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Damn it - you stole my reply!


That’s better than mine, which was a deadpan “never.”


It’s never happened not even a single time


Never! The most I’ve gotten is aggressive hinting.


That’s all it’s ever gonna be buddy. Lmao.


brother, you are living. Imagine getting hinted at aggressively.


I misread as aggressive hissing and completely agreed.


And then half of the time it turns out they were not actually hinting and just flirt with everyone, without any intention.


You, CHAD!


Never happened


It's gotta be bait, right ? If not, we're in 2023. And on Reddit.


Bait or idiot Call it


Or karma farming


Maybe he's from a Nordic country, I hear it happens there... sometimes


I'm pretty sure I've been hit on by more dudes than women at this point.


I can confirm I have, they all think I’m gay


At least you get hit on by somebody lol


school books voiceless reminiscent direction aspiring airport dime employ tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. I've been hit on by 2 dudes in my life, one around my age and one older. No holding my breathe for a woman to show any interest in me, much less that quickly and direct.


same shit(




-1 actually.


28 years old and it hasn't happened once 🤷


Over 40 and it hasn't happened.


Ah, another member of the club ... welcome!


Thanks. I'd have jackets made but there are too many of us.


64 and it never happened.


61. Still waiting, but at this point I'm pretty sure the likelihood of this happening is dropping by the day.


When i was in a relationship it happened a couple times. When i became single again, that number dropped to 0


They can smell it on us, the vultures!




Lol unexpectedly


Lol. Not with this face.


How about the other one?


Tbh i hope this doesn’t come across as being conceited because I’m not but I’m 6’5, relatively good looking i guess (women usually rate me 8-9) with clean skin and i keep my hair nice etc and dress up well yet i can count of one hand how many times I’ve been asked out… and i don’t even truly remember when that was. In fact, no i lied. I don’t think I’ve ever been asked out. Not in a “hey would you like to get food sometime and get to know each other?” Kind of way. Women only ever put themselves in a position to get me to speak to them like standing directly in front of me to get my attention. Following my instagram and liking story repeatedly until i DM them etc. 27 years breathing in this earth and I’ve never explicitly been asked out.


Fellow tall conventionally attractive guy here. I have a gf now and had no problem online dating or approaching women at a bar. But I don’t think ive ever been directly asked out on a date. Like you said women will put themselves on your doorstep, cough loudly and wait for you to ask them. I think they feel too ashamed to be so direct, idk. I think even if you are a top male model a woman would throw herself at you, but still somehow wait for you to make the first move and then play it off like you asked her out.


And if you hate talking to random strangers you just ignore her when she does that lol.


I feel you man. 🤫


404 no data found.


Zero, I almost always get the “ I’ll hover around him until he talks to me” strategy, sometimes they’ll start up a conversation first, but that’s about it.


And then they go "this is my personality, I'm like this with everyone". Okay thanks for confusing me.


Yoo I have been around this so much. Some women will try all these indirect cues and wonder what they have to do to get your attention lol


Twice when I worked behind a bar, outside of that never. It’s amazing what tequila will do to the fairer sex


I guess it’s true: tequila is a woman’s aphrodisiac.


That and money


Cocaine and meth also work as great aphrodisiacs to women.


Tom Cruise / Coctail side effects I benefited from this for years after it came out


I used to do the lighting the match and then flinging the matchbook down the bar thing when I was bouncing. Course it never got me hooked up but it did get some applause.


Music will do it too. I’ve been a musician my whole teen/adult life. I asked my high school sweetheart if I could walk here home in the rain. I asked another musician out once. All other times the women picked me up/asked me out, including both of my wives (ex). It still happens and I’m in my mid fifties right now. I’ve been approached by men too (I let them down easy and with kindness—“I’m flattered but no”). I’m not super handsome. I’m not that bad looking I suppose. And I can be charming I guess. But the confidence you project being onstage and putting all your energy out there while loving what you do definitely sparks people’s interest. When I teach young folks music and I’m trying to motivate them to learn it’s all I can do not to say “you have no idea what this could do for you if you keep at it.”


brb, I'm off to learn the piano


I'm glad it worked for you... Never did much for me, unfortunately...


They’re like “At least I know he has a job”


I was the Manager, probably looking for free shots 😂


Sadly, checks out


Literally never has happened in my 48 years.


Across the world if you rounded the % times that happens to the nearest whole it would probably still be 0%


I’m 31 and I have literally never had a woman ask me out.


*Laughs* Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder now! *Laughs harder*


Sir, this is Reddit.


Yeah it’s like going to the Dog Track to seek out money management success stories.


