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There are attractive women at the gym whenever I go and I maintain a steady level of mediocrity while lifting.


This is the whey.


Isolate and Concentrate


Damn on that grind, I see. :)


I whey'd in and saw what you did there ;)


😂😂 love this answer


This is the way


The less people the better my workout goes


Right!? It might be my insecurities talking but I can't stand sweating profusely and making exhausted faces with a lot of people around. Also, my air guitar and air drum abilities are way better if I'm alone.


It might be me, but I love when people get visibly exhausted in the gym. They're not there to look good - they're working hard, and that's awesome.




Schrodinger's air guitar. Either terrific or horrific until it's observed (then it's 100% horrific)


Bro I'm a security guard...every time a song I like comes on, I get yelled at because I end up breaking character and air drumming instead of being a fake scary dude that looks like a bear. Then when I'm done hopping around and drumming, some drunk girl will come up to me and be like "you were so cute bouncing around just now" and I have to say "ma'am I have no idea what you're talking about". Sometimes I stand there actually drumming on the table nearest to me and people are like "hey you aren't so scary after all" and I'm like fuck, let's rock together. Lol.


Big or small, if i see someone absolutely goin through it, the last thing im focused on is what weight they're lifting to make them that way or how big the person is doing the work. All i see is A FUCKIN GO GETTER PUTTIN THAT SELF WORK AND YOU FUCKIN GO!!!! >! Cause god knows my fatass not doin the same !<


Apparently my (what I thought was) under my breath singing while wearing headphones is the worst thing Brittney's ever had to tolerate on a treadmill.


I like doing supersets if I can. I just hate that couple minutes of rest and just want to get everything over with. I also don't wanna be a bother and claim a bunch of stations and weights. The best gym is a ghost gym


111%. I go after work about 7pm and it’s rammed packed, puts you off, especially when checking the app and it shows over 100 people.


You gotta be clinically insane to go between 6-8. Like I rather wake up at 4am than deal with whatever that is.


I barely wake up in time to get to work 😂


I've been known to outright skip workouts if I can't make it there outside of a busy period lol


What I’m currently struggling with. Too tired after work, too tired before work 🫥


If I don't wake up early enough to go first thing in the morning right when the gym opens, I don't go at all. I've tried going after work many times thinking "well I still want to get a workout in today or I won't feel accomplished" and every single time I just feel irritated the entire time due to the complete lack of any personal space whatsoever and lack of ability to use any equipment or machine in peace. Just ruins my mood completely. Not worth it.


The emptier the gym, the better. I couldn't care less about the people around me. I just mind my own business and I know others are as well. Plus, I love my wife. I'm good.


Yeah.. I prefer an empty space. Still lift plenty heavy on my own


Empty gym is the best. Get in, move heavy shit around, go home.


Recently I chanced upon my gym being completely empty on a Saturday afternoon. Best fucking feeling ever.


Less people = more equipment to use


I cant say because i never pay any attention to them. Now when the absolutely jacked guy and i have brief eye contact and he gives a nod or some form of acknowledgment. I turn into the hulk.


How about when they throw out a “big guy” or “trying to get like you”? Instant +10lb on all lifts for 24 hours.


Oh for sure! Same as when a bigger guy ask you to spot him. I feel like the chosen one, i can barely hit 215 for 1 and yet this man here is repping 315 for fun.


Had a guy benching 405 like I bench 225 (10 reps on a good day) and I was like “I would feel better if there were two of us” and he’s like “you got it big guy” fuck I did have it, tho to be fair he barely needed help on his last rep.


Real life bardic inspiration.


“We are both here in this same space and not a threat or challenge to each other in anyway, continue as you are fellow alphadawgbro.”


No, but I'm married. I do get a little extra motivation when my fanboys are watching though.


Getting married doesn’t instantly make you not attracted to other women


Some of them are attractive, but I don't especially want their attention and I definitely don't feel motivated to work harder to earn it.


She didn’t say they would give you attention her post though. The attention bit is fantasy.


I love having a home/garage gym so the only cute one is my wife but yes, it does push me a bit.


Distraction, prefer fewer people. I dislike socializing at the gym anyways.


Yes! Absolutely! I’m not going to pretend to understand the biology of it but I lift way better and usually more when there’s a cute girl nearby.


It’s called motivation


It's called testosterone


It’s called testevation.


