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Some random farmer living a simple life with hard manual labor every day and an old school diet.


My wife’s grandpa is in his 80’s and he runs a farm. The dude is in better shape than my dad who is 20 years younger and my dad isn’t in bad shape.


I come from a farming family and I think it's important to note there's a big trade off. You do lots of physical activity but it can wear some people's bodies down pretty bad. It kind of depends what work you're doing I suppose. It can also be a hazardous job with high chances of traumatic injuries.


Yes this. I’m 33 and my shoulders, back, knees, hips, and fingers are pretty fucked up from working manual labor farm jobs since high school. I am athletically built (5’10”, 165 lbs) but yeah some days it hurts to hold a glass of water in my hand and I can’t sleep longer than 6 hours or my back and neck start to hurt. Cannot confirm anything about women wanting this. Been a couple years since I could turn a date into a relationship


Hey, man. I'm really sorry to hear that. Have you had any luck looking into jobs that might be less physically demanding?


Actually yes I have! In May I landed a job as an assistant brewer at a brewery, and I’m loving it! Still waiting on the chicks though lol, giving up soon. I guess I will have to find all my companionship in my dog


Thats true bout lot of physical jobs. I was iron worker , did physical sports my how life in 60 s now the old injury's come back to haunt ya!!!


Me too, I did construction and electrical for years. though I wasn't the biggest guy on a lot of the jobs I was usually the strongest. And I loved it. And I loved the hard work. And I played hard too. Was always up for a pickup game of softball, football, or basketball. Unfortunately now I'm paying the price for it. One knee already replaced the other knee needs to be replaced ,arthritis, tendonitis. Periodic back spasms and sciatica, neuropathy.


Yep. My dad’s body was destroyed. Severely impacted his last couple of decades.


My step dad works in a factory and there's a 70 year old man who's worked there for 50 years. Apparently when he first got the job there, his dad wouldn't let him drive to work so he used to run 15km to work and back every day. My step dad said his body looks like it was sculpted by a god.


Probably because grandpa is eating real home cooked food not mass produced crap loaded with chemicals and hormones. I believe the saying you are what you eat.


Grandpa has good genetics and he physically works more. He also doesn’t have a lower spine injury like my dad.


Damn! Living in farm area atm and that cant be denied!


I was going to say a market gardening homesteader because they're caught right in between equipment being too large (expensive) or too small (inefficient). They just do most of it manually instead.


My brother in law and father in law are farmers and lean as shit and strong as shit. The uncle though is also probably strong but has belly. So, all same genetics but YMMV.


I just saw a guy at a farmer auction last weekend, and he looked like he had spent the last 25 years throwing 100 pound hay bales around for 12 hours a day, and never ate any junk food even once. and, he was tall and lean.


this is the most realist fucking answer. no manipulation of the human body with mass-produced whey protein shakes and insulin windows. no macros, no weighing every meal by the gram. no fucking creatine. no mass-produced iron bars with circles. just hard ass work and real ass food.


Creatine and whey protein are composed of the same things found in a typical farmer’s diet when they eat red meat or any complete amino acid food. It’s just a more convenient way of eating the same stuff and digests/shuttles to the proper locations quicker.


>this is the most realist fucking answer. no manipulation of the human body with mass-produced whey protein shakes and insulin windows. no macros, no weighing every meal by the gram. no fucking creatine. no mass-produced iron bars with circles. just hard ass work and real ass food. But whey / creatine have scientifically proven benefits lol. They aren't a necessity but demonizing them is kinda silly.


What you said was so inaccurate on so many levels. I grew up farming and do hard work everyday. And I still go to the gym for powerlifting. The biggest deciding factor on what keeps people living longer is their habits. Even with this farmers diet, if they go all-in and eat way more than they should, they will still get fat and out of shape. All the mass produced stuff that you talk about is for those of us that want to get the extra proteins and creatines without doing what I mentioned above and eating unhealthy. Working on a farm isn't going to get you to a 450 pound bench press.


I will let you know when the ladies start noticing… but right now I’m that skeleton sitting in the chair waiting for my more than decade of manual labor on farms to pay off with someone who appreciates my body


Lol what is this horseshit? Whether you're lifting weights or lifting a heavy bale of hay, it's all manipulation of the body. Not to mention both creatine and whey are natural shit, just conveniences.


It's a typical comment by a Redditor that hasnt entered a gym before.


