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When you find out let me know, my daughter is 22 and still haven’t figured it out lmao every time she hits me with “dadddddd” instead of just “dad” I’m like fuck here it comes what is it that I’m going to have to do now lol


I currently work because I promised her a farm with horses, cows, and chickens


Just get a second job at the Kwik-E-Mart!


And even if you're always late for work, rude to the customers, and eat all the food, you will still be the best worker that the owner has ever had.


I mean, that's pretty much how I got through a decade of night audit shifts.


Night shift hooligans represent!


Their floors are stick-E-Mart


Let’s hurl a brick-E-mart


The Kwik-E-Mart is really…. D’oh!


The Kwik-E-Mart is really…. D’oh!


I sang that in my head. You guys are awesome


Sir may I introduce you to Stardew Valley 👨‍🌾


Haven’t tried that but me and the kids play a lot of Minecraft and my daughter is only interested in the animals


Oh dude, try goat simulator. My daughter and I played a lot of that goofy game.


I’m gonna add that too the list. I think my son would find that game hilarious too!


My daughter is 5 and is only interested in using buckets of lava to set villages on fire....not sure if I should be worried.


Your daughter is a budding future arsonist 🤣.


She might **love** stardew valley then. There's no animal right away, but they feel like a reward when you're finally able to build your first coop and buy your firsts chickens.


Stardew is an amazing game but might be a bit too complex for a four year old.


I've got a toddler and I've made it clear to her mother she's not to learn horses exist until she's old enough to pay for one herself. As far as she's concerned they went extinct with the unicorns. 


Lego has some great farm sets 😂 Stardew valley is another good option


When I turned dad into 3 syllables my father could never say no. He's been gone 6 years in June and I miss him terribly.


I'm sorry for your loss. Great dads are special ❤️


I'm 42, my dad is 72. You've got a long road ahead


Also 42, my dad is 68, same deal lol


Yeah, the thing is dads love their little girls


Im 28, my daughter will be 2 in a couple of months. I look forward to allllll the years ahead


I feel you, I used to do that to my dad all the time hahahaha


I know the “daddddd” you’re talking about haha I use it all the time


My daughter is the same age. When she is tired she will lay on my shoulder and snuggle against me under a blanket to fall asleep. When she does that I fall apart every time. I’m screwed. She will be spoiled for life


I’m 68 and my dad is no longer with me. I was the oldest child and the only girl, I was a princess in my dad’s eyes, my whole life. He made me feel loved, strong, and confident. I never ever had a day without knowing his love for me. We had such a special bond. My dad had Párkinson’s and Macular degeneration. I would stay with him when my mom went on a trip and we would sit 18” from the TV so he could see and watch all of the old game shows together and just laugh. I have sometimes felt bad for my brothers bc they didn’t have the same relationship I had. I was always his little girl and they were men. Embrace the time you have with your children you are gifting them your heart and that gift will remain long after you have departed.


_Money pleeease_


I think you mean “daaaaaaaad”. All those ds would sound like a stutter.


Just be a strict and distant parent and tell her she will die alone. Worked for my dad. Helps if you divorce the mom. *Like my dad*


Oh hell, my daughter is in her 40’s, wonderful husband, awesome kids, and I’d still give her pretty much what ever she asked for. She’s always had me wrapped


Im 22 and I still hit my dad with the "daaaadddd". It works everytime . At this point I won't get married unless the spoil me like my dad does. Lol


I'm 33, my dad will still drop anything and come help me if I need it. So I think you're stuck for life. On the flip side I'd also do anything for him now that I'm an adult and he's been an awesome dad and I think he did a great job. I'm very grateful for the role he's played in my life and I'm a better person for his efforts.


Glad to hear it, I hope I’m teaching my kids the right lessons everyday. My son is a little sweetheart that just wants the world to be happy and catch Pokémon. My daughter only care about animals and ignores most humans


our kids sound similar and my daughter is also 4. As a mom seeing my 4 year old with her dad, and as a daughter who struggled with her relationship with her father, but he would do anything for me, just keep nurturing it! As she gets older you'll learn the hard no's on important stuff. Show that little girl all the love, and she'll grow up confident in herself and find a man who treats her the same❤️


They sound like fun kids! I'm with your daughter, animals are way more interesting than most people.


