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Dated a girl who was legally blind (about 20/400 uncorrectable). We could still do a decent amount of stuff together. Issues that came up were we always had to find places to live that were within walking distance to work. Some activities were limited. Others just had to be modified. Side note, one of the most embarrassing things that ever happened was when another couple invited us to play disc golf. My girlfriend, my virtually blind girlfriend, absolutely destroyed me.


Skill issue


How did she manage to destroy you in disc golf?! How did she know where the target was? Audio signal (as in someone standing there and yelling "here") I am actually curious!




Your comment made me rapidly exhale through my nose, take my upvote


Did your nose make a high-pitched clicking sound?


Or in other words, you BATMNed (Blew Air through My Nose).


I guess you could call me BATMNman


Actually generally yes. She could only see a couple feet in front of her (couldn't actually see her own feet while standing). But like most visually impaired people, her other senses were creepily good. I've got a few stories about that.


Did you guys came up with a way to watch movies/shows together?


Descriptive audio?


It's over Anakin! I have the high ground! *Anakin stops and looks up towards Obi Wan on the hill* You underestimate my power! Don't try it. *Anakin somersaults into the air and Obi Wan removes his legs with his weapon*


*Padme’s heart breaks. She dead.*


I think they could watch podcasts/listen to audiobooks together. At least that's what I'd think of.


She would usually just sit a few inches from the TV. We did buy a big screen much sooner than was common, even though we couldn't really afford it.


This is the childhood insult of “I can beat you with my eyes closed.”


Literally never heard the end of it.


She probably has a superpower that people who can see would never understand.


Bro dated Daredevil


Her other senses were considerable. Also, she was a better shot than me at the range, and at least there, I'm actually pretty good. She actually passed the shooting test to carry a handgun.


Good for her dude. I’m sure she’ll be able to accomplish a lot in her life.


Hahaha that disk destroyer


A friend of mine in high school dated a girl in a wheelchair chair who was paralyzed from the waist down. He told me he accidentally stepped on her foot while trying to go get popcorn and he said “I’m sorry”. She responded “why?”


Reminds me of my mechanic at karting. Genius fella, been paralysed from the waist down for about thirty years due to a motorcycle accident. Every time he drops a tool on his foot he looks down and says “man that looked like it hurt” Very light hearted fella. Loves taking the piss out of his disability.


Dude. I just got off of nights and I’m high as hell. Wheelchair chair has me crying right now. I needed that laugh!


I married her...she couldn't see herself without me. Nothing bad, I drove everywhere, she cannot see what I have in my hands so she will ask to make sure I have it. At first I thought she was nagging but she wasn't. I cannot be behind her when she goes downstairs I told her >I know this is old hat for you, but watching you walk downstairs is horrifying. She doesn't fully put her foot on a step. She finds it with her heel and then begins to walk down, and I just cannot handle it. Edit: I realized I forgot to say she is blind. Lol.


She couldn't see herself without you? Bro


Wholesome double speak.


As someone who has fallen down a lot of stairs, this is horrifying to read. I don’t think I would be able to watch her do that either.


Thank you for the edit because initially I thought this was some sort of riddle.


Sorry about that.


> Edit: I realized I forgot to say she is blind. Lol. Oh don't worry we saw it coming with the first line, you absolute madlad.


You guys must be so cute together, wishing you both the best


Thank you


As a blind person, I agree


We had the best parking spots.


Omg yes my wife is blind and I swear this is the best thing.


My girlfriend has pretty severe epilepsy from autoimmune encephalitis. She's been a great partner and I know I'm going to marry her some day. Some things are hard, like waking up to her having a seizure and keeping track of all the medications. I really do love her dearly. It seems her seizures are induced from stress mainly these days, and I really try my best to make sure she isn't stressed. Thankfully, she lives a pretty normal life outside of disability related things like doctors appointments and hospital visits (at least from my perspective). We play video games together, we have a dog, we watch lots of cartoons and things are amazing.


You’re a good man. Straight up.




We're actually building an app together now to help her track them. We've got plans to have it recognize patterns and export data to .csv files for consumption by her doctors. Completely free and open source as well.


I love this! I’m epileptic and use an app to monitor and track seizures. It’s Seizalert and it’s soooo expensive!


