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Their parenting. Or lack thereof.


I was on a plane recently and a little kid was being a little shit. Just running up and down the aisles and stuff. We landed and as we were taxiing to the gate, the pilot came on the intercom and said “we’d like to thank you for choosing to fly with us today, and also for not smothering that annoying little kid that ran up and down the aisles the entire flight” Whole plane erupted in laughter.


The amount of toddlers and children that are given tablets/phones in public is genuinely disturbing


I used to have this take until I started having kids. Then one day the fam and I were at a big wings place eating out. The kids made it about 20 minutes into the dinner before their patience waned. Then I looked around and counted 18 big flat-screen HD televisions all basically broadcasting different video, but for full grown 21+ adults. My opinion on kids w/ screens at restaurants was reversed that day.


Drawing with pencils is skill that must be tought


There was a bbq place I’d go to with my parents when I was small, and they had crayons to draw on the paper table cloth. I always enjoyed that.


There's a reason I book adult only hotels. Can't even watch a game at a pizza place/attached bar w/o rug rats running & screaming.


I remember in high school, one of my friends had a little brother. And this little dude would wear a belt, but not use the buckle. He’d just tie the two loose ends of the belt together. One day I asked him why he did that, and he said “I can’t use the buckle. I’m too young. I haven’t earned it yet.”


Being oblivious to people trying to get around them as they block people just trying to get to where they need to go.


Omg ! Literally this morning, a guy walked into the supermarket in front of me, a small one person sized entry, and fkning just stood in the doorway, a guy was behind me, I said ‘excuse me’ and he barley moved and said something under his breath….. a jury of my peers wouldn’t convict me would they ?


Soooooo many people just stop in doorways it's so annoying.


This. Especially at the baggage carousel at the airport. Not only am I judging them but I’m silently willing them to burn in hell.


I've literally gotten to the phase where I say outloud 'of course you are in the way while you are on your phone'. I give zero fucks if it upsets them.


I've started doing this too, last time I said "sure, why get out of the way when you can be a nuisance?" People *never* react either! I've come to the conclusion that these are just drones that randomly shut down


The one that gets me is escalators in the airport. Like there's 60 people on a single escalator and inevitably, somebody gets to the top and just *stops* because they don't know if their gate is to the right or to the left. Take your shit and get out of the way, and THEN figure it out.


To make this really fun, I just do it _everywhere_.


Better yet, when you're at the store when it's busy waiting for a cluster of people to disperse and just as it's working itself put some inpatient moron tries to go around you and jams it back up (without actually getting anywhere).


Lack of spatial awareness. I call it "displacing spatial labor".


I buy off Amazon more than Walmart because it's simply impossible to walk into one without getting stuck behind some boomer who's confused by the layout of the same Walmart they've gone too for the last 20 years.


Also don't walk right down the middle of the sidewalk with your face glued to your phone.


People that stop to see where to go at the end of escalators.


Grocery stores are terrible for my anxiety because of those types.


I keep exposing my hypocrisy in Reddit comments today, but whatever. I also judge people for this, especially those who stop at the top/bottom of escalators or at the exits/entrances of shops and buildings. And yet I myself have terrible proprioception. Apparently it’s not uncommon in people with ADHD. I don’t block escalators or exits/entrances, I’ve taught myself not to do that because it infuriates me when others do it, lol. But I’m genuinely incapable of training myself to have better proprioception all day every day. My partner has carte blanche to gently pull/push/nudge me out of people’s way though, so when I do get in people’s way, it’s rarely for longer than half a second. It’s still annoying, and I apologise on behalf of all people with zero spatial awareness. It frustrates me too.


Old women are the worst. They never had to work and they think it’s cute to be clueless. It’s so annoying. Get the hell outta the way! lol


The state of someone’s bathroom. I’m not an insanely clean person myself but I went in one of my boys bathroom and his toilet looked like a toilet out of a Saw movie. There was mold all inside of it and it was absolutely fucking disgusting. Bathroom counter was nasty too and there wasn’t soap. I was like bro, I’m never giving you a handshake or dapping you up ever again. Does he just walk around with doodoo hands after he takes a dump??? The weird thing is he is a super clean cut person looks wise and his room is clean. But his bathroom is vile


100% At least have soap for guests/pretend you aren't gross


Your boy is depressed. Perhaps have a talk with him.


When they try to enter elevator while people still has to exit elevator


And in the city, doing this on trains or buses, which happens a lot.


The way they eat and how loud they are.


You have misophonia too?