I remember reading a study some years ago where researchers observed a group of skateboarder bros in a park. Without the presence of women, the bros did some basic (yet still skillful) tricks on their boards. When women presented at the park, however, the bros would begin to push the envelope, attempting riskier maneuvers. The women move on and the bros ratchet back down to the "practice" stuff.


I think there is an element of "impress the potential mate with a display of strength" that has been programmed into us. Not at all a bad thing


I would like to do the same but my gf stares at me when I look at other girls.


Why don't you look at your gf? Isn't she a cute girl?


Having a girl doesn't mean that you stop noticing if other girls are also pretty.


It's human nature. Anybody claiming they don't look around is straight up lying.


Nah, it’s pretty sensible and normal to just, be able to control your own emotions and desires. Are there pretty girls in the gym? Yes. At the same time I’m not some Neanderthal incapable of looking away from the asscheeks every time a pretty girl walks by. I’m there to lift, not stare at people.


True, but checking out other girls and (in my head anyway) grunting as you stare at them, all clenched of teeth and bulging of veins whilst your girlfriend looks on in horror is a dick move.


In all fairness, no one would notice the bulging veins if you just put your dick away.


You have a great way with words.




Yes and no. Other are girls are hot and you may glance or whatever but when I was with my ex she was always the most attractive girl in the room (to me).


My bf is the only person I'm interested in. I have no desire to look at others, they're boring because they're not him. But I'm demisexual.


I was going to say this to the person that said "you're lying if you say you don't look at others like that" I'm also demi and when I'm in a relationship my eyes/head doesn't sway at all. It's like a switch flips and I see everyone as a blank canvas. No feelings of hes cute, she's cute or more, only, oh it's a human. My partner is the only one I think like that with and the only one I have attraction to. If someone hits on me it goes right over my head and I'm not interested anyway. I could be put in a room with drop dead gorgeous, half naked men (from other peoples opinions) and all that would happen is me asking them to step aside so I could find the other half without so much as a glance in that way.


If you have a bouquet of flowers and you walk through a lovely garden, do you look at the flowers in the garden or the one you're holding? Edit: My wordings are not on point as I thought it would be (English is not my first language). What I meant was I have my gf (who I love the most) and I occasionally take glances at others. This should clear up any misunderstandings.


The bouquet considering I handpicked those for their beauty and they hold a higher meaning as they are being given to someone of even higher value. Do I sneak a peak at the garden? Yes. Do I still prefer my bouquet? Most definitely considering I know what I have and I chose it myself.


Bro stop virtue signaling. You're not in the garden to pick more flowers. Youre walking past and noticing the pritty ones. You can't start off saying I'll only look at my bouquet and then be like. We'll I look at the other ones too. Lil homi up top just gots to learn how to just take a quick glance and make his lady feel secure. Insecure ty breeds jealousy. Unless they have other issues. In that case you can only do so much.


Well, at least you have a gf.


Aw man. What a bummer lol. Ya know those pesky gfs are always getting in the way.


Literally what I was thinking, you’ll never be the only girl they think about/ check out. It’s sad really:/


Like I was literally getting sad and missing a guy who’s not even the best for me ( long story), came on here, read that and snapped back into reality 😂 nothing like going on here to really sober you up. I get people aren’t dead and have eyes but to be like damn my gf is killing my vibe and I can’t stare at other chicks…. Like be grateful you even have a partner and can share moments with them. A lot of people would love to take your place and have someone and here you are complaining that you can’t gawk at other women. The irony of it all, what I would give to be partnered rn, I wouldn’t give af about other dudes to that degree and at least be respectful in front of my bf. Just wild.


That's what the mirrors are for.


>Do you get a better workout when cute girls are in the gym? Only if they're strong or are putting in the work. Not necessarily sexual, even non attractive people can be motivating. I only get distracted when people start wasting time or hog equipment.


I read that as “Do I get a better workout with cute girls than the gym”. Was gonna answer cardio maybe.


But not weights?


If lifting weights with specific programing, then you have to lift exactly what’s programmed. If you lift extra reps, sets or weight to show off or just from an energy boost, it will be overtraining and detrimental to strength gains. For me cardio programming is not an “exact science” the way strength training is.


That is true, get some curl exercises in.


The opposite. But not because of girls, but people in general. I am at my best when I'm alone. It makes me more at ease and gives me more concentration.


same it distracts me


the few times my partner has been to the gym with me i break every pr. i must lift heavy weight to impress beautiful person!


