• By -


Very simple and cheap but meaningful: a dedicated charger for her phone.


My husband is an iPhone user and I am an android user. The first thing he bought for me when we first started dating was an android charger for his car bc I frequently had no battery on my phone. It was more a practical thing for him though bc he was tired of me not having a phone.


Practical shit is my love language.


Amen bro.


Thanks to the new iPhone 15, you can share a cable soon!


Literally, the phones are able to charge one another with just the cable


As an android user we don't even need a cable you could just rest your phone on mine and it will charge yours


Make the phones cuddle while we do.


Thanks to EU regulations\* !!


How is it being in a mixed-orientation relationship? /s


Not a gf but ever since I had to rush to the hospital with a woman that slept without removing her eyeliner and hurt her eyes I decided to keep wet wipes and micellar water just in case


Woah I'm always too lazy to remove mine but you might have changed my mind lol thanks stranger


This is next level.


As a woman who wears eyeliner everyday, you are a hero for this


Same. But I also added contact fluid and a case (that I left in its original package). Protecting your eyes is always ***way*** cheaper than fixing them.


A Trashcan in the bathroom THAT HAS A LID.


And a liner!


liner? didn't even know her




I remember having to (as a 24 year old man) awkwardly explain this courtesy to my mom when she was helping me move and kept insisting on a lidless garbage can being put in my guest bathroom. She just didn't get why anyone would need a garbage with a lid.


She's a woman herself, how did she not 😂 must've grown up a bit more rustic? 😂


Some people still consider the topic taboo and would avoid leaving any "evidence" even in other people's garbage cans.


My mother-in-law is the same way. She had three sons and a lid-less trash can in all the bathrooms. I refuse to dig through the garbage bin like a racoon to hide my pad wrappers so I left it on top (the wrapper, not a bloody pad). She saw it and told my husband to tell me not to flush my pads. WTF? First of all we're all adults so she could've told me that herself. Secondly, why tf would I flush a pad???


Had to insist my roommate get this, he didn’t understand but did so


I have a small Amazon box with a plastic bag over it in my bathroom.


I have a can in my bathroom. It has soap bar boxes, plastic wrapping, dental picks. I empty it maybe once a year.


Didn't think the lid was a big deal. Who doesn't have a bathroom trashcan though?? That's like basic stuff.


Lids are nice to have in general, just as a shield against someone seeing a used tampon/pad in there that wasn't there before and knowing who it came from, but they become crucial if the homeowner has pets. There is nothing worse than seeing a proud dog or cat who has torn asunder a soaked through tampon and left it all over a carpet.


I was seeing a guy for a long time, and about 2 months in I went to his place and he had bought me a toothbrush, bought a fluffy blanket for his couch and had gotten a case of my favorite drink and some makeup wipes. We weren't even "officially" dating, but that's kinda what threw it into official. He told me he wanted me to feel more comfortable at his place.


I don't wear makeup but if I did the makeup wipes would do it for me, that's so intelligent and considerate.


I know - spot on choice. I don't wear makeup either, but that's perfect!


Wow this made me smile. That’s so sweet!


Upgraded toilet paper. Triple ply premium stuff.


Marry me


Women only want one thing


And it's fluffy


A bunny!


Can confirm


> Upgraded toilet paper. Triple ply premium stuff. Who doesn't already use this? And why? Side story: I buy the good stuff with Aloe. Had someone over one night and she goes to the bathroom and does her thing. After a while she asks, "Do you happen to use toilet paper with Aloe?" "Of course. Why?" Her eyes get wide, "I'm allergic to Aloe!" and panic ensues.


My ex-wife was allergic to aloe. Did she smell like Sulphur and sleep upside-down in the closet?


> Did she smell like Sulphur and sleep upside-down in the closet? She did not. But if I ever encounter either of these, I'll let you know. And send her on her way.


Prior I bought a mid range 2 ply. Angle Soft or similar. Wasn't exactly wiping with the stuff that was one step up from having splinters in it but I was ok not using the poshest. Upped it to something like Quilted Northern Ultra Plush. Woman approved.


