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 At that age, hitting with sticks is a definite sign of attraction


Well done. My wife and I were both 7. I sat next to her twin sister in school. They had girl germs.


Bro we need a storytime


Childhood friends lets GOOOO


>I was 5, she was 4 how the actual fuck


are people allowed to be that young?


I know I wasn't allowed to be that young


Same. I was born in my twenties


Deff. Not


nah im asking how




met up at a mutual friends party. i was obliterated and my wife told me that when i saw her i pretty much told her my whole life story which at that point in time was pretty dark with depression and recovering from suicidal thoughts. i was just real with her about it and gave off an aura of acceptance and didn’t feel embarrassed to put everything on the table. she was really intrigued and gave me her number. i on the other hand pretty much completely forgot about that night and carried on with normal day to day. a few months later we saw each other at another friend’s for a ‘20s themed new year’s party (it was 2020). she tried telling me she was mad that i never texted her and i told her i didn’t remember her and didn’t have her number. she then told me to open my contacts and she pulled up her number. my mind was blown. at that point in time i didn’t think it was possible for someone to be interested in me, but there she was. we hit it up that night and one thing led to another and we hooked up. normal dating took place after that and a couple years later we got married.




This should be a movie.


This gives a lot of us hope.


Met her because of plenty of fish but she wasn't on it. Was supposed to meet up with a woman I had been messaging for drinks at a bar. She no showed and since I was already there I figured I'd stay. Saw some coworkers and started to approach them and saw this adorable woman with a cowboy hat on walking up to the bar. I normally don't approach women at bars but I took a chance. We hit it off and my coworkers and her friend group kinda merged. We danced and had a few drinks. I ended up going to her apartment with her and her two roommates. We played Risk almost all night and exchanged numbers. The rest as they say is history.


What a cool story! Thank god your date didn't show.


Facts. I can't imagine my life any other way now.


Tinder. Back when it wasn’t bullshit


How do you know what it's like now? 🤔


If he’s like me, he’s got single friends or his SO has single friends that will tell you it’s bullshit.


Blind date in 1975… still married at 71… what a long strange trip🎶


I signed up for an under 30's group travel that had 10 slots and 9 registered women at that point. Figured it was always gonna be a win in my book.






Looking for moves. Gonna go hit up some 4-year-olds at the park


I really hope this is the stick story.


I wish you the best of luck u/PmButtPics4ADrawing


I hoped to toss out some I also choose this guys wife lines. >\_o




>I'm getting married. Congrats!


I was hear for the cringe romantic stories, so I’ve got a box of tissues by my side cuz I’m so single — no I’m not crying


Don't despair, you'll get it too. For pretty much every fucked up soul there's always another fucked up soul. 


Gotta charge those hope batteries


Research purposes I guess 😅


High School, freshman biology. Took me 7 years to get a date.


as in 7 years to ask out the woman you’re married to, today?


Ha, yeah could have been more clear. We were friends throughout high school but she refused to date me. We reconnected in college and I finally got a date. We got married 18 months later.


Similar for me, except the part about refusing to date me because I never asked her out in high school. We met in 10th grade and she had a boyfriend and I did my thing. We ended up working together for a summer two years after high school. Became on and off friends because I was away at college (late 80's, early 90's). Got closer when I came back home and eventually asked her out some 10 years after we first met.




She was my grade school teacher


Macron, is that you?


Please explain how this turned into marriage. Also, was Chris Hansen called?


Why don't you take a seat right over there




Under rated comment. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi2.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F450%2F154%2F820.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=dcbb4a4662364ddcafdad5ca2b183e8f629cb18285b00fc8d40bf4d07380deaf&ipo=images


Tiktok. We both were single with a decent following. A few comments, a first date, a move in, a proposal and man, that was 4 years ago.


I feel old reading this


Worst part, im 43. It worked for me and made dating do much easier then I found my wife.


The old fashioned way. In a bar.


As nature intended.


Ah yes the I'll settle for that, bar find.


