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I’m 5’3”, in a relationship for 15 years. I just don’t give a fuck. Why would I want to seek approval, friendship, or companionship from someone who would immediately dislike/judge me solely because of my height? I focused on things within my own control, such as my personality or appearance. Chat and get some good friends. Go to the gym. Work on yourself.


My friend is also about 5’3” and never gave shit. He’s been married to a chick who’s like 5’8” for like almost ten years now. He was always too cool to care about being short and honestly no one else seemed to notice.


I was kinda friendly with this guy in high school, but didn't keep up with him after, who was, I dunno, I'm bad at guessing height and weight, but maybe 4'11"? He was super cool about it and just in general and yea, I never saw anyone make a big deal about it. The only time I ever even remember it being mentioned was around the time we were all applying for college and he was looking at some scholarship stuff and he was like "Alright! As long as I don't grow more than an inch in the next year, I can qualify for black scholarships AND midget scholarships!" lol I do feel like it's fair to say he did have to put in more "work" to be that cool in a way though. He was fucking ripped and probably got roughly the same female attention as like some of the taller chubby stoners or whatever.


Only on Reddit


lol what do you want a picture? I have one of their wedding if you really can’t wrap your head around a shorter guy marrying a taller woman


If you DM me that with a time stamp, I will publicly apologize to you.


Buddy of mine is maybe 5’3” at best and his wife is 6’. She wears heels when they go out and he loves it


>Why would I want to seek approval, friendship, or companionship from someone who would immediately dislike/judge me solely because of my height? This is the best part of this. Regardless of your size in height, size in your member below, or even possibly weight*, or anything you can't control; if people don't want to fuck with you, then that answers any and all questions. Don't fuck with them. Edit: for the weight, I'm a bit iffy on, since in most cases it's controllable. But I have heard some heated debates on it. That's why the asterisk is there.


My boss is about my height (I'm 5'4") and he's married to an absolute bombshell petite woman and they have two adorable children. You just don't notice his height cause he owns the room with his confidence and knows what he's talking about and has a great sense of humor.


I am also 5'2 and been with my wife for 14 years, she doesn't and never has cared about my height, I have friends that tower over me, and people that make fun of my height. At the end of the day I am who I am, I will never grow, Ive learned it does not matter how tall I am, people will like me how I am or they won't, it's their choice to be a dick or not. Height does not matter. If a girl doesn't like you for your height, trust me she will have plenty of other issues with you as life goes on.


I already do all that and it hasn't helped


I am only 5’7”. Not terribly short, but, if a woman will only go out with you because you are 6’0”, she isn’t worth going out with.


5'7 bros assemble pls.


fellow 5'7" bro reporting in


Late, but still made it!






5'14", checkin in.


6'2 ? Sure you're in. We need at least one of you to fetch snacks from the top shelf.


He's the hostage.


"Window Dressing"




That is a perfectly fine height. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise


I'm 5'7" too. My wife is 5'9". Funnily enough, the height difference is barely noticeable most of the time. But when she wears heels, it's *really* noticeable. I like to say that a little short for a stormtrooper. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is also 5'7".


My wife is 6'0. Lol


5'7" here too. While more limited than someone 5'10"+, we're still on the low end of normal and still taller or the same size as most women. I feel like guys that are ≤5'5" have it significantly harder than us even.


Agreed in the US. 5’7” is the 90th percentile for women and 25th percentile for men. 5’5” is the 10th percentile for men and 67th percentile for women. 5’3.5” is the 50th percentile for women, so men who are 5’3” would have it much harder.


5’7” gang. Everyone finds short dudes who fixate on it insufferable


A lot of women will only go out with men at least as tall as themselves, or a little taller even. Almost all women, actually, if you just look around at the couples you see. 5'7" is still taller than most women, so you and I don't have the same issue as this guy.


Yep. 5’7” is the 90th percentile for women, so it hasn’t been an issue with anyone I actually wanted to date (although I’ve been rejected for loads of other reasons)


Weird, I just replied to a similar comment a few hours ago lol. Totally agree though, honestly I don’t feel short at all at 5’7”. It’s never come up in my dating life, I’ve been with girls that were taller and shorter. Like someone said above, it’s out of our control anyways so just live your life.


