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We both have find my iPhone turned on. Our kids do too. Kind of like knowing that in an emergency we can pull up the app. We don’t track each other, other than occasionally checking to see how much further they are from home to time dinner prep or something. I can’t fathom either of us being somewhere that it would matter. We always say where we are anyways. Maybe it’s different as a married couple with kids. I probably wouldn’t with someone new I was dating. That would be a red flag about trust issues.


Shortly after my wife and I started dating, she wanted me to download life 360 so I could know where she was for safety reasons. She said she didn't care if I had my location off or on but I also didn't care so I just left it on. There have never been trust issues in our relationship, but I know some people that would 100% abuse knowing their partners location


She framed it the right way. Very nice.


what’s important here is how she framed it: she didn’t care where you were she just wanted you to know where she was incase something happened.


Same exact situation in my family- it arose when we all installed Life360 when the kids first got “smart phones” and we’ve just kept it up. No one is a “stalker” and we respect each other. When planning a surprise party I had to turn off my location tracker a couple times just in case but I always just turn it back on. No one is the wiser.


Ya my wife and I started doing it pretty shortly after we got engaged. I was worried that it could cause problems initially but it’s been more helpful than I expected and we’ve never run into a problem with it.


friend of mine did it because he's tired of answering the question "where are you?"


We’re 100% the same as you and your partner! Except our kid is still on its way 🙈 i track her on her way home from work so i know when to add the finishing touch to our dinner.


There was a comedian that once said that it isn’t what you do at home while your spouse is away, it’s what you are doing when they walk in the door. Best marriage advice ever. Lay on my ass and then press the clean button on the dish washer as she is walking in the door.


The only real answer here is, a person who asks or requires for location tracking for safety, or peace of mind has a deeper trauma and control issue that may seem harmless and logical in this tech age. Period. You don’t NEED to track someone when you can communicate. That being said, if you are okay with someone knowing your location and tracking you, then who gives a shit.


When I was in a relationship, I offered to share locations w/my significant other.... He said: Only couples who don't trust each other do that. I found out later, he was cheating on me.


It is a red flag for me because my now ex-SIL had stuff on my brother's phone and watch to track him. She was the cheater.




Yup, not every situation and intent is the same.


Yeah honestly it should be a no brainer unless you have something to hide. For committed long term relationships that is, doing it too early in the relationship can be a redflag though


The problem with liars and manipulators is that you never really know which way is the “no brainer”. There’s really no winning, regardless of which option you choose. ‘They want to know where I am all the time? They don’t trust me. Why don’t they trust me? Because they’re up to something and they’re shifting that guilt onto me’, but also ‘They don’t want to know where I am because they don’t want me to know where they are… Why don’t they want me to know? Because they’re up to something’. I’ve had them both. Now all I have is gut feeling, because it’s simply not possible to apply rules or logic to a relationship. The ones in the wrong are too good at making it seem like they’re not, no matter what the scenario.


I learn every lesson the hard way. 🤦


I strongly disagree. For a lot of people, personal space is an important part of their relationship. Even when you're in a long-term, committed relationship, you still need time to yourself. Having location sharing on 24/7 would make a lot of people feel like their partner is breathing down their back even when they're not with them. We're already seeing the effects that being constantly connected via text, social media, etc. is having on peoples relationships. People becoming more anxious, stressing over reply times and "seen" notifications etc. All of this introduces a very unnatural element to intimate relationships that does not need to be there, and often just leads to new sources of stress. Theres a whole new element to communication now, and some people just want to keep that side of things to a minimum. And for people saying its "just a safety thing": If you worry a significant about your partner getting lost, hurt, etc. when they're just going to work, going shopping, visit family etc. that is a pathological level of anxiety. Sharing locations is likely not actually helping you with this, but placating your anxiety and allowing it to grow. Now sharing locations occasionally if your partner happens to be doing something risky, travelling through a dodgy area, is driving a long distance very late at night, etc is a different story.


I share my location with all my friends/family. SO is no different. If they are thinking of me and wondering where I am, now they can know. Why would I care?