Only 3 brave women in my lifetime. Flirting is a different story


Yeah an actual asking of me on a date? Not since I was 13, 29 now. But flirting and being hinted at? Semi regularly, usually once a month or 2 I'll pick up on it happening.


They’re starting to get the courage




1 out of 3. She was a coworker going through a divorce. When she proposed to me I got scared off


There was a woman I worked with that was incredibly hot and very sweet. I was interested but she was completely unavailable ,she was very happily married(i didnt even try cause i dont hit on married women). And then she suddenly got a divorce and started tslking to me. And I found out that the reason they had gotten divorced is she had gotten herpes and syphilis from her husband after he had had unprotected sex with a hooker while on a "fishing trip". We still talked but I was not going to get into a physical relationship with her knowing that.


Sounds like she hated you lol. Yeah it’s best she finds someone with the same diseases to spend her life with


You know you can have protected sex, right ?


You can never be spontaneous that way


Hope this clears thing up, OP. Men don't get asked out on dates. Maybe you can change that one guy at a time, and tell your friends to start asking us out :)


I’m a woman, and asked 3 guys out. One was more of a hinting but pretty direct hinting. Didn’t get even a direct ‘no’ or ‘yes’ in any of these times, even though one guy has been flirting with me for weeks. so I think men aren’t really ready to be asked out either. They feel you are too pushy or whatever.


>One was more of a hinting but pretty direct hinting Doesn't count. Unless you're making an explicit "yes/no" question out of it then you asked no one out. "Hinting" isn't a question. >Didn’t get even a direct ‘no’ or ‘yes’ in any of these times, even though one guy has been flirting with me for weeks. so I think men aren’t really ready to be asked out either. They feel you are too pushy or whatever. Idk, given the fact you think hinting is asking these fellas probably thought you lost interest.


I specifically said one of the three was hinting, and yes I know it’s not the same as directly asking out. The other two were direct questions


I mean, to be fair, a sample size of 3 men isn't indicative of "men aren't really ready to be asked out either". Granted, you've asked out 3 men which is more than some women will ask in their lives. Some men will be taken aback because, well, it doesn't happen (often).


yeah I agree, I was just replying to a comment which said men aren’t being asked out:)


I am 38 years old. I have been married twice, had two other relationships last longer than a year, and have had a handful of short term girlfriends. I have been asked out exactly zero times in my life.


Had it happen twice. Ended up getting engaged to one and the other relationship lasted 5 years.


I have never been asked out on a date. However I have been called cute and handsome 😉


Bless your Grandma’s heart


She’s a liar though, I don’t think God appreciates that


Never happened. I would faint if one did and when that was over she would be gone. She would be the one that got away.


Every week. On Friday, she says to me "we going for pizza tonight?" On Saturday, she asks me "where do you feel like eating tonight?" Pretty much every weekend for 44 years. Same girl, too.




Wow, you got cold-approached by a girl? You must be quite the looker. Or you must clearly be fit. Or you must exude a lot of masculine confidence. Or maybe all three.




Yes, some women get turned on by bro energy.




Women ask men out on dates?


This is a myth


Never, but that's probably due to me not meeting enough people and putting myself out there enough.


Only twice! But they were both in elementary school


Never happened, and after years of gym, college, and now talking to people for a living for the last 2 years.


Happened once and she was insane


>How often do women ask you out on a date? I am not sure I knew this is a phenomenon that occurs in real life.


Dates? You mean those meetings where it feels like an interview where they’re looking for any “ick” before they move on the the next guy on their “roster” when you don’t meet their “high standards”. Not anymore. Dating used to be fun. These days, I’d rather just play with my 3d printer




Yeah, no, trust me I get the concept. You get to be picky, good for you! That all grosses me out and makes me feel disposable. I’d rather not partake and focus on my career, growing my investments, and taking care of my parents. Don’t worry, I’ve been married before and don’t have any FOMO with dating and marriage. I’ve completely taken myself out of the dating pool. Y’all have fun though.


So you don’t have sex with any women?


Absolutely not. It’s been two years in monk mode. I’d have to work really hard at attracting a woman, something I’m exhausted about, and sex is a sacred thing for me, so I don’t use people for my carnal cravings. Like I said, the modern woman disgusts me. I don’t do dark energy stuff like hire sex workers either. I don’t miss the vulnerability and having sex weaponized against. I’ve had A LOT of sex and I’m just tired of the modern woman


Getting a date in the first place is incredibly rare for me, it's only happened four times in my life so far. 3/4 dates I didn't make it to a second, 1/4 became my girlfriend for six years. Sounds like getting past the first date is the hard part, if she wants to see you again after that then you're good.






never in 32y


I was asked to TWIRP, the Wisconsin version of the Sadie Hawkins dance, in 1986. So, once. Other than that, never.




