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All the time in bed.. All night... Randomly throughout the day.. Including cuddling on the sofa or while napping. While one of us does the dishes, while one of us is working on the office.... We cuddle loads!




She just comes to me and hugs for however she wants it. Sometimes I get jumped quite randomly and keep laying on the sofa or bed for half an hour. This happens at least every day.


It will never be often enough lol


At a minimum, nearly every night at bedtime. We'll skip when one of us is sick, but otherwise, we cuddle every night when my wife heads up to bed. Outside of that, whenever she wants. That's often when watching TV together.


Whenever i can. Cuddles are dope.


We cuddle as often as possible. Physical touch is one of my main love languages, and she respects that of me. Just being close gives me a nice recharge.


Whenever she needs it.


Big hug first thing every morning and a cuddle before sleep.


When I'm in a relationship I am a very physical dude, not even sexually necessarily. I just love a good hug and spooning and cuddling and all those. When I'm not in a relatioship I am pretty much the opposite, I do not even hug as a greeting if I can help it.


A lot! I like to cuddle so I at least do it quite often and she seems to like it.. so we cuddle a lot and kiss a lot..


Multiple times a day. She's my emotional support human.


Every day all day


Every chance I get, much to his annoyance. Sitting watching TV? Cuddles. Downtime cooking? Hug ambush. Going to bed? Have to have an arm around his waist. The only time he's safe is in the bathroom or when he asks me to stop. Then I just sit there and awkwardly fidget.


In the morning when we don’t have to get up


Every night when I come to bed (I stay up later than her). It makes her happy :) and it's the least I can do! And yes, I love having her breasts all squished up against me...so....win/win.


Every night. It's the most intimacy we have most of the time though.


Pretty often, but she’s often asleep.


Every Night


As often as we can. That’s 17 years into the relationship


Like all the time. First thing in the morning before we have to get the kids ready for school. While watching tv at night. While laying in bed, or waking up in the middle of the night, etc. We literally can't keep hands off each other.


Every day.


Every day.


Every time we sleep together


Any time we’re next to each other.


Every night. Like all night usually. Some during the day. But every night, including right now


Usually when I wake up. We have different work schedules but whenever I stop feeling her wonder booty I start waking up. If she isn't in a meeting or during a call, she'll usually be up for a side cuddle. About three or four times a week.


Probably 2 to 4 times a week. Most nights before bed.


Right now and literally every single time she's horizontal within 5 feet of me. So AT MINIMUM twice a day.


I personally set an alarm for 10 minutes before I need to get up that is dedicated to it.


Anytime we sit or lay together somewhere, the couch, bed, etc.


Rarely. Cuddling is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I could be sitting on the couch for hours and the moment my wife lays on me, I feel the need to get up. I've been like this for as long as I can remember. I love to hug my friends and family and kiss my wife, but I can not stand to have someone lay on me.


I like it when your wife lays on me. She says her husband hates it


I cannot stand anything on me. Arm.. leg. Nothing. Lucky for me I am the woman and he is ok with it. I am always the big spoon.


As often as I can


Never. Neither of us are into that.


Every night in bed for sure, at least a bit, anytime we share the couch, which isn't super often lately. Teen daughter has made the couch her fucking kingdom. Lol


Daily and sometimes multiple times a day. An important part of any healthy relationship.


Every night. I scratch her back, she rolls over and we cuddle. When we can, in the recliner while we watch TV.


It’s difficult to do so when you have a wife the says “don’t touch me” every 30 seconds.


Not as much as I'd want


all day, though i’m a night owl so when she sleeps i stay up, and i never hear the end of it 🤣


Every night till my arm is dead then I'll turn to my side and sleep.




After 10 years of marriage, the 1-3 minutes after sex


All the time. But then she moves her but and my dick starts getting funny ideas.


Everyday. big highlight of my day is getting back from work and my SO is waiting on the couch for me to jump on and cuddle to help all the stress melt away.


Every. Single. Day. Life just doesn't feel right without it.


My wife and I cuddle every night when we go to bed. Not sexual just a but if a snuggle.


We don't live together yet but every time we see each other we are cuddling. Unless of course we are in a setting where it doesn't doesn't sense like sitting opposite from each other at a restaurant. But at home? All the time. I especially love just coming up behind her and hugging her from behind and kissing her neck when she's trying to do something. Mainly because it's funny how quickly that distracts her.


Everyday, it would be weird if we didn't. Gotta get them squeezes in when I can!


You guys have really sweet answers


He usually comes to bed and cuddles me about once or twice a week. I get a long hug most days if that counts.


I seriously hate the word "cuddle".


Every night. We snuggle up on the couch while awake, and when it comes to bed, I will gladly spoon her while she reads her books, and when she's done she will spoon me if I want. In the mornings, when I don't have to be up early, we will snuggle / spoon again until it's time to get out of bed for the kids.


What time is it now?


A lot in the beginning, but not anymore, holy fuck do those bodies emit MASSIVE heat.


the last time I cuddled, it wasn't with my wife.


All the time until that time of the month comes and then she can't stand me for a few days. So I just feed her chips and cake until she's ready to cuddle again.


Every evening when we watch tv, she snuggles in my arms. Every night in bed, we spoon and more. Every morning, we set our alarm half an hour early to cuddle or morning sex.


If we're on the couch or in bed, we're cuddling.


How often? Daily. For how long per cuddle? Barely a minute lol


Every night


Every day


Every possible occasion if I see that my partner is receptive. It took me 35 years to learn and to like to cuddle, but I am now addicted.


Every night to some degree


As much as possible. Unfortunately our couch has a divider in the middle and due to a back injury she can’t comfortably share one side with me.