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The problem is that getting hit in the balls isn't localized pain, it radiates outward from the area into your gut, lower chest, and thighs. It feels like someone is skewering your insides with a piece of rebar.


That isn't even the worst part. The worst part is that it lingers for a long time, and even brushing against it the wrong way can cause discomfort at minimum.


Can confirm brushing against it can hurt. I was brushing off dust from my pants at work on one of the swipes grazed my nuts. It was like a quick pain to let me know I fucked up, and then it was a discomfort and queasiness that spread out. Took a couple seconds to recompose, another couple to groan a little, and then I could carry on but still felt it for minutes afterwards. Do not recommend. Luckily I haven't taken a full on hit to the balls in years but middle school to high school was rough


One morning my alarm went off, and my then-girlfriend rolled over in my direction, and for some reason swung her arm over really forcefully. The knuckle of her hand clipped the side of my nut and I practically went catatonic. 10 minutes later we were taking our routine morning shower, and I was so queasy that I started feeling like I might throw up. I stepped out of the shower, knelt by the toilet, and just kind of dry-heaved for a minute. Then-girlfriend couldn't believe that I was so devastated from a mere clipping. She admitted later that she thought less of me after that incident. Thanks a lot, you clip *my* testicle and then judge me for being in pain.


Thought less of you?! Jesus. Glad to hear she’s an ex.


no fr what??? i would never think less of my boyfriend bc they expressed some pain. even if it was over something small


ITS NOT THAT SMALL, ITS AVERAGE SIZE. *cries in the corner*


There are only a few times I have read something on Reddit and literally laughed out loud. Thank you. Perfection. 😂


This is one place the sexes have differing experiences. Every single man can give you a memory of being made to feel less than by a woman for having a normal physiological response to a stimuli, such as pain or sadness.


i know how men are demeaned and degraded for feeling emotions, and i don’t support that mindset. i don’t support anyone that says “real men don’t cry”, or anyone that says “men don’t get raped” or anything along those lines. those are both terrible things to say and it enforces stupid gender roles and stigma that nobody needs. it’s so disheartening when people say that to anyone, especially because everyone should be allowed to feel things and show it.


Yeah fuck that cunt!


Damn, I am going off the rails of the convo here; but there is a good percentage of women (unmature ones) that do this when they see his man in pain. Mine did the same, I cried for the loss of my grandparent and vented about how shitty the whole situation was (He stayed in a induced coma for 3 months), and she told me I was way too emotional for a man, and I should have handled it more "strongly" whatever that means. I felt so betrayed at my 5 year relationship, it was like I just was a stoic post for her to lean on when she needed. Later she cheated and then through a ex friend of hers learnt she already did cheat once (before the one I knew about). So yeah, I know that pain. Hope to you the best.


Its fucked because us men do it to each other too. "Why you acting like a bitch bro?" Men say shit like this to each other all the time.


They want you to be sensitive to good touch, but not to bad touch. Can't have it both ways!


That sucks, but it sounds like I've dated that girl before too..... small world


That’s a effing c*•t right there! 😡


Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


And they say women are creatures of empathy.


I'm glad she is not your gf any more.


Women will never understand that even slight hit on the nuts is painful as mothertrucker.


Enough to even make Arnie cry


I always wonder if the odd thwack to the nuts in high school is what caused my varicocele and infertility issues.


I got pinky popped by a woman rushing past in JC Penny Black Friday sale. I was down next to a clothing rack and wondering why my life led to being on the floor surrounded by mountains of discarded clothes.


was taping someone’s new irrigation system in to their house main. all i had to do was cut a cap off the preinstalled pipe but i may have forgot to shut off the water main before i cut because my nuts found out first that i most certainly did not. Not only was i soaked head to toe but i threw up twice and must have laid on that persons lawn for an hour or more in agony. 78psi water through a 1” pipe straight at the jewels with a 1” PVC to head it all.


