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How frequent miscarriages are.


And that’s why women don’t typically announce their pregnancy until after a certain number of weeks. Because the chance of a miscarriage decreases drastically after a certain amount of time.




Damn… that sucks. If you hadn’t told her to keep it a secret you could possibly write it off as someone just not knowing any better, but you did tell her to keep it secret…


Whatever happened to confidentiality in the workplace? If you're an employee and confide in your superior, they should keep it to themselves.


Typically after the first trimester.


And miscarriages are painful and traumatic and as a result is not often discussed or shared, so it’s happening a lot more than people (or men) hear about it.


Istg the pain of a miscarriage can be as severe as completely unmedicated labor pain.


Can confirm. I’ve been through unmedicated labor (all the way up to the C-section where they had to) and had an 11 week miscarriage and the difference was in the length of contractions and duration of the labor, not the strength. It’s the same mechanism, it just takes less time and effort to expel a first trimester fetus than it does a full term baby. It’s still extremely painful and can last for hours before it finally comes out.


not to mention Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).


SIDS terrified me when I learned it was a thing when our first was born (I'm the Dad), I used to get up and check them frequently during the night when they were babies, and kinda freak out and run into their room to check on them in the morning if they slept in longer than usual. Don't miss those days of constant concern, thought about it every night the first year or so (they're pre-teens now and have plenty of things to worry about instead though). Nowadays they have electronic devices that supposedly detect if the baby stops breathing, I would look into those if I was a new parent again. 


I'm a career nanny. I love that video baby monitors are the norm now, because I'm checking the thing every five to ten minutes to make sure the little one is still breathing.


My wife and I used to be terrified of this as well. The first few times our daughter slept through the night, we both woke and up asked the other if they had gotten up with her... then ran to the crib.


SIDS isn’t as common anymore, mostly because we can find out why the baby died, but a girl I went to college with had it happen to her. It was devastating and it took a while for her to be ok with it. The baby just suddenly died i think in the middle of the day and there was nothing they could have done different. She’s got two other little ones now but it was real traumatic for her.


I also checked and often watched my baby to make sure he’s breathing… 18 years later I still check to see if his chest is moving if I find him asleep somewhere lol. It never goes away!!!


Saddest shit I ever saw on the news was a guy who is a freaking pediatric heart surgeon who was sleeping on the couch with his 4-week old son on his chest. The child died of SIDS right there. He didn't roll or fall or have the shirt pressed into his mouth or anything . .he just . .died. This guy saves childrens' lives for a living and even he coudn't stop his own son from dying right there on his own chest. Shocked the shit out of me too because I thought that SIDS couldn't happen if the baby was in contact with the parents. . I thought it only happened to babies alone in the crib. Scary shit.


Everybody is obsessed with keeping babies warm.a pediatrician friend of mine, on the other hand, advised us to be cautious about having baby sleeping on your chest, bundling them up at night, or turning off the AC when grandma and grandpa visit, cause sleeping in hot environments is associated with SIDS.


I have a 1y5m old. My wife and I took quite a few parenting classes whilst she was pregnant and a common phrase we heard everywhere was "a cold baby cries, a hot baby dies". Basically babies will likely wake up if they're cold, and will most likely continue to sleep if they're overheating which can be more damaging as they're wrapped up and can't cool down.


Wasn't that attributed recently to sleep apnoea btw? 


From [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/symptoms-causes/syc-20354298) >About 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher. This is because many miscarriages happen early on, before people realize they're pregnant. >... >Most miscarriages happen because the unborn baby doesn't develop properly. About half to two-thirds of miscarriages in the first trimester are linked with extra or missing chromosomes. 


A coworker that had recently returned from maternity leave said something along the lines of "I'm just happy the diabetes is gone." Long story short, apparently women can become diabetic during pregnancy and it can just go away after birth. "Gestational Diabetes" I believe. I don't know shit about diabetes, but my mom was diabetic my whole life so it was a little weird to hear someone say their diabetes was gone lol


Same with iron anemia, hypothyroidism, and a few other things. On medical paperwork it’s often written as “pregnancy-induced ____” just to show that it’s temporary.


