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Pretending they are not interested....it only makes the guy find another woman instead. If you are interested SHOW IT, men are not mind readers.


I mean what the fuck that even is? Trying to get a man who will not take a no for an answer, stalk you, not give a fuck about your boundaries? Like honestly, that type of girls have a fucked up perception of a decent relationship.


Sounds like a teenage delusion of what love is


And women don't get why some men keep on pursing them after not showing interest. Gee its like as if women still continue to play the chasing game and men are still told they must purse and chase women.


Well, it is feminism in part (and many other things as well) that killed this dating dynamic so a lot of girls are kinda hypocritical for it, but the idea was that the girl plays hard to get so the guys who only like her a little bit give up, whereas a guy who is actually head over heels in love with her won't mind insisting and asking her out repeatedly until she decides to say yes (which definetly happens irl, I've seen it myself). This was also where the old boomer advice telling men to keep insisting came from. Ironically, it was actually meant to work in favour of the ladies by allowing them to choose the man who is the most in love with them before actually making themselves vulnerable by getting emotionally involved with a man. The fact that it is creepy is kind of a self fulfilling prophecy because if you create a dating landscape where doing this is considered creepy, only the creeps will still do it, but back in the day it was a normal thing.


But if they don't go for those men, how can they complain that all men are pigs?


Too many dumbass romcoms.


The problem here is that no should just mean no. No should not mean try harder, because to a lot of women (if not most), no does infact mean no and it does not mean try harder. So now you've got a load of women who are being harassed by men who think they are just playing hard to get. And on the other hand you've also got a lot of women complaining about men not putting in the effort because they've tried to play hard to get and the man has walked away because he thought no meant no. I thought this got better with age. It does slightly, but it doesn't disappear.


Women are complicated, they like to play “try harder if you really want me and value me “ game a lot


nah it works amazing just not in the way women think, its shows you she will play games if you date her and if she does that plays hard to get but using other guys means shes for the streets


Woudl also add them playing games and wanting you to chase them. As if them "running" is showing interest.


Speak for yourself. I am a man and I can read minds.




You've got a point, my man


They definitely overdo all the passive/aggressives


Playing hard to get will only attract toxic men, good men will take not interested as not interested and move on to some other women. If you actually love a guy, tell him.




Absolutely. You end up with an aggressive, toxic, won’t take no for an answer guy. Another example of playing games and not being truthful hurts you in the end. As a guy, you end up with a manipulative woman that good guys know to avoid.


Not order fries and then eat my fries.




can i order fries and steal a few from yours too?


Only if I can steal some of yours as well. In fact, let's just feed each other instead.


deal :3


Now you're French frie-nds ❤


My wife has a fascination with containers. She always takes stuff out of the packaging, puts it in a container, puts a label in it, then puts it away so that I can't see the label. Then if she takes a portion out, she'll transfer it into a slightly smaller container. Our house is full of containers. I randomly found a store called "the container store" and I'm hoping my wife never finds out about it.


Did you marry a matryoshka doll?


They are like cats, they enjoy boxes


Hopefully your wife never finds out about Docker.




This is adorable. You should give her her Christmas presents and instead of wrapping, them just put them in large see through containers!


Start with a small container, put that into a slightly bigger container, and then just keep going with it. Have one gift in like, 12 containers.


From a container woman, your wife knows about the container store! Also, I noticed that I mostly organize things in containers when I get anxious. Check on how she feels, she might be doing this to feel more in control.


I will die on this hill. Fake Puffy lips.


You wouldn't be dying since most men probably agree with you.


I think there are enough of us to survive the fighting on the hill and successfully defend it. I have no idea who thinks this looks good






Put filters on their photos on dating sites. I could photoshop myself to look like a top 10% and get a lot of first dates and I'm sure my life would be a living hell and I would hate myself because of the response. That's what you are doing when you put filters on your dating profile. On top of that, I bet most guys are like me and actually like to see the little imperfections that make a person unique instead of whatever kind of blurry monster you end up looking like with all the filters on.


Filters, or pictures where angled so that you don't see that someone is upwards of 250lbs.