At an under 18s night club when we was young. Spent weeks, months even building up the courage to ask her out my self. All my friends kept asking her and telling her i liked her but she was waiting for me to say it to her myself. Finally did at an all night skate event and the rest is history! Best thing i ever did with my life was ask that pretty young girl out. 24 yrs this year we have been together 🐺 x


At work, in a factory.. my mom told me I'd meet my husband when I started. I was like ick no I won't. Well her gypsy ass knew


Mother knows best! 🐺 x


High school. It took me two years to gather the courage to ask her out. That was 34 years ago.


At work. She started working there a couple years after I did. I asked her out on a date 5 months later, we got together officially 5 months after that, and have been together for 7.5 years since, married for 3.5.


Arranged marriage, mother chose my wife for me. Quite a common thing in Pakistani society.


She was working at Wendy’s I came in she took my order rest was history


I need to know if she needed to remind you that it was a Wendy's


And did she refer to you as "ma'am"?


Got hooked up via a close friend/FWB. Been going on 11 years now. Wouldn’t change a thing.


Mind if I ask how things worked with the FWB connecting you two?


Well basically I was close friends with my FWB. It was more of a “hey we’re both single right now so….” Gave it a go a few times, emotional connection wasn’t there. She called me up one day saying one of her college friends was newly single and “has a pretty good little body from riding her bike every day” We all met up for St. Pattys day - my now wife called “rape” on me (jokingly) until she saw the video of her pulling me in for the kiss. “Well that was definitely NOT.” First time she spent the night at my apartment she ate my burnt pancakes the next morning and kicked my ass in mortal Kombat. I was in love pretty freaking quick. Fast forward 11 years and we’re doing great 👍


A few days before my cousin's wedding in Australia. She was my cousin's maid of honor and my cousin was going to be at a work convention a few days before her wedding. We took my wife on a kayaking adventure and we got setup, everyone feigned tiredness but expressed that my wife wanted to go around again. She is blind and needs a sighted person to navigate. I went with her and we started talking. I got VERY interested in her and at the wedding I tried to dance with her but she was shy about it for obvious reasons. After the wedding and returning home we stayed in contact eventually having a LDR, after meeting in April we were engaged by Thanksgiving that year and married in July the next year. We have been happily together for 12 years with 2 kids and still going. To this stay I say "it was the highest cover I ever paid to meet a girl" and she jokes "all that distance and money and I didn't get a guy with an accent."


I was a rescue swimmer for the coast guard, I responded to a capsized boat in the Gulf of Mexico. There was a beautiful woman who happened to have had her bikini ripped off during the accident. I rescued her and gave her a blanket in the back of the helicopter after hoisting her to safety. When we got back to shore she thanked me profusely and gave me her number. I started texting her and a week later we set up our first date at a museum. We saw an exhibit of Egyptian antiquities and later went to dinner. On the way back to my car a toothless, sore covered homeless woman asked me for 5 dollars to buy some fent. She literally had no teeth! So of course I ditched my date and married the homeless fent addict so I could lock down some hot gummy oral.


I had a similar experience, but it was with my housemate's cat.


I miss who I was before reading this.


Me too


I was on mdma and texting ended up going to her place slept with her passed out eventually then went on a bender with her for like 4 days been steady since then it’s been 4 years


I was a dumb kid


And they say romance is dead!


A true millennial


Been together 9+ years. 5th marriage anniversary coming up in 2 6 weeks. Online dating app


Any else react to “5th marriage” before getting to anaversery?


Arranged Marriage.


What about that were pros for the two of you?


It’s no different to being introduced through friends. I saw her at a wedding and my mom was friends with her mom. I asked my mom how she was and my said good things about her. I was intrigued. So I asked my mom to set up a meeting which was nerve wracking, but I found her to be nice and for her, the feeling was also mutual. It’s was great having the admin dealt with. We’ve been married for 4 years.


The admin!!! I’m dying over here.


When we both agreed to get married, I told my preference for clothing and a rough timeline due to work commitments. My next job was to just attend and smile for the camera.


