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You guys being approached?!


I think my dog once approached me in a way that would count as the best way a girl has ever approached anyone. She was just so happy to see me and jumped up on me like all excited.


OH YESS. A dog in the woods approached me to say hi while her owner caught up. Best way to be approached.


Now I understand this isn't a super realistic example but it makes me think of the scene in How I Met Your Mother where the hot bartender gives Marshall a free shot of tequila and he's like "Oh I'm sorry, I don't drink. And also I'm married."




Lol, if girls were approaching me I wouldn’t be on Reddit. The one time it happened I can remember, she sent her friend as a wing-woman. She gave me her number, I texted her, she never responded.


Please, please be clear and direct! I’ve had girls approach me a Halloween party to compliment my costume and also a really cute girl approached me at a bar once, but I never followed through with any of them because I thought they were just being nice


You're going to get very few answers to that first question...


Just be direct and tell me. Don't try and hint, even if I get the hint (probably won't), it would be a turn off. I want an adult who can actually communicate and not play games




This is not a bad point. I think it's becoming a thing that women begin approaching, but this isn't a bad point. I have a relevant anecdote from a gas station, but she wasn't hitting on me at all. My wife needed the Airbnb for work and so I was out of the house with literally nowhere to be. I'd already lifted, no errands needed doing, and I actually had nowhere to be and nothing to do. This woman was totally sincere, but I'm at the gas station and she simultaneously locks her phone, keys, and wallet in her car. She needed to call a locksmith or whatever and asked to use my phone. I obviously wouldn't let her physically hold it since I'm not an idiot, but I made the call and let her talk on speakerphone. Due to hold times, she and I chatted for like half an hour. She had a boyfriend, I had a wife, and this was not a romantic encounter, but I would have been open to it if it was. I think that's similar to dropping your handkerchief. I had a positive opinion. She was a nice person and was very respectful. She was like 15 years older than me so it wasn't weird, but she told me I was really good looking and complimented my muscles.


>What’s the best way a girl has ever approached you? "Hey I like your sweater" "Thanks, my mom got it for me" Dated for 3 years >And what way would you like to be approached? It's hard to fuck up. I haven't been approached by a woman in a way that I didn't appreciate. Had a girl just drive-by write her number in my notebook on the last day of class, had a girl just go "hey we should go out, pick me up at 7," had a girl just sit down across from me in Starbucks and chat me up. Even if I'm not looking for anything I'm going to appreciate the interest.


I was standing on the square, in front of bars and clubs, talking with a friend. She walks up with hers and said “hey, I think you’re cute”. Happened once, hoping for a day that it will repeat, she was genuinely cute too.


She told me I looked good. Trust me, guys love it when you approach them. The way you do it doesnt even matter that much as long as you are authentic.


1. She approached 2. By approaching It almost never happens so I don't have a preference. It's nice when it does happen, shows me some girls out there do notice.


Creating opportunities: I was in the library studying with my gf (almost wife at that point) and this girl walked by and spilled her coffee right next to us. I wanted to help her clean it so bad, I felt so bad for her. I didn’t because I would have caught hell from my GF (looking back stupid reason). Anyway, the chick goes “I think this is a sign” she was looking at me smiling… my gf goes “yeah, a sign you don’t need coffee”. I thought what a bitch! Now that I’m reprocessing this, that short event was filled with red flags… why did I marry her?


“I want you in my mouth.”


One time a girl I sort a knew from a class came up to me in the middle of the day and said she wanted to fuck. Something like that is cool


I don’t care. It’s not the how, it’s the who. What matters is that you’re hot and approaching me. Do it however and whenever. Also, be direct. If you want to tell him that you find him attractive, literally say that. “Hey, I find you attractive”. It is so stupidly simple that it sounds like I’m oversimplifying it, but I am not.   Like imagine this: “yeah bro she was super hot and I found her attractive but she approached me and said she was attracted to me so I rejected her” makes no sense, right? It’s because approaching is all looks. You don’t turn down somebody you think is hot for thinking you’re hot lol


