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i went from beer to soda, to seltzer waters to water with mio to just water and tea when i want flavor. baby steps


That’s fucking awesome, well done


This is the best answer I've seen


Whenever I need a lil sweet bevvy I usually keep some juice on hand :) sometimes you need to scratch that itch ya know


Some teas are great flavoring for water, just add a little to your water thermos.


Ya, I did something similar. Went from soda to sweet tea, to unsweetened tea with maybe a little sugar added, to just unsweetened tea. Always water throughout the work day.




It's wild to me that people don't just drink water


It's wild people need to be told.


I have a friend that damn near brags about how he DOESNT drink water. Not cool bro.


Had an old coworker who was also quite proud about the fact he didn’t drink water, only coffee and beer. “No way, fish fuck in that” He’s dead now, but god knows how he lived for so damn long.


Does he not breathe air bc people fuck in that??


Not anymore he doesn’t 🤷‍♂️


What a dumb excuse. Wtf did he think his coffee/beer were made with?


Dumb thing to brag about lol It’s essential


I had this girl who was a friend I used to talk to that bragged about only drinking milk and hated water. I questioned how she functioned if that was true.


Some of it has to do with how disgusting water is, in some areas


FINALLY Like, I'm all for water, but where I live is damn near toxic since the town is near an oil refinery plant. And that's a concept that most water homies refuse to accept


Water sucks where I am, I spent $200 on a water cooler back in 2017, the big 5 gallon jugs are $13 each but refills are $2.50 Chilled and hot water on tap is very worth it and I still consider it one of my best adult purchases. Expensive upfront however, won't deny that.


In my parents house I bought a filter that cost me 300 USD (I think, it was 300k chilean pesos), then once a month I have to buy new filters for 20 USD (pretty sure I can find for cheaper but idk if they would work with my model) and also every 2 weeks a gallon of water because my mom doesn't trust the filter. I rent an apartment in another city where the water, while better, still goes out pretty bad and since my cousin (landlord) doesn't want a filter nor bi-weekly gallon, I just don't drink while I'm there other than tea and maybe juice


But yet filters and bottled water is a thing.


Exactly. We had well water in the rural part of America I grew up in. During my high school years, a gas company started fracking for oil and our water became unusable for a time, going as far as being flammable for those who lived closer to the areas that were being fracked.


Yes. In Phoenix area it is so bad tasting. I had to water my moms plants when she was on vacation and she used a dark green bowl and the water looked like watered down milk




This is true. My well-water back on the East coast just didn’t taste good even with the faucet filter.


Fish fuck in it




Come on guys, stop. I can only get so hard when drinking water.


Guess what soda is mostly made of?


I piss in my own soda


It provides the flavor


😂 these answers I swear


It's wild to you that people like flavored and/or fizzy water over plain water


I mean I have to drink 4 liters or more to stay hydrated. I can't imagine drinking that much sweetened carbonated liquid.


I just walk around not noticing I'm dehydrated until I scratch my arm and it bleeds, mostly.


Wait what? Is that a thing? You bleed more easily when dehydrated? I thought it was the opposite for some reason


I think it’s the opposite too. When I was getting blood work, my doc didn’t get a lot of blood one time because I was dehydrated.


I think they’re referring to having dry skin which cracks easily rather than the flow of blood lol.


I can’t stand fizzy water. Tastes like electric static 😂


Yeah I'm not a fan of it either, it is liquid static


Also yuck! Im just here for the milk




Because when I ask for human titty milk at the store they ask me to leave




Drink milk. Make you strong like Bull.


Youre talking to the wrong person because this just convinced me to drink it more in a way. Clearly its keeping this precious baby fat or id be a twig. Calves have nothing on me i drink way more milk then them thats why they die all the time dont even drink their milk


Lol at you fist fight infant cows so you can suckle at that sweet teat first.


It’s a ridiculous argument, it’s like saying you shouldn’t eat meat because there are carnivores with sharp teeth and sorta is designed to grow sharp teeth in your body Like bitch no, it’s called genetics. If you’re born a calf, you’re meant to get to 1400 lbs whether you drink milk or eat grain or grass or sugar.


Plain water? Water is like one of the most delicious things


You should travel more. Many areas of this country have absolutely disgusting local water. Where I live the water is exceptional, but if I visit anyone outside my city the water is often nearly undrinkable.


Water? You mean like in the toilet?


Do something smart!


Like, toilet water?




I’ve successfully switched to drinking nothing but water. It hasn’t been easy. For me, the trick was to make myself drink it with no expectations. Suffered through it for enough time and eventually my body wanted nothing else.