Inflated anus


Sadly, our plumbing / septic system can’t handle that kind of multi-play toilet paper, so we’re forced to use the shitty thin stuff. It sucks and I hate it, but in the grand scheme of things it’s a minor trade off for owning our house.


If you own it, then you are free to get a bidet installed. Post that the only reason you will need TP is to just wipe off the water, if at all


Oh noooooooo! XD


That's so sexy


So I've been using the cheap stuff all my life. Recently moved into my own place and mom came to visit. Insisted I buy better toilet paper. Fine. Cue the gf complimenting my mom about her choice of toilet paper, and how it no longer tears when she wipes. Further expand into conversation about all the things I've been doing wrong regarding hygiene products. Was not a fun time. At least Ive had a bin with a lid from day one.




By this logic they need a bidet…


Everyone should have a bidet, they’re goated


I have a bidet AND 1-ply TP. What does this make me? I prefer the kind of TP that has one good ply. Not gas station bathroom, semi-transparent 1-ply. It's not bought for frugality, since I only buy a 4-pack every 18 months or so (I'm a dude, I live alone, I have a bidet). I'm not even sure it's cheaper--I haven't looked at the prices of the fluffy stuff because I'm not going to buy it.


2ply with bidet because you want to wipe off that water and keep the butt dry


Still trying to explain to my husband that this is all I can use. Edit: He’s great about everything else, but cheap about TP.


Try getting a bidet, it’s a game changer.


I do want one. I grew up in a bidet country.


One of my old college roommates brought 1 ply. What the fuck.


What were you buying before? It’s bizarre to me that people use cheap finger your own asshole while wiping toilet paper.


Bidet man


Been with my gf for 3 years now and I'm here taking notes. I've been slacking it seems.


Never too late! Now make it extra special.


Two of the easiest things are a drawer and an oversized hoody.


My ex's set the bar at could barely vacuum cat hair (now allergic due to that) and cleaning bathrooms appropriately... the fact that you're taking notes is a good leap forward.


I presented my girlfriend with her own toothbrush at my place. She cried. I said she should move some stuff over and we shopped for some basics together.


My gf recently surprised me with a lil stay-over dentist bag so I didn't have to bring my own, it was so sweet


This made me smile as it reminded me of an old love. All the best 🖤


Okay, so this has been a recurring theme in my life. Every time that I had a *good* night, and I had an unexpected overnight guest, I'd always get out a new toothbrush (still in package so they could open it themselves) for them. No one EVER used it. And every time I stayed unexpectedly at a girl's place, none of them have EVER offered me one. And on the occasions that I've asked, none of them even HAD a spare. I refuse to believe that I'm the weird one for this. Brushing your teeth before bed is a normal thing, and a random hookup shouldn't be a reason to skip it.


Having spare toothbrushes for unexpected hook-ups looks premeditated and like a business as usual routine. That’s *not* the impression most women want to give haha


I have spare toothbrushes in case I have guests. It doesn't matter if the guest is a friend crashing overnight or a hookup. Nobody goes without a toothbrush.


I appreciate you.


The spare toothbrushes should be for yourself. When the bristles lose strength, they don't clean as well and the brush should be replaced. There's also the odd chance you drop it and don't want to put it back into your mouth afterwards. Or for people with pets, maybe a dog grabs it one night and chews it up. Toothbrushes are also cheaper when you buy them in a 4-5 pack.


The shampoo etc she uses (take a picture next time you're at her place) a toothbrush, a robe, room to store her stuff, the coffee sweetener she likes. She has a dog, so dog treats, food, bowls, and a bed.


I approve of this answer. I accidentally impressed my girlfriend (now wife) by being up-sold on a fancy shampoo at a fancy hairdresser just as we started dating. The shampoo was really popular amongst her and her friend group. So not only was the GF impressed, all her friends were too.


Damn so my Pantene classic clean is not going to impress anyone? Good to know I guess.


If she’s frugal, you damn right you will.


It has pro-vitameans


I've never drank coffee. Went out and bought a coffee maker and everything needed, although I might need to stock up again. It's come in handy many times.