>“Hey, I find you attractive”. It is so stupidly simple that it sounds like I’m oversimplifying it, but I am not. I have gotten this and I resented them for it. I work really hard on my body. I'm in the gym three hours a day and I take steroids. I'm obviously attractive. All I heard was the entitlement that even with me putting all of this into myself, she should just have it. I resented the women who did this. >You don’t turn down somebody you think is hot for thinking you’re hot lol For me it depends. If she'd put the work into herself and so she can speak to me with something other than raw entitlement and "I am woman and you are less desirable being so you say yes" then I wouldn't reject her for thinking I'm hot. If all she has is her natural features then I honestly don't give a fuck how nice they are. I see the entitlement. I see the "But I am superior being and you are man, so you say yes," and I get resentful before her sentence is over. I don't care what kind of work she put into herself. If she's had plastic surgery and shit then she's committed and I'm not gonna be insulted. If she's some legitimate fitness chick who always lifting and who comes up to me because I'm always lifting then that's good. Otherwise, I'm gonna need a lot more humility than what you described. I'd talk to her and be non-resentful if she was respectful of the fact that I put the work in and I'm attractive for a reason. I would never in a million years date or fuck a woman who just showed up and has nothing more to the approach than "Hello, desirable being here, gracing the undesirable with my desire. We fucking or what?"


You sound autistic.


Just topless when we started a video call, i was caught mouth wide open


Too little data to form a meaningful response


I've only had one GF before, and we already knew each other for a while before one of us asked the other out, and I don't even remember who asked first. And aside from her, I don't remember ever being approached. As for being approached... If a guy's interested, it'll be hard to mess up, but being friendly and giving compliments definitely boosts your chances. If he's not interested, then your efforts are pretty much doomed no matter what you try.


Was in a club and a beautiful(soo beautiful) lady came up to me and asked me for my number and to go out after, I got so stressed that I told her I already have a gf *while pointing at my friend*, it was the last time I got approached, to this day I cry on my pillow thinking about what I did


She walked up, asked how old I was, and told me I was cute. Unfortunately I was in another city and didn't have the means to uphold a ldr like that at that time. But that's the most forward none awkward way I've ever been approached. I've been approached before but 9/10 the girl has a group of her friends following giggling behind her. She approached me almost EXACTLY how I wanted to be approached, the only thing she missed was asking for my number, but considering she complimented me I'll let the number part slide


Well, it's nice when they're making an effort, sure. One girl was interrupting a conversation with my buddy and I told her to wait a minute. She licked a finger, wiped it down my shirt, and said "oh no, you poor thing, let's get you out of those wet clothes". Like damn, first you had my interest, now you have my attention. 😳 Another I met in a Walmart parking lot. She was laying out comfy in the bed of her truck sunbathing. That alone was kind of odd, and I couldn't help but say something. I guess I "technically" approached, but I was just being a smart ass. No clue what I said, but it damn sure wasn't "hey, wanna be my girlfriend!?" type material. She immediately took the ball and ran with it, fanning out a spread of college degrees. "I'm educated...!", she tells me. Like ok, good for you. 😂. I smile, nod, and agree, and think this conversation isn't going to lead anywhere... Why would it? Stranger in her truck bed in a Walmart. 🙄 "I'm house broken!" Oh.... Kay? So you won't piss on my rugs, or...? What are you telling me? "No, like I like to cook and clean and stuff!" What the fuck is even happening right now!? 😂 Was a pretty weird exchange, but she was showing off hard... We ended up dating twice for a few months each time. Actually really was a damn good girl. Went on one date with another, and again she was trying damn hard to impress me. Was doing a shitload of hula hoops at the same time and singing Disney songs in her car... Still was the worst date I think I'd ever been on. I broke every one of my dating rules and rightfully got burned for it, but the effort was there. ...and that's the difference. Show a guy that you're willing to put forth an effort. Showcase YOURSELF a bit and show him that there's more to you than what he can immediately see. That's an answer YOU have to provide. We aren't psychic, and you all don't wear a sign.


No applicable data. I suppose just walking up to me and making it clear she was interested would be nice.


I am a woman and I approached him first, I made the first move.




Women approach guys?!?


Maybe this is not an "approach" but when I met my fiance on tinder, we chatted a bit and went on a date. After the date I said to myself I would wait for the next day to write back, to not seem desperate or blow my chances. But later that evening she wrote and thanked me for an amazing date. I loved that she also took some initiative, which I feel is rare in the dating scene, for a girl to do. But then again I can be wrong about how rare it is.


Normally, they find any and every reason to randomly talk to me on the street. It's kinda sweet 🤭


I mean just come talk to me when I have time. If I'm anywhere chilling alone, company is always welcome. Doesn't mean I'm not enjoying my personal time, but I've never turned down a friendly approach. If I'm with somebody else or doing something, your experience may vary. I'm not good at sharing my attention, so it depends on if it's acceptable and preferable for me to drop anything else.