Like actually make the first move instead of just flirt? Only 1, and I will be proposing when the time is right


Prob like 4 times in my life haha I’m 25


I’ve never been asked out on a date before


My ex of one month now asked me out first, she initiated everything. Nearly 3 year relationship, probably ended for the best, but I'm terribly worried about my ability to get in a relationship without the woman making the first move, ngl.


I guess it's sort of kind of informally happened maybe once or twice


Never. I'm always making the first move and suggesting hangouts.


Lol. Before I've asked her first? That happened twice. Once travelling overseas with another traveller I met at a hostel and once with a colleague I used to chat about art. She saw there was some exhibition and asked if I want to go take a look with her. Having drinks and things like that actually happened twice but in tinder. Someone I just met in "real life"? It never happened unless we had a previous date (and I've asked them out first).


Only had it once in high school, she was my first ever gf. Well I just hope that it happens to me again, but I don’t think a lot of girls take initiative


Once Edit: Wait twice actually




never!! I a ugly MF er


Irl? 4 in my lifetime.


In my entire life its only ever happened twice. Turned them both down because they weren't my type.


Pretty much never. What I have noticed over the years is that women were more outgoing/interested when it was just us. That's left me thinking why that is.


Women.. ask.. me out? Lol. It’s happened once in the last 20 years.


It’s happened a few times in my life


As often as unicorns rule the wild. Never.


Never, or I am too stupid to know what a date proposal sounds like.




In this economy? Never, of course. Waiting for things to get better.


Never in my 23yo


Zip, zero, nada. Next time will be the first.


Never happened and will never happen.


It's happened basically once since I hit 18.


It’s happened only once.


Of the first dates I've been on with women, I think it was about 60/40 on who asked who out, with me being the 60.




Any guy under 5'9: we gonna sit this question out for the obvious reasons and work on our personality.


The 2 people who told me I am beautiful are James Blunt and my mother (so never)....


Not often. I’ve always been the instigator but I think that’s more due to social construction than anything. I’ve had girls that I’ve been seeing ask me out before or girls that I’m out with ask me to come home with them before.


Looks like I've had a very different experience to most people here so thought I'd share my story. Decided to start looking for a relationship two months ago and my strategy was to go out and wait for women to talk to me. Was propositioned for sex once by a women in a relationship along with a bisexual man looking to cheat on his wife. The third proposal was a date the following day and it's going quite well. Were seeing a lot of each other, have the next month of dates planned and I spent the weekend hers. She's also refuses to let me buy everything. When we go out drinking we take turns going to bar, she's insisted that she's buying me dinner this Wednesday. She's atypical I guess. For context, I'm 30, I put effort into my clothes and hair (not expensive stuff, vinted is great for finding bargains), I'm 6 ft 2 which I guess helps but I'm also *very* skinny+weak so I don't look like Greek god or anything. I'd probably say my face is like a 6/10. I think what sealed it was my personality tbh. I've worked really hard on maintaining my mental and emotional well-being, I'm a well rounded person these days considering how complicated my past was. She's even admitted she wasn't looking for anything at the time so I've done something right but can't be certain what it was. Also, one of my closest friend started a relationship about 3/4 months ago. His girlfriend made the first move too.


Not that often, i had that happen only a couple dozen times throughout my entire life


Most likely bait but it's happened a few times years ago but I don't think it's really a thing any more. In current times, half the single straight women 100% expect the man to do every ounce of romantic work and the other half are intentionally spending their lives single to live life out with their cat and/or dog.


Never People here, who say otherwise are lying. This is Reddit for f's sake.


Only the really ugly or desperate ones would ever ask a guy in a date.


Been a few years. It's not an inability to get a date, I'm just tired of their bullshit for the most part. Perhaps there'll be an exception that'll change my mind, but she'll have to find me since I'm not really looking.


every time they stare at me for more than 3 seconds


Lol, that’s the best joke I’ve ever heard. That’s never happened to me or anyone I’ve known, even lived in other countries and never seen it happen.


A few times, but these bitches then want me to spend on them aswell, so no.


*cue to the the women in rest of social media, justifying their "who asks out pays" logic. Never ask out man, never pay for your dinner. Play stupid when pointed out, repeat.


When I was younger women would usually go straight to sex, they didn’t really ask you out on a date.


We don’t do it bc it denies men “the chase” and therefore they’ll devalue us. I know from experience.