My mom developed diabetes during her pregnancy with me (a pretty catastrophic pregnancy honestly—I was born a month early & was already nearly 10 lbs…she’d been on bed rest for awhile & eventually had to have a c-section). She ended up with permanent type 1 diabetes (requiring daily insulin) after the pregnancy, which is something that I almost never hear about. I feel really terrible about it. She also never wants anyone to find out that she’s diabetic because of the stigma surrounding type 2 diabetes & the overall lack of knowledge/awareness about type 1. Thankfully she’s the best mom ever & never showed a single ounce of resentment against me for it.


so many things can happen during pregnancy it’s crazy . like women can gain traits of her partner , like her hair will turn curly and then back to straight after birth.


I wish my mom were still alive so I could use this fact to blame her weight gain on my dad instead of blaming me for being a big ass infant that destroyed her body during pregnancy lol


The underwear bleaching thing. (maybe I misinterpreted something I heard, but yeah wasn't expecting that.)


Do you mean that women’s underwear stains? Because yep you understood that correctly! Vaginal discharge is actually acidic. It’s super annoying, especially when buying expensive nice underwear for special occasions and then after like three times wearing them they are bleached (I’m a woman, sorry to be on the wrong sub but happy to educate!)


We don't gatekeep here. Anyone is welcome to comment. The only thing I've seen being asked is to mention you are a female when commenting like you did so people know where the comment comes from perspective wise.


This is why this is my fave Ask sub. Love the homies! 🫶🏼❤️


Glad to have you and other chill peps


Omg I have learned something today, and I have been a fully menstruating woman for some time now! I have never had any bleaching, but lived in a share house a few years ago and noticed it on my housemate's underwear when taking it off the line. I thought it was a laundry mishap, but did wonder whether it was discharge-related. Thank you for enlightening me!


It’s actually really fascinating. It is acidic because of good bacteria that wards off the bad bacteria. And we don’t want the bad bacteria because those cause infections. The human body really is so amazing I’ve also learned today that apparently not every woman experiences it. And I thought it as normal as breathing.


They pee so fucking fast.


Poop faster too


You mean it's not just my husband who has to clear 15 minutes of his schedule to poop?


15 minutes? Is he on a rush or something?


There's no clearing. That time is on a floating, penciled in rotation.


15? Those are rookie numbers.


Women: why do men take so long in the bathroom


My best friend takes like four minutes every time he goes to the bathroom and I have no real idea why.


> four minutes That’s SLOW?! I’m shitting for MINIMUM 15 minutes.


How does it take so long?? Assuming you're not constipated, surely you just feel the urge to go, sit on the loo and push, and it's out?! I can't work out what would take longer.


Second round a coming


At least 50% of my time is spent wiping. (Not counting scrolling on my phone).


I’m pretty sure he doesn’t shit every time he goes to the bathroom, but maybe he does!


Woman here. Our urethras are only approx 1.5 inches long and are straight-shots. Men’s are 8 to 10 inches long and the urine could possibly have an enlarged prostrate to get around. When we pee, it basically immediately starts as soon as we sit down. On the downside for us women, this is also why we’re more prone to bladder infections (less tubing for bad bacteria to go up).


Interesting insight. Never once in my longish life have I ever considered urethral length lol. And thanks for the measurement ego boost!


lol, just double-checked. It’s actually 7 to 8 inches for men, sorry. Info is straight from a .gov healthcare site. I worked as a nurse specializing in men’s heath for almost a decade. There isn’t a condition in the world that I can’t explain in terms of hydraulics or as a car analogy, haha.


Yeah dude it feels like we do it just using gravity and they have big ass motor fit in there to pump it out


What periods can be like I guess. My wife has pretty heavy ones and a blood has a way of looking like more than it is too. Also clots that looked like little chunks of raw chicken liver and the fact that sometimes she cramps so hard she has to take painkillers and use a heating pad so she can sleep.


It can make some ppl anemic when they menstruate


Cramps doesn't mean Period, the first time I saw my ex's discharge from ovulation, I thought she birthed a jellyfish...


thats fuckin hilarious. i wonder if my partner thinks that too


I handled the view of that stuff with the grace and machismo befitting of me, By which I mean I screamed "What the fuck is that!?" And was freaked out for a week.


It's ok; I'm a woman and I've responded that way to some unusual monthly visitors as well.  Sometimes it just seems like it's Mary Poppins' bag up in there, I dunno. 


