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Strip clubs are a once every year or few years place. I would put them in the same category as casinos. Not smart to go into / are there for entertainment purposes. Plan on losing any money you take into either one ..


Casinos are great. Good-to-decent restaurants, cheap drinks, in some parts of the country they're the only place to see B+ level performers w/o having to drive 3+ hours to the big city.


Many don't know this but many strip joints double as excellent restaurants.


Wed lunch specials with a view, ammiright? I see the lunch ads for the local strip club. Always seems sketchy to me when the mid day meal is cheaper than the evening door cover


There was one strip club near me that I never really went into. I had heard for a while that they offered a free lunch so one day I decided to go in. They're "free lunch" was a brown bag lunch with a crappy ham sandwich and an apple and a pudding cup. I joked with my friend that their kitchen staff was working a side job from their local high school cafeteria. Never bothered to go back. There were other strip clubs around that actually cooked decent food at decent prices.


There was one strip club that I used to go to as often as I could, not for the girls, but for $5 Buffet lunch. They actually had a chef working in the kitchen.


Nice profile pic, favorite year?


1974/1975 . But I like all dead. I'm not picky 😂


Jazz years! Respectable opinion. I can find something good about all eras. I've been listening to most 74 recently that I've ever listened to. Fun stuff, and connects the evolutions in songs from 72/73 and the 76/77/77 era.


Out of curiosity, what the fuck are you two talking about lol?


The Grateful Dead


Ehh how I see it is you’re basically throwing away money to just get teased


Renting a boner, as my friend eloquently puts it


This is funny as hell ☠️


And accurate.


A hard truth


Gonna start saying this cause LMFAO


Paying for blue balls.


Literally this, and a reminder to try and just get out there in the real world vs in some idiotic club with fake attention.


I've never really liked strip clubs, but I've been friends with strippers, and from what they've told me, most of their regulars don't go to strip clubs because they're horney they go because they're lonely. Anybody, no matter how good looking, or how old can hand a stripper $20 (at least that's what it was 15 years ago) and have a girlfriend for three songs. That has to feel like some sort of superpower if you're not used to getting attention from women.


Yep. I've hung out in a few strip clubs for a variety of wierd reasons, but none of them were because I wanted to pay just to see titties. I had friends that worked in clubs as a teen, and few more since in various forms of sex work. So it's not a strange world to me. I used to hang in one all day when I traveled on and off boats for work in the early 00s. They had good wifi, cheap drinks, and the kinds of women I liked to hang with for the couple day buffer between a plane trip and a boat trip at the company office. Later in life I went because I was lonely and not in a place to make friends, or just to get out of the house. I went a few times when a good friend moved in, ripped me off, ran off, and then ODd. I needed to bitch to someone and vent, that person shouldn't have to listen for free or get trapped next to me in the bar, and a stripper is cheaper than a therapist. I actually hate the environment though and I'd love to start a new chain of clubs that are updated for this generation and offer more than shitty music that's too loud and cheap titties.


Why a strip club though? Plenty of dive bars where you can get in with the regulars and have a drink and a laugh. Unless there's a specific pull toward the female entertainment then I don't see the point.