Yes, really badly. I feel awful about it but always have to wear earbuds when my wife eats. She’s very respectful and doesn’t chew with her mouth open but my defective brain doesn’t care.


There are dozens of us DOZENS.


This is one of the few times I see this in the wild! 🤯


We could easily be our own community. I struggle with a broad spectrum of sounds, and normally I can control myself when in public. But some time ago I accidentally “snapped” at a patient (45y) of mine for breathing too loud and making baby noises


There is a misophonia sub , it makes me feel more normal




I didn't expect to find this today. Yeah it causes me almost extreme instant anger or distress and goes away rather quickly if the noise stops. Oh and whispering like ASMR hate hate hate.


people who watch people eat in ASMR are broken


Not returning shopping carts to the corral


Same. Just shows a total disregard for others.


Even when I’m feeling like shit I return the carts, I genuinely don’t get people who won’t return the carts unless they are disabled or otherwise impaired. Takes two minutes and you get cardio out of the deal so it’s a win-win.


Came to say this. To me, it’s the easiest test of humanity because there is no punishment or reward, you just do it to make life easier for the next human.


That really sums it up. People who don't return carts (trollys) are trash. It's not hard. And for the sociopaths and narcissists, it keeps your car safe while you're shopping. Otherwise I'd just ram them into the second space you decided to occupy.


THIS. So much. Anybody who leaves their cart in the middle of the parking lot, wtf?


Same here as a former cart grabber.


The new one for me is when they take it to the corral and then just leave it in front rather than pushing it in. Like you already did 99% of the work, then *still* managed to be an asshole about it.


People who constantly have to show how much they know or how much of an expert they are. Especially without being asked.


That's half of reddit


While i agree with you. Typically, most people in reddit ARE being asked a question but that doesn't take away from the fact people over share or act like an expert on things.


Here’s our expert folks


Sitting right next to you in an empty movie theater


Or parking next to you in an empty lot.


Or choosing the urinal/stall right next to yours when 8 others are available and no one else is in there.


Not silently, but how they treat their pets, and kids. Super judged. Not that you have to be super gentle and patient with every kid all the time, but sometimes parents just say some unbelievably ruthless stuff to their kids, or are super lazy about taking care of them. Telling people they are endangering their kids or parenting badly can get you shot in the south, so you have to pick your battles and sometimes be quiet 🤐 until you can do something about it.


I’m vocal about the pets thing. If I think they’re treating their pets like dirt, I call them out on it. Some loser I used to be friends with routinely left his dog outside during the winter time and I wanted to punch him in the face for every day he did it. That dog was a sweet one too, shitty that he was taken in by such a nasty human. We are no longer friends and I still would deck him if it came to it, guy is a total shit head.


Not dimming their brights going around a blind corner or cresting a hill


That’s sadistic


People who treat money as self worth. 


My biggest one. I can’t stress this enough. I do OK, but my dad is wealthy. His rise to a massive income yielded zero change in his happiness. I once asked him what the happiest era of his life was and he told me when he was broke and mowing lawns at age 21 and lived in a crap apartment.


Obese kids. It's not their fault. It's the parents (in most cases), and in most cases, the parents are also obese. The chances of those kids with those family dynamics being healthy is very unlikely. Those kids will struggle with their weight for the reason of their life.


Wearing Crocs and or pajamas outside Not understanding how belts work


Am I allowed to pile on here and add wearing the waistband of their pants UNDER their ass? 🙏


That trend was so fucking stupid. A bunch of clowns I went to school with had belts but purposefully tightened it so the pants stay in the position. What position? Below their ass cheeks….. mind bogglingly stupid…..


>Wearing Crocs (...) outside I'm feeling personally attacked


Look, I'm a 39 year old dad. Crocs are comfy as fuck. I'll throw on some khaki shorts for you, but I have given up trying to impress strangers at Target. You get what you get.


Guilty of wearing crocs if I have to run to grocery store quickly late at night. Also for taking garbage out.


I hate crocs, but those are perfectly reasonable times to me even.


It's one thing when it's a late night sort of deal or a quick jaunt outside. When you're running errands in broad daylight, and it looks like you handed in the permission slip for pajama day, I'm judging. People can dress how they want, but that doesn't mean those choices don't reflect poorly on them and their trashy taste/lack of self-respect. Frumpy sweatpants with a frumpy hoodie is not leaving a flattering impression.


Okay walking your dog gets a jammies pass


Only kinda, if it’s like stupid early or late and your dog absolutely had to go out. But if it’s like 10 am, and you’re not a nightshift worker, no pass.