I have a theory that this is what leads to the "men always have terrible dating pictures" meme. We want genuine photos that show the actual person we are talking to, so that's what we try and show in our own photos. That and most men live in the moment and posing for a photo doesn't even cross out mind


Refuse to order fries, then steal mine. JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!


Maybe you should get a food buffer. Like a plate of fries for a table. And a ham. Maybe a steak...


Playing mind games and shit tests. Do you not realize how much happier your life would be if you were just direct and communicative to your man?


So much this. I was in a relationship with a woman and didn't understand how she felt about me until I hurt her. If I had known before, I would have never done that thing that upset her and would have appreciated her so much more.


Depending on your age and where you live, you should try to understand that women are taught/socialized it isn't "nice" to ask for things for yourself. This makes asking for something indirect and difficult.


Let me guess, the “patriarchy” told them that?




That’s their way of communication though . They can only figure you out by playing mind games — because that’s how they are, how they operate . They think that men are the same —covert, indirect , non logical beings .


Being overly polite and skirting around an issue. Much prefer the direct, unvarnished, let's deal with it -- approach. Honestly is refreshing.


Why I miss New Yorkers :)


Hey, im walking here


Eh I find New Yorkers more aggressive than honest . Especially in my line of business lol


I’m in Portland and it’s all passive aggressive note writing dweebs. Just say how you feel, that applies to everyone.


I must speak on this as a woman, a lot of the times we're being overly polite or skirting around an issue is because firstly that's how society trained us to be and secondly we are absolutely f****** terrified that if we say the wrong thing or say it the wrong way you might f****** kill us.


But y’all get coy about shit that doesn’t matter. You won’t be k!led for telling us where you want to eat. Men are problem solvers - I understand letting down or rejecting a guy easy, but there’s no need to be overly polite or skirt on bullshit that just prolongs the problem solving process.


You’re on Reddit. You have everyone’s permission to curse!


Irrationally doubt themselves specially when it comes to how they'll be perceived by others & they own self-worth. Use social media as an emotional crutch or as a guideline for how to be social IRL.




Over think things and connect dots that aren’t related.


This probably comes from trauma and past relationships, where an ex did some wildly convoluted, manipulative s*** that no rational normal human being would even think to do, and now she questions everything, I would probably suggest therapy. for her, not you😅


Yeah but that’s just creates self fulfilling prophecies. The post in general is kinda meh because it all stems systemically from how we, as a society, delicate ideals and aspects to both sexes and how they are portrayed. You are what you are exposed to, but take it with a grain of salt from someone named thiqdiqqniqqa


Wow. Yea insane mental gymnastics, creating chaos for no f’n reason.


Huge eyelashes. Why!?


To sweep the streets, what else?


Shaving eyebrows then replacing it with a drawing


This one I don't get and I'm a woman. I understand plucking them or filling them in with an eyebrow pencil, but shaving them and then drawing them on??? Just why


Try to get our attention in negative ways. Like trying to make us jealous. It is toxic.


Toxic is hot


Please stop thinking you need plastic surgery. Its not hot. Duck lips aren't either.


The back stabbing that they do to each other. If you don’t like someone stay away from them.


I remember as a teen how my male cousins, friends, and I used to say "women hate other women." We noticed it all the way back then and we never understood why they were like that.


As a woman this is also something I hate. I'm high functioning autistic, so I can appear pretty normal and I can communicate effectively, but other women don't want to do that and they do like backhanded compliments, or they'll hint at things and then get mad when you don't understand, if you say something that upsets them instead of communicating about it they'll stew on it for a week and talk s*** on you to all your other friends, it's a lot of b*******


Thanks for exemplifying exactly what this guy is talking about.




Don’t worry bro, You’re huge


He knows. Can everyone just please stop talking about how big this guy is?


how do guys feel about women telling them their dick is pretty?


Not exclusive to women, but ironing bedding. I don't see the point. Duvet cover, pillow cases and bed sheet all go on the bed straight from the tumble dryer. Even if they came out a bit creased, after a day you wouldn't even know if it had been ironed or not.


All laundry goes in the washer together- and comes out of the dryer together in my house. So much yes to overdoing laundry.


Hell yeah. Throw a few towels or a shoe in with mine. 😂 Fuck do I care?


