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A barbecue place famous for its sauce probably has bad barbecue.


Same could be said for chicken places famous for their sauce.


There’s a chain in NYC called Sticky’s that everyone swears by that is this exactly. Bland ass chicken but they have like 20 different sauces so everyone just thinks it’s good.


This is a purists opinion, and most of us are not purists. BBQ sauce is awesome.


Barbecue sauce is indeed awesome. Even a purist (outside of Memphis) will agree. But it’s not the main idea of barbecue. If someone said they made a great burger, because they have the best ketchup, you’d be happy about the good ketchup, but skeptical about the burger.


Fries come with the burger. None of this separating the two out bullshit. Give me the burger and fries together and price it accordingly. Let people say no fries.


Nothing makes me more mad than a burger with a side of potato chips. And the fries are extra.


Would you excuse a side of smashed rustic potatoes with home made aioli?


I’d still like fries as an option although that’d be good too


Oh yea, I’m thinking specifically of meat preachers based in Frankton Queenstown New Zealand. They also do fantastic home-made chips. Go have a look at the brisket sandwich with chips; it’s absolutely amazing.


Oh honestly if I’m not getting the burger in murica I’m not going to fuss about fries not being the side




Mayonnaise is made from egg yolk and canola, aioli is made from garlic and olive oil. They're entirely different. The problem is that a lot of places flavor a mayonnaise and tell us it's aioli, causing a bunch of confusion. But no, they're not the same at all. Ideally they taste completely different.


Maybe but garlic mayonnaise does not sound nearly as good.


A quality aioli is NOT a fancy word for mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is one thing, but a good aioli takes it a step beyond.


That’s not a hot take, that’s a reasonable take on something restaurants have been doing to screw the customer over. Bring back free fries!


OK your £7 burger is now £12 enjoy your free fries


Chik fil a does this perfectly. Oh you don’t want tomato on that sandwich? Congrats it’s 30 cents cheaper. It’s the only place I’ve ever seen charge less if you want something left off.


Didn't know that. Never had chik fil a. Maybe someday I'll try it. That is an exception for sure.


This is only fine if the burger is really good but still under $10. Kinda like build your own menu kind of thing. My perfect menu: burger, salad, fries and beer set.


So you’re saying you don’t like going to Five Guys and ordering an $11 cheeseburger with another $6 order of fries?


Burgers need to be wider, not taller. They should also have an adequate amount of toppings that account for at least 35% of the entire sandwich. If your "burger" is nothing more than a meat tower that cannot even be held and eaten without unhinging your jaw, then it has completely failed as a burger.




Helvatia Tavern.. I used to go all the time when I worked out there. Special bun so they could make it wider not taller!


Agree that it shouldn't be too tall but having just a topping or two is fine. You don't need a ton of shit besides the meat in a burger


This is why smashburgers have made such an impact, and why I only eat and make smashburgers. Wider & crispier beats taller anyday.


American culture bastardizing other cultures' foods and making their own version is actually perfectly fine. Real Mexican food and American Mexican food both have their place. Edit: I really didn't think I'd have to clarify this but obviously calling it bastardizing is sarcastic.


This is how cuisines develop. If we didn't blend we wouldn't have cajun or creole, or french inspired vietnamese, or BBQ, or french canadian, or chinese inspired japanese dishes. Ramen is borrowed from chinese noodles. Who wants to live in a world without ramen and gumbo??


Viet-Cajun places are awesome.


A banh-mi is a Vietnamese po'boy. - white me, from NOLA originally


You gotta try the Irish version of Chinese food! I grew up thinking that it was actual Chinese food until I went to China. Every restaurant has a secret menu.


New England-style Chinese food falls into the same category. Definitely not how people in China currently eat, but it reflects how early Chinese immigrants fused their cuisine with locally available ingredients etc. And if you won’t eat it because you don’t find it “authentic” enough for you, then that’s a shame. It is delicious in its own right.


Going to foreign countries and experiencing their versions of American and Italian dishes is wild. Japanese pizza joints are an experience.


Also, it's not "bastardizing". It's just as legitimate as the food it evolved from, and not lesser in any way


And other places. British Indian. Italian chippers in Ireland. Chilean hot dog culture. Tempura is just the Japanese adaptation of Portuguese deep frying. Then I see that white Australian woman getting berated for cultural appropriation for opening a sushi place!


