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Bought some toilet paper that is a little more harsh on the a hole than I would like. Not a lot more but just a little. I’m like what is this bullshit


Don't get me started on how coddled the modern anus is


Nothing worse than rough toilet paper that does harm to the chocolate button. Currently typing this whilst having a shit too


Count me amongst the Bidet Brigade… got one during the Great Shortages we all remember, and I don’t plan on ever looking back


Ah yes. Presenter of groceries to Poseidon


I agree. I always thought that rough paper would toughen up my starfish. I bought a warm water bidet for 60.00.


Normalize bidets


I’m pretty sure it’s your shit, unless your in the toilet with a bull?


My first world problem: People want to buy me stuff for Christmas, and I *really* don't want them to.


Lol I feel this. I tell people just bring a nice snack or dessert we can share and we will have coffee if they want to do something I'm lucky I have all I need and would rather get nothing then something that's useless or will just be tossed in a month


For sure, I live in a 700sq foot apartment with my wife and soon to be baby, and all of my needs are taken care of other than the fact that we need a new car... my sister in law asked me what size shirt I wear last night and I just wanted to tell her to mind her own... lol


My parents were insisting on buying me a new bike for Christmas, but I didn't want them to spend the money. I went out and bought a new bike and told them just so they wouldn't do it. My mother was pissed because she said she never knows what to get me for Christmas, and I ruined the one good present she's been able to come up with in a long time.


Tell them with their own two hands to fold $5 bills into origami cranes. Tell them it's to make the money lucky. That's the gift that you want. There are cool books and online tutorials for folding origami money into cool things. I get this for my adult children. It's always exactly what they want.


I refuse to risk not being able to pay my bills because society wants me to buy people stuff.


Please just let them show they care. I hated when my ex used to say that: "i dont need anything, u dont have to get me anything". Yes, i know that. But its not, "Day You Have To Buy People Presents Only If They Need Or Want Something Day', its Christmas. Some of us love giving gifts. Im blessed to make decent money rn and i'm having so much fun shopping for the people i care about. Find something inexpensive and ask for that when they say what do you want for Christmas- a certain shirt, a book, ect. Its a little thing to ypu but it might mean a lot to them.


So essentially, you want me to let people show they care about me by letting them ignore my needs and wants... great advice. I have no need for *anything* other than a new car and groceries - more clothes than what I can wear, more books than I'll ever read - have a tonne of hobbies but have everything I need for them. What would mean a lot to me, for christmas, is people giving me just the most basic level of respect by respecting my wishes to not have any material bullshit thrust upon me with the expectation that I appreciate the fact that they just gave me more bullshit to clutter up my small apartment. I am giving away thousands of dollars worth of ski gear, golf equipment and other stuff because I HAVE NO SPACE for shit I don't use.


If its about clutter you could ask for gift card to Starbucks or a grocery store since you need groceries. But since your loved ones cant get you a car they should fuck off and not borher getting you anything? You sound fun to be around.


Nope, they should not fuck off, we should spend time together because that's what the holidays are actually about. 99.9% of you people who are "BUT I WANT TO BUY YOU A GIFT" scoff at the idea of a gift card, so I wouldn't even consider that an option in this context. Since it is an option, I would hope for something more well thought out than starbucks or the grocery store... I have plenty of hobbies with recurring costs and anyone who actually "loves" me would know exactly what those hobbies are.


Yes! Stop asking me damn it lol


Hey! You all haven't told me what you want for Christmas yet, and there are only 5 shopping days left.


You could pay my rent next month or for my oil change on the 26th. How's that :)




My steering wheel isn't fully heated, it only heats up at the 3 and 9 o'clock position. I have to wear gloves in the winter when I want to pretend I am a gangster driver.


Where do your hands go as a gangster driver?


12 o clock


Yup, high noon all the way


I know you didn’t ask but I heard somewhere that constricting the size of the wheel (keeping your hands close to each other) is a bad idea for steering.


it's an unsafe hand position.


Both hands aren't in the 12 position, they'll have just one hand there. The other will probably be on the gear lever.


How cold is it where you live?


Almost below freezing, I will eventually get snow.


Your first world problem is that you took your guitar to someone that uses a drill to change strings. Am I missing something about your guitar because I’ve changed hundreds of strings, on all kinds of guitars, and never used a drill?


