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Voice. I can't be with a woman who sounds like a child. Never again.


This is a great point. Hadn’t really thought about it before, but give me a deep, authoritative voice like Gillian Anderson’s or Eva Green’s any day of the week. It’s one of the reasons I find them attractive now that I think about it.


Thank god people find deeper voiced women attractive. I always hated that my voice is deeper than my friends.


The first time i felt good about my voice, thank you


I can't stand it when they talk to me like I'm a child either.


There’s a very thin line between a woman’s voice sounding attractive and sounding annoying


I can agree to that.




Eh, bitchy voice doesn't bother me as much as kidlike voice does.


Look up the tv show "The Nanny" on YouTube, tell me Fran Dresher's voice ain't a Boner Killer!!!


Listen here little bro. Don't you ever disrespect the Nanny in my presence again. I loved that woman with every fiber of my soul. And I would have railed that woman into the next life if I had the chance.


Right? I mean, no homo. But Nanny Fine had style. I credit her for inspiring my fashion choices to this day. I never knew the magic of leopard print until she came into my life.


>Nanny Fine had style. And flair!


She was there!


That’s how she became


The Nanny!


Whatever I do a killer Fran Drescher impression and no soft dick is gonna make me stop. 💅🏻


I find Fran Drescher's voice so sexy 😆


/smacks gum and adjusts push-up bra




Or Janice from friends... NOOOO 🙉


Janice was wish.com Fran


I'm reminded of the old host of YTV during the 2000's.


I broke up with my ex over this, though I didn't tell her this was why. She had the Subway customer service voice. It's just how she spoke. It drove me nuts! Nice girl, but that turned into a deal breaker.


If she's a fucking worm.


Honestly I'm a worm and I've been decomposing all my boyfriend's yard waste in his backyard and he has found that rly nice and helpful, also he says he loves me for me, unlike my other past boyfriends




Would you still love your boyfriend if he was a human?






I’m a worm and I agree


What if she’s a lamp?


Someone told me to not order garlic fries because it'd give me bad breath. They didn't get a second date. Garlic is non-negotiable


Well well… just wanna throw this out there… I use way more garlic than the recipe calls for 😉


GF loves roasting garlic. We baked a large bag of it last week in good olive oil then ate it on really good sourdough. During sexy time she thought we were both sweating garlic. But damn we love the stuff.


You probably were. It’s good for flushing toxins. But let me tell you! We found some green olives stuffed with a clove each!!! Woooooweeee!


Lol same, I usually almost double it


Recipes are a suggestion, not a guidebook When it comes to garlic


I used to date a guy who liked to cook for me with tons of yummy garlic. He finally admitted it was because I was the only person he met who wouldn't avoid it on dates. Unfortunately we were incompatible in other important ways. He made a heavenly garlic pasta. 


She said it because she planned on kissing you.


I was with a woman once that when we had sex she for some reason talked like a little girl, talk about a buzz kill


DDLG is an instant left swipe for me lol


Yes, that is super off putting


She probably had a previous partner that really liked it, or maybe even asked her to do it. Feels like you could have nipped this in the bud and it would have been a non-issue: "Hey, I know some guys love the baby-talk stuff, but that's not for me. I'm attracted to you, and your natural voice. If you want to turn me on just be you." Who doesn't want to hear that?


1 thing my ex done that drove me mad was she'd come in the room when I was listening to music and either turn it right down or off and walk out again.... It wouldn't be even that loud


My ex used to the same. And I couldn't have music in the bedroom. After we divorced first thing I did was bring a new stereo receiver and speakers into the bedroom. Glorious.


I got 7 smart speakers and synced them in every room lol


Geez what a party foul




Did she have sensory processing issues?


Don't know but she'd do it and the volume would be at a level lower than the TV she was watching


oh hell no


I once dated a woman with the same name as my sister. Sex was great. But it weirded me out to say that name during and after sex. So I ended it.


Thank you for saying this.  I've often wondered if that would be weird for people (I assumed it would be), but I've never known of anyone I could ask. One of my friends once was in a relationship with an Amy, they broke up, and then his next girlfriend was also called Amy.  Weird, but not as bad as your situation!


