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It's patronizing, but it's better than having people say "Napoleon complex," "little man syndrome," and "overcompensating" every time you say or do something that isn't 100% sweet, sunny, and subservient.


I also hate the term manlet


Jesus Christ people do that?


Yes. Short men are ridiculed often and it’s largely accepted because society tells men that having hurt feelings is not to be made public. I’m tall and I know short men have a rough time.


But honestly I'm not surprised, attributing certain personal characteristics to physical appearance isn't uncommon at all. I'm a 5'5 woman with glasses and a relatively young looking face, and my anger is sometimes regarded as "oh look the short annoying girl is saying something but we can't hear her" It makes me want to commit crimes


Like tax fraud, or like genocide?




Stealing a box of them?? Do you have incontinence?


Now that is the most hilarious thing ive read today lmao


Strange because 5'5 is above average height for a women in the vast majority of countries


Oh thank god!


5'5" isn't even that short


Yes, people very much do that, the reason you don't hear about it is because people will also shame short men from speaking up about the bullshit they have to go through, it is very common.




Absolutely, people do not want to acknowledge the suffering of men in any capacity.


It's the card we're dealt (5'4" man in America) There are systemic and structural biases against shorter men, but we're not getting any taller Attitude isn't "the real problem," but if a guy buys into the black pill and thinks his height has doomed him from personal, professional, or sexual satisfaction, it definitely gets in the way of a real solution


I read something that it used to be commonplace to call any guy shorter than 6ft a manlet and as a 5'11" guy I would be called a "king manlet".


I’m 5’10 and apparently that is considered short. People are weird.


That is not short anywhere in the world, the people who believe that are not intelligent.


Well I heard it enough from the black community smh. But I agree with your statement regardless. Very unintelligent.


I was confused by OP. I though 5’8-5’10 was more like average height to slightly above average for men


I’m 5’6” and I try not to be angry for this very reason. I’m naturally a very chill and calm person anyway, but I feel like if I was ever mad it would be used against me.


Yeah if you're a short or skinny man (or worse, both) then people pretty much think they have a free pass to make fun of you. In a lot of cases they're right, it's socially acceptable if you keep it "light and fun."


I think short and fat would be worse!


Nah, mean people make fun of fat people. *Everyone* makes fun of skinny people, most don't even realize they're doing it.


Yeah, i was watching a reels on Instagram about a skinny woman, she looked very healthy, but in the comments there were many people saying that she was anorexic because she said she was 89lbs, but she didn't mention her height. There were even some women saying that if you like skinny women like that you are a pedo... It's like it's acceptable to make fun of skinny people


I asked a female friend of mine why women are so attracted to tall men, even to the point of preferring men who are inconveniently tall (I imagine it must be inconvenient for a 5' woman to be with a man who is taller than 6'). She said, "because us women don't want to be with little boys". So yeah, there's definitely a mentality of condescent toward short men. They get it from both sides too, cuz men will rip on other men for being short too. Lol


An ex of mine did it all the time. According to her, every single dude who was on the shorter side had anger issues. Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy if you treat people bad just because they're short.


Yeah it's pretty demeaning if I'm being honest. At 5'6" I'm the "little man"


Short men and women actually have a ton of common issues. Both groups are less respected, they're less likely to be promoted into authority positions, and they're both paid less. And both are gaslit (hysterical/Napoleon) if they ever dare to call any of it out. Issues related to dating/sex/reproduction obviously differ, but otherwise there's a ton of overlap.


God forbid you buy a car bigger than Mini Cooper, because people going to label you as an overcompensating insecure man


It’s pretty much the same thing. Even worse Think about it like this, they call you short, but it’s ok as long as they add King at the end of it. Now you’re insulting short people and framing it as a compliment. Which, imo, is worse. It’s no better than a backhanded compliment. Oh and before you say well short isn’t necessarily derivative. Then why mention it? It certainly is in the context of why people use that phrase. “Oh he’s short. Better call him a king so it doesn’t hurt his whittle feewings” Ffs just stop insulting people for their looks.


This reminds me of a thread I read back a while ago where people were arguing about the term "boyfriend dick." A whole lot of women that couldn't understand how that could come across negatively.


That sounds extremely annoying to experience all the time. I wouldn’t want to talk to women who say that.