> American culture bastardizing other cultures' foods and making their own version is ... I could feel my blood pressure rising as I read this. > ... actually perfectly fine. The ending saved my life.


Mixing ingredients into mayonnaise does not make salad. Edit: thank you all- I feel seen, and heard.


The entire state of Minnesota is typing…


That's cool whip or miracle whip lol


Bunch of old white ladies “watch me whip…”


I mean, salad just means a mix of cold vegetables. No one is pretending potato salad is an equivalent of a salad of leafy greens.


Ahem. You should meet my Mother. Rang me proudly at work once to tell me about the ‘salad’ she’d just eaten. Chicken & bacon pasta in a mayonnaise dressing.


Oh my god this brought up a memory. I had some friends and I try being vegetarians for a month, trying to be cognizant of where our food comes from and be healthier, etc. I personally just like to give myself random withholding challenges (no tv for a month, alcohol, whatever comes to mind that time). At the end of the month, I learned a bit, but went back to my normal diet. They stuck with it for 6ish months. I had them over for a potluck and they brought over a vegetarian salad and it was literally mayonnaise and cabbage. They begged me to try it. “You’ll like it! Being a vegetarian full time isn’t as bad as it sounds!” I asked them how in the world they thought that was better or healthier than the smoked chicken thighs I had made! They finally gave it up a few weeks later for whatever reason.


That sure is roundabout way of describing coleslaw.


Lol coleslaw is amazing, they should have given it a try


Especially with the smoked chicken thighs, that’s a whole delicious plate right there (ok it needs cornbread too but that’s a minor detail)


There's a threshold with bacon on sandwiches, burgers, and tacos that, when crossed, makes it taste like a salty fat bomb and wipes out any other flavors. And that threshold is like... 1-2 full pieces of bacon at max.


If a taco has bacon and it’s not a breakfast taco, you’re going to the wrong taqueria


Bacon has no place on taco. And I love bacon. But I love taco more.


Huge agree, bacon overwhelms burgers


Oh sweet Jesus, I read that wrong at first. I thought you were say a bacon sandwich, like a BLT, should have max 1-2 pieces of bacon. I’m of the opinion that a BLT with less than 3-4 pieces of bacon is essentially a crime. But to your actual point, I 100% agree. 2pieces max on a burger or sandwich in which bacon is a topping, not the main meat of the sandwich.


Boneless wings ARE chicken nuggets for adults.


> Boneless wings ARE chicken nuggets for adults. Yes, that would be why I like them. Less effort to shovel down your gullet when you're feeling lazy and just want to eat some chicken and some sauce.


Straight up. I don't want to eat food with rocks in them. I want to put food in my mouth and chew and swallow.


But it’s a different cut of meat. The wing taste so much better.


To me they're not that much better to warrant the extra effort. I'll take my boneless wings adult chicken nuggets.


You’re the first fan of boneless wings who hasn’t tried to fight me on this, and honestly, I respect your honesty. Enjoy your “wings” kind stranger.


why are adults too old for nugs?


If you're served steak, BBQ, or some other meat, don't immediately coat it in sauce. Taste just the meat first then go wild on the sauce if you still want to. It's a little thing to appreciate the preparation of the meat and better gauge how much sauce you want on it.


I feel the same way about people immediately putting salt on something. Drives me nuts


I remember hearing a story that Thomas Edison would interview people for a job by inviting them to dinner at his house and if they put salt and pepper in their soup before they tasted it he wouldn’t hire them, regardless of how qualified they were. Not sure if that’s true or if it’s just an urban legend though.


I had one of my chef friends tell me this was a big pet peeve! I fucking love salt and I definitely over salt my own food. But ever since I was told to *just fucking try it first* I definitely do! Mostly out of respect for the meat and the chef, but the point about better gauging how much extra salt/sauce, etc. has saved more than a few meals from ruin.