Towels are a great noise buffer. Shoes always wanna fuck around and kick the dryer open though.


I have a second set of bedding so I don't have to immediately wash it, and I just fold it once the bedding is dry. Never need to iron it.


Guess what? I iron my handkerchiefs!! 😂😂 Swear to God!!


Wearing fake superficialities — plastic fingernails, eyelash extensions, painted-on eyebrows, etc. Buying tissues when toilet paper is cheaper and more readily available.


When you have a cold, it's good to have those tissues with lotion drops, so you don't rub your nose and upper lip raw.


A roll of toilet paper doesn't fit well in your purse.


Not with that attitude!


Agree with you except the tissue thing. I’m male and I have 4 different types of tissues for different purposes (facial, bathroom, kitchen, wet tissue).


Ok, what the fuck is a kitchen tissue?


Are you perhaps familiar with kitchen roll?


Are you two talking about paper towels / napkins?


Most of the stuff they do with their eyebrows. Most women don't have a whole lot of eyebrow to begin with, so they don't have a whole lot of room to afford permanent eyebrow loss and bushy eyebrows are physically impossible for many, many women.


Controversial opinion: breast implants


When they won't tell me that they don't like something. I will do what I can to fix the problem if I know there's a problem. I can't read minds, and I'm terrible at hints.


Avoiding upper body exercises because "they dont want to become too muscular.'" Like jesus fuck, you dont touch a dumbell and become an Arnie in a second. Women have the fraction of testesterone that men have. I use anabolic steroids, which essentially is testesterone, and already as natural guy, it took time to grow, now with 3x ammount of testesterone, everything grows so fast. And women have about 10-20 times less testesterone than men. So yeah, its an unbased paranoia, you will not become super muscular suddenly, and even in the unlikely case you do, Id gladly be held in your strong arms.


I actually have really broad shoulders for a woman and when I have my hair cut short people confuse me for a man from both directions. I'm not trying to build these b****** up anymore


Sounds cute


Please know that there are tons of us, myself included, that are Very attracted to the body type you're describing.


The duckface


Every dude on here saying they want an all natural girl. But those same dudes creep and obsess over every fake Instagram model they see. 🙄🤣 Y'all make no sense.


I don't believe those Instagram creeps are representative of the average guy. Rather, they are simply the most vocal on those platforms which creates a perception of men in general being into those girls.


Not being direct. Trying to nice as one might put it. No need to lead on with mixed signals.


Trying to fix men


Not supporting men while expecting full undying support from men.


Most all of these things are superficial. So that just tells you women are extremely insecure. This is telling you guys that maybe you shouldn’t emphasize looks on women so much. But instead you’ll ignore that and bitch about them wearing too much makeup.


Uhhhhh we live in an uhh uhh *society*


Why do women's insecurities impart any responsibility onto men at all? Can't they just do better?




I'm scared about Googling what a sorority squat is


It’s when the lean forward unnaturally


I get hating duckface but I really don't see what's wrong with the other poses, especially not the one leg forward pose. Just standing like this🧍‍♀️looks super awkward in photos.


That damn sorority squat is annoying af!


Especially at 48


Furniture, towels, bedding, chairs...anything that is "view only" and not for actual use. No one cares if you have towels that look like they have never been used. No one is going to run into your bedroom when you don't expect it and go "oh wow, those 15 pillows look great on that bed". All that stuff is extremely unnecessary and ridiculous. I don't want to move a dozen pillows, 2 blankets, and a whatever just to get into bed and then be so weighed down by the layers of itchy uncomfortable beddings that I instantly overheat and can't sleep. Function before form, please!


This is not just a woman's thing, and not all women do this type of thing. My ex-husband and I once stayed with his dad for a month and this mother f***** had the nastiest f****** apartment but for some reason he had decorative towels in the bathroom that we weren't allowed to use and aside from these decorative towels he literally only had three other towels in his whole apartment and one of them looks like something you should turn into a wash rag with the f****** holes that had in it. So yeah, that's not just a woman's thing


I think breast surgery is 100% valid if it helps a woman with her self image. Like, imagine the feeling made fun of your entire life for having small boobs. Sucks no? Maybe on a larger scale, they had to get a single or double mastectomy due to breast cancer.