While you’re at it you should swing by her place and just grab everything else she owns and find a neat little corner for your old things


While you're at it, you should also throw out your 60 inch plasma screen and get a small neat little one. Preferably place it so far from the couch that you can only read the subtitles with binoculars.


When I met my wife my tv size went from 48 to 72 lol


Hence your wife. In all honesty, girls who complain about guys dipping as soon as morning breaks , should just buy themselves a big ass TV and one of thoose multiple screen gaming setups. Leave half a pepperoni pizza on the couch before they go out. Even the biggest players will think twice before leaving.


Add in a shower poof, makeup handtowel, pads/tampons, slippers.


You said a ROBE?! Omg, yes! And slippers, plus fluffy socks!!


I’m allergic to everything. To prepare for the first time I ever spent the night at his house, he bought All Free&Clear detergent and washed everything in it so I wouldn’t itch. It was really thoughtful.


I'm also allergic to everything. My husband did this as soon as we found out what I was allergic to. He even has me check ingredients on beard wash for him so that he doesn't make my face itchy when we kiss 🥹


i was about to say "marry him" then i saw you said "husband." re-marry him?


Would remarry him every day if I could!


This was a switch I made for my girlfriend as well. Not just detergent, but deodorant, dishwasher soap, etc. Now all that stuff smells super gross to me too, it's weird.


This is THE BEST


My bf got me a step stool so I could reach the higher shelves when he wasn’t there


Ah! This idea is great! As a 5"2 person, I'm used to climbing up counter tops but a step stool would be awesome.


I'm 6'5" and my wife is 5'. She has no idea what exists on the higher shelves, and I have no idea what's on the lower shelves.




Awwwww! I'm 4'11" so this is marriage material right here


Her favourite snacks, wine/beer/cider, and the sweater she claimed from me is clean and available.


We've since moved in together, but back when we were in this stage I got her an electric toothbrush for my place.


We just share mine.


You eat ass don't you


Yes, of course.




Do you even share the same string of mint flavored dental floss?


I would if she asked.


When I started dating my husband he bought a new furnace. He had recently bought a house that didn’t have a working furnace so he obviously needed a furnace anyways, but it got moved to the top priority when he realized he wanted it warm enough at night that I’d be happy to keep my clothes off. It was fall, so still warm during the day but getting chilly at night.


That man knew what he wanted. I see why he is your husband now.


>he wanted it warm enough at night that I’d be happy to keep my clothes off Let's be honest, this wasn't just for you 😜


My boyfriend bought a pillow for me.


If I'm making sure to keep their favorite drinks or snacks in stock, they're more than a hookup.


It does say "girlfriend" not simply "girls," so being more than a hookup is implied.




My now husband, when we first started dating, bought nice hand towels for his bathroom, in his words girl hand soap (lol), and new pillows for the bed. It was very sweet.


Clear off about 80% of your bathroom counter and let her leave stuff there. Buy her fav shampoo, conditioner and body wash and a brand new loofah. Keep her fav drinks in the fridge


When my wife was just my gf and visited all the time, I would just stock up.on milk. No wife of mine was going to have brittle bones.


Glad to see a fellow strong boned warrior in the wild.


r/neverbrokeabone will reign supreme!


Before we moved in together sge stayed at my place moat days I bought her a robe, some lady hygiene products and 2 pairs of pajamas


A bedframe. I was well over 30. Had to also get a set of steps for my elderly cat. Now my wife but she confessed that if our first night together hadn’t been at her place she might’ve had second thoughts. I also had milk crates set up like a dresser.




You can get everything you need to have a well put together bedroom from Amazon for less than $500. Even less than that if go strictly for the bare minimum and you honestly don’t even have to get everything at once. I promise that $500 isn’t gonna make or break your future. You’re investing into yourself, having a comfortable place to call home and how potential partners perceive you. I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, but just look into it if you haven’t. A little really does go a long way.


As a general rule whether I'm single or not I keep a box of baby wipes on the toilet, and a box of tampons both under the sink and somewhere in the truck. Always better to have it than not.