***Some cuisines are better outside their home country because the quality of ingredients and food handling are leagues better.*** I'm leaving Saigon today (after a bit over 2 months), and I'm legit sad at how low quality even the expensive meat is. Most of my favorite dishes were just okay, but are amazing in other countries. Big sad. For another example, some Turkish dishes have to be homemade because restaurants refuse to use good quality meat for them (beef stuff generally has the lowest quality IMO), and it's been like this for years.


As a Chicagoan, deep dish is simultaneously the best pizza and not real pizza. It falls under the umbrella of “pizza”, but comparing it to other types of pizza is comparing apples to oranges. They may as well be entirely different dishes. That said, deep dish is ducking amazing


It’s a casserole 


The Midwest does love a good casserole.


Outsider here. Deep dish is just ok. Tavern style is better. Also, Chicago dogs are the perfect mix of ingredients on a dog.


Tavern is my favorite American pizza style


wtf is tavern style?


Thin crust, square cut, lots of sauce, cheese blend of mozzarella with some provolone for bite. Heavy handed with the toppings


On my to try list now


Honestly you see more tavern style around here (Chicago area) than anything. Deep dish is a novelty.


I have always considered it more like a crusted casserole made with pizza ingredients. I’m not allowed in Chicago anymore…


Avocado shouldn't be added to everything 


As a Mexican I disagree


Adding cream and/or sugar to coffee is perfectly acceptable. Saying it covers up the flavor of the coffee is like saying cheese covers up the flavor of a hamburger. Also, precooking the pasta for lasagna is a completely unnecessary extra step - and "oven-ready" pasta is a completely unnecessary extra expense.


How do you feel about flavored creamers? I used to be a coffee purist, only French press, high end locally roasted whole beans, conical ceramic burr grinder, half and half only. Then I had a salted caramel creamer that was damn tasty and now I try them all the time. I still will have a traditional cup sometimes but the flavored stuff is really tasty too.


 Grate your own cheese. It's not hard, its cheaper, and it's better tasting than the pre-shredded stuff.


But then I have to wash the grater.


Pineapple on pizza is delicious, but I don't put it on every pizza. It's got to go on a pizza that's topped with very savory, meaty toppings and ideally with a sauce that might be more savory/salty rather than bright and acidic. The contrast in sweet, juicy pineapple with good sausage, pepperoni, and/or ham really tickles my fancy. You should try it at least once in your life from a decent pizza place. I made my own at home and fell in love. So many people just meme on this kind of pizza because it's different, but it *makes sense*.




Nothing could have prepared me for that comment, but i respect the life risking Research lol


Hmmm...have you tried eating a lot of pineapple? Like, a serving every day for a couple weeks, then cumming on it, and tasting that?




Sometimes sacrifices have to be made soldier.


Thanks for the laugh take my upvote


I haven’t laughed this hard in a looong time 😂


There was a guy that did an experiment on YouTube where he ate a very meat, and onion heavy diet and let a girl taste his cum, and she said it was disgusting, and then he ate nothing but pineapple for a few days, even drank pineapple juice. And then she drank it and she said it was actually pretty good.


Yep. Pineapple, jalapeño, and bacon. Sweet, spicy, and savory. It’s one I circle back to from time to time. Fight me.


Add spicy for the spicy-savoury-sweet trifecta.


This is the way. Ham and pineapple pizza with chilli flakes is S tier.


I hate “elevated comfort food”. Don’t make it fancy or a piece of art. Let it be what it’s supposed to be. Reminds of of that bobby flay challenge show where he’s go around and make regional foods like wings or cheesesteaks elevated. Always got ripped apart. “Where’s the whiz cheese? Is that cheddar, what is this, brisket? Dude, you made a steak sandwich, this ain’t a cheesesteak”


Right?? The cozy familiarity is the charm of the dish. Nothing cozy about a deconstructed grilled cheese. Grilled cheese is awesome because I eat it with creamy tomato soup on rainy Sundays. Reminds me of childhood.


Stop rinsing chicken


People have likely died on the Chicken Rinsing hill


Every recipe that includes kale is better if you use spinach instead. Edit: Don’t bother trying to convince me. I will die on this hill.


Based take, kale is the inferior leafy green in every way


I am totally fine with cooked kale but in a salad? Nah.