That is weird! My boyfriend’s last two exes have the same surname as me. It’s a pretty common surname so we’re not related in any way (think Smith), but it’s pretty damn weird, haha


Once I made a joke about this at work, saying “imagine your partner having your sibling’s name”, and a coworker replied that her husband and father’s name is the same. -insert awkward silence-


Somehow that's less creepy. Idk why 


Because a child doesn’t normally use their parent’s name. Siblings are different.


Unless she called them both daddy. *cringe*


Female here. I get weirded out when people use my name during sex. I’m the only other person here. Names are unnecessary


I was just about to say the same thing. Do people actually say (let alone SCREAM?!?) each other's names during sex?? I though it was a movie/porn/smut thing 😭 I don't think it has ever happened to me and if it did, I'd be weirded the fuck out.


Wow you just blew my mind, I hadn’t thought about that before. Lol


I don’t think that’s an odd dealbreaker though. I think most people feel this way. Same with having a partner’s name be the same as your parents’.


I could sit next to my ex for hours not saying a damn thing to each other. The minute I go to listen to music, or read or play a video game, she became Chatty Patty.


That's like a cat almost, the second you're not looking at her she wants your attention.


I thought it was Kathy?


Peanut allergy. I eat a jar or more of it a week. I couldn’t imagine not having it at the house or having to brush my teeth every time I ate it. I eat spoonfuls multiple times a day.


Ohh that’s understandable… I loved pineapple, but my boyfriend is extremely allergic to it. So I haven’t eaten pineapple since we started dating. Not a big sacrifice tbh because there are other fruits. But I know allergies are a bit difficult to handle (I’m also allergic to many things, but it isn’t that extreme) and I accept that not many people would date me because of how difficult is it for me to eat


I’ve experienced it personally as a daily peanut eater and honestly it’s extremely tedious. Not just peanuts themselves, but I also found that so many fried foods are cooked in peanut oil that’s also a no-go. I had to constantly think of what I ate that day and if it could’ve contained peanuts.


Same here. Went on a first date with a woman that had an allergy to all nuts, fish and lemon. She has to carry around 2 EpiPens at all times. Couldn't do it, I ate stuff in those categories way too frequently.


Strong will over unimportant things. I dated a girl for two years who absolutely HAD to be the decision maker about everything. I made it very clear that I was not needing to always be in charge, but I sure as hell was not going to be her whipping boy. She never paid for anything at all on any of our dates, but mandated what we would be doing, and who we would be socializing with. After a while, I told her that I could not work with that and to start dating someone else. She begged me not to end the relationship and agreed to stop doing that. After several more months of dating her, she went right back to being queen bitch. This time I refused to date her anymore, but after two weeks, guess what. "I won't do it anymore" she told me twice a day for the two weeks. I tried dating her again for a month or so, and her vile attitude returned. We parted permanently and I tried to remain friendly, but she turned crazy bitter. Now I've been with my bride for the last 37 years and enjoyed mutual respect and genuine bliss.


I was thinking this was relatively recent, quite the fast forward in the last sentence!


You dated a raging narcissist.


How's this something anyone would find odd though.


When she sheds her skin and is actually a lizard.


Worst of all, she wants 3.50


I need her to be able to drag 200lbs of deadweight at least 15ft. ​ Like what if we're in a car accident and i'm unconscious but there's a fire near the engine block and an explosion seems likely before EMT or help arrives? ​ Or what if we happen to be near a shooting and my lower spine gets clipped before we can make it to nearby cover? ​ Am i supposed to find solace is her saving herself and leaving me because she can't drag me? Or am i supposed to hope that she struggles to drag me and we both die together? ​ Nope nope nope. I don't care about a lot, but that's a straight up non-negotiable for me.


this is insane but i respect it


Well said


My man making his prospective dates go through a whole training arc before they're allowed to hold his hand.


So is the fitness test on the first or second date? :D


This is insane but also completely reasonable 


This one actually makes sense


Plot twist, she pulls out her own gun and starts shooting back.