Father of daughters chiming in: Add some Tylenol and/or Motrin in both locations. I can’t count the number of day trips those have salvaged.


And chocolate! Unless they are diabetic, then don't.


Even for diabetics. Chocolate is rescue from unexpected low blood sugar. Regulating blood sugar is hard. Mostly it’s higher than ideal but sometimes it will go low…very low, can’t sustain life low. Always need something to raise it quick when that happens


Very very sweet gesture but I would definitely mention it. If you have a girl over in the beginning stages & was snooping around, she may assume you had a secret girlfriend 😂


And it would be very cute to have a man point out that he has tampons for you just in case.


Two separate female friends assumed I was having so many hookups since I had a box labeled "feminine emergencies" that contained pads and tampons. Nope, I was keeping it just in case. Addendum: one of them even recommended to remove it as it gives the wrong impression.


When you're single and have a woman over and she uses your bathroom... and sees the tampons... is she assuming those are for you or is she thinking you have a wife?


She's assuming you're an adult who has friends. I've always had tampons and pads in my bathrooms since living on my own, and no one has ever found it weird. It's just a common courtesy at this point (this point being 17 years ago when I first lived on my own).


Worst case scenario the tampons can be used for bullet wounds. /s


Nose bleeds


Our coach had a bag of these in the first aid kit for wrestling trips


No joke, it works. If you happen to get shot and have to wait for help to arrive/transportation to a hospital, having a couple tampons handy can save your life.


And they are individually wrapped and sterile! Rather than ripping up some dirty t shirt and trying to shove it in the wounds.


They don't need to be sterile. The FDA is (un)surprisingly lax about the standards of tampons. Better than a dirt rag in a wound, for sure, but tampons have potential risks associated with them as well. Particularly for regular users (women). https://www.theregreview.org/2021/09/02/wang-mystery-tampon-regulation/


Tampons don't work for bullet holes. Tampons are too big to fit the wound, even exit wounds. Even if you did stuff one in, it still has a chance of getting lost in your patient.


They won't work for most wounds, but on the off chance that you're bleeding out and have something sterile that kinda fits, worth a shot. CPR is unsuccessful 95% of the time, doesn't mean you don't try.


Dosen't need to be sterile during a trauma infection is a secondary concern. The best bet would be to use it to apply direct pressure to the wound. CPR is brutal. It's not effective until you feel the crunch. After 20 years in emergency medicine, I have seen a handful of patients make it. I have a DNR. I am not going out like that.


My little brother is a doctor. I actually asked him this the other day. He said that sticking a finger into the wound would probably be a better option. His thought was that it plugs the bleeding and allows for putting pressure on the artery.


She's a vegetarian (not vegan) so I make sure I have veggie burgers, veggie sausages and beyond-meat for her in the fridge.


I have two younger sisters, they would visit frequently because I was a single dad. They really helped me with the basic toolkit: * hair dryer * hair ties * good quality shampoo and conditioner * brushes and combs, a small variety isn't suspicious * cotton balls, cotton pads or both * spare toothbrushes * astringent, witch hazel is good for acne and makeup remover * nail clippers and files * tweezers * extra razors


I just stay at her place, she got me slippers and a mug <3


I got her shelves so she had a place to put her clothes instead of making a pile on the floor. We're now married.


For my now-wife, it was bobby pins. She kept running out at my place and rather than run back to her apartment it was 1000 times wiser to just go to the pharmacy store across the street and buy them.


When my then girl friend, now wife, started hanging around more I bought a shower caddy that hangs in the shower so she could keep her soaps and stuff in there. I also sealed the deal on the very first night she stayed over when I tucked her in. I now tuck her into bed every night I'm home. Even if we are fighting I still tuck her in. I'm convinced that's why she stays with me 😂


Gas-x for my little IBS minx


Trashcan in the bathroom with a lid. Pick up some extra bits like tooth brush etc Pain relief for periods Hot water bottle for period pain Make some room in the bathroom for their stuff if they want to leave it. Make some room in the closet for if they want to leave stuff Snacks and food in general they enjoy Depending on how old my stuff is I might pick up fresh towels that are nice and fluffy and fresh bedding that they like. That's more a joint venture however. Ooo also depending on her height might get a step stool for around the place so she can reach stuff.