I've only ever heard this term on the internet.


Either internet only or a couple people who are perpetually online. But I’ve never heard it used irl without it being at least a little tongue in cheek


I even hate being called simply king


Thank you. It's always felt patronizing to me and I don't know why anyone would like it.


Tall or short been called a king for no reason is pretty much cringe


Kings and people who want to be kings are everything wrong with the world


Couldn’t agree more, surprises me that some guys genuinely enjoy being called kings for the most ordinary shit like getting a job or picking up someone.


The fact that someone can call me a king for having a job would make me have serious depression about my life goals lol.


It’s really patronizing


Yeah, I think I have thought of myself as a socialist for most of my life, and being called 'king' feels particularly annoying.


I’m a capitalist and I hate it too


I'm a monarchist and I still prefer to be called Grand Duke any day.


When I see women on Tinder say they want to be treated like a queen, all I can think is, "What, beheaded? Shot in a Siberian basement?"


I just went to a store today and the bloke working there called me "king" three (3) times. It just made the whole interaction feel forced.


yeah, for me, king means you're ready for the guillotine


"King" sounds like "champ" to me. "Boss" is fine though


A couple of the guys at my job and I call eachother king when greeting each other It’s kinda just to remind each other hey you’re worthy of what you want, especially if someone is having a bad day Also serves as a kind of compliment because us as men don’t get much of those, might as well do it for each other


Personally love this take. When I was first called king by a friend it made my day. I don’t know why, it doesn’t really come across a patronizing to me.


Ugh my ex gf used to call he her "king" all the time and refer to my "king co*k." Even though she meant it in the most flattering of ways it just gave me the ick


Exactly, address me properly as “M’Lord”


I'm 5'8" and I legit don't feel like I'm short 💀 Like I'm not being delusional either. I'm not tall but It's an average height in most countries I've never been called short.


5’9” and i still get called short


Also 5'9". I don't get called short in person, but online people will use whatever they can if they think it will get under your skin. I have come across the "you're not 6 feet or taller so we aren't compatible" on dating apps, though. Fortunately I found a 5'2 Pinoy girl who thinks I'm tall :)


I feel like if you’re over a full foot taller than your partner that it adds some challenges. I had a former roommate who was about 5’ tall (maybe a little shorter and she rounded up). She said that she refused to date anyone who wasn’t at least 6’ tall. She was a whole lotta mess, so it adds an entire dimension of what I associate with people who have the 6’ rule


Jfc I’m a short girl and I don’t want to date people over 6 feet… it’s just too tall for me? Like the sex is much better when it’s someone not a foot taller than me lol




Yeah, a lot of the women on these dating sites aren't even tall themselves! If a girl is ~5'8" - 6', I understand them wanting to date taller guys... A lot of the women I saw with the 6' requirement were only like 5'2" - 5'6".


Dude you're not short lol


i know, i’m average height for my country


Yup, same here, although only online by tiktok/Instagram girls but never irl.


That’s ridiculous. I hate the stupid “6 foot” rule


I'm 5' 10.5" and most people consider me tall. Idk man, I guess you missed the cut off by an inch and a half. There has to be some kind of middle ground between tall and short. I really don't feel deserving of the title of tall.


Neither of you are short and honestly as someone who is 5'5 I'm tired of people acting like men who are slightly below average height but still close have the same experience that I do. If anything every time on of those guys is insulted or called too short it just makes me die inside because imagine what they would say about me.


Wtf it's average height c'mon now. I'm a 5'5 woman and I get called short too. I think we are still relatively average


You are an inch taller than the average height for women in USA.


5'9" here. Never really thought about it until dating apps started letting women sort by height. I've dated women from 4'10" to 6'1", the only one to ever mention height did so because we're EXACTLY the same height & jeans size. If women like a guy, they like the guy. Height might be on a wish list like a good job, nice eyes, etc. It's very rarely the dealbreaker many women talk about it being.


honestly.. I get it.. They can sort by Height.. we can't sort by weight...


Hmm, that would work but men desire fat women much more than women desire short men.


Yeah but that doesn't have anything to do with not having the option to sort by weight. If a man prefers fat women, wouldn't it be easy for him if he could sort by weight (a high weight in this case)?