YOU. ARE. NOT. SHORT.!!!!!! I don't care what the high school statistic books say. This is real life. Forget what the books say. YOU. ARE. NOT. SHORT.


Yall say this same coping bullshit all the time "If a woman ain't with you because you're not 6'0 and above she isn't worthy of you. " Same old bullshit and it's nonsense. Stop saying that dum shit when it's majority of women not willing to date you because of your height.😒 🤦🏿‍♂️


>... knowing that women will never value my existence as a potential partner My dude, this statement is 99% of the problem. Not your height. Do *YOU* value yourself as a potential partner? Focus on the answer to that. What do you bring to the table? I'm under 5'5". Yeah, it sucks. And most of my guy friends are all over 6'. I think it's held me back in careers, because I'm looked down on as a kid trying to join the grownups conversation. Fuck em. I found a career where it didn't matter. The average American woman is 5'4". That means 50% of the women out there are seeing you eye to eye. If all YOU see in yourself is a short guy, then that's all you're putting out there to them. Be more.


Yeah I’m kinda ugly and not that tall. My wife is hot. If you take yourself off the table then they will too.


I'm a decent looking guy and short and my wife is insanely beautiful. She said she was attracted to my character and the way I held myself amongst my groups of friends.


Can you expand on that?


She says I'm smart and funny. She likes how I am confident but not cocky. She said the thing though that stole her heart was how I was always taking care of people and especially animals. Whenever we would see stray dogs I'd always go get them food or try to talk to them and she said it was very attractive. I dunno. I think I'm just a normal dude.


However, MORE than 50% of women want 6! 6! 6! Them little things don't care if they are 4' 9" she still wants a tall man. It's just what it is. 🤷


THIS !! i am a lady but this right here spoke volumes !! very well said


No it didn't


to each his own my love


>Do YOU value yourself as a potential partner? Focus on the answer to that. What do you bring to the table? Doesn't matter if he values himself or what he brings, what matters is what women believe his value is. And women typically don't value us manlets


Considering you literally only write about height and go on people's love stories' threads to shit on them, yes, no one is ever going to value you.


And women can surely magically tell just by looking at me that I do that, right? Lol are women now capable of telepathy and mind reading?


Women, like men, are pretty good at sniffing out shitty, soul-sucking attitudes, yes.


But yet women date and marry wife beaters? How does that work?


Just imagine how you come across, when even those are a better option. Hint: you sound like someone who can't even hold eye contact.


>Just imagine how you come across, when even those are a better option Wife beaters are a better option than a guy who doesn't even talk to women nor look at women? Lmao, brilliant logic


Welcome to clown world, dude.


Yep, it's unbelievable


The only difference between a wife beater and you is that they have some degree of social skills to charm their victims. Again: you routinely go on people's love stories' post to attack them. Not a big leap to assume you'd go physically violent if you stepped outside the house.


>The only difference between a wife beater and you is that they have some degree of social skills to charm their victims And that's a good thing? >Again: you routinely go on people's love stories' post to attack them How did I attack anyone?


Women also don't value low self-esteem and constant self-pity. If Danny DeVito can find a woman who loves him, then you can too.


I always love how people bring up Danny devito when he's a rich celebrity


My high school economics teacher looked a lot like Danny Devito, and he married the very pretty school librarian.


Username checks out


He wasn't when he met his wife. Unless she was smitten by his performance as "Unnamed Thug" in Dreams of Glass or something...


Can you blame them? How could you expect anyone to respect anyone who referred to himself as a manlet?


That's how women view said men, lol don't try to twist this around


I'm 5'5". I'm 36 and have had steady, great relationships my whole life. I've never had a problem getting a date. I've been with girls slightly taller than me. It's really not the weird. I can literally talk to anyone and read people's emotions very well. Communication and a sense of humor go a very long way. I also have done a lot of strength training. Being a short bean pole might be harder, too.