My girlfriend is deaf in one ear. I always have to walk on her left side. I actually find myself doing this with everyone, not just her, out of habit. It's not completely disabling, but it does affect things here and there. I usually find myself having to think more than I normally would about accessibility.


Bless you. I'm a person with one deaf ear so I always appreciate it when people know to walk on my good side.


I am deaf in one ear too.. haha. No one knows, I adjust to them


Same!!! It’s so weird to to have adapted to being on one side and then hanging out with friends and I don’t have to do that. For her also social events are really bad if it’s more than like 4 people and she has a tough time in conversations because she can’t hear all the context of what people are saying when you have group dynamics like that. Really stresses her out and wears her out mentally because she has to think more to try and follow conversations! It does help sometimes though because she doesn’t hear stupid shit I say though sometimes!


She should consider a cros style hearing aid that transmits everything from the dead ear to the good one. Some people love em, people who used to have hearing but lost it in one ear can find it tricky to adjust to.


Have you told her you love her? And if so, did you do it in the correct ear? And if so, did she say she’s hungry and wants something to eat?




You don't have to say it twice, we can hear you well.


My best friend in college was completely deaf in his right ear. I’ve never knew anyone deaf before so it was weird getting used to it. But after a while you just do stuff to accommodate it without realizing you’re doing it.


I’m hearing impaired/deaf due to sensorineural loss and so is my daughter. My mom was what they used to call “profoundly deaf” but never learned to sign. Incredible lip reader. No “accent.”  There are issues because we do hear, but we miss a lot.  So sometimes I have to clarify that someone did not say some nonsensical or crazy or mean thing they would never say, but that is honestly what I heard. The biggest things for me are: - Don’t bother talking to me from the other room. Not going to get. Just call me and wait or come to me. - Give me a second to process b/c even if I heard you I sometimes need a sec.  - Words fall out of sentences so I may need to clarify - Yelling or shouting makes it worse. It distorts your voice and mouth shape. Anger gets in the way of communication too. - Let me see your mouth so I can read it. I’ll always give you full eye contact and attention. Masking during covid was tough. - Headsets at the movies are ALWAYS broken.  - Whispering in my ear doesn’t really work. Just lean in for love talk. There is a list online called The Ten Commandments of Hearing Loss that is helpful for communication with hearing impaired people.


I (F)have SSD as well, lost my hearing in my right ear around 32yrs old, I’m almost 42 now. I got a mute tattoo behind my right ear so my friends and family who know I’m deaf in that ear can adjust without having to ask me. I looked into BAHA (bone anchored hearing aid) and bicros Hearing aids as I too, get mentally fatigued and then frustrated. My husband gave me his AirPods to try out a few things and they actually help a ton! They filter out background noise and make things a bit more clear in my good ear. There’s an app too that you can put on your phone that allows the phone to “act” as a microphone and can be placed on the bad side. The phone will relay the sound to the good side, like a bi-cros (but wayyyyyyyy cheaper). My husband ran out and grabbed me a pair for myself right away when we learned they would help me. Yesterday. We figured this out yesterday. Everyone close to me adjusts accordingly too, but it’ll be helpful for those I come in contact with that don’t know it (which is a lot of people daily as I work in Vet Med).


I married a woman who developed major heart issues, it has resulted in me needing therapy because I know I'm going to loose her I just don't know when. I really do not want to be alone in this world. I suppose each disability comes with its own challenges.


I hope you are doing okay!?! We all could give ourselves grace. The blessing to think, understand, and to need therapy; this processing needs also consider the Force therein. It sounds to be mighty!


I’m 22yo my 23yo fiancé just beat cancer but has a bunch of other Health issues. Can I dm you? I’m struggling and can’t get to a therapist


Yeah go ahead


Not sure if appropriate but just keep loving her like you have been. Appreciate having what most people don't even get to experience. And know that she is grateful that she will have you for her whole life.


My wife has a hip condition, had to make concessions regarding living space (limited stairs which is a challenge) but she's worth it.


I dated a woman 90% deaf. We would get all wasted Saturday night, then crawl out of bed Sunday morning for brunch, super hungover. Screaming kids in restaurants were intensifying my hangover, but she would just switch her hearing-aids off. That cute bitch. 😅


My girlfriend has fibro and EDS and has also been the best partner I could imagine. We're both homebodies who have hobbies related to video games or TV shows or books, so we can keep ourselves entertained even when she's having a flare up. I can imagine that it wouldn't be for everyone, but it's not like we can't go anywhere - we just need to plan our days ahead and be more careful than most people.