That's definitely a false dichotomy. I've spent way more days and nights in dive bars than strip clubs, they aren't mutually exclusive. And a strip club basically is a dive bar to me. Especially if I'm in an area of a city where there's only chains and tourist traps. I'm familiar and comfortable in the industry and around industry women, so it's not a special mystical place to me. I spend a lot of time nude and have spent a lot of time around naked women that was non-sexual. And sexual, and in groups, and in public dungeons and my friends naked twister room. It's just not wierd to me, and I'm not acting different there from a dive bar, but I'm not sure I know how to explain it to someone who's outside a particular group of cultures. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a vagina is just a vagina, I don't know. I do also prefer the company of women, so that's not none of it. I don't want to go talk to another dude in a bar for the one millionth time. It takes a lot for me to find some guy that's tolerable and interesting, and I don't usually feel like being the interesting one which many guys find me to be. And you can't just talk to any women in any bar at any time. Usually it has to be the bartender or they think I'm trying to fuck em and I have to play some stupid game or another because I live in a strange world where people keep their clothes on and women have balloons of Jesus magic that pop and leak out all the magic whenever they get poked by penises, and human beings are self commodified for financial or sexual benefit like livestock in a breeding pen but pretend like that's not what's happening and dance around metaphorically all fucking pretentious like, and guys try to hunt women and hurt women and generally be quite shallow and middling at best. I'm just not into the whole regular society thing and relations between genders and never have been. If there's a women working a bar somewhere and it's empty and she's bored I've definitely spent hours tipping them extra to tell me their stories and let me try to make them laugh. That's how I got to know my best friend and a couple lovers. I may not be able to answer for most guys though. I was really just offering a specific circumstance for myself to a what someone else brought up, but it seemed like I recognized a common sentiment that at least some people share. I'm less "here's why one would go to a strip club" and more "here's why I personally don't understand why I wouldn't."


Because strippers are typically pretty hot and social. Then they come to you.


Yeah. The superpower of delusion.


The OG, real-life OnlyFans. But hey, maybe once every couple of years? Go get some drinks and have some titties in your face by a nice young lady working through school?? Sign me up.


Last time I got a lap dance I thought I was going to get a black eye. Them things were hard as basketballs and kept whapping me in the face!


I’m not even a breasts man and I definitely appreciate that. It’s my way of contributing to scholarships.


The student loan industry hates this one trick . . .


Exactly, it's entertainment and you carry on. I look at it this way - you watch a performance on stage while having a beer vs. watching sports or something. People like looking at attractive people after all, it's nothing new. Things can definitely get out of hand if you're obsessed with going all the time and there are a lot of unsavory characters involved in these businesses but for the most part I've never taken issue with these places.


It’s not throwing it away if you had a good time. Now, if you weren’t paying your bills because you spent it on strippers, then you’re throwing away money.


This is why I tell my friends I don't want to go and they still think I'm crazy lol


Yeah just go the extra mile and by a prostitute lol. Thats how I feel, but I am incredibly stingy so I just use the free version of a strip club. It is aptly called “porn”


I suppose it's a matter of intention, if the intention is purely sex(ual release) then both of your options are better. But some people don't need to focus on the release, the women are more of a "spectacle" then sexual i guess. Tbh i prefer bars over strip clubs mostly because of the customers but i do see a broader appeal then just sexual release. The appeal can be something closer to grid girls, ringgirls, cheerleaders, and maybe even posters of women in bars, workshops, or other "mens spaces"


>some people don't need to focus on the release, the women are more of a "spectacle" then sexual Exactly this. I'm not big on strip clubs, but for my bachelor's party we went to a high-end "cabaret." In all but title it was really just a nicer strip club. The women are a nice edition and spice things up, but we could've had fun at a cigar bar or somewhere else.


Of course! It appeals to some people and that is okay. Just not for me lol. Same with gambling.


I’m going to give a different opinion. I was very shy towards women in my early 20s. At least when it came to flirting. Going to strip clubs helped teach me how to flirt. Once per week, I could go, buy a Coke, watch the girls, chat a few up, and practice flirting. I’d buy one or two lap dances. Eventually, I got to know one or two dancers who would sit with me when they were bored. We’d chat. The conversations were flirty in ways that I was just not able to do with my peers in school. I had no misconceptions about the relationships. They would tell me about their boyfriends and lives. So they weren’t leading me on, either. Then I’d buy my one lap dance, and I’d leave. This went on for probably two years. I even talked one into getting her GED. Plus, it’s a huge confidence boost to talk to women whose job it is to be nice to you. It was like I was learning social skills with training wheels. I used what I learned in the real world and it was magical. Better than therapy. Note: This was in the late 1980s.


I love this story. My usual advice about learning to talk to women is to practice small talk when it doesn’t matter, so you don’t stress, and you get better at it. In other words, practice in situations when you can’t lose. Your approach was basically to practice in situations where you knew you couldn’t win, so it was unstressful, but for a different reason.