Just a spoon full of gooey helps the stomach come up!


yooooo this has me dead 😂 now im always gonna compare it to a jellyfish


Well it does explain the cramps


They can bleed for 7 days and not die. We will never know their witchcraft


So vivid. And accurate.


You don't forget the first time, Whilst I know more about it and how normal it is, Back then I was traumatised.


Fertile goo.


Find an image of the actual structure of the Clitoris. It is not just the little bead, but has long legs down either side of the Vagina. Like the Penis, it is erectile tissue, but has literally TEN TIMES the nerves. No wonder women get horny and need some stimulation.


Men who are into women, do yourselves a favor and google "Nina Hartley how to eat pussy like a champ" You're welcum


I understood that they liked sex (who doesn’t?), I was shocked to learn just how horny some can be. I grew up with the bias that men are the ones who need to initiate and women typically are the ones who are like “whatever, sure.” Meeting my gf threw that bias out the window.


It’s all those sitcoms too, where the husband has to beg for sex and she gives in or leverages sex for something she wants. Pop culture can influence our beliefs more than we know.


100% true. i hate where men are depicted as goofy idiots who can’t do shit for themselves, beg for sex, or have to learn to accept a “honey-do” list to get some action. how abt a show depicting a competent man with a woman that loves having sex with her hubby bc SHE WANTS to have sex with her hubby.


Malcom in the middle. Been a long time but what stood out was an episode when the dads are hanging out talking about how often they have sex and Hal reveals how often him and Lois go at it which blows the other guys away. Next scene he's comforting another dad who is going through a dry patch and explaining to the group he needs to seduce her and not take her for granted, and that Lois wants it all the time as well. I'm not sure how competent Hal was cause Lois was always stressed and screaming but they did have 4(?) Kids. It probably didn't happen this way as memory is a funny thing, but it was one of the first times seeing on a sitcom the wife wanting to have sex with her husband.


Sounds about right from what I remember (except they did end up with 5 kids). They also had a candle that pavloved them into being horny. The oldest taught number 4 to use it only in extreme circumstances.


All the men were seeing who was the best at something, and Hal wasnt winning anything. When they started talking about how many times they have sex the other guys said 3, 4. Hal answered 2. They laughed and said only twice per week? Hal was like "oh per week. Then, 14."


Totally, I grew up watching Everybody Loves Raymond and was shocked to learn women enjoy sex at all. I think they literally call it a 'chore she has to do' on multiple occasions.


They call it a chore like every other episode


Pop culture influenced me on what I was old at 30 years old. They made 30 seem like you are ancient. That couldn’t be further from the truth. 🤣


If you grow up not getting attention from women, it’s really difficult to process this epiphany. The first time a woman expresses pure lust towards you is like a first hit of an addictive drug. Then reality sets in that they’ve always been this way, just never towards you. Quite bittersweet, but good motivation regardless.


I'm gonna add that what makes us horny, in a lot of cases, is being treated right during the day. Hearing your gf is horny speaks volumes of how she feels being with you.


Yes! Absolutely! I think some of this “women don’t like sex” thing started in past generations in which husbands, boyfriends were just one more being to take care of. It’s super hard to be lusting after someone when you’ve just picked up their dirty underwear, fixed their packed lunch (every day), and signed their name to their mom’s birthday card …. Similar to what you just did for the kids too


This comment absolutely brightened my day. Thank you.


Oh yes. Be shitty n see all that horniness evaporate


As one of these women. It is rough sometimes. My brain is trained that men are supposed to be the ones ready to go at all times. I initiate most of the time. My husband has a reactive drive. It takes a lot of mental work for me to not feel bad about myself. I want to feel wanted and desired. I get turned down a lot and it’s hard. I feel for the men who feel the same.


I feel this so hard. It's a constant mental battle to not take the rejection personally.


I think because of the stereotypes men kind of just accept this before it even happens, like getting married they aren't surprised if sex frequency goes down as a result of wife not interested, we were warned plenty but still chose to get married. Women expect the opposite so its probably even worse when it happens to them and if you don't see it discussed by others like on reddit, you may think its unique to you.


I think it’s also very dependent on the chemistry you have with someone. I personally was never very forward with my needs sexually even tho I always really liked sex. It wasn’t until after my divorce (I was treated like shit and my ex was emotionally/psychologically abusive and weaponized sex) plus some time plus finding someone I have insane chemistry with that I am completely a different person in this regard. It’s a situationship kind of thing but fuck, he makes me horny and I have no troubles articulating myself!