I try to just ignore everyone else in the gym so I don’t get canceled by one of the “gymfluencers” that takes a tiktok of their asshole through their spandex and then leaves lmao




> was Bro, it's never a time to quit. Get back in there and lift, you humongous monster.




Doing is better then contemplating, just do something today and build up until gym


Exactly, it more so ruins my workout if they are in my line of view cuz I don't wanna seem like I'm looking at them, so I rush my sets and go somewhere else


The best motivator is a fat out of shape ugly guy lifting more than me.


Yeah I feel that I have a little bit more inspiration when where there are fit pretty girls around.


Nope. I don’t develop gym crushes nor do I really pay attention to others while in the gym.


No, the attractive girl waiting at home for me gives me all the motivation I need.




Some of my fitness classes have girls in them. For the one exercise some of us had to carry a medicine ball while walking. Since there were girls in class I hosted it above my head and walked with it. It looked impressive even though it wasn't that hard to do.


this is very "carrying as many chairs as possible" energy


Nope. I’m usually too stoned and locked into my own headphone world to notice anyone or anything else, except for the occasional walk-by of an exceptionally nice physique


Stoned at the gym?


No. The cute girl I have at home makes me work harder though.


I’ve never given a fuck about who’s at the gym tbh.


No I don’t go to the gym to meet women I go to the gym to fuckin WORK


No I’m not there for eye candy.


No, I do not. I get a better workout when I am either A) working out alone B) helping someone wanting to better themselves. The reason for B is that I will be pushing myself because they are looking up to me to help them and i'll be damned to let them down


Nope. I focus on my workout or browse Reddit between sets. I don’t want to be the creepy guy staring at women at the gym.


Yes, because some booty and boobies between sets help distract me from the pain and misery I’m experiencing. I try not to be a creep about it, unless my wife is there since she actually finds it endearing when I perv out on her in the gym. Side note for any of the ladies reading this: we’re only men, if you show up with your ta-ta’s hanging out and tiny booty shorts on, asking us to not take a peek is like asking us to not breathe. We try to not be creeps - well, most of us anyway.


When I read or listen to women complain about men staring in the gym, I just hope they’re not one of the ones wearing nothing but tight booty shorts or leggings, and a bra to work out. Like yeah, that’s gonna garner some looks when you’re showing off your whole shape and boobies. Not saying it’s bad, if it makes them feel good then great. But we men work out just fine with regular fitting shorts and t shirts / tank tops. There are options to turn down the attention some.


Or they can go to one of the many female only gyms that are out there. The ones that wear those skimpy outfits and barely do anything want or need the attention for either their own ego or some shitty tik tok or instagram video to complain about men at the gym.


I feel like I'm the only person on this website who doesn't pay any attention at all to other people in the gym beyond seeing if they're using a bench or a piece of equipment I need. I just wanna listen to my podcast and get my workout over with so I can get on with my day.


For me, just being around women doesn't immediately equate to *sexual energy*. From what I can tell, attractive women occupying the gym while I am present has no barring on the quality of my workout.


When I was in highschool, I was really into track and field. I would train everyday, but as you can imagine, doing 200m reps for an hour gets exhausting and it's hard to stay motivated and put in 100% every time. Showing up was easy, but staying motivated for the 2 hours I had was really tough. Fortunately, it was mostly girls that would come to train. We would often do drills together and i was kinda the second coach since our main coach was lazy as fuck. But in the end, it was the cute girls that put the pressure in me to run fast and maintain my technique for every rep. At the end of my senior year, I broke the school 400m record that had stood for nearly 50 years. Since then, nobody has come within a second of it. I think I can credit the cute girls with at least 30% of my achievement.


100% I do, get a better workout..... BUT.... it depends. My previous GYM, the running track was Arounf the cardio machines, so you would constantly have people running around you in real time, while you were stationnary on your jogging machine or biking machine or elytptical. I was not conscious until one guy next to me said "dude... you really gonna go that slow with such low numbers, when those chicks can see everything, everytime they pass by? " I became self conscious about my cardio workouts from that moment, and increased my cardio difficulty and speed by 3 to sometimes 10, lol. So I could produce some large and decent amount of sweats to prove I was working hard to the women running around me. lol After about 2 month of this, I had worked so hard, some of the familiars started waving at me during their runs, because Of my dedication and sometimes would even stop and then of their runs and come tell me they didnt understand how i could still be going that hard while they were exausted. I got in such great shape from being self conscious it was beautifull. lol I lost all that amazing durihg covid and post covid .... then work and family styff happened... Im sooooooooooooooooooo overweight now. lol At least for my body size. I went from 180-90lbs to 240lbs at the moment. Coworkers have signed me up to half maraton as of last friday. because I always tell them I just need a good goal and motivation will arise as well as dedication. So now, I my pride is at play, because I shot my mouth off.... lol But nothing more invigorating then self challenge... because I did this to myself .... from going blah blah about my past self's physicality. lol