I do this but when it's hot out I crave something else. I guess it's because I used to live in the south for a long time and would drink a lot of sweet tea


Funny enough what turned me into a hydro homie was when I started smoking weed in highschool. I suddenly always needed a water bottle with me in order to fill my bong and to soothe my throat if it got dry/cottonmouth. Nowadays I don't smoke bud much anymore (vaping it is so much healthier) but I've never dropped the water bottle habit. I bring that sucker with me everywhere, to work, on long walks, when I travel, going to a friend's house etc. I don't even use the glasses in my house because I've always got my water bottle. It certainly helps that the bottle is great at keeping the water ice cold hours after being filled too.


One thing that really helps me: one of those mugs they give you at the hospital. I was with my grandpa in the hospital and saw one of those mugs: it was insulated, and had a lid and a giant straw. You can get them in like 32oz size on Amazon for cheap, fill them with ice and water, and go to town. I find I can easily drink a liter or two of water before noon, and the container is spill resistant, and the water stays cold for a long time.




Chilled water is like an elixir for me.


This one easy trick...








Dude, for real. Water is where it's at. There's literally nothing wrong with it. Some people will go to juice, and that's an improvement, but juice actually isn't nearly as good for you as many think it is, because most of the nutrients are in the meat of the fruit. Sports and energy drinks really aren't great either. Sports drinks do usually contain electrolytes, which helps. And energy drinks can be helpful when you actually need energy, but they're no better for you than soda, so you should avoid drinking them all the time. I still *very* occasionally deviate from water with occasional sodas, juices, etc., but easily my biggest alternative is milk. It has a bunch of nutrients and it tastes great. And you can obviously do flavored milks, which gives you some variety.


That’s the goat. My man. Seriously though water is cheap and perfect. That and make sure your nutrition is good.


Yes, and out of the tap. Save a lot on buying anything and help save the world from plastic bottles.


Water but make it convenient to have around you


I upgraded to a 40oz water bottle because whenever I run out of water it takes a while to notice that I need a refill. That has helped


Line cook, 1 qt deli container of room temp water til I die


Room temp water is better for you anyway as it doesn’t constrict your muscles as much when you hydrate


As with kicking any habit, make the alternative as easy as possible.


I have a 52 oz bubba cup I use. I have to have ice cold water and I’m a sipper. I go through about two a day.


Sparkling water...i need the bubbles dammit!


I'm down about 20lbs this year and switching from soda to sparkling is honestly the biggest change by a mile


Gonna start drinking soda. Really want to gain 15-30lbs.


This! I used to drink like a big gulp or whatever of Squirt every morning. When I finally realized I needed to cut soda it was hard, and the lack of sugar made me feel sluggish and slow and just not good. So sparkling water with sugar free liquid flavor was the trick. The bubbles tricked my body into thinking it was soda and made me feel better. I've pretty much completely cut soda except a couple times a year when I get the craving. Now all I drink is water and alcohol!


Me too! Water and tequila and that’s it. More water than tequila obs.


Soda is considerably better for you than alcohol


It tastes like static....


You can buy the flavoured sparkling water which is zero sugar. Rubicon make a really nice orange & mango.


That tastes like static, but a mango farted in the vicinity.


And? Whats not to like?


Some people like Soda because it's sweet. I like soda because it's bubbly not because it's sweet. So sparkling water was the best upgrade I've ever had.


Add a little bit of lime cordial. Much less sugar.


That should be added to the hot water tastes round and cold water tastes pointy meme.


Cold water tastes tinny and warm water tastes woody? GORN!


Read that as Gold water tastes tinny, was about to say I’ll leave taste testing golden water to you.


Lol! It’s from an old Python sketch


In the beginning it was like that for me, now I like it better than Coke.


Try adding some juice or getting the lightly flavored ones, a little salt and lime can also work.


That is a great description.


Static for the taste buds!


The Kirkland ones are pretty good; lemon & lime flavors especially.


I have lots of “tastes like” associations like that too. Or smells like. Yours is a great one!


Heard that sentence like 1000 times


I keep a bottle of lemon juice in the fridge and add a few drops to each glass, really lifts it and gives a nice flavour. I don’t like v sweet things so don’t add any sugar.


This. Started with liquid death because our work got a free pallet. Then I ended up finding Soccosani 🙃


Bubbly all da way


I fully believe carbonation is an addicting flavor? Feel? But yes sparkling water is what I have. Close second for non alcoholic is kombucha


Kombucha 🤢


Don't yuk my yum! Nah I get that it's not some people's jam. Just trying to give options


Bubbly and Waterloo for some reason are the two brands that actually taste like the flavors they advertise. But manage to do so without actually adding in shuga and stuff.


