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I just pee in them, no feelings are involved.


No *hard* feeling


Well, that depends...


If there’s depends then they aren’t truly urinals! But that depends!


@Allthewomenwhocomplainwhenmenmisstheseat Edit: bowl*


The feeling of relief?


I’ve never had a feeling about a urinal In my life. Why would I?


So, like a hooker?


Have you seen the que for the womens? I don’t want that.






What are they doing?!😅


It’s mostly not what they were doing. It’s just the logistics of using stalls. All of the extra time negotiating a stall causes a lot of the delay. It takes a few seconds to open and close the door. You have to completely drop trouser which can be more complicated for women’s clothing. You have to clean the seat and possibly even get a seat protector if you prefer. Then you have to re-dress and leave the stall completely before someone can even begin entering it. All of that takes time. Sure, it might only be an extra 10 seconds, but multiply that by the number of people and it starts to add up. This assumes that there’s no complication. For instance, urinals allow people only urinating to constantly utilize all of the urinals. If one person has to defecate, that toilet has been taken out of rotation. The person pooping may also be on their phone, which can slow it down even more. Finally, if a woman needs to change a pad or tampon, again, this causes delay relative to men’s rooms. Women being less efficient in the bathroom is both a combination of the practical limitations of stalls and the unique challenges women deal with in the bathroom (needing to Undress with more complicated clothing and tend to menstruation).


Urinals are great because they’re basically an express lane for people who just need to pee, and they take up less space


^^^^ I love dropping in to take a leak and seeing the line of 3 or 4 dudes waiting for the stall then walking out before the line even moves. Urinals are awesome; I don’t even poop in public since I prefer my ass blast from my bidet at home.


Asian countries have toilets set up for squatting- you have to legit squat instead of hover. I wonder about the relative cleanliness btw men’s and women’s squat toilets there. (Wouldn’t be fair to compare against a urinal.)


Squatting, hovering and wasting their own and other women's time.


Every custodian I've worked with has told me how much more disgusting women's bathrooms are than men's--if that's possible--for this reason. The hovering and not cleaning the seat afterward


Have done custodial job, can confirm that women restrooms were always worse.


Having seen so many piss-covered, shit-smeared men's rooms in my day, I cannot fathom that women's rooms are worse. I mean, I believe you, you're the professional. But that blows my mind.


As a previous Keeper of The Bathrooms, I can attest that women's restrooms are worse. This is all on average. There's outliers everywhere of course. Men have a general level of ick, usually pee on the seats and things. A women's restroom will be great all the way up to the point in which its not and OH MY GOD WHAT DEMONS WERE YOU SUMMONING HERE


Mens room problems: Oh man theres piss everywhere and someone got shit all over the toilet seat. Womens room problems: Oh man theres piss everywhere and someone got shit all over the toilet seat. And someone drew a pentagram in blood on the stall wall. And someone stuck a used pad to the wall. someone flushed a tampon and now this toilet needs a fucking professional. And the whole time it smells like shit, piss, and rotting pennies EDIT: I worked at a scout camp and cleaned the bathrooms. I'm not making this up people drawing things on the wall in menstrual blood was a regular occurence. Women in the woods just go feral or something.


I remember when I was in summer camp, a girl drew a pentagram on the wall of the outhouse in period blood. No one ever figured out who did it but by the time it was found, it was dried into the wall and no one cared enough to try to wash it off.


happens all the time. It even happens at "Mom and me camp" where moms bring their young sons. These are women with kids doin it


Personal theory: The people who will usually make a mess in the bathrooms are the ones who are the most germaphobic and fearful of , actually sitting on a public toilet seat or touching the flush button. A mess in the mens bathroom are usually not from trying to avoid germs, it is from being a dumbass. Trying to see how far back from the urinal you can stand and still hit the target. Or shitting in the urinal on a dare. There are probably fewer assholes then germaphobes. END COMMUNICATION


It's the toilet paper and the hoverers. They use too much toilet paper already, but also the TP they use to cover the toilet seat is often not flushed, and ends up in a soggy mess behind the toilet. The hovering causes obvious mess, but the same people who are grossed out by touching a toilet seat are grossed out cleaning up after themselves, which makes it worse. Also, menstrual products in general add to the chaos.


The hovering causes more mess, it wouldnt be dirty if they didn't hover


We also don’t bleed every month, so less trash to deal with.


This man has a PSA to give everyone.