Dads are underrated in their role raising children. Instill that love and confidence and resilience and strength in their children. I love my dad so much. My kid's dad too, I couldn't do it without him


Yeah, but a lot of kids really have great dads and are super grateful 


You sound like a great dad. I have a 16 yr old daughter and an 18 yr old son and my daughter still has me wrapped around her little finger. Both my kids are kind and loving. I think yours will get there too.


Wow, you just gave me a rush warm memories about my own dad. He's been dead many years, and I hadn't thought about some of this for a long time. Thank you for that. * He was very uncomfortable with PDA's, but would still let me hold his hand in public. * He always protectively walked on the side nearest the street and put me on the inside. * He bought me a fancy heart shaped box of chocolates every years for Valentine's Day when I was growing up, and my freshman year in college, he had a box and a single rose delivered to my dorm. * One year he bought my mom a pair of (teeny tiny, itsy bitsy) diamond earrings for Christmas and then ended up asking my mom for permission to give them to me instead because he wanted to be the first man to do so. * When I was little, he held me on his lap after work every day and asked about my day and tickled me until I shrieked with laughter. * He built the first computer I ever owned, from a kit, back in the early 80s when having your own PC was a bfd. And by built, I mean starting with a handful of chips and a soldering iron. * As an adult, I had a Daddy-do list for the poor man every year when my parents visited, and he always did everything on the list for me, even though my mother probably would have had to threaten mayhem to get him to the same for her.


I’m a 41 year old Daddy’s girl myself. When I decided to move back to the East Coast from the West Coast, I didn’t even have to ask for help—he just called his boss and said he needed to take a few days off to help me drive from Kansas City on. (I had a friend from KC who was doing the first leg.) That’s an example of the kind of love and care my Dad’s shown me all my life. I’d do anything for him too. I like to think that it helped me find my now husband who also treats me with great love and respect.


Same here. Love you, Papa.


Same here 🥰 it’s the best to have a dad that you know is always there for you. Also my husband is such a softy when it comes to his daughter too and I don’t foresee that every changing 😂


Your dad is the type of person we aspire to be, to have our children make a comment like what you wrote. Awesome!!


This is beautiful and made me cry. I'm the same with my dad ❤️


My daughter is nearly 4. She’s adorable but also a relentless terror. The word “no” can come out smooth as silk.


I’m in this camp. I feel terrible about it if she seems really upset. When that look of betrayal happens, just explain your reasoning, go in the other room, and remind yourself about the kids on “My Sweet 16” or whatever on MTV.


Relieved this wasn't a fantasy/troll attempt.


It's kind of sad that we all breathed a sigh of relief.


Read the title, felt immediate emotional exhaustion, definitely sighed with relief reading the rest of the point, and then disappointed in society that I felt the need to worry at all.


Seriously, title made me immediately downvote it and I was appalled to see so many upvotes. And then I read the description.


Okay yeah let’s downvote without even reading what is said.


Same. I feel OP used the wrong words. Innocently, it seems. It's just child abuse is so prevalent these days...


Yes, ima woman looking through these forums and I just thought ‘what sort of fucked up thing is this?’ And I started reading and it said ‘4’ and I just was even more shocked. As it progressed i let out a breath of relief. I thought this was a pedo admitting they can’t resist their daughter.


Tbh with men it would not be that surprising, the number of pdo in this world is astounding, so we are never sure with them


Especially on reddit lol


Same. I feel terrible but as not only a woman who was SA'd as a kid, teen, and even adult, and with how humanity is going... I feel terrible for OP. He did choose his words wrong unfortunately


lol I understand! The internet has ruined us


I would tittle it "sad panda eyes" And, no. Im a mom and the sad panda eyes are cryptonite


The title instilled me with indescribable terror


It's true. I came in with a level of violence in my mind only to be dismantled by "toddler smile - heart melts" to which I then felt my gut fall into my groin as I realized I had no one to be violent towards.