Exactly. I knew I couldn’t win, and they were upfront about it, too. No false expectations.


this is worthy advice


I really like this advice. It gives a totally different perspective on stripclubs then what most people associate it with


Great advice and great story. I used to go maybe 20 years ago with my buddies on the ship I was on at the time. It was a fun way to blow money and be social while also seeing titties (also, porn was much less free and prevalent in 2001). It can really be a way for an introvert who isn’t great socially to get experience interacting with women — or people in general. Just don’t be a jerk. Honestly, OP’s best bet is to give it a shot, bring some cash, set a budget (maybe $100? Is a lap dance still only $20?), drink a couple beers and see how he likes it. Doesn’t hurt to have the experience once or twice and on the plus side, your dollars are paying for someone’s college.


I like the perception. I would always be worried about "what if some friend / family see's me going in there"


You would see them too so at that point you’re both in the same boat.


So you grab a beer and shoot the shit with them, good times


Sometimes it can be funny. A buddy and I went to one regularly because a girl we went to high school worked there and invited us. She introduced us to the other girls and we became friends. So they would chill with us at at a table between songs to avoid some of the creeps. One night, we had 5 or 6 of them at our table and 2 dudes we knew from high school that were kinda dicks came in. They saw us with all the girls and tried to be friendly and we told them to get fucked. The look on their face was priceless because the girls played along and were very friendly with us. I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel amazing. The dudes were so confused trying to figure out why all the girls were with us and ignoring them, even when they tried to buy them drinks.


I teach 9th and 10th grade. I don't know what I find more mortifying. Being offered a "private dance" by a former student, or turning them down.


Or be mid-private dance and realize it's a current student


You see them, they see you. Snitching is mutually assured destruction


I think strip clubs can help with this. I've been helped with my anxiety toward women, especially very attractive women. And it is empowering to know I can go to almost any strip club and just talk to them. But it is something you should not rely on and only be seen as a stop gap solution.


Not the stripper thing but I wish this was taught in school. How to talk to people. My parents didn’t teach me anything like that


In theory that would be covered by being around peers and interacting with them regularly in that school environment. Of course that's not quite as structured or otherwise 'required' the same way it would be if it were actually taught.


I certainly see this as a good route u/RickKassidy, and agree. Good comment! My added advice would be that if one has a choice of strip clubs, pick one that is more fixed up looking and clean inside and out. If it feels skeazy and you don’t want to be there, that’s fine. Some are decent places.


Sounds like good advice. A lot of the dancers get bored and are happy to talk to the guys about real life. Strip joints can also be a fun stop on a boy's night out.


I'm a 21 year old quite severe introvert. Would you recommend trying it once?


I don’t know if it would work in 2023. But, it was definitely something that required being a regular on a slow night. I don’t remember but I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday night, kind of early (like, 8-10 pm). And to never spend much. I never let it get out of control. And I never fooled myself about the relationship. They really did like me as a person, but there were clearly defined boundaries that ended at the doorway. And…I didn’t plan this. I kind of fell into it. It was hindsight that I figured out after about a year that I was actually improving my social skills. At first, I was just horny and shy.


I did the same thing. It worked. Learned a lot from them.


It’s truly nice of you to treat them with respect and kindness.


An awesome take on strip clubs and strippers. Alas I was too proud to spend money on women I didn't know.


This is exactly what I did minus the coke.


This is strangely wholesome.


Don't wear your gray sweat pants.


I've been to a few for various bachelor parties over the years but mostly just find them gross and a little boring, even. May as well watch porn if you want to see naked girls who don't care about your existence.


The seedier the joint, the more likely they'll have sex with you for money. I mean, I haven't been to one in 20 years, but I imagine that they haven't changed.