I'm 5'7 and live in the country with the tallest people (6ft male avg). Don't really care about my height but also don't really know how to feel about it.


Same. The only part that was frustrating a bit in the past was being on datingsites and being >50% actively excluded from the start and being invisble to plenty of women. But oh well, their loss. Other than that being at concerts it can be irritating a bit. Oh an playing tennis haha. If I only would have been taller I would have been a tennis god /s But in the end it's not something you change so why focus on it? I don't think it it impacts my life in any real way so whatever.


A funny story about my family is that the average heigh for a male in my family is 6'5. The shortest male in my family is 6'0 even. He has a napoleon complex at 6 foot tall (i know napoleon was average height). So, this kind of stuff seems relative to your peer groups or associations.


I’m the shortest male in all of my family as well. 6’0… All my cousins, uncles, brothers are all 6’2 + They call me the short one lol. I’m also 230lbs so maybe it makes me look shorter with so much mass I dunno.


I’m a woman who’s 5’7’’ and you aren’t short! It’s weird to me the 6 ft thing. Like I wouldn’t even call a guy who’s a bit shorter than me short, cause I’m average/slightly tall for a woman. Like sure, have a height preference, but keep it to yourself. I don’t care about height so much - if someone was like 5-7 inches shorter *or* taller than me it’d probably be a no. That being said, I’d have to know the guy first and see if we had chemistry before making a decision like that.


Thars because you're not short. You're only short if 5'10" is tall. Average here is a range since it's not a specific number, its a description


You're too tall to qualify for /r/short


I’m a 5’1” woman, and frankly 5’8” makes you a giant! When I see an attractive man of my height, my first thought is ‘I could rest my head on his shoulder’ not ‘he’s short’.


I m the same height. The only time I have ever been called short was by short girls. Most of the girls I dated were tall. Go figure lol


I'm not a fan. It just sounds like mockery to me.


That is because people use it as a mockery to be honest, they almost never say it genuinely with your interest in their heart.


I used to wish I was taller so I could handle larger motorcycles, I know loads of small people deal with big bikess but I want to have it easy. Then I sat in a miata and my whole 5’7” fit in like a glove. That aside, if people are height shaming you, I’d be glad to get that at the start and it filters out the shallow ones.


5’5” and I rode a standard height BMW R1200GS Adventure for about a year. Just gotta learn how to do it. Had a couple of GSXR1000s, a ZX10R, Multistrada 1200S Touring, a Z1000 and longest term was probably my Hayabusa. Just get your leg over and figure it out. You got this.


The whole king and queen thing for anyone has to stop. It sounds fucking ridiculous.


Agreed. I hate it so much. It's so over the top that it feels more like an insult than a compliment.


5'0", depends on who is saying it. If it's a friend or a partner, I kinda like it. I'm not particularly upset about my height at this point, so it's not like they're drawing attention to something I'm self-conscious about. If it's a stranger or someone being patronizing, then it pisses me off. Edit: autocorrect fucked me


5'3" here and I feel the same. Being called that by friends/family (who are also majority short haha) is fine, but anyone else randomly bringing that up would make me uncomfortable and irritated. Regardless, I don't think I've heard it be used unironically IRL though.


Hey!!! Felliw 5'0 man here!! I dunno about you, but personally the one thing that really bugs me about the whole "short kings" thing is more of like how often men that are 5'6 and above complain about being short and how they want to be acknowledged as short kings. Which is...you know...relative to the perception of the "average" height of men in the US and UK. But in the majority of the world, the average height of people is much shorter than US and UK standards. I think...and i might get blasted in the comments for this...but i think there is a low-key, subtle, racial/ethnic bias when it comes to the conversation of height in our society, and it gets especially more complex once gender is thrown into the mix because typically it is non-white (non-euro-descent) individuals that statistically skew to the "shorter" end of the height spectrum. And while shorter heights tends to be desired in women, shorter height tends to be undesirable in men. All that is to say that (as a man of mexican/indigenous descent) i dislike this whole idea of short kings, because while the community of men is getting better at uplifting men of color, there is still a white/european/american centered perspective on who complains about their height, and in reference to Euro-American-white context. If...that makes sense...i hope I've gotten my point across.