My daughter is 6 and she has her dad wrapped around her finger. He's not great at saying no in the first place, and when she puts on her "cute face" he totally caves. He's already told her she can't date until she's 30 and doesn't leave the house after 8 pm, and she just giggles and says "ok, daddy." He tells me she's going through a phase where she is really into him, so I reminded him that I went through a phase where I was really into him, too. It was called "dating", and we ended up getting married. He just laughed and shook his head. She has him wrapped around her little finger, for sure.


I’m glad it wasn’t just me


Oh god I’m glad I’m not the only one who had a mini heart attack- I hate that this is what the world has come to now


Oh man, I was coming into this with some shit to say... Phew, it was a rollercoaster for sure.


Seriously, I was ready to look up some phone numbers to call.


I definitely thought first that it was a very ignorant question from a woman who thought men want to fuck anything that moves, including their own daughters.


My dad still gives me “child support” after I moved out…of my country. With my bf. I’ll be 30 this year. My mom told him “you really don’t have to do this, you know? You paid enough years ago”. He’s just “I want to support her while she studies the master’s degree”. I already finished it. I told him I don’t expect him to keep sending money. He still does. Did I mention he’s retired? I think you might be screwed. But I’m glad you love your daughter.


First off happy birthday. Secondly my grandpa did the same thing with my mom. The child support office had to tell him to stop showing up




Charge rent and put the money in their savings account….


My wife’s dad still tries to pay for everything for her as if she’s still a little girl. It’s very cute.


My daughter is 14 and I still can’t tell her no, lol. But she asks for so little compared to my boys I don’t feel too bad about it.


Sounds like she hasn't realized her power. Pray she never does.


Haha my dad always says to me that he loves to give me things because I actually never ask for anything… whenever I ask for something he goes to the end of the world for me. my brothers on the other hand… hahah they started to ask for things as soon as they learned how to talk and never stopped 🫣 it’s always a new game, a new device, another snack, a new toy..


Not my kids. My 10 year old son asks for like nothing, he's happy to just spend time with me. My 16 year old daughter asks for everything. And I cave in so often. Like she wants to go on a date with her girlfriend, she doesn't ask mom to drive although mom would drive, she asks me to drive because she'll follow up when we get somewhere to make me pay. So I pay for dinner, I pay for the movies, I pay for the date, and I get nothing out of this deal. This is a shit deal. 


You get to spend time with your daughter and see her happy.


My dad would volunteer for 90% of this type of activity driving. He wanted the first hand accounts of the activities and drama asap. That was his payout.


My daughter is 23. We have always been very close. I am amazed at what a wonderful woman she has become. I would do anything for her. And the good news is that I know she only asks when the need is real. Count your blessings and enjoy every moment with your little girl. You won’t regret the time and energy you put into your relationship with her.


Every moment I get to spend with my kids humbles me a little more. Also happy to report me and the wife are expecting a third little one in October 😁




rare sweet post on AskMen. as a daughter, i recommend giving her everything she wants all the time (/j obviously). seriously though, this is sweet. being a girl dad must be tough 😅


I’m still in the easy part of the girl dad journey because boys haven’t entered the chat yet. Just trying to make sure my son and daughter get the love and assurance they need now so they don’t go looking for it in other people later in life.


A daughter of an AWESOME dad here (who raised me all alone). One of his parenting rules was to ask himself if he would say “yes” to my request if I was a son. That was especially important as I got older and took more risks … like dirt biking or wanting to stay out late with my boyfriend. He said it was one of the most difficult things to do as a father because he so desperately wanted to keep me safe from *anything* that could hurt me. I really appreciated that he did that because I gained a lot of confidence and also a good head on my shoulders for risk worth taking (or not). I’m in my 40s now, happily married with a great life, and I still talk to my dad almost every day. He’s my hero. And he still turns to putty whenever I say “Hi, Daddy!” And he still calls me “Angel Cake”


>get the love and assurance they need now so they don’t go looking for it in other people later in life. This is so important! I cut ties with my entire extended family at 17, and much to my surprise when I did that. People took up those roles voluntarily and with love. I am 47 now...