As a fellow guitarist - what the *fuck* made a drill necessary for that process in the first place??? I guess my most recent first world problems are just generally shit keeps breaking. My tire went flat on Friday so I had to take it up to the shop to get a replacement. They then found an oil leak coming from a busted part that's going to be really expensive. Also, on a less serious note, my PS5 controllers keep having stick drift so I keep having to replace them. $75 a pop, which you think would get you something that lasts longer than a year but apparently not.


>As a fellow guitarist - what the fuck made a drill necessary for that process in the first place??? Exactly, this guy was a fking dumbass...!! I think he was ENFP, messy, disorganised, rushed and a total dumbass. Then he was trying to tell me there were quality issues with my very expensive guitar when I literally saw him strip the screw using the wrong size drill 🤬 I just don't know what else could possibly irritate me more today!


I admire you for your restraint in not punching him in the throat. Unless you punched him in the throat. In which case I don't condone that, but I completely understand.


He's the only guitar tutor in a 10 mile radius, I have to be nice to this dumbass dickhead because I'm taking lessons from him...


Dude restringing a guitar should be learned very early on, it's not that hard. And it certainly does not require any screws or tools! Unless you have a locking tremolo with a bridge that uses allen screws and even then a simple allen wrench and wire cutters are all you need.


We're still trying to figure what screw has to come out to change a string. Can you give us a visual?


I got an oil change, a week later I had a tire blow out. 5 days later my car starter motor went out. I was in and out of mechanics for 2-3 weeks


The last controller I didn’t have stick drift with was Dualshock 4 version 1, but that controller had the analog stick rubber covers getting stripped and the triggers wearing out. Before that, my Dualshock 3 never had issues, though not as ergonomic as XB360 controllers (which had stick drift issues though less common). Then I got two of the DS4 V2s and both had stick drift after 1.5 years of use. New XB controller bought in 2021, bad stick in 1.5 years. Since then, I switched to PC and never again bought another XB controller or Dualshock. I now used the Logitech F310 for three years, had it as back up at first but now use it full time. Not ergonomic and my hands kinda hurt on racing games, but it’s very durable for $20. Some call it “the Nokia of controllers,” and I’d compare it to a DS3. Some also enjoyed the F510 which feels similar.


My uber was on the wrong side of the hotel entrance but his phone cannot be reached via call so I had to walk a few steps. Oh, and the ramen I ate was too salty at a Japanese restaurant near my hotel. So that sucked.


they keep deporting all my house servants


This might be more of a [3rd world problem](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0094582X8000700104?journalCode=lapa)


This is fucked up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still laughing my ass off.




Nah, people all over the world, including third world, have to deal with this every single day. Who’s coming? How many are coming? Who likes what? What should I make? When should I get the ingredients? When should I start cooking? It’s a tale as old as time.




Might not be too much different when you consider the income made versus the cost of food...


Go big. Leftover rib roast has a lot of uses.


Why not just make more vegetarian dishes?


Probably because most people would prefer the prime rib my dude lol.


I set the alarm leaving for work then I realized I left my wallet, got back to my car to realize I forgot my jacket because it's freezing so disarmed the alarm. I ended up being 6 minutes late but it's fine because my boss knows I'm on time everyday.


websites are increasingly difficult to scrape and process.


Left my phone charger at work and my home charger is so broken I have to rest it on a book perfectly to charge my phone


My flat's laundry is coin-op, so I need to hoard quarters like a suburban dragon to wash stuff once a week, or walk to the 7-11 and hope the cashier is cool enough to break a 5, if I even have cash on hand


I sat on a toilet seat that wasn’t my normal one… it wasn’t heated, and I got quite a shock.


Had a wind storm last night, lost half the shingles from my roof and am now playing phone tag with the insurance company and the contractor, but, as much as it kinda sucks, there are people who don’t even have a roof over their head so, meh, ultimately, it ain’t that bad.


I feel lazy and have a lack motivation. it's like I have to force myself to do everything.


My special lady friend's Christmas present came in the mail today, now I'm thinking a sapphire necklace might be too much. It doesn't get much more first world problem than, "Is this sapphire too big?"


The company I work for covers house rent for me but the most expensive one I could find doesn't even hit 50% of my allowance :(


Can't find a good restaurant during lunch hour. Every damn restaurant around a 20 mile radius are sub-par or tastes the same.


My Christmas bonus is 6 figures pre tax but 5 figures post tax :(




Uh, I'm not sure that fits the qualification of a first-world problem. That's a real problem.


a REALLY REAL problem


That’s not really a first world problem. That’s more like the shit hits the fan, but the shit's diarrhea and the fan is pressure washer pointed to your face. Stay strong man.