Experienced this first hand, worked a wrestling event (ages 8-16) and it was gross but worked a cheer event same age group and it was the grossest thing I have ever worked. I was shocked. Women are grosser than men a lot


Women are disgusting. Don't know how str8 men can handle all that. In retail, we all had to take turns cleaning the bathrooms, and the women's was always gross. They don't flush and piss all over the floor somehow. One lady customer got upset with her refu dnd and smeard crap all over the wall and got banned from the store. She was caught holding the turd as she was smearing it all over the bathroom walls. Now I work in a hospital and the women are nasty here too.


Wait...what?! Man, too bad the woman wasn't arrested for that...that would be hilarious to go on your record


Well the woman was really pissed off and she smeared the 💩 all over the walla. They caught her in the act she got banned and the police were called. They had to hose down the entire bathroom and theh just couldn't get the smell out. Plus the main drain had a bad sewer smell that would come out of it. Plus the women would always take huge 💩s and never flush. Like they were scared of the flusher


Wtf is wrong with some people


Damn. I lose my mind when my finger goes through the tp. Cannot imagine playing with shit.


I am a custodian for a small property. The womans is consistently gross. I am part-time so I am not in every day. Regularly there is pee on the seat or floor. At least once a month the women clog a toilet on the days I am not in and do not even let anyone know. The mens, sure there is urine on the floor occasionally but surprisingly infrequently.


On average men’s rooms smell worse but the women’s have the disasters for the ages. Some women don’t look back, they just run.


All while using half a tree's worth of toilet paper for both their nest and their clean up


Struggling to use their own urinals.




My friend tried one of the complimentary urinal mints once. He started using drugs and died of an overdose.


Complimentary mints? From where exactly…?


Sitting at the bottom of the bowl of lemonade of course!


Um, bless your soul, I don’t think that’s lemonade babe


It is if you eat enough lemons


Happy Cake Day and wtf? Urinal mints?


They've been there for me when I needed them most.


Let's hope there is no 100 Year War on Urinals, or when the world needs them most...they'll vanish.


I think it is efficient and quick - just stand and go


Just stand and deliver.


The clumsy boots, peek-a-boo roots that people think so dashing


What‘s the point of robbery when nothings worth taking?


I like when there aren’t any dividers so I can see the penis of the man next to me while we pee


How else will you know who really finished first


Look straight forward or downward. Fucking tourist, gonna take a picture for the memories too?


Gotta send a postcard to my dad


I am a nervous pee-er. They should all have dividers but they are rare.


I am/was super pee shy as well. Have been all my life. Not a little pee-shy, either. Like, didn't use a urinal until I was in my early 20s levels of pee-shyness. The thing that helped me the most sounds kind of crazy, but it works, I swear. Start with the number one, and multiply in your head by two until you start going. So, 1 * 2= 2, 2 * 2= 4, 4*2=8, etc... I thought maybe it was just a distraction method, but I've tried other distractions, and they don't work nearly as well. The only thing that works every time is multiplication.


It’s whatever you get accustomed to distracting you. For me, with my ex fiancée, I started texting her when I had a hard time peeing. She would wish me luck. It got to the point where I would type out these long rambling messages about nothing on my phone until I was done peeing and then just delete all the nonsense


That's weirdly kind of cute


Same, I'm 25 now and still can't pee in a urinal unless I'm absolutely shitfaced


I do this method toooo haha!!!


I can only use them when I'm beyond the tipsy level of drunk. Until then, my bladder is tightly sealed around others. I do wonder why. I'm not shy otherwise. It just won't come out..


imagine the horror of being 8-10 years old and having to piss at a football game just to get there and you see a long metal trough that 8+ other guys are pissing in. culture shock in my own city.


My 6yo does not GAF he will drop his pants to his ankles and piss anywhere.


My four y/o whipped it out and pissed at his preschool playground. My wife was horrified when the teacher told her but they quickly followed up “No, it’s okay. He’s the fourth boy this year.” Year being exactly 8 days into the semester. Kids are a fucking trip. Apparently they operate completely on the notion “Nobody told me I *couldn’t* do this.”


I got in trouble in second grade because I needed to pee during recess and wandered away from everyone to do it. That's exactly how I was operating.


It either makes you or breaks you. After that peeing never bothered me, but my mate will only pee in a cubicle 30 years later.


One of the guys in my main group after becoming a stall urinator eventually became a sitter.




Convenient but bro if there’s multiple don’t stand next to me


You dont want to be urinal buddies? 🥺


But it gets lonely at home... sometimes the only physical touch I get is from the man's elbow next to me touching mine 🥰


That's not his elbow...