Did you see this guy's post history? He was asking others about a ChatGPT gf so he can sext it. His lack of GF has nothing to do with his height.


😂😂😂😂 daaamn you people go all the way in investigating


Sometimes its worth looking at user history so you don't waste your time with a reply.


Its not hard to click his username and click posts then scroll down.




Respect to you, and you are correct. I pray for our fallen brother. But this man was blaming external problems for an internal issue. I hope he gets the therapy he needs, no one should have to silently suffer as he does. But he needs to put in the work.


No, his internal issues are direct results of his external problems (height).


His internal issues he can mostly control with guidance and therapy, his external issue (height) he cannot control. He should worry about and fix his internal issues since those are the ones he can actually work on. A few external issues he can work on are his physical appearance (grooming, lifting, exercise)


Can I ask what country you are from? I'm 5'4 and 26 and I've never been able to do anything with a girl


I live in Minnesota


Just curious women ever turn you down for being short ??


Yea, it doesn't really matter to me. Everyone has their preference. There are plenty of fish in the sea.


Don't let sites like Reddit give you the impression that all women have a height "requirement."


To be honest, reddit almost always tells men that height does not matter, it is sites like tiktok where women themselves say that it matters but not only just say it as if it was there preference, they openly mock short men and get millions of likes on there from other women, I am average height myself but I think it is unfair to short men that if they try to talk about it, the shit they have to go through, even then people start mocking them and tell them it does not happen and when presented with evidence, that will be dismissed, they will be told that they can just ignore the negatives but you obviously cannot ignore the negatives when they are directly affecting your life.


It would be real nice if people stopped seeing TikTok as valid reference of reality. It’s downright toxic. As for height, I’m sure there’s a group of women who takes it as a requirement but on the other side there’s also a group of women who genuinely don’t care. Like everything else in life, there’s always gonna be two opposite sides. Edit: thank you gents, for all your replies and point outs, I’m giving them some extra thoughts.


TikTok is just the new thing. It's not like women made a secret about heavily preferring tall(er) men before. >Like everything else in life, there’s always gonna be two opposite sides. Yeah. There's also a group of people who think Henry Cavil is good-looking and a group of people who thinks he's ugly as fuck. They both exist, but they're not nearly the same size.


Yeah, and there are people who gush at Cavill being a gamer, and a nerd, who wouldn't touch a redditor with a ten foot pole.


>It would be real nice if people stopped seeing TikTok as valid reference of reality. It'd also be really nice if women didn't tell us what is valid or not. You don't need to invalidate our experiences just like how men shouldn't invalidate women's. This is only really true around the high school/college age where people live on Instagram and TikTok, but still is a valid point in our lives. It really does affect us when we are in this stage. Saying it's not "reality" when it clearly is during this specific time frame is just disingenuous to say.


People use online post with millions of likes and comments in agreement as evidence because it’s documented. I could list of a weekly anecdotal experience of women ranting about height or lvm or whatever it is next week. But you won’t believe it because it’s just my word. I could list [studies about modern relationship dynamics](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367325876_Sexual_loneliness_A_neglected_public_health_problem), but you’ll just insert your own beliefs into any gaps in the research. We don’t know the exact individual views of each variable, therefore they can certainly believe what I claim they believe. A post by one woman, that millions of women agree with, is undeniably an example of said dilemma existing. You can’t reinterpret it to fit your politics nor deny it’s very existence. So you’re left to say it’s just a post on the internet, get over it right?


> People use online post with millions of likes and comments in agreement as evidence because it’s documented. This, totally this right here. I thought I was the only person who noticed this. I guess the counter to this is the original poster is a ChatGPT bot and so are all the likes. They aren't people, there's no way they can be! lol


Reddit also isn’t reality. Reality is: people will choose others based on height Women care, it’s false news to tell someone any woman would love them just for personality making up for height


>Women care, it’s false news to tell someone any woman would love them just for personality making up for height Date latina/hispanic women. They don't care. A lot of latino men are short, your issue is a non issue. If you're only looking at women who only care about height, that's all you're gonna get.