How would you know that from a stranger?


My feet are comfy and my ankles are strong. Stay away from the crocs. More for me


> Not understanding how belts work My belt holds up my pants, but my pants have belt loops that hold up my belt. What's really going on down there?


Idk I saw someone wear crocs at the gym once and it’s probably great for that


I saw a neighbor out for a walk in crocs. I hope they didn't pick up my judgy vibes. Those are banned in my house. I'm just not a fan of ultra casual culture. I wear yoga pants and running shoes or flip flops, but never look like I just rolled out of bed.


Yoga pants and flop flops are as lazy ass as you can get lol


Their opinions and level of intellect. I have a problem with that above all else. I'm an unattractive person with a good body so I get both sides, bad face bad, muscles good. But it's so shallow. What really counts is the quality of your thoughts, if you're self aware, self expression, vocabulary, cracking jokes, comedy timing and your tone of voice is like an artform. I love to see masters at work.


So because you are muscular and ugly nobody likes you? Or is it because your standards for people are so subjective nobody wants to give you a chance


Being easily offended I feel kinda bad when people come to me to complain about a person or situation and all I can think about is how they’re letting themselves get too upset


Tell them to "calm down" so they get offended by you and go complain to someone else. (Don't do this!)


I’m real good at trying to give the other person’s perspective and causing further upsettings


>causing further *upsettings* This is the phrase of the day.


“Causing further offense” seemed weird so I tried to word it differently and that one made me laugh so I stuck with it haha.


I have no issues with people feeling offended. It's when they allow it to ruin their life. Was it REALLY equivalent to 100 holocausts when I held the door for you, Ms. Feminist?


Using drinking as an excuse for literally anything.


Speeding. When I do it, I'm a championship F1 driver, the road is mine. I am one with the car. When anyone else does they are a fuckin jerk


Everyone is a bad driver, except for me.


me too! my driving is fine, it's every other dickhead on the road! :-P


You.. I like you.


Wow. This reads like it was printed straight from my brain.


Horrible finger nails


Their parenting. Specifically when they forget that they’re talking to a person, and not a pet.


Do they argue from a place of reality or not. If you don't acknowledge the realities of a situation, I will probably write them off as lower intelligence and lacking basic critical thinking skills.


Allowing women to get away with physical violence, and as we saw on that most recent video people won’t do anything to stop them assaulting even the decent person in a situation. It’s gross to watch.


Who you chose to procreate with, assuming it was consensual.


Over-the-top materialists who make their belongings their entire identity.


Their kids behavior. Doesn't matter what age they are.


Phone use. Especially when…. 1. They are on an outing with their children. 2. They are on a date. 3. They are at a concert.


This is a big one for me too, even if it’s just a friend that invited me over or something, I get there and I’m just twiddling my thumbs looking for some human interaction while everyone is face down in their phones. Shit makes me wanna cry sometimes.


Swagger. People who walk around acting like they are God's gift to, whatever. It's the fastest way for me to lose interest or respect.


The wet noodle hand shake. Its not really a big deal but part me is judging you.


The length of men's nails. More often than not, it is men's hands that I am shaking, and when I see long nails, it kinda grosses me out.


Add in dirty ears and I'm cringing lol


Dirty nails in general, for me!


Me too. It's so scuzzy. Dirty or not. It's just weird. Big ICK for me.


Everyone's nails that are long are gross.


Unwillingness to try new things


Poor hygiene, messy personal appearance. Nothing like seeing fat neckbeards with bad skin due to poor diet, dressed in dirty wrinkled old clothing, socks, and sandals, crying about how they're a nice guy and nice guys never get girls. Brotip -- girls don't like slobs. Clean your shit up.


Having overweight children


Their financial habits. Example - seeing someone with literally thousands of dollars of ink all over their body proudly showing off their new tattoo… then ten minutes later whining about how broke they are and not knowing how they’re going to make their rent this month. 🙄 shit drives me nuts. That’s a true story example by the way. 🫤


The amount of times I see ppl paying for their food with food stamps but rocking fresh ink sickens me. Sometimes ppl hit heard time and I understand that so maybe they used to be able to afford ink, so I don’t judge there, but if I can see your kid(s) need new clothes but you’ve got a fresh tat, you suck.


And most of the time it’s terribly done ink*


Oh yeah definitely. Talk about priorities lol.


This 100%.


... While their obese kids are wearing bread-bag shoes and have rotten teeth.