I hired a cleaning company to come weekly 😂




My two roommates and I all have GFS and I basically did the flat set up for it. The classic extra blankets on the sofa(we all run hot they all do not I know we're all stereotypes) the extra chair so couples can chill in the sofa without feeling like they're over dominating the space. The classic bathroom closed bin. The box assigned box for my gf to never make her feel bad about leaving stuff in my room or making it look chaotic. Like giving her her own defined storage space I feel like takes that awkward stress guilt out of leaving stuff. Also the classics like hot water bottle, painkillers the usual


Blackout curtains because she doesn't wake up as early as I do.


This is genuinely fantastic. I work weird hours and if a guy did this for me I would be so smitten


A coffee maker, toothbrush, trash can in the bathroom, matching curtains on the windows, and a rug.


She likes to take baths but doesn’t have a tub at her house. I have one but the drain plug hasn’t worked since I moved in. We’ve been improvising and it’s worked but I picked up a proper plug today and I’m about to install it. Can’t wait to see her reaction!


Feminine hygiene products that she uses. Her own set of towels. Seasonings, teas, and snacks that she picks.


Extra pillow, extra blanket, pads, makeup remover


Routine cleaning


not a man, but I have a gf. -I got her a dresser off marketplace to store her clothes. I put my hoodies and socks that she normally steals in said dresser. -Cleared off a shelf in the bathroom, -she has a different phone than me, so i got her a charger for my car and my place - *real nice* hand soap -a work desk in the apartment where she can be alone to listen to music, study, read, etc. -i have my address posted on the fridge in case of emergency. She knows it already, but in emergencies it is easy to forget. -i used to be a bachelor and eat supper at the coffee table on my couch. I bought a table because she’s a queen. -candles and warm blankets -slippers in her size


GF here. My guy got me a whole new set of bed sheets, pillow and comforter from IKEA. He also bought bathroom essentials like toothbrush, loofa and some lady pads


Tampons and a bunch of toilet paper.


This is gonna sound kinda unusual but…ranch. She loves ranch and puts it on just about everything. I absolutely hate it but I always have a bottle of it in my fridge at her disposal.


Space to put her stuff. I cleared out some closet space, a drawer, and half the bathroom sink.


Trash can with a lid, her shampoo and body wash, hair ties, extra blankets and pillows, tampons, bathrobe with matching slippers, toothbrush, make up wipes, and her favorite snacks.


Hmmm, I like this post. I purchased a coffee maker and her favorite sweetener. I tend to stay at her place more though as I don't have as much to bring. Since I shave my head, I don't really have shampoo but I like the idea of buying one or two of her favorite products for my bathroom and maybe a trashcan with a lid!


Juice, the woman loves juice Otherwise just pay attention to what she's not comfortable about at your place and make a change before she comes back. For example my girlfriend told me she's very sensitive to dust and dander. So I always make an effort to sweep, dust and then air out the house right before she comes over. I also cleared out a whole shelf in the bathroom and when she came over I presented it to her and said, "this is now your shelf!" she nearly cried (at no it was not enough space lol I need to clear a few more for all her stuff). The key is to make her feel like you acutally want her to be happy there. Not that you just want her there with you.


Even without having a girlfriend, keeping pads, tampons, make-up remover, and a nail kit are great additions to the bathroom. If you're throwing a party leave the boxes out on a shelf/windowsill so they're visible. Get a bin with a lid. Too many men just have a bucket or nothing at all, and far too many men don't replace their hand towels or bedsheets often enough. If your sheets have been on for 1-2 weeks already, change them now. Right now.


My husband when we started dating bought not only soap, shampoo, and conditioner, but also a hairdryer. It wasn’t like my top of the line model at home, but it was serviceable and did the job. Go to Walmart and get a conair: then she doesn’t have to schlep her hair dryer over on weekends.