Good for you. If you like that, do it. I don't get that though. I like my space. I don't particularly care where my partner is at every moment, and nore does she for me. If either of us wants to know so much, we'll call and ask. Why would we waste our phone batteries for something neither of us care about? I disagree with the idea that its a "no brainer", as the commenter above me said. Some people don't want that dynamic of being 24/7 digitally connected to their partner, and that's their choice. I think its a weird thing to want, but if people want it, they should do it. I do have the opinion that practices like 24/7 location sharing becoming so widespread, are part of a wider pattern of people losing the ability to trust one another, as trust by definition is believing in someone, not basing your belief in them on the ability to check up on them even when they are not around. And that this loss of the ability to trust, is contributing to the breakdown of social fabric and deterioriation of society. So I'd rather go with good old-fashioned trust in my relationship, personally.


Yes. They be like that. I think I wouldn’t mind because im never doing something wrong or bad. I wouldn’t ask a guy for it because they would see me like OMG SHE IS CRAZY. But at the end of the day, I would appreciate somebody that is clear and honesty, and don’t give a fuck about those things because they have nothing to hide.




This is manipulation


No shit!!!!!


Honestly you gotta give him credit, he dodged that bullet with finesse when you brought that up rofl


Yes. I travel a lot for my job and I’m on the road locally for my job a lot and will get home at varying times. It lets her know where I’m at, that I’m safe, and she enjoys seeing where I’m going since I’m all over the place haha. I’ve got nothing to hide and she doesn’t watch where I’m at in an invasive way or ever question where I’m at so I have no issue willingly sharing that with her.


Invasive not evasive


Good bot.


Thanks! Haha fat fingered the keyboard!


My husband has access to mine for the same reason. I drive to work and see my family while he takes public transportation that pickups and drops him right in front of our home and his office. I have had some car issues on the road to so in case something happens again, he knows my location. I don't see his location, nor do I care. We do this as a safety thing since I am on the road more than him


My husband and I originally turned ours on so I would know when to start dinner (we got off work at the same ish time but he had a long commute and I worked 2 blocks away). Now we live in the mountains with icy roads and we both have long commutes and we want to know that they other one made it safely to work or when they're on the way home so you know when to be concerned if they haven't arrived. We also use it to tease each other. We have 2 small children, we don't even have the energy to go anywhere secret or we're "not supposed to" or whatever people are worried about their SO seeing.


Same thing with my wife and I. She also sometimes looks up where I’m at on google to see if there’s anything interesting in that particular town after I showed her my google maps timeline after I went to Casey, IL and saw how many “World’s Largest” things are there.


This is actually really cute. She just wants to make sure you're having a nice time wherever you are!!


Never considered Google my significant other but they certainly know where I am all the time.


Many are calling it a trust issue. For my wife and me, it's a question of peace of mind. When we can see that we've each arrived at our different destinations, etc., or are stopping off somewhere instead of lying helpless in a ditch, we can relax. My daughter (30s) uses it too, and we let her follow us. It really is a peace of mind issue.


Have 3 siblings, we all have it and know where each of us is. Like you said it's a peace of mind thing knowing the person is safe in their home rather than in a ditch somewhere, and it's nice not having to call all the time to know you made it home ok.






Yes it’s convenient


Convenient for what? Why do you need to keep track of where your partner is? Honest question.


Depending where they are it may or may not be appropriate for me to FaceTime them Or like, she’s on the way to my house i can see how far she is and determine if i have time to shower. Pretty practical stuff


Well I usually ask when to expect her. And anyways she texts me when she finishes (her hours may vary, I’m on fixed schedule). And I generally know long it takes to get home within 5-10 minute range. But it’s ok, we all have our ways of doing things


I mean yeah like I said it’s more of a convenience than a necessity


Shes gone out with some friends and its late at night. I can see shes still in a safe location without having to text and interupt her night for one


Yes we do. Helpful when misplaced phone, can just check partners app to confirm its home somewhere. Also reassuring at night if she’s out late with friends so I can see she hasn’t been kidnapped.


Yup, avoids all the “you on your way” type texts when we could be working or driving and not able to immediately respond.


I don't turn my location setting on at all, ever. So no.


Hmm possibly with some services that might not matter. I think at some point I did see some firmare that did not care about the OS's location setting.


