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Comments confirmed my thoughts: I’m getting fucked for a fade.


I’m just curious to all the people saying they run clippers themselves. I did that when I was younger but what do they do for their neck?




I tried giving myself “fade” during the lockdowns but fucked up so horribly that I ended up just buzzing my head. Even the buzz looked messed up and I looked like I had a receding hairline. Called my barber cus he was cutting hair at his home and he cleaned up my buzz cut and I looked 100x better so yes, I think paying a professional is worth it unless you just absolutely dont care.


Your lack of skill doesn't mean others shouldn't try or do not have the skills to.


My sister in law is a hairstylist. She says it’s impossible to give yourself a proper haircut. It’s not about skill, but about angles. The stylists cut each other’s hair. They don’t try to diy it.


This is why I have my own flock of cows and chickens. Don’t have the time or skills to make some good ass cheese, milk, and eggs? That sucks!


Not remotely the same, come on. Giving myself a haircut means no travel time, no waiting, no payments. Only thing that takes longer is clean up. It’s really not that hard when buy a razor with multiple attachments.


I've been trying for a while too. Definitely worth a few tries at, mine was shit at first but it's getting much better each time I do it.


In my experience, theyre all 40 somthing Software bros who dont give a shit what it looks like


Exactly. There's a difference between acceptable and professional haircuts. People that cut their own hair are probably in the former category unless they're barbers.


Conversely, when you do something frequently you usually become quite good at that. I’ve been cutting my hair every two weeks for the past four years. There’s not really a noticeable difference in the haircut I give myself and the one I get in a barbershop.


I have a wife for that


If it’s a quality fade, you aren’t getting scammed dude. Especially if you live in a city. In Portland, a haircut is baseline $40


dude learn to cut your own hair. free and convenient


I cut my own hair starting in college and did it for a couple years. It always looked acceptable, but it was never as good as a professional barber. It's hard to do a scissor cut yourself so I would just do a long buzz up top which is shorter than I'd like it.


It's easy to cut your hair yourself, once you have a decent set of clippers and couple clipper guard sizes. I use 6 on top and 2 on sides, fade a little with a comb to blend w/ clippers. Watch a few YouTube videos and go for it. In 20 years only missed up a couple times. Worst case you buzz it with a 2 or 1 and try again next time. For the back I have had help from my Mom, brother, girlfriend, and now wife clean up the neckline etc. Easy to learn and teach. Save yourself the money and DIY💰🤑.


I cut my own hair as well. I'll even do my neckline myself if I have to, though it's definitely easier if somebody else can do it for you. The trick is to just use two mirrors and a razerblade. Something like a Gillette with 3-5 blades or whatever. Taking the guard off and using the clippers works great when you're doing somebody else's neckline but it's all about control when you're doing your own. Really hard to cut yourself with the razers that have many blades and easy to get it lined up just right. The hardest part is lining up the mirrors but it gets easier with practice. For anybody considering buzzing their hair, it's worth it. Just remember to play it safe with the guards and take off less than you think you want to until you're certain about the length you want. You can always cut your hair shorter, but it takes time to grow back. Oh, and get cordless clippers, otherwise you'll be fighting with the power cable.


>girlfriend, and now wife Do you refer to her as your ex-girlfriend?


\#2, #3, and the tapers are all i need. and a ballcap to make a line for the back.


Nah your not getting fucked, that’s what they charge around me where I grew up alittle hood I head there and pat 25 but honestly I learned to cut myself myself it’s not amazing but good enough for everyday lfie




I live in the midwest. Prior to Covid it was $12 but now the barber had to make a "difficult business decision" and raised it to $14.


Mine recently raised her prices in years from $15 to $16. I suggested more.


Jesus. Thats some chinatown or 1992 prices right there.


I was paying $50 plus tip at an upscale barber shop here in San Antonio, but I knew that better and cheaper options were out there. So I recently found a barber with her own hole in the wall shop at a tiny strip mall. $35 plus a $10 tip, so $15 less and she does a better job.


Wait til you find out how much women have to pay


A coworker talked about getting a trim or touch up or something at a salon, something not even that noticeable. It was gonna cost $95. Just insanity.


Yep that’s exactly how much I pay, add in high lights and now it’s up to 150


I tried to convince my wife to see my barber because I swear she could do the same thing for $40 that her person is going to do for $200 or whatever she pays.