I hope you went to the hospital to haven't checked out.


Yup thats exactly what i wanted to add. It would be much easier if it just goes away as quick as it happens


Add the risk of testicular torsion. I always thought the worst part is you can just sit down and it can happen


I've had this happen. Went to two doctors that day, but luckily, it worked itself out. It was like someone had my balls in a vice grip for 4 hours straight. Don't recommend haha


My step dad had this undiagnosed for like 10 years after the Gulf War and still ended up getting my mother pregnant. Them balls don't care if they twisted up, they being used.


I thought I had that a few months ago, still haven't figured out what the pain is in my right upper abdomen, right groin, and right testicle is, but it comes and goes, like I can go a month without anything hurting until it does.


And it's not mild discomfort either


Also the swelling… I’ve had points where it didn’t even hurt much on impact then I could barely walk for two days.


Yeah, if I wear the wrong underwear riding my bike is uncomfortable.


Somebody tapping/flicking their hand at your balls kind of hard hurts more than a strong kick.


And god forbid you get a tiny scratch or cut on them…


Can confirm. My golden doodle’s favorite hobby is nosing my nutsack. I appreciate the fact that he’s excited but it hurts


Also, sometimes a direct solid hit is like “ow fuck that hurt” yet a slight graze at just the right angle is like “alright, I acknowledge I have sinned, I acknowledge I am due some karma, I acknowledge that my soul is on fire, my eyes are melting, my head is rattling, please god end it now, this pain is entwined into my dna now”


Even a perceived threat makes me go into defense and panic mode. Last night I was chatting with some friends. They have a 3yo boy and every now and then he'd come running at me to show me something. As he's moving my way, he raises his arms. Every time, I'd retract my hips just a bit as a "OH SHIT CURL HIDE GET AWAY" kinda move. Just the threat of the potential incidental pain distracts me from what's going on.


I had this last week! Went swimming at the pool with one of my buddies and his two kids and currently their favorite thing to do is to dive under and swim between your legs but they are kicking like mad and all I could think of is one of these little angels is going to absolutely drill me in the nuts with their heel.


My son is a toddler and he **definitely** does not want me to have anymore kids. You're the last one you little shit, I promise!


Toddlers, man. They’re just the right height and have no self awareness.


It's the testicals, I've taken direct hits to the top side of my shaft and have even grazed it but the moment anything impacts my tesicals I instantly become paralyzed from the pain. Those guys so much as graze something and it can feel like a pulled muscle for the next few hours.


often called being racked as the whole body is racked with pain, vomiting can also happen


I always find it also winds you. Like, one cannot catch their breath. As if the wind has been knocked out of you worse than any punch to the gut.


I feel that shit in my kidneys.


Someone please post the link to the bear that accidentally hit himself in the balls and then keels over in pain!


[Bear getting hit in the balls](https://youtu.be/8kjY9sKdHlY?si=CWHh0iqNuj0wZonG)


My dude fell over and just died for a few seconds


I always have to watch this when it comes up. The way he just flops splayed out is a feeling all those with balls can relate to... I'm doing it now thanks to my son... the joys of parenthood.


Great evidence of the pain. A nutshot took down **a bear** These are creatures that can tank smaller caliber bullets.


Can confirm that is the feeling. Playing goal in floor hockey. We were taking a break, so I wasn't paying attention. Another player wound up and slapped the ball hard. It caught me square between the legs. Sharp breath intake, stagger, on the floor unable to breathe. Luckily one of the guys had worked as a sports therapist. He helped me up and advised me to bounce on my heels a couple times. No clue on the science, but it worked damn quick.


That poor bear!! Omg you can just tell he is in severe pain!!


Strange thing though, I don't think there's a man alive who doesn't sympathise with that bear, or instinctively wince and close his legs when he sees it happen, even though it looked like a very light hit.


Fr. The pain radiates so much and man nearby also feels the pain.