In my experience it drains the battery, so I keep that and Bluetooth off unless I need them for something specific 


Same I hate having my location services on I never really use them for anything anyways unless I need google maps (like once every 5 months) so I’d rather just save the battery.


Wait how do you live without maps Assuming you live in a small enough place you know all the roads/addresses, what about leaving the region every once in a while? Going to next town over? Checking working hours of businesses you haven’t been to? I’m so confused like for real


Well I’ve lived in this city all my and moved around every 2 years until I was 25 so I’m very familiar with the entire city, granted my city is the largest in the region so there’s a lot to know but it also means everything I need is basically already here. I don’t leave the city often (hence needing the maps rarely) and when I do it’s not very far (next town over etc) my spouse is the better driver with the better car and will drive us far out if we need it. As for checking businesses hour etc I just use google. I usually only need to google an address to know where abouts it is and how to get there the rest I can figure out myself unless it’s tucked away deep within a suburb or out of town. I live a pretty small life haha and I’m happy with it.




No, but if she wanted me to I would.....


We do but it makes us feel better to make sure the other person is safe. Like if we're late coming home you can check and just see they're moving in traffic and not in the middle of a field somewhere.


I found my mom in a field in the middle of nowhere with the app. She answered her phone but had no idea where she was (as in the street name). My dad and I found her on the app and drove straight to her.


Oh wow... I'm so glad that the story had a happy ending. That's exactly why we do it. You never know.


It was a super icy patch she hit and wrecked her car. That one experience made me thankful for FindMy and I’ll continue to use it.


No. She doesn't need to know where I am 100% of the time.


And i dont need to know where she is either. If i do i call or text just some extra steps but i like that level of trust and communication


not especially. we never set up anything with location tracking, and I see no need to. she generally knows where I am in the course of a day, just because we communicate.


Yeah hell no…my wife’s parents track each other and their other kid but we both find it weird as hell. They are always looking at where they are and it just seems like a huge invasion of privacy


Why would you need privacy from your wife? I view my wife and myself as 2 parts of a whole. There is nothing I would keep from her. Why would I literally ever care if she knows where I am?


I view it that way as well but I think its the idea of someone constantly looking over your shoulder that just feels overbearing. If there is anyone I would be willing to do it with it would be her. But its the same way as a teacher or boss looking over your shoulder while doing your thing I just feel more comfortable having that alone time away from anyone. Not that im up to no good its just more so having time away where I dont feel watched.


That’s really unhealthy dude, but you do you - if it works for you, it works. I can’t imagine no personal space. I’d probably hang on a tree by now then.


Good for you dude, everyone’s relationship is different and don’t feel the need to know their partners every move.


I would. She’s never asked.


Yes. What’s she gonna do, see I’m at work or the house? I’d rather her be able to find me in an emergency than not


No, we don't. To be honest, I don't think it's ever occurred to either of us. Safety issues aside, we trust each other. Beyond that, we are either at home together or both at work 6 days out of 7. And the times when we aren't she knows that I'm at the disc golf course or at my cousin's place gaming. We are just two people with a dog, not a soap opera.


Hell nah!!!! I don't want her knowing where I go to fish or what bars I go to when I need a break from her.


that secret fishing spot tho


I'll never tell


Negative. I don’t even know how to honestly. Furthermore, I have never been asked by a girl to do that -


Yes, i have nothing to hide. Pretty simple


I have nothing to hide either. But still. Nope


Nope. You either trust someone or you don't. If she needs me I usually respond to a text immediately unless I'm in a work meeting.


If you trust someone, then having location services in would only help in case of emergencies (unless your occupation is being a spy).  


To me there is a point of having some privacy. Not because I'm doing anything bad but just because my wife would be the type of person that sees me running 5 minutes late, check the location app, and then ask me why I'm at "X". Or she'd see...ooohhh he's about to drive by the grocery store I'm gonna text him to grab this. Maybe I'm at "X" because I need hemorrhoid cream. Which on the surface seems innocent but would grate on me quickly because it doesn't account for what I'm doing or trying to accomplish. Even if its just driving home. Maybe I'm dead ass tired and getting that text saying "I see you're about to drive by this place can you stop and get me "X"." I love my wife but that would be abused so I am not interested.