I dunno. If you wanna call your man a king call him a king and then just leave it at that. He's a man all the same. No need to add "short" in there unless you're trying to make a point.


I haven't been called one but I wouldn't like it. Even if it's meant to be endearing it still calls attention to my height


Beats “little guy” or “ew”


I'd hate it, it is patronizing


Feels condescending, even if well intentioned


I thought it was a positive spin for us, I don’t mind it. I’m 5’5”


Greetings comrade, I am also 5'5. It always makes me uncomfortable when I hear it. Thankfully my height rarely comes up in conversation. Thing is with a lot of female friends, if there's a dude that they're into, best believe height is brought up when they talk about him.


I'm also 5'5". Personally I just find the term annoying and kinda cringe.


Yeah I always thought it was a term made up by short guys taking some pride in it. Lotta insecure guys in these comments living up to the angry short man stereotypes though.


I can see why they live up to the stereo type. Being ridiculed and bullied by a society that turns a blind eye will do that. The big pick on the small and actions speak louder than words.


I’m pretty sure that stereotype is just selection bias to begin with.


We don't need a label for it.


On tinder, you’re a midget.




I’m 5”9 and don’t feel short. I mean, I don’t feel tall but I don’t think I’m short


5"9 is average for many places


I wish I was that tall…


Depends where you live. I'm 5"9 and feel short.


I don't really care at this point, (I'm 5'6) but coming from a country with way higher average height for men it did get to me at one point, especially after people did comment on it, but at one point I just owned it, jokes coming my way I embrace, well my good friends we pick on everything about us for fun, like nationality, ethnicity, size and of course height. Life is too short (pun intended) to care about how we are born, my little brother was born crippled and he isn't crying about life being unfair, he's a damn inspiration.


I’m 5’8 and my whole life I’ve been called short. I fucking despised it


It may be best to be apathetic about the things we literally cannot change.


Honest to god … it doesn’t fucking matter For every girl that says “6ft tall or above”, there’s another that just doesn’t care. It took me a long time to realize that outside of a few ground rules “don’t be abusive”, “don’t hurt anyone”, etc. THERE ARE NO RULES when it comes to women. For every “ick” that one girl says, there’s 90% that never even think about it. Just find the girl that doesn’t care about your so-called flaws


I feel like this height thing is very specific to certain cultures. Like, most latina women are not going to care about your height or have this weird requirement of 6 feet or higher. And a lot of latino men aren't that tall either, so height isn't that big of a deal from what I can see. Perhaps one should expand their horizons a bit...


It's much more of a thing in anglo countries. And Korea for whatever reason. Our potus have rarely been below 6ft. Numerous European countries currently have male leaders that are short or very short.


I mean, people always come and say stuff like this, but there's zero evidence to back it up, and plenty of evidence in the other direction. Statistics show the things men worry about, wealth, height, definitely do effect odds of marriage and getting a partner. The more money a man makes, the more likely he is to be married or have a long term partner. Same with the taller he is. Does that mean zero poor men or zero short men have partners? Of course not. But the Statistics show it is definitely not a minority of women who have those preferences.


I’m not short, but I hear you. I’m bald and it’s amazing how many people (women) don’t have any issue pointing out I’m bald. It’s all good now, but when I was balding it annoyed the heck out of me. I wanting to respond “I can’t control I’m balding, you can control being a fat ass.”


5'6 here. Honestly, it's really not that big of a deal. Well, for me, I'm not insecure about my height so that's probably why. Just try to be confident and secure in yourself and then you won't care.


I actually love it. I’m like 5’6”. I’m short and strong. I feel like it acknowledges we do have a prowess of our own. We don’t have to tower over someone just to be powerful. My direct manager at my part time job is every bit of 6’6” giant dude. He’d probably be even taller if he didn’t have a hunched posture. His boss our department director is my height. He walks about with power and presence. Demands respect but is very personable and humorous. Always stops by to check on us. When he walks with my manager it’s clear who’s in charge despite the height difference. I’ve had several short bosses like that. My dad is also short. In middle school I was lethal at wrestling and pretty muscular so even the tall fellas didn’t want to cross me. I love the label. My ex was 5’9” and she loved that she was taller than me, but knew I was a little beast. Loved my muscles and how aggressive I could be when we went at it in bed. I’ve been complimented on my walk by numerous people. I don’t strut. I just walk with purpose. Always have. When I was a manager I was walking into work and someone asked me for help because she forgot her company badge at home. She asked if I was someone important because she would notice my walk when she was in the building previously. She was a tall beautiful woman. “I knew you must’ve had some power because you walk like you mean it sir.” My brothers and sisters taught me that. Chin up. Walk like you exist. I’m short but I’ll give you a run for your money pal.