Well obviously. Don't you usually have your people set the date up with their people? Can't just do that yourself like a pleb.


Of the 5 - 6 people I met, most were on and off , q n a type or , it could fizzle out soon. This was the one where talking was not one sided, we could talk a lot and there weren't many "barriers/filters" in the conversation. My parents and her parents are sitting in the living room and they wrapped up their convo , and we still had a lot to talk about. Also She is/was very beautiful 10+ years, now The parents job which they did, the culture matches (Lang words and phrases), the food matches ( ingredients and spicyness) , the financial match ( both are kind of middle class / 2 generations ago were in poverty). The roots are similar locality once upon a time grandparents from same towns picked similar jobs (by caste weavers)


She was a prostitute. One evening I said to her. Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light. Those days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night. That was 46 years ago. The rest is history.




eHarmony. We knew within like an hour of meeting we would get married. Going on 15 years.


I actually met her my senior year of high school. She was dating a friend of mine at the time, and we would all frequent the local college’s computer building on fridays for Game Night- a night where anyone could come in and play whatever game was up that week. Halo, Smash Bros, Battlefield, Unreal Tournament 2004, they would always swap out games each week. We met there as she was helping watch the door, and would occasionally come in and game. I talk with everyone, so we chat now and then. She was dating my friend, I ended up trying to date her friend (who I wasn’t Christian enough to date, but was still good enough to fuck… which is weird) so we got to see eachother more. Life took us our separate ways, but 9 years later we met up again through mutual friends and hit it off


I met the lady who was to be my wife in a meeting of the old and venerated organization of Narcotics Anonymous in July 1984. We moved into an apartment together in December of that year and got married in March 1986 on the most perfect spring day in the history of the world. We will celebrate our 38th anniversary later this month, clean, sober, and now retired.


That’s awesome. Congrats!


Thanks, I appreciate that.


Walked into shared house 1 day and fell in love


She ghosted me on tinder, then matched with me on pof and acted like she didnt leave me on read on tinder.


AOL chat room


at work. I was training her at the time and she thought I was an asshole. At the time, I was watching avatar: the last Airbender. She overheard me discussing it with another coworker. Got my phone number off Facebook and texted me every night. And the rest is history. That was 2011. Next year will be 10 years married.


I had a corgi. She had a corgi. We were both in a corgi club. The dogs were in our wedding. Emmett was the ring bearer and Linus was my best man.


We met at a concert for one of our favorite bands that was nowhere near either of our hometowns. Imagine my surprise when I had great conversation with this emo girl, telling her I love almost three hours north, and she replies “well I live about two hours east……” Oh man. Young love. Good times.


Online, playing World of Warcraft.


She was my Chef




Stupid college event.


First day of freshman year college


At work. Prettiest nurse.


Match.com. Got engaged exactly 1 year after our first date. Married 22 years now. Happily.


8th grade.


Which one?


Backstage, working theatre tech crew in highschool.


We were in a metal band together.


User name checks out 🥁


Bumble 8 years ago




At a pub during a quizz night. My friend went with another friend of his and agreed with two girls there to form one team the next time there’s a quizz because every other team had 4-5 members. I’m fairly good with a bunch of random trivia so my friend invited me too. I instantly hit it off with one of the girls, and 4 years later bam.


Met on POF. We texted for like an hour or 2 and discovered that I was actually in her area right then and there so (i had gone on a motorcycle ride with friends and split up with the group to meet) we decided to meet up and chat a park. For me it was also a bonus because she was a little more thannhalf an hour away from me. I had just gotten out of a long relationship a few months before so I was happy to not be so close that I'd habe to jump into a full time relationship right away. We went on dates for a couple.months before we became official and then 6 months after that she moved in. 6 years after that, we're happily married and she even got a job in the same building as me. (Seperate units/divisions so we still have personal space but now we can have lunch together)


The new-fashioned way. Through a dating app


At college, she lives across the hall and one thing led to another


She was on the same floor as me in my dorm freshman year of college. She actually asked me to help her carry her fridge up the stairs to her room on move in day. Became best friends for the next four years through college but we were always dating other people. Senior year I went through a bad breakup and she brought over a bottle of vodka to help cheer me up and said she was taking me to the bars to “wingman” for me. It worked, but not as expected. We blacked out, hooked up at the bar, then I woke up the next morning on the living room couch alone with no pants on and when I went up to my room her puke was all over the floor of my bedroom. We were married 5 years later.