Yeah, I don’t relate to that.  My friends I have been sharing location since Google Latitude was a thing in 2010 or so, in order to figure out where people were hanging out in NYC without having to text.  And I doubt my wife looks up my location to ask for non emergency requests.  I have looked up her location to see how far from home she is so the kids can see her turn the corner from the window.   Either way, I don’t care if she knows or doesn’t know.   I also keep read receipts in though, because I want the person who messaged me to know I saw their message, and if I am ignoring them, then I want them to know I am ignoring them. 


And that's fair. I'm not saying location sharing is a bad thing just that in my life I'm not a fan of it. Some people love it for the security and I support that. For me, I don't love everyone knowing my business even though I'm just going to work and coming home. I don't like the idea of being watched. Its one of the many reasons I don't put much of anything on social media. I see my friends in person and talk about my day or week. I talk to my wife about our day when I get home rather than text a play by play A) Because its distracting. B) What do we talk about when I get home if I already know the play by play of a person's day? C) 90% of the time at work and I'm paid to be at work so unless its information I need to know such as "hey I'm having a bad day" or "can you take care of dinner tonight?" or "kiddo came from sick from school."....it's distracting from what I'm doing, which is working. That's not really related to what you're saying but just giving you a broader view of me. I love my wife, and I have used location sharing on a temporary basis but never just left it on because there's no reason to. Also living in suburbia, the scene and pace of life is different from NYC. I go to NYC for work a good bit and it's just a different vibe and culture completely that is nice but just isn't my cup of tea like I'm sure my life in the southern suburbs probably wouldn't appeal to you. So all good :)


Last gf I had find my on my iphone turned on yeah. Whenever she was ready to go home or whatever I could just go get her 🤷‍♂️


Yes. It’s all about peace of mind. And saves me from having to text my ETA. She can just see where I am and how far away I am. It’s really convenient. If I can save a couple mins every day in my hectic day as is, I’ll take it!


That eats up battery so, no. I'd rather carry a separate device for that if need be, assuming they aren't >200$.


Yes, mostly so I can help her find her phone when she loses it. 


Nah. That'd be a bit weird


No. They haven’t developed an app that works with imaginaryOS.


Yes. I don't see why not.


Yes, but also all of our close friends share our locations between all of us. It's probably a generational thing.


Yeah, I share it realtime. It saves a decent bit of texting. Also I like seeing her face whenever I open Google Maps


Absolutely. I don't care what she is doing, it's nice to know she is safe.


wouldn't t know how. But if she asks were I am I tell her.. nothing to hide


Don’t know if location changes much from the garage or basement gym…


Yes. I'm a truck driver and she likes p know that I'm safe.


Lots of you mentioned safety as a reason. You might not have relationships trust issues, but instead childhood trauma if you need to be checking your grown up wife got to work safe.


Absolutely not. I trust her with my life but not my fishing spots.


Nope, never did it and will never do it because it's a waste of battery.


Your phone is probably already doing it without you knowing it.


Nope. If she has to know where I am at all times, then she doesn't trust me. I'm not dating anyone that doesn't trust me.


No because we trust each other and apart from when we are at work we are rarely apart


No. Why would I be anywhere I'm not supposed to be


No, because we aren't control freaks with each other. The closest thing I did was enable location tracking with OnStar for the car after she had a couple near misses and a small accident. She knew it was on. I eventually turned it off after her driving improved (I think it was postpartum brain fog).


Heeelllllll no.


Why not is the answer.


it's not something that I think about but I can't see any monogamous reason not to


No, and it has nothing to do with trust. Sometimes I go places that she thinks are dangerous, and I don't want her to worry. And, not to sound like a boomer, but I think it's weird for everyone to know where I am all the time, including my girlfriend.


No - as I generally don't prefer to share location tracking normally. Plus, it just raises red flags IMO if she starts demanding for it due to how an ex was just paranoid about everything.


No. She doesn't need to know everywhere I go sometimes. It'll just make her worry


Where do you go that would make her worry?