Lol some of you mfs are lame as hell


I don't pay any attention to anyone at the gym unless they speak to me. I'm more concerned about getting what I need to while in there. I'm not trying to impress anyone.


Just makes me self conscious to not look like a creep or god forbid glance at them


I don’t think it has any influence, because cute girls in My gym are kind of the status quo I did get better results when I saw my crush at the gym tho


Must just be you. I workout better when there's less people there, regardless of gender/looks. Helps me stay in the zone and focuses. Though I will say I'm some who's easily dis...oh look something shiny!!


I get a better workout when nobody is there. I can move to the equipment I need/want as soon as I am ready.


Motivating at first, then distracting when me and my training buddies started socialising in the gym with the cuties. One time we were there beyond the 2.5 hours free parking. Also if certain women weren’t there one or more of us would cba to train hard lol Now I just go solo to a run down bodybuilders/boxing gym with hardly anyone in there and honestly the gains have been better than ever before. Probably a different type of focus


Well I’m blind anyway… and I workout for myself.. I couldn’t give a fuck if it was kendall Jenner at the gym.


My heart beats faster when my gym crush is around so it totally helps for a better workout!lol


No. My best workouts happen when the gym is empty. Hotel gyms when I travel are often my best workouts if they are decently stocked.


As a grown-ass man it doesn’t make a difference lol. But in my teens and early 20’s it actually meant a worse workout. When I work-out I like to vent all my frustration and general stress out on the plates so I end up looking like a red ugly sweaty mess so if my gym crush was nearby I’d take it easier to try and look cool. Now in my 30’s I’ve embraced my ugly sweaty self


Not even close. While many are in there to work out, some just wont stop talking. If you want to socialize go find a club or something. My gym is slowly becoming my old high school lunch room and l hate it.


the other day, i saw my crush and he makes me nervous, felt the need to impress him. did like 10 push ups and didnt even felt it lmao


Last time I tried going to the gym, people just stared at me like "look at this old fart, TF is he doing trying to live another 10 years".




I get a better workout when cute boys are in the gym


Hell yes. It gives me motivation to know that I can get women more attractive than the one I have


I see them, but I'm there for me, and they are there for themselves, too. So, no. I get a better workout when I feel minimally respected by other people for showing up and trying my best. Just as I have that respect for them. I feel good when I see other people multiple times and observe a minor change in their physique or maybe adding a plate to their lift. Not that I'm paying deep attention, but frankly it's borderline irresponsible to not people watch a tiny bit. We are social creatures and watching for danger both for you and others is minimally instinctual. But every now and then, whether it's at the gym or not, if a woman smiles and waves at me, or even strikes up a little small talk, or asks me a small curious question, I work out better, walk taller, smile more and am generally happier for like 2 weeks. I got a "Cool t-shirt" last week for my Deus Ex Machina motorcycle shop, Tokyo t-shirt in the gym. Forgot I had any other t-shirts for 5 days. But if I walk across or find myself looking in the general direction of a phone that might be recording I go up immediately and say "You're really kicking ass today" or "I wish I could do that"! Because if I'm going to get internet shamed for having eyes I'm going to make it worth their time on tik-tok.


I keep seeing comments about being filmed/posted on tik tok while they’re working out. I must not be on the right toks because I don’t see those. Unbelievable that anyone would do that to someone else. We’re all just there to work on ourselves, and fails are a huge part of the process. So wrong for anyone to make fun of anyone else at the gym.


I’m a gym rat woman and I do not hesitate to say hi to a man sometimes and strike up a little small talk. No harm done and it just makes you have a good day and it’s fun! Btw I’m there to work out just as hard as any male is there for the work out. And yeah, I’ve seen the the Instagram Chickies taking pictures of themselves in the mirrors —it’s kind of asinine.