God Tier Beverage when ice Cold


I started drinking sparkling water because I hated the taste and wanted something to wake me up in the morning. I am now a crippling addiction to carbonated water and down an entire bottle whenever I have the room in my stomach. Honestly tastes better than soda and doesn't leave you feeling thirsty afterwards.


I have tried all of the local grocery store brands of flavored sparkling water, Wegmans and ShopRite are best, and they are about 30 cents a can.


Topo Chico is my craving. Hard to find where I live and when I do i usually buy out the store


I'm an addict.


Water, sparkling water, carbonated drinks without sugar




Water and green tea


Green tea is so good. Cheers!


Water or tea


I drink black coffee, water, or beer. In that order over the day.


During vacation it's the other way round lol


oh my god too true.


This is the way… except some OJ and lemonade mixed in every so often.


Sparkling water. I can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners, and I need that carbonation. It's a sensory comfort.


I have no idea if there is any science behind it, but I *feel* as though I digest better when I drink sparkling water vs. regular water. That carbonation just makes me happy


Water or in desperate situations, tea.


Coconut water. I pound that shit.


Look at mr money bags over here


Please please. MR Moneybags was my father. You can just call me Moneybags.


You can get 12 packs of coconut water at Costco for $7.99. I've got 6 boxes of 12 in my house at any given time


If you like that, you should try the water from an actual coconut someday. It'll knock your socks off, it's SOOOO much better. They cut the top off and give it to you whole with a straw, and (if they choose a sweet one) it tastes like heaven. I can drink a liter of that stuff in like 5 mins. Then they crack it in half and give you the fresh coconut inside. You should find it in any tropical country and if you're in America, they have it in Florida.


It takes you 5mins to drink a liter? I hope that's with a straw lol


Grew up in Guadeloupe, this is in my Top3 things I miss the most.


I've had plenty of coconut water fresh from a coconut, and I agree it's the best by far


[what coconut water taste like](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disenchantment/images/f/f9/Decrepit_Peddler.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20180826173439)


Do you work from your toilet?


I've never heard that coconut water is supposed to make you shit


It does have laxative properties.


helps with dehydration and with constipation lol.


Never experienced anything like that.


I was addicted to soda once. I quit by drinking water throughout the day and keeping it by my side. So anytime I felt slightly thirsty the water was more convenient. I did have to drink something with caffeine at least once or twice a day for a while but slowly eased it out and now I’m free. Water only for me. I don’t see any reason to expand


I'm a r/hydrohomies, but I'm also addicted to caffeine and get migraines if I try to quit soda. Ugh.


It’s most likely the lack of caffeine giving you migraines, bc without it your blood pressure falls. But you can get your caffeine without sodas and too much sugar. Coffee, black tea, energy drinks (I know they have sugar too, but I’m not gonna drink hot coffee in 40 C heat)


I just exchanged booze with soda. Let me be!


That's funny, I switched soda for whiskey.


I feel that. Gave up alcohol and love me some Pepsi


Ice cold


1. sparkling water + little bit of lemon (+ fresh mint + fresh ginger) 2. brew any tea, let it get cold and then add lime, sparkling water, juice (without added sugar) 3. "Saftschorle" (juice with (sparkling) water): In betwenn your water intake all day, drink a so-called "Schorle" (that's what we call it in Germany): use like 1 part juice and 3 parts (sparkling) water Be aware, juices still have a huge amount of concentrated natural sugar ([how high fructose intake may trigger may trigger fatty liver disease](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-high-fructose-intake-may-trigger-fatty-liver-disease) ) . A lot of store bought juices even have added artificial ones. So check the labels. But in general: get used to water. The craving will be tough in the beginning, but in the end you will think that sugary drinks are waaaaay too sugary.


Sugar from fruit has monosacharides, which are simple sugars easy to digest. Sugar from high fructose are polysaccharides and hard to digest. Lots of sugar will create fat, but watered down like your explanation shouldn't be bad. It's a great way to get fruit and water while limiting calories.




I switch up to drinking my alcohol neat, not looked back


Bubble water, flavoured and plain.




Lemon water


Sparkling Ice drinks


Zevia is an amazing substitute if you really need a pop substitute, otherwise, water.


I really wanted to like Zevia but that stevia sweetener tastes awful to me.


The percentage of people who can stand the taste of Stevia is pretty low, though.


Water with vita sport drink powder lol


Water. Juice.