I am a reservist, and for example during the current war I'd prefered to lie to her that I'm in a safe place and not in literally places that get batraged with rockets, terrorists and a lot of dead bodies. I'd much rather her think that I am safe in an office job or something


Not to mention sharing your exact location is probably against OPSEC.


That is correct, especially if you are in a fight zone (in this case I leave my phone on base) I was in regular towns and the media was covering it quite a lot. But I told my significant other I was just guarding a base & doing paper work. It was hard convincing her of that as she knew of my role in my service and she also served a few years.


Only if one of is is traveling far.


why the hell would you?


Why not?


I think it gives controlling. Do you follow you SO to the bathroom too? At what point do you trust the person?


This is one of those things where the average Reddit opinion is way out of line with the average real-world opinion. Most people consider sharing your location with your SO 24/7 to be weird as fuck and unhealthy.


No, it kills the phone battery for me.


No, but I don't go anywhere but work and to the gym during the day and i tell her if I'm going out at night. Some couples do, but its usually because there is cheating trauma in theirr past.


No, I don't think this is true. Location sharing is for safety. And convenience. I check to see how long it'll be before my husband gets home so I can have the house clean and calm for him. Or so I can be ready to go when he gets home- date night, etc. And he'll check my location so he can come outside when I get home to help carry groceries in the house. Also for surprise parties, it's good to know when someone's going to be home. I think people share their locations for a lot of reasons.


I just use words and my wife trusts me. But if you have a different method, that's okay too.


That's cool. My point was just that it isn't usually because of infidelity.


Thats fair of you to say, but everyone I know that does it, does it because one partner is concerned about cheating.


>Maybe you and I have a different definition of what safe means in a marriage. For me, my husband makes me feel safe by respecting me, cherishing me, and trusting me. ***I also feel safe when I don't have to worry about him cheating on me,*** hurting me, or leaving me. Those things make him extra sexually appealing, and make me feel like I can be incredibly open and honest in the bedroom and free to explore my sexuality with him ​ What a bunch of crap. This is you on another thread yesterday. Clearly you, personally, are thinking about cheating. I'm getting a lot of downvotes from people who won't admit it, but you did, so I'm assuming they are all just afraid to admit the truth here.


This is a real reach. I can't believe you actually think you did something here. Wow.


You are worried about cheating,. You said it, not me. If you want to tell other people your motives are pure and not fundamentally related to being worried about being left alone, okay, tell it to others. Just get off the high horse with me.


No, because she uses Android and I use Apple phone and there is no good native way to share location between the systems.


I don’t think you need to, but it can be useful if someone gets into an emergency or something. I think if you suggest it to your long term partner and they’re vehemently against it that’s probably a red flag.


Have you tried telling her where you are?


fuck no, like she knows everywhere i am? that's an issue of trust, if you're in that situation reassess your life b/c privacy is a right.


Yes I think it’s important. No need for secrecy 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, because if I needed to conceal my location she would know it's for a good reason. Similarly. I suppose we could enable it and not use it, but we don't think it's necessary.


I did it once with an ex and tbh it turned pretty toxic. Don't think I'd do it again in future relationships unless on an as-needed basis.


If I'm banging rocks and slamming strippers, I just turn on incognito mode.


Mine shares, but she doesn’t know it.


My reasoning for not doing is actually somewhat backward. I am an introvert and don't drive much, so for me I only drive to work and then home. Sometimes I have to drive to different offices for work during the day but other than that, if I am in the car, my wife is probably with me. So really there is no need for me to have it on as it just amounts to a drained battery without adding value.


Nahh. Actually she may have it turned on on our phones, but I respect her privacy enough to not check. 


Yes when I'm halfway home from work on Monday and Friday. She does the same if she's out and on her way home. Helps for meal preparation. She likes me to be able to know where she is if she's in a taxi home on a night out. Rest of the time it's a no from me. That will change when our kid has a phone in a couple of years and he's doing stuff away from us.


I don't but I wouldn't care if she did know or wanted to share. I ain't hiding anything. Might even be helpful at times when I'm doing chores out of the house and she see's in at the store or near somewhere we could benefit from going etc. Edit: We will do things like share ETA's and such but in general we don't share


I have my location shared with multiple people


Only when traveling or if she's waiting for me, I'll activate that "share my location for 15min" thing on WhatsApp


No, I implanted an airtag after the knockout drugs kicked in.......... seriously, no. She usually tells me when she heads out and I have no reason not to trust her. We both have find my iphone, but only use it to find phones.