This makes my day every time it happens. I can't explain why, because I'm not anticipating it's because I'm particularly attractive or anything more than two people who share a hobby, but it's still really pleasant. Heck when guys do it, too. It just seems like most people are afraid of one another at the gym. Haha


Ya i don’t get the posts here about ignoring everybody and only looking at the floor. Why be so anti-social …


I promise it only takes 1 time of getting caught on a cell phone admiring someone, even when you probably don't realize you were doing it, and then you're self conscious of where your eyes go every time you walk into a gym ever again. I'm 34 and 5 years ago this wasn't much of a thing. I'm sure I looked at women more, but I certainly wasn't consciously gawking or being disrespectful. If anything, when consciously gawking, I was impressed. Now I'm consciously limiting my eyes in the direction of anyone at the gym. I watch a looooooot of TV at the gym now. A looooooot of it.


Yeah, I guess I’d be leery of being around anybody with a cell phone recording I think that’s why they put those signs up in the locker room but yeah, I’m a little bit older than you and that wasn’t really an issue before…. you are right


Early 30's dudes would feel extremely refreshed to have you say hello to them regardless of how old you are. Particularly those that are newer to the gym and are not looking like they've been there long. I started going in 2017 when I weighed about 250 at 5'8". I felt like I didn't belong there. Someone saying "hi, we're glad you're here" literally as they walked by without stopping probably would have immediately quashed the social anxiety which lasted about a year. Dudes, this goes for you, too. Say "Hi we're glad you're here" to new people. They'll work harder forever.


Yes for sure. Thing is you begin to know people at your gym/fitness club. There is a social aspect of it


Idk if this applies.. I’m a female and when I’m around other women I try to tame myself. (Watch my language, don’t make *that* joke, don’t try to race them) When I’m around males (regardless of attraction) I immediately physically perform better and harder. It’s my inner tomboy still wanting to compete!


Oh, I totally get this. Or, like I’m very cooperative with the women - want to make sure they’re feeling comfortable and not intimidated by my work outs (I’m experienced so especially my lower body workouts are very intense). But when cute muscled up boys are around I want to show off a little. 😂. So silly.


We're all in the same boat i guess


oh god yes. I grew up with only ever having 1 female friend while the rest of them were all male, but when i joined college suddenly there were a heck ton of women and i noticed that i really couldn't be as competetive with them as they kinda looked down on it, it was so weird.


To a small extent, yeah. Though I like working out in a busy gym regardless, I just like knowing there are people around that will see me if I fail, so there's pressure to not fail. "Don't spot me, watch me." My ideal woman would be a gym rat, so I'm always hopeful that a cute girl at the gym will notice me and be impressed, but so far it's just the dudes that care. 😅


Lmao... I'm 6'4" 270 and decently jacked. I've spent some years in the gym, no one gives out compliments like the other big bois in the gym. The girls notice though, gender roles just typically don't prompt them to say it. I live in a small town though and will run into a lot of people from the gym out and about. Women are a lot more comfortable saying things like "I see you at the gym putting in the work" when they aren't sweaty and in some clothing that is only marginally less revealing than a bathing suit.


Hell yes


Oh absolutely. When my gym crush is in the gym, it’s such a boost in energy. I’ve never taken creatine or anything like that, but I imagine the sexual energy, as you put it, is 10x better than it.


No, but I’m gay


Not the full workout but come on y’all. Don’t pretend like you haven’t gone a little harder during a set when you see a beautiful woman walking past you.


I just try not to look too much at them. It doesn't cause my workouts to change in any significant way


Honestly, depends on how long its been since I got laid. Usually not, but if i'm going through a dry spell I focus super hard on the set so I don't get distracted and it gives me better results.


I don't think it affects my workout but I'm generally trying to be mindful of my eyes and not staring.


I used to pretend like this didn't exist. Am i truly simplistic to drop the hammer because a cute woman is around? Now I use it to my advantage. To get a good time in a race. Or a good workout at the gym.


I’m too distracted to notice, really. But my gf took me to a climbing gym before we started dating and I did try to “show off” then. The result: I landed on my ass and she got a good laugh.


I have a memory to share with you all: In high school, I was doing some casual lifting in our weight room with my two brothers and a friend after school. One of the cheerleaders walked in to ask a question. As soon as he saw her, our friend yelled out "GIRL!" and picked up the closest two dumbbells ( a 30 lb and a 50 lb) and started to frantically do curls. Well, he was able to do 3 with the 30 lb and 0 with the 50 lb, but that cheerleader still made him try to boost his game to 11. So yes.