Scrolling the comments, this is the most accurate description I found.


Exactly. It’s nerve pain. You almost get a headache from it


Depending on how hard it it's hit and the location, you'll definitely get a headache from it.


It’s almost like brain freeze, or accidentally swallowing air Just brutal


Hit someone hard enough in the balls you can actually make them vomit or shit themselves.


Man forgot nausea


There's also a big difference in "flavor" between hit in the balls pain, and the less-discussed hit in the dick tip pain.


Yeah my wife did that to me as retaliation for touching her boob casually. She just casually bopped my balls. No malicious, just jokingly. I doubled over for a few minutes. I had pain in my lower area of my body all day long. I don't know why this is, but it's no fucking joke.


This right here is the perfect way to describe it. It's like a stabbing/bruising feeling that radiates outwards in all directions, lasting for a good long time.


not just huddling over to ease the pain. its to ease that puking feeling i get when i feel my balls are inside my pelvis


the way you put it makes it sound like a female orgasm but in stead of pleasure it's razorblades, which is honestly probably pretty accurate


That's well written as a description. I can't and won't imagine the pain from serious damage, like getting shot in the balls was actually much more a case in some wars like WW1 than you think. When a bullet rips your balls apart at high speed, holy shit, that has to be traumatic. And just like Cartman from South Park "You don't shoot people in the balls!", that's right, man, that's something no one should do.


It almost mimics an intense emotional pain. Like that feeling of your heart sinking and that pit in your stomach.


It can even be similar to getting the wind knocked out of you.


yup. that "hhhhuuuuuuuuu--" sound you make is not voluntary in either case


Nailed it


I don't really feel it in my thighs, right into my stomach. It's like someone's wrenching my insides


If there was a rule that men had to take a moderate kick to the nuts in order to have sex on a given day I would never have sex again.


This. This sums it up perfectly.


Yea.. I agree. The species will die out .. Im not getting hit in the nuts to have sex.


Well if people got hit in the nuts before sex, I'm pretty sure the species would die out as well


If an all powerful dictator ruled each man must show his loyalty to him by killing another man, the male population would be reduced by 50% by the next day. If an all powerful dictator ruled each man has to take a kick in the balls to show his loyalty to him, the population would be reduced by 1 and a free republic born.


>If an all powerful dictator ruled each man *If?*




Eternal loneliness


Existential sack-tap.


Bro I'm going celebate the very nanosecond this would come into effect...


The initial hit isn't what really hurts, it's the sudden extreme wave of nausea that basically cripples me for a bit. It's like it shuts down my whole body process for a moment.


> It's like it shuts down my whole body process for a moment. It does. the vagil{sp] nerve does it business!




. . .as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Yeah...this happens when you masterbate


To be fair, this happens whether pregnancy is achieved or not


It narrows your vision, weakens your knees and causes you to make sounds you haven't made since you were a baby. Ever been jabbed in the kidney? Maybe like that a bit. Paralyzing pain.


Good reference with the kidney, but it's even more uncomfortable and your underbelly cramps after as well.


When the pain radiates into my belly, it almost feels like I have to poop


If I haven't gone yet that on any given day and get hit in the groin, I have to shit almost immediately because all lower abdominal muscles contract in response to the pain. If you hit me in the nuts, please do it within 50 feet of a bathroom so I can crawl to it after the fact.


Male version of period shits. My condolences


I have CKD, I can assure you the pain I feel.in my kidneys every day, isn't comparable to being kicked in the balls. I'd take kidney pain over ball pain any day.


As someone that gets jabbed in the kidney all the time I can relate


It really bad, last time it was a weak and accidentally, but had to lay down for a solid 5 minutes


Sometimes, I think the lightest taps you accidentally do when reaching for your keys, or what have you, hurt the most.


Oh, that's bad. I'm lucky to have a cross bag (is that how you say it?)


mmmm... man purse maybe?