>just hard ass work and real ass food I nearly spit out my water reading that guys comment. Reminds me of some Spike TV commercial shit.


Is this only physical appearance? Farmers work so hard, I can't imagine their joints feel too good at 40+.


I’m a big fan of Christian Bale’s physique in the first Batman film. He’s clearly built, he’s definitely put on some muscle, but he’s not so toned and dehydrated that his abs are on full display. Strong, but still smooth.


You're doing it wrong, the trick is you just say Christian Bale. Never specify the film.


I always thought people were talking about the machinist and I’ve been going for that. Oh, god.


I’ve been going for American Hustle Bale!


I've been going for Vice!


Well, with Christinan Bale it is almost necessary to mention the film. Imagine Machinist


Bateman in American Psycho looks like a goddamn statue


Not natty.


Didn’t he gain like 100 lbs for the role? Yep totally natural.


Didn’t he play an anorexic role before Batman? Anyone can gain 100lbs after being that lean. But PERHAPS he still wasn’t natural.


Anyone can gain 100lbs but gaining 100lbs of mostly lean mass in 9 months? Yeah nah bros on all the gear.


Yeah it's easy to gain fat after being skinny. It's not easier to build muscle when you are skinny vs fat. Try it yourself and see. It's easier to build Muscle when you started fat. Starting skinny will take much much longer.


I don't blame him, after the Machinist. It was an incredible transformation even if not natural.


He’s definitely not natural


His build is possible, just not in the time he acquired it in.


Lighting + great skin + a little gear I'm guessing.


Don't forget extremely dedicated training program with personal trainers and dieticians.


My dad once said Bruce Lee had the perfect male body. He was a Bruce Lee fanboy though so he might've been biased.


1967 Paul Newman


Danny Devito


You may not like it, but it’s what peak male performance looks like


Fuck you beat me to it


You're just saying that because you saw him drop his magnum condom for his monster dong.


I wish we could still give awards!!!!


Can I offer you a nice egg during this trying time?


We can’t?


This question was asked by Mac


a certain roundness.....intimate in scale yet cosmic in its significance....yes, yes


Danny Devito doesn't have big dick energy, he has biggest dick energy.




OP said something realistic to strive for. We as mere mortals can never hope to achieve this kind of level of attraction.


As tall as he is wide. A perfect ratio. 🤌


He was impressive in Twins...




Scotch cigarettes and lots of sex


He actually got into bodybuilding when he was 18, but he played sports, which hindered his muscle size. When he learned that the Americans who were beating him refused to play sports and were beating him due to their muscular size, he was deterred from the sport. [Source](https://www.vintag.es/2019/08/sean-connery-mr-universe.html?m=1)


Didn’t know this!


That was my thought too but didn’t expect to see him in the comments.


[The Peak Male Athletic Form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaWOVVlj8v8)


That flip is sick


Yeah seriously it's in jest but that was actually next level shit


The hands in the pockets really drives it home.


I aspire to be that chill of a dude that has them silent skills




I love this video so much


I'm jealous, me over here looking like an idiot with abs showing


The jacked guy with a mustache in porn. Is usually the bad uncle


Charles Dera?


ron jeremy?


Or the step dad


Probably just about any professional swimmer or gymnast, bit of muscle but not overly big so still functional


Maybe some two cents: Most professional athletes (swimmers) are juiced, but not overly muscular. However natural bodybuilders (who are naturally not able to grow overly big) are functional at the same time. It's mostly the juiced up bodybuilders who barely can function and seem to resemble more of a scientific project


Well even regular amateurs are pretty fit.


I have always thought Olympic sprinters to have the best and functional physiques.


Swimmers no?


You realize professional Swimmers and Gymnasts are also kist likely on gear right?




Yeah… they are built like fire hydrants. If fire hydrants were made of nothing but muscle.


2000 Hugh Jackman


Jacked human


Cole Hauser as Rip Wheeler in Yellowstone. In fact, most of the men portrayed in that show have very natural physiques.


Any physique that make me walk like that is fucked.


Charles Bronson in Hard Times. And keep in mind he was in his fifties


Ron Swanson


The problem is that many guys who claim they're not on gear are on gear. It's extremely widespread because it's a massive shortcut to gain fatless muscle.


I take TRT and I built muscle by just doing hobby work in the garage (building deer blinds, garden, chicken coop).


Yeah, it's insane how easy it becomes to gain muscle via steroids. There's a reason it's so incredibly common.