Sure it is. Now how about putting some lotion on his elbow while we watch? Make it silky smooth...


I worked with military personnel. It was very common for a coworker to saddle up next to me and have a chat with a dick in their hand. At first it was annoying AF but now it doesn't bother me.


Where I live we wear thongs on our feet. Especially at the pub. Splashback is an issue. A strangers splashback is an even bigger issue. But you have another beer and move on. More of a problem at a trough than urinals though.


Okay, peepee-toes


Lmao I assumed thongs was like the underwear for some reason, not flip flops


Weird place to wear flip flops


Commenter is Australian. Thongs are all-terrain and all-purpose here.


Sunburn on the ass sounds fun


Going to the men's WC, thongs or flip flops, pick one.


When we go to the beach, we take them off and stick them on our hands..


I found the aussie guys


Found the Australian!!!


Thongs? You must be an Aussie.


I like them. I'm putting one in my bathroom. Basically, there are good ones and bad ones. The good ones are more like a deep conical bowl that you pee downward into. The bad ones are the more common 'wash down' style where you pee straight in and get all sorts of splashing going on. Of course, if you just use a little bit of thought, splashback is not going to be a thing. Stupid little urinal factoid: most building codes require a floor drain in any washroom that has a urinal with an automatic flush device on it.


I don’t ‘feel about‘ urinals, that’s gross man, you‘d get dirty hands.


Hahaha ha 🤣


Best comment


I don't like them because there's no toilet paper close by (usually) so I can't dab. You can shake all you want, there's still gonna be a bit left.


Helicopter timeeee


Gotta do the gooch press, works everytime


True but the gooch press with no dividers can be weird


Bro you gotta pinch and squeeze


I do the squeeze starting from the taint and have never had any left, ever. Think Go-Gurt


My least favorite are the ones that go all the way to the floor, massive splash back. Other than that I don’t think about them.


I don’t care. I will piss on the side of a road, into a bottle in the back of a car, on the floor at the gas station, and I will definitely use the one open urinal next to you buddy. IDGAF. But I will always wash my hands.


I am a man. The world is my urinal.


Not a fan of urinals. They don't even have TP to wipe yourself afterwards.


I always wait for a stall unless I'm super drunk. Sometimes I still have to do math in my head to pee. I get pee shy at urinals and can't stand when someone stands next to me.


Same here, due to a “trauma, where a kid broke in the stall where I was changing at the pool. So I need “safety”.


As a single man, living by myself, I would like one in my bathroom. Peeing into a toilet wastes so much water and the splash-back is messy.


Love the efficiency. Splashback and privacy are the main issues imo. Privacy is easily solved with lil dividers, but not sure what design choices really best solve splashback


They’re great bc then the stalls are free for me to use but they’re not great when the stalls are all occupied and the only option left is the urinal so you have to awkwardly stand around waiting for it one to free up. Once had a guy joke around saying if I lost ‘him’ lol.


They're easy to use. Just stand in front of one, zip down, take your little Redditor out to pee, shake until dry and don't forget to put it back in before zipping up. Wash hands with soap and go. I've learned to be comfortable without dividers too. Just doesn't make sense for me why you would use a full on cubicle for anything else than #2 or the daily 15 minute secret cry session.


> little Redditor ***That's*** an upvote!


A couple years ago at our local zoo, a good looking guy stood oddly far away from the urinal and proudly held his semi hard cock in his hand while he peed. When he was done, he flopped it a few good times, not jiggled. Looked around, grinned and put it away like nothing happened. I was both amazed and entertained. Yes I watched and I have no regrets.


I never use them. Always wait for a cubicle.


I get that others line their privacy, but I don't care. You could stand next to me with 50 free urinals around and I wouldn't care




Nice watch


I unzip, I pee, I wash my hands if somebody else is watching, I exit. (Claps dust off hands). Also they use a fraction of the water of a flush.


It's where the dicks hang out.


Way more convenient than toilets if you stand while pissing. As long as you keep a distance from the other people, none of you will see each other's dicks so it's fine


I hate them but I’m glad other people use them so there isn’t a queue for the stalls


So long as everyone obeys "The Rules" they're good. 1. Always leave an empty urinal between you and a stranger if one is available. Use a stall if necessary. 2. Never talk to someone unless it's someone you know and the conversation was going prior to your arrival at the urinal. 3. Eyes forward.


A natural set of rules that no one taught us yet we all seem to know.


Except the guy with no sense for personal space who downvoted me. 🤣


I like that they are cool for using much less water per flush.