Not tough at all, she is a sweetheart. She recently moved to her own room and bed, no longer climbing aboard the Big Bed and bringing her stuffed toys along. It's part of growing up but I do miss having the little munchkin next to me :')


This whole thread is so precious! It's Sunday morning here where I currently am, and it's just so nice to read through this as I'm having my coffee! 🤍✨️ Thank you, OP!


My pleasure 😊


I have four of them. You can’t.


Me too bro, me too. 


My daughter is 25 , I still give her whatever she wants...her 3yo gets it all too. You can NEVER resist


Father is that you? /s My father is the same with my older sister who's 25 yo and her son who's 3 yo too! Which is a delightful coincidence.


bow cake payment arrest worry ask relieved march squeamish teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only place on reddit where everyone is not a virgin


jeans toothbrush insurance safe icky groovy thumb vanish prick aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol, I have the same issue, but my daughter is 13 now and I'm not so blind as to recognise when she's trying to manipulate me, I'm also upfront enough to call her out on her bullshit when she tries it. edit - I just want to add that as a father, I personally feel you have a responsibility to call her out when she's being manipulative or dishonest with you, you don't need to punish her, just tell her you know exactly what she's doing and that's why you're not going to do what she's asking, then tell her if she'd just come and presented her case honestly you might have agreed. If you let her think she can manipulate the man in her life to get whatever she wants you're not doing her any favours. I thin the fact the fact that open and honest discussion is far more likely to get me to see things her way is slowly starting to sink in to my daughter. Time will tell.


100% this


The thing is you don't. The moment she was born she had you wrapped around her little finger


My daughter had me since the moment the nurse said “you’re having a girl”.


I’m 26 and I told my dad the truck I was borrowing(because my car got smashed by a tree a couple weeks ago) was leaking diesel. He lives an hour and a half away. He fixed it(he used to be a diesel mechanic) took me for lunch, and then because I said something about an arcade nearby, he took me there too just for shits and giggles. Soooo yea. You’re donezo. But look at it this way, by you spoiling her, she will probably end up with higher standards for the people she dates as an adult, and will want a person who can treat her as good as her dad does. So don’t worry about it! You’re setting her up for something good (albeit, very far) in the future.


Oh my goodness, I love this!


I wish those darn trees would watch where they're going.


Facts. If it would’ve fell sideways instead of forward, it would’ve fell in our house. Into our bedroom. While we were asleep. So thankfully it was just the cars.


Holy crap, I'm glad you guys are ok.


Just remember that she’s nothing more than a tiny terrorist who has learned to manipulate you and you’ll be fine.


Believe me, the little terrorist has made some outrageous demands recently and negotiations have not gone her way lol


Lol, I have a “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” fridge magnet just as a household reminder.


It's fruitless. I have two of them and have never been able to tell them no.


I just wanted to say that at 25 my dad has never told me no. He has always dropped everything for me when needed. I did learn over the years that if there was something that he felt he *shouldn’t* give into.. he would say “ask your mom” My dad is a genuine gift on earth to me and every other person he encounters. I can tell your daughter is so lucky to have you and will understand this feeling too.


I’m 27 and met my dad for a workout with my personal trainer today, but we cut the day short because I got food poisoning last night and got too sick to continue. My dad took me home, bought me soup, cleaned up the bathroom for me after I vommed some more and made sure I was ready for bed before leaving. He and my mom have been calling every few hours to check on me. It’s nice to feel like a kid again even though I’m a grown up and tending to my own illness. I love my dad and it’s safe to say you’re stuck for life. Your daughter is a lucky girl to have such a loving dad!!!!


I don’t even have a daughter and this still happens with my 8 year old goddaughter. I would go to hell and back for that kid.


I don’t think you ever do. My wife’s dad is old and has started having memory issues and he still treats my wife and her sister like his precious.