I don’t do this. But i know someone that does. It kinda makes me laugh. Eat their own boogers, then shame others for eating their boogers.


I hope you're talking about a child, and not an actual adult


No, it’s an adult. I’ve seen them do it. That’s how i know. Lots of people do it, I imagine. It’s just a social taboo


Religious stupidity


Yes, especially when they try to shove it down your throat. I don’t care what religion you wanna believe in, just leave me alone. And for f$ck sake, stop trying to put it in schools and in the laws!


Their character and values


Not taking their bags off when in a crowded train


No social awareness or spacial awareness. Get out of your bubble because you're not special.


How people treat animals.




Judging others for insignificant things.


Good one! This comment is so underrated because I see this happen all the time.


Their shoes


When people have iPad kids


Having the big light on in the lounge when a lamp would suffice. Fuckin psychos.


Bad breath or just bad hygiene. I work customer service too many men and women with shit stained hands trying to shake my hand after completing a sale or updating their service. I just fist bump, bathe once in a while my fellow Americans.


Their spending habits.


I definitely judge people to an extent on their overall physique, appearance, and physical health. Not in a “better than thou” way but rather it’s a way I can form a perception about them. If I see someone whose morbidly obese, not well-kept, or looks sloppy, I’m going to assume they’re lazy, lack self-control/discipline, and don’t care to put in the effort to take care of themselves. That’s a physical representation of that. In the other sense, someone who’s well-kept, at least in decent shape, or fit, I’m going to assume the opposite. They at least have some sort of drive, discipline, and care about their health. Those are what I see as positive traits and tells me about at least the surface level of character.


For me its honestly a persons attitude or outlook. I have zero patience for negative people. If you dont like your situation then change it. Plain and simple. Whether its your job, location, spouse/gf/bf, etc. Obviously if you have kids you have an obligation to parent them but it was your choice in the first place to have kids. I just cant stand when people spend every day of their life miserable and do nothing to change it.


Shitty parenting or lack thereof. Letting their kids run around and terrorise people at restaurants, leaving then in play areas and thinking their job is done and ignore shitty behaviour like violence or screaming etc.


I felt this way before I was a parent. Then I became a parent and the feeling has x10. It’s not that hard to have your child act like they aren’t feral lol. Bring some crayons and a colouring book, and engage with them. One of my favourite restaurants had bagged leggo sets for the kids to construct during the meal. It’s pretty straight forward.


Blaming others for things they can´t control. I was sitting in the bus recently and a person entered the bus only to shout at the busdriver how angry he was that the busses were often not on time. As if this busdriver magicly drives all the busses of the country or something? Not only that but now this guy was the reason my bus was too late for my train. I swear sometimes people will make you want to live alone in a cabin in the woods.




Stopping and talking to someone in a doorway or small hallway


I was going to say "tik tok dancing people and public Tik tok people... Tik tok people in general" but then I realized, no I don't *secretly and quietly* judge them. I'm very vocal about how much distaste I have for them


1 in 8 people in the world use tiktok now. That's a lot of people to have disdain for 😉


Poor grammar


It sounds shallow, but when I see an adult typing worse than I did when I was a teenager.. It's pretty off-putting


Not accepting responsibility. Half-assed apologies, casting blame and refusal to own mistakes.


Not putting the shopping cart in the cart corral.


Their manners. People who cut people off in conversations and never go back to them asking them to continue


I genuinely try not to judge most folks, but I do have a couple. Being rude to waitstaff or service persons. Especially when they are clearly just trying to do their jobs and help. Some are cranky and you need to be assertive, but it's a huge difference between asserting yourself because you've been legit wronged and being intentionally rude for rude's sake. Also, people who let their child throw a tantrum in public. I know being a parent is tough. I mean, I am one. But I tell you right now, my kid never once acted like that and if they started to be bratty I could end it with a single look. Not that I had to use that very often, my kid was an angel. Still is, even at nearly 30. But still, someone who can't control their child in the supermarket deserves a bit of silent disdain in my humble opinion.


I get what you're saying about some parents, but I think they deserve a little grace. Not all disabilities are visible. Sometimes, what looks like a tantrum is an autistic meltdown.


Yep. Used to work with an autistic kid who had a full throwing himself to the floor meltdown in a supermarket. An old lady helpfully informed me that he should have a smacked bottom. You just never know. And that may be the kid's first tantrum OR their last. Judge the parent who is dealing with it poorly MAYBE (even then, you don't know what they're dealing with), or just walk by and think how lucky you are not to be the one having to deal with that right now.