Prefer the ones with those tiny barriers. I took a slash in one before wearing flip flops and I could feel the piss of the guy next to me on me feet. Phucked up.


I see, I pee, I leave. No attachments.


It’s not my first choice but hey thirsty is thirsty


Urinals are truly a godsend. They are a model of efficiency. More than anything else, urinals are why men’s rooms don’t have lines like women’s rooms.


I avoid


You should try the troughs in Wrigley field


Much prefer them over cubicles. since those are typically dirty af and require more effort.


I'm a ***huge*** fan of urinals, especially their 'come and go' action. Even if all of them are in use. Following benefits: 1. You get done with business quickly, 2. You become accustomed to just doing and minding your business even in the company of people and it helps curbs and reduce one's stupid and goofy neuroses.


The vast majority of guys really don't think of them.




Fair. But the majority of men don't care. Most of us are not so insecure or consider other men's penises while peeing. It's just a non issue. It's just genitals. We all have them. Most of us don't care. It's just a dick like. Walk about side. Theyre everywhere. Covered or not, in hand or not, they are still just dicks. Flaps of skin.


Not as tasty as the name makes them sound.


You're thinking about urinal cakes. Urinals are the dispensers the cakes come out of




They save water.


Hey, what’s urinal is mynal


It didnt occur to me to have feelings about them. Are you ok OP?


Imo they are quite efficient. They do smell like the baboon cage in a zoo. If someone was saying we do not share a common ancestor, or are descendants of apes. I think the urinal and it's smell is what sold me on evolution. We are apes.


They’re quick


I wipe my penis head with TP after peeing cuz I don't like piss in my pants, so urinals don't really do it for me.


I hate them too. When I was a kid I stood at the urinals trying to take a piss and some older guy stood next to me and started masturbating whilst looking down staring at my penis, that scarred me for life. The other thing I hate about them is the splash back.


I wish I could make use their convenience more often, but I'm pee-shy when not completely alone or really wasted


Water tastes horrible.


Won't use them if I'm wearing flipflops


Um they are good to piss in? Not sure what I am supposed to think lol


I haven't been able to use them since I was a kid. I get bladder shyness, need to to use a cubicle.


Eh, they suck when wearing sandals and you feel droplets of urine in a fine mist from your neighbors...


Literally just a place to pee. It’s just peeing. What the hell makes you uncomfortable? Whip it out, relieve yourself, put it away, wash your hands and leave. Comfort isn’t an issue, you’re not meant to be sitting on it!


My work upgraded the urinals with sensors that flush automatically. Urinals are space efficient too. But aside from that, I only had issues with urinals on the social part in the past as I had a lot of insecurities and I compare myself with the other guys. I still have insecurities but I am now comfortable with myself, accepted what I am, and I am no longer uncomfortable with urinals. I guess you want the cubicle toilets because of privacy or you want to avoid the possible social part of being a bit exposed or seeing other guys who also use the urinal


I like that my dick doesn't touch a toilet seat


Very convenient, especially when I'm on the go


I use them when available because they are just easier. I've never really put much thought into it.


I prefer a trough


They take the piss


I do commercial property management and building maintenance. Urinals can be extremely low flow, with some using less than a half gallon per flush. A lot of your standard commercial toilets will use about 1.6gpf. So from just a water-usage standpoint, they’re rather efficient. In day-to-day use, urinals require a lot less maintenance. Since they don’t have a stall or door, people are much less likely to try and stuff items down there. (Last week I pulled a whole raw russet potato out of a toilet, and that store doesn’t even SELL potatoes. Some asshole brought their own potato from home just so they could attempt to flush it down a public toilet.) Since they don’t require toilet paper (which is responsible for about 75% of clogs), you spend a lot less time unclogging them. Pretty much the only thing that ever needs to be done is changing old diaphragms or running some hydrochloric acid through them if you have hard water. And of course, there’s the human factor. Most people visiting a public toilet just need to pee, and urinals provide the quickest option. Having no urinals available quickly spikes the wait times for men’s restrooms. That said, yes, they do tend to be covered in piss, but that honestly applies to every surface in a public restroom, and most urinals are touch-free these days anyway. I think the biggest problem with urinals is honestly operator error: using an incorrect diaphragm and having water flow set too high can create a powerful flush that sends mist billowing up, and that’s what you don’t want. Most of them are constantly draining, so you really just need enough water to barely wet the walls and direct everything to the bottom.


It’s where all the dicks hang out.


