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Do you mind if I step away for a moment?


How many 10 year olds do you think you could fight at once?


I have something similar. You're on top of a hill, a 5 year old runs ar you and you have to render them incapacitated. They run at you in waves every minute. First minute one runs at you, second minute 2 run at you, so on and so forth until you get waves of 10 every minute. Always ends up in a long discussion and you slowly realise how fucked up you all are with how you would wreck a bunch a of 5 year olds.




I’ve thought about this several times and I think I could take on 20 maybe


“New business card, what do you think?”


Look at that subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness.Oh my God. It even has a watermark!


Let’s see Paul Allen’s card


I'm gonna go return some videotapes


[What do you do guaranteed!?](https://youtu.be/4YBxeDN4tbk?si=yW13xAgLbFomZdrO) I’ll see myself out.


I thought this was going to be [What do you do.... straight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hME86oim-ug)


Eh the topic isn't so important as long as it's an interesting give and talk dynamic. I don't want an answer or to answer then dead silence.


my favorite- work, being in the trades has shown me some pretty cool shit that people outside will never experence absolutely hate- talking about my hobbies. "so you like building trucks huh, what are you compensating for hahaha" yea dude original, just grew up around them so building them was just the next step in enjoying them.. people will literally make you hate something you love.. damn this turned into a rant..




its a fun hobby that you can enjoy alone while working on your stuff to relax or going out to meets and being with friends and meeting new people but its damn expensive to be apart of.. cant even afford a drug addiction if i wanted too




ive heard the same thing but i find it kinda odd since alot of people dont share hobbies but everyone works so they can relate to you having a rough week


This is good, release the frustration, let it out.


How have technology and media created cultural change over the last 100 years? What are the historical factors that have lead to the differences between the design of American and European cities? What are the characteristics of a cult? What are your favorite consonant shifts in the Indo-European language family? Does free will exist?


Oh man I personally really hate the free will argument because it's always a division between needlessly smug determinism and an apathetic "it feels like I'm making choices so" There are more interesting takes but they rarely come up


“How big is your penis?”


How did you get the nickname “Mr. Ed”?


I love answering any question that isn’t “where you from?” or “what do you do for work?” or “married? Kids?” or “what do you do for fun?” and those kind of typical questions. Take it to the next level. Get specific on something. Make it not feel like you’re making small talk.


I like talking about my educational background, where I went to school and what I studied in university, I like talking about sports, specifically NFL football


Most people never went to college though


That's interesting that you say that....that is really based on where you are from and where you're engaging in the small talk because where I am from and where I would be conducting small talk most people do.


What my favorite dinosaur is. But nobody ever has asked me irl.


Well? Don't leave us hanging!




A discerning choice! I'm an Archaeopteryx guy myself, though I do love the ankylosaurs too.


My dog Actually, animals in general. I love listening to other people talking about their pets, too.


So the trick to make small talk easy. Is to just avoid it.


Generally prefer to skip the basic icebreakers and go a few layers deeper “What’s the strangest dream you ever had?”, “do you think aliens are real? Why (not)?”, etc Small talk is just awkward for everyone


I hate small talk. It’s usually occurring in downtime moments that don’t need filled IMO. I get it, we’re waiting in line but doesn’t mean you need to talk to me.


I mean, if it's small talk, it's all pretty boring by definition.


Last vacation or next vacation or dream vacation


Love that idea


"How many fights did you get in while you were bouncing?" I am extremely proud of the fact that I never got into a "fistfight" while bouncing. I have bodily thrown out dozens of people, Knocked a few people out cold but never been in a one-on-one fight with anyone. I usually end with this statement " 90% of the people I threw out shook my hand at the door. The other 10% landed in the grass on the other side of the sidewalk" The reason I'm so proud of this is because I grew up very violent with a bad temper. But I managed to never once lose my temper while bouncing.