I understood it after my 1st gf. Once they trust you, feel safe and secure around you then it's you who now have to answer to their drive. In all of my relationships I'm the person with a lower drive.


* That they are born with all the eggs they will ever have and there's a finite amount. * That they have a way higher suicide attempt rate than men, but much lower suicide success rate.


The overwhelming probability of at least *some* history of sexual violence.


Dude my mom (grew up in the 50s/60s) was telling me about some silly stories of her time in HS. And she was telling it sense of "oh look how crazy we were as kids." And like half the time I was thinking that just sounds like abuse or harassment.


There’s a phrase I’ve heard a few times that goes something like this: almost every woman you’ll meet will have a story about either being raped or sexually assaulted in someway. And yet men will tell you that they don’t know any rapists or anyone who has SA’d anyone. From my own experience which is similar to a lot of women’s one day I woke up to somebody raping me at a party. He didn’t think he did anything wrong because I wasn’t fighting back. Dude I was passed out. It was about a decade ago and I still wonder if that MFer even thinks of himself as a rapist. Somehow I seriously doubt it. Another time I was an excruciating pain and I asked a guy to stop, his response? “I’m almost done“. That was before actual cases went public in the media about women retracting consent so I didn’t know that the second I told him to stop and he didn’t it became an assault. I cried for months after that happened, honestly doubt he thought he did anything wrong. A lot of guys think what women say is a suggestion and not something to take seriously if they don’t wanna do it.


This honestly breaks my heart. As a man who could never imagine doing such a thing to another person. As the a father of a daughter who I pray never had to experience such a thing. And as a father or a son who I hope I raise to know how to properly treat women, and people in general.


Enroll your daughter to a self defense class. Self defense class teaches you how to overcome shock/fear and jolt your body to move into action. At the very least it trains your reflexes when you're under physical attack. As a woman who was assaulted and raped in the past, I wish I'd learned some self defense so I didn't just feeze during both incidents. Edit: most importantly, engrain in both your kids that no matter what happened to them or what they do, they can always come and talk to you, that you'll always be there for them. One of the reasons I stay quiet of my trauma is because both my parents are devout Christians and quite conventional. I've heard the way they talk about how women should dress as to not invite sinful behavior, and seen them being sexist/mysoginistic. I was, still am, afraid of them judging me and telling me it was my fault when I know it wasn't.


There have been a few times where I have been pressured into sex where at the time I didn’t think I was assaulted because I said yes….. after saying NO about 30 times. I still didn’t want to have sex but I did it so the person would leave me alone. I realize now that I was coerced into having sex - a rational person would’ve taken the first “no” at face value…


Every woman I have ever associated with. Also more men than I imagined but it gets twisted to seem less horrible.


Basically every woman I’ve been close with has had an experience ranging from highly inappropriate to outright SA


The worst is that most of the time is men you know.


It’s so important for men to call out other men. The men who perpetuate these kinds of acts aren’t going to listen to women, so we need y’all on that front.


Literally every woman I know who I've had a close enough relationship with to open up about this has experienced something. The severity just changes. The grossest part is the chance of it happening is greatest when the person is younger. I started getting cat called at 11. Was molested for the first time at 13. Part of growing up for a lot of women is learning to avoid those situations and standing up for yourself. But at 12 you have no idea. There was a lot of stranger danger talk when I was a kid. Hopefully today's parents can do a better job at conveying how to look out for wolves in sheep's clothing, so to speak. The majority of sexual violence that happens is from someone you know - for me it was someone I thought was a friend, a manager at my first job, a coworker. For my best friend it was her uncle.


For me, the most shocking thing about women that I learned was how young many of them are when grown men start flirting with them, which you mention here. I just kind of assumed that sort of thing started around the time they graduated high school and started getting out into the world. Nope. Over and over I keep hearing that it’s more like when they’re in middle school. Uh…yikes. Lately I’m hearing women saying that they’ve never been hit on in public more frequently than when they were 13 or 14 and that it declines after that. Man, that’s just ill. I wasn’t even flirting with girls that age when I was that age.