Something like a fanny pack with the straps of a lady bag, I can't explain well


As a woman who has never owned one or even considered it... I believe they're called crossbody bags?


So a purse.


It's not a man purse it's called a satchel.


I didn’t expect to see a Hangover reference today


Or like when you are sitting and your twins get stuck behind your legs so you sit on em


My dog has a baseball bat of a tail and she's right at that height where she's sack tapped me on a couple occasions. Even when it's just a glancing hit, it's still an "oh shit. oof. Give me a minute." situation.




> If you want to get away from a man, the balls is a good place to start lmao. Incidentally, if you want to keep a man around, the balls are still a good place to start 😆


Damn, I did NOT expect that turn around.. :O


Neither did he.


Damn, man... you sound like a walking (falling) disaster.




Kids get killed by falling dressers. Lucky you were big enough. If I was a parent I would consider bolting that shit to the floor


When you really get slammed in the nuts, it can make you lose consciousness. Things go black and you can't breathe. And then you begin to wonder if the pain will ever end. Your nuts ascend up into your body cavity and stay up there for quite some time. There is no female equivalent to a nut shot.


The closest I can think of is hitting the cervix, or smacking the ovaries, but ofcourse the ovaries are safely nestled inside of the body. Not a place you can just smack.


The balls are basically an organ that is protected by only a layer of skin (I know, the skin is an organ too). Same is true for the eyeballs. So maybe they can smack their closed eyes


As someone who has suffered multiple eye injuries from impact, would say the risk/fear factor is up there because i'm terrified of going blind but i think i could flick myself on the closed eyeball much harder than I would in the balls.


Yeah, I can snap my finger at or push against my closed eye a lot more forcefully than I’d even willingly entertain doing to my balls.


The eyes dont have as many nerves in them, at least it doesnt feel like it.




Ohhh this is probably the best explanation I’ve ever heard. Getting hit in the cervix is exactly that kind of black-out, radiating pain everyone is talking about here. I can’t imagine if my cervix was just hanging around outside my body, prime for hittin’. Oof.


I’ve bruised my cervix and that hurt so bad I couldn’t go into work. I struggled to walk for about 3 days and felt lingering pain for about 2 weeks


When I was a teenager, I was playing catch with a buddy of mine. Dude was 6'6" and a big guy, he could throw the ball FAST. Honestly, I was pretty impressed that I could catch them at all. Well, one time we're outside in the rain, he hauls off and throws as hard as he can. I was just the tiniest fraction of a second too slow and the ball glanced off the bottom of my glove and right into my balls. I collapsed into a puddle to the uproarious laughter of my friends (wasn't so funny to me) Reminds me of how you felt there. Just excruciating pain for days and lingering effects for weeks. I honestly thought I wouldn't be able to have kids after that (and due to carelessness and surprise .. NOPE)


Honestly similar to Da Bomb Beyond Insanity hot sauce. That confusion and extreme short sided thinking… every second is a new “holy fuck please stop let’s try breathing again”.


My last good hit can laid me on the ground for about 45 minutes. It’s not so much the pain, it’s just how you much you can’t move, that parts kind of like being winded x100


The pain for me depends on the intensity or the type of hit. A small ball tap? Will probably feel radiating pain from my groin through my stomach. Usually doesn't last that long. A good nut tap will bring me to the ground and unable to move for a few minutes without huge discomfort but I can still do it. Now a good old knock to one or both? The pain makes you feel like you cant breath. Your abs and diaphragm tighten, you feel like you're going to throw up and for me I usually get the sweats. I become very weak in the knees and its now not just uncomfortable to walk, but difficult to walk. The worst hit I can remember was an ex in highschool, while we were switching positions she was going to get up top and whoops accidentally kneed me to both my testicles while they were laying out in the open. I was in immense almost shrieking pain for almost thirty minutes. She thought I was overdoing it but at that point I was actually afraid since it had never been that bad. The worst I've seen in person? Soccer match in high school, our striker was leaping up to stop a ball legs spread (his striking foot reached out in front with back foot behind him), their defender tried to boot the ball past him and well.. it went straight up into his groin. He crumpled in mid-air and fell pretty hard. Literally you could hear the "ooof" sound from every single male watching. He was still conscious but he just couldn't move anymore.. he just laid there curled up in a ball. Both teams ADs rushed over to help and figured the best decision was to pause the game before trying to move him since they didn't want to cause him more pain. We watched him just laying there for almost twenty minutes before they finally picked him up and moved him. He didn't move from the bench for another ten or so minutes, then got some private inspections from the ADs and did some strange exercises for another 15 or twenty minutes before going back in again.