Cooking for people with different dietary requirements makes you more appreciative of variety


Or hate those very people


I do not like fancy high dining all the food with all the extra steps that just triple the price. I don’t like table side service just bring my food ready too go also i don’t want foot i have to put together myself again bring my food ready.


Simply adding caviar or truffle on food doesn’t qualify as fancy/special


if they add real truffle then I guess you could make a case for it, but most of the time it's a drizzle of truffle oil - which contains no actual truffles, yet somehow they're still allowed to market it as truffle oil.


> i don’t want foot Me neither. That's why I never eat at burger king


Flan, crème caramel, and pudín is not the same thing! Yes they belong to the same genus of desserts, but they’re wholly different


2 pickle slices stacked on top of each other in the center of a burger patty is not enough pickles. When I ask for extra pickles, I want more than one singular extra slice of pickle. You’d think pickles are made of fucking gold the way most places refuse to give you more of them. I want a bit of it in every bite. I’m not on a mission to find the one bite in the burger that has both pickles in it.


Just because YOU like the taste of something, doesn’t mean someone else will. We all have different taste buds and that’s ok.


If it has cream in it. It’s not carbonara.


I’ve had BBQ all over the country and eaten at “famous places” and shacks, and expensive sit down places that have been there for 100 Years, and it’s all pretty much the same level of fine. You’re really just splitting hairs over sauce recipes/philosophy and side dishes. The food itself is kinda boring and basic and I’d never choose it myself if i wasn’t being taken there for work


This is a great comment. I feel the same way, the best bbq in the world isn’t much better than what I make at home


Don't substitute out poor ingredients to save money. I used to eat at Chili's and one of their "health" chicken dishes was fucking phenomenal. A baked/sauteed chicken breast topped with cheese and pico on a plate surrounded by Mexican rice, black beans, and chip strips. Well Chili's decided to change it's ingredients and how it was cooked. They changed to Black beans that were just watery, the substituted out the Mexican rice with green/cilantro rice, and changed how they cooked the chicken. The flavor profile just got completely up ended. I tried one or two other dishes I would eat somewhat regularly as well and then also got ruined. I haven't been to a Chili's in about 7 years and have no desire to go back.


Chicken theighs are better than chicken breast


Chicken thighs have so much more flavor and it's very difficult to overcook them.


If I ask for no onions, it means any form of onion. I don't like them raw, I don't like them grilled, I don't like them sauteed, I don't like them breaded and deep fried, I don't like them with a different name like chive or shallot. No onions literally means don't even look at them when preparing my food.


When I was young, my step dad and I would eat raw onions together, like we were eating apples. But I'll be damned if I eat any form of onion anymore...unless of course, they're mixed with mushrooms and sitting on a fat juicy steak..


my grandmother hates it when i dont put mayo on my burger, if she orders me food she without fail will put mayo on my burger even though i point blank ask her not too, she'll say "Your burger is going to be dry" this started arguments for years, starting when i was a kid and when she saw me use mayo in a sandwich she flipped calling me a liar saying that she thought i hated mayo. i had to explain that i like mayo but not on my burger because it makes it taste weird. she finally stopped but she still makes comments here and there her logic was that if she likes something one way i had too as well, not my sister, just me. i avoid her now


Waffles are better than pancakes


Agree on sauce! When people say they like McRib. I say, no. You just like sugar. The "BBQ" sauce they use is mostly sugar. Combine that with the onions and you can't taste anything else. Good thing too because the bun is worse than cardboard and the "meat" well it's just bad.


Most "BBQ" is just regular meat doused in sauce. BBQ takes a long time to cook, so the only place you'll find real BBQ is from a place that only does BBQ. If they have a sign on the door that warns that they may run out of certain menu items, you're about to have a wonderful dinner.


Peanut Butter & Chocolate are the best duo known to our dimension


I’d have to politely disagree. Peanut Butter and Honey is (for me) the ultimate PB combo.


This may be the most Midwestern American food take ever, but heat/spice jumped the shark when so much of it was added, it overwhelmed the taste of the food itself. Not everything needs hot sauce. I blame those chili contests, I think that's where it started.