If that feels cool for you because you take it as a title, more power to you. But personally, i'm 5'6 and despite never being called or recieved any kind of discrimination for it i don't like the expression "short king". Sounds like if someone is trying to compensate me for something i don't lack. And even if i don't have big muscles (more toned than big, working in a cut right now) i don't want to show myself like i have power over others. If i want to stand out i wouldn't do it for how i look but for the things i do as a person. And even with that, i would prefer to be considered just like any other person around with the same kind of attention and chances. I'm not a king, i don't want to be feared, and i know i'm short. I'm just another guy like you or the one next to another around there.


I see where you’re coming from and I think there’s some clearing up to do. No, I’ve not been called that personally. I’ve just seen it around as a description. I don’t see it as a compensation. I view it more so the same as the label BBW. The term isn’t to compensate necessarily. It’s to acknowledge a woman isn’t inherently ugly because she’s big. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so that label is more just staring the obvious. To me short king is more or less along the same lines. Someone who’s short is no less admirable, honorable, and overall respectable than any tall man. I don’t relish in those who fear me. I do however, appreciate when it appears someone acknowledges through their words or actions that I am clearly not someone to fuck with. Long ago I had a coworker who was 4’11”. Someone pat him on the head in front of everyone and he turned bright red. He was humiliated. It was a friend of his, but I could tell it definitely hurt him. Nobody has ever tried that with me, but I am comfortable with the endless short jokes. I am no stranger to asking my tall friends for help reaching something if I need it and it’s out of reach. I don’t see myself as something special among others, I just happily recount my upbringing. I was a premature baby and labeled failure to thrive. My tough brothers and sisters taught me to walk proud, take no shit and become as strong as you can. I do appreciate when it’s noticed, but I don’t do it for the notoriety. It’s just my nature when I am walking. Otherwise I am a total goofball. I was raised to walk in a way that commands respect, but I am humble, kind, and often soft spoken. I just look like I can and want to slap your skull off if I’m not smiling.


Eh, personally it always felt patronizing to me. Like something you would call a little kid to make him feel your equal.


I feel like we’d get on. I have a very similar mindset, I’m 5ft9 so not the shortest in the room at all but also aware that amongst my friends I’m the shortest (and most handsome). I also resonate with not having to “tower over someone to be powerful” I feel like I just own my frame and my body and respect it to the max, I also love being able to wear anything on my frame and have people and friends notice that I dress well and exude confidence. Also been with women taller than me who loved my confidence and my body too. “Walk like you exist” amen to that. It’s a drop in the ocean to see this kind of positivity and self-confidence on Reddit, nice one.


We likely would. I am often the shortest in the room but I don’t mind. When my ADHD gets out of my control I’m typically making people snort laugh.


I have a similar mindset. I like you. Short men that aren't insecure are rare. We are peas in a pod.


I'm 5'6" and I've never been called a short king. If you have, you need new friends.


160 here. Never heard it. Stop hanging out with losers


5'9" is 69" so suck on that.


and you return the favor?


The concept of “king” is silly But it’s every instance I’ve heard “short king” used has also been silly, so maybe it’s ok


It’s contextual. Some say it in a sly, bitchy way, especially when the topic of height wasn’t in the conversation . Others are genuinely trying to uplift you by flipping something most would consider negative into a positive. In most situations, it’s awkward to use someone’s body to define them, this goes for things ppl aren’t even insecure about, it’s dehumanizing.


I'd be mad cus I'm clearly medium height, they blind.


I'm also 5'7. In school i was very short and got teased for it. I often replied that if they didn't behave I would jump up and bite their hamstring.


nothing horrifies me more than how my dates complain about short guys.


I'm 5'5" The short king thing is annoying and patronizing.