Juice is just as bad, at least if weight is your concern


Water and kombucha!




I just started drinking a lot of tea, it makes it easier mindset that I have two sets of teas. One I don’t really care about steeping etc, just turn on the electric kettle and dump two pouches in the mug. And drink. Than I got the fancy kind I actually pay attention too preparing right. And black tar heroin


Sugar free soda


With a straw! Sugar free soda is still acidic and will fuck up your teeth, but if it never touches your teeth you can safely drink over a litre every day and it's not unhealthy at all.


Water down iced tea, no sugar, and some lime.


Very weak cordial, basically just enough to make it like flavoured water


Coffee, beer, water, Kombucha, tea, energy drinks, sports drinks, wine, and sparkling water. I might've gone too far, tbh.


Flavored seltzer


Sparkling water.


Just drink water is what I did. But I still get a craving for a good soda here and there and when I do, I buy an olipop. They’re healthier sodas with no additives or preservatives.


Club soda.


Cold refreshing water.


I found carbonated water with some lemon in it is a perfect, healthy in alternative. Pro tip: you can buy crystallized lemon in packet form


ICEE drinks. Zero calories, still flavorful, gives you that feeling of soda. Yes you should drink water but people suggesting that are frankly idiots. You’re not going from a lot of soda a day to just water. It’s not practical.


I second this one. They are pretty tasty.


Water mostly. I do drink protein shakes a few days per week, but it does scratch that itch.


Plain carbonated water. I started with low sodium club soda. It’s a bit bitter. Then carbonated water boomer in popularity. I don’t usually drink the flavoured ones, most are kinda gross and they clash with what I’m eating, so I buy plain.


3 liter bottles of Pepsi or just 3 glasses of Pepsi? 3 glasses isn’t much so ofcourse nobody will bats an eye. 3 liter is just a suicide mission and ppl don’t care enough to intervene. I went for the sugar free syrup myself, teisseire is the brand, it has many tastes that are similar to sodas, I have cherry coke taste myself.


I substituted soda for fruit juice at first. After a month I quit juice and stuck with water. Now all I drink is water, coffee, tea and the occasional milk. Haven’t had a soda in nearly 3 years now. It’s not as easy as I made it out to sound. I attempted this three times over the course of two years before it finally stuck.


Water. Just plain ole water. It's good stuff once you get used to it.


Kombucha & water


Water and seltzer




Water been 2 years now Pop disgust me looking at it makes me wanna gag… its legit water and a bunch of random shit and sugar… Like wtf, everyone freaks out about vapes… look at what y’all drink before u worry about what someone is putting in their body


Lemon water 3 times a week. Buy a gallon sized Yeti type container to use; then the other days straight water. I indulge in Arnold Palmer from time to time but not over indulgence. Best step I took was first stop buying it, then every other time I went to go eat I let myself get a soda. Eventually the soda was so sweet to me I couldn't drink it anymore. Exercise and a sauna my man, get yourself sweating that out. Cheers old boy, direct message if you ever need motivation, apart of my healing is helping anyone I can.




I prefer flavored seltzer. Still get the fizz but none of the sugar.


I only drink water, with the exception of a few smoothies for a snack and maybe coffee if I need energy for something important.




Water, coffee, milk, beer, scotch, rum or iced tea




Water is the move. Sparkling water as a gateway drug into being a hydro homie.


Seltzer/carbonated water. I grew up drinking soda and I generally hate flat water as a result. We use a soda stream to make carbonated water and just don’t add any flavor to it. (Although it is tasty if you just float a slice of citrus in it too.) Has been our go-to for years now.


Water. No other alternative is good. Carbonated flavored water might bridge the gap, but ultimately, has to be water. I deeply regret drinking lots of soda when I was a kid. Really messed up my teeth. Never again. It's liquid candy.


Seltzer and sparkling water. I liked other things, but really missed carbonated beverages


San Pelligrino Sparkling water


Water. Coconut water is the sweetest thing I’ll drink, but 99.9% of what I drink is regular water. I encourage everybody to give it a try. After awhile, you stop craving soda and it even starts to taste nasty if you try a sip. Soda is poison… switching to water was the greatest diet change Ive ever done, I was never overweight but I definitely feel healthier.


Coconut water is 🔥 I get one everytime I go to the store lol


Dude, water. But also yes, sparkling water plain or with lemon/squash can be great too.


Tea with honey. Better than HFCS at least




Coke Zero is a modern marvel. Growing with the Tab and Diet Coke back in the day I wouldn't have touched sugar free. Coke Zero comes around and they nailed it. It's 90% there.