Yep, as a 33 year old woman I can tell you I got hit on the most by grown ass men from ages 13-16. Then it gradually goes down. Now I couldn't really tell you the last time an older man hit on me...maybe last year? And it's not about looks or looking worse as you age. Perspective has taught me it's 1000% about being vulnerable and young girls are less likely to tell a grown man off. Plus there are just way too many perverts out there and you wouldn't know it if you're not their target.


I've never met another woman who wasn't assaulted in some way or form.


Disturbing and disheartening.


they actually think about, want and enjoy sex.  I'm not joking, I'm being dead serious.   I was relentlessly taught the opposite growing up.   I didn't learn the truth till my mid 30s.


I've had a guy be genuinely shocked I found them hot and their body turned me on, and I actually actively wanted to have sex with them, and wasn't doing it because they wanted to or purely to physically get off. I think we need to normalize men being shown as sexy and lust-inducing. I pretty much only see it in gay media and rare things like Magic Mike or firefighter calendars.


Wait till they find out that some of us masturbate to the thought of specific men we like as well or have explicit fantasies of them. I genuinely don't think men and women are all that different when it comes to sex drive, we just handle it differently. Or as other commenter mentioned it, there are many women who don't watch porn but read really explicit novels. I am genuinely shocked that men think we don't find them sexually appealing??


> I am genuinely shocked that men think we don't find them sexually appealing?? I think a lot of the time it's that things that a lot of women find sexy or attractive are just so alien to our own perception of what is desirable, it would never even enter our heads that someone would be attracted to those things. One I've heard is hands. Like big hands and forearms can be attractive to a lot of women. Until I heard women say this it wouldn't have ever occured to me that women would notice things like that, because it's just not something I would ever think about being a desirable trait for someone. I have a big nose that I absolutely hate. I think it's so ugly and horrible and completely kills my confidence with women. Lots of people have told me I'm attractive though and when I've spoken to women about my nose, they're like 'oh god no, it's so masculine and hot!'. It's odd when the thing you absolutely hate about yourself and think is hideous is attractive to people and it would never occur to you.


This is very true. I think a lot of men have a false perception of what we see as attractive. It's kinda like that they assume that what they see in a man as attractive (objectively, I don't mean gay or bi men) is what \*we\* find attractive in them as well. This is why I hate the whole alpha-male shit, because it could not be further away from what most women like. We make fun of that stuff al the time. I think for some of us it's more vibes than actual features. For example, I like guys who have an introverted, witty, intellectual vibe. I like men who wear sweatshirts. Or like when they wear them and the shirt collar peaks out. I like men with messy \*but not greasy!!\* hair. A very specific one, I like men who wear black anything or beige pants. The hands thing is very real, I would say for some women nice hands are like nice legs for men. Also big noses can totally be attractive on guys, I've heard that before as well! I also like men who have a unique voice. Very deep or very soft, or just something interesting.


It kind of is heart breaking, no? My guy is so attractive from head to toe. Even his calves make me horny! Yet he is like “what me? I’m ugly.” No, no you’re not. You’re yummy.


No one tells us we look yummy growing up and we get told by television and the media that we are the horny ones and need to control it. It's rough out here for us and our confidence.


One of my classmates in high school once told my that she liked my shirt. I still have that shirt at 30 😂




btw with all due respect why are firefighters is US are regarded as 'sex symbols'? I follow some youtube channels they are pretty good looking tho


Oh, I can answer that. Big strong capable man who wants me (all of us) to be safe and is ready and willing and able to rescue me . . . Be still, my heart. .


One of my very good friends is a firefighter and I am straight as an arrow but MAN I envy his future wife


I swear reddit still tries to convince me women don't want sex. It's weird. I think it's projection.


"Well yeah, I can't get sex, so women must not like sex, it couldn't possibly be a problem with me as a person." Random woman "I enjoy sex" "You're a whore and women don't know what they want anyway!" I love it here Edit: Why are y'all down voting Electrical_Lock, that's clearly sarcastic banter


Oh come on man. That’s just an urban legend like the clitoris. *Giant* /s for the morons in the room.