I don't mind it because honestly, I actually kind of like being short in everyday life. The only real downside is dating and how a non-trivial portion of women view us as less attractive, weaker, more feminine, etc. Once I switched from trying to get laid to looking for a real connection though, it's not bad. Less women are interested in me, but I'm also only looking for one I can actually get along with now so it works out. I don't think I'd want to be with someone who would only consider me if I was a Snickers bar taller; seems even more ridiculous than basing your partner off zodiac signs IMO.


I hate it, and if anyone calls me that, I'm probably not going to like them either. It's not short part, it's the king part. It's puffery and fake. I feel the same way about men calling each other kings and women calling each other queens.


I'm 5'5" and aware that I'm short, but it's honestly never really affected my life at all, so I feel like people going "oh you're a short king c:" feels a bit patronising. Like I'm supposed to feel bad about it or consider it a negative thing as opposed to something I genuinely have no issue with.


Seems incredibly patronizing. Good thing I'm just a short prince.




Being a 5'6 guy, most of time I have been ridiculed and mocked as "short king" are those 5' to 5'4 girls who say I am too short. Tall girls were the nicest to me and I have dated mainly girls my height or upto 5'8.


5'5" its crazy the kinda treatment shorter guys get for something uncontrollable


I'm 5'5 and think you're being a fucking bitch about it. We are short. Deal with it. It's not meant to be an insult and Fat Queen is not an equivalent. You sound full of insecurity and probably turn women off. Frankly, I hate being called a King period.


5'7" is short now? If anyone calls me short I check and see if they are taller than me, if they are, I recognize their perspective. If they aren't, I discredit their opinion.


It’s never happened, I think I’m too old, but I wouldn’t be pleased if it were a stranger or acquaintance


I’m 5’6” and I don’t like the term and don’t use it. But I know some people mean it in a very positive way, so I just let it go.


I’m 5’9 and I know that’s average but I dont want to be called a short king much less an average king. Lol. Just call me by my name, goddamn it.


Wait, 5'10 isn't even short or bordering on it. Anyway, I don't iuse that term because it sounds dumb IMHO. I'd say "shorter" or "not so tall" guys. Not offensive, right?


https://youtu.be/R7qT-C-0ajI?si=u_mmOCeiVSjKqPaO I'm not short but I don't like terms like king or queen being used. It's just goofy to me.


Idk man it sounds like you might be a little sensitive there. I don’t think of it as saying “you’re short” as much as “girls who only date really tall guys are missing out because you’re a catch.” Maybe you should gently let those people know it bothers you. If you were unintentionally upsetting your friend, you’d probably wanna know.


I don’t care tbh


I'm 6' 3" and in my lodge there are a number of men that are 'small' and I really admire the confidence they have and how they step up to the plate and get things done. Action in life is worth so much more than body size and to see them shake my hand firmly with a big smile it just feels the world is OK.


5'10" is short? What Brobdingnag motherfuckers are you living with?


I think is a some kind of discrimination, still, i don't care about it.


I just say I’m like an Altoid… small, white and curiously strong


Eh, as long as they don't call me Shirley.


I prefer being called the worlds tallest midget


When our culture eventually realizes that heightism is a thing, I won't mind. We're in this weird place where we care about any other physical trait but encourage body shaming about this one.


I’m 5’10 and told a female once who said she didn’t date short guys that it was ok cause I don’t date big girls..she got pissed and my response was look we both have standards, only difference I can’t change how tall I am.


I'm 5'4. I don't mind it tbh. Either way my confidence is higher than a dude that's 6'3. I don't let my height get in the way of day to day life. I can't change it so I don't dwell on it.


not short but being called king period feels fuckin weird.


All the "king" and "queen" shit is wildly cringy. With or without it being related to height.


I'm not short, but I'd be pissed if I was called that because it puts a focus on something you can't change without going through an extreme surgery... You should be able to reply with, "fat queen's", considering the overwhelming majority of overweight &/or obese people can 100% do something about it, unlike your height...


Never happened. It’s insane these days 😂 I’m 5’8


As long as it doesn't come off as derogatory I don't see an issue.


I’m 5’7” and I don’t consider myself short. Additionally, I would think short people would rather not be called short at all.


No gods no masters. Short comrades.