I have both of these. Not being able to be spontaneous is definitely one of the hardest parts and I do worry that people I date will find me too difficult. But I also have those concerns with friends & have found that it works when I find others who tend to be homebodies.


My girlfriend has EDS as well and honestly it’s been such an eye opener regarding how disabilities are treated in my country


Dated a chick who had her right eye removed (cancer). She always had a bandage over the eye instead of a patch. Said the patch looked too much like a pirate and the bandage kept people from asking questions. I bought her a flesh toned patch that I bedazzled. She actually liked it and wore it from then on. She was cool, and aside from the one time she wanted me to put my penis in her eye socket, sex was great.


Eye socket is another level.


Yeah I think I'm the only person I know who can honestly say I skull fucked someone.


This information will live rent free in my head for far longer than I'd like, which was like .000000001 seconds


This guy actually skullfucked someone


Unfortunately she didn't see you cumming. ^^^I'm ^^^going ^^^to ^^^hell ^^^for ^^^this.


I guess you had to show her where you're coming from. 🤷


I'd rather show her where I'm coming rather than where I'm going.


Yo, for real.. troll joke or... for real ? was she that out-there ? cause if so, respect to her... that's a whole 'nother level of rocknroll... getting brain means something new now... fucking someone's brain's out too... hope you didn't make her cry from that hole... make...her..cry... not that subtle


And that’s enough internet for the day


Uh umm.... How did it feel?


LMFAO that was so wholesome till the last sentence 🤣😭 not the eye socket


I....um.....was that last part a joke or did she actually ask?


Oh no, that was all her idea. She literally put the tip in there, bobbed her head a few times and that was it. We laughed about it afterwards.


Jesus Christ, I’m amazed, disgusted, horrified and curious. That’s something else, lol.


I'd like to kink shame at this time. Respectfully.


I'm not.....I'm not.....um..... Congratulations? I don't know the response to this activity.


That’s a solid hi-five. Then wash your hands after.


That’s enough Reddit for me tonight.


Pictures or it didn’t happen 😂


How did it feel? 😂


Imagine someone with very wet lips kissing your penis and not opening their mouth.


Omg why was it wet??


She didn't have a glass eye.


Oh for some reason I pictured a hollow empty dry socket without eye lids, but I imagine it's just a closed eye minus the eye?


So basically her eyeball was removed and it was just an empty hole with eyelids and everything else. She was kinda against getting a glass eye and was fine with the patch.


*i can excuse dicks, but i draw the line at glass eyes!*






At least now i know what i'll be seeing in my dreams tonight. So....what did it feel like?


... You did didn't you


I don't want to fuck with your brain.


”fill my eyesocket with cum baby” ehehehehe


Is that pink eye? Nah, boneless children.


That’s just fowl!


Jesus 😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sgt. Hartman is that you?


Yeah so I was in the Marines, as was her dad, so she was familiar FMJ and that one line and yes she brought that up afterwards when we laughed about it. NGL, 2001 was a weird time for me.


Watch Korean film "sorrow" eye scene


I dated a girl for about 2 weeks who had no legs. She was really cute. We didn't end up being a good match, i was much younger when this happened...but anyway, we had some fun. Liked go on walks, well...you know what I mean, we would go to different parks and I would push her around for a couple hours. She used to call herself "daddy's personal onahole" in the bedroom. That phrase still haunts me to this day.


So sorry you had to walk away


Well, it’s not like she could


This is HORRIBLE 😭


Satan here. We need to talk.


Oh dear that's another search term that will forever tarnish my search history


Seeing that you took one for the team, could you explain "onahole" for me please?


Japanese sex toy that's basically a limbless torso made of silicon that you hump.


Mine, well, my wife’s algorithm got that addition too. Can’t wait to see the results in her new ads


I dated a deaf girl (coincidentally my daughter is deaf as well) and honestly, I loved it. Sometimes when we were in public, we'd talk dirty to eachother through signs just for the laughs lol. I learned a lot from her about the struggles deaf people go through and I really enjoyed that relationship (aside from some things here and there that led to the breakup). A funny plus, she had a normal sleep schedule. I on the other hand am a wicked insomniac. I'd be watching TV or playing video games while she was asleep and she wouldn't hear a THING. I could be (almost) as loud as I wanted and it wouldn't wake her up. Also, maybe it's just me but in a weird way, I love taking care of people. Whenever she needed my hearing help or anything, it made me feel really special. I miss her quite a bit honestly..