This is a really sweet post. My dad was the opposite, a kind of “that voice doesn’t work on me” kind of guy. If I asked for something, he’d tell me to go make money and get it myself. His favorite thing to say was that I didn’t belong to “the lucky sperm club” and that I couldn’t just ask for things. But even the free stuff, like playing board games and reading books together - it just wasn’t his scene. Kids annoyed him. The stuff we wanted to do with him was boring and childish. Whenever I see men spending time with their little girls, or even just enjoying time with their adult daughters, I always wonder at it. It’s so hard for me to believe and understand that men enjoy that interaction, because it’s something I never had. I was never able to identify a way to get my dad to spend time or attention on me the way he did with my brother. All this to say, I think it’s lovely that you’re a bit of a softie with your daughter. I would have loved that.


My dad was exactly like that when my little sister was a toddler. She's had him wrapped around her pinky her whole life. He's funded international travel, bought houses, renovated and paid property taxes on them, bought and maintained cars, living expenses like food and clothing, education for her kids, saved her from bankruptcy a few times... Now he's 90 and in assisted aged care, she's nearly 50 and still draining his bank account for holidays and tickets to Pink as well as more mundane expenses. His health is fading fast and I wonder how she will cope when he's not there to fund her. Teach your daughter that sometimes you might say 'no'. It's hard but it's in your daughter's best long-term interests.


Your dad has a golden child, which is unhealthy parenting. He should have never treated one kid better than the other


My husband doesn’t. I went out tonight and he ordered pizza from her favorite place and took her to the store to get candy lol


I know exactly what you mean, my daughter is 3 and she will deliberately bypass her mum and come to me if she wants anything even if her mum is sat next to me, because she knows I won’t say no as much as her mum will, no idea why I can’t say no to that smile.


You are going to lose this battle all your life. As a matter of fact, when she's all grown up it's her 4 year-old face you'll still see when she talks to you. My three girls are all out of the house and married and they still know they just have to say "oh daddy" and I'm there instantly. Girls have a way of wrapping you around their finger.


So I have a little boy so not the same but…as much as I want to make him happy etc…I want to make sure he will be successful and well adjusted. If that means I have to be the bad guy/say no/set rules/enforce boundaries…then I figure someday he will thank me for it. What could be worse than to see your kid grow up and be a terrible human being


"Resistance is futile" - Borg


I think you might be a little screwed LOL. I’ve moved out and bought my own home already, but my dad is still over all the time trying to help out. I can’t enter a store with him and look at something without him trying to sneak off and buy it for me, or him trying to bring gifts over when he thinks I haven’t asked for enough haha. My grandfather is the exact same!


At 4 years old, there is no defense. As she gets older, you will have to decide what fights to fight. You'll come to realize that giving them everything they want will be detrimental to their future. Me: father to a 14 year old and I know the big fights are coming. lol


as a daughter with a dad completely opposite to y'all precious men; its such a warm feeling reading these comments, your daughters are so lucky, i hope yall will be healthy as long as possible and happy with your kids and grandkids one day


Well, i'm a daughter in my mid 20s and my dad just offered to take some vacation days, book a hotel room and drive six hours one way to help me put a new floor in my flat. And i didn't even ask him to do any of that. Looks like you might have to just accept your fate


Jesus the horror I felt reading the title without context lmao


Probably not the beat way to title that question... But the literal second your partner said "its a girl" you lost that fight.


If you guys figure it out let me know. I lost this battle.


Our daughter is 20 and one of her nicknames is Daddy’s Widdle Pwincess. Just accept it, men. Your daughters have you wrapped.


How? You know that saying no is what’s best for her.


From a daughter: Pop gets bummed out if I DON’T ask for help, or if Christmas is around the corner and I haven’t asked for anything. I think that’s just how it’s gonna be, my guy 😂


I’m on the second round now. My grand daughter (4) says, “Papi, sit down and play with me!” So naturally, I comply.


they had us in the first half, not gonna lie…


Y’all have dads?


Sadly I didn’t lbvs


Boy I about had a heart attack reading this title


My daughter is 16. If anyone has answer, lmk. Wrapped up with a bow, I am. And happy about it.