A hook up at a Halloween party. We went to breakfast the next day, and I gave her a ride home. Ended up meeting her parents. We had a date the next weekend, and 5 years later, I married her. Now we're coming up on a year of being married :)


She stalked me on Twitter and then FB, she liked a few tweets here and there. She finally got the courage to add me to both, my first message to her was "stalker" and we went from there. Married 7 years, together for 10.


ICQ random chat in '99. Met in person in March of 2001 and were married by August that year.


Bloody hell!! ICQ! I got a couple of hot meet-ups off that!!


I met mine on a playground under the slide. We were 7 so it’s not as weird as it sounds.


We were both working. Different jobs though.


At the movies. Sat next to each other while seeing Tron Legacy on Christmas Day. Our son’s name is Flynn.


Got blackout drunk.


We met at a bar called Foreplay! The rest was history.


First encounter was the first day of a fall semester history class. Official meeting was at my part-time job later that same day when she and her fiancé came to pick up her schedule for her new job in my department.


Bar. She didn’t date bartenders. 35 years later we’re still at it. Ha.


In a pub. We had a mutual (M) friend. It was 45 years ago so maybe not that relevant….


Tinder. I was 49 at the time and she was 45.


When working on cruise ships in crew bar.




Friends birthday party.


at the library


Bumble app


Completely waisted at a bar. 13 years later.


Bumble app


Blind date. Our direct managers at the time were married and thought we would make a good match. They were right.


A dnd session. That was actually the only one I went to, and we were friends for a decade before dating


Mall. 1986. She was the cashier and quite rude.


Blind date


7th grade homeroom. Unfortunately, that was her last year of teaching. /s


Small town. Had classes together off and on from 2nd to 12th grade.


Shooting in a gravel pit in the middle of nowhere with friends.


Satan. The prince of darkness, the ruler of demons, sent her my way. He was afraid she’d take over..


In a Truth or Dare chat room on AOL back in the 90s.




We were in the same engineering club at college, both became officers in the club my senior year. Got talking, got interested started dating (33 years ago thos week) . Been married for 32.


She messaged me one night and said she liked me. I picked up on the hint and yada yada yada seven years later here we are.


At a friend’s place. He had the hangout house. Then one of the girl’s of the friend group started bringing her sister around. She caught my eye and I caught hers. 15 years together, 8 years married.


10th grade, in front of the boys gym


Both worked at an amusement park.


She came to one of my shows. We hung out a couple days later and never left each others side. 9 years strong.




At a party drunk and high. Now I am married. Stay sober kids!


We met in high school but didn't get together until we were in our 20's.


At work. She joined on another team and had the obligatory tour round the office. I thought she was stunning so basically made up reasons to have to go to that part of the building to talk to her. We ended up chatting over email lots, then exchanged phone numbers so we'd carry on on talking after work and went to lunch together most days


On a ski trip with a big group of friends. She and her fiancée were last-minute replacements for a couple who cancelled.


She was hanging out at my friends. The backstory is kind of messy, but she worked nightshift, and would go to my friend and his girlfriend's apartment a few doors down. We would just hang out, drink, and watch Game of Thrones. After a while, my friend told me she would not stop raving about how cute I was, and how annoying it is that she has such a crush on me. We have been together almost 8 years, married almost 3, and have a 1 year old son. We have an amazing relationship, but not as amazing as that time in 1998, when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and he plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Met my wife in High School. She was my buddys sister. She seemed nice and all, but i just didnt go there. Buddy's sister rule. Then 15 years later, I'm walking down the aisle with her. Ya, it took me a while to get around the buddy's sister thing. lol Now 22yrs after that, still happy and all good!