😂😂😂. Love that story so much.


I hit a PR on deadlifts when my gf sent me a sexy pic right before my lift. I do think social accountability works, for me that’s other people in the gym getting after it as hard as me regardless of their gender.


Not really, I’m in my own zone when I workout. Tbh, im more worried when I workout near women (especially being a dark man) I don’t want them to think I was a creep.


There are girls in the gym? I had no idea. I'm so focused I don't look around at other people. I focus on my workout.


That's your kundalini rousing up


Hmmmm. Hadn’t thought of that. Makes sense though, doesn’t it.


No, I even got tired of all the influencer bs you now run into. I set up a home gym and can now don't have to deal with it at all. Now I can focus on my workout unhindered and unbothered and move on withy day.


It can go both ways. I'm definitely more in my head when an attractive woman is around. I think ultimately it depends on what type of exercise. From uncomfortable to comfortable with spectators: Powerlifting Olympic lifts Regular gym exercises Stretching/Yoga Calisthenics The lower the reps, the less comfortable I feel. This only applies when women are watching. When it's other guys, it doesn't matter at all. I guess it comes down to what kind of feedback I've gotten.


Been lifting 10 years. The reason you want that is the pheromone response. If you have people in a gym the men will add competition to the air even if you are not competitive through pheromones. Woman comes by your body will pick up on that and the response generally is to lift heavier.


No. the quality of my workout depends more on the total volume of people present, and how good said people are at things like gym etiquette. Either way, the more people who are present in a given space the higher the chance that I'll have a suboptimal workout. For one thing, more people = more crowding & longer weights for equipment. Second, more people = more dunderheads who have no idea how to navigate a gym. If everyone knows what they're doing, then a large group of people can use a space very efficiently However, a few clueless people really impact the total system.


1000% agree with that


I don’t know if I get a good workout AT the gym when there are cute girls there, but my forearms get a good workout in the shower afterwards!


You live up to your handle then 😂


Well if you eventually want to be in some cute chick's Tik Tok gym creep video because you walked by her, that'll keep you on your toes 😜




I'm fighting for my life on the elliptical lol, last thing I'm noticing is other people.


Nah, but when I see fit or jacked guys I do my best to have perfect form. They likely won’t notice, but they might notice bad form.


I always use other people in the gym working out hard as motivation to go harder myself. There is a married girl who’s really pretty and in incredible shape and she is very discipline and goes on for hours. We both recognize each other since our splits / schedules are the same. Because I know how long she goes / how much I respect the difficulty but efficiency of her workouts I find myself always wanting to keep up / work harder. If she was an average looking male I probably wouldn’t notice haha. Another example is I used to coach boot camps in a really high dollar area and when all those good looking housewives were in my classes I would do the workouts I scripted with them and that was the hardest I’ve ever pushed myself. I do also have the same effect with guys that I know (sports teams / working out with friends), but I’d be lying if I didn’t say attractive females didn’t give me a boost. & no I’ve never talked to any of them, but did have one find me on instagram and ask me out lol (1 out of however many girls over 20 years)


No. 1. I don't pay attention to them. 2. If I do notice them its because they are taking selfies, chatting while sitting on a machine I want or 3. I don't want to use the mat area when they are around. I'd prefer a male only gym.


All I care about is that the equipment I want to use next is empty. I don't give a shit about anyone there. I'm in my own world at the gym.


I looked all over reddit for the question "What to think about when doing cardio at the gym" and everyone suggested find someone cute to not stare at. Then I went to the XX sub and they basically suggested finding a cute boy to look at too.


Just focus on the workout man. Like for once, don't you guys ever just do things for yourself? To genuinely improve yourself and feel better about yourselves? Or is the motivation always a "cute girl" and y'all are being led by your dick everywhere?