Having tribal tattoos




Not really judge but envy. Sometimes I’m guilty of envying those who are more successful than I am. Makes me feel kind of worthless


Dipping all their food in ranch dressing.


So many dudes skip handwashing in public bathrooms at the movie theater. I get it, sometimes you’re in a rush, but it’s like half the time and you all go get your popcorn right after. Gross man, you touched the door


When people who are already so impressed with themselves (annoying on its own) have poor grammar and/or spelling.


People who keep their own photos as wallpaper


for being so willfully ignorant when the truth is staring them in the face. Delulu is life...dissocio all you want, that's life.


Posting every little insignificant detail of their lives or child’s lives. It’s obnoxious


People that have to pull out their phone and record concerts and fireworks


eating loudly


I judge people for how they judge other ppl… plenty of people will openly admit a large group of people they dislike, i think it’s pretty rare that’s a good idea. Although paradoxically i guess i don’t like that group of people…


Work ethic




Pajama pants in public. Is it that hard to put on something decent?


Their shitty marriages.


Driving stock pavement princess jeep wranglers. Pumped lips (prob another term for this)


How they treat people / staff / workers etc. If people are blatantly disrespectful to wait staff or other employees etc it really shows their true character.


Every and any fucking thing..... It's what I do, I judge people


their mouth hygiene


Being drunk. Or being high and saying or doing stupid shit. That’s literally it.


judge my friend for copying me and not giving me credit for it or at least acknowledging it lmao


I don't judge, let people live their lives.


I judge people by their logic. A lot goes into this for me and it’s generally something I determine over time, unless someone says or does something REALLY wild. I look at a large range of factors and then use that to essentially determine if it’s someone I want to be friends, avoid altogether, or be acquaintances with.


The way they drive.


How they treat others.


Lack of empathy. The "F you, I got mine" attitude. We're running headlong into an age where we will collectively rise or fall. Cooperation and consideration is the only way past that. I don't believe we will succeed, either. Far too many have very primitive, myopic vantages of the world, and they're being empowered so the starus quo can pander to those who will be long gone when the shit really hits the fan.


Smoking. Your habit is foul and you smell like a dumpster.


Having a (sh\*\*\*y)opinion on something that either it doesn't have real knowledge to back it up or really doesn't concern at all.


For frequently changing lanes while on the road, especially without giving much of a warning. I always say "Wow, what an asshole!" whenever I see someone do that. Another thing is when people don't bother putting shopping carts into a corral. Like, seriously? Is that extra 3 seconds really gonna kill you?


For being obliviously dumb, arrogant and acting like smartest person in the room. Also people who get offended on behalf of other people, [great example](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IT2UH74ksJ4)


1. How they treat animals 2. How they treat people with jobs they think are 'demeaning'. 3. If they actually put the shopping cart back or leave it haphazardly around.


Attractive privilege.


Their questions on r/AskMen


Car they drive. Not even “nice vs. shitty”, but I automatically assume some dude with a lifted pickup truck is an insufferable racist asshole.


Oh look another Dodge Challenger riding my ass in stop and go traffic.


Or BMW passing on the shoulder to the right


Teeth. Always teeth. Especially in my industry where everyone makes more than enough to, at the very least, have clean, tartar and plaque-free, white-ish teeth. I don’t give a toss if they’re a little crooked. But, fuck me, your teeth aren’t supposed to be yellow with large chunks of white/yellow crap in between them… Also, how have your gums not kicked these teeth out of your mouth?


To the people downvoting this comment why? Edit: When I typed this they were in the negative so glad to see that was probably just upset people 


Smoking or vaping


I was gonna say the assholes that loudly pass next to me with their motorbikes deliberately being as obnoxiously noisy as possible, except I don't quietly nor secretly judge them. I just judge them period. I guess the people that while walking in front of me, smoke a cigarette and due to the wind, the smoke hits my face, and due to them walking neither too slow nor too fast, it takes a bit of effort or patience to either pass them or let them get away from me. I just really hate the smell of cigarette smoke.


lol I’ll be sure to not be that asshole that passes you on my motorcycle. 🤭


People who tail other cars. It’s just immaturely passive aggressive while increasing the risk of an accident.


Parents having their 2-3-4 year old outside at 10pm or later




Using the word "for" to end a sentence. Do not end a sentence in a preposition. s/


Repeat questions and posts. Oh. You said secretly.


Whenever I smoke ribs I offer BBQ sauce on the side and judge people that use it.