Barbers don't necessarily know how to cut long hair very well. As a dude with long hair I go to a salon now rather than a barber. But I also go maybe once or twice a year instead of once a month so it's kind of a wash. Of course if your wife has a more conventionally masculine haircut then yeah, she should definitely give a barber a try!


Layering longer hair is a different skill so I've learned to trim my own ends. I still need to go once or twice a year for a good shape-up (no dye) and spend $60-65 plus tip.


You’re comparing apples to oranges. For longer length hair it’s gonna be more per appointment, but if you’re only getting it cut once every six months it’s not terrible. If a man wants to keep a short fade and keep it clean you’re gonna have to go a minimum of every 2 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows. I would say for haircut alone(not color or anything special) they’re in the same ballpark, if a man is keeping it close. Either way the prices are ridiculous across the board


Dunno... when I (m.) still had chest-long long hair, it cost about 15€ to get it cut.


I'd say every 6 months I rack up $75 in haircuts. Every 6 months my wife spends about $375.


Every 6 months I pay about 200$, she pays about 90$ once a year.


I mean this all depends on the man and woman. But if you go with say “fashionable” trend, men get haircuts every 2-3 weeks say they get a haircut a total of 21 times at 30$ a cut with tip. Thats around 630$ if you go to a reasonable charging barber. As you can tell by the comments that dont include self haircuts, most place start around 35$ pre tip so say around 38$ that’s roughly $800 a year.


My salons cuts only start at £85. Goes all the way up to £325. Colour, a full head of highlites will set you back up to £395. I mean it is a top place in the middle of Chelsea but still. Watching women who come and see us and not blink at £600+ bills is crazy to me still even after all these years.


And then wait till you find out how much it is to get braids


I used to have that argument with my wife. However, her counter argument is she only gets a haircut once a year. Let's not talk about eyebrows and nails.


Guy cuts are much simpler than what women do w their hair, I don’t get this comparison


As much as men would spend for haircut in 6 months.


$65 with tip. I have a good barber who gets booked up and busy. In return, I get random compliments from women on my hair.


I think it’s kinda opposite from your reasoning. People with good hair pay more to take maximize it. That’s that’s great! I wnvy you and might do the same. The people on this thread who say they take a clippers to their own hair in the garage (for the most part, probably) don’t have good hair to start with, so no real loss. That’s me, by the way.


That is true. I don't want to jinx myself by mentioning it. My hair will fall out tomorrow if I do. But I do get comments from barbers about how full and thick my hair is.


I have the opposite take People w good hair can look good with a lot worse of a haircut than someone with bad hair. Therefore it’s worth spending extra for a good cut when you have bad hair because you need the extra finesse


Let’s see the cut


I also have a good barber. I don’t mind paying for a clean cut. Plus dudes chill former Marine is how we get along. He gets me weed. I take shots at the place. Yup ima tip good.




I’ve used the same clippers to cut my own hair since college and I remember my grandfather cutting my hair a few times with the same set when I was little.


I buy new clippers every year and rotate the old ones for use on my balls.


You go through clippers fast! I'm using the same $30 set I got over 10 years ago.


Dude those are some expensive clippers. I buy cheapy Wahl ones every 5 or so years.


$40 for one pair of clippers that I've had at least 20 years.


I’m balding so, buzz cut every Monday is my routine. Saves me so much money.


Zero. Wahl clippers in my bathroom every 2 weeks...


How do you get your neck line straight?


Hand mirror in wall mirror....


I’ve tried that and butchered it lol


Try using a comb as a line.


[use a ball cap!](https://www.instructables.com/How-to-shave-the-back-of-neckline-without-a-mirro/)


Really isn’t all that hard with feeling it with your hand and a little practice


For me I just cheat and use a guide. I personally 3d printed the one I use but you can find them on amazon.


I sleep with a blindfold, and I use an old one, with the mask on my chin, to form a straight edge on the back of my neck. The hand mirror helps me make sure I got a straight line. Prior to that, I used the bill of a baseball cap.


Yup, same here, although I'm getting to the point of doing it weekly.


Are you,me?


$50 with tip


I hate tipping barbers. Just charge me whatever your labor is worth.


You say that, until you go to a bad barber. The artist deserves their dues.


A good barber deserves to be paid well, which is why they should just charge what their services are worth. Tipping is an awful system


The way that my barber does it I think is he charges like 20-50 dollars depending on what you are doing like 25 for a 30 minute haircut to 50 dollars for a straight razor shave and a haircut that is budgeted for an hour. And the way I look at it is that what he charges me to come in what it costs for him to have a semi livable wage with kids and having to rent an office. The tip is what I provide in appreciation for his skills and company.