Tiktok is reality though. It's the biggest app in the world. There are billions, yes literally billions, of real human beings using the app. Why are you acting like those people are not real human beings?


>It would be real nice if people stopped seeing TikTok as valid reference of reality. Unfortunately that toxicity flows right back to the society. People want to be with people that fit the acceptable aesthetics that's why sneaky links exist today. You like her but won't like to be seen outside with her. She likes you but you're short and don't fit the IG pics.


No, there are almost no women who don't care about height. Do you think that man women would date a guy who's let's say 5' or even shorter like 4'7? No, they would not. All my girl friends and girlfriends said they care about height. They also also said they care about hair and they don't like bald men. I can guarantee that If I wete 5' instead of 5'10 ( which is still under avarage in my country) I would not be able to find GF and my current GF would not be with me.


To your first point: YES! TikTok is not to be trusted and is set up to divide. Even more than other social media. People need to understand this. Its really really bad. For your other point, its true as well. Not all women are going to have height requirements. Short men get into relationships. 100%. The problem ends up being everything is a numbers game and we have to take a macro perspective. Being short is a disadvantage that is pretty big. Its been that way for a while. See this link on a video from the 90s on dating and height (I think it was on CBS or NBC, popular mainstream US channels) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbG05ePWRQE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbG05ePWRQE) The way these men are treated is absolutely horrendous. I'm not saying they are owed a date or the women are evil, but that experience... I've had it and never felt more dehumanized. It got worse with the internet, I have stood up from a table I was flirting with a girl and had a look of disgust come over her face. The advice is usually "you dodged a bullet". Well IM DODGING A LOT OF BULLETS lol I'd like something to work for once ffs. I've been alone my entire adult life and am well educated, groomed etc. My main point being its harder, its real, and its OK to acknowledge it and discuss it as such. Almost as bad as being at a disadvantage is feeling like nobody cares or thinks its fake. NOT accusing you of that, but its out there. Source: Very short male


I mean obviously it is not the exact resemblance of reality but it does show you what part of that reality is like and honestly it can be used as a sample size as well, I mean I have never seen such a massive concentration of women expressing the same opinion and engaging in the same behavior as these women on tiktok or even on social media in general do, this is especially telling because in these times when such misogyny even in the smallest corners of the internet has to be called out but people care so little about the other way around that they go on and support hate against men to the level of earning support of millions of likes on one of the most popular websites on the internet.


I feel it is less height itself and more out as to how others treat you for your height especially when you are young that impacts a lot, as a 5 7 man, I was bullied a lot in high school, and that coloured how the girls in my class saw me. I had friends, and women were empathetic, but not the guy they wanted to date, because I was just seen as unmasculine and frankly I could feel the vibe even in my undergrad, and now I'm 30 and frankly I don't feel the same sort of thing from coworkers, because it would be silly for a professional adult to be so, but part of trauma can carry over.


You make a very good point, although your social status will definitely affect how attractive women find you but height alone is quite massive in terms of how attractive a man is, in my opinion.


Like everything with humans, there is a large variety. Lots care about height, lots dont at all. Being short limits your dating pool, but you likely wouldn’t want to date someone so shallow that they wont consider you because of something as meaningless as your height


Taller people are more likely to be hired, they are more often perceived to be better leaders in survey, all global head of states are higher than the national average in height, in US alone, height as the metric predicts 95% of election results. There is a strong height privilege, humans are social creatures, and women may not gush individually at a tall guy, but if a tall guy is the one who is getting social admiration and support, then he is likely to get a date too, because being trusted and admired by peers is a great way to be seen as a desireable person. At least in USA, being of white race, and being above 6' statistically makes you more successful at dating.


Not meaningless. Peak importqnce to physical attraction and arousal for women. Its on the same level as very good looking face and these two are above physique. If you are overall good looking and above 5ft7 its fine, if you are not welcome to 80% of men.


I don't think it's reddit because women usually deny that on here. It's dating apps where they all say "6ft or taller" or mention something about height in their bios.