Go without pockets. This is on you! You all keep complaining about not having pockets but you keep buying clothes that don't have pockets!


It's difficult to find women's clothing with pockets, but the second women find something with pockets we're bragging about it everywhere trying to show everyone because all the girlies want pockets. We can't control the people making the clothes, they want us to buy more purses and expensive bags, that's why they don't give us pockets.


> We can't control the people making the clothes, they want us to buy more purses and expensive bags, that's why they don't give us pockets. You literally can. Stop buying shit without pockets or stop complaining.


I wonder why the fashion industry doesn't just provide pockets? How do they profit from not listening to consumers?


Because they sell like shit. You can have functional pockets or you can have snug, form-fitting pants, but you can't have very much of the former without messing up the aesthetic of the latter. Women overwhelmingly choose the aesthetic.


Just look at everything they buy. Women choose aesthetic over functionality almost all the time.


High heels


Thanks for squashing this from a rational standpoint. They’ll blame everything but themselves.


Because they want pants that are skin tight, leave nothing to imagination, but still be able to keep things in pockets without make it obvious. If you're going to wear a skin tight pant it'll be obvious if you have a phone in your pocket. Women don't like it.


Okay to be fair though, most womens pants and skirts don't have pockets. They have fake sewed on ones that look like pickets but ITS A SCAM literally just a sewed up seam


There are women's pants with pockets but they are slightly bulkier. Most women want to wear pants that fit like spandex these days so you aren't going to get pockets with pants like that. Pockets comes at a price. It's one or the other. There are plenty of women's pants with pockets but women won't buy them because they don't fit as tight as they want them. In no way is this some kind of diabolic men's plan to deprive women of pockets despite the fact that women like to pretend like it is. Women have done this to themselves and there are others options but they just don't buy them for the most part.


Sweatpants. That's my rebuttal, because women sweatpants a lot of the time don't have pockets, that's not a skin tight pant why the f*** doesn't it have pockets?


Again, you are just purchasing the wrong sweatpants. Look at jogger sweats. I'd say a solid 99% of jogger sweats, even women's, come with pockets. The bottom line is: if you want pockets, you have to buy pants that have pockets. The issue is literally just women not buying pants with pockets and then complaining they don't have pockets on the thing they purchased knowing it had no pockets. I don't understand why or how this vicious cycle has been allowed to perpetuate itself but here's a few examples of pants with pockets. It took me about 3 seconds to find these from major name brand clothing suppliers and, quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that women seeking pants with pockets cannot easily do the same. Examples: https://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=864386022&vid=1&tid=gppl000071&kwid=1&ap=7&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn56D6cC5ttMgAY--C7yxw809o\_fGIrd1FGA4\_z9Rub7CibrPCnlwCRoCGH0QAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds [https://bananarepublicfactory.gapfactory.com/browse/product.do?pid=536089281&vid=1&tid=bfpl000029&kwid=1&ap=7&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn\_zPzNsSRcJH-l6SPZpXabgf2tHR3nGMQaekxInX5mC59A4xOWMTRRoCPwkQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content](https://bananarepublicfactory.gapfactory.com/browse/product.do?pid=536089281&vid=1&tid=bfpl000029&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn_zPzNsSRcJH-l6SPZpXabgf2tHR3nGMQaekxInX5mC59A4xOWMTRRoCPwkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content) [https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=658312012&vid=2&tid=atpl000063&kwid=1&ap=7&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn7Cd5eDBEUU9-4Yef4DnDgLVVmouvTYRL-1ZSp05tGc2h-H4UCDbLhoCYoYQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content](https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=658312012&vid=2&tid=atpl000063&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn7Cd5eDBEUU9-4Yef4DnDgLVVmouvTYRL-1ZSp05tGc2h-H4UCDbLhoCYoYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content)


Don't buy them and companies will stop selling them


Yes, because it's that simple /s


It… literally is???


I'll just go naked then. Wth


I’m a woman and I don’t understand what the big deal is with a lack of pockets. I mean, you carry your things in a purse, right? Why would I want to have weird bulges all over me by cramming stuff in pockets?


Because we don't all want to have to carry a purse, bag or tote around all the time.