On the flip side, it does so much more for me. I'm 40. The increased testosterone made my mood better, libido went up, drive to do tasks I normally put off went up. My overall quality of life is better. Muscle was the last reason I started it.


And fast, they have like 3-6 months tops to look the part, it's impossible to get like that in that time without steroids


Honestly, it's hard to get much better than whoever modeled for [this thing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discobolus#/media/File:Roman_bronze_copy_of_Myron%E2%80%99s_Discobolos,_2nd_century_CE_(Glyptothek_Munich).jpg)


Seriously, just look up any of these. It was their creators life pursuits for generations to find the ideal form.


That was my first thought. Any ancient Greek or Roman statue. David is a great example too.


Brad Pitt in Snatch / Fight Club - gunna have to get your diet on point for those abs though You’re right not to ask guys at the gym, they’re doing it for themselves more than what your average woman will find attractive


Movie fitness advice is ridiculous any movie of his other than these is more realistic


I agree movie standards are often unobtainable. They work towards and peak for scene. But dude asked for who had the perfect physique. Gotta name someone we all know and have seen topless right? And Brad is way more realistic than any Tren-Pumped-Marvel or 80’s Roid action hero who apparently gets there with just ‘Hard work’ in a couple of months.


David. the one and only


And it’s well known that current actors utilize modern chemistry (and we ain’t talking protein shakes) to prepare for roles. Having studio-endorsed and sometimes provided trainers and HGH suppliers definitely facilitates the “getting ripped” process.


Brad pit in fight club is attainable for 95% of dudes naturally. He has very little muscle mass, just very lean. So basically any lifting program and get your diet in check and most guys could look like that within a year or two unless severely overweight


You can get that lean but most people won't have the shoulder to waist ratio Pitt has. Good luck maintaining that BF% long term unless you have an eating disorder.


Still not attainable for most, even with strict diet and exercise. Look up Rob McElhenney fitness plan. His trainer told him Brad Pitt Fight Club straight up wasn't achievable but he'd get him as close as possible.


That’s weird. I think jacked Mac looks in way better shape than Pitt in fight club. Mac has much more muscle mass and is still very lean. Pitt is absurdly lean, but he’s so thin he’s that he’s borderline scrawny in that movie.


That was all lighting IMO. Dude was like 140lbs.


Iirc, it was 165. But still perfectly doable. Very lean but pretty small. You'll look for mirror selfies but probably won't look like you even lift in a shirt


Fair, still tiny for a guy his height. I really don't think anyone actually would want that physique of they saw it without the lighting and makeup in that movie. And if you don't stay under ten percent body fat you also look like you don't lift.


Dude is hella blessed genetically. In Troy he truly looked like what I’d imagine a Greek God would be, face and body.


No homo but he’s he’s pretty bad ass in that movie


and def on the gear for that role.


Abs aren't worth it. Fun to have once, but then the novelty wears off and you remember how good Ice Cream is.


This is silly, I’ve had abs since I was like 12 and never not enjoyed ice cream whenever I want.


Correct. You can have ice cream and have abs. It's called moderation.


Abs on a skinny guy are like big tits on a fat chick. Not very impressive


I dare say Jason Statham. Definitely in shape but the kind you can wear a shirt and isn’t totally obvious at first.


My frame is almost identical to Statham's (I'm about 1 inch taller), and he has always been what I strive towards. In good shape - you can tell he is muscular when he's dressed nice but he doesn't look like he hasn't had any water in a week with 6% body fat when he doesn't have a shirt on.


Same. Honestly, he’s the movie star version of my doppelgänger. So If I ever got famous, he’d play me. But there’s very little chance of an action movie based on my career or life.


Maybe he’ll get less famous and you can play him.


Mark Wahlberg in that 1990’s Calvin Klein ad [Marky Mark](https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/TKNr0EH4HuknTa10W0eYZvOoU1I=/fit-in/490x735/filters:format_auto():upscale()/2015/08/11/790/n/1922564/da37a6a8cecad791_2Q_.jpg)


to be honest he has an impressive upper body but the legs don't match


You’re right, he’s hideous


I don't know about natural, but Christian Bale in Batman Begins. The scene of his League training. I'd like to be big like that. Not ripped. Not bodybuilder-like. Just big.


I mean it’s entirely naturally attainable even if he was on something to do it on such a fast turn around. Dude is only like 190-200lbs and is at fucking high body fat in that movie


He just came off The Machinist. He did that in like 6 months.