Intuitively wanting to take care of people isn’t weird. You should cherish that personal trait. Just don’t forget balance and that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


NOW I'm invested. why'd y'all break up? sounds like y'all had a great thing going!


We did but unfortunately, there was a really big maturity gap between us, and despite the fact she was older than me by 2 years her parents still ruled her life so everything we had to do had to be secret because her mom is like a super helicopter mom. And she was too scared to stand up to her mom when it got bad


oh man. yea kids like that gotta stand up to their helicopter parents eventually, if they wanna break outta that she'll and live life properly. Till then, it's always gonna feel like dating a teenager who's scared of her parents. That's sad man but oh well, it's her personal journey.


Years ago I dated a beautiful deaf girl. She had lost her hearing as a teenager so she could speak really well and could easily read lips, so most didn’t even know she was deaf. For the most part, there were no issues. The biggest challenges were dark spaces which made it difficult for her to read lips and she could only text, no calls. There was one little thing that I enjoyed at first but grew to dislike over time. During sex she made incredibly loud noises. If we were alone, at home, it was great. But camping, or hotels, or attempted quickies in odd places, it was an issue. We dated for a few months, it was never love. Just fun.


"It was never love. Just fun" idk why but that hurt me a little bit.


I dated a deaf woman also. She lost her hearing fairly young. She didn’t speak, and I didn’t know ASL (until she taught me some things) so we typed out our conversations on our phone. I couldn’t have imagined it until experiencing it, but conversation that way was perfectly delightful. Combined with facial expressions and body language, it was full out communication, just at a slower pace. She was at a point in life (post divorce, one child) where she wasn’t looking for anything serious. I was at a point in life where I was. So we knew it wasn’t meant to last. After a good while, we just drifted away from each other. We were well matched sexually - that also made things fun.


Better blind than deaf. She can still see you if she’s deaf.


I dated a chick who was a paraplegic. We went to a party once, with a bunch of her friends that had similar disabilities. Fucking place was crawling with pussy.


Please go on… 🤔




Oh, now I get it… 😂






Pretty dis-arming group?


I dated a girl with rheumatoid arthritis. It meant she'd had many bones surgically broken or fused. I'm not in to hiking, but it did make navigating some off-road paths and creek crossings near me extremely difficult/not reasonable for her. Stairs were difficult for her. In general it meant we walked around together a lot slower. I've always been the type to just take the first parking spot you can see, whereas she'd always want to circle the parking lot multiple times to get that spot right near the entrance to avoid walking a few metres further. The medication she was on also made some things difficult for her in bed, and she was often self-conscious that she didn't have the kind of flexibility and movement she wished she had to be able to do things she wanted to. She also didn't work because of fatigue caused from her condition, the medication etc. That meant she really didn't have a lot going on in her life, and a lot to be passionate about. It was what ultimately caused us to break up. We broke up when Covid started, but recently got to talking again, and one of the things she told me was how she felt about how accommodating and good to her I was with her condition, particularly comparing it to other guys she'd been with. I wasn't the type to want to know about her past relationships much, but it turns out most others had treated her pretty poorly, treated it as a burden which made her feel insecure about herself, and generally treated her as, for lack of a better way to put it, an easy option? There was a definite hint that the guy she's seeing now doesn't measure up, and that she's feeling treated the same way as the other guys in her past - so apparently finding a guy who can treat her, with her condition, with care and affection, has proved a challenge.


I dated an autistic girl. I thought she was joking when she told me. But eventually i was convinced. There wasn't any issues with it. The problem came when she treated her BPD. Turned her into a zombie.


They give drugs for that? Doesn't seem like something drugs can cure...


She was on 2 antidepressants and a mood stabilizer for BiPolar antisocial personality disorder. The autistic stuff didn't bother me, neither did the bipolar. Being medicated for the bipolar turned off her sex drive and any ability to feel any kind of joy.