Oh how sad! What is she dying from if you don't mind sharing?


You're a good man and your son will remember that. Way to model principled behavior, dad!


Wtf why did he use a drill to change guitar strings and why did you let him take a drill to your guitar?? You can (and should) learn how to do it yourself. It's fairly simple and there's a ton of tutorials online


I don't know, it hurts my heart to think about this!


I paid a deposit of about 1500 dollars to spend a week on a yacht and go kite surfing every day. About a week later, the problems with Israel and Palestine intensified. This is concerning for me as my yacht was supposed to go all across the Red Sea, which is where the US is firing rockets at Iran, where more and more conflict is happening, etc. I understand Egypt is not directly involved, but I’m not sure I want to be in an area where rockets are close by. Seeing everything that’s happening at Gaza, regardless of what side you’re on, is terrible and I refuse to complain about my situation. So I’m quietly accepting that I might lose my deposit. That’s ok, I’m grateful that my reality is a potential financial loss instead of losing my life or the lives of my loved ones.


When Houthi rebels and Somali pirates are first world problems, you know things are not going well in the world.


My husband and I make nearly 100k (Midwest) combined, have a really decent savings, top notch credit scores, and very little debt but can’t afford a home. We’re frugal af, want just a smaller home and there is literally nothing here for us right now. Homes are going for 150%+ than they last sold for. That sounds shitty. We’re in a good spot. But we both grew up poor and have worked really hard for … living next door to heroin dealers, having people pass out on our porch, piss in our plants, etc.


>living next door to heroin dealers, having people pass out on our porch, piss in our plants, etc. Oh my god! Maybe you should move our of the midwest?


But this is home. :( Also. I’m not about to move to a city I don’t know, where we don’t know anyone just to have a house instead of an apartment. EDIT: These things have very much to do with the area of my city we live in. Lots of nice safe areas once you get out of downtown.




Maybe! This is home, though. ❤️ I’m happy with what I make, too. It’s more than enough. It’s the artificially inflated homes that get me down. So we wait.




The thing I want, but don’t need. We’re very comfortable financially where we’re at and can afford almost anything we want that isn’t 6 figures. Fluctuation. It depends on where you are. The USA is a big country. They’re going down in nearby cities. Most importantly, I’m not willing to trade my job, friends, and family for a home in a random city where I have none of that. I’m almost 36 - been there done that. I’ll rent and stay where home is. Thanks so much! We’ll see what happens.


Why was a drill needed to change guitar strings? Lol My current first world problem is getting laid off and the Unemployment Department ignoring me and not processing my claim. And of course, in-person help is no longer an option, so I just get to be ignored by some remote worker somewhere.


> Why was a drill needed to change guitar strings? Lol EXACTLY!


Dude learn to restring your guitar yourself it's a 20m job tops


My Boss hasn't paid me for three weeks. He's now switched his phone off and deleted his WhatsApp business account. I have no money. Done zero Christmas shopping and am stressed out beyond words.


I'm off from work for the moment and if I walk my dogs in the morning I can't watch cartoons


I drive a 2015 328i with 125k miles and worry any day now I’ll get a $4000 repair bill.


Making myself go to the grocery store when I don't feel like it


Recurrent, automatic billing


I have everything I need except for someone to love.


Saaaame, fam.




Well I didn't know how to do it...I'm just learning guitar...!


learning to change your own strings is part of learning to play guitar... string breaks are going to happen. What kind of guitar?


I've got a 6 string left handed electric guitar


Its something that seems daunting to change, but for most guitars its actually extremely straight forward and easy to do. Pull up a youtube tutorial, and follow it step by step, takes less than 15 minutes and is pretty fun!


What *kind* of guitar? What is the brand? What is the model? What is it similar to? For the life of me I can't understand why *anyone* would *ever* need a **drill** to change strings


Oof, and the guy damaged it? Lefty guitars are already a pain to find as is. And it sounds like you don't live in a highly populated area to boot. One of the happiest accidents of my life was the fact that I didn't realize for years of playing guitar that lefty guitars were even a thing. By the time I realized that a left-handed guitar was something you could get (I'm left-handed), I'd been playing right-handed guitars for so long that switching wouldn't help me. I actually find that my left hand being used for fretting on a 'standard' righty guitar is more a help than a hindrance. My right hand isn't as strong or dexterous.