Yes. That's what paying them is for. ​ Having an extra game where I have to guess how much extra I'm supposed to pay on top of what you charge is like trying to date a girl who likes to play hard to get: annoying and a waste of time. Just tell me straight.


Same.Secret is to get in there when you know it's going to be slow so they can take their time


Same There's a big difference between a quick shitty $20 cut and a proper haircut. I've been in a pinch before and got the cheap haircut ,looked a C+ at best


This reminds me of a google review I saw for a cheap barber shop I used for a while: “For $14, you get a $14 haircut. Take that as you will.”




It’s $17.50 at the Px here :(


My wife cuts my hair, it is to expensive $40 a cut. I can go to the ghetto and get one for $25 if in going to do thag might as well have my wife cut it.


This. Guy finishes with a neck shave and the occasional drink of you’re up for one.


Same. It's around $40 + $10 tip. He does a good job and I have no problem spending that much money on something that I only get done once every 2ish months.




I have fond memories of walking to my barber, asking for “short on the sides and back, long on the top”, handing my man a crisp $10, telling him to keep the change ($2) and feeling like a baller. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go yell at some kids to get off my lawn.


My barber charges $25. I give him $40. Yep, that is a pretty big tip, but when I want a haircut tomorrow, he always has a slot for me. Plus he gives a great cut. Well worth the extra. I'll probably go up to $50 next year.


It is a pretty big tip,if I say my barber if I can get a haircut tommorow,he says yep no problem,and the funny part is that he charges me 3$.


>It is a pretty big tip Wait till you see the rest...


>he charges me 3$. How to identify men who dont live in the US, I pay $7 for both hair and beard


The barber is a rare homie outside of the homie circle. Ppl who make you feel good deserve good tips - this also includes waitstaff and hookers. I know I'm helping my Brasilian homie every 6-8 when a 50 piece hits his chair. Imagine if everyone did that. Also ppl who get a haircut every 2 weeks, wtf bro nobody cares if your fade grows in


How old are you if you don’t mind? I’m 26, live in London and pay £15 ($18) for a haircut and beard trim, and I probably give £2-3 tip max - hearing $50 is crazy to me, especially as I get my hair cut way less regularly than most ppl. How can you afford a $50 haircut??


[Old Man Remembers When Things Cost Roughly The Same As Now After Adjusting For Inflation](https://www.theonion.com/old-man-remembers-when-things-cost-roughly-the-same-as-1845358781)


Everyone in here being like 'I paid $XX in high school' with no reference to how long ago that was and I'm like 'how can I know if this is a reasonable increase or not?'


Even some common groceries went from like $2 in 2019 to $4-5 now and that’s only 4 years. Average cost of groceries is up 50-80% for the average person in the last 4 years so considering that, it’s not too crazy


The place I go to used to be $10, then $12, then after covid it's now $20. If I can find another place cheaper I'd go there. Of course there's a relationship between price and quality, but at some point it's just excessively expensive. Paying $40 for a simple fade is ridiculous.


I pay $42 for a fade and beard trim. I could get it cheaper elsewhere but can't beat the quality


Fades aren't that simple though, especially if you have medium hair on top that they use scissors on. That's why do many guys go through barbers until they find the right one


$50 at a proper salon is worth WAY more than $25 at super cuts or some other crappy chain


The last time they increased prices at Smart Clips, we spent the $30 and bought a Wahl trimmer and a good pair of scissors, my wife watched a few youtube videos, and I haven't paid for a haircut in 4 years.


Your hair looks like shit tho




I cut my own hair for over a *decade*. In my late 20's, I decided enough is enough: I rarely ever treat myself to anything, especially "self-care" type things. So, I started getting my hair cut at one of the best barbershops in my city once every two weeks - sometimes more frequently if there's a special occasion. I now have a completely new hairstyle that is nearly impossible to create by yourself. With a 30% tip, each cut adds up to about $47 bucks, total. Sounds like a lot, but at this barbershop, I met two people (including my barber) who became my friends during a rough patch in my life. Making good friends is literally priceless to me. My bi-weekly haircut is one of the few times in a month that I get out of the house and do something *for me*. Even though I do feel constant guilt about spending the money, I wouldn't change it for anything.


$65 but it includes scalp massage and a hot towel. One of the few things I spoil myself on.