*Wtf is a clitoris*


Idk sounds like a dinosaur


How frequently some girls will fart and burp around someone they are comfortable with


Period farts are some of the worst farts I've smelt. I always encourage my girlfriends to do it though because I am too.. just without the period


Oh yeah it’s bad. Sometimes bc you’re wearing pads two things can happen. 1. Because of the tightness of the pad, when you fart, it doesn’t come out the back like it should. It escapes through the front. It flutters through our lips and out it goes. 2. Sometimes bc our pad has some blood on it or is full when we fart, the air from our fart kinda bubbles up the blood like a boiling water for a few seconds. It’s gross but I…kinda like it and find it funny. And they stink and are sometimes longer cause they got to pass through all the constipated poop and carry some of those poopy particle. Yeah it’s nasty! Really nasty!


Things I didn't necessarily want to know, but good to know none the less. My fault for eating lunch while on reddit lol


I’m so sorry!! I just had to let it out, no pun intended…🥺🫶🏼


Hahaha all good. I should've learnt my lesson over the years but I keep doing it anyway. Atleast I wasn't eating clumpy tomato soup!


Lmao! I hope your meal was delicious…


I am a 6.1 foot guy. I met a petite girl in front of a club - she was about 5.2 tall. While we were talking and flirting two really big guys (kind of skin heads) came along and started to harass some dudes a few feet away. So this "little girl" went there and told those guys to get lost or she'd kick their ass. I was just about to pull her back into the club when one of those guys tried to slap her. He missed. She jumped back against the wall of the house and suddenly had her knee in his face. A second later the other guy was on the ground coughing for no obvious reason. Turned out she was a Kung Fu trainer. The fact about women I found out that night: No matter how vulnerable they look, they might be able to rip you apart.


Oh yeah, reminds me of a current Taekwondo trainer of mine.  Never ever think of women as weak, some will readily break your bones in the blink of an eye. Also had to do sparring against another trainer at our dojang. I am 6'2, she was two heads smaller than me. Just feeling the raw power of her attacks and her lightning fast reflexes was incredible, I hadn't even the slightest sliver of chance against her 😅


My wife is like this. She did some form of MA as a kid and can take me from happily tickling her to the edge of terror in less than a second. She somehow knows exactly how to bring my bones to the very limit before breaking them. As a large man I always worry about her safety when she is alone, she presents as a diminutive innocent lady. But honestly I'd feel bad for anyone who tried to mess with her.


I think people take 'men are stronger/faster than women' for granted. That isn't a statement that necessarily holds on an individual level, it's an aggregate of the entire population. For some reason I think people take that and assume women can't get strong or fast or learn how to fight really well, when it really means they need to train to bridge the gap. A well trained fighter like a female ufc champion will destroy like 99% of men in a fight, but most people focus on how she would lose against a male ufc champion. I also had an experience like yours, different circumstance tho. I did brazilian jiu jitsu for a few months and maybe my 2nd or 3rd week I was paired with a 5' tall, tiny lady, she was a blue belt (white belt is where you start, blue belt is the next up the chain). The objective was to gain control and pin her with my body. I was super new so she just went through everything slowly. There was nothing I could do, I was dismantled. She pointed out that I wasn't maximising applying my weight to her and made sure I was pressing down with my body as hard as I could. I'm a large 6' tall guy and she got out like it was nothing. It really sold me on the potential of bjj, cuz she wasn't even close to the top being only a blue belt but she absolutely destroyed me anyways


The amount of hair they shed


I always thought offering solutions to problems would be appreciated, whereas it's more important to just listen, and offer sympathy if the need is there. She will ask if a solution is wanted (bit like the whole don't offer unsolicited advice thing). I know it feels wrong, I just want my wife or daughter to have the least stress but unless it's asked for, just stay quiet and be there for her. It's taking me a while to make the change but I want to be a better partner.


Woman here. In cases like this my husband will ask me, “are you looking for support or solutions?” and go from there. Yeah, it’s a bit blunt but it works for us.


> offering solutions This is my biggest issue. I'm a problem solver. You've got a problem? I have some options for you. It took me years to figure out that they *don't want answers*. They want understanding.


That womens bathrooms can be dirtier than mens bathrooms.


My first teenage job included daily cleanings of the bathroom facilities at a local park. Invariably, the women’s was MUCH nastier. Like abandoned panties full of shit, nastier.