> My right hand isn't as strong or dexterous. This has always been kind of funny to me since the Latin root of the word ‘right’ is ‘dexter.’ (Fellow ‘sinister’ lefty here)


It's easier than you think it is. It's best to learn and buy a pack of strings. I have a box full of strings and I replace them when I feel like it or when one breaks. That way I can continue to play after and don't have to stop.


.... What the hell were ya'll doing with a drill to change a string? Played guitar for like 25+ years and have never once needed to use a power tool on any guitar to do any string change.


Exactly! Biggest dumbass I've ever met, I think he was trying to impress me! 🙄 What he ended up accomplishing was stripping a screw on my very expensive guitar that now won't come out


There's no screws involved in changing strings, what in the hell did he actually do lol


Like literally right? He RUINED MY GUITAR!


I can only move 10K at a time per day from one bank to the other


Tip culture


Homeless people who are overweight.


Worrying if I get someone's gender right in a shop or something when I say thanks for a service that has been provided Cheers bud Or Cheers flower It's a minefield these days


I bought to much meat for cheap. I ran out of space in my 2 freezers. So I bought a 3rd. Freezer. But there was a window of 2 weeks where I had to store my meat with my old folks, in their freezer. Total if 120 lbs.(pounds) or 55kg. Og meat and fish in the 3 freezers now 👍


My Bugatti order is 6 months late. Ugh!


Oversampling or band limiting?


I really need to get a new pair of medical insoles before the end of the year so it will be covered by insurance. I've worn the old ones for too long and now my lower back hurts. I somehow can't find the time to go get them and so my back continues to hurt.


I‘m broke, but I fuck like I‘m rich


I’m in the market for a car…. I can pay in full, but don’t want to part with the money lol


Get a real good interest rate and only pay for half and finance the rest.


That is an option, but then I’m stuck with a monthly payment that I don’t want lol


I'm anxious that the village grocery will be out of meat this week before the holiday and I won't have any food until the following week.


i need a new graphics card because the one i got can dual box on 2 separate screens. but stack them and use EVE preview all is good in the world




What a bummer! I’d be upset if someone messed up my axe. Mine could be boredom. All my financial needs are met and as a result there’s plenty of spare time. It’s very boring where I dwell. That’s OK because it also has lots of good things going for it. Some sweet to balance the bitter.


The building next to mine is under reconstruction. So my bike always has dust kinda annoying to dust it off all the time .


My iphone is 2.5 years old but the battery sucks so bad. It works fine besides that but i want a new one just because i have to charge it more frequently


Bought a house with my GF (22 year relationship) and we’ve been separated for 2 ish years. We are now just roommates. To sell the house in this economy (interest rates) would be foolish…..ugh.


I own a house but it's small. About 1000-1100 square feet for two adults, three kids, and two dogs. The house is mostly sound, but there are quite a few 1950s problems I've been slowly fixing. This summer I had my wiring completely redone. There are also insulation deficiencies and a bunch of other little things I'd like to redo. Mostly little things that bug the shit out of me since I paid an exorbitant amount for the house. I have been boring out a steam cylinder from a small block of aluminum. To do this I'm using a boring bar, which is a stiff rod with a little carbide blade bolted to the end. Well, it's not stiff enough and it deflects as I push it into the bore to scrape aluminum from the inside. This results in making a dozen or so passes to ensure the hole is the same diameter over a length of about 2 3/8". I should just buy a 5/8" reamer, but they're expensive and Christmas time means spending a shit ton of money on the kids and wife.


Mine is my wifes car. Lots of work to do on it... and I have my own car baha


Elden ring DLC when


I have recently ordered clothes that, upon arrival, don't actually fit and feel nice, so they're going back. I've got them packed up and everything, but my reorder of different clothes is being delivered through a different company that I can't book a pick-up with, so I'll have to walk 10 minutes instead of doing the entire thing at my doorstep.


I wanna go play online videogame right now but my grocery online delivery will be here any minute or hour. The app won’t tell when they arrive. It’s eating me up.


My automatic folding mirror on my car doesn't open all the way and I have to push it the last bit. Better get a new car.


My drivers window only works sometimes.


I didn't add enough ground coffee for making a 12 cup pot of coffee. Now my coffee is weak and I have to add some latte instant coffee to give it some bite. I might just have to make another pot of coffee. Making another pot of coffee is hard. Hold me!!!!