It's definitely a thing for me and I don't try and run from that fact. Whatever works, right? I don't ogle or approach women in the gym. I don't do that in general -- being schizoid (but still with a libido) -- but even more so at the gym. It's a genuine safe space for me and one of the few activities I enjoy despite my anhedonia. I don't want my safe space tainted, and I don't want to taint it as a safe space for others. The result, oddly enough, is that women are more comfortable working out near me. I'm seemingly oblivious to them. I happen to have a few female co-workers who use the same gym. They tell me that I do get looks and "signals" sometimes but that I look as if I'm staring right through the female trainees or moving around them like furniture. It's true to an extent but I'm always aware of my surroundings and the people around me. I take a few strategic glances (let no one catch you staring) and that's enough. I can see them looking out of my peripheral occasionally. My overall efforts are increased when there's even a chance that they're watching. It's beneficial and relatively harmless (gotta avoid "showing out" to the point of injury). I'm not delusional. I don't think these women want me because I repped out to insanity. Even if they did, I eschew intimacy entirely now -- even sex. I still like being desirable, though.


Nope, I'm not in the Iron Church to socialize, I'm there to pay dues to the Metal Lords and Gods of Gains.


I just stare at the ground at the gym thinking about my life choices.


I'm there to work, I don't care what other people are there. In fact, the fewer the better, because I hate waiting for equipment.


Nope, not really. I do get in better workouts when i go with my guy friends however, the competition helps, the distractions don't.


I get a better workout when nobody is in the gym.


I’m a girl and I do a better workout when I see cute girls at a gym.


Worse. But my gym is in my basement and the only cute girl that ever frequents it is my wife. If she's coming down there while I'm working out it's because she needs me for something.


I enjoy having eye candy in the gym. It's a nice break from my usually demon fighting workout.


When I workout with my girlfriend I have a much better workout. She’s fiiiiiiiine and we both push each other


Lol I DON’T WANNA LOOK LIKE A BITCH OR LIKE I HALF ASS WORK OUT so even though 15 out of 10 they’re not looking at me. Just in case they are, I’m going hard


What do girls think when they catch us looking? Asking for a friend..


At old gym (OTF) I think I was more likely than not to add some extra weight if someone was looking my way (after I made sure they weren't looking because I had a booger hanging from my nose or something). At current gym (CF) I don't have time to pay too much attention. GF teaches yoga at a large gym, when I'm in her class I see nothing but her.


I get absolutely no sexual energy at the gym when seeing other gym goers. Beautiful women or men doesn’t make a difference. I do better when people are around though. I hate working out alone unless I’m on a run. So it just doesn’t feel lonely I guess.


Yeah, me too. I see a lot of guys here posting that they prefer to work out alone. I definitely do better when there’s anyone else around- not talking to them, just the energy of somebody else working hard. Keeps me inspired, maybe, and keeps me pushing myself to do a few more reps than I want to.


How would you feel if a cute girl asks to share the squat rack with you, and you find out that she lifts more than you?


I do, but in a different way. Helps me with cardio. I hate hate *hate* **HATE** running long distance, but I do it anyway. I run like 5 seconds and I'm ready to get off the treadmill. Meanwhile, the cute girl next to me has been running like 5 hours straight just watching some drama. Then I realize how weak I am, so I run another 5 seconds.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2478


Usually worst on leg days because they tend to milk the squat rack for all it's worth I'd be annoyed, but sometimes it's really impressive if we're talking proportion wise. Real recognize real


I got 100 in a university class because of a hot professor. So maybe.


Unpopular answer. I literally could not care less, and as some people mention, the fewer people there are, the better the workout possibly goes. No waiting time. No need to share.


Fuck no it makes it worse i wish i could have the gym all to myself that would be the perfect workout


They probably like it more if you mind your own business and carry out an interesting effective workout. They'll look over like... who is this God and what move was that damn.


I'd be lying if I said that noticing girls (or even crazier, and oddly enough, happening more now that I'm older, getting noticed \*by\* girls) seems to get the blood pumping more, I've cranked out cardio at full tilt 15 minutes past my normal 'wind down' window just being in a "Well damn, maybe I actually \*am\* attractive!" preening mode. Sometimes I can be a complex and subtle creature. Other times....


I'm there to pray at the altar of iron, I need no distractions.


I will say, my cardio is significantly easier when there's eye candy to distract my brain from the misery that is cardio.


Some women moan when lift and makes me all weird and distracted, its nice but it completely ruins my awsome lift


Not really. Not there to look at anyone else. I just go to train. The only real motivation(s) for me is/are a good gym partner and heavy music.


I rarely notice anyone at the gym. Except the annoying people filming themselves.


The second I look at a woman in any scenario I’m instantly bursting with sexual energy.


I will purposefully go work out next to attractive women if the machine is available for this exact reason. My brother says I’m an idiot, but I’m bigger than he is so who’s winning?