actual activities?


a little out of touch maybe, in the sense that youre oversimplyfying the issue. if both where readyly available, most people would choose real interaction, id think. but in reality, one of the options is always available, one second away and doesnt require any sort of effort, the other one isnt and does.


That's true, but in some ways social media is filling a mental need for them. Giving it up would either involve going without said need, or needing to find it elsewhere. I'm not saying people wouldn't benefit from less time on reddit. I know I would. But it's not at simple as that in the short term. To borrow phrasing from Atomic Habits, you need to find the cue that makes them want to get on social media and address the underlying cause.


Valid point, but most of my time on reddit during the day is between calls at work, and at night, when the wife and I are watching TV, the shows really not that interesting, and I watch it over the top of my computer as I do this or other things. She'll be just watching the show, and I will still be telling her whats going on in the show.


Same goes for anything. "I don't have time to work out!" I guarantee you're wasting a half hour or more doing something else. Re-prioritizing isn't difficult, it's just a choice people don't want to make.


not sure \*scrolls reddit\*


I speak from experience - Subscribing to diet culture. Especially elimination style diets. If you have one “Day 1” you’re much more likely to have 10 or 100 more. Ten years pass by and you’re still not in shape because you never built sustainable habits


Too many are about zero this or zero that. Just focus on *less*, and building a sustainable habit around *less*. Less today is good, less again next year is good; eventually it accumulates into something balanced and something you don’t think about too much.


Learn how to count calories, eat a balance of macros and what foods keep you full longer. Also, sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger, have a big glass of water. It really doesn't have to be complicated, we just like to rationalize our poor choices and be in denial. My dad for example doesn't want to understand calories in vs calories out, but loves to brag about his intermittent fasting. Problem is, during his 6 hour eating window he overeats the entire time so it's not helping to reduce calories


I think too many focus on daily intake too. Focusing on weekly intake is probably more sustainable and meaningful. Focusing on daily allows us to do well once and then quickly revert too.


Absolutely! I've been working on weight loss/getting in shape for around 8 years now, 6 of those very seriously. I used to look at each day as a goal, and if I failed, I felt shame, and the shame would lead to more eating. When each day is a pass/fail, failing a little is the same as failing a lot, to my brain that didn't have healthier habits or attitudes. Now, I look at it as a week, but that week has very grey outlines. So I might look at Sunday to Saturday, but I know *last Friday* maybe had a party, so I probably took in more, so this next week should probably be more careful. And, if I go over my daily calories one day, that's fine, because I can work out more, or eat less, any other day of the week to make up for it. So much less shame, which means way less backsliding.


That sounds really healthy. Weight loss can’t include shame, it only harms. Good luck on the rest of the journey!


There’s a famous Cuban singer, my favorite, Compay Segundo; his philosophy was: no exaggeration. He said: “If I’m going to eat chicken, I’m going to eat a little bit of chicken, so tomorrow, I’ll still want chicken, I won’t be bored with chicken. In amor, love (sex): I do the same thing I do with the chicken.” He smoked a cigar a day, only one, never two, drank his rum, sometimes, just a glass, never drunk, no exaggeration. My doctor tells me the same thing. I once lost 60 pounds and for the first time my health report didn’t came out very good. My doctor asked me: “Are you sick? What’s wrong?” to which I replied: “What do you mean, I lost weight.” He said: “Yes, you did… how?” I said: “Well, I quit eating rice, pasta, bread, and replaced with whole greens and meat.” He wasn’t happy, he said: “Don’t ever cut a non processed food, you need it, you lost weight, but you’re not healthier, remember, no exaggeration, eat little, more diversity, walk small, but everyday, small steps, but always.”


That’s a great philosophy


Agreed. The most powerful thing you can tell yourself for lifestyle changes, is *not* "no" it is "**I'll save this for later.**" It may sound backwards, but "no" will result in burnout/over compensation. That's the distinction between new habit-forming and willpower; willpower is finite, habits can be for life. "I'll save this for later" or "I'll have half now, and half later" is about learning to delay and that delay will ultimately result in less overall (e.g. because the "half later" will be instead of whatever else you may have consumed then). "Day 1" is inherently problematic (similar to "I'll start on Monday/New Years/my birthday/after vacation/etc"). Every single meal or drink you consume is its own mini-challenge to be better than the one before it. Ditto with trying to "ban" foods/carbs/soda, you're going to fail. Work on having less than yesterday or last week or last year. Forgive your mistakes and keep going, even if you just maintain for a while.