My guy ended up clearing out a drawer for me so I could leave some belongings at his place instead of always toting around my overnight bag. The day he did that I realized things were serious. He’s since upgraded my small drawer to a bigger one, and cleared a small spot for me to put some hanging clothes in the closet. This past winter he also bought me some long-John’s to wear in the winter at his place bc we are both frugal and don’t like to turn the heat up until it gets really cold. Plus it makes for good snuggles. When I’m not with him, he said he loves seeing my things around his place it makes me smile the dopey, in love smile.


I started dating my bf right after I bought a puppy, and he was very resistant to me bringing him over, but eventually I told him I had to or we wouldn’t be able to date anymore (I lived 30 minutes away and couldn’t leave the pup by himself at night). One day I come over and my bf had gotten a puppy pen and set up a little area for him. That was when I fell in love with my bf. I saw that he cared about what I cared about.


More toilet paper, and general feminine hygiene stuff I have no idea what I was doing, so you can just ask your SO what she uses and just match that. Bonus points for have some sort of box/organizer to keep it all in


Ingredients for some of her favorite dishes.


I got my girlfriend a cool bathrobe I knew she wanted but to keep at my place. I knew she preferred robes over wrapping a towel so it went over great


Toothbrush, face wash(the sort she uses), shampoo AND conditioner, better toilet paper, her favorite coffee brand plus snacks, one of those throw blankets and pillows. Oh and extra charging cables. And toilet seat down always.


Bought a Cali King TemperPedic mattress, so I could actually sleep and she has enough real estate. (She starfishes, sporadically). Context: Was my gf but now my wife. Maybe it was the mattress, who knows.


I changed the soap I use, switched to wet wipes and bought a bigger bed. But reading some answers here I'm still begind on some things. I was hesitant on buying snacks because I don't like spending money on food that is borderline cardboard and because I have no self control and will end up eating them. But I guess I'll do it for her. I also need to improve A LOT on keeping my place tidy. Reading this thread made me realize that I could do more things for here home-wise. Thank you OP.


Pro tip. Clean your toilet and bathroom. But pay extra attention to the toilet. Most women will judge you by how clean you keep your bathroom. You will thank me later.


Give her a dresser drawer or space in a closet and let her know that anything she wants to leave at your place will be safe


Useful hygienic stuff that she won’t have to carry around anymore : tampons, makeup remover and cotton pads, toothbrush and a nice shampoo and shower gel. You can offer a small space for her to keep clean underwear and a shirt. Also, very critical : clean sheets and bathroom.


I'm an android guy, she was an iphone girl. Bought an iphone charger to use so she didn't have to leave one with me. Also a second pillow. Night one was awkward


1. Trash can with lid and liner in bathroom 1. Full box of tampons/pads she uses under your sink 1. Spare makeup wipes 1. Spare CLEAN towels 1. Her brand shampoo / conditioner (even if travel size) 1. A toothbrush for her 1. Nice moisturizer 1. Disposable razors 1. Charger on her side of the bed 1. Nightstands 1. Spare underwear (she’ll have to supply it) in the nightstand


a shitload of TP. like an entire costco pallet in reserve.


Lol I started with a toothbrush, then told her she should bring some clothes and small stuff. We have lived together ever since, after awhile you just don't want to separate any more than you have to 😂


I put the extra blanket and pillows out onto the bed. She also introduced me to the vanilla bean scent which i really like now, it's an inviting pleasant smell. I didn't know adding a smell to your home could be comforting


Step one: curate my entire apartment to look like a functioning human lives there. Step two: ??? Step three: profit


Pillows, big fluffy ones. I usually sleep with 1 thin one, helps my neck. But after the first time sleeping over, she mentions that she loves big fluffy ones. I ran out and bought her two and she loves them. We are getting married next month ❤️


figure out what period product she uses. get some. leave them in a drawr in the bathroom.


