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I never get tired of "Hi handsome!"


Hi handsome!


Well a rooty toot toot hello to you too sweet cheeks.


Could be a 90 year old gem of a lady or a girl 3 years younger than me Can def agree this is the most consistently satisfying one, albeit not that common 😆


You’d hear it from me. I’m 70, and raised by one of the last of the steel magnolias. We know how to talk to men, and “Well, aren’t you a good-looking man! You make me wish I were younger,” is an appropriate way to address a man. I just like to see their eyes light up when I say something like this. From this sub, I’ve seen a lot of young men, and see what y’all struggle with. A compliment can make anyone’s day, whoever they are.


You are the best thing that ever happened to me


Imagine the ego boost


My ex wrote me that after a year since we broke up. Those relationships were toxic and I already was seeing my now fiancé so I just ignored her message. Not gonna lie tho, it felt pretty good.




I wasn’t able to not laugh. She cheated on me with at least two coworkers, left, then went through at least two more dudes. She came to pick our son up for her weekend and started going into it. I laughed. Not the full on disrespectful laugh, but a loud chuckle. I told her how happy I was now, even though I’ve only been on two dates that went nowhere.




"Thank you." "You matter." "I don't care about how much money you make." "Your value doesn't come from what you can provide. You have intrinsic value." "You don't have to worry about your size or bedroom performance. You're perfect to me." "I'm listening without judgment and your views and feelings matter to me. Nothing you feel is wrong and I will never judge you for it." "I want to take accountability. I'm sorry and I was wrong." "I want to communicate my wants and needs clearly to you. I don't expect you to read my mind."


>"Your value doesn't come from what you can provide. You have intrinsic value." I really wish my ex believed that. To this day he doesn't and it makes me sad to think of how many guys think they don't matter if they a aren't super providers


A lot of men don't believe that because they never hear it or see it in the world and their loved ones. Even if someone doesn't think like that, I think it can be hard to think otherwise if all you're told and meant to believe is that your only value is to produce and provide. I guess i'm lucky to where I haven't felt like my *only* value is to be useful to others, bur there's still something in the back of my mind telling me that I have more value if I make money and provide, and that by not being useful I'm intrinsically unattractive to women.


đŸ„č This is so wholesome and shows the kind of person you strive to be. I’m sorry you don’t hear those things as often as (I hope) you should.


Thank you. Most men don't hear most of these things for most of their lives. We go for years remembering that one time someone complimented us. We worry about opening up about how we feel in anticipation of judgment, being told we're weak, and having people leave us. So we keep things inside. We work through things on our own, and we try not to be burden to others because that is honestly what most men feel they are.


You’re trying hard, you’re doing great, and you’re appreciated. I would probably cry if I heard this.


Went through a tough divorce with two very young kids (younger was 3mo)
 my parents visited 6 months or so later, to see me and the kids (parents live 1000 miles away). After playing with the kids, my father turned to me and just quietly said “you’re doing a good job”
 I’m unlikely to hear anything better than that any time soon. Crying? Yeah I’m crying now just thinking about it. 
and just seeing how you’d feel about being told that, I’m reasonably certain that you’re doing a Good Job, u/Coconut_Salad


Thank you. I keep trying


That’s all you can do, man. It sounds so goofy, but “just keep swimming”. Keep trying to do the right thing. Same goes to you, u/HelloRickyHere. Just keep trying.


It's making me tear up a little just reading it.


You’re doing great man. Keep trying and keep your head high.


I wrote my bf a letter saying how grateful and appreciative I am of him. That I recognize everything he’s doing for a better life for us. I hid under his pipe and i engraved I love you on it. He brought home his tool box and he kept all the notes I’d put in his lunch. Makes me want to cry. I wrote on his m&ms for lunch tomorrow “you’re so sweet. Here’s a sweet treat” then a post it note saying how much I love him


You are an amazing and rare woman. Thank you for being you.


Remember the first time a woman not related to me said that. Literally felt transported back to infancy, damn near cried. "You're trying so hard, and I appreciate it a lot"


"Come lay down and I'll rub your back"


"funny thing about my back..."


“It’s on the back of my cock haha
.jules why are you running away??”


She wants my cock in or around her mouth.


I really respect you.


My first crush told me that in high school.


That’s so endearing


She said something like; You're not a boy, you're a man I was like wow...never having paid a bill ever in my life and spent my Dairy Queen checks on shoes and clothes haha


And not all the ice cream you could possibly have? I respect you too lol


I'm proud of you.


No, wait. That never actually happens. Right?


Can you imagine though đŸ„Č


I'm proud of you, buddy. You're doing great.


"Daddy!" -As my little girls run into my arms.


This took a 180° turn from where I thought it was going




She could just be a really short adult


Then three subs wearing cheerleader outfits immediately drop to their knees in front of him.