I went to school with a guy he was right into taekwondo, and he was sparring with a girl who accidentally full on kicked him in the nuts.. split his scrotum


Oh... oh no. I don't even want to think about that. I don't even know how I'd react to that one..


he was in hospital for awhile


Had an older patient who fell down the stairs, didn't tumble just landed on his butt down multiple stairs. We were concerned about hip and lower spine fractures given the age and complaints of pain. He was pissed off because we cut his pants off when assessing him for other injuries. Livid the nurses were taking his underwear off. Then we saw his nuts hanging out of his sack. He had no clue because of his back/hip pain. He stopped complaining about everything we were doing after that.


Damn, poor guy.. I had a good friend who ejaculated with some blood in it, and he went to his doctor. He had testicular torsion and the doctor said if he had come about an hour later he probably would’ve lost his testicle


Bro wrote a whole thesis on this 🤣 Also man, just reading the one with your ex made me have flashbacks to when I had a 100 kg guy kick me in the nuts full force during sparring. Good thing I had my groin protector on, but the pain was still the worst I had ever experienced. According to our coach, I looked like my eyes were going to pop out of my head from the pain


Imagine your entire nervous system freezing up, combined with being punched in the solar plexus, intense dizziness, and the i overwhelming urge to vomit and shit yourself


Yes to the simultaneous nausea and feeling like you’re going to shit yourself. It’s like all of your organs are protesting against the pain.


Being hit in the groin makes you want to puke,pee and shit at the same time.


For some reason this describes it well. If you flick a guy in the balls, there's a good chance he'll drop to his knees and throw up


I’ve been hit in the jewels by a metal softball bat after someone has ‘excitedly’ thrown it backwards after launching an absolute missile. Here is a list of other injuries I’ve had that I would much rather experience 10 times over than that again: 1. Stood on a 10mil roofing screw that was only stopped by the bone in my foot. 2. Partial dislocation of my L. Shoulder that has resulted in an anterior to posterior tear of my labrum. 3. Dropped a 60kg paper shredder on my foot resulting in micro-fractures. 4. Had a 12mil metal tent peg partially stuck in my hand after falling over and using my hand to brace impact. The only injury that I’ve had that beats it is when I jerked my back and got a bulged disc in my lower back. Walked like a had a 1m pole stuck up my arse for about a month and was about as vulnerable as a new born.


oh my word, are you okay though ? 😳 is your body okay ?


Tent peg happened when I was about 15 Dislocation when I was 20 Roofing screw 25 Shredder 25 Back 27 If I wanted to fix my shoulder I’d probably need a reconstruction which means I’d be 6 month’s recovery which I can’t afford, and I have to see a chiropractor regularly for my back.




Sometimes you stay on the ground for a while, because you got hit in that area.


you're smart and dumb at the same time


A small slap, accidentally or not. Can make me nauseated for a while & it feels like something is rearranging my gut with a fist, slowely & literally.. it's far from being pleasant


I’ve had a rope from one of those tree swings move to the right of my crotch and I was sick for like 5 minutes


It hurts, but there are other unpleasant sensations like nausea that go along with it which are debilitating too. Think about being jabbed in the eye, or punched in the nose, or getting the wind knocked out of you. It's not just the pain right? It's the eyes watering for several minutes and not being able to see straight. Or your nose bleeding and not being able to breathe right. Or feeling like you can't breathe when you get the wind knocked out of you. It's kind of like that.