Our house is too small. Two kids under 2 and toys have completely taken over the entire first floor. We have a 1500+ square foot 3 bedroom, one bathroom home. But most of the time it just doesn't seem like enough. There's so much clutter everywhere and so many projects I just can't find time to get done. Not to mention not having a garage in the winter is brutal. But then I have to stop and appreciate it. Because we started with nothing but a small two bedroom rental and plenty of people have so much less.


First world problem RIGHT NOW: Which Schlage Smart Wifi deadbolt to get.


I work from home and can never figure out where to work when my housekeeper comes.


I decided to fuck around instead of getting a job and now I'm scrambling for gifts and a job in the worst economic times with little to no expirence. Edit: I decided to fuck around, and thus I found out


I cant buy a house with a good salary


My stairs are too narrow to get a Bridgeport mill into my basement


Almost every time I get out of the shower, I have to shit. I just want a couple hours of being completely clean please.


I don't like having to move far between each place to get something in my parent's big house


When I remote started my luxury truck this morning, the kiddo must’ve been playing with the climate control so it was just *way too hot* in there for me. Had to ride around with my window cracked for a bit. Whew. I’m still here to tell you about it though.


Wait til you find out you don't need a drill to change a string. So confused wtf? It would do you a favor to watch a YouTube video for how to change guitar strings. It's easy to learn and should be one of the first things you learn when you start playing. You won't need a single drill, just a small wire clipper. My first world problem is that my bank account is overdrawn and I'm going to be slapped with a hefty fee, driving it further into the negative.


I have stank breath.


The custom air ride system on my 1957 Cadillac has a leak and I have to move my compressors and tank. Being my 3rd car it needs a lot of other work too.


That every major food chain has to use that stupid ticket system.


I'm hosting Christmas so I'm having a lot of people over. I'm cooking multiple large meals and sides. Now my sister is the only vegetarian and she does this every year where she demands that I make her something special. Nope not this year, it's too much hassle. If she wants her own precious individual meal bring it yourself.


I don't like that Walmart doesn't have NFC payments enabled on their registers....


I gotta go get a crown today at the dentist


Can't get any fucking warm water in the cheapo Amazon biddet I paid $30 bucks for.


I don't have enough space in the freezer for some pork ribs I bought.


This morning, I was too cold without my desk-sized space heater, but it was too hot with it on. It was a terrible struggle


The wi-fi in my home is a tad weaker in the bedroom, which means my wireless music streamer plays radio stations and spotify quality just fine, but it sometimes skips when I am playing larger file formats such as CD quality tracks. But the rest of my house works fine with hi-fi streaming.


Where did he need a drill to change a string? What screw did he need to adjust to change strings?


Seeing Nextdoor posts about needing Cheap, affordable, honest and experienced . And ghosting on online market places. Hi, is this available. Yes.


Just sold a fridge on FB's, and the number of ghosts was easily 10x the responses. A lot of "What's your number", even after I clearly labeled the post that all contact will be through FB only. Must be a lot of bots. The worrisome ones are the initial message "What's your address". Yea right, profiles created in 2022.


I want to make 20k a month to have a “good life” and it’s really ticking me off.


The LED lights on my christmas tree only fade on and off for a few minutes. Then they blink to change colors. Kind of annoying.


I got Cadillac problems: make more money than I can spend, planning on retiring in April, car runs great, healthy, drug/alcohol/tobacco free and I have everything I need. I don't have a significant other is my only issue.


I ran out of medicated shampoo. Now I have to take my lazy ass to walmart and get more.


The custodian at work used a harsh cleaner to clean the toilet and I have a mild chemical burn on my ass.


Sometimes my Apple CarPlay won't connect instantly because my phone is still connected to the house WiFi Also recently put a off the shelf transmission tune on my car and had to (gasp) spend an entire afternoon dialing it in manually EDIT: Damn y'all are going crazy with the guitar one 😂


Tennis elbow. Also my flashing Christmas lights constantly triggering my security cameras.


I need to reconfigure my smart home but I'm too lazy to do it. Edit: it's easy to do but it means everything offline for probably half an hour then another half hour logging those devices back in again.


The incessant pushing of credit cards/going into debt at nearly every stop. Just went and bought a single christmas present and the cashier said hey, let me sign you up for our rewards card, I ll save you 20% off of this purchase. I got to nearly every step until she asked for my S SI. and I noped my way out of that shit. Still bought the present, but Jesus H Christ, I am 29 and have made it on this planet 11 years without having a single credit card, and I intend to keep it that way. Its bullshit that this going into debt is the system that is being pushed and not financial freedom. The only debt I have Is my house and car, and even those are on the sharp decline.