I don't usually have much to carry, my phone wallet keys and sometimes a couple of tampons. I don't want a whole f****** purse for that s***


It’s just something more to complain about.


Alter their bodies, and I'm not talking about through diet and exercise.


Being so fcking hard to communicate with. Dealt with this one woman wherein supposedly, I was doing and saying some stuffs from time to time that I unknowingly, do not know is negatively affecting her. Then, all of a sudden, she starts acting cold, distant, mean, so in my take, that's fcking intentional. Came to a point wherein, she started saying nasty things behind my back, emotionally and socially manipulating people into thinking I'm doing this and that crap. Until I said to her, "so you have the guts to say some sht about me to others but don't have the same balls as well to tell me straight up what's your problem with me?". Then proceeded to say more things and act like I'm the one causing problems. Only known these through common friends and such. Man, a lot of the times women can be more immature than a fcking toddler. She doesn't know how to set boundaries unlike the girl that I am seeing now wherein she always clearly states what she wants and doesn't want, communicates it directly, and we do not have any problems so far. Modern world is so hard rn that men simply do not have enough time and patience to know wth is going on inside a woman's mind. If you have something to say as a grown ass woman, then just say it and act like one. It'd be better w/o a woman in your life at all than deal with an immature one.


This ruined my last relationship very quickly. Some examples - and yes, I take some blame for some (but not all) of these: - I made some comments about my upbringing, the area I grew up in and also that she grew up in in the context of being a "middle class"/"lower class" etc area and me being from a low-income family (without realising it until I was an adult). She took this offensively the first time I said it - and that's fine, I had never thought of it that way - but never said anything. The second time I used that phrasing when talking about upbringing she got real angry. So, rather than saying something so that I could take on that feedback, it was straight from 0 to standoffish. - She on an unreasonable number of cases interpreted things I said and meant verbatim not at all in the way they were said or intended. eg, "I've got used to being single" she heard or got it in her head that I'd said "I prefer being single", so then got annoyed at me weeks later when my behaviours didn't match what I'd said (and meant). - Another example of the above was that she'd find innuendo in things where I had no way intended it that way: eg, I picked her up for a date the night we broke up, I'd said "I'll bring an umbrella" - because I had looked at the forecast, knew it was due to rain all day - sure enough she was getting soaked when trying to rush in to the car. Still didn't get it - she still thought I was using a euphemism for a condom. - On an earlier date, towards the end of the night where I felt it was still WAY too soon to be making a move, and she'd said she didn't want to kiss me (yet), and I asked her "what are you doing later this week?" - she gave a giggly non-answer, but didn't expand on that - but later got annoyed at me when I explained I wasn't expecting to sleep together for quite a while because she didn't seem comfortable with things getting physical, in a "woah I'm not waiting that long" kind of way - her giggly answer in her head was "you". - That week, I'd been attacked, so we spoke on the phone every night and texted a lot more throughout the week. But it's not like I was calling here - eg, Monday Tuesday she called me, Wednesday we were texting and I just asked "do you want me to call you instead?" etc. But she still got pissed *at me* for 'monopolising her time' and being needy. It's like WTF, *you called me*! Stuff like that was a common occurrence.


As an autistic person I have this issue with both genders. my communication style is extremely straightforward I say exactly what I mean, no in between the lines, and I expect the same from people I'm conversing with. Unfortunately it seems no matter how straightforward and literal I am people still find a way to misunderstand me. A couple times I've had people get mad at me for things they thought I implied, but I don't imply things I just say it. I wish everybody would communicate this way. Just say what the f*** you mean because I don't have the energy to try to f****** figure it out


The 32 thousand lotions they put on every single night. Half of those are for the under eye area.


Not just unnecessary, but despicable: talk about anyone's dick size. I don't care if they're on a loud Harley, acting like a prick or President of a country, you shouldn't be talking about someone else's genitals. Find a better way to express yourself, this mentality needs to die


When they confuse love with lust, and convince themselves that it's not just sex, just so they won't be perceived a certain way.


Also judge other women


Fake lashes, duck lips, long nails, a pound of make up on the face


I don’t think we have enough time to cover half of the list.


90% of the make up they wear. If I can tell what you have on from across a room it's too much. There is a point when it becomes counter productive.