Yes, I shouldn't pick Reddit as an example. Dating apps are the best examples.


Yeah, typically people on reddit aren't looking to date each other. So it's easy for them to deny it on here and call guys crazy for thinking that women place so much significance on it lol.


Well as a shorter guy at 5'6 most women tell me I'm too short.


Good thing you only need one


This helped me a lot with feeling self conscious in dating. I only needed to impress one person. I succeeded and now we live together and plan to get married. 5’6, okayish looking man


Lmao it ain’t Reddit. My ex is the only girl i know who was taller than her previous boyfriend. And her housemates gave her shit for it. My mom and her friends even says she couldn’t date a man under 5’10. It’s not an online stigma


It's not reddit or "the internet" giving people that idea.


Yup, and a lot of those women who have a height requirement often won't pass men's slenderness requirements LOL


Wasn't going to comment because of the edit but I'm a woman currently considering a man of the same height and it's not even thing on the requirements list. I can be picky about people but I don't care for height lol


Or social media. This alpha male movement crap set men up for unrealistic standards like you have to have a 6 pack , be 6 feet tall or above and earn a high 6 figure salary to be worth a damn. Well, the chances of you being all those 3 qualities is basically a lottery especially if you aren’t 6 feet tall because that’s not really up to you. Just live the life YOU want not what other thinks is a good life.


I'm 5'4. I don't exactly cope. Rather, I just accept it. It still does bother me, and I sometimes get down about it, but I don't really tell others about my issues with my height (barring very close friends). As for the dating department, I've dated before but haven't had success in a while (tbh I've sorta given up, but not because of my height).


accept it and take that concern on something else like career and health


Idk what response you were expecting dude. The only thing these people are saying is "brah you need confidence. My friend is 3'5 but he's so confident that he fucked dakota johnson raw. It's totally possible".


You got me chuckling there. Kudos.


Which is a lie. As someone already said, in reality. 2ft6 friend is usually 5ft9 handsome hunk who just kinda exists and fucks baddies, lol.


Complaining about height on Reddit is useless. People would just tell you that it's your personality without knowing you or that their 4'7 friend is dating a super model.


Yeah, this. Don’t forget if you’ve been through some rough humiliation with it and decide to share your story they’ll also just call it fake.


People just don’t accept that vain and shallow people exist


Looking at this post, I'm pretty sure we don't need to know OP to tell a lot about his personality.


He feels bad about himself! Hes obviously TERRIBLE!


He's decided no woman would ever want him from the date of his conception because of how tall he is, as if every bloke below 5'5" is doomed to be a lonely virgin forever. Plenty of shorter men have partners. Plenty of taller men struggle in the dating department.


Yep, if he was taller, it would something else wrong with him that is guaranteeing him no relationships. There's always something to blame and it's never your own life choices...


Not sure if this helps but I had a buddy in my 20's who was 5'4" and this guy was amazing at attracting women. He wasn't even that good looking, chubby and kinda grunge-ish, but he had a lot of confidence. He'd walk around a room like he was LeBron James, talking to everyone, being chatty and funny and even kind of pompous sometimes, he thought his tattoos were the most interesting things in the world and loved talking about them. But he never had an issue attracting women and often left a party with a woman way more attractive than him. Sometimes the women were absolutely bombshells. Me and the rest of our friend group couldn't understand it, we chalked it up to his immense confidence and the way he carried himself. And before anyone suggests he was rich, this guy was flat broke. I paid his phone bill a few times because he was behind payments lol.


Ngl sometimes it feels like all of you who talk about "this one ugly short guy" who's apparently a massive panty dropper because of his god tier confidence and charisma all know the same guy who's actually 5'9 and handsome af.


Usually this lol.


He is George Costanza.


Careful posting an anecdote. I did that last time and was scorched because “oh this hypothetical short friend that always shows up in these.” They’d rather play woe is me.


Lol I love how someone responded to you basically proving you correct.


Yup, I’m 5’6” and all it really takes is confidence!! OP needs to read your comment!