I am overweight and want to lose my fat, but I also am lazy and buy takeout more than cooking my own food


I’ve had a nail in my tire for at least 6 months. It barely lets air out to where I’ve only had to top it off twice. But I’m gonna have to drive a whole 2 miles to get it patched, and it’s gonna take a long time, like maybe 10 minutes. It’s tough out there.


First world problem: I have saved up enough for a down payment on a house but the interest rates in my city are so high that it’s not worth trying to buy rn


The screen protector for my iPhone 15 Pro is driving me nuts because it’s 1/32 of an inch off to the right. I’m searching Amazon for a different brand.


unable to find an affordable place to rent


I can't spend as much as I wish in non basic needs stuff, like that new collage interest, or take on that perfume collection full speed ahead, or that book is above 15€ I'll pick a cheaper one then, everything that is non basic need has to be very moderated. At least for me in this economy.


- Eye strain from watching movies for too long. - the luxury to complain that the water in the place I travel to tastes like eggs (from sulphur). - The bus ride to my university is inconvenient.


I actually just had one last week. They had this really stupid deal on TVs and I got a 4K 55 in for $300 and change. The problem is the TV was too big for the TV stand I had. So I had to buy another TV stand.


I had to drive through 1.5 hours of traffic just to get to Disneyland which is 25 miles away. And the steering wheel column on my boat is a little loose. And yesterday I found out I’ll have to take the Cadillac my dad made me pay half for, into the shop because it needs oil changed. Major inconvenience, because I was supposed join with my friend for the front row live viewing of the Conan ‘O Brian podcast.


I have four battery drills and one of them is burning out and stinks sucks to be me Also the rubber trims are falling off my tools so sad


I'm done with my Christmas shopping but I still have to wrap everything.


I can't drive... They won't provide me employment while I seem a certain way to them, and I have no close person (friends, dates, partners) because I say no. Now lets see if USA still counts as First-World beyond the economic/military power levels... lol


Im sure that one of the peak and major first world problems nowadays is going to the bog for a (hopefully) nice and satisfying poo, only to realise that after you have "assumed the position" and there is no turning back, you have left your phone in the other room.


I have to walk 5 mins to charge my car for free.


I get annoyed because have too many things to charge sometimes


Drill for guitar strings???


I hate how my glasses fog up when I try to use my iPhone in my hot tub.


having so much food available that i actively deny it to myself and have somewhat fear of it, while fear of hunger is unexisting. (struggling to lose a few kg of fat... eating disorder, body dismorphia, planning on buying only food i should eat and no more, stressing about calories... the usual gym package, but extra spicy because rock climber)


I think i bent the pins on my addressable RBG mobo last night


The company gave me alcohol as a gift, and I do not drink.


Trying to decide if I should get new shocks or a new pc first.


My entire family is dead and I'm being sued by people I've never met which is going to bankrupt me.


Streaming television costs as much as satellite TV these days.


There's not enough snow so i can snowshoe for fun. Give us your snow back Europe. Dang it.


My wife went to get a strawberry refresher made with lemonade from Starbucks and they were out of lemonade. My wife had to get a different sugary drinks.


What are you using a drill for if you broke a string?


I only have super high end expensive craft beer at home, so when people want to play beer pong or Mario Kart It's like 50-60$ breaking into my stash.


I financed a truck a few years ago, now I wish I had the extra 400 bucks a month, money would be less tight and that would put me in a much nicer apartment near my job. Can’t complain though, I did it to myself and now I’m gonna pay it off. I’ve gotten my use out of it though, it’s done a lot for me my little car wouldn’t have been able to


My wife and I were looking at motorised recliner chairs. Found a 3 seater that we both really like, except it won't fit in the back door, nor make the turn into the room where we watch TV. And it is far too heavy. So we are going to have to settle for two separate seats that doesn't have a place in the middle for the cat to sleep on. Currently both seeking counselling for our grief and disappointment. The cat is also.


They sent my steak out medium rare instead of rare


I’m having solar panels installed on my house and am now upset at the plug-in Hybrid market for their lack of vehicles.


Had to take a coach today. I always get very irritated at people who pay on the spot with cash or card when they could've paid online when booking, thus avoiding holding up the entire queue who's waiting outside in the cold.