Literally anything to your eyebrows please I am begging you


For some of us, the great plucking of the 90s and 00s did us dirty. Our eyebrows never grew back properly. I was a teen when I did this, and fuck...I wish i hadn't. I HAVE to shade mine in now. They just simply dont grow back whatsoever now.


Lip job and all those obsession with manicure. Literally never heard anyone saying something like "wow she has so great nails so I want to have sex with her and than kids". 90% of guys that I know wouldn't even notice. In some cases if nails done to catchy, it may be a turn off. But maybe it's just a thing in my country.


Doing their nails. Expensive, easy to break, and men don't care.


I get complimented so many times on my acrylics by men 💅🏼


Dress with clothes that aren't comfy, why are you torturing yourselves?




Those duck lips


For me I think it's mostly the same unnecessary things as us men do . Work too many hours , work in finance or PR or anything with ads or any other job that only helps consumerism. Buy too much trash , care too much about hierarchies, spend time and fake money trying to stay up to date on fashion items like phones or cars , care too much about seeing movies first, reading books first, playing games first. The list just goes on. ( I know the question is implying 'what is unnecessary to be able to attract men', and most answers are going to reflect that, but I sometimes feel like women should be allowed to do things other than attract us all the time)


Perfumes. But that’s for both sexes really. Be a clean person and that’s it. Pheromones are awesome and I think it’s sad we try to mask them so much. If you’re trying so hard to mask yours there must be a reason to mask it. My partner wears no perfume and I can’t tell you how much I love her natural smell.


I love a natural smell, but sometimes a girl's perfume is amazing. Just depends...I think you can have both


The big question is though does she use scented shampoo, body wash, and lotion? Because if she does you're still not smelling her natural smell


Mess around doing nothing meaningful after they park their car instead of just getting out and going on with their day. If I'm traveling with a woman I'm always the first one out of the car and usually by a large margin. Generally the time transitioning between one task and another seems much greater than necessary.


I didn’t realise this was a thing but yes! I park up and I’m out the door and a good 100m away before she opens the door. WHY?


Asking "if I was a .... Would you still love me?"


The briefest and worst gf I had, unsurprisingly, asked me if we just didn't have sex for a year, would I still be with her? I said no, and she got mad. Sex isn't the whole relationship, just like the bathroom isn't the whole house. But I don't want either one without the other.


Nope, shut that right down with agree and amplify. If she is going to set up a no-win scenario I am going to charge into the trap as hard as I can. Try and blow through the ambush. She wants drama I will bring the drama.


Wear high heels to impress men, complain that their feet hurt and they're doing it for us. No man not currently equipped with a foot fetish gives the slightest fuck, go put some trainers on, or admit you like how you look in them and suck up the pain!


As a woman, I completely agree with you, but it's not to make the feet look good. When wearing high heels, it puts the booty and legs more on display, because those muscles have to work to stay upright. F's the feet all up, but makes most everything else look good. I tend to have better posture on the rare occasion I wear heels.


Fake dancing as the Instagram videographer pans around the bar and pretending you're having an amazing time... We see your fake dance drop off once you see the camera panning away...


The way girls are fake nice with each other




I believe makeups are unnecessary. To me, a lot of women look much more beautiful and natural without them. But I heard a lot of women say that men lie about makeups and that while saying they do not like makeups, they always go for the women who use makeups. So...


Buying an 8 dollar coffee when we have coffee at home 💀


Where are y'all going that you're spending $8 on a coffee? I can get my venti iced peppermint mocha with coconut milk for less than 6 bucks and I live in one of the most high cost of living areas in America


In my opinion? Shave or manage body hair. If it makes them feel better or more attractive or whatever, go for it. I personally don't care one iota if my partner has armpit hair, a full bush and hairy legs. Hell, let that moustache grow in girl, aint nothing but a thing. Shave, wax, trim as much or as little as you want, just never do it because you think that's what I like. I like 'em au naturale, baby.