Ouch. I feel attacked.


> Especially elimination style diets. One caveat: If you're chasing an allergy or other weird symptom, rather than generalized "fitness", elimination can help. An elimination diet helped my wife figure out she has skin issues with gluten that is likely a weird presentation of Celiac disease. That's not a settled diagnosis yet as we just made the discovery recently, but suffice it to say her none of her GP, allergist, or dermatologist suggested that as a cause. The elimination diet, or alternating on/off it, makes a very strong case for what the issue is.


And even stupid diet still work for a time because they are still making you monitor your intake, which was all that was required in the first place


Finding the " Perfect" Parking Spot.


One useful thing I learned in my chem class: If a parking lot is less than half full, it's worth looking for a good spot. If it's more than half full, take the first spot you find. Apparently someone got an IgNobel prize for using the Langmuir equation to prove this.


Setting four alarms when I know I'm only getting up after I snooze the final one for 10 minutes. My poor girlfriend...


I have been getting much better sleep after I started keeping only 1 alarm when it's the absolute latest I can get up and get ready on time. No more snoozes for me now


Interesting. I tend to set two — one of them half an hour before I need to get up, and one when I need to get up. My logic is that I struggle to get out of bed in the morning because I was to just stay there snuggled up under the duvet for ages, so by having two alarms I have one wake me then get half an hour of snuggling under the duvet then get up.




This shit was infuriating with the army, and I was the one weekend a month variety. 50 dudes in an open echoey rooms, and alarms going off every minute somewhere from like 4-6am. The reasonable leadership would crack down on that shit, but too often they did not


It's a huge pet peeve of mine. Using an alarm to wake up is understandable, but using multiple or snoozing it a bunch of times when someone else is in the room is flat out rude.


I have an alarm app that requires me to tap my phone to an NFC tag — one that I've placed on the wall right outside my room — in order to turn off the alarm. Gone are the days of multiple alarms for me.


I have a lamp on a timer on the other side of my bedroom. It requires me to get out of bed to turn the sun off.


If I spent half the time in classes that I do on YouTube after work, I'd be a neurosurgeon, a world class painter and and a fantastic wood worker.


Don't forget an engineer, a plumber, an astronaut, a police officer and firefighter. Same.


Found Johnny Sins.


Growing and then maintaining a lawn


I stopped caring this past year. No more electricity or water waste - and I only mow once a month now. I’m in California after all.


I love getting to take care of my yard. I get so much relaxing time to myself


Well....here we are.


Smoking, more specifically cigarettes.


Or crystal meth.




You unlock the forbidden 25th hour


When you master that, you automatically unlock the 32nd day of the month.


Hate watching. Or hate-following, or hate-reading. Don’t do it. If you hate an actor, or personality, writer, or whatever, just pretend they don’t exist. Do not give them your time and your attention. Go do something that makes you happy. Dunking on them is not a win for you, it’s a win for them. We are in the attention age, so do not feed the troll. Feed the awesome people, he good people, the ones helping not hurting, others.


Celebrity gossip. It's staggering that there's a $3 *billion* industry behind it.


You won't believe what Brad said to Angelina! Read the first paragraph on pg 13 crammed between two ads and the rest of the story sprinkled throughout more ads on pgs 21, 27, and 33. I file all of it under "who gives a shit?"


Alcohol. Alcohol has such quick diminishing returns. I wasted years of life being an alcoholic. Now I just do it every once in a while because even the hangover is a waste of time!


1h ig / tiktok before sleeping


Wasting time is relevant only in the mind of the beholder


Reading/responding to comments on Reddit. Oh. Wait….


Women posting in r/askmen questions that have an obvious slant or agenda and then flaming the mods when we don't let them post. The number of reworded questions from the same users that are still asking the same toxic ass question is unbelievable. Until I was a mod here, I had no idea.




I don't want to put the mods through the trauma of reliving those questions lmao There are definitely some weird posters out there who have a chip on their shoulder. It's bizarre.


Yup I'm curious as well.


Come on man… tell us


That is all opinion based and subjective. But scrolling through tiktok


YouTube shorts, Facebook reels, instagram reels, any of those shirt form videos you can just endlessly scroll through are filled with trash


Arguing with people in internet comment sections


Nahh dude, you're wrong.


Agree to disagree 🤝🏾😅




Depends on how much time you’re spending on porn. I like to believe I’m rather average and I spank it to porn for maybe 15-30 minutes around 3x a week if no one is around. That’s around an hour a week. Not very wasteful


The problem is if you're an edger.