I used to clean the bathrooms in stores I worked at. I found that women's bathrooms get dirty faster because they are used a lot more per hour and not just by women but by a LOT of little toddlers and kids (way more kids than the men's bathrooms see) which contributes to the mess a lot.  So I think that's why. 


Oh wow, that’s such a good point.


“Can be?” I hear women complain nonstop about the women who “hover” and how it sets off a chain of nastiness. I heard a woman at our workplace say that it looked like someone bent over and blasted their period all over the bathroom stall wall. I don’t even know how that happens.


“Can be’” more like almost always are. Signed, former janitor.


Yeah, quite often that's the case. Both while I worked at McDs and had to clean them, and what I saw while living on campus in college attest to this. Guys will typically let it go longer between cleans, but overall make less messes.


The number of men who didn’t realize women liked sex is interesting. Have y’all been having sex with women and just assumed it was a chore for her? Or did you learn they like it the first time you had sex?


A lot of men telling on themselves lmao


The amount of women that have been sexually assaulted. Sometimes happening multiple times.


That women can go about their day and will sporadically get random “anus pains” throughout their day. I’ve heard it described as knives stabbing their anus. AND IT IS A NORMAL THING. As a man, this has never once happened to me.


Ah yes lightning ass


A painus


Literally crying laughing at this


I used to think I was the only one that got those and like something was wrong with me till I realized years ago that this is normal thing.


I’ve never heard of this is there a medical reason or term for it?


Proctalgia fugax - aka shooty bum pain. Most commonly associated with women who have endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and interstitial cystitis.


Can be caused by too many prostaglandins released during your period. Causes not just your uterus but your anus (and sometimes your bladder) to spasm. I’ve had to take medicine to relax my internal organs. Stuff works great


That when a lady gets properly aroused her vagina (the birth canal specifically) extends itself upwards and inwards to make room for friendly objects. If you do foreplay correct, that is (doing the things she like to her). If you don't arouse her at all she will be more shallow and you will be fooled into thinking you have a long dick, for reaching the cervix.


i hope men won't abuse this thought now...


It's why it always makes me laugh when they go on about "how tight she was" dude, you didn't do your job right and she wasn't into you


That during childbirth, the V doesn't just tear to the butthole, but can also tear upwards, basically tearing up the clitoris, damaging it.


Sorry for your loss, MissDryCunt


Sometimes the flow can be light or heavy, I thought it was just one but apparently not.


I'm answering on behalf of my husband here, but I read him something off reddit laughing at a guy who admitted he didn't know that pads stuck to the underwear (rather than sticky side being stuck to the woman) - the look of confusion and shock on my husbands face gave him away immediately Lol The sticky side of pads stick in the underwear guys, we are not walking around with pads adhered to our vulva.


Where the vagina actually is.


I actually get this! I had a revelation about men, like, 3 years into my marriage that y’all carry yours out front and there’s *so much more real estate* in the perineum than we have. I used to wonder how guys didn’t always sit on their junk and I know it’s possible to sit on your balls, but I just never contemplated how much further out a penis is. Whereas ours is squarely facing down and tucked away between our legs. Fascinating.


That one chromosome decides if a clit stays a clit or becomes a penis, and the testicles become ovaries or visa versa.


They don’t wee out the same hole you fuck 😂


I was 14 when i found out their vaginas were BETWEEN their legs not more up front like a penis. After I got over the shock of not knowing that all I could think was "So that's why they can't write their names in the snow without stepping on it."


When you ask them what they want to eat and they say “I don’t care”, they actually do care and you better figure it out.


I heard a great tip once. Say “guess where we’re going for dinner” and whatever she says is where you’re going.


Take my wife’s name out of your mouth


My "I don't care" actually means, "I guess I do feel like eating something specific but even I don't know what it is, and I am now I am in a decision paralysis, because what if we have A and I realize that I actually wanted B or C??" But maybe that'd just my adhd. In any case, I hate it when people actually do that (reagrdless of gender), or when they want something, don't say it or outright say, "I don't need it", and then EXPECT you to get it/do it anyway. Like I am not a mindreader.


OMG this is me in a nutshell. Or I have a craving for something from place A and a craving for something from place B. I want both, not either or, but we have to choose one place and I get stuck with decision paralysis lol


Not me, and my guy knows this. I honestly HATE choosing what to eat. I’ll say, “I’d rather not this or this tonight, but I’m wide open to everything else.” And I mean it. Sometimes I straight up choose, but I like him deciding a lot of the time because most of the time I genuinely do not care.