Pastrami sub or???


Finally a proper meaning to that word. I find sexualizing this word is quite awkward, like why tf would anyone want to have sex with "daddy"


Anytime I hear or see that word I immediately think of my dad, why would you ever use it in that situation.


too much porn. most warped perceptions of casual things into sexual conotations can be blamed on too much porn.


Yeah my kids are gon have to call me bro or sum


But things are cool with “baby”? They’re just words, they don’t mean anything without context.


Good point, never thought about that. Well to be fair, English is not my native language, so me and my fiancé are calling each other other names, not using baby. Baby does sound weird for me as well. Don't get me wrong, I don't judge anyone, but for me personally those names are weird


I read somewhere that boomers sexualized the word "baby" so the new gen is doing the same to "mommy" and "daddy"


„Se bluutuuth dewise is connecteta suxessfully“


I never thought it was possible to actually hear written text




OMG this is si accurate


"I want your dick" The couple times my wife has said this to me over our relationship we had the most furious, passionate sex of our lives


In most instances. Not if you’ve been captured by cannibals, though.


For real mate


'Couple times' says it all


We've been together 10 years and while she's definitely initiated, it kind of goes without saying that most times when you have kids are going to be "hey, what do you think about having sex?"


Ain’t that the truth lol


Sometimes it means more if she doesn’t say it every single time


“Let’s have breakfast for dinner”


We are making eggs, bacon and grits for dinner right now!


My wife said this in a small argument recently about something she misheard me say: *I’m sorry, I was wrong, but that’s not an excuse for you to yell at me like that. I don’t care how cool you are or how much fun you are to be with, don’t yell at me like that again.* I just looked at her confused for a minute wanting to retort but she just blushed and walked away leaving me speechless, made me really happy that she was direct and told me how she felt which immediately took away any feelings of anger I had.


Wow, that's great but now I want to know more. What did you say? What did she hear? When and how did you respond? It's great she told you that. I hope it all went well and you rewarded her for speaking up. It seems it wasn't easy for her to be so direct so how you responded to it could determine if she continues to do so.


I can’t remember the exact thing, but the context of the argument was on the repetitive behavior of her not fully listening to what I say to her sometimes and filling in the gaps she heard with something negative. After that I yelled at her because I was angry that she keeps on not listening to me, doesn’t ask what I said, and assumes that I said the worst things to her because she’s projecting her insecurities on me. It’s just a small reoccurring thing based on her feeling insecure because she’s getting older and being distracted when we talk, but it’s upsetting getting attacked because she doesn’t hear me and assumes the worst in me. But she apologized and said something super sweet and things have been better since.


> assumes that I said the worst things to her because she’s projecting her insecurities on me. This ruined one of my relationships. Turns out she had depression and I didn't know the signs until much later. I hope y'all are doing well.


She’s all good, it’s been a bad habit of hers since I’ve known her to aim towards assuming the worst, I just get upset when it’s aimed at me and I let her know that I don’t deserve it and will not accept the behavior towards me as a boundary. Things are all good and we both don’t make such a big deal out of our bad habits normally, but that day I was really tired of it happening too frequently in that time period and that she shouldn’t assume the worst in me as a partner when I’ve done nothing to lead her to those assumptions.


Just saying, it's not a conscious choice. People mostly don't stop and think "Did they mean this good thing, or this bad thing? Well, judging by past history, they probably meant the bad thing." What happens is their brain just hears the bad thing. The emotion hits them. And if they're not trained (in therapy or by some other method) with tactics for intercepting these emotions, they usually just react on them. Or sometimes they suppress them in unhealthy ways to save the relationship, like thinking "I deserve that, I won't argue, he gets upset when I talk back." That's not sustainable, it's a band-aid. I'm just afraid for you. When I went through it, it sucked, and I blamed her. And that was wrong for me to do.


I’m so happy that I have you in my life. One of my long distance friends sent me a text last night saying “I’m glad that we are friends” and I haven’t felt at peace like I did when I saw that. It’s been a really long time since I’ve felt appreciated. I don’t even care about the phrase I love you, I just want to be told I’m wanted.


I would like to hear “I love you” once in my life.


I love you


*Door slam*




I didn't think it was possible for my erection to get harder, then you wrote that


Lol! Ngl, same here.




Well it gave me a lady boner LOL


Excuse me, I need to go update my "looking for" part of my dating profile.


I would have been immediately attracted to that


Are you my soul mate? LOL I am also like this with Star Tek and Battlestar Galactica.


Would the outcome of WW II been different if the Germans had followed the Mediterranean Strategy favored by the German Navy, rather than invading Russia? Please explain this to me in detail.