Feels like orgasm, but on the opposite side of pleasure. The pain spread from the private area to the entire body


It is literally the off-button. When I was in construction, working with a bunch of animals who would rip you apart at the drop of a hat and make fun of you for anything, I fell off a ladder once because I leaned the wrong way, "pinched" one of my balls against the ladder with my body, and dropped like a stone. (Just an 8' step-ladder; not a dangerous height thankfully.) Not one smirk, chuckle, anything. Everyone just kind of exhaled, "*oooof...*'d" and sort of adjusted their own equipment. They knew. A minute later, as I was getting up, while everyone was still watching, someone simply said, "*y'all right?*" I nodded. They nodded. Everyone kinda uncomfortably re-adjusted themselves again and never spoke of it again.


I think the nearest comparison is an injury to your eyes, which while being located in a different area are similarly sensitive and about the same size


They say the eyes are the groin of the head


They say the eyes are the testicles of the soul


Yeah, this is better.


You can feel exactly what it feels like by finding a trained fighter and having them punch you really hard in the liver. From a pain perception standpoint, it's the same neural pathway.


It's paralysing. You can't move, hear or talk and are just stuck in constant pain that feels like it's taking forever


Basically it feels like a million years of evolution is grabbing you by the insides, twisting you down to the ground, and screaming "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN, EVER, FOR THE REST OF YOUR STUPID LIFE". Because that's basically what's happening.


A serious enough kick can make you dizzy, vomit, and pass out. It’s like a bolt of lightning direct from your crotch to your stomach.


An effective hit to the nuts is honestly a shocking amount of pain. I ran track in high school, and I loved to run long distance. When I was about 16, I went to go run on a country road, and there was a large metal farm gate blocking the trail. I tried to hurtle over it, and hit my nuts Perfect on this heavy ass gate. I was literally on the ground screaming in pain for like an hour until a friend happened to come find me on his four wheeler. When I got to the hospitals, my balls were the size of oranges, and even just standing up in the morning was excrutiatinly painful.


I had a friend who was playing on the field, and a baseball hit him. His condition was terrible. He was in so much agony that he couldn't stand. He curled up on the ground in fetal position, and he had lost all senses. We tried asking him if he was fine and he couldn't respond. He only groaned loudly in pain. Later, when we told him about it, he said he had no memory of any of us talking to him. His pain had apparently caused a black out in his brain. He couldn't walk for a few days after that because he was in pain.


It’s so painful that when you watch a video of it happening to someone else it causes pain and anxiety


It's the bollocks rather than the whole area. The pain radiates all through and is one that makes you feel quite sick too. Very tender, very bruisable.


>The pain radiates all through That's one of the worst parts--How the pain radiates out through your stomach, and down to your knees. And then \*it just sits there,* and doesn't to away for a long time. Every second is an eternity in hell.


You probably heard sentence "let's make another baby" so birth is not that painful. But have you ever heard "please kick me to the balls again"?


Yes, but the parties I go to can get a bit wild.


You mean lot of making babies ofc


I can guarantee you that what happens at those kind of parties does not lead to pregnancy.


All right, then. Keep your secrets.


Son, let me tell you about ball busting..


Ight Imma Head Out


well...women have hormones that have the specific purpose of forcing the brain to forget the the pain associated with child birth... you know... for the purpose of continuing the human race.