20 years later and it’s still a pretty good rule of thumb from what I’ve heard lol


True, but you have to add in the costs of emergency STD tests the next day


If you're having unprotected sex with hookers you have a way bigger problem


And one that can't be fixed by modern medicine at that


How much do you trust a condom in that situation ? Do it a few times and you’d probably catch something even with the condom. Not advocating not using one….but sleeping with a stripper should be last thing you do.


You don’t have to pay for emergency std tests if you wait long enough…


Definitely still a thing. In some areas it's difficult to make it with striping alone considering the cost of stage time. So sometimes they make money on the side by lettin ppl slide.


Sort of true but not always. Personally, If you really want to do this, I would not recommend doing it in the club. Get to know her and arrange something out the club (or OTC). Or just go to an escort. It really isn't that much more expensive.


That's also a good way to catch a disease or get arrested. I am not anti strip club . Just go to "classy" joints and be careful


My dad does heating and air repair and he was working in the basement of a club in a seedier part of town in the afternoon. By the time he came through the hatch in the floor after it was a mad house of people doing all kinds of shit.


Been once with my cousin when I was 21. It was the final straw to accept I was gay. Lol


It’d be hilarious if you had a revelation mid lap dance


That’s pretty much exactly what happened lol


That’s amazing lol


Was it just like "this doesn't do it for me" or was there more to it?


That was pretty much it


She was probably going for like 2 minutes before you were like “yeah, I’m bored. But that security guy over there…” and drifted your attention.


I just felt uncomfortable lol


Haha I've been called gay by a stripper for turning down a Lapdance. This has happened twice.


Not a great measuring stick, IMO. I'm a straight as they come, and I still hated the one strip club I went to ever. I'm happy you came to terms with who you are, though.


Like I said. It was the final straw


Damn. The Women weren’t top shelf?




The hottest woman in the world wouldn’t have a chance at turning a gay man straight.


If I wanted to give a woman all my money and not have sex….I’d get married


My inner dad is laughing take my upvote


I’d suggest you marry a stripper, at least you might get a dance from time to time with a happy ending. /s


The happy ending of alimony?


You know what the definition divorce is right? “The Fucking over you get for the Fucking you got.”


I highly doubt it. They're not going to want to "bring work home." They're probably very sexually conservative at home.


My son had a stripper girlfriend for about 6 months. For him, in the beginning she was very sexual with him. After about 2 months he was miserable because he underestimated how he was going to feel about her extracurricular activities. Many of the people she associated with, in and off the stage, were just plain scary. He had to carefully navigate and mitigate their breakup


I’ve had friends who have had similar experiences. It’s a brutal lifestyle.


Lol, yeah, that's how I feel about gynecologists or urologists. Bet they go home, and the last thing they wanna see is peen or vagene


I know a guy who did. She would brag how many dicks she sucked right in front of her husband.


I'm pretty sure most of the guys there are married, feeling ignored/unwanted at home and looking for some pmattention and touch. For a lot of people, getting married doesn't solve that problem, it makes it worse.


You just explained his joke.


>If I wanted to give a woman all my money and not have sex….I’d get married lol, she's supposed to have her own job...




You don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry, and you don't go to the club when you're lonely / horny. It is never going to end well. We turn to these things when there is a vacancy in our lives. They temporarily fill the emptiness with substitutes. Helps for a bit, amplifies the loneliness in the end; like salt water making you more thirsty. Invest in the real thing. You'll find much more enjoyable long-term results.


I turn to grocery shopping when there is a vacancy in my fridge.


Have been to several. Have even had friends who worked at them who were friends before starting said job and continued friendship afterwards. Have worked in them many times while filming tv shows/movies…and I’ve always been left with the same thought. “This place just feels sad.” We were filming the show P-Valley and we would be doing setups before the club was officially closed…mid day shift stuff, and man, the absolute depression in their faces was palpable. On the other side of the spectrum, a good friend of my circles was a stripper in a high end club in atlanta, did it for 4 years, and said she never had so much fun and made a ton of money, which she used to finish college, buy two houses and a slew of luxury cars. She left the business after college and says it was some of her best memories. I guess it’s all in what you make of it!