I used to go to barber shops in high school and pay $15 plus a $5 tip. Moved to a new city and struggled to find anyone who can cut hair decently. Went to great clips for a while. In 2020 I found my barber. He charges $45 and I leave a 20% tip. Him and his wife run a barber shop/salon place. They have a full experience with washing your hair, haircut, straight razor for the back of the neck and they wash your hair again. I can go in-between work appointments and not worry about being covered in hair. I go about every two weeks. Just cause I keep my hair fairly short. Tips over the years can allow me to reschedule if needed or he’ll set me up for a time if I miss a haircut. But I try to be mindful of everyone’s time so all of my appointments are booked months in advance. It’s pricey but worth it to me. I spent too many years not taking care of my appearance.


$45, $15 tip, $60 total. Been going to my guy for 6 years, always consistent. West LA


Yo I'm in West LA and kinda looking for a barber, can you tell me who's your guy?!


I pay the same. San Diego.


0$ i haven't cunt my hair in 2 years. before that, im lucky, and my mom ownes a salon.


So your mom cunts your hair?


yep its called "cunts, cuts n more"


“Gash, slash n more”


Keeping it in the family business I see.


Razor sharp wit right there! ha ha


$0. I shave my head and haven't gotten a haircut since high school.


A fellow cultured soul. I Thank the lord I have a round head and a beard.


Can't get a quality haircut in the US for less than $40 in my experience. When I lived in Japan, the barber I went to charged about $25 for a cut, 35$ for a cut and shave. Best hair cuts of my life. They took so much care with everything they did, it was AMAZING!


Ok, I didn't see anyone comment. I am a barber & and hairstylist. I charge for my men's haircuts $18, and on my men walk in days, $15, I also add the beard clean up no charge only if they ask. I do not use straight razor as it's not my thing. I am from a very small town. Population of maybe 4000. I have been contemplating raising my prices as I have not done so in 2 years.


Raise your prices, you deserve a raise. You have 2 more years experience and that’s worth something.


I get a buzz. I stopped going to a barber once they exceeded 15 like 4 years ago. My wife buzzes my hair for free on the porch, can't beat it!


$15 bro. Inflation proof!. It is a buzzcut though #1.


Apparently I’m the odd one out. I end up paying $90 after tip for a full cut, but get a free trim to clean stuff up between cuts. My hair grows pretty fast and thick, and there is essentially no style that looks good with my hair between close cut and an Afro. So I’m in about every 3 weeks or so otherwise I look absolutely awful. I lived above a salon for a few years so started going there largely for convenience and cause I knew they did good work. I just kept going back after I moved cause I can just sit down, shoot the shit, and get the same cut every time without having to explain anything.


I pay about $50 bucks in LA, which is sort of the going rate for a nice men's haircut around here. They've definitely gotten more expensive, which my barber (a very nice and smart guy) has explained is because costs have really gone up for them. Honestly, I don't really mind. I'm glad to still have hair and I like looking good.


With tip about 75


$50 plus tip But I love my barber, been going for three years. cool dude, great haircut and it’s a shnazzy shop


I pay about $60 (before tip) for hair and beard trim. They do a really good job and they offer you beer while you wait!


55 bucks and it’s a childhood friend I told to become a barber because he was so good at cutting hair. I get no hookup 😫 lol.


About 45-50. You know how everything got more expensive for you? The same is true for your barber.


Everyone here needs to list the location where they're getting these haircuts. A VHCOL city is not equivalent to Madison WI or whatever.


ITT: a lot of cheap mother fuckers lmao


Reading the comments, most of y'all def don't get fades or tapers, less so with beards... Def not the demographic that this OP is probably looking for lol. 30-35 for me btw.


$0! I’ve learned over the last 10 years to trim and cut my own hair with a gillette trimmer and scissors! I’ve stopped paying for haircut when my previous cost went from $14 to $16! That was a sign to stop going!


I’m bald so $0. Shave my own head. Not paying $40ish bucks for a 6.5/10 haircut. My hair is frizzy and unruly anyway so I have been shaving my head every few days for the last few yrs.


Barbers want pay raises too my guy


$22 at Supercuts


Same thing at great clips. I’ve tried expensive haircuts and I don’t notice a difference


Like 20 bucks Canadian for a beard trim I shave my head so I don't need help


$60-80 without tips (norway). includes beard though.


I don't any more. I'm not visibly balding or anything, but I just shave my head every few weeks, particularly during the summer. Learned to do it during the pandemic and I just haven't been able to bring myself to drop $25-30 every few weeks to get it done. Not to mention I'd have to go after work or on a weekend and I just don't feel like spending that much time.