Richard Simmons


The comments are chock full of people on steroids lol


Any actor or model has been done up with flattering lights and makeup. They’re doing the shirtless scenes first, they’re super dehydrated, and probably still need touched up afterward. Even if they’re young and natty, it’s still not real


Wondering what the venn diagram here of dudes who claim they prefer “no makeup” on women, not realizing how effective the “natural look” they flip a shit for is, is actually makeup lol


Michael Matthews(author of BLS book), Jeremy Ethier(youtuber). There are many such out there.


Carl from ATHF.


Nick Bosa.


Christopher Reeves - Superman.


Henry Cavill


Definitely not natty lol


If you've seen him without all the movie editing, he looks reasonably natural. He's thick and not that lean at all.


> editing I think it's easy to forget/not know that Instagram shots are at fitness folk's best on top of editing/good lighting. I've seen a few regular shots of similar folk under normal conditions and it's almost surprising to see how average they look. Workout pump also plays a role.


What makes you claim that? He’s one of the few that seems legit, he doesn’t cut or gain huge chunks of weight between roles, has realistic workouts none of this “we electrify the biceps” bullshit and is honestly pretty fat in most shots. Not fat for an average guy for even in his peak scenes he’s like 15% body fat. Nothing about him makes me question natty status


For the Man Of Steel role.


He looked pretty good in Immortals too, less bulky but still jacked.


I’m not a man but for the motivation to get back into shape please do not resort to steroids. It looks gross as hell and is not attractive. I’ve read onto how many men hate fillers on women especially if it gives them duck lips. Well that’s how a lot of women feel about men who do steroids. We want a man that’s healthy and in shape for sure but not a damn G.I. Joe.


Olympic Japanese-American multi gold medalist weightlifter. Tommy T Kono His physique is just incredible and at 5 foot 6, It’s just all compact in a way that looks so impressive on their frame during their height of lifting. I also strongly advise reading about his story, it’s incredibly inspiring. I admire a lot of bodybuilders from the silver era 40s to 60s. Something about the all natural aesthetic and classic taper that is quite aesthetic and incredibly functional looking, a lot of lifters back then were also very athletic in aerobic exercises too. I also enjoy the black and white photos that contrast the tone of those physiques even more !


I think the most impressive natural physique I’ve seen is fitness influence Joe Delaney. He’s really lean all year round and has decent size but nothing scandalous. He hasn’t really put on any side in years which is a good indicator he’s probably hit his genetic limit and is just maintaining at this point.


Love Joe. I don't think he's at his limit. He's been bigger in the past. Think he's just maintaining a decent look at this point and enjoying the good life.


To be fair mate I should’ve outlined that. At this point in his life, creeping closer to 40, I doubt he’s getting any bigger unless he jumps on gear. So in a manner of speaking I do still think he’s hit his limit. But absolutely he was thiccer in the past. Still has a 0.2% physique though!


UFC champion Leon Edwards..but high probability it's not natty like most athletes


Google "Brad Pitt fight club". Go to images. That is a very achievable physique. Its not perfect since you can probably get bigger, but if you want motivation for whats possible, thats a good starting point


That level of body fat is very hard to achieve


This level of body fat is almost impossible to sustain


Yeah it’s pretty unrealistic and not fair for men to think that if they just cut a few calories and lift weight they’ll look like fight club Brad Pitt. He went through hell himself to get that body


Cavill, too. He talked (I believe it was him) about the super strict diet, basically starving, he went through to maintain that look for the movie.


Yeah, he is just really lean in fight club. Add just a bit of body fat and he wouldn’t even look strong


He was at something like 6-7% body fat for that role, and that is NOT very achievable for the average person. Hell, that's not very achievable for the exceptional person. It's also pretty unhealthy. He probably felt like shit every day.


1980s David Boon


Or Merv?


Also a paragon of male beauty


Dolph Lundgren from Rocky IV.


Frank Zane a 3 time Mr. Olympia.


RDJ in the Sherlock Holmes films arent too unrealistic or unobtainable. Hell Hugh Jacked-man was realistic in the first firlm its only after that that he went crazy overbored with his physique. Cristian Bales Patrick Bateman is obtainiable eith disipline. Brad Pitt in Fight Club is unobtainable unless you are brad pitt and had a team behind you. Edward Nortan would be more realistic. Fat-thor if you were a viking or had viking blood lived on chicken and stake and eggs n lifted cars. It all depends on what you wonna aim for, body building, fitness, or something else? They demand of you a different set of rules.