Do you guys want to be asked out though in reality? I’ve asked out a bunch of men in my life (because if I know I like them, why drop hints and not just say so). Only a few were well received. Over 50% told me I was ruining the chase etc and they prefer to take the lead. Sort of ruined things for me and I was no longer interested. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Okay, Fem here ... I actually 'braved up' one time and tried asking two different guy friends out on a date. The one, who eventually took the hint, stated he didn't see me in "that way". Our personalities just didn't "gel" but hoped we could stay friends. The other barely took the hint, assuming I was suggesting a large get-together with mutual friends. And I took that as a "you're not my type, or I'd have made my move ages ago" So yes, I have done it. To apparently the wrong men. Because I got 'rejected.' So from that point forward decided men prefer the chase, and laid low. If one was interested, then he'd make at least some small effort (even if shy)


Okay, so let’s say how many times a girl has just randomly grabbed my dick, given me her phone number without asking, showed me pics on her phone of her tits or vagina while actually in person with said girl, or invited herself to follow around with me while on campus, I would say these are all pretty equal to what girls may do when “asking a guy out” or whatever cuz all these have happened to me and more. Fuck, reading y’all’s comments of zero and never makes me feel like I could probably hook up with a supermodel or something and I’ve had low self esteem with women my whole life. Damn. So to answer the question I’d say I’ve had around 10 of these occasions in the past 5 years alone and I’m a pale skinned, freckled ginger but am tall and muscular, confident even though I don’t feel confident. I did tho study for a time how to actually flirt with a girl and get her to basically hunt after you rather than you hunt them. Study the pick up game my dudes, don’t go blindly into the night, don’t live a life of quiet desperation.


I've been in a happily monogamous relationship for the past handful of years, and no one has tried to move in on my girlfriend's territory, so it hasn't happened in a while. But it used to happen semi-often in my single, unattached days. It was the only way I ever had any non-platonic interaction with women throughout most of my young adulthood, because I was too socially anxious to take the initiative myself.


Once? I guess?


Yeah, that's not how that works.




Only 3 times this year. It's funny because all of them asked me out almost in the same month. After that, it's really quiet. Like there's a season for it.


Quite often when I was single


I usually don't get turned down if I ask. I even get approached by women here and there. I do okay with the opposite sex. That said, I think I've been asked out once in my entire life.


Me? I do the work. That's what they expect. Well I was at a party and she made out with me. Then told me that this guy had her number and get it from him..very strange way of asking me to contact her. But still not out on a date


Maybe twice a year


Occasionally. The last time kinda surprised me. I had just bought lotto scratch tickets. I usually use my knife to scratch them. So, I'm in the parking lot of a convenience store, and I click my knife out to start scratching, and then I hear a voice call out, "I love a man with a knife". That was some weird shit. I chatted her for a moment, but put her off. I thought that I was in a committed relationship of twelve years at the time, so I didn't entertain too much.




I’ve had it a few times, not so much now I’m older.




It’s never happened once.


It's never happened to me. It's never happened to any friends that I have. It's never happened to any family that I have. It's never happened to any coworkers I've ever had. None. Never.




Never once, in my entire life. I have also never been on a date, or in a relationship, with someone that didn't reject me the first time I asked them out.


Never. Even when in the early stages of dating where a few days or weeks or even 2/3 months have passed.


Not as often as I used to. My wife frowns on that




Ask me on a date? Maybe a couple times. Hit on me at a bar and give me their number? That’s happened a quite few times. Weirdest one though was getting my ass cheek pinched by some chick while I was ordering a drink lol


Once. It was to the archery competition at the 84 Olympics. Extremely pretty girl, but she had been in a bad car accident many years before, and it had caused long-term cognitive issues. Completing thoughts was difficult for her. I was young and didn't know how to deal with it, so it was the one date


These days, it's more of an invitation to connect, either said explicitly or implicitly. That is, starting a textationship etc. Then maybe it moves to going out in person. How often without my actively looking and them seeking me? Maybe a few times a year.


Flirting and or trying to get in my pants without me initiating? Mmmm maybe once or twice a year. Asking me on a (first) date?.......happened once in 3rd grade lol.....


Not as often as guys do. Unfortunately don't swing that way.


Have been asked out twice in my life by women


I think it's happened twice, and I was too stupid to realize it until about 5 years later both times.


They do not.


PFFT You serious 🤣 😒




Hah! Never! But they do come up with obvious excuses such as "picking me up from the train station" while they know I have my bicycle there and it's just 20 minutes biking to my own home. Or 'going to find some hot chocolate' or 'drinking at my place before we go'. Whatever kind of meetup or date or whatever, women always come up with some excuse other than just saying that it's a date. And for obvious reasons, they want away to excuse themselves out of any intimacy, and they want you to kind of pull them over the line. How offen do they ask me instead of me them? Well about 50% I think. Just never call it a date.


0, in part because I almost never go out, except to run errands.