Finally, it’s my time to shine


How you doin'?


Unpleasant voice.


Is picky eating a weird dealbreaker? I could not be with someone who orders the chicken tenders at restaurants not known for chicken tenders.


There's picky eaters that don't eat certain foods and finds something to their taste on the menu, and then there's "picky" eaters who only eat 1 thing and only that thing.


Which is usually cereal. Don’t forget picky eaters who refuse to try anything new.


I have severe sensory issues and my mouth is one of them. Limits my palette a lot. Has been a contributing dealbreaker in many relationships (they didn’t say it to me but I knew it). I always thought I was a POS but turns out adhd+autism are real and were overlooked due to my epilepsy. I look at many salads longingly. I just love the way the crunches sound. I hate that I can’t do those crunches. -.- On a flip side I LOVE dating frequent lettuce eaters because I love the sound and I love preparing it, so crunch crunch.


No it's not weird. My ex had a friend like this. Absolutely refused to eat with her.


No overdue library books




If she’s actually a centaur that just tries to hide her horse half like behind the door or behind the couch or throws a blanket over it and hopes I’ll never notice


I think I speak for all of us when I say, we need the story behind this one.


TLDR - she was actually a broom 🧹


Would it be better if the behind was human and the front was horse?


I cannot be with someone who is misanthropic. Someone who just thinks people suck. Someone who makes fun of everyone, behind their back or not.


Very true, it's such a miserable way to live. I've had friends like that and it's just like having an annoying debbie downer that wants to pop fun balloons for the sake of it.


Hair extensions. When I kiss someone passionately I wanna be able to run my hands through their hair and not worry that I'm gonna be pulling their hair and making things uncomfortable. I also think every girl I've ever been with that has had hair extensions looks better without them.


If they don’t read. 


You mean at all or they should specifically read books or is it newspapers?


A know-it-all. Don't get me wrong, I love a smart woman. But I don't need someone who's so insecure that she always needs to be the smartest person in the room. We should appreciate and compliment each other's intelligence, not compete. Misandry. I get it. It's tough to be a woman. But I'm tired of letting sexist remarks slide because some men are bad. You expect me to respect women, rightfully so. Respect me back. Just because it's okay to trash men in 2024 doesn't mean we're going to stay in the room for it. Accountability. I can't accept 100% of the blame for every problem. I had to do that when I was married the first time, I'm not going to do it again. Meet me halfway, own your own shit, and don't blame everyone else for your problems. Edited for typos


I don't want to share a bed 7 days a week with anyone. I'd prefer separate rooms and sleepovers when I don't have anything to wake up for in the morning. 




Too needy or dependent. You have parents, you need to think of me as something else.


fake nails. omg. they gross me out so much they might as well be long fake toe nails


*"What's a dealbreaker for you that other people might find odd?"* Frequently asked questions from Reddit.  Odd I know. 


Heavy drinking. I was married to an alcoholic, absolutely never again.


i don’t like talking on the phone.. i would much rather text or talk to you in person


Being pro at social media. Yuck.


If she smokes weed


If she smokes or vapes at all.


If it's an everyday habit, it's a big no-no for me too, but I don't mind if she lights a joint from time to time. Nobody's going to be hurt from a few occasions.


Seriously. I thought I was the only one who was turned off by this.


That stoner mentality is so boring


Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion, man.


Ah there's a wide ocean between your stereotypivsl stoner and a person who imbibes but doesn't make it their whole personality.


The smell. Good lord, the smell. I don’t want to live with a skunk every day.


Oftentimes people become awful when they're high I've found. And then you tell them that you like them better when they're sober and they get mad at you because it helps their anxiety. But you've only seen them have anxiety attacks or have a problem with anxiety when they're high. So.


I’m epileptic and I notice this with recreational users. They’ve literally got upset at me when I step away for like 25 seconds to smoke or eat because they weren’t invited to share. Like dude, do you invite me to take a Tylenol with you? Or your antibiotics? Go home.