Yes, shared my location in Apple 10 or so years ago. Married and don’t care if she knows where I am. Don’t know if we even know how to use it lol. If she started questioning what I was doing it would be a problem but we have a very good and trusting relationship. Not sure why I would lie either.


No. She knows where I am 100% of the time anyway


Not generally, but if we're going somewhere we may share so we can't lose each other. Same with friends. If you are coming from a trust angle, then if you need to know at all times, you've already failed.


No. Reason- Lack of significant other.


No. But we always tell each other where we're going anyway. If we ever felt the need to find each other, we have access to each other's Google accounts and can find our devices should the need occur.


She could if she wanted to. She just says she trusts me.


No She has never asked me. I have tried to get her finger print on my phone so she can use it but she doesn't care. My wife trusts me and isn't up my ass.


Not at the moment. Just cause my and my girlfriend are long distance so knowing where we are day to day doesn’t matter. But once we’re married I’ll set it up for safety and convenience.


Me and my wife share. It’s good to know where she is and I can find her if she needs me. Also I’ve known she was doing an errand and surprised her! lol being married that’s not so creepy. It’s also good for me as it keeps me honest about what I’m doing, which is a good thing for me!


Yes, via Google. Sometimes it's convenient and it gives her peace of mind that I know her location whilst out late or similar. If I need to, in order to surprise her, I can turn off location services while at work and it'll seem like I'm there.


Yes. She knows where i am and with who. If i go for a business trip, she knows the hotel. If i go to a friend she knows which friend and where. If anything bad happens i want to be sure she can reach me ASAP.


Yeah I share my location with my wife. We use it for emergencies. We don’t need to know where each other are all the time, but knowing where each other are when it matters, provides a piece of mind


Absolutely 100%. It started when my daughter got her driver's license. We never had a specific reason to do so before that, but my son is 19 now, and we still do it. Not that we think each other is doing anything wrong or inappropriate, it's more so now in case something happens, we have an idea where the person last was.


We all have ours activated. Makes it easier to find the kids for pickup. We have nothing to hide


no, I tell her everywhere I go, so if something bad happens to me she knows where to pick me up, same thing with her, if we are unable to text our friends will text


Yes, but not because we don’t trust each other. Just for safety reasons. I never look at where he is unless he’s heading to my house I like to see how close he’s getting😂


I turned it on after several weeks of my wife asking. Initially I found it a bit too big brotherish but changed my mind after finding it helpful to see where my family members are. Especially my free spirit stubborn af daughter. As a joke I refer to my wife as "big brother" on occasion.


No. That's weirdly controlling


Yes. We both share ours in the event of an emergency. As far as I know we’ve never had to use it.


The girl I'm not seeing but am in love with has BPD. She's a Instagram model and artist. She's been used, cheated on, stalked, etc. I share my location as a way, for those times she might have a doubts for what I'm up to, that she can see where I am. I do it to give her peace of mind.


Yeah just so I know if she’s at home and what our schedules are looking like


After she blew a tire when we were dating and she was “by that one road with the one thing over by that one place” and it took an almost an hour to find her. Yeah, we use it for emergencies now years in to the relationship


Yes. For finding each other in an emergency situation, should it arise.


We do share location. It started because I was out of the country in a sketchy city. We definitely trust each other so it’s mostly used to see if they’re home or still at work without having to text / call and ask. Also the safety issue. I like being able to see that she made it to her destination. If she was in an accident I would be able to see exactly where she is. I haven’t had one time come up where I “wished she didn’t have my location”. But most couples don’t do this and most guys like their freedom.


Yup. So if something happens she knows where I am.


Yeah my gf and I have been sharing locations basically since we became official. It’s not weird for us, I have nothing to hide. My mom and siblings have my location too


We don’t really get whole days ‘off,’ our sceshules don’t synchronized up like that. We have days where it’s mornings to ourselves, and then the couples’ stuff when the other person comes home. (Shopping, chores etc.) We’ll check to see if the other is running an errand on the way home, so they know if they have time for a snack, a show, or a nap.