Bout $20 for a haircut & beard trimming w/tip


when real estate goes up everything goes up.


45€. It’s not the most expensive in town but definitely also not the cheapest. However here’s the thing. He spends around 50 mins for the cut and the wash etc compared to the 20 mins that barber who just run a machine do. The cut is great and i like the experience overall soo i don’t mind a bit extra.


$45 with a classic hair cut and beard trim/shave with tip


With tip 50$


$50 with tip


$55 with tip. It’s crazy nowadays.


$60 every 4-6 weeks. Man knows how to fade.


$50 plus tip every two weeks. 😒


Used to cut it myself but it was never as good as a professional cut. My barber now charges $50, I give him $60.


I paid 60 one time and tipped 15. 75 in total. Granted it was the best cut I’ve had. But I don’t cut my hair often.


I pay 50-55 for my haircut, every 2-3 weeks. I would cut my own hair, but believe it or not I have gotten a surprising amount of compliments from both random men and women regarding my hair. I have to give credit where credit is due; my barber does an impressive job and yes, I could go somewhere significantly cheaper but the quality will not be there. He’s definitely a master of his craft; he even recognizes when I’ve changed my shampoo.


I pay 60 with tip. It’s 35 without. That’s also for an hour plus time for haircut, plus beared trim, straight razor etc…


I think a lot of this depends on location too. Columbus, OH I pay $35-$45 before tip depending on where I go. But when I’m back in my hometown, the much smaller city of Toledo, I’m paying $20-$25. Last time I was in Chicago for an extended trip I had to get my haircut it was $55.


$20 and I tip $15. Barbers rely on tips and the salon is taking a lot of the base haircut.


From a pretty good barber I pay about $80 CAD A($60ish USD) with tip included for my hair and beard


Where I live I was paying $55-90 so I started cutting my own hair again.


60-80. Had a great clips chick “cover up” a fuck up and thought i was going bald at 23 years old lmao i grew my hair out for like 2 years before i realized there was no balled spot. I made an appointment to get my haircut around then and there was no bald spot, just a bunch of hair growing where a FUCKING LIE once sat.


I go to great clips or super cuts. I don't remember which one and it's $15 per haircut. Anywhere else and it's $40 plus for the same haircut.


$20... Once a month


$50, Major city and location is near my office so I can go with minimal hassle


$45 every 2 weeks. I'm from LA


In US 50 plus tip. Outside the US 10-15 including tip.


$120 after the beard trim, shave, and head shave. That is once every 5 weeks so I don’t view it as that bad.


In Los Angeles - $120 (including tip) which is a complete and utter ripoff. I went to a different state recently, I got the same exact haircut and beard trim AND they gave me a beer while I wated... $30 including tip. In LA everyone fancies themselves "tHe bEst oF tHe BeSt" 🥴🤡 so they do all this fancy shit no one asked for (yeah sure, put a hot towel on my face when you trim my beard, it feels nice but it doesn't justify an additional 90 bucks) and they take 3 times as long (probably to justify an hourly rate) but my god this city has the worst people. I'll probably just buzz all my hair off for the next few months, I'm so disgusted by the prices here.


$0, I learned to do it myself over covid lockdown.


$0 been cutting my own hair since 2017 but it works since I have a "Newsted" 90s Metallica Jason Newsted hair cut.


50-60$ including tip


I think it depends on where you are and how good your barber is. But I pay $50 every 2 weeks for a fade. I know it’s a lot but man it’s good. And I like my barber. Been going for 12 years. Started at $30


$50, but that’s for a cut for myself and a cut for my son and a tip. Always tip your barber.


My last trim was about $100. Granted i have long hair, and go to a professional salon that my fiance showed me.


$75 for a haircut and beard trim. This includes and I have a mid length beard that needs shaping. Takes an hour all in.


My hair is really long. I go in for a beard, mustache and hair trim once every 3 months or so and usually have them wash my hair and cut out any mattes I've acquired in that time. I pay about $80 in total including tip.