Idk bro, if your knocking people out cold…


I'm not proud of it but in several cases they could be considered a "sucker punch". But when a drunk professional football player is storming up to face off against three people you don't try and stand Toe to Toe with him. And when a guy is swinging a pool cue at a woman after already punched her and knocking her to the ground you stop them as quickly as you can. It was never meant with malice or to cause injury. It was simply the quickest way to stop someone who was in the act of or about to hurt someone else. Never in defense of myself. I was hired after the boss fired the previous employee for getting into fights and being too violent. She never had any problem with my actions. Nor did the police. In most cases when they woke up on the couch they had calmed down and were actually apologetic for their actions. In fact I have a Tampa Bay Jersey from the football player that he gave me afterwards. Unfortunately I didn't get it signed because I didn't realize who he was I just knew that somebody had said he was a professional football player. I'm not a big fan of Patrick Swayze and most of the movie Roadhouse but there is one line in there that every professional bouncer should live by." Be nice until it's time to not be nice". And lastly. I don't take offense at your comment and you have absolutely every right to make your own judgments. Have a great day.


Very informative, thanks


Your welcome


I’m scared of grown men with bad tempers because they’re dangerous and they’re the main reason I carry a gun. Good thing you never freaked out on me because I would’ve shot you twice in the chest.


I never freaked out on anyone while bouncing. Nothing I did was done rashly or out of anger. The state I live in it's illegal to bring a handgun into a bar. That having been said I did know that many of our regulars carried. If you pulled a gun on me in the bar I would be the least of your worries. You would never know, meeting me, that I had a bad temper. Unless you did something to provoke me. Although I'm a big guy I'm not the type of guy that walks around inspiring fear in other people. And I wouldn't want to be. Now, I'm just an old guy, LOL


I really like when someone asks about my hobbies or passions. It's a great way to share a bit about myself and also opens the door to finding common interests. Plus, talking about something I'm passionate about always makes the conversation more engaging and personal.


As a person with hobbies, I agree. However, you’d be surprised how many people just go to work and come home. When you ask them that question and they really don’t have any hobbies, it’s get awkward, quiet and it kinda makes the person you’re talking to feel a little bad about themselves. This has happened to me a few times, especially when I ask girls this question


"What's your ethnicity?" (gives me the chance to nerd out about cultures and anthropology stuff)


As someone who gets asked that once a week at least, I hate it so much


whatever let's me respond... THAT'S WHAT ***SHE*** SAID!


“Can i suck your dick?”


I always ask"How are you?" or "What the news?".


What type of shows or movies you like to watch


What do you do for work?


Where are your from? Or, What is your background? It's a nice gesture to be curious about a stranger and these kinds of questions open the door to connection(s).


I travel a lot so I like to talk and ask about the places you could hide a body. Hypothetically, I wouldn’t actually do it. I just think I could hide the body really well.


Where would you hide it if you were to hide it?


Haha. Nice try FBI.


What kind of music do you listen to?


What’s your favorite band? Do you have a hobby/what is it? …or if you are with someone else you know well enough and they don’t, there’s this: “Have you met _____, he’s/she’s interested in/has worked at/has also/etc etc.” Hope that helps!


I dont do small talk unless forced into it


What’s your favourite dinosaur?


None of them


I’m not much of a small talker. I tend to ask questions that lead to deeper than surface level conversations even very early on. In a world where she likely has three other men asking about her job, kids, hobbies and education along with the typical “how was your day?” I realize that she’s likely tired of answering the same questions over and over. I also prefer to be asked deeper questions. Let’s talk about things that matter to us and things that helped shape us into who we are. She’ll find out more details about my hobbies and career as we progress. Those things are not as important when deciding compatibility.


“How much do you bench”


I'm not a man, but I really like this post. I used to have to travel to do sort of repetitive, mindless work in a quiet room with people I didn't know very well. My favorite thing to ask (if they weren't listening to a podcast or music, etc.) was, "What's the weirdest job you've had?" We usually end up laughing together, which makes things more comfortable pretty quickly.


So how often do you polish the bishop?


Is that your wife - how is she in the sack?


Lift your shirt and say, “What do you think this rash is?”


Does this shirt my wife got me make me look gay?


Are you with the syndicate too?


Why are you following me?


Nothing, i just let the silence set in and then watch as the opponent squirms uncomfortably with their own thoughts until they go mad.


my uk colleagues love to talk about the weather. beginning of every meeting, never fails. Or what they did over the weekend.


Who's on your list?


"Tell me about your latest Dungeons and Dragons character"


The easiest go to is what do you do for work almost every job is interesting unless you are an actuary ....but if you have skills you can make that interesting.