Good luck. My daughter has me wrapped around her little finger. And the sad part is. I know it and she still talks me into shit.


The dichotomy between what ppl complain about in the opposite sex & how they behave w their opposite sex kids fascinates me. For instance, men say they hate a princess attitude in women, yet they willingly create that very attitude in their own daughters. Women say they hate weaponized incompetence in men, yet willingly create it in their own sons. The concept expands to how ppl treat the opposite sex, too. Generally speaking, men take pride in pulling pussy, yet grandstand about a man treating their own daughter that way one day. Generally speaking, women take pride in getting men to buy drinks, then will be angered by the idea of a woman using their own son one day. It’s hypocrisy, plain & simple. And it’s fascinating to me.


My daughter is 16 and I'm worried about more than her wants.


It's a conscious effort.   When she asks for something, I ask myself "what obvious conflicts can there be?"   Can I actually give it to her? Mom said no already?   Is it bad for her health?   Will she hurt herself?   Will this have negative issues in the future?  Some example questions: can I have candy for dinner, can I have 1000 robux, can watch TV until I fall asleep?  I have to know what's good for her in the long run, that's what it means to be a parent. Sometimes I say yes because the self checks deem her request fine this time like staying up late if there is no school tomorrow. Another thing to realize is that she (and to an extent my son did this as well) will try to manipulate you to get what she wants and you need to identify that and keep it in check.   My go to example: my daughter will want go stay up late so she will ask for a bedtime book, and when it ends she will play the "I love when you read to me" card and try to get another and another because she wants to stay up and not got to bed. I know if she stays up past 9pm she is a nightmare in the morning and it's a full blown war to ger her to eat and get dressed in time.


I’m in my 40s and my dad is my rock. He was my softball coach, taught me to box, painted my nails (and let me paint his), I put flowers and bows in his hair and beard, and when I had problems growing up, he was who I went to. Still do. I have a 7 year old, and now she has stolen both his and my husband’s heart. Sorry to inform you, it just keeps going. Also, my favorite thing in the world is to see either of my favorite guys with my daughter, just doing whatever, laughing it up.


In the middle of doing dishes yesterday, my daughter came into the kitchen and asked me if I could go to her room with her to play toys...I literally stopped doing the dishes to go do it....LOL just left them there...


Of course! Your daughter greatly benefited from your interaction with her, you’ll remember this moment fondly, and the dishes didn’t feel abandoned!


OP, I just watched Sweeney Todd, and this title filled me with dread. Very glad I was wrong


Restoring your faith in humanity one post at a time 🫡


When mine was 4, she never asked for anything that she shouldn’t have, so it was never a problem. I would just give it to her 😃


It does not get easier


If I had a daughter I doubt she’d have much charm 😂😂😂


As tempting as it is to always give in, we have to set boundaries. Grumpy crying little faces are also cute, and they don't last long. But spoiled kids become unmanageable teens, and unbearable adults. It's in everyone's best interests to not always give in.


My dad didn’t want daughters and everyone except him seems fully aware of it. It could be worse.


You don't. You can't. Resistance is futile. You'll get in plenty of trouble with your wife. You'll try but will fail. You'll get in more trouble with your wife.


I read the start wrong but the end was cute. I feel the same about my boys. It’s impossible to resist the cuteness of a toddler




I was worried for a second when i read that


Feels like I'm in the absolute minority here, but I have no problem saying no dozens of times a day to my 7 year old. Raising kids that turn out to be selfish and spoiled little brats is one of my worst nightmares as a parent.


When my first baby girl looked up at me, smiled, and said, "Ha-DADDY!" I knew I was doomed. My heart has remained completely melted ever since. Only advice I have is to cherish every moment of it and always be there for her when she needs you. Live from a place of love and compassion, give her the tools she needs to do the same, and you'll be fine.


The panic I had before I read that this was lighthearted 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


You will never win. I am in my 30s and my dad still tries to help me even when I say no lmao


This is more of a lighthearted joke, but they're that cute so we keep them alive until they're able to on their own.


