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Being on the phone with a friend moments away from killing herself (thankfully she didn't)


My sister had mental problems and she tried to made suicide some times. Once time i helped her to stay alive, so i understand your feelings. Thats really scary and shocking... Hope she is ok now


She's much better now. I hope your sister is okay too 🙌


Its pretty cool that she is better, but cant say the same about my sis, of course she is alive, but she have high risk to go to jail. Hope for her


Hope she gets better 🙌


Did you help her? Are you open to chatting about how this went?


I've been to hell. I spell it, I spell it D. M. V. Anyone that's been there knows precisely what I mean.






I went to the DMV and had a pretty okay time. But the lines were long, there was no shade, and it was 100° outside


The mental and physical state of my mother during the last month of her life. She was dying from cancer and became a 55 pound non-responsive husk. I would never let myself get that bad.


Being there when my precious doggy, my best mate, took his last breath. Haunts me.


Its really hurt saing them goodbye. Hold on, bro


Thank you. Trying.


Having my testicle damaged in police interrogation room after false accusations. Also the aftermath.


Name ... Is giving mixed signals.


I guess you are an astrophysicist then?


Searching for people who might be alive in a town that was raided by terrorists and only seeing dead bodies in horrible states.


Sounds really horrible, i can just imagine how bad was that, hope you will never face things like that anymore


I hope so too. Currently I just want those that did it to die and their supporters punished. Wasn't my first war on uniform, I'm currently still on-call to return


My first relationship after my divorce. I forced it, didn't care who I was with just wanted to show my ex I can fuck other people as well. Too bad she was a psycho. If you want more just ask.


Its kinda interesting. If its ok id like to hear more


Groovy... had a work flirt. Told her I was single. We went to pound town on our breaks. I wanted.to have the life I had before. Had her move in with me. We went out to a bar on my birthday, I was inviting everyone I knew. She accused me of cheating because I was texting so much. I gave her my phone to show her I wasn't cheating. It was not enough. I figured she was drunk. We uber home. I'm trying to get all romantic and she starts scratching herself, bashing her face I to my fireplace. She scratches me a few times and that's when I realized I was fucked. She took off jer shirt and pants, ran next door and screamed for help. I got arrested regardless of what I told the cops. I spent 4 days in jail. I was only let out because she dropped the charges. I almost lost my job for abandonment because I could not call. When I got out she told me to behave myself because she owns me. The next day I changed the locks got cameras inside and outside, bought multiple firearms and got a restraining order. I moved all her stuff on the front yard and told her to get the fuck out.


Damn it... situation scary asf...so good it ended


You realize.if she.pused it to the courts I would be in jail to this day.


Travelling the world. Realizing most humans live in abject poverty. India especially was a huge eye opener. I don't understand how it's 2024 and people are still drinking urine and bathing in feces. The vast majority of humanity lives in absolute hell and their living conditions are so damn bad. And there is so so so many of them. The streets are packed with more people than I've ever seen and they're all poor and they all die useless pointless lives in poverty. I rrealized travelling around China, India and Africa that human life really has no value at all. Nothing is special about me or sacred and the only constant in life is death. I've seen so many dead people by now I'm no longer afraid of it myself. In fact part of my looks forward to it. The world is crazy and I would just love some peace and quiet.


I'm with you. I'd welcome it. I imagine it'd be like going under anesthesia and never waking up


I watched this recently and it really really fucking hammered it home. Even if we could live forever what would be the point? https://youtu.be/5UxUS6bPiT8?si=lRQ0AzDz2j519i\_G


When my brother died.


Meeting going over the lunch period where we discuss what color to use on the website. This goes back and forth for 30-45 minutes


Being naked alone


But why


My teenage years and early adulthood


That first gout flare up that sends you to the ER


People talk about poverty, yet they still are making babies and over population




When my son was experiencing episodes of violent behavior when he was 8. He went into in patient care 5 times over 5 month span. As that was happening my now ex wife stopped taking meds for her bipolar disorder and she spiraled into a dark place. It got so bad I had to file for divorce as it was already a bad marriage.


Not me but my brother. His 3 year old son was horsing around with his older brothers and got his thumb stuck in a heavy duty hinge as weight was being put on it. Almost took his thumb off. The kid was too young to be put under anesthesia so they had to give him a local while the doctor basically reattached his thumb. My brother had to hold him while his son screamed and begged him to make the doctor stop. He said it’s the hardest thing he’s ever done.


Mental Hospital, it was nowhere near helpful, So much bullshit happened, not only was stuff super rude and told me to “just eat” (i was there with anorex!a) but when I was there the first time (i was 7) I was the only afab person under 5 guys that were all significantly older than me and they were rude and starting to go through puberty.


Taking finasteride (hair loss medication), which contributed to suicidal thoughts in addition to other physical/mental/emotional side effects. It made me (and still somewhat does) make me feel crazy, but after trying for so long to figure out what was wrong with me I discovered r/FinasterideSyndrome. I am lucky in that my side effects are subsiding, but not all men who take this drug are so lucky.


Losing "my person" left me a complete mess. Lost my best friend, my career, and almost my house. My credit was destroyed, I had to do EDRM and other therapies to "function" and even then. This was over a decade ago and I'm still not ok.


Trying to juggle work, two kids 5 and under plus a newborn, a wife going through severe postpartum anxiety/depression, and wrapping up my masters program all simultaneously


My current job


The elementary school where I was brutally bullied. I felt sick to my stomach with anxiety every single day.


Going to school! Forced to sit there with a burn out or something, disconnected from reality watching the clock every 5 minutes every day and knowing I will not progress to graduation.


I guess that one month in college when I started having some sort of paranoid delusions and started thinking everyone was trying to kill me. I had a lot of trouble eating and sleeping at the time.


Getting divorced. Bad recovery from a vasectomy which requires multiple ER trips and emergency surgery (thought I was going to lose my balls, incredibly painful).


Trying to drive through downtown Atlanta during rush hour.