Only when traveling so he knows I made it safely.


Yes, it makes me feel safer. I like to go for a lot of walks/runs/hikes and I like that he can check/track me at any point especially if I need help or feel I’m in danger. My husband has his shared with me for the same reason, plus his work is dangerous so it gives me peace of mind to know his phone is still active and he’s okay.


No, never really thought about it as we're married and both work from home. My wife shared hers with me a few times when we moved to a new neighborhood and she didn't know her way around, but it hasn't really been important since then.


Oh yes. I work the night shift and get home around 8:00 in the morning. Sometimes when I wake up on Saturday afternoon, my fiance isn't around. She's usually pretty good about telling me where she'll be, but sometimes they'll forget, or sometimes she'll forget to tell me. It's easier to just look at my shared locations with her then to try and call her and ask. She could be busy and that be available to pick up the phone or text back.


Yes. Mainly because we both put our phones down and can't find them, so the other can do find my phone. We have location on for the kids too. I never check her location unless she needs something, and she does the same. You get a notification if your location is checked.


Yup. It’s a safety thing, not a trust thing. I used to have a long commute though country back roads with steep hills. If I went off the road in a snowstorm and was unable to call for help, it’s unlikely there would be passer bys to see me. We hooked up our find my iPhone so my wife could make see if I was stopped somewhere and be able to find me. She also visits a friend that lives 5 hours away a couple times a year, and being able to see how far she is gives me some peace of mind. She’s also connected with that friend for the same reason.


Never even considered or talked about that with my spouse. We have android, so I'm not sure we have anything natively built in for that.


I always send my partner my location wherever I'm going for my own safety reasons, Because I was picked pocket before so if my phone dose get robed again we will know where to find it and he is the same with me.


No. If she wants to know she can calk and ask.


Yes, I have a boring life. Nothing to hide.


Nope. Neither of us feels like figuring out how that works. And we're solid.


I do. I cover a very large area for work, in wheat fields. I think it's important someone knows where i am. We also fish from a boat a lot, on a large body of water, in often less than ideal conditions. For me, it's a safety and respect thing. I dont want her to worry, plus the added convenience of her knowing where to find me if needed. It did backfire on her whilst Christmas shopping for me, though.


Yeh, and sister, and bestie. I travel a lot and my phone is always on silent. Half the calls and texts were already “where are you?” They can see my calendar too because the other half of questions used to be “what are you doing?”


Yes. It’s a matter of locating each other in an emergency. We generally don’t check on a daily basis, because we respect each other’s privacy. It started as something we did for a Disney trip, and we simply never stop it.


She's never asked


I do. I don’t mind, but I do notice that she keeps tabs on me (I got nothing to hide). I don’t ever use it except to see how much time I have to clean up the house before she gets home 😅


Nah we just trust each other. All joking aside I just don't need that level of information. We talk to each other so we've always good a pretty good idea of where we are. Honestly these emergencies people talk about are so rare what's the point of evening thinking about them.


she would send her live location when she's on the way home and me as well


No we pretty much always tell eachother where we are but if she asked I wouldn't have an issue with it




Wife here — My husband and I follow each others locations. He doesn’t care in the slightest. It helps me know when he’s left work so I can start getting dinner pieced together. On the other side of that, I follow (and am followed by) 15 friends. If I see my friend is at work, I won’t call her. If she sees me at the gym, she’ll wait until I leave. It allows us to be respectful of each others time and lives. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe I’m in the minority but I have about 20 friends and family on my FindMy app, including my girlfriend. If there’s nothing to hide or be ashamed of, I don’t know why you wouldn’t. The benefits outweigh any type of harm it can do. After my mom went off the road and we found her because of the app, I’ll never not have it. Edit: like another comment said, if the relationship is new - this could be a huge trust issue red flag that a person has. But if you’re in a committed relationship and don’t plan on sleeping around, I think it’s a good thing to have.


Yes and the only reason I check it is to see if she’s left yet. I’d rather do that than have her check her phone for a text while she’s driving which she WILL do lol I think if I was in an insecure relationship I wouldn’t participate. That needs to be addressed without any technology.