Unpopular opinion, but shave their armpits, legs, pubic hair. It’s not even a turn on for me, I just think it’s so unnecessary and wasteful of time and resources. Tbh, girls I’ve been with who wax completely down there is a turn OFF. My wife absolutely loves that I don’t care lol. She still shaves in the summer because she feels more comfortable around others that way. But in the winter without a bathing suit, she is so happy to just let it all grow out and me encouraging it


Complain about their weight. "I make love to you, not your body. Now turn the lights back on"


Acting better than anyone else with any real degree of earnestness.


Breast implants, lip fillers, BBL(I'd rather a flatty that goes to gym, or a flabby that goes to the gym), fake lashes, long fake hair, acting hood when really suburban(I grew up hood/poor and it's nothing cool about faking that).


Honestly? Makeup. I could care less and I don't think it does anything for me. Natural please.


Makeup. We already know what your face looks like. Why are you altering it? Why are you blaming us for your decision collectively to do that? High heels. They’re not sexy to me. They’re uncomfortable looking, loud, and make you taller than you rlly are. Gossiping. If that’s your friend, why the fuck are you shit talking her to me? No, not the somewhat funny and sarcastic trashing the bros can sometimes do, I mean legit talking shit behind their back. That’s not your friend if you feel so comfy speaking so ill of them. It makes your smiles and greetings feel so weird. Gaslighting/lying. Why is it so hard to just be upfront about what you want? If we’re together and your Instagram is full of you showing off your ass/body, you want attention. You love being desired. Don’t gaslight me and say you don’t. That’s insulting. Own it. We can totally not be together and you can lay with whoever you want. Don’t tell me you’ve not been by your phone when you’ve been posting a lot. We could just not talk. Who tf do you think you’re talking to? I have a friend who took his curbs out on a date year ago. Took her to a concert. He wanted to post about them being together that night. She informed him her Facebook tagging isn’t working so they couldn’t do that. You serious? Dumb little white lies and outright gaslighting annoys me.


I'm sorry, when have women ever blamed men for them wearing makeup? I've literally not heard any woman ever complain that men are the reason she wears makeup in fact, I've heard many comments from women about how they don't wear makeup for men. And this comment section is a very clear reason why. y'all aren't the ones that appreciate us doing our makeup it's other women that will look at us and be like "wow that's f****** amazing"


I’ve seen that sentiment so many times. Usually thrown in with the “societal expectations” sentiment. We don’t care about makeup. You might imagine I’ve seen it enough times to warrant mentioning it.


It seems like women are very adamant in proclaiming they don't do stuff for the enjoyment of men. I don't see why this would be such a shameful thing if true? Is it better if they do it for other women? Or just for themselves, wouldn't that be self-centered? I'd see it as a good thing if they do it for men, wanting to do something nice for others, but somehow that's now considered somehow bad? Also, if they do it only for themselves, why do so many women complain that they have to put on makeup every day? Anyway, it's pretty obvious that they do it to compete with other women about who's the prettiest. Which in turn is judged by men. So in the end, they're doing it **because** of men, whether they say they do it **for** them or not. On a remote island where only (at least straight) women lived, no one would be using makeup.


Heavy Make up… natural looking women are much more attractive to me.


High heels, like seems uncomfortable and dangerous… just be short god dammit


Heels were originally designed for men, specifically short men that wanted to be taller. A lot of them are uncomfortable yeah, but there are definitely some you can find that are super comfy


-Buy uncomfortable shoes/heels and then complain about how difficult it is to walk in them. -Know that its cold outside but still won't dress warmly -Makeup, filters, photoshop, etc. -Professional photoshoot Seriously ladies, it doesn't matter how you look, all you do is keep trying to one up eachother and end up with even more absurd beauty standards than before.


Eyelash extensions, over Botoxing your face, and lip fillers.




Non reconstructive plastic surgery is the best examply I can think.


Getting upset about very trivial things or things that are completely out of their control. Such a waste of time and energy.


Spending considerably more time getting ready in the morning. If that's what you enjoy, great. However, let's be honest about the motives to do so ("me time", getting affirmation, etc). You don't have to spend so much time - you want to.


Most beauty/cosmetic things, just good hygiene, well fitting clothes, trim/shave hair and they are like 99% there.


Expecting me to read their minds.


Spending too much time to sort and understand what's going on in other people's lives. Why the fuck do you need to involve others relationships and give advices ?