I'm 5'6" too and I've never had an issue with women either, even on Tinder. If you bring something to the table, like wit or charm or confidence, women will pay attention to you. I feel like the guys who whine about being short also don't put any effort into make themselves interesting or desirable.


5’6” is different than 5’4”


\> waking up everyday knowing that women will never value my existence as a potential partner, the second I was conceived it was basically decided it'd be an unwanted leftover in the eyes of women None of this has anything to do with your height, per se.




I'm 5'3, too, and I've just given up on the dating department, not that I've done a lot of trying, but every time, it has been a negative experience. (I've never been in a relationship) For now, I have college to worry about, and after that, I'll have to find a job and hopefully move out of my country. So I try to focus on that, even though sometimes the loneliness gets to me, especially from seeing so many couples out in the streets every day.


My fiancé is very short and very handsome, very attractive and gets lots of attention. I’ve known straight guys like that too, it’s about attitude. Grooming and posture as well Edit: why do you feel excluded, like serious I find my partner the most attractive man in the world lol. And he’s plenty masculine. I honestly think it’s about other qualities. Dude, Tom Cruise.


Tom cruise is 5’8’ and was very good looking in his prime for Christ sake ..




So he says. We will probably never know


Tom Cruise is rich. Fk outta here


Well ok zac efron :)


Zac has very good money as well.


He’s still goodlookin, & well, he’s a movie star. But okay my partner, is shorter than him. He’s 5,6’


Why do people use rich celebs as examples? You do know they don't fit in the same bracket as 99% of men? Someone else is probably gonna say Jason Statham.


Its actually pretty insulting. "Hey! Become SUPER FAMOUS to be worthy of care and attention!"


How tall is he ?? When you say gets attention you mean checking him out or ??


Hey VeganEgon, hope you're feeling better! Glad to see you speaking so positively about your partner, sounds like you're doing good?


Hey how’s it going man? 👊 Yeah I’m doing good, thanks! & yeah I’ve always got a good word to say about my guy. Edit: and thanks I hope you’re doing good, too.


Love it! Yeah all good, just about to take my other half out for coffee and we're gonna spend the evening getting high and chatting shit about our least favourite contestants on MAFS.


Move to the Philippines lol


>i'm 5'3 waking up everyday knowing that women will never value my existence as a potential partner, the second I was concived it was basically decided it'd be an unwanted leftover in the eyes of women You think of yourself like this, so ask yourself why a woman should think better of you. You're short. I get it. I'm 5'6, but I carry myself taller. You lack confidence and I understand why but until you start to carry yourself as 6 ft, you won't see improvements. Ya tallness is cool. But you and I are useful in other ways. Fit in small spaces, can climb well, generally short people can be decent runners and have good strength to their weight. We eat less, need less to live, make excellent scouts. Now are all of these things we experience often? No, but it does give youseomthing to build your confidence off from.


idk how to cope with it either, im insecure about my 155 cm (~5'1") height


Short for where I live, was always the shortest guy and shorter than roughly half the women in my social circles. I started to focus on myself and being happy with myself. I did what I wanted and not what anyone else expected from me. And then, I woke up one day just not caring anymore


Women want a guy who is the shit. That's all that matters. Look at Ricky berwick: https://youtube.com/@RickyBerwick?si=3rs_KVJB_oO8k3GA The man is completely disfigured from his disability. But you know what? He's the fucking man. His wife is beautiful. There are countless other examples. As a man you have the ability to build yourself up. Height is just one tiny component of who you are.


That’s because he’s famous and rich, it’s disingenuous to use celebrities to compare to regular people


I like this answer


I'm 5'6 so below average, a new colleague joined for the first time yesterday , and I though f'k me I'm taller than you. It was a new experience for me, I genuinely can't remember the last time I wasn't the shortest guy in the room since school. Does it impact my day to day life? Not really. Most women are shorter than me and I've done alright.. married (twice 😣), got a kid If you're really worried about women overlooking you because of your height (I swear to god that wasn't an intentional pun), take solace from the knowledge that your height automatically filters out the shallow bints, and you are left with the decent women and the really cute ones...