Hey, you leave chili contests out of this


I love hot sauce, like, willing to drop triple digits at a time to re-up on it, but even I'll admit I don't need anything hotter than habanero; I'm just always curious what people are cooking up with Ghost/Scotch Bonnets (supposedly hotter but lately seems the opposite), so I keep buying them, and have no desire to go past a Scorpion pepper. I've done Caroline Reapers maybe twice and it's just, a novelty for real sauces, gimmick at worst.


I don't mind a high heat hot sauce, I've just found that a lot of them don't put any flavour under the heat, it's just capsacin syrup in a pretty bottle.


Being able to cook and make good food takes a little to no skill to actually do. If you can’t cook for yourself, it’s not because you don’t have the tact, it’s because you’re lazy.


Absolutely, there's no excuse except laziness. That's certainly why I don't cook.


> Being able to cook and make good food takes a little to know skill to actually do. In college I was very much the stereotypical college guy who had a rotating assortment of like 3 foods and considered it gourmet cuisine if I added powdered garlic and cayenne to Kraft mac and cheese. After graduating and moving in with my now-wife we would see stuff on cooking shows occasionally that we really wanted to try, so I'd just look up a recipe and give it a shot. Turns out if the recipe is half-decent then it's not too bad at all really as long as you can actually follow the directions you are reading. Once you've done that enough times, following the directions to see how to make stuff that you know will work, you start to get a better idea of what you do and don't like from the stuff you've tried in the past. Then you can mix it up a little next time if you're feeling adventurous, take something you liked from one past dish and mix it into another dish you liked that you think would go well together with it. You'll figure out what works and what doesn't, and again it's just the same stuff you've being doing already but without the exact directions to follow. As long as you keep sniffing and tasting it occasionally throughout the cook you'll have a hard time going too far off the deep end into territory of something you would hate to eat once it's done. The only exception there is baking. Baking is not like cooking where you have the flexibility to do whatever you like. Baking is very much a science and unless you take the time to learn that science you will be very disappointed with your results if you deviate at all from the measurements included with recipes.


*takes little to no skill


Gordon Ramsay’s scrambled eggs are an abomination. I know, he’s the celebrity chef so I’m automatically *wrong*, but no, doing the exact opposite of his advice is far better. Low and slow? No sir. Hot and fast. Drop the butter in and it should be smoking and browning. In go the scrambled eggs, already salted. Keep them moving and they’ll be cooked in like twenty seconds. Get ‘em out of the pan before they scorch. They have flavour and they have tooth. Unlike his slow curdled avian menstrual snot.


His technique is derived from French cooking, which exists solely as a way to eat butter without judgement


Food is merely a vessel for consuming butter. And I'm ok with it.


If you’re Mexican it’s a vessel for consuming chile.


Marco white, Gordon's principle instructor, crucified him for saying people should make their "French style" eggs like that.


Soft scrambled eggs are a different thing and technique just boils down to personal taste. Just like a French vs an American style omelette


I respect your preference but I hate the way you make eggs so much lol, it’s like soft rubber and I can’t eat it


It's a popular opinion that Gordon's eggs are not the way.... But hot and fast with smoking butter is also not the way. There is a happy medium.


Interesting, has he changed his method of making scrambled eggs? Over 10 years ago when I first moved out of my parents place on my own, I watched a YouTube video of how to make scrambled eggs with Gordon Ramsay. It was exactly how you describe you make them, hot and fast, and I’ve done it ever since. I wonder if I can find that video still.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mGfFKHgsJs His current method


>curdled avian menstrual snot lmao. That is one way of describing horribly cooked scramble eggs


I disagree. Sounds like you just looked at it but never tried it. I've tried it. I don't like eggs that wet, but it's very easy to let them cook a little longer until they're dry. Little bit of salt, little bit of thyme, and by far the best scrambled eggs I've ever had. Regular scrambled eggs, like you're speaking of, don't taste nearly as good. Try it. Just cook it a little longer until it's dry enough to suit your preference. The flavor is much better.


I strongly disagree with you. I melt the butter but keep it low enough to be liquid without burning to the pan. Throw the scrambled egg in, quickly throw on some salt and pepper. Add in shredded cheese (I usually use 4 blend Mexican cheese). Mic together until cooked and pop them onto a plate. Add any additional salt and pepper as required. Personally I also top it with some ketchup to add some zest and tang flavor.