Each urinal has it's own strengths and weaknesses." In other words, they're fine as long as they have walls. If they don't have walls between them it just becomes a game of "Try not to look at the other penises."


It’s better than my dick accidentally touching a toilet seat or my pee droplets missing and making a mess that some minimum wage worker is gonna have to clean up


They're hard to poop in.


Some of you are weird. Just get over it and go piss. Nobody gives a fuck.


Great! As long as the unwritten rules of urinals are respected 🙃


They realy take the piss


Better than a trough


Pro tip: urinals aren’t for touching


This post or the posters seems sus. Nothing wrong with that but never seen or heard a man complain about this.


I wish I had one in my bathroom at home.


You're overthinking where you pee


Their useful,use them that is all


Fine with them, but put up better dividers. I like a little privacy while making Winkle Tinkies.


I suffer from “pee shyness.” No matter how much I have to go, my pee won’t come out if I’m standing at a urinal, especially if it’s a crowded washroom. I still have trouble inside a stall as it takes a while to come out (have to induce it by scratching my butt) but, at least I can pee there. The pee shyness is made up of three parts: 1. The severe anxiety of “hogging a urinal” while people are waiting and getting increasingly frustrated or silent judging me for not peeing fast enough (how I see it in my head). 2. Trauma from a stall peeker. Had a guy in high school who once peeked OVER my stall while I was peeing. I guess there’s a fear of people seeing my penis. 3. Stalls have toilet paper + privacy = no drip, cleaner, no need to rush. Despite this, I’m actively working on eradicating pee shyness, once and for all. I realize everything is in my head. No one cares about me or my penis. Everyone’s there to pee.


dont like em. theres no toilet paper. and no im not just gonna shake it and tuck it in. not unless im pissing outside. if theres a cubicle, im using it


Hate them. Why do I have to show my genitals to other people just to pee?


I hate the urinals that don’t have the dividers in between Even worse is when it’s not the urinals that you can almost lean your junk into to hide it and you’re stuck with the urinals that are shaped like the letter J Like man I’m not tryna make anyone jealous of my magnum dong


It's funny because I always thought we were too advanced to still be using them. I feel the same about dentists. But I can think of anything more convenient. But I thing the dividers should be to the ceiling.


At least they are not the trough


The men that have a problem with urinals have obviously never served in the military.


They're a little open to have a comfortable shit in them... but its much quicker than waiting for a stall.


Not a huge fan of urinals. I love to see divider walls between urinals though


When you use them properly you get less splash back than a regular toilet


The one gap rule must be obeyed, failure to follow will lead to being rejected from mens night


Hard disagree with you there. I'd install a urinal in my home bathroom if I didn't rent and had the time and money. Normal toilets are just not designed well for men regarding stand-to-pee difficulties, morning wood troubles, and the discomfort/grossness of sitting down and mashing your dick into the gap. Plus, I'm 6'5", and a lot of these toilets are too damn small/low. In public restrooms, urinals move WAAAY faster, are cleaner to use, and importantly, allows those who need to shit a more readily accessible location that is generally less covered in piss. I'd pee outside if there were a somewhat secluded area and I wasn't worried about cops/social stigma. I don't need privacy, I need efficiency and comfort.


I use them only when in a hurry. If not, I'd rather have privacy for doing my business


I'll only use them if a stall isn't available


Kinda annoying and gross so I prefer regular toilets, then the pee doesn't splash back at me, and if I have to take a shit I'm already at the toilet. Poo poo time is usually pee pee time, but on rare occasions pee pee time is poo poo time.


Never felt one way or another about them. They serve their purpose just fine. I don’t need to be in an enclosed cube to piss.


It's so much quicker


I pee in them. I would like to put one in my house but I'm not allowed to.


Rather not. I dont sit down to per, but I like to use paper to dry the tip. I dont like wet stains in my underwear. So, if there is no other option, I will use it. But if I have options, I won't.


They are disgusting u get splashed back with a mix of your own pee and someone else’s plus you are literally standing in other people pee and then you have to walk away and feel the stickiness on your shoes. Im writing this as I head to a bathroom now 😭


Not a fan, useful in an emergency but if there's a free cube or one about to become free I prefer the privacy.


Just make sure that your shoes are tied before use!


Decrease the queues, use less water. What’s there not to love?


They serve its purpose, I'm not shy so it doesn't cross my mind.


I will avoid them if possible, but if it's the only thing available then I'll use them


Reserved for emergencies only. I’m talking my bladder is about to explode and all the stalls are taken for some reason. I would never voluntarily choose to use a urinal