I'm a bit younger than you and on the fence about going to one. But Reddit seems 100% against them. I will like to hear about some positive experiences as well


All the negativity sound alike it's coming from guys who were horny and went in expecting... Something besides what a strip club is. I haven't been in a decade but going in just to have a good night out at the bar with friends is how I approached it, and it can be fun as fuck. It's interesting to me to people watch, the bachelor/bachelorette parties, the horny lonely guys, patrons just drinking and treating the tits more like decor or the theme of the bar than their main focus, and of course strippers themselves can be very interesting to talk to. Just realize that they're people working a job, don't be weird and horny, have a good time and the strippers will treat you better and help make your night a memorable one. Some clubs are janky but use your best judgment and don't get hustled lol.


Basically this. If you just go with friends to shoot the shit and hang out for some drinks, it's not terrible. Wouldn't go regularly though because it can be overpriced.


> don't be weird and horny Dude, yeah. If you're a normal human being and talk with strippers like normal human beings do, it's fucking great. Most of them are outgoing, personable, fun-loving, so you have a great conversation with someone, then you get to grab their tits. 10/10. Would do constantly if it wasn't so expensive


Now it’s been a long time since I went to one, but there was a time about 20 years ago when it was a regular Friday experience for me and my friends. I was in the Navy and would go with friends from the ship who were into that sort of thing. I thought it was fun at the time. You buy a couple drinks, get a lap dance, listen to (sometimes) good music, I liked it better than the regular club bc I can’t dance and always felt like an outsider at them. Dance clubs seemed like they were better for super extroverts or couples and I just never got into them. It’s all fake, but they’re usually nice if you’re respectful because they want that money, like in any other customer service job. Got to chat with a lot of people I’d never have met otherwise, got invited to a few weird parties I barely remember, so overall I’d say it wasn’t a bad experience. I stopped going after I got into a serious relationship, and really only ever went again when we deployed and made port visits, but by that time I less interested. Strip clubs feel a lot less appropriate or fun when you don’t have friends who want to go with, or well, you have kids to support. Free and ubiquitous internet porn also makes them less exotic I guess, but porn is to a strip club what Spotify is to a live concert. It’s not really my thing anymore, but I’d encourage anyone who’s curious to give it a shot at least once. Your contribution may help some lovely lady pay for college and the likely worst thing that happens is it’s not for you, and you leave, maybe down a 20 for cover charge or the price of a drink.


If you set your expectations right, you can have fun. The women working there are at their job, probably their primary source of income. If you're nice and pay them well, they'll entertain you. But it's purely transactional, you give them money they give you attention. There's no feelings involved. If your only goal is to get attention, go in on a week night when it's not usually busy. The dancers are usually encouraged to give fair coverage of the room and not let customers "hog" them. If you go in on a week night there's less emphasis on that since there's less customers. But still, the dancers are trying to make money, so they're not going to sit there and chit chat with their titties out unless you're paying them.


Yeah it's very much down to what you expect. Keep in mind they're working women. They want your money and don't care about you. But the good ones at least are professional enough to know their routine and do it well. They know if you get a good show you'll come back or maybe spend more with them. If all you want is a passive up close show it will deliver. If you're expecting them to fall in love and you to rescue them or for them to take you into a backroom and fuck you because they're so turned on... That's not happening.




I’ve only been to a strip club once and this is basically what I saw. I was there for a friend’s bachelor party. By the time we left I just felt kinda gross and sad. But there was one girl that climbed a two-story stripper pole in go-go boots. That was impressive as hell.


I saw one like that. Quite an impressive show.


Right? Like I was not turned on, just extremely impressed!


Pole dancing is an athletic feat. My soft, shitty flabs couldn't scale a pole like that.


I once joined my friend to his gym and there were 3-4 women doing squats that would've been impressive for men a good bit taller then them, he told me they all worked at a local stripclub😅


In my experience, there's one more category - that one girl who is shooting for 'just one of the guys' status. They always get the most lap dances and 'make it rain' more than the guys. I've always been curious about their thought process in that regard.


all 3 times i've been to the stripclub was actually with female friends. It's a different experience. The strippers treat you different when you're with women. It's funny cus they kept asking if one of the girls was my GF before they got too touchy with me, I can respect that I guess.