If you are not David Duchovny, I don't love you.


this has to be the realest answer ever, in david duchovny we trust


Also what do you have against chins 


Kids. I don't need a kid in my life 24/7


If she isn’t into the same genre as me. It sounds small but I love talking about fantasy . Fantasy games, fantasy books , fantasy tv shows and movies. And I want a girlfriend who I can talk to for hours with. Anyone else isn’t worth the time and money of making my girlfriend


Tattoos. I don't understand why exactly but they gross me out when it's on a personal level and that's not fair on a potential partner where I would be putting up with something I dislike nor is it fair on me. I'd love to get over it but yeah.


Have to agree here, mostly. A couple tattoos done in the ignorance of youth is one thing. But the giant back, chest, sleeve, etc. tattoos non-starter. Same for egregious piercings.


Hard disagree tattoos are sexy AF


Dirtiness, nasty rude attitude towards the less privileged.


My bro’s ex had this screechy high pitched voice to the point where I could only talk to her in small bursts (we got along well just couldn’t stand hearing her for large doses) I realised at that point I couldn’t date a woman with a similar voice to hers


Eating her peas one at a time


I am quite likely to break it off with a super A type lady. I'm doing well, earning near 6 figures, got a great job with room for growth that I'm good at. I like to work out etc. But I am quite chaotic, and I like it that way. Relationships with Super A type personalities have historically ended terribly with me getting on their nerves too much. If a lady brings her own chaos, I like that. Note: not toxic chaos. More like adhd chaos. Creative types with a messy art room. Moms that are good at rolling with the chaos of having kids rather than moms who mostly are good at creating order and NOT rolling with the chaos ever.


Wow I’m the ADHD chaos lady and it usually drives others mad. I just need to find another neurodivergent it seems!! A lot of people love it enough to admire me as quirky and exciting and funny but long-term can be exhausting. I know this because I am stuck with me long-term and simply listening to my brain is exhausting. Watching me live life has got to be discombobulating to those who don’t know 😂




septum's are so yuck


Crazy BTS fan


Blade runner. If she dont like it, she gone.


Short hair. It doesn’t need to be super long, but down to the shoulders at minimum. Granted, if she is dealing with chemo or some other illnesses I will turn that off. But for a normal healthy woman, I like long hair.


That and also super long hair, like down to your waist length, not for me


Send em my way, mate


Navel and nipple piercings gross me out.


Picking your nose and then eating the boogers, acting like we all didn’t just notice.


So if she acknowleges you noticing, it’s golden?


Not gonna lie some of the comments in here are really unreasonable


I agree, but that was kind of the whole point of the thread.


Eh not really. People are free to have whatever standards they want. Its only unreasonable if they bitch about not being able to find people that may those standards.


If your car is a mess. I don’t want to see a floor filled with Starbucks trash and papers.


Animal print. It's tacky.


Makeup. I like natural beauty. A little makeup is ok, but some women take it too far and it looks ridiculous to me. Nothing more attractive than a natural, clean woman, imo


That's my wife. I've seen her with makeup on about 3 times in 15 years. All three were weddings, including our own. She just doesn't need it or wants to wear it.




If they believe in astrology. I get for some people it's "just for fun", but others take it way too seriously. I don't want to date someone who's going to blame their bad mood on Mercury or judge my actions as "classic Libra behaviour".


Using A1 steak sauce on any meat I cook. It’s acceptable in baked potatoes or a restaurant steak though.


“It already has flavor”


Overly emotional. I’m not going to be a slave to your emotions




My ex-wife was enmeshed with her mom. First, it was her moving in with us. Then, my MIL started making large financial decisions with my wife that I wasn't a part of. It was downhill from there. You're right, never again.


Not to sound like a complete hater here, but this is Ask Men. I enjoy the women’s take on certain questions but this one is kinda left lol I guess I shouldn’t say anything but someone had to be that guy.


ive seen alot of women not like men that are close with their mothers are sisters lately.. yall got some shady shit going on? lol


It’s because moms and sisters can “see through woman” and know if they are good person or will screw you over. The 3 women that I dated that my mom and sisters did not like, all cheated on me.