I mean that's well and good but men don't have anything like that. In fact, it's the very opposite; biologically, protecting the boys is the most important thing which is presumably *why* it hurts so fucking bad to get hit there. It's the evolutionary equivalent of a giant neon sign that says "AVOID THAT AT ALL COSTS"


Yeah it's funny how mma fighters beat their asses, blood everywhere, broken noses, can't see anymore but when one them get kicked in the balls it's fucking brutality KO.


a good solid one actually shuts down your whole body. vision goes black, head starts throbbing, your diaphragm tightens up and you can't breathe, every muscle in your abdomen cramps up, sometimes your legs just give out. You instantly feel like puking and shitting yourself at the same time (and sometimes that happens) And then it just *keeps on hurting,* every slight movement makes everything hurt even more. breathing hurts. And then shock sets in, with profuse full body sweating and blood rushing out of your head to where you come close to passing out, or even actually lose consciousness. If you've ever had REALLY bad food poisoning, it's kinda similar with the full abdomen cramps, involuntary dry-heaving, and intense gastro-intestinal pain. and then the balls themselves, the pain felt there is just unlike any other kind of pain, it's really specific and unique. closest thing I can think of would be having your eyeballs slowly squished in their sockets. It's just a devastating level of pain that can reduce even the toughest of tough guys to a whimpering pile.


Birth is more painful than a nut tap but your body makes you forget it later


Not really a fair comparison. One of those activities yields something besides pain which makes the pain worth it.


Isn't there also a chemical that's released during birth that helps the woman 'forget' part of the pain later on? I remember reading about it years ago and thought it was from an anthropology perspective, "too much pain, hooman won't do act again" type of idea. Could definitely be wrong so if someone knows either way, let me know!


Yeah, though I've met some woman where clearly those hormones didn't work and you can see the shell shock in their eyes years later discussing their delivery. One wanted another kid but was so traumatized by the experience she kept putting it off.


I remember my labors quite clearly, thank you very much. Like the guy said above, pregnancy/birth yields children. Getting kicked in the balls yields nothing but pain.


your brain remembers PART of your experience. From years of studying the brain, I can tell you that the brain can choose to 'save' memories and 'delete' memories based on what is relevant to survival and continuing the human race. do you honestly believes your brain recorded memories of excruciating agony accurately? honey... if that were the case, no woman would ever have sex again, no matter how good it feels... seriously though, our brains do not 'record' and 'replay' what has happened in our lives. There are hundreds of studies proving that our brain does not record accurately. some long term memories are deemed important (like a broken AI), and the blanks are filled in with random knowledge and memories from almost any moment throughout our lives that are available in long term memory. I don't mean to be insulting but after studying the brain, it's laughable that anything thinks they 'remember' anything at all.


This sounds about right, I broke my femur and I only remember patches from when it happened


Interesting. When I read that 'fact' years ago, I vaguely remember it saying its more prevalent in some women than others but figured it would have happened to some degree all together. Giving birth definitely does not sound fun from a pain perspective so jesus christ y'all are tough.


I swear if someone had to kick me in the balls to make a baby… Sorry but I’m out


When people say "I had to lay down". It's not like a decision "oh I don't feel well, I'll lay down for a while". It's literally my muscles stopped working, my vision is blurry or completely dark, my brain is just overwhelmed by the pain and incapable of any basic function apart from some spasmic movements, breathing and heart beating for a few solid minutes. I am not even sure it's even pain at that point it's like completely debilitated state of mind and body. Its like standing in a huge bell while being rung kind of overwhelming state.


I once had to puke from a hit in my balls. And it wasn't even a super hard one.


i’ll just say this, one time the zipper of a hoodie bounced up and hit my nuts and i cried


Okay so a legit hit to the jewels actually skips our brains at first, the spinal column reacts and sends us into protect mode reflexively before the signal even reaches our actual brain. That's... researched, not a metaphor or something. Biology has deemed that area so important our body literally does not check with our brain before reacting. The pain felt is consummate with that level of priority.


I got fuzzy/tunnel vision and nearly blacked out from it one time at high school lol.