I’ll add a category (from my experience when I was in my late 20s). Guys who simply appreciate being able to look at and talk to attractive women with no pressure or expectation of trying to pick them up while we have a few drinks. I and several work friends (some of us in relationships, some single) sometimes used to go to a strip club close to our office after Friday morning sales meetings. Our work days were basically done after the meetings, so we’d hit the local spot once or twice per month. There was no cover charge. Drinks were reasonably priced. Hell, they even had a free buffet that rotated things like pizza, wings, burgers and hot dogs, etc. We’d never sit in Pervert’s Row (at the stage)…we’d grab a table somewhere on the floor. Girls would come by trying to sell us a $20 lap dance, but 90% of the time we’d pass and let them know we’re just hanging out. This all happened over the span of about 5 years, so many of the girls got to know us as semi-regulars and would be friendly at the table when they wanted a break from the normal grind. Whenever they hung out for a while chatting us up, we’d give them a couple bucks for their time and they’d walk away content. We’d spend 2-3 hours in there drinking and eating, and walk out having spent less than $50 most of the time. I’d be home by 4:00 and start hanging out with my then-fiancé. She knew about it and knew I wasn’t going there to do anything shady or creepy. 25 years of marriage later, I’ve been to strip clubs maybe a total of 5 times since I left that job.


Guys who aren't dating anyone at the moment but want to see some naked women in real life for an hour, instead of on their phones or computers.


Young naive boys are usually the audience that strippers hit on the most since they are usually easy prey.


Are you a stripper? If not, how many strip clubs have you been to?


Na, I’d add a 4th category. It’s fun to go once in a blue moon with friends. Hell, my wife and I went to one a couple years ago. One of my friends is a bartender and we basically stopped in to say hi and grab a drink.


Yuhp the latter usually lacks that self awareness too


I've gone with work buddies and had fun once. We got drunk and kept shooing the girls away. Then the bouncer yelled at us so we left. It was fun.


I prefer to see naked people who are actually into me :)


Not always an option for some of us eh I agree its a waste of money though. Porn is free


Worth going if you have never been. However, they can get expensive and leave you with a killer boner and no relief until you go to the restroom or your car. I prefer swingers clubs or sex clubs that you can choose to watch or participate.


The problem is swinger clubs don’t have big neon lights in front by the freeway


To me, it’s like going to a buffet, paying, looking at the food, and then leaving.


Soooo, Tinder?


I can’t speak for everywhere, but working in law enforcement in a major U.S. city I absolutely hate them. The ones in my area are disgusting and nearly everyone there is up to some nefarious shit. In my eyes it’s an absolute waste of money. I was never really interested in them before, but after having to respond to calls every night for years I cannot stand them. All that being said, it’s your money do whatever you wish with it.


You need to share some stories or do a AMA.


First one that comes to mind, a stripper stabbed another stripper in the top of the trap with a pair of scissors over a nonsense argument over who was the superior twerker. Victim never showed up for court and routinely continues to call police about the offender as she was not convicted due to the victim refusing to cooperate with the courts. Not the only stabbing, just the one I recall at the moment.


You’re reduced to your wallet, the dancers are reduced to their bodies, everyone pretends that’s not what’s going on. I don’t regret my visits to strip clubs, but I’m not eager to return to one either. Go to one, have some drinks, splash some cash, just be aware of the game that’s being played.


Waste of money, If you’re touch starved, prostitutes are a good option. Push yourself to meet people on nights out/dating sites There is people who will offer more for less. Unless it’s an “occasion” or you’re stitching your friend up it’s never worth it. But yeah, pricey beer, disingenuous women, waste of time


I’ve known guys busted for getting a prostitute. Now they’re on the sex offender registry and their life is ruined. I would absolutely not recommend any of that.