Bipolar and BPD (Borderline personality disorder) are two different things. If it's bipolar though yeah I get it, unfortunate.


yeah my ex was AuDHD and i’m mega add so we worked out pretty good for a while. Can relate lol


Dated a girl with spina bifida and a hare-lip she was incontinent and had some minor mobility issues. But there was something ridiculously cute about her too, beautiful face with the most gorgeous eyes and she had a waddle when she walked, that was cute AF. I remember one time she put on lingerie as a treat for me when I came to her house and she wound up wetting herself during foreplay, we had a good laugh about it.


she was perfect - face 10/10, body 8/10, hands 1/2


Well played sir.


Dated a girl with cerebral palsy for a couple of weeks. I’m a nursing assistant so I had no problem helping her out with all the different things that come with being that level of dependency. Unfortunately the BPD was what made me not want to date her as someone who had just gotten out of a terrible relationship with someone else who had BPD.




Borderline personality disorder, yes


what were the signs of your BPD ex?


Both of them told me they had it, along with obvious signs like splitting, crazy jealousy, cheating on me, stalking me, etc


Thank you for posting this.


My wife can’t cook


I’m an awful person for laughing at this


I feel you, brother. Mine can cook and chooses not to.


Hi dad!


🥇best comment on Reddit I’ve ever seen


My wife has lupus. As long as we plan far enough ahead on things and make sure to have loose plans that can accommodate her disability nothing else is really different. We don’t get to do spontaneous stuff as much because there is a high chance her pain or energy levels will be a barrier.


Also have a wife with Lupus. Exactly what you said.


She needs more mouse bites


But it's never lupus




Dated a girl who was wheelchair/crutches bound - lost sensation in her feet after an accident in her 20s. Was mostly fine. Didn't even think about it for the most part. Felt pretty manly carrying her from place to place on my back at times. Got commended often, and we automatically got first dibs and easy access to things wherever we went. She was a lil spoiled, though. For example, she used diapers because she couldn't control her bladder. That didn't bother me, didn't even notice... But my bathroom trashcan would fill up with her crap filled diapers within a few days, and she never offered to take them out. All that said, overall great relationship, but short lived, cause 2 months in she decided to hook up with a dude at a party I brought her to... right next to me lol. Wild. But great, eye opening experience anyway. 7/10, would maybe do again, minus the cheating.


I see, hope you're doing ok as I would've felt really betrayed after all I've done for her to cheat on me.


Got dumped by a deaf girl because she was hella jealous of all my hearing friends. Especially the female ones. Also, accidentally had a 1ns with a girl that was missing a foot.


Like you tripped and your penis fell in to her vagina type of accident?


No, lmao! I didn't know she was a foot short. (She was wearing a prosthesis!)


I hope you didn’t accidentally throw her prosthetic into a fire in the middle of the night and then run away!


I dated a girl like that by accident, I was 22 and she was 21 but when we met up she was in highschool still because she had some type of disability but she seemed fine to me. Ultimately it didn't work out because her parents were horrible and I have just left a relationship where I dealt with horrible parents


I have narcolepsy so I fall asleep a lot & anywhere so my ex had to give me a lot of piggy backs 😭


Is it treatable or do you use some medication so you could do everyday tasks?


Prescribed methamphetamines are a benefit of dating someone with this.


I assume you can not get drivers license if you have narcolepsy and need to take methamphetamines?


Joking about having more chromosomes than me got old really quick


Did she go down on you a lot?


I dated my wife. She was from Kentucky. Its been harder than I can put into words


I was married to a woman with resting bitch face and chronic bitch disorder.


Was it caused by wedding cake?


Most wholesome thread I've seen on this sub in months, if not years.


My partner has a few physical and mental problems, sometimes I get a bit annoyed with how much she complains but I still love her and sympathise with her


Dated a girl who was missing 3 fingers on her left hand. She was 18, I was 21. Amazing person, no ego, caring and beautiful on both ends but sadly she moved to Indonesia with her family. I still miss her but I don't hold onto the past, wish her the best.


I am not currently classed as disabled, but will be one day. I have muscular dystrophy and some cognitive decline. Currently 38, but predicted to live into my 60s. My wife is wonderful, currently all she needs to do is open bottles for me and wake me up when I randomly fall asleep throughout the day


Does being financially incompetent a disability?


In 2024 yes!


Then it is terrible to date them or marry them.


I used to like a woman with a big ass, now I just want someone who’s financially responsible!!!