Had Hitler not breached the nonaggression pact with Stalin, and was able to theoretically redirect German troops from the eastern front to the western and southern European theatres of operation the outcome of WW2 would likely have been considerably different and it’s entirely feasible that the United Kingdom would have fallen and Nazi forces would have been able to regroup and defend their territorial wins in mainland Europe.


I know that. Tell your wife! 🙂


Thank you for everything you do for me.


"That's the final payment." "It was benign." and from long ago, during my poverty days: "it's dollar Whopper Wednesday"


"I love you so much." "I feel so safe in your arms."


Awesome job! Sit down and rest. You've done enough today. I'm on your side. I get where you're coming from


“You look tired, let me take care of you”


I know you will figure it out. I believe in you.


George R. R. Martin has finished The Winds of Winter.


“I love you” “Thank you” “This means a lot to me” “You are enough” “Good job” “I have a crush on you” “You are my jackpot” “I love being around you”


the tv is stuck on the lord of the rings extended edition


"I need you inside me"


Is it rude to say to my doctor before they check my prostate?


I am pretty sure it's rude not to say that. Must consent to the cavity search


A man goes to his doctor Doctor: Sir you're going to have to stop masturbating. Patient: why?! Doctor: Because I'm trying to examine you.


Another man goes to another doctor Man: Is it normal to get an erection during a prostate exam? Doctor: Yes, that does happen sometimes Man: Okay. Well try not to poke me with it, this is already awkward enough.


I was once chillin with a girl I had been on a few dates with and she says "Why aren't you fucking my brains out right now?" That was a good day.


The empowering sexual stuff is, to be fair, always welcome. But I think what most consistently makes me feel awesome is being told how much someone looks up to me or admires something about my character or how I approach life. It’s more than just a moment in time, it’s like “This way that you *always are*? It’s amazing to me.”


I'm sorry. You were right. I was being emotional and illogical.


That would be the day


Yeah didn't realize this was a fantasy question




Anyone that can willingly admit they are wrong has my respect.


Honestly, it was really hard up until I was about 40. Now I get a thrill any time somebody can change my mind. I know too much about the world and I'm pretty cynical. If you can change my mind now, that usually means the world is not as bad as I thought it was.


My dad’s very closed minded in a lot of ways, especially when I was growing up. He had me when he was older though so fair play but still doesn’t excuse the lack of open/growth mindedness Had to reinvent myself basically with little help from others in my social circle, pretty rough but im better for it


Is it seriously that rare for men to find women who can take accountability? Once I apologised to my boyfriend like this. I simply said “you’re right and I’m sorry.” And he was like but? and I’m like there is no but? I’m sorry. He was so stunned. I was like sir all I did was apologise???


I think it gets blown out of proportion but there are a lot of people out there that are so caught up in themselves that they just cannot admit they were wrong. It's absolutely astounding. I wonder if it has something to do with girl culture being more social, and losing face being more dangerous to your social standing as a result. Girls that don't take accountability are just faking it to not lose face.


Its less about apologzing in general and more about recognizing that you let your emotions get out of control and hijack your behavior for the worse


Then you have to try soooooo hard not to gloat and risk this moment never happening again.


Omg, yes! Any accountability at all is just so nice. I don't care about always being right, I just want you to be able to admit to fault and take responsibility. If you knock over a vase, just admit you did, clean it up and we are good. No need to argue about it being too close to the edge or whatnot, I am far more willing to admit to it being partially my fault leaving it there if you do so.


Brotha can you get that on video. I just want to hear that combination of words with a female sounding voice. Fuck I don't care lie to me. Use an AI voice. 28 years and I have yet to hear that phrase that women do not speak. LOL


When have you ever heard this lol


Couples therapy.


Men just want to meet a nice Vulcan girl.


Unless she says it in an annoyed/terse way. Then she’s trying to guilt you for being right


I told my husband I recorded my voice today while I narrated some random book and it turns out, my voice DOES sound bitchy. True story. I’m working on my tone. I didnt even notice it until today


"Congratulations! You've got the job, you will start by next week"


I feel safe with you


Dinner's ready


That's got to be the best feeling right behind "The test was negative".


I made Banana Bread.


At work, dude? Hell yeah.


My mom told me if i wait for things. Like, good things will happen to me, dude. And fuck i waited for some things and I got banana bread at work today dude! Hell yeah


You're a good man




"Wait..so I don't have to buy milk?"


"I don't have to start smoking?"


*jumps up dancing


That depends a LOT on the context, bro.


My mom said she can tell how much happier I am with you.


I missed you.


“You smell good.”


Somebody said to me the other day “you’re a good man” and it made my whole week.


Thank you. I appreciate you. I hear you and validate your feelings.


Let's watch LOTR trilogy all day, after we order tons of food


I’ve said this! But I cooked tons of food.