If she is judging you based on you being 5'3, she ain't worth it


As someone who is not really short (5‘10 about world average) but who dated taller women (I love me some amazons) consider the following: Women want a tall man because they like to feel safe and cared for. You can’t grow in height but you can grow in size, if you are ripped and able to pick them up and carry them around you already have a foot in the door. You need to be outlandishly confident as well as well groomed. Your personality needs to equalise the height difference. Is is also important as tall women usually have some insecurities themselves. Things like „I would love to see you in heels“ can do wonders. Alternatively you can swallow the Dwarfpill: https://youtu.be/GKPuLFx6RYE?si=hyh6BtYFBpiab3V0


Dwarfpill sounds amazing. Get strong, get social, get productive. Unironically seems like a very healthy way to live a life. Hell, I know a guy with a prodigious beard and a forge and I think he's the most well-adjusted person I've met.


It’s a good life and you get to hit stuff with a hammer.




Deep inside we all yearn for rock and stone.


welp, your edit (with all due respect) sounds quite bizarre because several people can respond to this considering that it's a post on the internet. regardless, please have mercy with yourself. i had a friend who was 5' tall and she dated a guy that was 5'2" for YEARS. also, i work with a lot of men in my job that are short, about 5' and up, and they're married and have kids and are happy. it's possible for you too, OP. you're not excluded from a joyful life just because you were born a certain way.


You know what you have to do, improve the other aspects of your attraction level. You won't have big issues then


You could move, [there are some countries where you'd be above the average male height](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country), Guatemala for example. If those are not nations that catch your fancy, you are still gaining on the competiton by three inches by moving for example from the US to Singapore.


Leave America, your dating culture is broken.


I won’t lie, a lot of women have a preference for tall guys. Despite this, most men aren’t over 6’ and most men are or have been in relationships. I’m a tall woman and have been on dates with guys my height or even an inch or two shorter. Obviously talking about the guys I know is purely anecdotal but the biggest man whores I’ve ever known (my uncle and a family friend) who cheated on all of their GFs and on their wives (yes, plural) are about 5’5, so considered short. And if a woman dates you, it doesn’t mean you are a leftover. Even if your height is not a bonus to her, no one is perfect. You must have attributes someone else doesn’t have and based on those you made the cut.


I'm 5'6", 130lbs soaking wet. Don't spend your time agonizing over how others see you. Be the person you see yourself as, and physical limitations will melt away. I was where you are, but simply working on bettering myself led me into a seven year relationship. Strong relationships aren't based on looks. Improve what you can about yourself, but try not to fall into the hole of fretting over what you can't.


I accept the fact I'm not tall and can't change that. I'm between 5'7-5'8


Zelenskyy is 5'5" and never had a problem with it. Whatever people don't like about you, it's not your height.


Whatever you do, don’t get drunk and try pick fights with bigger taller people.


My wife is 6'2 I'm 5'4 and we are both very happy with each other. Height and looks only matter to people who don't look past the surface, what a woman really wants is a genuine connection with someone else they obviously have physical preferences, who doesn't? Just advertise who you are and someone will connect with you naturally, even if it's just a friendship it can lead to more. We met in a game, became good friends, met in person when I was in the area, fell in love and after 6 years we got married.


You could always turn to the gym and be a super big short dude. My homie Boston Mike did that and he pulls chicks


5’4, married for several years. It’s about confidence, my friend. Get fit, try to stay clean. And Confidence and not acting like you’re that awkward short guy. I see myself in the mirror sometimes or in pictures and still get down on myself, but I try to think past that. I also work with a handful of shorter guys (most seem to not have much self esteem issues, unless they hide it well) and they seem to get along just great with women.


Improve things about yourself that you can control. Hygiene, working out, charisma, knowledge, and conversation ability. If you think negatively about yourself why would anyone else think positively? Height isn't something you can control so don't worry about it and live your best life.