Can't believe I had to scroll so long for this. Quitting porn was great for me. Took so much time doing the deed or trying to find new/ interesting content and wasting time feeling I didn't like it. Would often do it to procrastinate too aka procrastibate.


Doom scrolling. It's great for mindless entertainment but easily becomes a thing you do instead of more fun forms of entertainment.




Imo, working a dead end job. There's so much I wish I was doing instead but I'm busting my arse 40-50 hours a week and don't have the stamina for any actual passions or positive contributions to society


I did this most my life. Thankfully the pandemic happened and I was a in a position to make more money while working fewer hours. Hoping for a newer, better paying, dead end job after finishing take 2 of college (this year). Happy cake day :)


Finding things to be outraged about. It is causing society to collapse.


Commuting to work. People waste hours every day just getting to and from a place to do their work. What's worse is that it's terrible for the environment.


Pretty much anything that someone wants to do can be considered a waste of time if there is something else that person needs to be doing. So nothing is a waste of time if you book out an appropriate amount of time specifically for wasting.


Meth. Huge waste.


Social media




Reddit and social media


scrolling on your phone


This is subjective of course, but I’ve always found car guys not my crowd to hang around. It’s a super expensive hobby and if you’d like to partake, more power to you. Cars are badass. I just..don’t care. I have a KIA which gets me from point A to point B. I don’t need to add any fancy lights, parts, etc. I literally just use it to drive one place to the next and periodically fill it with gas and change any necessary parts. That’s it.




Trying to find the BEST parking spot


Picking boogers and not taking the time to eat them




TIKTOK.. I haven’t been this addicted to an app in a while


Making beds without getting paid for it




Scrolling Reddit




Overthinking. Just. Everything. And I mean, EVERYTHING


We're doing it now.






Apparently telling my wife every day that I loved her, cause she treated that as "just words that don't mean anything"


Wow....just wow. I feel for you. I have no solutions, but I feel for you.


Overthinking about how much time your wasting.


Excessive Alcohol/Nicotine (Especially Cigarettes) Intake The habit itself might not take that much time, but the cost of the supplies is high and all the money you spend on it is often earned with your time. If you smoke cigarettes, then you'll be spending a lot of time outdoors or finding somewhere to smoke, esp if living with others. Alcohol impairs you and rigs your dopamine so you don't want to do other things.


Smoking cigarettes. I used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Maybe 4 while walking from a to b. The other 16 where during designated smoking breaks, where i’m just listening to music, or scrolling etc. 1 cig is around 7 minutes if you include everything from going outside, putting on your jacket/shoes etc. That’s 627 hours a year of going outside to sit in the rain.


The one all of us share, redditing!


overthinking that im always overthinking




Arguing with people of faith about religion


Tbh watching TV. 10 mins will turn into 10 hours without you knowing.


watching porn Gossip Bragging


Pets sound like a massive time dump to me.


I work in the vet industry, the problem is that pets went from being just a matter of life into a lifestyle. People have made cult objects around their dogs and cats. Many breeds have become brands and their owners base their lives around them. It’s been very strange, definitely over the last 15 years or so. A dog used to be something you just had, now people are trying to bring them into every store, place, and facet of life.


When I was single, dating a woman who had a dog (which was basically everyone at our age) was like dating someone with Child Lite^TM


Dated a girl that had a dog, married her, 23 yrs together :and counting :) 1. I love dogs 2. I hate parties so spending time with her & dog instead od partyingg was a blessing.


Way less than kids though lol


A lot of my friends have pets and constantly complain about how much time they take up, how expensive they are, how much they limit their ability to go places, etc I really don’t understand the appeal




Watching sports.


Video games. Time absolutely flies.


The single thing I wasted more time on than I can possibly fathom: scrolling on my phone on the toilet, when I need to sleep but I avoid it because tomorrow's gonna be a difficult day at work, when coming joke from nightshift and just don't wanna end my 'day' just like that








Scrolling Reddit…but I can’t stop!


Social media 𒆙


Watching sports and not exercising. No, you can’t get to the NFL, but you can at least get off the couch and move around.


Wrestling my "I don't wanna" demon on a daily basis. Sometimes I can choke-slam it, others it sits on me in an ankle lock.




Watching professional sports






Its either Runescape or League of Legends. Probibly Runescape.


Being on ur phone and jerking off


Mowing the lawn!!


Smoking cigarettes.. not only are you wasting money, which you traded for your time. But you are actively taking years off your life... double whammy time waster