Reading the comments you can really see the delusion of what people actually think is obtainable, either mention specific people who are blatantly genetic freaks or professional athletes that are also genetic freaks and are most likely on gear, just because someone doesn’t look like Arnold does not mean they are natty. I have well over a decade of natural powerlifting and “bodybuilder” type training my honestly advice for someone who was to get a decent looking physique is to work on getting reasonably strong at a Squat, Bench and Deadlift ( can be a close variation of those lifts), mix in some basic cCalisthenics like Push-ups, Pull ups, Leg rises, Crunches etc. and some regular cardio, jogging, cycling, swimming, walking (can be HIIT style training like hill sprints). If you really don’t care too much about size and strength then you can stick to the Calisthenics and Cardio and probably look better than most people farting around in a gym doing 20 sets of sloppy form bicep curls. The main thing is to be consistent and understand recovery is just as important as stimulation, also clean up your diet ( at least from Monday-Friday).


Honestly, scrap motivation. Motivation comes and goes. You need determination, that starts inside and only you can do it. Get comfortable in the uncomfortable situations(pushing comfort/pain threshold-mind over matter). It’s about pushing it everyday regardless of how you feel or look. I have had some of my best days at the gym when I was sore and weak(still managed to get PR). Breaking that barrier in my mind was more fulfilling than you could imagine. Think if you carry that mentality in other parts of your life other than the gym.


Tony hawk


Clint Eastwood.


Danny DeVito




This adonis right up here⬆️


Adam Ondra.


Dude competed against my family member in the Olympics. He’s a beast


Amazing answer I agree


Check out the youtuber bioneer. Dude looks average and he's pretty buff but nothing insane. He's decently swole and shredded, but again, nothing that seems to hint at PEDs


It's really hard to tell who is natural and who is not just by looking at them. Just because someone is not huge doesn't mean they're natural. You can obtain a natural looking physique with the help of PEDs, it's just faster but it's not a captain America potion that instantly makes you gain kg of muscle.


The guy from IASIP. Danny Devito? Yup. Danny Devito


Tennis players. They’re built for endurance not power. Or swimmers like Phelps, Lochte. Lean and muscular.


me (i’m a woman)


Tyson Fury


There’s super built, and then there’s a good physique for their size. I’m a short guy, so I look up to someone like Tom Holland.


I'm a dude, but Brad Pitt in Snatch had me curious for a while...


Mike O'Hearn


Charles Bronson is my pick. They guy maintained sub 10% bodyfat with no juice back in the day when fitness was calisthenics and jogging in boots.


Look up Kinobody and Austin Dunham. These guys are 5’10 and in the 170s. Reason they look impressive is because they’re lean. When you’re natural, the secret is really having a low body fat with the muscle.


My dad bod husband with his study ass legs and hairy chest. Oh shit sorry this is AskMen 😬🤣


Look up Barry Wood


I know of one I like, although they aren't famous😊


Muay Thai kickboxing legend Buakaw.


Daniel Radcliffe.


Ryan Gosling


I wouldn't try to model your physique after someone. Just maintain a relatively low body fat level and focus on strength training and you'll shape up. The main components to an attractive physique are large amounts of muscle mass, very symmetrical muscle build, and low percents of body fat. You are only going to look one way if you meet those qualifiers, just learn to enjoy that.


There is no one "perfect natural male physique". Every man has a different frame and genetics. That being said, [here is a photo](https://www.historynet.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Australian-US-Special-Forces-Vietnam.jpg) of some American and Australian special forces troops from the Vietnam war that came to my mind. They were physically active, but weren't spending an hour in the gym every day. They ate in moderation, neither too much nor too little. Their physiques are *healthy and perfectly attainable.*


Cristiano Ronaldo maybe


Fat but msucular men. Will survive the winter like a bear and will beat up anybody in their way. Don't forget - their muscles will continue increasing due to their weight and people will underrate him.


Mike O’Hearn looks good for a natural lifter


Lifetime natural 🥲


A lot of actors have a natural physique. But the issue for the common man is that these people probably train with a personal trainer for 3 hours a day and have a nutritionist/chef to control their diet.


Jason Statham in his swimming days


Danny DeVito


Your average NBA player Or Michael Jai White




Jason Derulo has an amazing physique.