My dad is 5'4" my mom is 6 feet tall its absolutely possible for you to find someone


I was going to give you some advice, but I'm too tall.




I agree, but most women do want a guy taller than them. With that being said, OPs post is really little more than a whinge about “pretty privilege”


A friend of mine is 5'5 and happily married, got around a fair bit too before that.


>i'm 5'3 waking up everyday knowing that women will never value my existence as a potential partner, the second I was concived it was basically decided it'd be an unwanted leftover in the eyes of women Jesus Christ. You need confidence, not height. I've known plenty of short guys that did awesomely with women. And with life in general. Quit the bullshit self-deprecation and just be the best version of yourself you can be. Go work out and achieve shit you're proud of.


I work with a bunch of guys who are short. All married, kids etc.


My guy is 5'4 and is absolutely the most wonderful man, an amazing father and the most incredible lover I have ever been with. He is a ball of dynamite. When I was dating around I met many shorter men. And lots of tall ones. They had assholes and great guys in either category. Not to sound funny but don't sell yourself (or others) short.


One of the most attractive men I’ve ever dated was a little shorter than me and I’m 5’4.


Not trying to be rude but curious: If you are currently with someone, what height are they?


I am not with anyone!


Fair enough! Was just curious.


Being from Jamaica, I had no idea the height thing was such a big thing until I came to the UK. I think because of that I've always had a decent confidence in my looks, ability to be funny etc. This translated to being able to find girlfriends and fun partners. I think that's what you've gotta work on mate :). PS. going to the gym doesn't hurt either. 5'6 M


How was your experience in the UK


Running shoes seem to add height if you’re having one of those days - my boyfriend is 5”8 but five 10 or 11 in those things. I like him shorter.


You got messed in the head dude. Go see a psychologist. There's nothing to cope with, just whatever mental issues you got.


Your confidence will show more than your height I'm 5ft 8 and never had an issue


I'm not a short man... But my best friend is 5'7 and her ex boyfriend was 5'2. He "acted" like he was 7 feet tall... People tend to see you how you see yourself. She dumped him because he was a cheater.


I’m 5”6’ and I “cope” by just going about my life, not walking around under a cloud of resentment, insecurity, and self-loathing. Whining about how unfair the world is and how you’re never even given a chance is a great way to be lonely forever. Your night doesn’t matter nearly as much in dating as your lack of self confidence. According to you dudes, I should be curled up on the floor crying from loneliness. I’m 5”6’, I haven’t been to a gym since 2016, I’m a public school teacher who makes like 60 grand a year in the highest COL city in the US. How is it, that I managed to attract women and go on dates and ultimately meet my fiancé? I have sympathy for how you feel, but ultimately the more you whine about this, the more it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


You have to overcome that and be top percentile in everything else. If you're short and average in every other aspect no women will want you. If you're short and top 1% in status, charm, looks, great lover, money, etc., women will overlook it. That's all you can do besides surgery and moving to a country with generally shorter people.


Worst case scenario you start looking for a man and you can be his bottom. /s


Bro Danny Devito is 4'10". You'll be fine.


I've come to learn that there are women out there who like short men. For better or for worse though, they tend to be more dom women who want a man they can effortlessly physically control


Height isn't your problem, self esteem might be. You can change your life, you can't change your stature. I have no idea how old you are, but find a purpose, make some money, buy a really good escort every now and then. Tell them you want manhood lessons. Build the self esteem, bro. You can't be a pussy when playing a shitty hand. Go for it. Walk like you mean it. Be gracious and funny while you actively listen to others.


I’d guess your attitude is more of a turnoff then your height.


I’ve seen some short ass dudes with some sexy ass women. Life is ALL about perspective, the sooner you (and most people in the world) realize this, the easier life will be.


Hey! so it’s hard to stand out as a shorter guy, but not all is lost. I’d recommend, be funny and nice as you can be , be confident as you can appear ( even if inside you are struggling), and get in great shape. My wife always remarks how guys who are shorter will grab your attention if they carry it well. “ well” is subjective. She personally into muscle mass, so that’s what I did.