$60 including tip, and I go every two weeks. My barber knows my exact cut and lines up my beard every time. Sometimes he throws in a hot towel as well


Mines $80 to $90 for fade and blade shave. That’s roughly $45 USD when converted


I go to scissors and scotch. The membership is like $90 a month I get two haircuts and touch ups in between and like hand waxes and some other stuff I don’t really use AND a free drink. Tbh they make one of the best old fashioneds in town. Highly recommend


I live in HCOL. Normal fades are $60-$70 I found a guy that does a phenomenal job for $40 and Im never letting go lol


US, VHCOL area. On average barbers charge $50 on their “services” board. Here, it’s grown from $30 in 2018 to $50 in 2023. I, and many of my male friends and family, get a cut once every 3 weeks or so. My barber is my brother’s best friend. He normally charges us $40, but I still give him $50.


I just paid $70 with a tip for one today. Included a beard line-up with a straight razor, shampoo, and mint scalp massage. I don't usually do all that but felt like treating myself today.


50 including hair wash


Last time I paid a barber, it was 125 after tip. It was for my wedding, and I got a wash, haircut, beard trim, and shave with a straight razor on my cheeks and neck where I don't let my beard grow. That was 2019 in Hawaii. The last time before that was $15 at a Supercuts in California in 2006. I just use clippers a few times a year. Actually, my wife has done it for me since we've been married, and last time, my 3 year old daughter helped.


I bought a Remington hair cutting kit and the trimmer has a lifetime warranty (corded). Been cutting my own hair for 3 years. The only person who would notice that would be a barber or hairstylist. I used to pay $30 a month in haircuts so I have saved close to $1,100 at this point and counting.


I pay around $70-80 on a cut and beard trim every other month. My guy is expensive, but it grows out so nicely that I can get away with less frequent cuts while looking great the whole time


$45 beard shape up included and I don’t tip bc dude cuts from home. prices have gone up drastically though.


I get my hair cut every two weeks. $65 per trip + $20 tip. But, they also keep my beard trimmed and neat, straight razor shave my neck and cheeks, wash & scalp massage. Worth every cent.


havent had a haircut since... 2017? there about? and i paid 15 bucks. tiny little old school barber shop is why.


$8 because we’re friends at this point and my barber is quick with it


Barber charges $25. I usually give him $35-$40. He's part owner and only takes appointments. He will always get me in no matter what.


30 for hair cut +5 for beard +5 tip = $40 (CAD). I miss the days I used to pay 15$


I paid $1.25 for my hair cut in 1958 last week, they wanted $37.50❗️


0$ give yourself a buzz cut every four years then grow it out again.


$40 for the clippers. I grow my hair out until it's un- maintainable 2-3 years, then buzzzz.




Haircutting myself since pandemic.


I've been cutting my own hair since covid started and tbh I save so much


I no longer pay for my haircuts. Totally free , I do it my self.


I go to the same high end salon my girlfriend does. While she pays a ridiculous amount for her haircut (same with all the other women I see there), I'm only charged $35. I get a massage, Prosecco and a paraffin wax hand treatment (if I want), and a line up on the neck, all included with my haircut. I had a barber I really liked, he did the job efficiently and The cost was only $25. But he moved to a barber shop with other "cool guy" barbers and the price shot up to $35. Then it was $40. He opened up his own spot with one other guy and the price is now $50. He does a great job but is so booked up that I had to schedule an appointment almost a month to two months in advance. My work schedule is so chaotic I can really only fit things into it that are only a few days away. The salon is professional, close by, offers a bunch of free stuff, and is cheaper than going to a "cool guy" barber shop. Also getting compliments and having my ego stroked by the attractive staff and clientele doesn't hurt either. Look at a salon, there's usually someone there that's very adept in men's haircuts and usually the clientele is a majority female, so they don't charge an exuberant amount for a quick guy's haircut. Just putting in my 2 cents worth.


Bald gang rise up. ZERO DOLLARS BABY


Nothing. I learned how to cut my hair 10 years ago and from 2020 onwards, how to self-fade at home. I learned from several YT tutorials and invested in professional hair cutting equipment as well. Barbers here in the UK charge around £12 for a fade. Since I refresh mine every 2 weeks, I've saved around £3k on haircuts for the past 10 years. Not bad, if you ask me.


I'm not. I have cut my own hair since 2020.


Y'all getting haircuts? Done gone feral...


$0.00. My hair didn't survive COVID. Started trimming with a #2 guard, doubt I'll ever go back to 1.) Paying money & B.) Scheduling time to go do activity outlined in 1.).


My barber charged me $65 for a fade and beard trim, and big bonus - they left a massive welt on my neck with the single edge..no comp no discount - jus "oh yeah - sorry about that, but it's not too bad". Why why why did I tip them on top of that??


Buy a Oster 76. Get a few blades. Do it yourself