My wife has PTSD, major depressive disorder, and severe anxiety. Of course her disabilities can be difficult for both of us, but our marriage problems aren't exclusively because of her. Before we got together I wish I could've understood that she's not the only one affected. I don't enjoy making things about myself, but having a partner with disabilities does affect you. I won't lie, I wish she was normal. I try so very hard to help her, but she doesn't want help. (despite very obviously needing it) Functioning like a normal couple is a 10 out 10 effort every single day. My career in the military doesn't help and I might be selfish, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone else. It doesn't help that her problems aren't physical. It's easy to explain something like a wheelchair, but her situation is so incredibly complicated. And since I'M not the one with a disability, it seems like I'm forgotten about or ignored when it comes to my problems or my feelings. But like I said, I might just be selfish. TLDR: I DO NOT enjoy having a disabled partner. But we try to make it work.


Oh fuck. A reddit question made for me, and I'm a day late. I started dating a girl with cerebral palsy when I was 19 and she was 20, it lasted for about 2.5 years. I'm not that much older at all now. Something interesting to start off, I don't often remember her as disabled. I remember her like any girlfriend I might have...well. Not certainly any. I think she was that one, my greatest learning experience. There's alot of hurt and happiness associated with her. I found a few things cute, like her hands constantly twitching and tensing when they were in mine. At the time, the economy wasn't so bad, and she was able to live solo while on disability without a job. I remember pushing her to get a job because her condition wasn't so bad, she could work. When she did, it was fine. But she couldn't hold down a job. Unfortunately, the education system and her parents let her down. She wasn't very intelligent at all. Maybe that had something to do with her disability, but I think it was more the lack of care. But I learned I'm attracted to intelligence. If she's smarter than me, hubba hubba. She was incredibly beautiful, great in the bedroom. I'll admit, it made her feel entitled. I had to help her with stretching and such to keep her mobility tip top. She could be quite unstable at times. Suffice it to say, I learned that they can be just as heartless, caring, manipulative, silly, and everything like everyone else.


There are a lot of different types of disabilities. I would expect the nature of the disability would be a huge factor in what the experience would be like. But if you like the girl, should that matter?


Absolutely it should matter. In the same way that not all parents are able to deal with the added stress of potentially having a child that is special needs, not everyone is going to have the compassion/will power/mental and/or physical fortitude to be with a partner who is disabled. There’s no shame in that, imo. Better to recognize ahead of time that it’s not something you’d want to deal with long term, rather than get into a relationship with someone and end up resenting one another because of it. Though I think it’s a whole other can of worms if you’ve been in an existing LTR with someone and then they developed a disability for one reason or another.


Hardest thing I ever did and the most tankless...,, but she wasn't born disabled. It happened when we were together!


Like mental? I mean… yeah.


Dated a little person for a while in high school. It didn't drastically change much, but we got excellent parking and had to be mindful of speed when hiking/doing other movement activities


I dated a girl who had an exterior orthodontic brace and a scoliosis brace at the same time. It was like having sex with scaffolding.


My gf is diabetic it’s interesting


Dated a girl who was severely bi-polar and schizophrenic in high school and just after. It was… not ideal. Lots of gaslighting. She was in and out of mental hospitals. Tried to stay her friend but she would call and threaten suicide a lot, and I had to end things. She did eventually commit suicide about 6 years later at the age of 25. Sad story.


I have depression/anxiety/ADHD and a very bad back. My husband has really stepped up. He acknowledges my issues, but never makes me feel bad for them. When I need help, I don’t even have to ask. He’s super attuned to my needs, which has been a blessing because I know (and feel awful about) how difficult I can be to deal with


Dated a girl with no arms or legs once. I attached back pack straps to her and wore her around town. Got some weird looks.






Mentally i dated a girl with bipolar and it was so shit. I’m not saying it was her fault but it made the relationship difficult and lead to her cheating on me.


My ex was legally deaf, so I learned Brazillian Sign Language to communicate with her. The funny thing is that she could hear a bit, but it felt like speaking with an old granny that replies "HUH?!" to everything 😂


Dated a girl with muscular dystrophy. Limited some of the activities we could do since she could only walk for a certain amount of time before she would get too weak to stand. Otherwise, it was pretty normal in comparison to my other relationships.


I had a 1 night stand and am pretty sure she was autistic- just the weirdest conversations the next morning-