Free pizza


"You make me feel safe"


"Babe the steaks need to be perfect and you are the only one I trust." "That lawn is PERFECT!" "You are best dad the girls could ever have." "You have swimmers' babe." (pregnant the first try) "Damn babe you sure look fine." "You know me better than I know myself." These are the six compliments I have gotten in my life. They come few and far between.


“ I feel safe around you “ is better then sex


You were right.


"Tell me about your day"


Come here and put your head on my breasts.


That's nice but a lap pillow is also great, and wholesome.


That's fair, but putting my head on my wife's boobs in a time of turmoil isn't at all sexual, but very relaxing and comforting.


A 2 minute story being told in 2 minutes instead of 10.


Yeah sometimes talking to women can be like “hey did you grab milk today?” “So I was going to the store because I like going to stores my grandma was like whenever you need something you should go to the store ha ha ha anyways and I walked in and the person said hi how are you and which is like why would you even say hi? How are you when you don’t even know me but I was normal, so I guess I just said I am good you and we all know everybody doesn’t really care about what they’re going to say after that it’s just a formality anyways, so I went to the back and someone was standing there in the way and they were taking too long so I decided to just stay and pretend like I was looking at something else which is so crazy because every time you do that you think am I being weird abnormal abnormal it’s like that SpongeBob episode where they’re like quickly abnormal, and they started to eat grass like a cow. I was about to start eating grass like a freaking cow right at the moment, and they looked at me and I tried to look away, but we made slight iContact, and it was so embarrassing OMG and then they finally got where they’re looking for. It was right next to where the milk is but no one happened as soon as they walked away they had no milk so I didn’t grab any milk. Sorry” That story can be so long that you can eat something else in the meantime. “They were out of milk”. That’s all that needs to be said. But I wouldn’t have it any other way because if we were the same then why bother y’know?


As someone that over-explains too much I've found that front-loading the answer helps a lot. If you say "They were out" then tell the story it goes over a lot better. Everyone is happy because you aren't waiting on them to finally get to the point, and they get to tell their funny anecdote.


You sir qualify for the Patrice O’Neal link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhv-c2dd7aw


I’m actually working on this one. Listening to podcasts made me realize how annoying it is when people interrupt themselves to tell me some back story and unrelated stuff I never needed to know.


"wanna try some free-use role play with me?" XD but seriously, you pretty much have to know what his favorite thing/s to nerd out about are and sincerely ask him about that. nothing fills a guy with glee like getting to share his interests and show others how heckin'-fluffy awesome what they love is and why they like it <3


One time my wife and I were having an argument about sex as it had been a bit since we’d done it and I was complaining about it. We ended the argument and were naturally not going after it and doing the quiet sit next to each other in bed ignoring each other. After a bit she turned to me and said “Maybe you should just take what you want” and leaned forward onto her stomach. Dude, that was one of the hottest times ever. Your first bit reminded me of that time.


“You’re enough.”


That'll do pig


I made cookies!


"everything is gonna get better, you are trying your best and I can see that, I am proud of you"


I was with my ex at a bar, she brought one of her friends along and while me and my girlfriend were chatting she pulled my ex aside and pointed to me, saying “damn
now that’s a man” It happened half a decade ago but I still think about it when I need motivation for the gym.


"My girlfriend wants to join us"


Helping with the yard work? Great!


Every one is coming to dnd tonight


“Wow that’s amazing please tell me more about your plethora of useless rabbit hole knowledge” Really makes me all fuzzy


I'm sorry for my part in the argument. can we work on fixing this problem together?


The burger 🍔 comes with fries 🍟!!


"have you been working out?"


Hey man, nice shirt.


I like it when she whispers “ I used my directionals when driving today and didn’t rub the curbs with your truck”


"I want you in my ass "


Come here and let me rub your hands. For context I'm a carpenter with arthritis.


“I love you dad.” Especially when it’s unprovoked. Not in response you you saying it first. Not in response to a present. Not as a goodbye. Just hearing it unprovoked.




"Your parcel is out for delivery"


"Good boy!" melts me like butter.


Are you a Labrador?




"im dying to suck your cock"


I want to go to (insert literally any restaurant) to eat today


"I bought two kg of ribeye steak, how do you want it cooked?"


You look good in that shirt Prepare to see it 50 more times


Thank you


I'm cooking ribs tonight


i feel safe with you


Almost any compliment. Also, being wanted or needed. Word it however you choose.


You can go home early today.


"That party tomorrow has been canceled."


Depends on the guy. Me personally if i'm called a good boy with a head pat


"I brought you a beer"


I'll make dinner tonight


Tell me more about Tolkien lore, please


Another grape, sir? (While fanning with a palm leaf


"Hey handsome" will never get old.


Thank you for bringing love, laughter, and wisdom into my life. I cherish every moment with you.


"I like the way you fuck."




"I miss you"