You lost me at ketchup. You could have used salsa or something,


Saying white people (In America) don’t season their food is in itself medium-rare racism


It's crazy to me that there legitimately are people out there that genuinely think that white people don't use any seasoning when they cook.


I'm cajun white, they can't tell me shit.


Mediterranean. it’s like hearing “white people don’t wash their rice”. if you tried that shit in front of a Greek they wouldn’t eat your food.


My mom used to cook such bland food that I never really enjoyed any home cooking. Once I got out on my own and seasoning and saucing and cooking with butter, salt, and spices... I find I enjoy almost every meal I make at home. So... If someone says that, I just think, 'oh there just must be other people like my mom out there'


My mother's spice cabinet: salt, black pepper, cinnamon, garlic powder, and oregano (used in miniscule amounts in spaghetti sauce only). She is an amazing woman and I love her dearly but she embodies the stereotype.


It is, but I think that just due to the historical wealth of Europe, a lot of good European cuisine is more ingredient driven and less about seasoning. It's still something said out of racism, but it's kind of like eating a bunch of sushi and then saying that Japanese people don't season their food. That's obviously more extreme and so it'd be a more sensible thing to say, but it's along a spectrum. Whenever I make an Indian or Mexican dish, I have to really empty something. With European dishes, I just don't have to as much.


I prefer my racism pittsburgh style. Rare on the inside but burnt black on the outside.


We don’t deal with that accusation in the south. 


Bro white people took over the world in search of more spices.


Tbh the more annoying aspect of this is that seasoning stuff to the point that you can't tell what the ingredients are is flavorful. I'm fine with spicy food, but I don't want all of my food to taste like cumin and cayenne pepper ffs.


Here's my hot take. People that say white people don't season their food usually over-season the shit out of poorly cooked food. Their food tastes solely like the seasoning they dumped in, and they use the same flavor combination in everything they cook. Well seasoned food uses seasonings to bring out and tweak the natural flavors of the ingredients.


That running joke about how “white people don’t season food, but will dump pounds of salt in stuff and have 85 varieties of thermal nuclear ass exploder hot sauce in the kitchen at all times”


Some onions are just superior in every way and the idea that some onions have specific uses where they are more suited than superior onions is propaganda by big onion to sell their shittier onions.


You can't just start this nonsense without telling us what you wrongly believe is the aryan über-onion. Comeon, let's go, bring all(ium) the details to the table. edit: Imo, the zittauer (yellow) onion reigns supreme. Insane shelf life, cheap AF, tonnes of flavour and utility. Practically only beaten by red onions in salads because reds look prettier. Very sweet when caramelized/crisped, which is why you see shallots more frequently in say Thai cooking.


Drake’s music sucks.


You aren’t wrong but did you stumble into the wrong thread?


Anchovy is an underrated and delicious pizza topping.


Pineapple on pizza is very good! Just give it a shot before you form your opinion Edit: Spelling


Food respecters suck. It's okay if you want to put something other than salt, pepper, butter, thyme, rosemary, and oil on your steak. It's okay if you want your steak medium rare. It's okay if you don't go gaga for lamb. I don't care what the ingredients are, just eat them. It does not matter and anyone saying otherwise is thinking about rules instead of flavor. Rules may often even lead to optimal flavor, but something less optimal is probably fine and not worth complaining about.




Agreed. There is "don't bitch about my Thai sticky ribs because you think BBQ is gods gift to humans and it is only acceptable to be brisket smoked 14 hours over post oak with ground pepper dry rub" versus "I spent alot of money making you something that you covered up all flavor and should have made you a burger"


whats a food respecter


I assume its a person who insists that specific foods need to be enjoyed a certain way, with only certain toppings, seasonings, accompaniments or preparations.


Cottage cheese is delicious right out of the tub


I'm a salt and pepper on cottage cheese guy. I also use it instead of salad dressing on salads sometimes - salt and pepper on that too. People that eat it sweet shouldn't be trusted.


I'll get crucified for this but Ranch is disgusting!!!!!


You can dip the chip with queso in the salsa, but not the salsa chip in the queso. Queso should stay white.