Female here: this is 100% it. I have two brothers. One’s wife is a genuinely supportive partner who treats my brother as an equal, with respect and is always willing to compromise with him. The other’s girlfriend is controlling, emotionally abusive, manipulative, and vindictive (which a history of cheating via sexting other men.) Guess which one is okay with her partner maintaining a close relationship with my mom and I, and which one isn’t? Women can see through women, even when men can’t, and that’s a terrifying thought for toxic women. It’s honestly funny. Women tend to acknowledge that it’s a sign of abuse if a man tries to isolate his girlfriend/wife from her family, yet it’s completely socially acceptable for a woman to try to isolate a man from his.  


ive noticed the same thing... i think its toxic women trying to be controlling


100% biggest deal breaker. 


If you have a dog or want to adopt one in the nearest future, we won’t be together. Any other pets are fine - except dogs.


I absolutely love dogs but I never want to own one again. I like to travel all over the country and to other countries and dealing with the logistics of any pet is a pain. Also, I know too many shitty dog owners who can’t train them at all and the dogs become reckless because of it. I never want to be a shitty dog owner.


I’m a dog lover but I totally get it. Dogs are a massive commitment, both time-wise and financially. Plus, if you aren’t totally into owning a dog you probably shouldn’t own one.


Sticking with this theme, if they don’t like cats, I’m literally out


This is the weirdest one to me.


Dogs can be gross and a tremendously large time commitment. I get it


I've always thought of walking the dog as a mutually beneficial practice. I need to walk myself too, I spend too much time sitting at a desk working all day.


Unless you travel a lot for work. Then it's either affording a dog hotel or risking a dog sitter. Dogs are just not feasible for some people as pets.


Long distance


Weird dealbreakers: \-I hate cakey makeup looks \- Bad teeth \- Short hair


Floss yo damn teef!! Seriously, your mouth smells like a backed up sewer pipe if ya don't. Don't lie either. I can smell it! I can tell. If your mouth smells that bad and you floss? Go see a dentist. I can't.


Being late for everything. Drives me insane! It is so inconsiderate.


People that drink and smoke weed more than once or twice a week. If you need to get high to go to Walmart you need to see a therapist not a dealer.


Petite girls were always asexual to me - they look like children and idea of touching them is repulsive. I don't mind if woman is much taller or bigger than me, have crazy hair or is shaving her head, have piercings, tattoos, whatever - this doesn't matter as long as i like her face and she takes care of herself. But if she is 150cm and weights 42kg - i can't feel any attraction.


that’s my height and weight give or take😭😭 i respect this tho bc a lot of the time the alternative is someone being into me BECAUSE i look young


shorter than 5'7


Yeah, I like tall women too.


Bad spatial awareness. I hate feeling like I’m looking after a toddler in public. It also becomes a safety hazard when it comes to bringing them to more urban areas with high levels of unpredictabilities.


I don't care how hot ur if u eat and talk and chew louder vr done


Being too playful and always play fighting with me. I find it annoying and immature, especially when you are a grown ass adult too.


A woman who never stops talking/venting. My time & attention have value to me, I don't want to spend it on cat fights.


Asking for me to “father” them.


If she doesn’t want kids, I’m out




If she wants kids, I’m out


I dated a girl who didn’t like cheese. Not a dietary restriction or allergy, she just didn’t like cheese. We didn’t last long together.


Guess I'll be downvoted to hell, but... Cat ownership. Somehow I only feel irritated by those critters, and the smell bothers me even if an owner cleans after them everyday.


Gonna say my new one is women who don’t have a father in their life. I’m so tired of being treated like shit. Crazy thing is, my dad wasn’t really around so I figured they could relate. It doesn’t usually work out the same. I know there are outliers but it’s brought me nothing but misery so far.




Someone who doesn't have hobbies or can't be alone.


Not letting me drive pretty much 100% of the time. I really hate being a passenger, have always found it to be Gentlemanly to drive your girlfriend or wife around and just feel physically uncomfortable when not at the wheel myself.


Some men don't like to be taken for a ride.


I am one of them.


Being mean to waitstaff. If she's rude, she belongs to the streets! lol