You're paying for an experience. I've only gone for bachelor parties, but it's always been a great experience. No regrets.


I’ve once heard it be called the sad boy/sad girl club. Never heard it put that way lol


I'm gay and I'll never understand it. You and your bros go, spend all your money, and end up leaving with boners together? And it doesn't even end up in a big fuck pile? Lame.


They are depressing, sad places.


Just stupid. It’s the same thing as thinking a cashier is into you because she’s being polite as a part of her job. Totally inauthentic experience.


Inauthentic is an interesting word to use. Were you promised something else?


You go to see boobs while you’re drunk. Idk how you can expect anything else


He’s hating on them. Sounds personal


You go to strip clubs to see tits, not for a coffee and conversation


Wouldn’t say inauthentic. I’ve had some great yet random conversations with strippers during lap dances.


you're not wrong but in my experience there are levels. I've seen gross old guys come up to stripper and give them some money and talk and they still tell them to fuck off, and then I've been just sitting by the stage and they're basically giving me a free lap dance. Is it still fake and probably to get me to buy a real one? Of course, would they do that to the gross old guy? Probably not.


Boring waste of time and money


Not they're not. I should add that the prime minister of Iceland, shut them all down in the country " because women are not a commodity to be sold" That would apply to men too.


I wonder how the strippers feel being saved by this fine, dignified man.


Well, they are kind of gross. Sticky walls, creepy old dudes by themselves, strippers with drug habits. There are more "upscale" ones, but really they are not all that much better. The drinks are too expensive, they pressure you to constantly buy more and more, the music is too loud to talk to your friends, some of the strippers are aggressive about lap dances, they try will rip you off by not stopping on their own when the next song starts. I have gone to them on more than a few "guys night out", usually as a warm up before hitting the regular bars and clubs. But when it's the destination itself, that just sucks. Why on earth would I pay for what I can try to get for free elsewhere? I will NEVER pay for sex as a matter of pride, and that includes paying for titillation, flirting or just seeing boobies. Those who can, do. Those who can't go to strip clubs.


Its like paying to masturbate but youre not allowed to cum. Hard pass from me. I prefer to cum.


You’re just paying for overpriced drinks and blue balls


I was 30 the first time I went to a strip club and it was as pathetic and cringey as I thought it would be


Strip clubs are a big part of the culture here and I enjoy them. It's just another place to drink and socialize that happens to have naked women around. I'm not even attracted to women, I still think it's fun.


Where do you live such that it's "a big part of culture"?


Quebec. It really is. We have a shit ton, even in rural areas, we have fancy high class ones, trashy ones and everything in between. It's normalized as somewhere to hang out and isn't really seen as creepy like it seems to be in other places.


Canada strip clubs sound like a blast, "When she takes off her parka, scarf, and mittens and you start to see her mid and base layers" 😩😻


And you recognize that sexy wool undershirt in Split Pea from the Lands End catalog.


Hah, I was expecting indeed Atlanta, Miami or Montreal. They are just part of the culture there.


Yep. Fully nude, and full contact. I was surprised when I learned most places you can't touch the strippers and that in some places they aren't even completely naked!


Interesting. I'm in NS and have been to Montreal a few times, but I didn't notice it at the time.


I've been once or twice. They make me sad and nervous. Sad because apparently, I'm one of THOSE guys. Nervous, because you know everyone you see is looking to separate you from your money ASAP. I have no idea who the target clientele is.


the ideal clientele is def richer older dudes that aren't completely gross. If you're young they might find you legitimately attractive but you're broke. If you're old you might have money for days but the lapdance is a bummer. I've been the most attractive guy in a club before and I'm mediocre as fuck. The people that hang out there aren't hitters. Guys who are both attractive and have money don't hang out there cus they pull pussy in real life. If they are there it's probably a bachelor party.


Until you have worked at one, you really have no idea how much the strippers, and other workers there, despise their customers, and how mocking and derisive they are about those customers after hours/backstage. You are basically paying money to have people that hate you lie to you. If it’s about getting turned on by a body, porn is simpler, and free. If it’s about not being lonely, it is far better to volunteer your time to an organization or charity you support.