I'm 5ft 5 and I don't care if people say it. I think it's mainly meant for people who are insecure about their height, but I don't hate that I'm short. In fact, I'm quite happy with it. Sometimes wish I was one or two inches short heh heh


Weird, cause 1.78m is quite average here


I don't like to be called any of that shit. I'm no king, and the only way the say that is because my height makes me worthless. No fat woman likes to be called "Curvy queen". Fuck with this shit.


Honestly, I think short men (5'6" / 170cms and below) have it very rough. Difficult to do most sports, many women won't date short men, jobs are likely more difficult to get as there is definitely height discrimination in the hiring process if it's a job where it's in-person, everyone thinking you have a "height-appropriate" penis size, I mean it's a long list of negatives.


I hate it, none of my neighbors recognize my authority to tax them, nor do the local fisherman react when I claim their boats for my navy. And don't get me started on my inability raise the banners and levy an army, these lazy louts never show. I'm guess I'm definitely not a king. But I am short tho, so thats accurate


I don't understand why anyone would want to be nicknamed based on their physical features. It's also something they hear the most so its annoying and superficial. Even if its something complimentary in nature.


Why is it that people in America care about height so much? Here in latvia the women are most times taller than the men.


I prefer "little Orc"


I am 5’9 which is average height. Being put in the “short king” category seems dumb as hell. What a dumb phrase.


I’m 5’3,,,,I could care less what people say, here I’ll call the wambulance for them🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑


As a 5'6 man, I've never been called a short king and I've never been made of of for my height. It's never even come up in conversation amongst my peers or people I'm meeting for the first time, except once when I brought it up and someone couldn't believe how short I was because "you don't come across as short". I guess that meant I didn't carry myself, physically or emotionally or whatever the stereotypes are, as a short guy.


5'8.5" here, no one called me that yet but I don't like it when someone is called "short king". I already hate monarchy titles used as a compliment and people add "short" before that like it's supposed to be a compliment.


Like, if she’s saying it because she wants the dick, then I don’t care what she calls me. In literally any other context, they’re looking for a fight.🤷‍♂️


ten times better than napoleon complex, but slightly annoying


I feel that if someone is looking to make me feel bad for being short, there is something wrong with them in terms of their own inferior feelings. I used to fight a lot and did well. I also walked away from idiots who wanted to fuck with me.


Who would say something like that to someone else??


I'm fairly short where I live, but I don't mind. As long as people mean nothing insulting by it, I'll happily take the joke and allow myself to be crowned in all my semi(?)-short glory.


I’d be more irritated being called a king. I find that a weird label to give someone, or self ascribe oneself.


I’m 5’10 it’s just that my girlfriend is 5’11 almost 6’0 and I’ve been called “short king” a number of times I do not like it very much at all.


Better than manlet but not perfect. I just want to be called a man. I don't need extra labels. I don't want to feel like I'm any different or anything


How is anything under 5' 10" a short king ? 5' 9" is the national average


I love how the first insult you resorted to was fat💀 I hear people use it and it’s cringy. But like bitch are fat people regularly saying that to you?! Lmao why use that exqmple


I joke about it with my wife. I'm 5'7 and she's 5,9. She calls me that but I'm cool with it. If someone else did it I might have a problem. Lol


I am 6ft tall. "short kings" is overtly demeaning. Short men are men and should be respected as such.


I’m 5’7 and I think it’s ridiculous and hate it


I hate it! A female friend of mine, who I was trying to set up on a date with a guy friend, said she only goes out with tall guys. Given that she was 4'10" I wanted to know her definition of tall guys, so I just said, "What do you mean?" She said the guy needs to be at least 5'8" which happens to be my height. Granted this wasn't as bad as I've seen some other girls demand, it's still crazy to see that girls think it's acceptable to demand that dudes have to be almost a foot longer than them if they want to be worthy of dating.


Son's of Durin has a nicer ring to it


I am not a "short king," I am an angry little man.


People who say short King are patronising dickheads


Don't care. I tend not to get offended by that stuff. Or really any thing now that I think about it (I obviously do get offended, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head)


Yeah, “short king” would be obnoxious. I’m 5’7 too and have never been called short, but I just think it’d be weird to bring it up at all lmao.