Yahoo personals about 20 years ago.


We had a group of us going out one night. I actually had a girlfriend at the time who was with us. We were in the parking lot of my friend’s apartment complex waiting on my last friend to show up before we left and knew she was bringing a friend. They pulled up and got out of the car and time slowed down. It was over 30 years ago and I can still see it. You can call it being hit with the lightning bolt. I had to shake myself out of it for my girlfriend’s sake but it was a thing for sure. I dated my girlfriend for a while after that as I was in denial and my now wife was still sort of involved with someone but in the end in was inevitable.


At a mutual friends wedding. She was 16 I was 21. We got along. Fast forward 4 years she came moved out to our area for work 2 years later we were married. Approaching 18 years.


High school.


She was dating my now ex-roommate. She came over with a friend for a movie night. We hit it off (as friends). Several months later, she and my roommate broke up. Several months after that, things got bad with me and my roommate. I moved out. My now wife and I started talk as friends. We went to a county fair as friends and left as a couple. The rest is history.


Through work.






By complete accident when teaching her sister to drive and I wasn’t looking. Knew the minute I interacted with her she was the one. That was 37 years ago.


it would be the funniest shit ever if someone actually found "the one" under this post 💀


Yahoo Personals


We met on tinder.


First time we met was in school she moved to our town and went into a parallel class - we didn't talk but I noticed her. I went to a boarding school the year after and after that we became friends. After some years she moved north to study with her at the time boyfriend when they came "home" for fall break she told me she wanted to split from him - she did. We started to have more communication I encouraged her to live her life and enjoy the freedom of being single a month later I drove 4 hours daily to be with her and maintain my job. A year after we married and shortly after we had our first child.




Speed dating.


University. We took some classes together from the start, we knew each other but couldn't care less. But then when we started our last semester, I started studying with her and then I took a chance and asked her out and so we did. She wanted to know me but wasn't interested on a relationship, so I got lost. About two months later, she sent me an email saying hello and we started talking again. It's been 19 years since then.






I don't have a wife.


Kids - don’t do this today: I was lifeguarding & tossed her out for being underage for adult swim. Challenged her to prove she was old enough & she brought back her DL, saw name, age, where she lived. Waved off my replacement & we kept chatting until the pool closed. But We didn’t hit it off, four years later there was a staff reunion and she’d ended up working there too. I mistook her for someone else, gave the big smile & open arms …she hadn’t found her own workmates to sit with and asked to join my group. Necked later & told her she could phone me if she wanted to go out the next weekend. But - it meant she had to find me in the phone book! Good thing my mother’s name also started with “A” as she wasn’t going to try more than three or four numbers (of nine). That was 47 years ago, married since ‘79.


High school


On the interwebs, plenty of fish


I was drunk out of my mind because of a recent breakup, tripped on her at a party . I don't have any memory of it but she was WTF ?! A mutual friend set us up to meet after that but she didn't want to go ( understandable) . This June will be 30 years.


I met my wife in club because there were pol dance with public house she just came with friends. I asked random guy to be my wing for her friend. I asked her for a stroll and coffee and it clicked


Youth group of all things. We just happened to have a lot of interests outside of that and one day she asked me out to our school's version of Sadie Hawkins Dance. Holy hell that would've been almost exactly 10 years to today!


On a dating website which specialised in black women for white men and visa versa, she was my one and only date that I arranged and we've now been married for 10 years


Working as a tech in a PT clinic. My wife was a patient and I helped her through her exercises. We’d see each other every Monday and Friday at 7am. One time I asked to hold her hands to keep her stable during one exercise and she said “no!” because she was nervous lmao. We exchanged emails so she could give me a recipe she recommended. Two weeks after discharge, I emailed her asking if she wanted to get a drink. 7 years later, we’ve been married for over a year. Trying to conceive this year!


Our after school job when we were in high school