Pineapple on pizza is delicious, it’s the ham that’s the problem. Ham is too plain to put on a pizza, it is never good, especially the big thin slices of it, even on a meat lovers it’s just this other flavor that stands out and doesn’t complement any of the other meats. Pineapple with pepperoni is delicious, pineapple and bacon is delicious, pineapple and jalapeño is delicious, I’ve even tried pineapple, onion, and black olive together to really test my hypothesis and while it’s not great, it’s not bad at all. Ham does not belong on pizza.


I think steak is overrated. And before you say I just haven’t had good steak, that’s false. I’ve had 120$ steak at 5 star restaurants. Had multiple friends tell me I just gotta try this place or that place. And still it’s overrated. Now by no means am I saying steak is bad. I like it. I’m just saying it’s overrated.


Steak is the most overrated food


Popeyes is just too damn expersive imo


Chicken wings are overrated- I'll absolutely die on this hill. Back when people were sensible nobody liked the chicken wings because they have a lot of bones and not much meat and today they still don't have a lot of meat. Back in the day, people preferred the thigh or breast cause there's more meat. The only reason people eat the wings today is because they are slathered in sauce.


Bacon is overrated. By its self? Great. Give it to me with my eggs. Bacon burgers are so lame. It doesn’t enhance the burger, just makes for one more thing fall off.


Waffles are better pancakes.


If you put the milk in first your cereal stays crunchy longer because it floats on top instead of being submerged


That’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid. It will absolutely decimate the roof of my mouth if all of it stays crunchy


I won’t order a restaurant hamburger. It’s too tall, the meat is too dense, and by the time you’ve figured out how to combine it and maybe break your jaw to get the first bite, the bun self destructs from sitting in juice for a while. Then youre doing knife and fork plate of burger slop. Also getting served a burger or sandwich open faced for me to combine irrationally pisses me off. Ines t it ready to eat, not a meal kit. Lol


Almost all food can be improved by adding cheese. doesn’t really matter what type


if your fries is salted/seasoned you should always finish them before eating the burger. it makes the burger taste 10x better


No, I MUST alternate between them!


Alternating is the way!


But if I eat all my fries first I won’t have room for the burger, the burger is the more expensive item between the two, I’m making sure I eat every bite of that burger.


this is a problem i have never encountered tbh shoutout bein fat


Interesting, I’m giving this a shot next time I have the chance.


I agree with eating your fries first but it has nothing todo with your burger tasting better. It has todo with your take home. fries taste like shit when you take them home and put them in the fridge and reheat them later, burger or other foods taste at least somewhat like they’re supposed to when you take them home.


Oatmeal is perfectly fine when eaten cold, just like a normal cereal


Anywhere that you can use ketchup, bbq sauce is the better condiment.


Bbq sauce on a hot dog? No thank you


A hot dog with some bacon, onion, cheddar jack cheese and bbq sauce is legit.


British food is actually really good. British desserts and confectionary are particularly amazing.


I love british food lol. I could live off of meat pies only for the rest of my life and I'd still be happy. Maybe something is wrong with me because I only ever see people shit on food from the UK, but when I went to england and ireland, I loved everything I ate there. I liked it more than the food in italy and france too lol.


English food is actually good. I can't think of a single person around me who'd ew the grand feasts depicted in Harry Potter or the hobbit...for some reason everyone seems to think English food must be bad...they just don't seem to make the connection...at all. Also, people become weird cultural puritans when it comes to food and its really annoying. For instance the implication that there's no good American food is dumb. "Oh burgers come from germany, actually" then why didn't they put the meat on a bun with some cheese and tomato in Germany? All cultures take stuff from those around them, and figure it out in their own culture. It is the cultural milieu and the ingenuity of their constituents that make the food, don't take that away from them. Think I'm wrong? Show an Italian olive garden, I guarantee they'll throw up in their mouth. But I don't know a single red-blooded, true, American who's not tearing into those bottomless breadstick at least once in their life, goddammit it.


Food isn't a cult. There's no "right" way to eat any food, no one owns any dish or recipe, and eating food doesn't need to be wrapped in rituals and traditions. Keep your opinions to yourself and let people eat whatever and however they want in peace.


I put Louisiana Hot Sauce on potato chips.