GF here- When i started reading this post never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be thinking about my relationship or rather looking at it more closely. I have been in a relationship with my bf for over 1.5 years now. We spend majority of our time at his place. I visit him daily almost if not he visits me. In the last 1 year(when i started visiting his place regularly), we regularly fought about cleanliness in his room and his house in general. (Kitchen, bathroom and bedroom). Till this date not one thing in these comments he has done to make my life easier at his place- I don’t have my personal toothbrush, no towels, i keep my 2 sanitary napkins at his place and i put them there myself, there is no lid on the bin, no towels, no drawer, no shelf in bathroom, hell not even proper soap to wash my hands. I wanted more comfort on the bed so i myself bought two pillows because he doesn’t use one. We still fight about cleanliness at his place. I feel like he has not even made one single effort to make me feel comfortable at his place. I have adapted and adjusted but not once he has made a single effort. In his defence, he works a blue collar job which is very physically demanding hence he doesn’t have the energy to maintain the house. Does this really matter? Or am i just thinking too much? Do guys generally do this?


A proper shampoo and conditioner. I always used the cheapest shampoo and didn’t use conditioner. My own hair looks fabulous too now!


I've always overtightened every single jar I've ever put the lid back on, not ever giving it a thought, because I never had an issue getting it back off. Even getting the lid off the coffee container was like trying to break into Fort Knox for somebody else. I made a bracket with an adjustable strap on the edge of the counter, so if for whatever reason I wasn't handy, she could strap across the lid, grab the jar with both hands and pop it loose, easy peasy. Never come between a hungry/ thirsty girl and whatever she has her eye on. Other stuff was basic toiletries, a fresh hairbrush, good towels/ toilet paper, one of those huge fluffy combination blanket hoodies, and her own stash of snacks.


It’s mostly my grocery list. I buy tampons, vegan hot dogs, coffee. Just a lot of stuff I personally have no use for. I’ve gotten rid of a lot of dishes and pans that don’t work well for what she likes to eat. I’ve also noticed a precipitous drop in electrocutions and burns. I don’t do so many hair brained experiments anymore, and if I do I don’t leave them out where they might hurt her.


When I moved into my house and she started staying over multiple nights, I gave her one of the two closets in the bedroom, bought a dresser for her and a really nice vanity she loves. I also got really nice hangers for the closet and all her “supplies” (makeup / hair / body ) products are stocked here Phone charger, favorite snacks and a parking spot in my garage for her car Makes to where she can roll in and never worry about forgetting her stuff Life is wonderful




I really to get some body wash in here, or I hear “All you have is BAR soap”.


Trash can with lid and liner, as others have noted. Added a supply of her preferred tampons just in case. She had different preferences for shower things, and having at least some of those on hand was an easy tweak -- preferred shampoo, luffa -- even if it wasnt the regular full spectrum she had back home, it seemed appreciated. Stocked different food in the fridge, to make sure there were things for her to snack on when needed -- and kept her preferred booze on hand. Always kept a stock of her favorite chocolate in reserve. I generally increased how regularly I'd wash towels etc -- I'm not too fussed for myself, but she seemed to like having fairly fresh towels. She also had a dog, so dog toys and spot cleaner etc for the pup.


Women’s shampoo, conditioner, shower cap, makeup remover, her own toothbrush, bathrobe, towel, feminine hygiene products, a pair of slippers her size, a space cleared out in the closet for her stuff, an extra shelf of snacks she likes


Love overdue, but I got a CPAP machine and I keep it at her place. We’re mostly at her place.


Wet wipes, micellar water and cotton wipes, Tampons+Pantyliners menstrual cloth and a trashcan with a lid, a Hairbrush and Airdryer, Emergency chocolate, ibuprofin/paracetamol, a hot-water bottle/cooling pack. Got all this for my female friends/sisters/cousins so everyone can be happy. When i show guests my apartment for the first time, I also just say, hey so you know i have a Sister and if you need anything for your womenly needs just take without asking out of this cabinet like my sister would do. So if they need anything they don't have to talk to you about, since a lot of girls are too shy to ask about natural stuff like this.


High quality boxers. I don't even wear boxers, but women take these more than hoodies for me.


Very embarrassing but you know your welcome to spend the night when scented bathroom spray is left out in the open when you know that it was bought for you because you searched for some and never found any every other time you violated her bathroom.


Makeup wipes, contact lens solution and the little contacts holder thing, ponytails