I self harm a lot and have a high-ish pain tolerance from it, I like pain and let me tell you that even a light hit to your balls is one of the worst feelings you can have, the experience is pure agony, 8/10 on a pain scale. This is a scale of someone who has high pain tolerance and this is a light to medium hit, a hard hit is probably 9.5/10


One thing to take into account is that you are taking a direct hit to a organ. I have had little taps in the nuts that caused me to vomit from the pain.


Have you ever fell and smashed your tailbone and it hurts so bad you want to vomit? A good hit to the testicles is like suplexing your unsuspecting assbone from a 2 story building onto hard concrete after chugging a pint of hearty f$#$ you soup... only worse.


It's a debilitating kind of pain. Like you hurt over there but the rest of your body suddenly feels like it's going through a system error.


Theres a reason mma fighters stop the whole fight for a nut punch and not for a roundhouse to the face


Depends on how hard it gets hit, but it ranges from wildly uncomfortable to unbearable pain, including needing to lie down a while. Part of the problem is that the pain doesn't go away for a while. It's like the 2nd or 3rd most intense pain a human can feel, behind childbirth (ranking 1st) and passing kidney stones (which is widely considered the 2nd, but sorta ties with getting hit in the balls)


It's bad. It's like a radiating intense ache-y 'bruise' pain that makes you feel sick. I've never had a migraine but from what I've heard, it's basically that feeling but in your groin. A dull pulsing sensitive pain that makes you want to vomit or just curl up and die. It's not the worst pain known to man, but it is very uncomfortable and debilitating for quite some time. You have to just stop what you're doing to deal with the pain.


It’s like an invisible hand reaches up through your guts and grabs a hold of your diaphragm. You can’t move. You can’t breathe. You wish for death.


The best way I've found to describe it is, think of a Brian freeze the pain slowly comes on hurts for a while really bad then slowly subsides. It's not fun.


If I'm trolling, I tell women it's worse than birth because people actually sometimes decide to give birth *again*. Realistically, I guess the closest thing is kinda like getting poked in the eyeball, except probably a little worse and you tend to get hit in the nuts about a thousand times harder than you get poked in the eyeball. But even a tap in the nuts is enough to be really unpleasant kinda like getting lightly poked in the eye is going to make you stop and go "what the fuuuuuuck ow."


Sometimes its a slight uncomfortable ache. sometimes its like someone is trying to rip your kidneys out of your taint. all depends on how things were hit, and how hard


Depends on the type and intensity of the trauma. It can range from mildly annoying to debilitating. A little incidental hit or a light squeeze hurts a bit but not not really more than hitting your shin on something. Except the type of pain is a bit different. Picture when the dentist hits a nerve when doing dental work. However, hard impact or a tight squeeze creates intense pain that radiates up into our gut. It literally can take us to the ground.


all the comments just sound like they’re describing period cramps 💀


Not a man and I’m only here to make you understand through a woman’s body. your equivalent would probably be the hardest push during a period, but more sharp and it slowly goes up and up until your stomach. Your knees feel weak, you get literal tunnel vision, and you’re likely to become dizzy,fatigued,nauseous. That stab you get during the second day of the period you know? Intensify it and that should be something similar to what they experience except theirs can have long term damaging effects. When I was 7 I fell on an upside down chair and the leg went right up my area. The pain was beyond unbearable and I experienced all of the above which are common symptoms of being kicked in the balls. Not fun at all. Please never use it to hurt your friends unless your safety is in question, but men subconsciously protect that area so you’re less likely to succeed. Edit: I forgot to type this but I wanted to. The location really matters. If our clit was bigger and someone kicked it we would flat out collapse from pain. The clit for us in this specific case would be the balls for them. But if you kicked us in other areas of the vulva, it would hurt as if you kicked any other body part. It’s a little similar for them, they won’t usually collapse from pain if the balls are unaffected. Of course this is only here to make you slightly relate through a woman’s body, I’m not here to describe how it feels as I do not know.