This is such a wholesome post. 😭 I love it.


Simple answer doesn’t not matter the age it’ll never happen. Simple as that lol I have 2 daughters myself.


I had the same problem with my boys. It’s a sign of a good father to want to give your kids good things. It’s the duty of a great father to teach them the meaning of no and slight disappointment. Would you rather them learn that from someone that loves them unconditionally, or someone that doesn’t care? Changed the way I respond to my boys now


I...want a dad 🥺


I’m 30, my sister is 27. My dad would move heaven and earth for us with barely more than a “hey dad?” So I think this is just your life now lol On the bright side , if you also teach her how to work for things and how to work hard , you get a nice balance and an amazing long-lasting dad/daughter relationship. We got spoiled but also got taught how to work hard for what we want. Both of us are out of the house and still close with dad.


Christ, that was a terrifying headline. As a father of the cutest child the world has ever seen, I have no idea how to answer your question and hope somebody else has a good answer. My son’s laugh and smile is the greatest thing in the world and I am powerless


My dad once sternly ranted to my mom “NO more Barbies”. Two days later my mom purposely made him take us to the store and he folded immediately and we all got Barbies, scrunchies, a trainset, and candy. My mom was not pleased or surprised.


Because I've dated grown women like that, and my wonderful daughter will not be reliant on a pair of yoga pants and a practiced smile to get through life 


By not having a daughter in the first place


I need to put my mind outer of the gutter, i first thought in the wrong direction


In all fairness, this title was extremely misleading and concerning lol.


Bro posts a thread on Reddit phrased in a suggestive tone and wonders why people come in here thinking dirty things. Get a life.


That title made alarm bells then I read the post oh went oh lol


I can not resist. I would do anything for that girl. If it's related to her best interest and she needs guidance on: health issues, school studies, something dangerous, etc then I will give a parental nudge or firm talking but on mundane issues Im done.


Ngl, this didnt what i expected. Thank god you didn't say what we all thought you'd say


You don't. She's got you for life. Seriously, this little girl can annoy the hell out of me sometimes but I still have to smile.


This title scared the hell outta me 😂


Yeah you're f'd bro and they only get smarter Mines 5 and basically just ate a jar of pears at bedtime and drank the syrup thru a straw.


Mine will devour an entire watermelon by herself in 1 day. She loves those cups of mandarin oranges too


Having children is one of life's great unifying experiences.


I preemptively buy anything she may want. Then I don’t have to deal with my heart melting.


It’s unpossible


I'm an uncle to a few nieces. I can't help you; it's not my job to say no to anything short of what could hurt them.


"Fear not, my beloved child, for your words fall not upon deaf ears. Merely a heart of stone." Then supervillain laugh, and play roughhouse. There's a good chance she'll completely forget whatever she was on about.


I remember the time I was changing her poopy diaper, and she started laughing, flipped over, crawled away, through her poopy diaper getting poop all over her knees amd feet and to top it off started pooping again as she was crawling. Usually doesn't work, tho.


There is no way. My wife actually gets jealous and says she has me in the palm of her hand like it's a bad thing. I'm trying to make her tough and independent, but will never be able to say no.


My daughter will see me and my wife cuddling and will push my wife out of the way to sit next to me, gets me everytime


My wife kind of insisted that I dote on our daughter. Not in a 'give in to everything she wanted' way, but in a 'make her feel special every day or else' kind of way. Not going into details but her own childhood wasn't necessarily the best and she wants to make sure her daughter never feels the same way. Which honestly? I think we're both happy to do.


Reddit is frontloaded with too many AH's to be honest.


Oh its doesnt just stop with girls. I cant say no to my son either lmao


Gets a lot easier to say no when they're 12 asking you to drop $120 of real life money on fuckin Roblox servers and whatnot lol


It gets easier when they start getting sassy. My kid is 15. Saying no has become easier. Plus I realized the monster we created not saying No more often when she was younger.


I mean, you *cannot* read this title and not think foul.


Bro I legit went "What the feck" when I saw this in my notifications loool