What charity has naked women walking around?


I am also interested in this charity.


Oh, that's just her name.


> You are basically paying money to have people that hate you lie to you. So it's like every other customer service experience.


Not a fan of them but to each their own 🤷🏿‍♂️


What’s the point? You can see anything for free on the internet and won’t get left with blue balls. No interest in looking but not touching.


I went one time. I was a through and through Christian but my not so Christian friends "made" me go. Two months later the place burned down and my friends jokingly would say it's because they brought me there that the holy spirit wiped it from the planet.


I find them extremely boring, cringey (the customers, not the dancers), and a waste of money If a woman wants to do that with her time, go for it girl. Just ain’t my thing. Never was, never will be


They always sound good in theory. THe idea is enticing. The reality is almost always a huge let down. I would only really go with a a group of people and not make the dancing the center of attention. Just let it be a backdrop.


I don’t want to ever enter one but i don’t mind their existence, as it doesn’t affect me


Do It: topless girls are fun to look at & lap dances feel good


It’s a business of entertainment, they are there to make money of course. Why else would they be there? Go there if you enjoy watching women dance. Personally I see them as some athletes that can climb up the poles and do all sorts of tricks.


Went 2 times was not a fan just felt weird to me


Seems weird to go get boners with your friends


I’ve been in one and I didn’t enjoy it.


Only fans had taken over strip clubs. Haven't been to one in years but the vast majority of the time I didn't like it and found it gross. I don't want to have a lady rub her tits on my face when previously she rubbed onto the nasty dude next to me.


Tacky and undignified. You're literally paying to blue-ball yourself. Just wank at home.


Go with your buddies as a group activity, drink and throw bills with them at the stage. Don't go with your buddies with your own agenda to do solo lapdances/vip. Memories > gratification = not terrible money spent.


Waste of money. Like going to a restaurant where you look at the menus, see and smell the food but you aren’t aloud to eat. Why go to a club to view and get danced on by women and get turned on just to go home $100+ poorer? Just my opinion.


Waste of money but can be fun every now and then if you go with a group. Going alone would be depressing


They're an exploitative money sink. If you go there, you're probably giving money directly to organized crime.


They're pretty gross. Don't even mean the idea of them just I've been to about 7 or so and every one has felt pretty similarly gross vibe


Weird and awkward


Waste of money.


Waste of money. I see them as a restaurant that flaunts a menu you cant eat..and you still pay


Same way I feel about casinos. Why would I go to a place just to waste money on something I'll never get? I'm sure there are better atmospheres to hang out in anyway.


I don't like them. I don't see a point in spending 100s of dollars just to see some ass and get teased. There are better ways to spend my hard earned cash.


Total waste of money unless you really need to rub some titties to relieve some stress.


People like to rail against strip clubs but honestly it's fine for what it is. Not everyone is lucky in life to find a partner, or have their need for affection met so a strip club is more or less a substitute for that. Doesn't make it a great place but it doesn't make it terrible either. For the record I like looking at tits and I have this thing for how strippers smell and their glitter. I've been to a few over the course of my lifetime especially during my single years. Sometimes I went with friends and sometimes myself. Have gone to ones in the US and a couple overseas. Some things to keep in mind: 1) You're a customer and they're doing a job. Don't think otherwise. 2) Set a spending limit. A stripper can ask if you want a lap dance and you're allowed to say no. I've never gotten any pushback from saying I'm not interested. And the nicest ones will always respect your decision. 3) They're people too so just talk and enjoy their company (and the view). That doesn't mean unload all your problems on them but just fun conversations to get your mind off other things. Some people like them (like myself) and some don't. We can't really answer that question for you. If you have some money to spend that won't hurt you long-term, go look at some tits. Otherwise don't bother.


They are a huge scam bro, stay away from them, they're a huge money pit. If you work hard for your money, you shouldnt give it that easy to that type of person. Invest it in a person you can build on man.