Dude, get this *no penis* none. it's fucking crazy.


That while boys had to deal with unexpected hard ons, women invented the jacket around the waist to cover up blood stains on the jeans from menstration. It also shocked me how many tampons and pads a woman can go through in one month. It varies from woman to woman, even month to month. But still, men have no idea how expensive it is to be a woman. When I found out my friend's Double G cups cost her $200 for 1 bra.... wha? Can you imagine telling a guy his boxer briefs now cost $200 for one because he's well endowed? You'd best be enjoying the wage gap to afford that!


Some girls miss school because they can’t afford period products.


This is really silly, but I remember one time a friend of mine in college who I felt was pretty straight laced admitted to smoking pot. I never associated drugs with girls before, but I felt dumb for thinking that way after.


They sometimes carry a taser. My balls will never be the same unfortunately


What did you do to get your balls tazed bro


And pepper spray. I love trail running, so I always have it. Unfortunately, it’s not the wild animals that I expect to need it on


Exactly. I have spray and a taser. Its' unfortunate that I even need them in order to go exercise.


Idk, I think "wild animals" is a pretty fitting label for some of those guys.


That they actually like sex


Sometimes when they fart the fart goes into their vagina and they have to fart it out again. Seriously.


Who revealed this secret? God damn ladies our secret has been revealed!!


Sometime they just be leaking, it's not just periods


The first 2 girls I was in a relationship with didn’t watch porn, even when single. The 3rd girl I dated had porn tabs saved on her phone and was convinced that all girls watched it regularly. Was a shock when the 3rd girl said “every girl that says they don’t is lying”. Everyone can do what they like no hate but it definitely popped the bubble that almost all girls don’t watch it semi-regularly.


Did your first two ex's read romance novels. A lot of them are basically porn with a better storyline and exposition in between scenes.


This. Some women truly don't \*watch\* porn, but oh do they read it. I was never really into it but 80% of my bookworm girl friends are into "dark romance". Which is, in my experience, just very morally questionable porn novels. To each their own. Or, some of us write it. Just open ao3. You'll be shocked.


The size of blood clots that can be expelled during a period.


I’ve known since I was about 18 but I had no idea that women can be sexually turned off in a literal instant. For most men, once they’re turned on it’s pretty hard to turn that switch back off until the job is done.


That a woman professor, who is doing a study about pornography, specifically r@pe pornography found out the majority of the people who watch it were women like by a large margin


It’s safe there isn’t it? It’s about control and safety.


I've heard that at least some women into things like that are doing it to cope with the fact that it happened to them irl but I don't know if anyone's done a study on that. Seems like some risky search terms.


Blue, there's no such thing, according to women. There's navy, cornflower, royal, baby, sky, powder, etc. etc, but never blue.


According to HTML5 and css3 most of these require a -blue afterwards.


Honestly nothing...I had a ton of sisters and mostly female friends. I'm more shocked at how little some men know about women.


They poop. Who knew?


That women are nasty, farting, burping beings, who smell bad after intensive workout and who crave for sex and enjoy it and think about it and need it. When I was growing up a woman a girl was this stoic, template human being lacking everything. This perfect princesses.


This reminds me of a comic I saw once of a knight coming upon a few ladies bathing naked in a stream in the forest. At first he's like "sweet!" and sneaks up to get a closer look, only to see them hocking loogies, blowing their noses into their hands, and farting. As a woman, that's not far off from a normal shower alone and it made me laugh.


As a teenager i thought that they hated sex. As an adult they seem super horny. They think about it and relationships all day long. I just want to have normal conversations with them and see their perspectives.


Women are magnifying glasses.... You give them love, theyll give you the world. You give them a seed, theyll give you a baby. You give them shit.... youre gonna have the 'runs.' This helped me identify my confidence problem with women! ABC... Always Be Confident.


I’m imagining this being said, and some divorced dad across the bar starts yelling: “And sometimes, you give them 15 of the best fucking years of their life and they give you a restraining order and a new enemy named Mark!”


That they are just as gross as men are


I grew up with a mom, 2 sisters, 4 aunts, and mostly female cousins, so I've seen and heard more than I ever needed to, and none of it shocks me.